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西藏林芝市泥石流灾害频发,亟需建立泥石流灾害预警模型,预测林芝市泥石流灾害可能发生的区域,减少泥石流灾害导致的损失。文章提出了一种基于栅格径流汇流的林芝市泥石流灾害预警模型,从栅格像元尺度上模拟流域各位置上的水深,以提高泥石流预警的空间针对性。该模型将泥石流致灾因子分为背景因子和激发因子。通过林芝市裸岩率、河床纵比降等因子的逻辑回归,获取林芝市泥石流灾害概率,作为泥石流预警模型的背景因子;引入栅格径流汇流模型,以站点降水和雪水当量为模型的水量输入,模拟预警时段内的流域各位置上的模型水深,作为泥石流预警模型的激发因子。利用二元逻辑回归的方法计算背景因子和激发因子的权重,建立泥石流预警模型。利用2011—2020年18次历史灾害对模型进行验证,落入预警区内的灾害点占比64.4%,预警精度较高,对于林芝市泥石流灾害预警具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Flash flood disaster is a prominent issue threatening public safety and social development throughout the world, especially in mountainous regions. Rainfall threshold is a widely accepted alternative to hydrological forecasting for flash flood warning due to the short response time and limited observations of flash flood events. However, determination of rainfall threshold is still very complicated due to multiple impact factors, particular for antecedent soil moisture and rainfall patterns. In this study, hydrological simulation approach (i.e., China Flash Flood-Hydrological Modeling System: CNFF-HMS) was adopted to capture the flash flood processes. Multiple scenarios were further designed with consideration of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall temporal patterns to determine the possible assemble of rainfall thresholds by driving the CNFF-HMS. Moreover, their effects on rainfall thresholds were investigated. Three mountainous catchments (Zhong, Balisi and Yu villages) in southern China were selected for case study. Results showed that the model performance of CNFF-HMS was very satisfactory for flash flood simulations in all these catchments, especially for multimodal flood events. Specifically, the relative errors of runoff and peak flow were within?±?20%, the error of time to peak flow was within?±?2 h and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency was greater than 0.90 for over 90% of the flash flood events. The rainfall thresholds varied between 93 and 334 mm at Zhong village, between 77 and 246 mm at Balisi village and between 111 and 420 mm at Yu village. Both antecedent soil moistures and rainfall temporal pattern significantly affected the variations of rainfall threshold. Rainfall threshold decreased by 8–38 and 0–42% as soil saturation increased from 0.20 to 0.50 and from 0.20 to 0.80, respectively. The effect of rainfall threshold was the minimum for the decreasing hyetograph (advanced pattern) and the maximum for the increasing hyetograph (delayed pattern), while it was similar for the design hyetograph and triangular hyetograph (intermediate patterns). Moreover, rainfall thresholds with short time spans were more suitable for early flood warning, especially in small rural catchments with humid climatic characteristics. This study was expected to provide insights into flash flood disaster forecasting and early warning in mountainous regions, and scientific references for the implementation of flash flood disaster prevention in China.  相似文献   

地质灾害是吉林省通化市较为严重的自然灾害之一。本文介绍了吉林省通化市地质灾害气象预报预警方法,通过建立预报预警模型,然后制作预警预报产品,并在汛期及时发布,对吉林省通化市地质灾害预报起到了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Li  Hsin-Chi  Kuo  Shih-Yun  Chen  Wei-Bo  Lin  Lee-yaw 《Natural Hazards》2019,95(3):547-568
Natural Hazards - Typhoon Morakot of 2009 caused the worst flooding in the history of Taiwan. Because research on climate change has indicated that similar extreme disasters are expected to become...  相似文献   

降雨是诱发地质灾害最主要的外部因素之一,在中国东南沿海中低山丘陵区强降雨诱发的地质灾害集群发生,造成了大量人员伤亡和财产损失。以福建省为例,深入挖掘多年历史地质灾害案例的降雨实况资料,以县级行政区为统计单元,基于定量化降雨估测对诱发群发性地质灾害的典型降雨过程进行相关性研究,并基于地质环境的量化指标进行了偏相关分析验证,建立了福建省有效降雨模型并通过现场监测和预警应用进行了验证。研究表明:福建地区地质灾害的发生与灾害发生3日内降雨相关,且以0.79为折减系数逐日折减,据此建立了福建地区有效降雨模型;将福建地区有效降雨模型应用于地质灾害气象预警,可以在保证地质灾害命中率的前提下,减少预警区面积、降低预警等级、缩短预警持续时间,提高地质灾害气象预警的精准性。研究结果有助于准确把握降雨特征,可为区域地质灾害气象预警中降雨因子的合理评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中国具有地质构造复杂,地貌类型多样,山区面积比例高等特点。近年来,在全球气候变化背景下,大量重大工程建设、不合理的资源开发和人类活动,导致各类地质灾害频发,严重影响了民生改善和小康社会建设进程,为地质灾害风险管控带来了挑战。开展地质灾害监测预警研究,能够为灾害风险管控、监测预警、防治减灾工作提供重要的科学依据。本文由中国地质灾害监测预警研究入手,着重分析讨论了我国地质灾害发育概况、监测预警既有成果和研究现状。然后从地质灾害监测预警的主要内容、主要技术方法和主要监测预警模型的发展和现状三个方面,讨论了"3S"技术在地质灾害监测预警中的研究现状和实践应用;最后详细讨论了目前基于"3S"技术的地质灾害监测预警平台在三峡库区和国家防灾减灾工作中的应用情况。本文最终结论认为,"3S"技术的地质灾害监测预警系统在各行业防灾减灾工作中的应用已日趋成熟,未来的地质灾害监测预警系统将以"3S"技术为基础,集观测、研究、风险评估、预报预警、预防治理为一体,有机结合各相关学科和大数据、人工智能、互联网+技术,通过对地质灾害的过程进行仿真模拟,分析诱发灾害的因素和发生强度,提高地质灾害预报的时间、地点、发生强度的准确性。  相似文献   

中国是世界上遭受泥石流灾害最为严重的国家之一,灾害发生数量大,造成的人员伤亡和财产损失较高,同时监测和防治难度极大。本文收集了2005-2015年间发生的全部泥石流灾害共计10 927起,对灾害发生时间、地点、灾害规模、灾害损失以及灾害成因进行了统计,发现泥石流灾害具有近年来发生数量明显下降、集中分布在西部和东南沿海省份、特大型和大型灾害损失最为惨重等时空分布特点及成灾特点。通过对具体案例剖析后发现,预警技术有待提高、山区城镇建设场地选址不当、多年来泥石流灾害防治标准偏低、震区灾害防治形势严峻、灾害防治意识淡薄为我国泥石流灾害危害严重的主要原因。同时,我国正在积极应对泥石流灾害的威胁,如:主动提高震区泥石流灾害防治标准,研发新型的拦挡技术;研发具备实时可视化等功能的监测预警系统,提高监测预警效率;提高群众防灾意识,大力发展群测群防监测预警体系;转变观念,将泥石流灾害防治与城镇化发展规划有机结合。  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhaohui  Zhang  Xuliang  Xu  Zongjun  Yao  Haiyan  Li  Ge  Liu  Xiujun 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):233-255

Storm surge, sea wave, sea ice, red tide and harmful marine creature bloom are main marine disasters occurring in the coast and offshore areas of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China. Marine disasters mentioned above can be divided into five categories, namely, marine meteorological disasters, marine hydrological disasters, marine geological disasters, marine ecological disasters and man-made marine disasters. Over the past century, the marine disasters in the coast and offshore areas of Qingdao City have caused great economic losses and casualties. In recent years, some problems still exist in emergency management against marine disasters in Qingdao City, such as inaccurate predictions of disasters, untimely early warning and lack of social participation in the emergency management. On the basis of scenario analysis, the authors try to predict different possible scenarios of marine disasters at different early warning levels and propose some optimized emergency countermeasures against marine disaster in Qingdao City. Results of our research can provide a theoretical basis for the revision and improvement of emergency plans and thus guarantee timely and effective emergency management actions against marine disasters in Qingdao City.


Storm surge, sea wave, sea ice, red tide and harmful marine creature bloom are main marine disasters occurring in the coast and offshore areas of Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China. Marine disasters mentioned above can be divided into five categories, namely, marine meteorological disasters, marine hydrological disasters, marine geological disasters, marine ecological disasters and man-made marine disasters. Over the past century, the marine disasters in the coast and offshore areas of Qingdao City have caused great economic losses and casualties. In recent years, some problems still exist in emergency management against marine disasters in Qingdao City, such as inaccurate predictions of disasters, untimely early warning and lack of social participation in the emergency management. On the basis of scenario analysis, the authors try to predict different possible scenarios of marine disasters at different early warning levels and propose some optimized emergency countermeasures against marine disaster in Qingdao City. Results of our research can provide a theoretical basis for the revision and improvement of emergency plans and thus guarantee timely and effective emergency management actions against marine disasters in Qingdao City.  相似文献   

2021年“7·20”极端暴雨引发河南省郑州市西部山区四市(荥阳、巩义、新密、登封)山洪地质灾害造成251人死亡失踪,分布在44个乡镇140个行政村、组或社区,既具有群发性、分散性,也具有相对集聚性。本次山洪地质灾害分散复杂,流域灾害链和区域灾害群共存,山洪灾害链呈现空间关联、时间接续、动力转换和灾情放大的效应。文章总结了山洪地质灾害时空分布特点,分析了山洪地质灾害的形成因素,探讨了索河流域邢门堂垴跨沟路基阻水溃决-王宗店暴洪冲淹-崔庙村海沟寨公路路基堰塞淹没等山洪灾害链的成因,研究了王宗店村南头组滑坡顺层滑移的地质力学模式及其稳定性与力学参数的关系。初步提出当前期过程或日降雨量达到200 mm,未来1 h预报雨量超过40 mm,或3 h预报雨量超过100 mm,可以作为山洪地质灾害预警响应判据,必须启动红色预警响应。研究结果可为郑州市西部山区预防应对山洪地质灾害提供决策支持,也可供类似的山地丘陵区城乡社区防灾减灾与应急响应参考。  相似文献   

This study examined the Kaoping River basin, Taiwan, an area severely destroyed by Typhoon Morakot in 2009. Dynamically downscaled data were applied to simulate extreme typhoon precipitation events for facilitating future preparation efforts (2075–2099) under climate change conditions. Models were used to simulate possible impacts in upstream and downstream areas for basinwide disaster loss assessment purposes. The Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability and FLO-2D models were applied to simulate slope-land disaster impacts and sediment volume in the upstream area. The sediment delivery ratio was used to calculate the valid sediment amount delivered downstream and the riverbed uplift altitude. SOBEK was used to build a flood impact model for the Kaoping River basin, and the model was used to simulate potential flooding caused by future extreme typhoon events. The Taiwan Typhoon Loss Assessment System established by the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction was used to evaluate the potential loss associated with extreme events. The property loss calculation included 32 land-use categories, including agriculture, forestry, fishery, and animal husbandry losses; industrial and commercial service losses; public building losses; and traffic and hydraulic facility losses. One of the Kaoping River basin townships, Daliao District, had the highest flood depth increase ratio (12.6%), and the losses were 1.5 times the original situation. This was much worse than were the losses suffered during Typhoon Morakot. These results also show that sediment delivered from the upstream areas had a significant influence on the downstream areas. This is a critical issue for future flood mitigation under climate change conditions.  相似文献   

Landslides frequently occur during large earthquakes and storms in Taiwan, supplying large volumes of sediment to downslope areas. When coupled with the intense northeast monsoon over Taiwan in the dry winter season, this can lead to high concentrations of airborne particulates that are hazardous to human health. Air quality monitoring stations near unvegetated riverbanks recorded high concentrations of particulate matter less than 10 μm (PM10) after Typhoon Morakot in 2009. The objective of this study was, therefore, to analyze the effects on air quality of sediment caused by the typhoon. A deflation module was simulated, and the resulting estimates were compared with observed data from the Taitung monitoring station for 2004 and 2005. The relationship of dust flux to average atmospheric dust concentration was analyzed for October to December 2001–2010. Analysis showed that the 2001–2008 data are highly correlated (0.78) with the average concentration. The intercept of 28.07 represented the background concentration with no dust emission, from October to December of 2001–2008. Based on the dust flux potential in 2009, the average yearly PM10 concentration would be 37.98 µg/m3; however, the measured concentration was 61.67 µg/m3 from October to December. This suggests the strong influence of dust re-suspended from unvegetated riverbanks by Typhoon Morakot.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the mechanism of the landslide event at Hsiaolin Village during Typhoon Morakot in 2009. This landslide event resulted in 400 deaths. The extremely high intensity and accumulative rainfall events may cause large-scale and complex landslide disasters. To study and understand a landslide event, a combination of field investigations and numerical models is used. The landslide area is determined by comparing topographic information from before and after the event. Physiographic parameters are determined from field investigations. These parameters are applied to a numerical model to simulate the landslide process. Due to the high intensity of the rainfall event, 1,675 mm during the 80 h before the landslide event, the water content of soil was rapidly increased causing a landslide to occur. According to the survivors, the total duration of the landslide run out was less than 3 min. Simulation results indicated that the total duration was about 150 s. After the landslide occurrence, the landslide mass separated into two parts by a spur at EL 590 in about 30 to 50 s. One part passed the spur in about 30 to 60 s. One part inundated the Hsiaolin Village and the other deposited at a local river channel and formed a landslide dam. The landslide dam had height between 50 and 60 m and length between 800 and 900 m. The simulation result shows that the proposed model can be used to evaluate the potential areas of landslides induced by extremely high intensity rainfall events.  相似文献   

传统的群测群防体系具有发现预警难、人员巡查难、变形监测难等问题,科研型专业监测设备又有着成本高、功耗高等问题,难以推广。自贡市采用功耗低、成本低、数据化、实时化的普适性地质灾害监测预警技术作为传统监测预警的补充,提升地质灾害监测预警能力;地质灾害监测预警模式通过传统的群测群防预警模式——人技结合的专业监测预警模式——"三统两分一考核"的综合监测预警预报模式的三级转变,进一步提升了地质灾害自动化专业监测预警的有效性和持续性。  相似文献   

主要介绍了泰安市地质灾害气象风险预警与指挥系统。系统开发的主要目的是为了更好的与泰安市地质灾害防治工作相结合,通过对气象因素及地质灾害资料的分析和研究,基于地质灾害气象预警模型,采用先进的 GIS 技术能实现对地质灾害易发风险性区域预警,能直观地了解到各部分区域的地质灾害易发风险性,为各级政府防灾减灾提供科学的技术支撑。  相似文献   

This study employed genetic adaptive neural networks in the classification of high-resolution satellite images from which data related to surface conditions in mountainous areas of Taiwan were derived. Principal component analysis was then used to extract factors associated with the threat of natural disaster, and logistic regression was used to compute the probability of disaster occurrence. Through field surveys, interviews with district officials and a review of relevant literature, the probability of a sediment disaster was estimated as well as the vulnerability of the villages concerned and the degree to which these villages were prepared, to construct a risk evaluation model. A geographic information system was used to plot regional risk maps as a means to enhance the safety of residents in the study area. The risk assessment model can be used by authorities to make provisions for high-risk areas, to reduce the number of casualties and social costs of sediment disasters.  相似文献   

On October 25, 2010, a large earthquake occurred off the coast of the Mentawai islands in Indonesia, generating a tsunami that caused damage to the coastal area of North Pagai, South Pagai, and Sipora islands. Field surveys were conducted soon after the event by several international survey teams, including the authors’. These surveys clarified the tsunami height distribution, the damage that took place, and residents’ awareness of tsunamis in the affected islands. Heights of over 5 m were recorded on the coastal area of the Indian Ocean side of North and South Pagai islands and the south part of Sipora island. In some villages, it was difficult to evacuate immediately after the earthquake because of the lack of routes to higher ground or the presence of rivers. Residents in some villages had taken part in tsunami drills or education; however, not all villages shared awareness of tsunami threats. In the present paper, based on the results of these field surveys, the vulnerability of these islands with regards to future tsunami threats was analyzed. Three important aspects of this tsunami disaster, namely the geographic disadvantage of the islands, the resilience of buildings and other infrastructure, and people’s awareness of tsunamis, are discussed in detail, and corresponding tsunami mitigation strategies are explained.  相似文献   

The article evaluates household vulnerability after the 2000 flood in two poor communities of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study analyses the forms of vulnerability which disasters such as floods present. Using data gathered from a survey of households, the study presents the impacts, coping and adapting strategies of households after the 2000 flood. The article argues that beyond the concern over socio-economic circumstances as the major determinant of household vulnerability, the management of the disaster can serve to perpetuate vulnerability.  相似文献   

Zhang  Lijie  Zhu  Huiyun  Liu  Jiancheng 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2619-2633
Natural Hazards - Typhoon is one of the main natural disasters affecting China. Every year typhoons cause lots of property losses and casualties. If the early warning department can issue early...  相似文献   

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