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东海DGKS9617岩心重矿物及自生黄铁矿记录   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对东海DGKS9617岩心重矿物进行了详细研究.结果表明闪石类、帘石类、片状矿物、自生黄铁矿和金属矿物为优势重矿物.根据重矿物的稳定性,将该岩心的重矿物划分为4种组合类型,并在极稳定矿物组合、自生黄铁矿和榍石含量的时间序列分析基础上,将岩心自下而上划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ共4个重矿物韵律层,各韵律层的优势矿物和特征矿物存在着明显的差异.根据矿物韵律曲线的变化与孢粉组合及竺可桢温度曲线的对比可推断出Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ层的底部年龄分别为6 000、5 000、2 800和1 300 aBP左右,各韵律层平均沉积速率分别为0.1、0.11、0.27和0.08 cm/a.自生黄铁矿含量变化指示出在2 900~1 800 aBP和1 300~850 aBP存在两个快速沉积期,其平均沉积速率分别约为0.14和0.13 cm/a,反映了当时河流物质输入量增大,为温暖湿润的气候期.  相似文献   

东海沉积物中重矿物组合的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东海沉积物中重矿物的组合状态及矿物分区,陈丽蓉等曾从特征矿物对比的角度加以研究。本文应用数理统计的方法进行了研究,得到了相似的结果。  相似文献   

东海西北部陆架表层沉积物重矿物组合及其沉积环境指示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了东海陆架360个表层沉积物的碎屑矿物和粒度组成,利用R型聚类方法提取稳定重矿物和重矿物分异指数作为矿物分布规律的指示因子;根据快速聚类结果将重矿物组成分为3个区:东海陆架海侵体系域晚期残留砂体区、高位体系域晚期长江水下前三角洲和浙闽沿岸流泥质沉积区、高位体系域扬子浅滩沉积区。结合粒度参数和特征矿物分布、沉积物14C年龄对各区沉积环境进行讨论,确定陆架残留沉积和改造沉积的成因、长江水下三角洲和浙闽沿岸流泥质区的范围,以及对应不同海侵层序的矿物分异特征和物质"源-汇"关系。聚类分析虽能够指示同一物源碎屑矿物分布与沉积动力关系,但物源不同,聚类结果可能误导沉积环境分析。扬子浅滩表层砂体是在距今6~4和3~2 ka 的两个潮流沉积发育期形成的多期改造沙波沉积。  相似文献   

九龙江口沉积物中重矿物组成及其分布特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
徐茂泉  李超 《海洋通报》2003,22(4):32-40
利用1994年海岛调查和1999年执行福建省自然科学基金项目所采集的底质样品,分析研究了九龙江口表层沉积物中0.063~0.125mm粒级的重矿物组分、组合及其分布特征。结果表明,该粒级重矿物计有49种,其优势和特征矿物为磁铁矿、赤铁矿、绿帘石、钛铁矿、褐铁矿、角闪石、锆石、红柱石、黑云母等;重矿物的平均含量为9.38%;依据主要重矿物的含量和分布特征,将九龙江口划分为4个矿物组合区(Ⅰ.河道口门矿物区:Ⅱ.河口北部矿物区;Ⅲ河口南部矿物区;Ⅳ.湾口东部矿物区),各区的矿物组合类型不仅与物质来源有关,而且受水动力条件和沉积环境的控制。  相似文献   

洪辉亮  陈峰 《台湾海峡》2003,22(1):65-78
本文详细地分析了九龙江口SD03岩心中自生矿物的成因,推断河口区在约10ka,B.P.中历经了河流沉积、湖泊沉积和河口海湾沉积三种沉积环境。在沉积环境演化过程中共形成了10种重矿物组合。  相似文献   

海沧邻近海域表层沉积物中重矿物研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对厦门海沧邻近海域表层沉积物中的重矿物(0.063~0.125mm粒级)进行了分析和研究,结果表明该粒级的重矿物共计49种,其优势和特征矿物为磁铁矿、赤铁矿、褐铁矿、绿帘石、铁铁矿、角闪石、锆石、红柱石等;重矿物的平均质量分数为9.56%;根据重矿物的分布和含量,并结合主要标志矿物的颗粒百分含量和分布特征,将该海域划分为5个矿物组合区,根据各区的矿物组合类型分析了该海域的物质来源及影响重矿物分布和组合的因素,进而探讨了九龙江河口湾和厦门西港海湾的沉积环境。  相似文献   

对鄂霍次克海东南部科学院隆起区OS03-1岩心碎屑重矿物及火山灰层进行了详细分析。岩心重矿物以紫苏辉石、绿帘石和普通角闪石为主,特征矿物为钛磁铁矿和普通辉石,矿物特征表明本岩心的物质主要来源于冰筏搬运(陆源)和火山喷发。陆源物质大部分来源于鄂霍次克海西部和北部地区,少量来自堪察加半岛冰川携带沉积物;火山物质则来源于堪察加半岛和千岛群岛的火山喷发产物。在岩心中识别出3个火山灰层,各种证据表明火山灰层1与已知的K2火山灰层相同,形成年代为26ka BP;火山灰层3具有明显火山物质与陆源物质混合特征,而火山灰层2则只能通过碎屑矿物的含量特征来判定,外在颜色不明显,已经明显的被陆源物质所稀释。研究表明,碎屑矿物组分参数可以有效地指示物质来源,也是识别火山灰层存在(特别是被陆源物质稀释)的可靠指标。  相似文献   

南黄海和东海北部陆架重矿物组合分区及来源   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用大洋-50型海底取样器,在南黄海和东海北部陆架(125°E以西)海上调查获取了海底表层沉积物样品,其中包括1998年以来"黄东海地质地球物理补充调查"和"中韩黄海沉积动力学与古环境演变"2项研究所获得的样品共380个,选取0.063~0.125mm粒级的沉积物,进行碎屑矿物分析,最后选出9个代表性的优势重矿物种的数据为变量,利用Q型聚类(分层聚类)的数学方法,进行聚类组合,在数学统计的基础上,将研究区划分出4个重矿物组合区。客观地反映出黄河物质、长江物质和原地物质的影响范围,同时也体现出物质来源和水动力以及海底风化作用对重矿物分布的影响程度和范围,因而可以得出,在一定的范围内陆架表层沉积物中的重矿物具有趋同的演化效应。  相似文献   

对东海中南部海域表层沉积物进行了重矿物鉴定,探讨了其物质来源,并对沉积环境及其主控因素进行了分析。研究区碎屑重矿物共有40余种,还有少量岩屑和风化碎屑。暗色重矿物含量高值出现在100 m以深的东海外陆架,浙闽近海一带暗色重矿物含量低。稳定重矿物含量与离岸距离有一定的相关性,从内陆架到外陆架,含量有逐步增加的趋势。云母类矿物高值集中于浙闽近海内陆架一带;自生黄铁矿也集中浙闽近海水深50 m以浅的内陆架,说明该区水动力偏弱, 主要为还原环境。聚类分析表明,研究区划为2个分区。Ⅰ区包括浙闽近海海域和台湾海峡中西部海域,水深在60 m以浅,主要是长江物质在沿岸流作用下向南搬运沉积。Ⅱ区包括东海中外陆架、陆坡以及冲绳海槽的部分海域,水深多在80 m以深,其物源来自东亚大陆,形成于晚更新世低海平面时期。  相似文献   

南海东部重矿物分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对南海东部 1 88个站位表层沉积物样品 63~ 1 2 5μm粒级重矿物的研究表明 ,重矿物种类有50种 ,最高含量可达 1 2 .82 % ;平均含量较低 ,为 1 .1 1 % ,;矿物组成以普通角闪石、铁锰微结核、磁铁矿、普通辉石为主。重矿物来源复杂多样 ,包括陆源、火山、自生等各种来源的矿物。陆源重矿物多分布在水深 3 50 0 m以浅的北部陆坡 ,主要来源于台湾海峡和台湾岛 ;此外还有经巴士海峡由洋流带入的吕宋岛等的剥蚀物 ,珠江物质对研究区的影响较小。自生沉积矿物主要分布于 1 6°N~ 2 0°N之间的下陆坡区和深海平原 ,其中铁锰微结核富集于沉积速率较低的氧化环境 ,自生黄铁矿则富集于局部还原环境或生物壳室中。火山碎屑矿物主要分布于 1 5°N两侧的深海平原和海山区 ,来源于海底火山岩的剥蚀物和附近弧状列岛的火山喷发物。沉积环境是影响重矿物分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

-The material discussed in this paper is from four cruises which were carried out in May -June, 1986 (spring), July -August, 1987(summer) .October -November, 1988(autumn)and December, 1987(winter)respectively. Identified dinoflagellates were 141 species (including varieties and forms) belonging to 18 genera.According to the distribution and ecological characteristics of dinoflagellates species, we can divide them into three groups: 1) Hyporhaline-neritic group: they are distributed only in type Ⅲ and typeⅣ water and they perform an evident function indicating continental coast water; 2) Eurythermic-euryhaline group represented by Protoperidinium depressum, Gentium fusus, etc. They are fond of perching in mixing water which character is similar to that of coast water even though they are distributed in different water systems; 3) Hyperthermic-hyperhaline group: on the basis of varying degrees to which they tolerate temperature and salinity, we can divide them into two sub-groups: euryhyperthermic-euryh  相似文献   

东海浮游动物生物量分布特征   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
徐兆礼  晁敏  陈亚瞿 《海洋学报》2004,26(3):93-101
根据1997~2000年东海海域23°30'~33°00'N,118°30'~128°00'E分别进行4个季节的海洋调查资料,对东海区浮游动物总生物量及饵料生物量的数量变动,时空分布及与鱼渔场关系作了分析.结果表明,四季总生物量均值为65.32mg/m3,其中秋季大于夏季大于春季大于冬季;饵料浮游动物生物量均值为40.9mg/m3,约占总生物量的60%,其中秋季大于夏季大于冬季大于春季.总生物量与饵料生物量平面分布趋势基本一致,高生物量(250~500mg/m3)区分布范围极小,一般占总调查面积的1%~4%.东海北部近海125°00'E以西,29°30'N以北水域生物量季节变化最明显.饵料浮游动物生物量平面分布取决于甲壳动物丰度的分布.饵料浮游动物生物量与鳀鱼中心渔场及其仔、稚鱼高密集区分布存在着较好的对应关系,春季鳀鱼中心渔场(>100kg/h1)和仔、稚鱼高密集区(≥100尾/网)位于东海中南部(28°00'~29°30'N)饵料浮游动物最高生物量(100~250mg/m3)密集区内或边缘水域.  相似文献   

DistributionofzooplanktonbiomassinthesoutheasternEastChinaSea¥WangChunsheng;HeDehua;LiuHongbin;YangGuanming;MiaoYutianandYuHo...  相似文献   

Winter Distribution of Diatom Assemblages in the East China Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined the spatial distributional relationships between diatom assemblages and water types during the winter in the East China Sea. Principal component analysis was used to identify two water types and two diatom assemblages in the study area. Coastal water types along the mainland China coastline had low temperature and salinity levels, but high nitrate levels. The shelf-mixing water type in the rest of the study area had higher temperatures and salinities and lower levels of nitrate. Diatom assemblage distribution was not spatially consistent with water type. The Kuroshio assemblage had a large standing stock, distributed along the surface of the shelf break. This assemblage is likely the result of Kuroshio surface water coming into contact with nutrient-rich water in the shelf area, triggering proliferation of certain diatom species. A background assemblage with low standing stock level persisted over the entire study area in both coastal water and the shelf-mixing water types. Our results support previous research: the background assemblage is due to poor growth conditions such as the convection of water during winter; there were no significant seasonal variations in the species composition.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of oceanographic survey in the East China Sea in four seasons during 1997-2000 (23°30'~33°00'N, 118°30'-128°E), the variation of total biomass and diet biomass of zooplankton and their spatial-temporal distribution and relationship with the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus are approached and analyzed. The results show that the average biomass is 65.32 mg/m3 in four seasons, autumn (86.18 mg/m3) being greater than summer (69.18 mg/m3) greater than spring (55.67 mg/m3) greater than winter (50.33 mg/m3). The average value of diet zooplankton biomass is 40.9 mg/m3. The trends of horizontal distribution both in the total biomass and the diet biomass of zooplankton are similar. The high biomass region (250-500 mg/m3) is very limited, only accounting for 1% of the investigation area. Seasonal variation of the biomass is very remarkable in the west and north parts of East China Sea coastal waters ( 29°30'N,125°E). The horizontal distribution of diet zooplankton depends on the  相似文献   

NotesDistributionofplanktonicpyrrophytaintheEastChinaSea¥//Thespeciescompositionandquantityofpyrrophytaarethesecondonlytodiat...  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of oceanographic survey in the East China Sea in four seasons during 1997~2000 (23°30′~33°00′N,118°30′~ 128°E), the variation of total biomass and diet biomass of zooplankton and their spatial-temporal distribution and relationship with the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus are approached and analyzed. The results show that the average biomass is 65.32 mg/m3 in four seasons, autumn (86.18 mg/m3) being greater than summer (69.18 mg/m3) greater than spring (55.67 mg/m3) greater than winter (50.33 mg/m3). The average value of diet zooplankton hiomass is 40.9 mg/m3.The trends of horizontal distribution both in the total biomass and the diet biomass of zooplankton are similar. The high biomass region (250~500 mg/m3) is very limited, only accounting for 1% of the investigation area. Seasonal variation of the biomass is very remarkable in the west and north parts of East China Sea coastal waters (29°30'N,125°E). The horizontal distribution of diet zooplankton depends on the abundance distribution of crustacean. The distribution of diet zooplankton is related to the fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus and the high-density area of young fish and larval. In spring, the central fishing ground of Engraulis japonicus (>100 kg/h) and the high-density area of young fish and larval (>100 individuals per net) are located at the same place of high-density (100~250 mg/m3)area of diet zooplankton in the middle-southern part of East China Sea or the edge of its waters.  相似文献   

The Changjiang River in China was dammed in 2003. The possible changes in matters fluxes from the river downstream after the completion of Three Gorges Dam and their potential impacts on the ecosystem of the East China Sea are discussed . The estuarine and coastal waters in the East China Sea were heavily fertilized by the inflow of nutrient-rich freshwater from the Changjiang River, which has led to severe eutrophication and frequent harmful algal blooms ,thus worsening the ecosystem health in this area. Analy- sis showed that the nutrient loadings are very likely to be reduced in the lower Changjiang River due to the construction of Three Gorges Dam. Especially for the total phosphorus, the discharges to the East China Sea will be reduced by one-third, which would relieve the severe eutrophication in this area. However, the expected decrease in the riverine silicate discharge would lead the ratio of silicon to nitrogen to be much less than 1 in the estuarine and coastal waters and thus may cause an elevation of flagellate growth. The changes in the annual water discharges and their seasonal distributions below the dam will be minor. Reduction of suspended particulate matter loading, due to the sedimentation behind the dam, will reduce the nutrient loadings of the particulate form especially for phosphorus, and decrease the turbidity of estuarine and coastal waters. On the other hand, this may enhance the erosion of the delta and the coasts as well as modifythe benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

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