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内蒙古河套断陷带及其邻区地壳磁性构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文依据航磁资料和频率域磁性单界反演方法,计算了河套断陷带及其邻区的基底磁性界埋深;依据三维磁性层反演方法求取了该区磁性层下界面,即居里界面的埋深;分析了磁性层上下界面的定量特征,并结合重力、地热、地形变诸方面的研究成果,讨论讨论了该区的地壳结构特征及地震成因。  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4°,东经110.2°.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4deg;,东经110.2deg;.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.   相似文献   

河套断陷带是一个复式断陷盆地,存在2个次级凸起和3个次级凹陷。包头凸起分隔了白彦花凹陷和呼和凹陷,基底为前寒武纪花岗片麻岩,上覆地层为第四系。文中利用浅层地震勘探、活动断裂填图以及跨断层钻孔剖面等手段详细研究了包头凸起的构造特征。浅层地震勘探揭示白彦花凹陷和呼和凹陷都是北深南浅的箕状凹陷,包头凸起是SE陡NW缓、NE宽SW窄的不对称凸起,西沙湾-兴胜断裂和大青山山前断裂分别为凸起的NW和SE边界断裂。凸起的SE边界断裂是全新世活动断裂,属于大青山山前断裂西端的包头段,其在物探剖面上表现为S倾、上陡下缓的铲式断裂,错断了呼和凹陷内的全部沉积地层;断裂在地表沿晚更新世湖积台地南缘展布,构造地貌标志显著。西沙湾-兴胜断裂为隐伏断裂,地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面都揭示该断裂未错断晚更新世湖相地层,为早—中更新世断裂。几何形态、岩性构成和边界断裂等多方面证据均表明包头凸起是大青山隆起的西延,分隔了乌拉山山前断裂和大青山山前断裂,2条断裂构成独立的发震构造。河套断陷带具有复杂的结构形态,许多与其相关的科学问题需要进一步系统研究,解析断陷带的形成与演化过程需要更多地关注断陷带内部的次级构造。  相似文献   

王纪强  王冬雷  鹿子林  张建民 《地震》2020,40(4):115-128
利用地质地貌调查、探槽、工程探测以及年代测试等方法,对双山—李家庄断裂的地表破裂形态、最新活动性以及古地震事件展开研究。结果表明:(1)双山—李家庄断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世,在(17.0±0.85) ka~(21.4±1.7) ka B.P.之间,总体以左旋走滑正断为主,局部逆断。依据第四纪活动特征和破裂形式,从南往北可分为两段,即南段(双山—大马山)和北段(大马山—五里)。其中南段又可分为3个小段:双山—丹河水库小段表现为左阶斜列状展布的两条断层,以左行走滑兼正断活动为主;丹河水库—营子小段表现为两条相交的断裂,东支在剖面上则表现为正断活动,第四纪以来不活动;西支在剖面上以逆冲破裂为主,最新活动时代为晚更新世;营子—大马山小段隐伏于第四系之下,具有正断走滑破裂特征。北段总体表现为多条近平行的断裂构造系,破裂形式以逆断为主。(2)双山—李家庄断裂晚第四纪以来可能发生过两次古地震事件,分别发生在(17.0±0.85) ka~(21.4±1.7) ka B.P.和(77.0±3.8) ka~(84.0±4.2) ka B.P.。(3) 1829年青州、临朐6级地震的发生与上五井断裂和双...  相似文献   

小鱼洞地震地表破裂带罗元村探槽剖面揭示了汶川8.0级大地震之前的1次同等规模的古地震事件.文中对采自小鱼洞破裂带罗元村古地震探槽的7个冲洪积物样品进行了细颗粒石英简单多片再生法和单测片再生法光释光测年研究.LED08-212样品SAR法预热坪实验表明预热温度坪区间为180~240℃,在此温度下热转移量小于等效剂量的1%...  相似文献   

渭河断陷南缘断裂带新活动特征与古地震   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渭河断陷南缘断裂带东起潼关,西至宝鸡,全长310公里,它的主边界断裂包括有华山山前断裂、秦岭北缘断裂。本文根据近年1∶5万活动断裂地质填图最新详细资料研究了断裂的活动历史、分段性及其构造活动特征。华山山前断裂晚第四纪以来具有明显的新活动,沿断裂带及其两侧分布有最新断层崖、基岩裂缝、黄土裂缝、山体崩(滑)塌体等众多的地震形变和破坏遗迹,华山山前断裂应是1556年华县8级大地震的发震断层。据华山山前断裂古地震剖面分析大地震重复间隔约2000—2500年,秦岭北缘断裂同样存在有基岩崩(滑)塌、裂缝、断层崖等古地震形变遗迹,由古地震剖面分析其大地震重复间隔约为2000—4000年之间。  相似文献   

李拴虎  杨红樱  姚远 《地震学报》2018,40(4):531-536
正Campbell(1982,1983)将贝叶斯概率理论和极值概率模型相结合,发展出一种估算地震发生概率的贝叶斯极值分布模型。在此模型中,地震活动的先验估计值是基于地震矩、滑动速率、地震复发率和震级等数据计算得到的,而后将估计值用于贝叶斯理论的后验估算,或者用于研究区的历史地震活动性的评估方面(李拴虎等,2016)。  相似文献   

1536年强震与安宁河断裂上的最新地表断错   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对活断裂填图所获资料分析,结果表明:安宁河活断裂最新的断错断续长度达30千米。它不仅存在于1536年强震宏观破坏高烈度区中部,而且还在近中部的沙尔村发现左旋水平扭错约千米左右的次级冲沟。据此可以确认:1536年西昌-冕宁间发生的强震,震中位于泸沽南的沙尔村附近,震中区北起冕宁的高山堡,南至西昌的新华,长约30千米;震中烈度Ⅹ度。用多种方法和公式计算,其震级约为级。  相似文献   

龙门山后山断裂汶川M_S8.0地震地表破裂带   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年汶川Ms8.0地震发生之后,多方研究者开展了汶川震区地表破裂实地调查。已发表的调查结果论证汶川地震地表破裂带沿龙门山构造带中央断裂和前山断裂分布。本文作者近期沿龙门山后山活动断裂开展了踏勘性调查。调查结果表明,除龙门山中央断裂带和前山断裂带出现汶川地震的地表破裂带之外,位于龙门山构造带后山断裂(汶川-茂县断裂)存在另一条长约100km、  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带莒县胡家孟晏地震破裂带的发现   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郯庐断裂带是中国东部最主要的一条活动断裂带。在该断裂带中部,沂沭断裂东地堑的潍坊—嘉山段中发育了1条长360km的全新世活动断裂带(F5),在该全新世断裂带的北段和中段分别发生了公元70年的安丘地震和公元1668年的郯城地震。2003年底我们考察沭河断裂带时,在莒县境内发现了1条长约7km的地震破裂带,作为活动断层应该归属于F5断裂带,但其是一条独立的地震破裂段还是归属于1668年郯城8.5级地震破裂带有待于进一步的研究。尽管如此,探槽揭示出的上覆未经破坏的地层的14C年代表明,该破裂带在(2140±190)aBP以来没有过活动,因此我们认为其作为1条独立破裂段的可能性较大  相似文献   

The Xianshuihe Fault, the boundary of Bayan Har active tectonic block and Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block, is one of the most active fault zones in the world. In the past nearly 300 years, 9 historical earthquakes of magnitude ≥ 7 have been recorded. Since 2008, several catastrophic earthquakes, such as Wenchuan MS8 earthquake, Yushu MS7.1 earthquake and Lushan MS7 earthquake, have occurred on the other Bayan Har block boundary fault zones. However, only the Kangding MS6.3 earthquake in 2014 was documented on the Xianshuihe Fault. Thus, the study of surface deformation and rupture behavior of large earthquakes in the late Quaternary on the Xianshuihe Fault is of fundamental importance for understanding the future seismic risk of this fault, and even the entire western Sichuan region. On the basis of the former work, combined with our detailed geomorphic and geological survey, we excavated a combined trench on the Qianning segment of Xianshuihe fault zone which has a long elapse time. Charcoal and woods in the trench are abundant. 30 samples were dated to constrain the ages of the paleoseismic events. Five events were identified in the past 9  000 years, whose ages are:8070-6395 BC, 5445-5125 BC, 4355-4180 BC, 625-1240 AD and the Qianning earthquake in 1893. The large earthquake recurrence behavior on this segment does not follow the characteristic earthquake recurrence model. The recurrence interval is 1000~2000 years in early period and in turn there is a quiet period of about 5 000 years after 4355-4180 BC event. Then it enters the active period again. Two earthquakes with surface rupture occurred in the past 1000 years and the latest two earthquakes may have lower magnitude. The left-lateral coseismic displacement of the 1893 Qianning earthquake is about 2.9m.  相似文献   

何岗  张兴 《高原地震》2013,(3):22-24
青海省玉树县上拉秀乡至小苏莽乡曾发生过多次中强地震,由于震级不高、危害不大及条件所限,未能进行详细的野外地质调查,只是初步判断上拉秀-小苏莽断裂带为全新世活动断裂带,为多次中强地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

活断层地震地表破裂“避让带”宽度确定的依据与方法   总被引:28,自引:16,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
基于不同类型活断层产生的地震地表破裂带宽度和跨断层探槽地质剖面的地层强变形带宽度等观测事实 ,结合地面建筑设施毁坏带与活断层密切的空间位置关系 ,采用统计分析方法 ,确定了活断层“避让带”宽度为 30m。各活断层更为准确的避让带宽度可通过分析跨断层探槽地质剖面上地层的变形特征加以验证或修订 ;活断层斜列阶区、平行次级断层围限区、走向弯曲区等特殊地域的避让带宽度为这些地域宽度与两外侧各 15m之和。建议有关部门进行活断层“避让带”立法与执法管理 ,并加强活断层鉴定及其地表活动线几何结构形态的准确定位工作 ,积极而有效地减轻地震灾害  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带活动褶皱及其与活动断层的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1∶5万活断层地质填图获得的有关资料,初步讨论了沂沭断裂带活动褶皱的展布、内部结构以及与活动断层的关系。沂沭断裂带活动褶皱发育在F1、F2断层之间,呈串珠状伴随F5断层展布,开始形成于第三纪时期,主要形成于第四纪晚期,属活动褶皱。活动褶皱和活动断层是在右旋挤压剪切带中形成的两种构造形式。  相似文献   

Cascade rupture events often occur along large strike-slip fault zone.The 1920 AD M 81/2 earthquake ruptured all 3 segments of the Haiyuan Fault,and the Salt Lake pull-apart basin is the boundary between the west and middle segment of the fault.The data of trenching and drilling reveal 7 events occurring since last stage of late Pleistocene,and the two youngest events are associated with the historical records of 1092 AD (possibly) and 1920 AD respectively.These events are all large earthquakes with magnitude M>8,and the recurrence of them is characterized by earthquake clusters alternating with a single event.Now it is in the latest cluster which may last about 1000 years.Comparison of the paleoseismic sequence of this study and previous results reveals that the cross-basin fault in the Salt Lake pull-apart basin does not always rupture when cascade rupture events occur along the Haiyuan Fault,and likely ruptures only when the magnitude of the events is large (maybe M>8).Though there are many advantages in paleoseismic study in pull-apart basin,we should avoid getting the paleoseismic history of major strike-slip fault zones only depending on the rupture records of inner faults in pull-apart basins with large scale (maybe a width more than 3km).  相似文献   

The Xiaojiang fault zone is located in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, the boundary faults of Sichuan-Yunnan block and South China block. The largest historical earthquake in Yunnan Province, with magnitude 8 occurred on the western branch of the Xiaojiang Fault in Songming County, 1833. Research on the Late Quaternary surface deformation and strong earthquake rupture behavior on the Xiaojiang Fault is crucial to understand the future seismic risk of the fault zone and the Sichuan-Yunnan region, even crucial for the study of tectonic evolution of the southeastern margin of Tibetan plateau. We have some new understanding through several large trenches excavated on the western branch of the Xiaojiang fault zone. We excavated a large trench at Caohaizi and identified six paleoseismic events, named U through Z from the oldest to the youngest. Ages of these six events are constrained at 40000-36300BC, 35400-24800BC, 9500BC-500AD, 390-720AD, 1120-1620AD and 1750AD-present. The Ganhaizi trench revealed three paleoearthquakes, named GHZ-E1 to GHZ-E3 from the oldest to the youngest. Ages of the three events are constrained at 3300BC-400AD, 770-1120AD, 1460AD-present. The Dafendi trench revealed three paleoearthquakes, named E1 to E3 from the oldest to the youngest, and their ages are constrained at 22300-19600BC, 18820-18400BC, and 18250-present. Caohaizi and Ganhaizi trenches are excavated on the western branch of the Xiaojiang Fault, the distance between them is 400m. We constrained four late Holocene paleoearthquakes with progressive constraining method, which are respectively at 500-720AD, 770-1120AD, AD 1460-1620 and 1833AD, with an average recurrence interval of 370~440a. Large earthquake recurrence in the late Holocene is less than the recurrence interval of~900a as proposed in the previous studies. Thus, the seismic hazard on the Xiaojiang Fault should be reevaluated. We excavated a large trench at Dafendi, about 30km away south of Caohaizi trench. Combining with previous paleoseismological research, it is found that the western branch of Xiaojiang Fault was likely to be dominated by segmented rupturing in the period from late of Late Pleistocene to early and middle Holocene, while it was characterized by large earthquakes clustering and whole segment rupturing since late Holocene.  相似文献   

灵丘盆地位于山西地堑系的东北部,曾于1626年发生7级地震.文中通过解译SPOT5影像、分析SRTM3数据和野外调查,对该盆地进行宏观的构造地貌分析和对比,结合探槽以及地质剖面确定主要活动断层的几何分布和最新活动特征,进而探讨灵丘地震的发震构造.结果显示:太白维山山前断裂大部分段落最新活动时代限于晚更新世晚期.NE向的水涧-落水河断裂灵丘县城以西段造成同级地貌面高差约6m,其中最新活动在地表残留高约1m的断层陡坎,县城及以东段无明显地貌表现;NW向的华山河断裂具有枢纽断层特征,在盆地北部断裂向西倾并造成华山河Ⅰ级阶地两侧约10m的高差,在盆地南部断裂向东倾,剖面和相关地貌揭示该断裂在南段为一条高角度的活动正走滑断裂;据此认为,1626年灵丘地震为水涧-落水河断裂西段和NW向的华山河断裂共轭作用的结果.  相似文献   

The distribution of earthquake rupture zone plays a very important role in determining location of epicenter and magnitude of historical earthquake. There is still argument about the seismogenic structure of the 1842 M7 Balikun earthquake and the 1914 M7 1/2 Balikun earthquake in the historical records in eastern Tienshan. Through field geological survey, we confirm that there exist 3 rupture zones in Eastern Tienshan. These rupture zones, Tazibulake rupture zone on the Jian Quanzi-Luo Baoquan Fault, north of Shanshan, Xiong Kuer rupture zone on the south Balikun Basin Fault and Yanchi rupture zone on the south Yiwu Basin Fault, are closely related to 2 historical earthquakes. Based on historical literature and current geological evidence analysis, we infer that Xiong Kuer rupture zone was produced by 1842 M7 earthquake and Yanchi rupture zone by 1914 M7 1/2 earthquake, while Tazibukale rupture zone may represent another unrecorded historical event. South Balikun Basin Fault disturbs Quaternary stratigraphy which has a 14C age of 3110±30 B.P in the south of Balikun County, ~100km to the east of Xiong Kuer rupture zone, therefore we can't preclude the possibility that Xiong Kuer rupture zone extends to the south of Balikun County. This region overlaps with the meizoseismal area based on the literature document, together with the fact that the impact of 1842 earthquake is no less than 1914 earthquake, we believe that the magnitude of 1842 earthquake is no less than that of the 1914 earthquake.  相似文献   

隐伏活断层未来地表破裂带宽度与位错量初步研究   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
采用Okada(1992 )有关地震断层地表位移的计算方法和程序 ,依据《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 5 0 0 11- 2 0 0 1) ,推导了隐伏活断层突然错动产生地表破裂带的临界值 ,即在相隔 5m的水平上 ,位移差超过 0 1m。初步讨论了隐伏活断层地表破裂带随埋深、倾角、断裂力学性质和断面位错量的变化特点。结果表明 :对于隐伏正断层 ,地表破裂带宽度随覆盖层埋深的增加表现出非线性特点 ,具有从小到大 ,再变小的特点 ;地表破裂带位错量峰值随埋深线性递减。在其他参数不变的情况下 ,隐伏正断层倾角越小 ,地表破裂带越偏向下盘 ,并且 ,地表破裂带的宽度也变小。与隐伏正断层相比 ,隐伏走滑断层地表位移差随埋深衰减更快。随着隐伏活断层断面上位错量的增加 ,地表破裂带宽度会显著变宽 ,位错量也随之增大。这些认识和计算结果为城市规划、各种生命线工程和建 (构 )筑物的跨断层设防 ,提供了可以参考的依据  相似文献   

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