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The Deccan flows at Mahabaleshwar are divisible into a lower and an upper group, based on Nd and Sr isotopic ratios, which define two correlated trends. This distinction is supported by incompatible element ratios and bulk compositions. The data reflect contamination in a dynamic system of magmas from an LIL-depleted,εJUV ≥ +8 mantle by two different negative εJUV endmembers, one undoubtedly continental crust, the other either continental crust or enriched mantle. The depleted mantle source, anomalously high in (87Sr/86Sr), may have been in the subcontinental lithosphere or a region of rising Indian Ocean MORB mantle.  相似文献   


In the Tarim Basin, black shale series at the bottom of Cambrian is one of the important marine facies hydrocarbon source rocks. This research focuses on the analysis of the isotope of noble gas of 11 cherts. The R/R a ratio of chert in the Keping area is 0.032–0.319, and 40Ar/36Ar is 338–430. In Quruqtagh the R/R a ratio is 0.44–10.21, and 40Ar/36Ar is 360–765. The R/R a ratio of chert increases with 40Ar/36Ar from the west to the east accordingly. They have evolved from the crust source area to the mantle source area in a direct proportion. Surplus argon 40ArE in chert is in direct proportion to the R/R a ratio, indicating that it has the same origin of excess argon as in fluid and mantle source helium. Comparison of the R/R a ratios between the west and the east shows that the chert in the eastern part formed from the activity system of the bottom hydrothermal venting driven by the mantle source, where the material and energy of crust and mantle had a strong interaction in exchange; whereas in the western part, chert deposited from the floating of hydrothermal plume undersea bottom, which is far away from the centre of activities of the hydrothermal fluid of ocean bottom. In addition, from noble gas isotope composition of chert, it is suggested that the ocean anoxia incident happened at the black shale of the Cambrian bottom probably because of the large-scaled ocean volcanoes and the following hydrothermal activities.


In the Tarim Basin, black shale series at the bottom of Cambrian is one of the important marine facies hydrocarbon source rocks. This research focuses on the analysis of the isotope of noble gas of 11 cherts. The R/R a ratio of chert in the Keping area is 0.032–0.319, and 40Ar/36Ar is 338–430. In Quruqtagh the R/R a ratio is 0.44–10.21, and 40Ar/36Ar is 360–765. The R/R a ratio of chert increases with 40Ar/36Ar from the west to the east accordingly. They have evolved from the crust source area to the mantle source area in a direct proportion. Surplus argon 40ArE in chert is in direct proportion to the R/R a ratio, indicating that it has the same origin of excess argon as in fluid and mantle source helium. Comparison of the R/R a ratios between the west and the east shows that the chert in the eastern part formed from the activity system of the bottom hydrothermal venting driven by the mantle source, where the material and energy of crust and mantle had a strong interaction in exchange; whereas in the western part, chert deposited from the floating of hydrothermal plume undersea bottom, which is far away from the centre of activities of the hydrothermal fluid of ocean bottom. In addition, from noble gas isotope composition of chert, it is suggested that the ocean anoxia incident happened at the black shale of the Cambrian bottom probably because of the large-scaled ocean volcanoes and the following hydrothermal activities.  相似文献   

The gas composition of recent thermal waters is in perfect conformity with their geologictectonic positions. The composition of gas-liquid inclusions in the basic-hyperbasic xenoliths of basaltoid lavas depends on the depth from which xenoliths are supplied. (The depth is determined by using the methods of geological thermobarometers). By comparing available data we came to the conchision that the gas compositions of thermal waters reflect the depth of generation of deep fluid which heats them and depends on the penetration depth of the fluid-conducting fissure zones.  相似文献   

In contrast to most other arcs with oceanic plate subduction, the Aegean arc is characterized by continent–continent subduction. Noble gas abundances and isotopic compositions of 45 gas samples have been determined from 6 volcanoes along the arc, 2 islands in the back-arc region and 7 sites in the surrounding areas. The 3He/4He ratios of the samples ranged from 0.027RA to 6.2RA (RA denotes the atmospheric 3He/4He ratio of 1.4×10−6), demonstrating that even the maximum 3He/4He ratio in the region is significantly lower than the maximum ratios of most oceanic subduction systems, which are equal to the MORB value of 8±1 RA. Regional variations in the 3He/4He ratio were observed both along and across the arc. The maximum 3He/4He ratio was obtained from Nisyros volcano located in the eastern end of the arc, and the ratio decreased westward possibly reflecting the difference in potential degree of crustal assimilation or the present magmatic activity in each volcano. Across the volcanic arc, the 3He/4He ratio decreased with an increasing distance from the arc front, reaching a low ratio of 0.063RA in Macedonia, which suggested a major contribution of radiogenic helium derived from the continental crust. At Nisyros, a temporal increase in 3He/4He ratio due to ascending subsurface magma was observed after the seismic crisis of 1995–1998 and mantle neon was possibly detected. The maximum 3He/4He ratio (6.2RA) in the Aegean region, which is significantly lower than the MORB value, is not probably due to crustal assimilation at shallow depth or addition of slab-derived helium to MORB-like mantle wedge, but inherent characteristics of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) beneath the Aegean arc.  相似文献   

Current research efforts to explore and account for the distribution of nitrogen isotope abundances in the ancient and present-day solar wind and in meteorites often require measurement of nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions in very small samples of rare extraterrestrial materials. Isotopic analysis of ~ 1 μg of N2 is possible with modern techniques of dynamic mass spectrometry, but even this high sensitivity is a limiting factor for certain critical samples. We have utilized a statistically operated mass spectrometer coupled to an ultrahigh vacuum gas extraction and processing system to lower this limit by approximately four orders of magnitude. Quantities of N2 ranging from ~ 100 ng to < 100 pg are measurable with permil to percent precision in isotope ratios. Nitrogen and all noble gases evolved during stepwise combustion of fine-grained matrix material separated from the Allende meteorite have been meausred simultaneously in a pilot experiment using this technique. Isotopically heavy H-Xe (CCF-Xe) and isotopically light N are co-sited in a carbonaceous carrier phase, supporting a nucleosynthetic origin for15N-depleted nitrogen in Allende. The great isotopic uniformity of trapped Ar in all carrier phases indicates that simple, physical mass fractionation in gravitational escape of volatiles from the primitive nebula cannot have played a significant role in generating the nitrogen compositions observed in solar system matter.  相似文献   

The Xiaoxinancha Au-rich copper deposit is one of important Au-Cu deposits along the continental margin in Eastern China. The deposit consists of two sections: the Beishan mine (North), composed of altered rocks with veinlet-dissemination sulfides and melnicovite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins, and the Nanshan mine (South), composed of pyrrhotite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins and pure sulfide veins. The isotope compositions of noble gases extracted from fluid inclusions in ore minerals, i.e. ratios of 3He/4He, 20Ne/22Ne and40Ar/36Ar are in the ranges of 4.45―0.08 Ra, 10.2―8.8 and 306―430, respectively. Fluid inclusions in minerals from the Nanshan mine have higher 3He/4He and 20Ne/22Ne ratios whereas those from the Beishan mine have lower 3He/4He ratios. The analysis of origin, and evolution of the ore fluids and its relations with the ore-forming stages and the ages of mineralization suggests that the initial hydrothermal fluids probably come from the melts generated by partial melting of oceanic crust with the participation of fluids from the mantle (mantle-plume type)/aesthenosphere. This also corresponds to the continental margin settings during the subduction of Izanagi ocaneic plate towards the palaeo-Asian continent (123―102 Ma). The veinlet-dissemination ore bodies of the Beishan mine were formed through replacement and crystallization of the mixed fluids generated by mixing of the ascending high-temperature boiling fluid with young crustal fluid whereas the melnicovite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins were formed subsequently by filling of the high-temperature ore fluid in fissures. Pyrrhotite-dominated sulfide-quartz veins in the Nanshan mine were formed by filling-deposition-crystallization of the moderate-temperature ore fluids and the pure sulfide veins were formed later by filling-deposition-crystallization of ore substance-rich fluids after boiling of the moderate-temperature ore fluids. The metallogenic dynamic processes can be summarized as: (1) formation of fluidand ore substance-bearing Adakitic magma by degassing, dewatering and partial melting during subduction of the Izanagi plate; (2) separation and formation of ore fluids from the Adakitic magma; and (3) success-sive ascending of the ore fluids and final formation of the Au-rich Cu deposit of veinlet-dissemination and vein types by secondary boiling.  相似文献   

The coal seams in the Permian Taiyuan Formation and the Carboniferous Shanxi Formation are the primary reservoirs for the coalbed methane(CBM)in the Hancheng region in the Ordos Basin.In this paper,the origin and evolution of waters associated with CBM production were studied on the basis of water chemistry and isotopes including the chloride and iodine compositions,oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes,and radioactive isotope ratio of129I/127I.The ratio of129I/127I of water was determined by accelerator mass spectrometry(AMS).The result shows that the formation water is of NaHCO3and NaCl types with the total dissolved solids(TDS)varying from 1532.29 mg/L to 7061.12 mg/L.The values of129I and I/Cl ratio indicate that the formation waters were diluted by meteoric water.The129I/127I ratios range from 6.6×10 13to 1459.5×10 13.The129I/127I ratios for most of the samples are between the129I/127I initial value and that of recent anthropogenic water.This age of the formation water samples,obtained through the129I decay curve method,ranges from 0 Ma to 18.5 Ma,suggesting that the waters from the Taiyuan Formation and the Shanxi Formation are very young.Two different origins of water are identified in the Hancheng region.One group is dominated by pre-anthropogenic meteoric water,and is characterized by129I/127I ratios lower than the initial value of 15×10 13andδD,δ18O values of waters below the Global Meteoric Water Line.The other group is characterized by129I/127I ratios in excess of 15×10 13,which has undergone variable degrees of dilution by recent anthropogenic water.  相似文献   

Many serpentinite seamounts occur over a region 20–120 km west of the trench axis in the Izu-Ogasawara-Mariana forearc regions. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of serpentine from these regions indicate that there are at least two kinds of waters responsible for serpentinization: seawater and water derived from dehydration of the descending slab. Serpentine from two Mariana and two Torishima samples with microscopically ductile and sheared texture (sheared-type) have lowerδD(−63to−52‰) and slightly higherδ18O values (+6.1 to +8.2‰) than that of other nine Ogasawara samples with mesh texture (mesh-type) (δD= −43to−49‰ andδ18O= +5.8to+6.7‰). This suggests that the sheared-type serpentine with lowerδD and slightly higherδ18O values was formed within the wedge mantle by interaction with water derived from a descending slab. The sheared texture is likely to have been produced during diapiric uplift. The unaltered portion of the ultramafic bodies later interacted with seawater after emplacement at or near the seafloor, resulting in formation of the mesh-type serpentine with higherδD values.  相似文献   

The occurrence of thermal/spa waters on Lesvos Island is related to the presence of a major faulting system. Thermal waters are the result of mixing of meteoric and infiltrating seawater at great depth, and their total salinity depends on the percentage of seawater in their composition. According to the diagrams of main elements, trace elements and environmental isotopes, most of the components that determine the chemical composition of thermal waters such as sodium, chloride and sulphates originate from seawaters. On the other hand, the concentration of calcium, magnesium, boron, lithium, etc., was affected by water–rock interaction under high temperature conditions. Moving towards the surface, thermal waters may become polluted by influx of recent seawater, allowing their chemical composition to become similar to that of seawater. The thermal waters of Lesvos Island present relatively high concentrations of ammonia and redox sensitive metals because they are hosted in a reducing environment. They also exhibit low nitrate concentrations due to their mixture with recent fresh water. Finally, they show increased radon concentrations, ranging from 20 to 60 kBq m?3 in the eastern and southern parts of the island, and about 230 kBq m?3 in the north, in the area of Eftalou–Argenos. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Atmospheric noble gases (e.g., 22Ne, 36Ar, 84Kr, 130Xe) in crustal fluids are only sensitive to subsurface physical processes. In particular, depletion of atmospheric noble gases in groundwater due to boiling and steam separation is indicative of the occurrence of a thermal event and can thus be used to trace the thermal history of stable tectonic regions. We present noble gas concentrations of 38 deep brines (~ 0.5–3.6 km) from the Michigan Basin. The atmospheric noble gas component shows a strong depletion pattern with respect to air saturated water. Depletion of lighter gases (22Ne and 36Ar) is stronger compared to the heavier ones (84Kr and 130Xe). To understand the mechanisms responsible for this overall atmospheric noble gas depletion, phase interaction models were tested. We show that this atmospheric noble gas depletion pattern is best explained by a model involving subsurface boiling and steam separation, and thus, consistent with the occurrence of a past thermal event of mantle origin as previously indicated by both high 4He/heat flux ratios and the presence of primordial mantle He and Ne signatures in the basin. Such a conceptual model is also consistent with the presence of past elevated temperatures in the Michigan Basin (e.g., ~ 80–260 °C) at shallow depths as suggested by previous thermal studies in the basin. We suggest that recent reactivation of the ancient mid-continent rift system underneath the Michigan Basin is likely responsible for the release of both heat and mantle noble gases into the basin via deep-seated faults and fracture zones. Relative enrichment of atmospheric Kr and Xe with respect to Ar is also observed, and is interpreted as reflecting the addition of sedimentary Kr and Xe from associated hydrocarbons, following the hydrothermal event. This study pioneers the use of atmospheric noble gases in subsurface fluids to trace the thermal history of stable tectonic regions.  相似文献   

The ratio of 87Sr/86Sr was measured from different water samples of thermal/mineral (hot spring as well as crater lake) and meteoric origins, in order to specify the location and to verify the detailed model of a volcano-hydrothermal system beneath Zao volcano. The ratio showed a trimodal distribution for the case of thermal/mineral water: 0.7052–0.7053 (Type A, Zao hot spring), 0.7039–0.7043 (Type B, Okama crater lake and Shin-funkiko hot spring), and 0.7070–0.7073 (Type C, Gaga, Aone, and Togatta hot springs), respectively. However, in comparison, the ratio was found to be higher for meteoric waters (0.7077–0.7079). The water from the central volcanic edifice (Type B) was found to be similar to that of nearby volcanic rocks in their Sr isotopic ratio. This indicates that the Sr in water was derived from shallow volcanic rocks. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio for water from the Zao hot spring (Type A) was intermediate between those of the pre-Tertiary granitic and the Quaternary volcanic rocks, thus suggesting that the water had reacted with both volcanic and granitic rocks. The location of the vapor–liquid separation was determined as the boundary of the pre-Tertiary granitic and the Quaternary volcanic rocks by comparing the results of this strontium isotopic study with those of Kiyosu and Kurahashi [Kiyosu, Y., Kurahashi, M., 1984. Isotopic geochemistry of acid thermal waters and volcanic gases from Zao volcano in Japan. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 21, 313–331.].  相似文献   

Summary Two groups of basaltic rocks with normal and reversed NRM were examined. It was found that in both groups the primary NRM, synchronous with the period of rock formation, is preserved. Relations of the primary NRM to the origin and the degree of oxidation of magnetic minerals were considered in detail.  相似文献   

The Marangudzi ring complex, Rhodesia, consists essentially of a gabbro mass intruded by ring dykes of quartz syenite and cone sheets of nepheline syenite. Five intrusive units (gabbro, two quartz syenite and two nepheline syenite units) have been studied using Rb-Sr and K-Ar methods. A total of 24 whole rock samples define a Rb-Sr isochron which gives an age of 186 ± 3m.y. and an initial (87Sr/86Sr)0 ratio of 0.70769 ± 0.00006 (±2sigma; based on λ = 1.42 × 10?11yr?1). K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses on biotite and hastingsite separates are consistent with this age assignment. Whole rock Rb-Sr isochrons for the different units treated individually agree with the above age and initial Sr ratio within analytical uncertainties. This is believed to indicate that the different rock types are comagmatic forming by fractional crystallization of a parental, mantle-derived, K2O-rich basaltic magma, having an initial Sr ratio of 0.7077, without appreciable assimilation of the Precambrian country rock. The entire differentiation, emplacement and crystallization processes took place over a rather short time span.  相似文献   

Fifty-seven samples of mostly Liassic limestones and calcite spar were subjected to mass spectrometer analysis to determine δ13C and δ18O. The results are used to compare and interpret the changing isotopic composition through time of calcite-precipitating pore fluids and to assess the influence of rate and type of sedimentation, diagenetic reactions and meteoric water influx. In general microsparite beds and concretions formed sooner after deposition in Dorset than in Yorkshire, where sedimentation rates were usually higher. Calcite horizons in the Bridport Sands Formation of Dorset are entirely diagenetic in origin. Carbon isotope data from concretions in the Jet Rock Formation of Yorkshire support a model of changing organic reactions with increasing depth of burial. The influence of meteoric waters is substantially restricted to the formation of post-Liassic veins.  相似文献   

This study presents new major and trace element, mineral, and Sr, Nd, and noble gas isotope geochemical analyses of basalts, gabbro, and clinopyroxenite from the Mariana Arc (Central Islands and Southern Seamount provinces) including the forearc, and the Mariana Trough (Central Graben and Spreading Ridge). Mantle source compositions beneath the Mariana Arc and the Mariana Trough indicate a mantle source that is depleted in high field strength elements relative to MORB (mid‐oceanic ridge basalt). Samples from the Mariana Arc, characterized by high ratios of Ba/Th, U/Th, 84Kr/4He and 132Xe/4He, are explained by addition of fluid from the subducted slab to the mantle wedge. Correlations of noble gas data, as well as large ion lithophile elements, indicate that heavy noble gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) provide evidence for fluid fluxing into the mantle wedge. On the other hand, major elements and Sr, Nd, He, and Ne isotopic data of basalts from the Mariana Trough are geochemically indistinguishable from MORB. Correlations of 3He/4He and 40Ar/36Ar in the Mariana Trough samples are explained by mixing between MORB and atmosphere. One sample from the Central Graben indicates extreme enrichment in 20Ne/22Ne and 21Ne/22Ne, suggesting incorporation of solar‐type Ne in the magma source. Excess 129Xe is also observed in this sample suggesting primordial noble gases in the mantle source. The Mariana Trough basalts indicate that both fluid and sediment components contributed to the basalts, with slab‐derived fluids dominating beneath the Spreading Ridge, and that sediment melts, characterized by high La/Sm and relatively low U/Th and Zr/Nb, dominate in the source region of basalts from the Central Graben.  相似文献   

Noble gases in four sediment samples from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary collected near Stevns in Denmark were investigated to test the possibility of the presence of noble gases indicative for meteorites. All samples were also analyzed for the noble metals Os and Ir and twelve other elements. The observed enrichments of3He,4He and of Ar, Kr, and Xe relative to atmospheric abundances can be explained without invoking the addition of extraterrestrial material. The 20Ne/22Ne ratio and the Kr and Xe isotopic compositions are identical with the isotopic ratios in the terrestrial atmosphere. In contrast, the high noble metal concentrations indicate the presence of material with elemental abundances similar to chondritic matter. Compared to noble metals the noble gases are less sensitive tracers of an admixture of extraterrestrial matter in sediments.  相似文献   

Four of Rhodesia's hottest spring complexes (54–100°C) were studied. Tritium contents were very low, compared to adjacent rivers, indicating that the samples studied were indigenous, deep-seated water which had undergone negligible intermixing with surface water.The noble-gas measurements revealed: (1) the waters are meteoric; (2) the noble gases were kept in closed-system conditions in the ground; (3) paleotemperatures are 26–31°C; (4) the boiling Binga springs lost part of their noble gases.Independently, measurements of stable isotopes indicate the meteoric origin of the springs. The chemical composition of the waters clearly reflects their origin from two groups of rocks — one from Karroo sediments and one from crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

This study summarizes the results of structural, geochemical and seismological surveys carried out at Nisyros volcano (Aegean Sea, Greece) during 1999–2001. Field mapping and mesostructural measurements at the summit caldera (Lakki plain) indicate that faults follow two main strikes: NE-SW and N-S. The N-S striking fault depicts extensional features accommodating the left-lateral component of motion of the NE-SW- striking main faults. The NE-SW preferred strike of the Lakki faults and of the mineral-filled veins as well as the distribution and NE-SW elongation of the hydrothermal craters indicate that tectonics plays a major role in controlling the fluid pathway in the Nisyros caldera. The same NE-SW trend is depicted by CO2 anomalies revealed through detailed soil CO2 flux surveys, thus indicating a structural control on the pattern of the hydrothermal degassing. Degassing processes account for a thermal energy release of about 43 MW, most of which occurs at Lofos dome, an area that was affected by hydrothermal eruptions in historical times. The seismic study was conducted in June 2001, using a deployment specifically aimed at detecting signals of magmatic-hydrothermal origin. Our instruments recorded local and regional earthquakes, a few local long-period events (LP), and bursts of monochromatic tremor. Local earthquake activity is concentrated beneath the caldera, at depths generally shallower than 6 km. Plane-wave decomposition of tremor signal indicates a shallow (<200 m) source located in the eastern part of the caldera. Conversely, LP events depict a source located beneath the central part of the caldera, in the area of Lofos dome, at depths in the 1–2-km range. In agreement with geochemical and structural measurements, these data suggest that both the deeper and shallower part of the hydrothermal system are subjected to instability in the fluid flow regimes, probably consequent to transient pressurization of the reservoir. These instabilities may be related to input of hot fluids from the deeper magmatic system, as suggested by the variations in geochemical parameters observed after the 1997–1999 unrest episode. The significance of seismological and geochemical indicators as precursors of hydrothermal explosive activity at Nisyros is discussed.Editorial responsibility: H. Shinohara  相似文献   

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