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The process of selecting invertebrate-based candidate metrics for the German stream assessment system is described. The aim was to identify metrics indicating degradation types other than organic pollution and acidification (“general degradation”). For 18 out of 24 German stream types a data base of roughly 2,000 benthic invertebrate samples was generated; for each sample 79 metrics were calculated. Data on land use in the catchment were compiled for all sampling sites, together with data on hydromorphology for many sampling sites. Hydromorphological and land use parameters, which describe a clear gradient in the data sets were identified by Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS). Correlation analyses between land use/hydromorphological parameters and metric results were calculated separately for the individual stream types. Among those metrics best indicating catchment- and hydromorphological degradation in the majority of stream types are: proportion of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera; proportion of Plecoptera (mainly suited for mountain streams); number of Plecoptera taxa; proportion of xenosaprobic taxa; proportion of epirhithral preferring taxa. Differences of metric correlations between stream types and between degradation types are discussed, leading to a list of candidate metrics for assessing German streams.  相似文献   

Based on benthic macroinvertebrate samples from 57 sites of streams in the European Central Highlands (Ecoregion 9; Illies (1978). Limnofauna Europaea, Stuttgart), the composition and the abundance of Simuliid species were analysed in relation to hydromorphological and land use parameters. Sampling sites were located at two stream types differing in catchment geology, stream morphology and channel width. Land use data were taken from the official German information system for cartography and topography (ATKIS) and the German River Habitat Survey. Land use categories suitable to describe the sampling sites were ‘agricultural land’, ‘urban’ and near-natural areas. Hydromorphological parameters of the sites were recorded using the AQEM site protocol (AQEM Consortium (2002). Manual for the application of the AQEM system. A comprehensive method to assess European streams using benthic macroinvertebrates, developed for the purpose of the Water Framework Directive. EVK1-CT1999-00027, Version 1.0. Available via the Internet from www.aqem.de). Relevant parameters controlling Simuliid distribution in streams were the mineral substrates and the biotic microhabitats. Blackfly larvae and pupae were sampled at each site for 15 min. Statistical analysis was performed by CANOCO® (Ter Braak & Smilauer (1997). CANOCO Version 4.5. Biometrics Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands) using redundancy analysis (RDA).

Our results show a stream type-specific composition of the Blackfly fauna. The analyses reveal sensitivity of the Simuliid species to morphological degradation, which is indicated by the shift in the longitudinal zonation of the Simuliid communities. Especially, Prosimulium hirtipes (Fries, 1824) and Simulium argyreatum Meigen, 1838 are typical representatives of headwater streams. While they seem to indicate undisturbed conditions of this stream type and react sensitively to the degradation of stream habitats, Simulium ornatum Meigen, 1818 and Simulium equinum (Linnaeus, 1758) are more tolerant to stream degradation.

On catchment scale, ‘% natural forest’ and ‘% agricultural land use’ illustrate the degree of degradation of the two selected stream types. ‘Average stream depth’ and ‘relation riffles/pools’ account for hydromorphological degradation reflected by Simuliid species on the smaller reach scale. The analysis of habitat quality revealed that ‘% woody debris’ represents an important parameter of morphological degradation reflected by the Blackfly community.  相似文献   

Blackfly communities from five German stream types out of two ecoregions (small and mid-sized siliceous gravel-bed mountain streams of the Central mountains, ecoregion 9, and organic type brooks, small and mid-sized sand-bottomed Central lowland streams of ecoregion 14) are compared. Ecoregional, as well as stream type-specific biocoenotic differences are discussed. The presence of Prosimulium sp. was restricted to mountain streams, whereas Simulium lineatum seemed to prefer mid-sized sand-bottomed Central lowland streams, and S. vernum showed a clear preference for Central lowland streams. An Index of Morphological Stress (IMS), derived from 22 geo-hydromorphological parameters recorded during sampling in the field, is presented. According to the IMS values, sites are divided into morphologically ‘unstressed’ sites (high or good morphological quality) and ‘stressed’ sites (moderate, poor or bad morphological quality), and biocoenotic differences of the two categories are discussed. Two stream types and the entire data set showed significantly higher numbers of taxa at ‘unstressed’ sites. Linear Multiple Regression (LMR) was used to identify geo-hydromorphological parameters that significantly explain the variance of the three most constant taxa, Prosimulium sp., P. hirtipes and Simulium sp. in the LMR model.  相似文献   

This study investigates reference conditions of German stream types using the top-down stream typology developed by Pottgiesser & Sommerhäuser (2004) and 264 macrozoobenthos samples selected as representing reference status. With the aid of discriminant and correlation analyses, the use of typological parameters is investigated as regards their relevancy and the study aims to show whether the metrics used in the newly developed type-specific indices (Böhmer et al. 2004b) reflect the reference conditions. The data cover 15 of the 24 German stream types. The use of stream size, of ecoregions as an indirect parameter for geographical altitude, and of the bottom substrate for the lowland stream types as typological factors can be confirmed, as can six stream types as separate and independent. As bottom substrate is an essential factor for the lowland stream types, their independency is at least probable. For the stream types of the lower mountain regions, a separation of siliceous and calcareous types seems not to be crucial for the bioassessment on metric level, while a new approach for and a possible splitting of the small streams in floodplains is recommended.  相似文献   

A new assessment system for macrophytes and phytobenthos in German rivers meeting the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Community is described. Biocoenotic types based on biological, chemical and hydromorphological data from over 200 river sites covering the main ecoregions, hydromorphological stream types and degradation forms have been defined. For developing a classification system the quality element macrophytes and phytobenthos was divided into three components: macrophytes, benthic diatoms and remaining phytobenthos. For macrophytes seven types including one subtype, for benthic diatoms 14 types including three subtypes and for the remaining phytobenthos five river types were identified. The benthic vegetation at reference condition was described for most of the river types. Degradation is characterised as deviation in benthic vegetation species composition and abundance from the reference biocoenosis. For classification in five ecological status classes, several metrics were developed and used in combination with existing indices. For some of the described river types additional investigations are necessary before a classification system can be developed.  相似文献   

A large number of restoration projects aims to improve the ecological quality of streams and rivers by focusing on the stream structure. However, improved habitat heterogeneity often does not lead to natural recolonization by sensitive freshwater macroinvertebrate communities, particularly when the recolonization potential is low and source populations are absent. In preliminary studies we tested whether natural substrate exposures could be used to sample and transport benthic macroinvertebrates. In this pilot study we used these previously tested natural substrate exposures to sample freshwater invertebrates in a donor stream in order to actively (re-)colonize a recipient stream. In the course of three reintroduction campaigns, we were able to accumulate over 350,000 benthic invertebrates, including 25 indicator taxa of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera and 30 taxa scoring positive in the German Fauna Index. In total, 45 taxa, which did not occur in the recipient stream before, were reintroduced. They were transported gently within natural substrate exposures and released on a stream bottom area of 500 m2 in the recipient stream. We intended to study if an increase of benthos fauna in a recipient stream is possible, and if this increase will eventually improve the ecological status. So far, the natural substrate exposure-method demonstrated to be an adequate tool to accumulate and transport benthic macroinvertebrates and, in general, has the potential to increase the biodiversity of streams when used as assisted migration measure.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study was to develop a multimetric assessment system for macroinvertebrate communities of small and mid-sized streams in Germany in accordance with the Water Framework Directive of the European Union. The system should be applicable by water authorities, capable of distinguishing between different impacts, and specifically adapted to all types of small and mid-sized rivers in Germany. An assessment system has been developed consisting of two modules based on the established indices for saprobic degradation and acidity, and a third module covering general degradation. For the third module a new multimetric index (MMI) was developed and tested using preclassifications for stream hydromorphological degradation, land use and general impairment as impact measures. More information on sampling method, season and the type of dominating human impairment allowed to further analyse the index' capabilities and sensitivity. It performed well in all seasons and detected all types of impairment except acidity. The usefulness of the impact measures used in this study is discussed with regard to the development of a multimetric index. The comparison of the new index with other indices showed that it is especially sensitive in detecting macroinvertebrate community responses to hydromorphological degradation and pollution such as the German AQEM index, while IBI 12 and Renkonen's similarity more reflect general community shifts caused by any type of disturbance. The new assessment system will be proposed for future use by state agencies for nationwide monitoring in the context of the Water Framework Directive implementation.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results of the “Rhithron Ecology Group” meeting in Essen (March 2000), supplemented by a literature evaluation.An extended view of small mountain streams in Central Europe under “potentially natural conditions” is presented. We focus on the potential impact of natural transverse structures (debris dams and beaver dams) on stream morphology, hydrology, habitat composition and communities. Furthermore, impact of other stream morphological features, which are presently lacking in the Central European landscape, is described.We suggest that Central European mountain streams are characterised by a higher proportion of lentic zones under “potentially natural conditions”. Morphological degradation leads to a loss of lentic zones and to an increase of current velocities and corresponding changes in faunal composition, particularly higher abundance and proportion of rheophilic species and a decrease of species preferring lentic zones. This should be regarded in future stream assessment.  相似文献   

Dead wood is a significant element of natural streams and rivers in temperate climate zones. Established stream management removes wood, whereas some scientists recently promoted the reintroduction of wood in stream rehabilitation and restoration. It is desirable to know if wood in streams and rivers would be accepted. A survey was therefore conducted in order to assess the spontaneous visual perception of 10 stream and 10 river scenes with and without wood in terms of naturalness, risk, aesthetics and need for improvement using visual analog scales. Three hundred and sixty-five German students from five subjects related to water management and from one subject without any professional association to running waters were surveyed before their first contact to teaching of aquatic ecology. They clearly perceived wood in streams and rivers as natural. Scenes with wood were most frequently associated with danger for sport activities while scenes without wood were most frequently associated with danger by flooding. When comparing scenes with and without wood, scenes with wood were clearly considered more positive as significantly more aesthetic, less dangerous and needing less improvement. The disciplinary groups showed variations in the absolute evaluation scores but the relative evaluation of scenes with wood versus scenes without wood was similar among all groups. The results indicate an acceptance for the reintroduction of wood in stream rehabilitation and restoration by young students who are potential future players in water management.  相似文献   

Riverbank stabilization using rock riprap is commonly used for protecting road and bridge structures from fluvial erosion. However, little is known about how streams adjust to such perturbation or how this can affect fish habitat in different fluvial environments, particularly for non‐salmonid species in small streams. The objective of this study is to assess impacts of riprap on fish habitat quantity and quality through a pairwise comparison of 27 stabilized and non‐stabilized stream reaches in two physiographic regions, the Saint Lawrence Lowlands and the Appalachian highlands of Montérégie‐Est (Quebec, Canada). Both quantitative (Hydro‐morphological Index of Diversity, HMID) and qualitative (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index, QHEI) fish habitat assessment techniques are applied in order to compare results between methods. For each stream reach depth and velocity were measured to calculate HMID. In‐stream cover (woody debris, overhanging vegetation, undercut banks, aquatic macrophytes) and habitat units (pools, riffles, runs, glides) were also documented and used to determine QHEI. Results show that overall bank stabilization using riprap at bridge and stream crossings alters fish habitat characteristics. Loss of in‐stream covers and riparian vegetation lower QHEI scores at stabilized reaches, especially in more pristine Appalachian streams, but has less impact on already altered straightened Lowlands streams. In this latter context, some positive alterations of fish habitat were observed in riprapped reaches due to the coarsening of the substrate and an induced increase of slope. The two metrics (HMID and QHEI) revealed similar differences between stabilized and non‐stabilized sites for Lowlands sites, but their level of agreement was much less in the Appalachian streams, suggesting caution when interpreting habitat quality results based on a single metric. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new assessment system for macrophytes and phytobenthos in German lakes according to the Water Framework Directive of the European Community is described. Based on biological, chemical and hydromorphological data from about 100 lake sites covering the main ecoregions, hydromorphological lake types and degradation forms, biocoenotic types could be defined. For developing a classification system the quality element macrophytes and phytobenthos was divided into two components: macrophytes and benthic diatoms. For macrophytes 4 and for benthic diatoms 4 lake types were identified. The benthic vegetation at reference conditions is described and degradation is characterised as deviation in benthic vegetation species composition and abundance from the reference biocoenosis. For classification in five ecological status classes, several metrics were developed and used in combination with existing indices. For a few of the described lake types further investigations are necessary before a classification can be developed.  相似文献   

Multiple stressors like alterations of water quality, hydrology and hydromorphology impact riverine ecosystems. To counteract its consequences, restoration measures are required, e.g. demanded by the EU Water Framework Directive. However, small-scale hydromorphological restoration measures often show little success. Besides overriding stressors, recolonization potential and insufficient time for development are often discussed as reasons for this lack of success. Over a period of 17 years a hydromorphological restoration measure in a German lowland stream reach was evaluated, excluding most of these confounding factors. The restoration measure was left to its self-dynamic development, i.e. there was no further intervention by water management, apart from some large wood installations after 8 years. In the accompanying studies, changes in hydromorphology and the organism groups macroinvertebrates (including both structural and functional diversities), fish and macrophytes were investigated.We proved a rapid and stable enhancement of ecological functions as indicated by a diverse and resilient macroinvertebrate biocoenosis. Both taxonomic and functional richness of macroinvertebrates significantly increased, but varied over time. Since the restoration measure allowed self-dynamic development, a taxonomic and functional endpoint was not achieved even after 17 years, even though near-reference conditions were attained after only 4 years. Deficits in fish communities were most probably due to their low recolonization potential.Our results underscore that small scale hydromorphological restoration can be successful if overriding stressors are absent. Furthermore, we proved the importance of self-dynamics in restoration measures, allowing hydromorphological and biological development.  相似文献   

Stream temperature is a complex function of energy inputs including solar radiation and latent and sensible heat transfer. In streams where groundwater inputs are significant, energy input through advection can also be an important control on stream temperature. For an individual stream reach, models of stream temperature can take advantage of direct measurement or estimation of these energy inputs for a given river channel environment. Understanding spatial patterns of stream temperature at a landscape scale requires predicting how this environment varies through space, and under different atmospheric conditions. At the landscape scale, air temperature is often used as a surrogate for the dominant controls on stream temperature. In this study we show that, in regions where groundwater inputs are key controls and the degree of groundwater input varies in space, air temperature alone is unlikely to explain within-landscape stream temperature patterns. We illustrate how a geologic template can offer insight into landscape-scale patterns of stream temperature and its predictability from air temperature relationships. We focus on variation in stream temperature within headwater streams within the McKenzie River basin in western Oregon. In this region, as in other areas of the Pacific Northwest, fish sensitivity to summer stream temperatures continues to be a pressing environmental issue. We show that, within the McKenzie, streams which are sourced from deeper groundwater reservoirs versus shallow subsurface flow systems have distinct summer temperature regimes. Groundwater streams are colder, less variable and less sensitive to air temperature variation. We use these results from the western Oregon Cascade hydroclimatic regime to illustrate a conceptual framework for developing regional-scale indicators of stream temperature variation that considers the underlying geologic controls on spatial variation, and the relative roles played by energy and water inputs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new multimetric MMI_PL index, which is based on the macroinvertebrate composition and combines six single key metrics, has already been implemented in Poland according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. The objectives of our survey were to assess the biological water quality using the new multimetric MMI_PL index in both reference and human-impacted streams, to analyze whether the values of the new multimetric index properly reflect the ecological status of the water in upland and mountain streams as well as to determine which environmental factors influence the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates and the values of the metrics. The study was carried out from 2007 to 2010 in three Ecoregions that were established by the EU WFD. A total of 60 sampling sites: 36 reference sites that were situated in the headwaters of mountain streams at mid- and high-altitudes and 24, human-impacted sampling sites were selected. The benthic macroinvertebrate surveys were supported by both a hydromorphological and macrophyte assessment according to the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and to the Macrophyte Methods for Rivers. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the values of the Habitat Quality Assessment (HQA) index, conductivity, pH and altitude were the parameters most associated (statistically significant) with the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrate taxa and the values of the metrics in both the reference and human-impacted (impaired) sections of the streams in Ecoregions 9, 10 and 14. The new MMI_PL index was useful for biological water quality assessment and was also important for separating both the reference and impaired sections of streams. The MMI_PL index and some key metrics performed contrary to what was expected in relation to the reference high-altitude siliceous streams (the High Tatra Mts., Ecoregion 10). Low values of multimetric index and key metrics did not properly reflect their high ecological status and pristine character as reflected by the hydromorphological (RHS) and macrophyte surveys or the physical and chemical parameters of the water.  相似文献   

We present the process of developing a macrophyte based index (River Macrophyte Index – RMI) for assessing river ecological status, that would be applicable for rivers with moderate to high water alkalinity, flowing over low slope terrain. A reference value and boundary values were determined for five ecological classes. The relation between the developed index and two existing indices, the Reference Index (RI) and the Trophic Index of Macrophytes (TIM), and selected environmental variables was established. The RMI is based on species composition and abundance from 208 sampling sites being in reference or good hydromorphological conditions and differing in the catchment land use. The percentage of natural areas in the sub-catchment was used for classifying macrophyte taxa into 5 ecological groups. 65 plant taxa, of which 47 were identified as indicator taxa, were included in the analysis. To assess the ecological status of a river site, the presence of at least 3 indicator taxa is necessary, otherwise the assessment is considered inconclusive. RMI is expected to indicate multiple pressures on the river, including trophic level. The developed index and RI and TIM indices differed in relation to slope, distance to source and catchment size.  相似文献   

For sixteen years following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill adult returns of pink salmon in Prince William Sound, Alaska were monitored to assess spill effects on survival. No evidence of spill effects was detected for either intertidal or whole-stream spawning fish. From 1989 through 2004 mean densities for oiled and reference streams tracked each other, illustrating similar responses of oiled and reference stream adult populations to naturally changing oceanographic and climactic conditions. Hatchery fish strayed into the study streams, but similar incursions occurred in oiled and reference streams, and their presence was compensated for to eliminate their influence on determining the success of the returning natural populations. These results, showing no detectable effects of oiling on pink salmon spawning populations, are supported by published field studies on pink salmon incubation success in oiled streams.  相似文献   

We developed an index (MESHMacroinvertebrates in Estonia: Score of Hydromorphology) to assess hydromorphological quality of Estonian surface waters based on macroinvertebrate taxonomic composition. The MESH is an average score based on the affinities of selected indicator taxa to flow velocity and bottom type. As both parameters were highly correlated (r = 0.65) indicator response to both parameters were combined. The list of MESH indicators includes 394 freshwater macroinvertebrate taxa derived from 3282 samples collected from rivers and lakes during 1985–2009. The indicators were selected out of 690 taxa, by applying the information-theoretical Kullback–Leibler divergence. The individual scores of macroinvertebrates range from 0 to 3, the higher scores indicating faster flow and/or solid bottom substrate. For standing waters, flow velocity was always considered zero. Among the reference waterbodies, mean MESH was the highest for small streams followed by middle streams, large streams, and lakes. In lakes with medium water hardness (the prevailing type in Estonia), the MESH decreased gradually from stony to muddy bottom. The highest MESH values for standing waters were observed in the stony surf zone of very large lakes (area > 100 km2). The lowest values occurred for small lakes with exceptional hydrochemical characteristics (soft- and darkwater, and calcareous types). Similarly, MESH indicated stream degradation by damming. Mean MESH in reservoirs with a muddy bottom was significantly lower than in reservoirs with a hard bottom, or in unregulated stream sections.  相似文献   

Matthias Brunke   《Limnologica》2004,34(4):460-478
The objective of this paper is twofold: 1) to validate the German stream typology for Schleswig-Holstein, and 2) to develop an assessment system for lake outlets. The German stream typology, based on a top-down analysis of geomorphological variables, was validated using biotic data of streams in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany. A null model analysis was conducted to test for differences between seven stream types (sand streams and rivers, gravel streams and rivers, partly-mineralic streams, limnic marsh streams, and lake outlets). The dataset compiled for the statistical analysis comprised 28 streams, 65 different sampling sites, 428 samples, and 296 taxa. The analysis confirmed all stream type except partly-mineralic streams, which showed faunal overlap with all types except gravel streams. Gravel streams were the most distinctive stream type. Lake outlets were shown to be a unique type, having a distinct macroinvertebrate fauna. Furthermore it was shown, that the species composition differed between lentic and lotic outlets. Canonical correspondence analysis of 19 investigated lake outlets revealed that characteristics of the lakes had only a minor effect on macroinvertebrate community structure.

The developed assessment system of lake outlets was based on the habitat association of 132 macroinvertebrate taxa. Taxa were allotted to five categories of lake outlet preferences depending on the results from ordinations, frequency tables and abundance distributions. A qualitative and a quantitative lake outlet index (LTI) were tested with independent data sets. The quantitative LTIquan proved to be more robust and only slightly affected by seasonal changes in the macroinvertebrate community composition. Assessments of lake outlets based on macroinvertebrates should be conducted in spring and autumn to reduce the risk of misclassifications, in particular, for boundary cases rated between good and moderate quality classes.  相似文献   

Studies of hyporheic exchange flows have identified physical features of channels that control exchange flow at the channel unit scale, namely slope breaks in the longitudinal profile of streams that generate subsurface head distributions. We recently completed a field study that suggested channel unit spacing in stream longitudinal profiles can be used to predict the spacing between zones of upwelling (flux of hyporheic water into the stream) and downwelling (flux of stream water into the hyporheic zone) in the beds of mountain streams. Here, we use two‐dimensional groundwater flow and particle tracking models to simulate vertical and longitudinal hyporheic exchange along the longitudinal axis of stream flow in second‐, third‐, and fourth‐order mountain stream reaches. Modelling allowed us to (1) represent visually the effect that the shape of the longitudinal profile has on the flow net beneath streambeds; (2) isolate channel unit sequence and spacing as individual factors controlling the depth that stream water penetrates the hyporheic zone and the length of upwelling and downwelling zones; (3) evaluate the degree to which the effects of regular patterns in bedform size and sequence are masked by irregularities in real streams. We simulated hyporheic exchange in two sets of idealized stream reaches and one set of observed stream reaches. Idealized profiles were constructed using regression equations relating channel form to basin area. The size and length of channel units (step size, pool length, etc.) increased with increasing stream order. Simulations of hyporheic exchange flows in these reaches suggested that upwelling lengths increased (from 2·7 m to 7·6 m), and downwelling lengths increased (from 2·9 m to 6·0 m) with increase in stream order from second to fourth order. Step spacing in the idealized reaches increased from 5·3 m to 13·7 m as stream size increased from second to fourth order. Simulated downwelling lengths increased from 4·3 m in second‐order streams to 9·7 m in fourth‐order streams with a POOL–RIFFLE–STEP channel unit sequence, and increased from 2·5 m to 6·1 m from second‐ to fourth‐order streams with a POOL–STEP–RIFFLE channel unit sequence. Upwelling lengths also increased with stream order in these idealized channels. Our results suggest that channel unit spacing, size, and sequence are all important in determining hyporheic exchange patterns of upwelling and downwelling. Though irregularities in the size and spacing of bedforms caused flow nets to be much more complex in surveyed stream reaches than in idealized stream reaches, similar trends emerged relating the average geomorphic wavelength to the average hyporheic wavelength in both surveyed and idealized reaches. This article replaces a previously published version (Hydrological Processes, 19 (17), 2915–2929 (2005) [ DOI:10.1002/hyp.5790 ]. See also retraction notice DOI:10.1002/hyp.6350 Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article has been retracted and replaced. See Retraction and Replacement Notice DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6350 Studies of hyporheic exchange flows have identified physical features of channels that control exchange flow at the channel unit scale, namely slope breaks in the longitudinal profile of streams that generate subsurface head distributions. We recently completed a field study that suggested channel unit spacing in stream longitudinal profiles can be used to predict the spacing between zones of upwelling (flux of hyporheic water into the stream) and downwelling (flux of stream water into the hyporheic zone) in the beds of mountain streams. Here, we use two‐dimensional groundwater flow and particle tracking models to simulate vertical and longitudinal hyporheic exchange along the longitudinal axis of stream flow in second‐, third‐, and fourth‐order mountain stream reaches. Modelling allowed us to (1) represent visually the effect that the shape of the longitudinal profile has on the flow net beneath streambeds; (2) isolate channel unit sequence and spacing as individual factors controlling the depth that stream water penetrates the hyporheic zone and the length of upwelling and downwelling zones; (3) evaluate the degree to which the effects of regular patterns in bedform size and sequence are masked by irregularities in real streams. We simulated hyporheic exchange in two sets of idealized stream reaches and one set of observed stream reaches. Idealized profiles were constructed using regression equations relating channel form to basin area. The size and length of channel units (step size, pool length, etc.) increased with increasing stream order. Simulations of hyporheic exchange flows in these reaches suggested that upwelling lengths increased (from 2·7 m to 7·6 m), and downwelling lengths increased (from 2·9 m to 6·0 m) with increase in stream order from second to fourth order. Step spacing in the idealized reaches increased from 5·3 m to 13·7 m as stream size increased from second to fourth order. Simulated upwelling lengths increased from 4·3 m in second‐order streams to 9·7 m in fourth‐order streams with a POOL–RIFFLE–STEP channel unit sequence, and increased from 2·5 m to 6·1 m from second‐ to fourth‐order streams with a POOL–STEP–RIFFLE channel unit sequence. Downwelling lengths also increased with stream order in these idealized channels. Our results suggest that channel unit spacing, size, and sequence are all important in determining hyporheic exchange patterns of upwelling and downwelling. Though irregularities in the size and spacing of bedforms caused flow nets to be much more complex in surveyed stream reaches than in idealized stream reaches, similar trends emerged relating the average geomorphic wavelength to the average hyporheic wavelength in both surveyed and idealized reaches. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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