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Shrimp U–Pb zircon dating of structurally constrained felsic orthogneiss samples in the western Musgrave Block has been used to delineate discrete magmatic and metamorphic events at c . 1300 and c . 1200  Ma. The dating of pre-D1 and post-D1 felsic orthogneiss constrains D1 to have occurred at 1312±16 to 1324±4  Ma. This is the first geochronological study to identify such a metamorphic and deformation event in the Musgrave Block. D1 was accompanied by a major magmatic event involving the emplacement of voluminous felsic orthogneiss between 1296 and 1324  Ma. Zircon overgrowths on numerous igneous zircon cores give a consistent age of c . 1200  Ma, reflecting zircon growth during a second high-grade metamorphic event (D2). This c . 1200  Ma metamorphic event was followed by the intrusion of a c . 1190  Ma megacrystic granite. The c . 1300 and c . 1200  Ma events in the Musgrave Block can be tentatively correlated with metamorphic events in the Albany-Fraser Orogen, and the Windmill Islands and Bunger Hills in east Antarctica. A major continuous Grenville-age orogenic belt joining these areas may have represented a plate boundary between the pre-Rodinian proto-Australian continent and proto-Antarctica during the formation of Rodinia in the Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

Timing constraints on shear zones can provide an insight into the kinematic and exhumation evolution of metamorphic belts. In the Musgrave Block, central Australia, granulite facies gneisses have been affected, to varying degrees, by mylonitic deformation, some of which attained eclogite facies. The Davenport Shear Zone is a dominant strike-slip system that formed at eclogite facies conditions ( T  ≈650  °C and P ≈12.0  kbar). Sm–Nd mineral isochrons obtained from equilibrated high-pressure assemblages, as well as 40Ar–39Ar data, show that the eclogite and greenschist facies high-strain overprints were coeval, at c .  550  Ma. Mylonitic processes do not appear to have reset the U–Pb system in zircon, but may have partially disturbed it. The thermal gradient in the Musgrave Block crust at c .  550  Ma was c .  16  °C  km−1 and at c .  535  Ma was c .  18  °C  km−1, based on P – T  estimates of eclogite and greenschist facies shear zones, respectively. These estimates are similar to present-day geothermal gradients in many stable continental shield areas, suggesting that the region did not undergo a significant transient perturbation of the geotherm. Therefore, in the Musgrave Block, cooling subsequent to eclogite facies metamorphism appears to have been controlled by exhumation, rather than by the removal of a heat source. Estimated exhumation rates in the range 0.2 to ≥1.5  mm year−1 are comparable with other orogenic belts, rather than cratonic areas elsewhere.  相似文献   

Abstract In granulite facies metapelitic rocks in the Musgrave Complex, central Australia, reaction between S1 garnet and sillimanite involves the development in S2 of both garnet + cordierite + hercynitic spinel + biotite and hercynitic spinel + cordierite + sillimanite + biotite. The S2 assemblages occur either in coronas and symplectites, mainly around garnet, or, in rocks in which S2 is more strongly developed, as recrystallized assemblages. Ignoring the presence of biotite and ilmenite, the mineral textures can be accounted for qualitatively by a consideration of the model system FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS); the textural relationships accord with decompression accompanying the change from S1 to S2. However, since biotite and ilmenite are involved in the assemblages, the parageneses are better accounted for in terms of equilibria in the expanded model system K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2-TiO2-Fe2O3 (KFMASHTO), i.e. AFM + TiO2+ Fe2O3. The coronas reflect the tectonic unroofing of at least part of the Musgrave Complex from peak S1 conditions of about 8 kbar to S2 conditions of about 4 kbar.  相似文献   

The Higo Complex of west-central Kyushu, western Japan is a 25 km long body of metasedimentary and metabasic lithologies that increase in metamorphic grade from schist in the north to migmatitic granulite in the south, where granitoids are emplaced along the southern margin. The timing of granulite metamorphism has been extensively investigated and debated. Previously published Sm–Nd mineral isochrons for garnet-bearing metapelite yielded ca.220–280 Ma ages, suggesting high-grade equilibration older than the lower grade schist to the north, which yielded ca.180 Ma K–Ar muscovite ages. Ion and electron microprobe analyses on zircon have yielded detrital grains with rim ages of ca.250 Ma and ca.110 Ma. Electron microprobe ages from monazite and xenotime are consistently 110–130 Ma. Two models have been proposed: 1) high-grade metamorphism and tectonism at ca.115 Ma, with older ages attributed to inheritance; and 2) high-grade metamorphism at ca.250 Ma, with resetting of isotopic systems by contact metamorphism at ca.105 Ma during the intrusion of granodiorite. These models are evaluated through petrographic investigation and electron microprobe Th–U–total Pb dating of monazite in metapelitic migmatites and associated lithologies. In-situ investigation of monazite reveals growth and dissolution features associated with prograde and retrograde stages of progressive metamorphism and deformation. Monazite Th–U–Pb isochrons from metapelite, diatexite and late-deformational felsic dykes consistently yield ca.110–120 Ma ages. Earlier and later stages of monazite growth cannot be temporally resolved. The preservation of petrogenetic relationships, coupled with the low diffusion rate of Pb at < 900 °C in monazite, is strong evidence for timing high-temperature metamorphism and deformation at ca.115 Ma. Older ages from a variety of chronometers are attributed to isotopic disequilibrium between mineral phases and the preservation of inherited and detrital age components. Tentative support is given to tectonic models that correlate the Higo terrane with exotic terranes between the Inner and Outer tectonic Zones of southwest Japan, possibly derived from the active continental margin of the South China Block. These terranes were dismembered and translated northeastwards by transcurrent shearing and faulting from the beginning to the end of the Cretaceous Period.  相似文献   

多期变质变形事件的精确年代限定是造山构造年代学研究的热点问题之一。本文尝试运用面理弯切轴测量技术,结合石榴石Lu-Hf和原位独居石U-Pb定年,厘定北祁连托勒牧场地区石榴石和斜长石斑晶记录的两期构造变形事件:石榴石斑晶生长记录的早期构造变形事件年代为512.3±2.7Ma;斜长石斑晶生长记录的晚期构造变形事件年代不早于481.0±2.3Ma,并推断该期构造变形水平挤压主应力方向为北东-南西。斜长石斑晶内未发现独居石,用于年代学测试的独居石颗粒均位于斜长石斑晶外基质中。显微构造分析认为,独居石生长不早于斜长石斑晶。481.0±2.3Ma的独居石U-Pb年龄,应为斜长石斑晶所记录构造变形的时代下限。结合前人锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素研究结果分析认为,获得的512.3±2.7Ma石榴石-全岩Lu-Hf等时线年龄,代表了祁连洋俯冲过程中石榴石的生长时间,后期变质变形作用未对石榴石的Lu-Hf同位素体系产生明显影响。结合显微构造分析,石榴石Lu-Hf定年可为早期构造变形提供有效年代学制约。  相似文献   

Sm–Nd ages from the Harts Range in the south-eastern Arunta Inlier in central Australia indicate that regional metamorphism up to granulite facies occurred in the Early Ordovician (c. 475 Ma). This represents a radical departure from previous tectonic models for the region and identifies a previously unrecognized intraplate event in central Australia. Peak metamorphic assemblages (800 °C and 10.5 kbar) formed at around 476±14 Ma and underwent approximately 4 kbar of near-isothermal decompression at 475±4 Ma. A coarse-grained unfoliated garnet–clinopyroxene-bearing marble inferred to have recrystallized late in the decompressional evolution, gives an age of 469±7 Ma. Two lines of evidence suggest the Early Ordovician tectonism occurred in an extensional setting. First, the timing of the high-grade lower crustal deformation coincides with a period of marine sedimentation in the Amadeus and Georgina basins that was associated with a seaway that developed across central Australia. Second, isothermal decompression of lower crustal rocks was associated with the formation of a regional, sub-horizontal mid-crustal foliation. In the Entia Gneiss Complex, which forms the structurally lowest part of the Harts Range, upper-amphibolite facies metamorphism (c. 700 °C, 8–9 kbar) occurred at 479±15 Ma. There is no evidence that P–T conditions in the Entia Gneiss Complex were as high as in the overlying units. This implies that the extensional system was reworked during a later compressional event. Sm–Nd data from the mid-amphibolite facies (c. 650 °C and 6 kbar) detachment zone that separates the Irindina Supracrustal Assemblage and Entia Gneiss Complex give an age of 449±10 Ma. This age corresponds to the timing of a change in the pattern and style of sedimentation in the Amadeus and Georgina basins, and indicates that the change in basin dynamics was associated with mid-crustal deformation. It also suggests that compressional deformation culminating in the Devonian to Carboniferous (400–300 Ma) Alice Springs Orogeny may have begun as early as c. 450 Ma. At present, the extent of Early Ordovician tectonism in central Australia is unknown. However, granulite facies metamorphism and associated intense deformation imply an event of regional extent. An implication of this work is that high-grade lower crustal metamorphism and intense deformation occurred during the development of a broad, shallow, slowly subsiding intraplate basin.  相似文献   

The Amapá Block, southeastern Guiana Shield, represents an Archean block involved in a large Paleoproterozoic belt, with evolution related to the Transamazonian orogenic cycle (2.26 to 1.95 Ga). High spatial resolution dating using an electron-probe microanalyzer (EPMA) was employed to obtain U–Th–Pb chemical ages in monazite of seven rock samples of the Archean basement from that tectonic block, which underwent granulite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Pb–Pb zircon dating was also performed on one sample.Monazite and zircon ages demonstrate that the metamorphic overprinting of the Archean basement occurred during the Transamazonian orogenesis, and two main tectono-thermal events were recorded. The first one is revealed by monazite ages of 2096 ± 6, 2093 ± 8, 2088 ± 8, 2087 ± 3 and 2086 ± 8 Ma, and by the zircon age of 2091 ± 5 Ma, obtained in granulitic rocks. These concordant ages provided a reliable estimate of the time of the granulite-facies metamorphism in the southwest of the Amapá Block and, coupled with petro-structural data, suggest that it was contemporaneous to the development of a thrusting system associated to the collisional stage of the Transamazonian orogenesis, at about 2.10–2.08 Ga.The later event, under amphibolite-facies conditions, is recorded by monazite ages of 2056 ± 7 and 2038 ± 6 Ma, and is consistent with a post-collisional stage, marked by granite emplacement and coeval migmatization of the Archean basement along strike-slip shear zones.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of CHIME (chemical Th–U–Pb isochron method) dating of detrital monazites from Carboniferous sandstones in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin (USCB). A total of 4739 spots on 863 monazite grains were analyzed from samples of sandstone derived from six stratigraphic units in the sedimentary sequence. Age distributions were identified in detrital monazites from the USCB sequence and correlated with specific dated domains in potential source areas. Most monazites in all samples yielded ca. 300–320 Ma (Variscan) ages; however, eo-Variscan, Caledonian and Cadomian ages were also obtained. The predominant ages are comparable to reported ages of certain tectonostratigraphic domains in the polyorogenic Bohemian Massif (BM), which suggests that various crystalline lithologies in the BM were the dominant sources of USCB sediments.  相似文献   

Joseph M. Pyle 《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):201-232
Analysis of monazite-bearing lithologies from the Precambrian Honey Brook Upland (HBU) and overlying metasedimentary Paleozoic Chester Valley Sequence (CVS) (SE PA, USA) reveals overprinting of primary major and accessory phase parageneses by texturally and compositionally disparate secondary accessory phase parageneses. Two-pyroxene temperatures of 915–945 °C for reconstituted pyroxene reflect emplacement temperatures of felsic plutonic rocks (opdalite, charnockite) prior to Mesoproterozoic metamorphism. Monazite in metavolcanic felsic gneiss yields three age domains at 1009 ± 4 Ma (2 s.e.), 965 ± 6, and 876 ± 10 Ma. The first two domains record metamorphism of the HBU after anorthosite intrusion; peak monazite–xenotime temperatures for the monazite core domain are 700 °C, and high Th/U values in the second (overgrowth) age domain likely reflect a second high-T monazite growth episode. Formation of cummingtonite coronas on orthopyroxene in opdalite constrains maximum 1010 Ma metamorphic temperatures in the “granulite-facies” terrane to 730–740 °C. Evidence of increased Cl fluid activity in the 965 Ma metamorphism includes higher Cl content of matrix apatite relative to garnet-included apatite (metavolcanics), and Cl-bearing K-hornblende succeeding cummingtonite in coronal overgrowths (opdalite). Extreme monazite Th/U values (75–250) in the rim domain suggest growth during low-T hydrothermal alteration. In the opdalite, secondary singe-grain monazite and monazite + xenotime metasomites in apatite yield ages of 714 ± 24 and 586 ± 88 Ma, temperatures of 325–425 °C, and are interpreted to reflect thermal disturbances associated with late Proterozoic plutonic and volcanic activity in the Upland. This thermal disturbance may be recorded by Rb–Sr age of 567 Ma for biotite from a HBU gneiss. Monazite age domains in metaquartzite (378 ± 28, 272 ± 44 Ma) suggest that low-grade metamorphism (260–320 °C, Mnz–Xno thermometry) of the CVS is not a result of Taconian orogenesis.  相似文献   

张聪  刘晓瑜  杨经绥  李鹏  张立飞 《岩石学报》2016,32(12):3715-3728
同一造山带中所包含的多期造山作用信息是研究不同时代区域构造演化的重要依据,对理解不同时期造山过程中岩石组合及其地球化学演化有重要的指示意义。但由于晚期造山作用往往会部分或者完全抹除岩石中保存的早期造山作用信息,使得对记录多期造山作用的岩石中早期造山带变质作用及年代学信息的研究变得十分困难。独居石为一种副变质岩中的常见副矿物,由于其具有很高的U-Th-Pb体系封闭温度和对流体及变质温压条件的敏感性,使其可以记录多期造山过程中丰富的年代学信息。电子探针独居石原位化学定年方法使得年代学信息与岩石中矿物学信息及变质反应相联系,从而得到不同时期岩石记录的P-T-t轨迹。我们利用独居石电子探针原位U-Th-Pb定年手段与岩石学研究相结合的方法,在柴北缘早古生代加里东期超高压变质带锡铁山地区的含石榴石蓝晶石/夕线石黑云斜长片麻岩基质矿物及石榴石变斑晶的独居石中获得886±18Ma格林威尔期的年龄等时线。独居石稀土元素配分特征与新元古代变质独居石相吻合。通过传统矿物对温压计计算得到格林威尔期现存矿物组合记录了高角闪岩相变质温压条件607~727℃,6.5~10.0kbar,略高于区内记录古生代变质作用的副片麻岩。与记录古生代加里东期变质年龄的副片麻岩相比,格林威尔期副片麻岩在微量元素地球化学上具有高的稀土总量和明显的Eu的负异常特点(Eu/Eu*=0.50),并相应的亏损Ba、Sr元素,表现出活动大陆边缘沉积岩的地球化学特征。结合全球格林威尔期造山事件及罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成及裂解过程,我们认为柴北缘地区在新元古代时期应为与罗迪尼亚超大陆形成有关的活动大陆边缘地区。  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Key insights into the timing of tectonometamorphic events in a complex high-grade metamorphic terrane can be obtained by combining results from SHRIMP II ion microprobe studies of individual monazite grains with SHRIMP II studies and scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of zircons. Results from the Reynolds Range region, Arunta Block, Northern Territory, Australia, show that the final episode of regional metamorphism to high-T and low-P granulite facies conditions is most likely to have occurred at c. 1580 Ma, not at 1785–1775 Ma, as previously accepted. The previous interpretation was based on zircon studies of structurally controlled granitoids, without SEM-based CL imaging. Monazites in a 1806± 6 Ma megacrystic granitoid preserve rare cores that are interpreted to be inherited magmatic monazite, but record no evidence of another high-T event prior to 1580 Ma. Most monazites from the region record only a single high-T metamorphic event at c. 1580 Ma. Zircon inheritance is very common. Zircons or narrow overgrowths of zircon dated at c. 1580 Ma have only been found in two types of rocks: rocks produced by metasomatic fluid flow at high temperatures (≤750°C), and rocks that have undergone local partial melting. Previous explanations that attributed these 1580 Ma zircon ages to widespread hydrothermal fluid fluxing associated with post-tectonic pegmatite emplacement at amphibolite facies conditions are not supported by the available evidence including oxygen isotope data. The observed high regional metamorphic temperatures require the involvement of advective heating. However, contrary to a previous tectonic model for the formation of this and other low-P, high-T metamorphic belts, the granites that are exposed at the present structural level do not appear to be the source of that heat, unless some of the granites were emplaced at c. 1580 Ma.  相似文献   

REE mineralogy was characterized at the micrometer scale (using scanning electron microscopy) in the four tectono-metamorphic units of the Beni Mzala window, Sebtide Complex, Internal Rif, Morocco, which sample a HP-LT metamorphic gradient from subgreenschist to blueschist/eclogite facies. These tectonic units are composed of garnet-free metapelites (and associated synmetamorphic veins) from the same homogeneous aluminium-rich and calcium-poor protolith. In that context, mineralogical differences between units are assumed to result from contrasted pressure and temperature histories. Light REE-bearing Al-phosphates of the crandallite group with florencite-rich composition and variable goyazite content are the dominant LREE minerals in the lowest-grade units, Tizgarine (300 °C, 3 kbar as peak conditions) and Boquete de Anjera (350 °C, 10 kbar). In the latter unit, metamorphic florencite is associated with MREE-rich monazite. In the schist of the highest-grade units, Beni Mzala 2 (420–450 °C, 12 kbar) and Beni Mzala 1 (550 °C, 16 kbar), associations of allanite-rich epidote and synchisite (a LREE-fluorocarbonate) are found whereas florencite and monazite are no longer observed. At the wall of the quartz–kyanite veins, retrograde monazite-(Ce) with grain size of 20 to 50 μm is the only LREE-bearing mineral. Th–Pb and U–Pb SIMS data on some of these grains yield ages of 21.3 ± 1.7 Ma and 20.9 ± 2.1 Ma, respectively, consistent with previous K–Ar ages obtained on retrograde clay–mica mixtures in rocks from the same locality. The identification of a stability field for monazite in high-pressure aluminous metapelites with an upper thermal-limit below 450 °C as well as the derivation of meaningful U–Pb and Th–Pb SIMS ages demonstrates the monazite potential for dating HP-LT metapelites. However, since, under these conditions, monazite growth occurs below its admitted closure-temperature, these ages must be interpreted on the basis of monazite textural relationships.  相似文献   


We present new data on the field geology and late thermal evolution of the Redbank Thrust system in the Arunta Block of central Australia. Geochronological and field data from the Speares Metamorphics are also used to relate the thermal evolution of the Redbank Thrust system to the structural evolution of the region. We show that several stages in the evolution might be discerned. An originally sedimentary sequence was intruded by mafic intrusions and then deformed during partial melting to form the principal foliation observed in the region (D1). This sequence was then folded during D2 into upright folds with north‐ to northeast‐plunging fold axes. These events are likely to correlate with the Strangways and/or Argilke and Chewings Orogenies known from previous studies. Subsequently, the Redbank Thrust was initiated during D3. This event is recognised by deflection of the host rocks into the shear zone and might therefore have been associated with a component of strike‐slip motion. It occurred probably at or before 1500–1400 Ma. Subsequent north‐over‐south thrust motion in the Redbank Thrust formed the intense mylonitic fabric and folded the mylonitic fabric during D4 into asymmetric folds with shallow fold axes. New 40Ar/39Ar K‐feldspar ages from three samples collected from variably deformed branches of the Redbank Thrust and undeformed rocks in the Speares Metamorphics suggest that most parts of the Redbank Thrust system cooled relatively slowly after metamorphism and deformation in the Mesoproterozoic so that the D4 thrusting might have been very long‐lived. Minimum ages of the K‐feldspar age spectra show that the entire region cooled below 200°C by approximately 300 Ma. Apatite fission track ages from nine samples show that cooling through the apatite partial annealing zone occurred during Cretaceous time (ca 150–70 Ma) and modelled cooling histories are consistent with the cooling rates obtained from the K‐feldspar data. They indicate that final exhumation of the Redbank Thrust system occurred probably in response to erosion, possibly driven by rifting around the margins of Australia.  相似文献   

Panseok Yang  David Pattison 《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):233-253
The paragenesis of monazite in metapelitic rocks from the contact aureole of the Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, was investigated using zoning patterns of monazite and garnet, electron microprobe dating of monazite, bulk-rock compositions, and major phase mineral equilibria. The area is characterized by low-pressure and high-temperature metamorphism with metamorphic zones ranging from garnet to sillimanite zones. Garnet porphyroblasts containing euhedral Y annuli are observed from the garnet to sillimanite zones. Although major phase mineral equilibria predict resorption of garnet at the staurolite isograd and regrowth at the andalusite isograd, textural and mass balance analyses suggest that the formation of the Y annuli is not related to the resorption-and-regrowth of garnet having formed instead during garnet growth in the garnet zone. Monazite grains in Black Hills pelites were divided into two generations on the basis of zoning patterns of Y and U: monazite 1 with low-Y and -U and monazite 2 with high-Y and -U. Monazite 1 occurs in the garnet zone and persists into the sillimanite zone as cores shielded by monazite 2 which starts to form in the andalusite zone. Pelites containing garnet porphyroblasts with Y annuli and monazite 1 with patchy Th zoning are more calcic than those with garnet with no Y annuli and monazite with concentric Th zoning. Monazite 1 is attributed to breakdown of allanite in the garnet zone, additionally giving rise to the Y annuli observed in garnet. Monazite 2 grows in the andalusite zone, probably at the expense of garnet and monazite 1 in the andalusite and sillimanite zones. The ages of the two different generations of monazite are within the precision of chemical dating of electron microprobe. The electron microprobe ages of all monazites from the Black Hills show a single ca. 1713 Ma population, close to the intrusion age of the Harney Peak Granite (1715 Ma). This study demonstrates that Y zoning in garnet and monazite are critical to the interpretation of monazite petrogenesis and therefore monazite ages.  相似文献   

平顶山砂岩是华北陆块晚古生代地层上部的一个显著的标志层,以其广泛的分布、特殊的岩性,以及对晚古生代地层的分划性而著称,暗示了平顶山砂岩可能是一次地质事件的记录,但有关平顶山砂岩的沉积时代和沉积环境一直是争论的焦点。本项研究选取华北陆块南部平顶山砂岩的创名地点———平顶山地区,及其北部巩义地区和宜阳地区的平顶山砂岩样品,进行碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年,并辅以Hf同位素测定,分析平顶山砂岩的最大沉积年龄和沉积物源区,在此基础上,进一步分析平顶山砂岩的沉积时代和沉积环境。研究表明,华北陆块南部平顶山、巩义和宜阳地区平顶山砂岩4个样品的碎屑锆石主要为古生代岩浆锆石和前寒武纪变质锆石。其中,古生代锆石占13%,具有~259Ma、~318Ma和~435Ma的峰值年龄;前寒武纪锆石占87%,具有显著的~1871Ma和~2459Ma峰值年龄,还有两个仅由3颗锆石组成的不明显的峰值~812Ma和~976Ma。采用最年轻单颗粒年龄(YSG)限定地层最大沉积年龄的方法,确定出三个地区4个样品YSG年龄分别为249±8Ma、260±7Ma、252±7Ma和248±7Ma,与二叠系-三叠系沉积界线年龄251.0±0.4Ma相接近,推测平顶山砂岩的底界可能是二叠纪与三叠纪的接触界线,即华北陆块南部平顶山砂岩的地质时代应归属于早三叠世。根据平顶山砂岩的沉积和构造背景分析,以及与潜在物源区年龄图谱和值的对比,平顶山砂岩的主要物源区为华北陆块北部内蒙古隆起上的晚古生代侵入岩体和华北陆块的变质基底,次要物源区为北秦岭造山带加里东期的中-酸性花岗质侵入岩和~1000Ma花岗岩或被侵入的该地区的主要变质地层(秦岭群、二郎坪群和宽坪群)。根据平顶山砂岩最大沉积年龄和沉积物源区分析,结合平顶山砂岩下伏地层(山西组、下石盒子组和上石盒子组)沉积物几乎全部来源于华北陆块北部的内蒙古隆起,平顶山砂岩上覆的石千峰组(除平顶山砂岩之外)的物源主要来源于北秦岭造山带的认识,推测平顶山砂岩可能是二叠纪与三叠纪之交沉积和构造环境变化在华北陆块南部的物质表现。  相似文献   

超基性岩本身难以生长锆石的特性,使得研究其中的锆石需要特别谨慎。超基性岩中的锆石虽然具有多解性,但是锆石也携带了很多演化信息。产出不同地质背景的超基性岩,其中的锆石特征不同。本文总结现有的研究实例表明:(1)经历高温高压变质作用的石榴橄榄岩通常通过交代作用获得锆石,且锆石能够记录峰期变质时代,其中的继承锆石较少,可能在高温高压条件下,继承锆石发生分解重结晶;(2)大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩和地幔岩捕掳体中通常具有年龄分布很广的锆石年龄特征,锆石年龄峰值通常与区域上构造事件相吻合,为捕掳晶锆石。接下来本文以西南天山超高压(UHP)蛇纹岩为例,对其锆石年龄进行解释。西南天山蛇纹岩为经历过超高压变质作用的大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩,2个蛇纹岩样品中锆石的阴极发光图像分析和SIMS U-Pb定年分析结果显示,西南天山UHP蛇纹岩中的锆石包含捕掳晶锆石和变质锆石,捕掳晶锆石的年龄为2.1~1.0Ga,对应该区变泥质岩中碎屑锆石记录的年龄峰值。409~537Ma可能代表了蛇纹岩原岩结晶时代。区域上的变质压力峰期年龄(~320Ma)在蛇纹岩中没有记录,仅有1颗锆石记录了309±5Ma的近峰期时代。270~155Ma的退变质时代在西南天山蛇纹岩中出现较广,这与榴辉岩中出现的退变年龄相吻合,代表了折返过程中较为普遍的后期热液事件。基于对超基性岩中锆石特征的初步了解,结合西南天山蛇纹岩的研究实例,认为通过研究锆石的年代学,结合锆石矿物化学、包体矿物学、同位素地球化学等特征,不仅可以提供年代学信息,还可以对超基性岩的来源和演化过程进行解析。  相似文献   

In Permian times the Baoshan Block of western Yunnan, southwest China formed the eastern part of the Cimmerian Continent. Most biogeographical and sedimentological data indicate that the Early Permian Dingjiazhai Formation formed on the block under conditions strongly influenced by the Permo-Carboniferous glaciation. After Early Permian rifting, with post-glaciation climatic amelioration, and as the Baoshan Block drifted northwards to approach South China and Indochina, faunal elements characteristic of Gondwana affinity decreased, while those of Cathaysian affinity increased. Finally, Late Permian faunas are characterized by exclusively Cathaysian elements. This shift of marine provinciality becomes an important indicator in understanding the Permian paleoclimatic evolution of the region. This research investigated the composition of carbonate grain associations and the early diagenetic features of limestones from the upper part of the Dingjiazhai Formation, and from the overlying Yongde and Shazipo formations. A sharp distinction in petrological and diagenetic features is recognized between the Dingjiazhai Formation and the two overlying formations. The Dingjiazhai carbonates are characterized by the bryonoderm (bryozoan-echinoderm)-extended facies of the heterozoan association, with no non-skeletal grains. Because early diagenetic cement was rarely formed, the Dingjiazhai carbonates experienced strong diagenetic compaction. In contrast, the Yongde and Shazipo carbonates show a chloroforam facies of photozoan association, with the common occurrence of non-skeletal grains. These carbonates were well cemented during early diagenetic processes. From comparison with Permian cool-water carbonates from northern Pangea and Tasmania, Australia, the Dingjiazhai carbonates are interpreted as deposits of warm-temperate conditions, while the overlying carbonates are considered to be deposits of subtropical or tropical conditions. This climatic interpretation, based on the petrographic features of the Permian carbonates, agrees well with existing biogeographical data from the region.  相似文献   

石榴石 Sm Nd 等时线法是近年来常用于较新年龄的测年方法。腾冲地块西缘新近发现的基性麻粒岩中石榴石和全岩的 Sm Nd 等时线年龄为 17~25 Ma, 是该麻粒岩经受后期变形变质作用的年龄, 与区内右旋走滑断裂活动时限相一致,为确证腾冲地区的右旋走滑断裂是印支地块逸出的西部边界提供了 Sm Nd 等时线方法的年龄约束。并推断石榴石 Sm Nd 体系的封闭温度较低, 应低于那邦变质基性岩晚期变质作用的640℃~720℃。  相似文献   

杨红  刘福来  杜利林  刘平华  王舫 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):2994-3014
大红山群是扬子地台西缘相对较老的地层单元,普遍经历了绿片岩相-低角闪岩相变质作用。其中部的曼岗河组、红山组已获得古元古代晚期~1.68Ga的成岩年龄,其底部的老厂河组却未有相关年龄的报道。大红山群的变质时代目前也无精确的年龄结果。本文以老厂河组厚层变质沉积岩中的薄层变质火山岩样品为研究对象,在岩相学研究的基础上,运用LA-ICP-MS方法对变质火山岩锆石进行原位U-Pb同位素定年及相关的微量、稀土元素测试,获得变质火山岩的原岩年龄和变质年龄:(1)老厂河组变质中酸性岩和变质基性岩中岩浆锆石微区的207Pb/206Pb加权平均年龄分别为1711±4Ma和1686±4Ma,限定老厂河组的形成年龄范围为1711~1686Ma;(2)变质基性岩(石榴斜长角闪岩)中变质锆石的206Pb/238U年龄为849±12Ma。本文结果表明,大红山群的形成时代可提早至1711±4Ma,又一次证明了扬子地台西缘古老结晶基底的存在;大红山群在~850Ma经历了一期新元古代变质事件,这期变质可能是与扬子地台西缘新元古代岩浆事件有关的区域变质事件。  相似文献   

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