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从乡规民约石刻看历史时期云南民间的环境意识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林移刚  刘志伟 《地理研究》2012,31(8):1512-1522
基层民众的环境意识对环境变迁起着重大作用。云南乡规民约石刻中包含大量保护生态环境的条款,这些条款体现了人们对环境与审美、环境与风水的关系的理解以及对森林水源涵养、水土保持的朴素认识。根据目前收集到的具有环保条款的乡规民约石刻,结合相关文献进行分析,将云南民间环境意识发展分为萌芽期、发展期、高潮期、低谷期、恢复期、下降期等6个阶段。民间乡规民约石刻的在时间轴上的分布规律和民间环境意识的变化是同步的。清代以前,云南地区植被覆盖率较高,自然环境良好,人口密度较小,对自然的破坏程度较小,环境问题尚不足以引起人们的注意。清代以后,随着人口压力的加大,经济开发对植被的不断破坏以及战争对正常社会生产生活秩序的打乱,云南民间环境意识也就不断增强。从空间方面看,云南环保型乡规民约石刻分布广泛、相对集中,主要分布在经济开发历史最为悠久、人口最密集、工农业最发达、同时也是毁林开荒最严重的地区。  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of the New Zealand wine industry has rested largely on a specific wine commodity form, Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc. Global demand for a specialised product has provided the impetus for substantial development at the regional level, an increasingly complex industry structure, and for the intrusion of international capital. This paper explores the contests and relations within the industry through attention to the commodity's value-added chain, wherein recent developments are interpreted as a contest over the brand rents. The contemporary situation therefore may be explained through overlapping organisational and geographic framings of these relations: producer versus buyer-driven dynamics; regional–national and global interests; and inter- and intra-corporate strategies. The commercial contest for control of the region-varietal commodity reveals some paradoxical outcomes in which the region is reaffirmed as a site of investment in an evidently globalised industry, and the significance of who controls what fraction of the value chain is re-asserted.  相似文献   

Introduction of the red swamp crawfish, Procambarus clarkii, into California and its diffusion throughout northern California's rice paddies created the conditions for an incidental aquaculture economy in a landscape devoted to irrigated grain production. For more than three decades, fishermen have harvested this prolific invader and sold their catch to Europe and the Gulf Coast. Since 2004, the diffusion of Vietnamese‐American seafood restaurants to California and nationally has created additional markets for red swamp crawfish.  相似文献   

结合计算判断法和经验对比法,构建了葡萄酒产业生命周期模型,从产业规模、产业市场结构、技术进步与效率以及政府角色四个维度出发,对中国葡萄酒产业发展阶段进行综合评判。应用皮尔生长曲线测算了中国葡萄酒产业各阶段演进时间、产业发展规模与速度以及产业峰值。结果表明,中国葡萄酒产业正处于成长期早期阶段,并在产品研发、产品市场消费结构、技术创新、产业组织提升等方面正进入一个重大的调整与升级时期。2013年和2019年分别为中国葡萄酒产业发展的"起飞点"与"飞跃点"。2026年开始中国葡萄酒产业将进入成熟期,届时产值将达到1 216.598×108元,并不断趋于产业饱和值1 541.949×108元,未来产业发展空间巨大。本研究对制订与产业生命周期阶段相吻合的政策,以实现产业的长期动态协调与均衡发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sales in Fairtrade wine have been growing rapidly worldwide, and the UK is the most important market. This paper reports on an action research project undertaken with different economic actors along the value chain of a Chilean Fairtrade wine. The aim of the interdisciplinary project was to explore how the internet and tracking and tracing technologies could be used to render value chains more transparent for consumers and producers. An internet interface combined with a barcode-based data retrieval system could allow actors in the value chain to call up economic, social and environmental information about a product. Early findings from the action research process show that while supermarkets are the lead firms in the Fairtrade wine chain in terms of economic power, the producers and the Fairtrade certification body wield 'moral power' over other actors in the value chain. Fairtrade producers and the Fairtrade certification body relate to each other in cycles of mutual recognition, thus underpinning each others' legitimacy and moral power. The paper argues that action research, in particular the positionality of the researcher team as a collaboration partner, can lead to a better understanding of the nature of linkages and power relations between the economic actors in value chains.  相似文献   

As a product, wine is closely associated with place. The industry has devised various strategies in order to delimit space and create places that are marketable as brands. Although demarcated by supposedly ‘natural’ features, these spaces are socially constructed in order to maximise accumulation. This article reports on the use of place-making strategies in the case of the New Zealand wine sector and the role of capital and agency in their production. Two case studies—Martinborough and Gimblett Gravels—are offered where contrasting geographical strategies have been employed. The work concludes that the employment of flexible delimitation is a strategy that allows contestation in creatively destructive ways. Such an approach allows for specialised identity construction within the framework of semi-porous boundaries. This calls for local economic policy that sits between the two extremes of open-ended neoliberal capital accumulation and arbitrary regional planning.  相似文献   

Regional innovation systems (RIS) have made a considerable contribution on the one hand to a scientific understanding of how innovation occurs and on the other hand as a political tool for stimulation of regional development. The aim of the article is to illuminate this theoretical approach by discussing the role of regional innovation systems in promoting innovation in the dairy (meieri) industry in Norway, and further, by discussing regional consequences of the development of regional innovation systems. The main conclusion is that it is hard to find regional innovation systems within the dairy industry in Norway; the mainstream milk sector is nationally oriented. Within farm processing and a few ‘countercurrent’ dairy firms, however, a stronger relation to regional networks emerges. Development of regional innovation systems is a kind of endogenous development that presupposes there are local and regional resources available, which often is not the case. Hence, a one-sided commitment to regional innovation systems will result in regional disparities in economic growth. Varied strategies for innovation and for regional development can compensate for these disparities.  相似文献   

The recent sediments from two deep arctic lakes, Mitrofanovskoe and Vanuk-ty, situated in the permafrost belt within the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra in the northern Ural region, were studied for diatoms, chironomids, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and stable lead isotopes. The magnitudes and rates-of-change in diatom and chironomid assemblages were numerically estimated. Instrumental climate records were used to assess statistically the amount of variance in diatom and chironomid data explained by temperature. August and September air temperatures have a statistically significant effect on diatom composition at both lakes. At Mitrofanovskoe Lake, major compositional changes in diatom and chironomid assemblages occurred at the turn of the 20th century and might be related to the regional increase in temperature. Chironomid-inferred air temperature also increased by approximately 1 °C since the early 1900s. At both lakes diatom compositional changes, coincident with the increase in June and September temperatures, also occurred in the late 1960s. These compositional changes are correlated with the increase in diatom production, sediment organic content and diatom species richness, and are likely to be a diatom response to the lengthening of the growing season. These changes are also correlated with the circum-Arctic temperature increase from the 1960s. A chironomid response to the late 1960s temperature increase was less pronounced at both lakes. Pollution levels are relatively low and pollution history is unrelated to ecological changes. Both lead isotopes and spheroidal carbonaceous particles show a clear atmospheric pollution signal, peaking in the 1980s.  相似文献   

Chironomids have been used extensively for reconstructing past temperatures from the late glacial chronozone but far less work has focused on their use as temperature proxies throughout the Holocene, and little work has been undertaken within the UK. Northern England does have many detailed palaeoclimate records, although the majority of these are reconstructions from ombrotrophic peat bogs, which yield a combined temperature and precipitation proxy record. A lake sediment core from Talkin Tarn, dating back 6000 years, was therefore analysed for chironomid remains in an attempt to produce a Holocene temperature reconstruction. Although chironomids have been shown to respond to air temperature by many modern training sets, it is also known that they can respond to other environmental factors. Pollen and loss-on-ignition analyses were therefore undertaken to ascertain whether the lake had been subjected to major environmental changes. Some anthropogenic changes in land use were detected, which may have affected the lake water chemistry and sediments, but they seem to have had little direct impact on the chironomid fauna for the majority of the record. Part of the geology of the catchment is limestone, which suggests that the lake may be buffered against any changes in pH. A chironomid-inferred mean July temperature transfer function from a Norwegian training set was applied to the chironomid data and produced a reconstruction with significant fluctuations throughout the later Holocene, which were associated with cold and warm stenotherms within the assemblages. The uppermost chironomid sample from the lake core (less than 100 years old) has a reconstructed temperature of 14.6 °C (± sample-specific error of 1.18 °C), which compares well with the contemporary mean July average of 14.8 °C. It is therefore concluded that chironomids can be used to reconstruct Holocene temperature, provided the site is well-buffered in relation to pH changes and can be shown not to have been influenced to any great extent by anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

The geographies and histories of the introduction of cattle breeds to Australia in the period since white settlement are documented as an example of the diffusion of agricultural innovations. Three phases of development are identified: a colonial expansion phase from the late eighteenth to the early twentieth century during which a number of primarily British cattle breeds were imported by the colonial settlers; an innovative phase in the mid twentieth century when both governments and private interests sought to produce or import new breeds deemed to be better adapted to Australian environments; and a multifunctional phase in recent decades. In this final phase, government deregulation and new technologies, such as the long distance transport of genetic packages, have facilitated the importation and development of many new cattle breeds in Australia. While this has produced a significant rise in the total number of breeds represented nationally, many recent and historic breeds currently exhibit extremely small numbers and a few generally well-established breeds such as Holstein, Hereford and Angus still dominate the national herd. This study of changing breed types and introductions provides some evidence of post-productivism and of a multifunctional transition in that several cattle breeds favoured by hobby farmers and boutique breeders are now represented, but the aggregate numbers for these breeds remain small and the numbers for several of the traditional (or colonial) breeds are currently in decline. Overall, it is apparent that Australia's cattle industry retains a strongly productivist ethos and that, particularly given the country's very great environmental variation, its levels of breed diversity remain low.  相似文献   

石磊  陈乐一  李玉双 《地理研究》2020,39(4):853-864
厘清中国区域经济发展中多样化的空间相互作用,对于探索新时期区域协调发展的新理念具有重要意义。根据增长极理论和中心地理论构建空间计量模型,以中国260个地级及以上城市为研究对象,研究不同收入水平城市间的同群效应,从新的视角解释区域协调发展的内在动力。研究发现:高收入城市通过正向同群效应对邻近中等收入城市的经济增长产生了带动作用,通过负向同群效应对邻近陷阱城市的经济增长产生了抑制作用,中国城市之间未完全发挥自上而下的辐射带动作用;中等收入城市对高收入城市的经济增长、陷阱城市对中等收入城市的经济增长均具有正向同群效应,中国城市之间存在着自下而上的经济增长促进作用;同等收入水平城市间的经济增长通过正向同群效应相互促进。进一步的作用机制检验表明:同群效应的产生更多是源于分权体制下的“标尺竞争”,其中学习和竞争机制在不同收入水平城市内部的作用效果存在明显异质性。最后,从实施多中心空间战略、构建新型城市合作模式、加强基础设施建设、完善政绩考核体系等方面提出了实现区域协调发展的政策启示。  相似文献   

重化工业集群式创新机制与空间响应研究   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
林兰 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1400-1415
本文从集群权力分层视角出发,以德国化学工业和汽车、光伏重工产业为研究对象,采用多种空间计量模型分析方法,研究重化工业创新模式及其空间组织形态变化。理论研究结果表明,重化工业分布的弱地理邻近与空间尺度扩大是基于其产业技术特征和创新合作特点的“必然”:由于集群技术权力分层导致其创新外部性发生根本性改变,地理邻近非再必需,创新合作空间尺度由集群向区域层面拓展。德国实证研究分析揭示:重化工业空间布局呈显著弱地理邻近分布效应;其空间集聚形态已非传统意义上的产业集群,而是依托更大空间尺度的产业集聚带;重工与化工产业有着基于对综合性知识和共性技术扩散共同需求的区位指向;其核心企业因对创新合作者的高度选择权而呈现“孤岛效应”布局。研究指出,重视重化工业技术创新垂直扩散能力的培育、建立多生产环节的共性技术联盟、重视大工业区区域创新协同合作将有助于促进中国重化工业创新升级和空间布局优化。  相似文献   

The mining of cannel coal was a small, but prestigious, component of the coal production of Kentucky in the 1800's and early 1900's. Cannel coal was retorted into liquid fuel, gasified as an enricher of municipal gas supplies, and distilled as a feedstock for the production of chemicals. Each peak in usage was subsequently tempered by a discovery of cheaper sources of liquid hydrocarbons.Four mining areas in Kentucky, three in eastern Kentucky and one in western Kentucky, will be discussed. The Breckenridge deposit in western Kentucky was developed as early as 1837 and came to prominence in the 1850's and, to a lesser extent, in the 1880's. The Johnson County deposits were developed in the 1880's and continued in production through the 1920's. The Bell County cannels were developed in the 1890's. Although highly praised for their quality, they had a brief mining history because of the limited extent of the reserves. The most prolific cannel field, Morgan County, was opened in 1901 and continued to be a large producer, albeit with some low-production years, through the 1950's, with minor production as late as 1987.The production of cannel, as with any mineral commodity, was at the mercy of market demands and available transportation. Cannel coal, more than banded bituminous coal, occurs in relatively limited areas, leading to the rapid exhaustion of commercial deposits as well as failed attempts to develop deposits that did not attain commercial size.  相似文献   

Eolian processes and landforms are sensitive to changes in atmospheric parameters and surface conditions that affect sediment supply and mobility. The response of eolian geomorphic systems to minor climate change can be examined through process-response models based on a combination of relations between short-term changes in climatic variables and eolian activity and the geologic and geomorphic record of Holocene eolian activity.At both time scales, eolian activity in southern Californian deserts is strongly controlled by variations in precipitation. Wind energy is not a limiting factor in this region. Formation of eolian deposits is a product of climatic changes that increase sediment supply from fluvial and lacustrine sources and may, therefore, be closely tied to periods of channel cutting and geomorphic instability. During intervening periods, eolian deposits migrate away from sediment source areas and are reworked, modified, and degraded. Remobilization of existing dormant dunes is a product of reduced vegetation cover and soil moisture in periods of drier climates. The major control on these processes is decadal to annual changes in rainfall that determine vegetation cover and soil moisture content.  相似文献   

电力工业与可持续发展:节约资源和环境保护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电力工业是资源消耗和环境的大户,对神会可持续发展有重大影响。作为发展中国家,我国电力工业的发展,在促进国民经济发展的同时,也带了对资源消耗和污染、破坏环境等问题。本文在借鉴国外经验基础上,探求行使我国电力工业发展的新路。  相似文献   

区域创新发展的模式与国际案例研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
区域创新是现代区域实现可持续发展的基本途径,区域创新发展具有自主创新发展、模仿创新发展和合作创新发展等3种模式,而美国硅谷、日本、欧盟的创新发展分别是3种模式的代表,这为我国区域发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

A 9000-year carbonate-rich sediment sequence from a small hard-water lake in northernmost Sweden was studied by means of multi-component stable carbon isotope analysis. Radiocarbon dating of different sediment fractions provides chronologic control and reveals a rather constant hard-water effect through time, suggesting that the lake has remained hydrologically open throughout the Holocene. Successive depletion of 13C in fine-grained calcite and carbonate shells during the early Holocene correlate with a change in catchment vegetation from pioneer herb communities to boreal forest. The vegetational change and associated soil development likely gave rise to an increased supply of 13C-depleted carbon dioxide in groundwater recharging the lake. This process is therefore believed to be the main cause of decreasing values of 13C in dissolved inorganic carbon of the lake and thereby in limnic carbonates. Strongly 13C-depleted sedimentary organic matter may be related to enhanced kinetic fractionation during photosynthetic assimilation by means of proton pumping in Characean algae. This interpretation is supported by a substantial offset between 13C of DIC as recorded by mollusc shells and 13C of fine-grained calcite.  相似文献   

Nathan Young  Ralph Matthews 《Area》2007,39(2):176-185
This paper argues that the current literature on neoliberalism in advanced capitalist societies has concentrated primarily on urban issues, and has thus failed to see resource economies and regions as theoretically significant sites of neoliberal reform. Using research from British Columbia, Canada, we argue that resource regions are often targets of intense neoliberal experimentation. The neoliberal project in British Columbia involves an extreme shift in state policy from a strong Fordist-Keynesian programme to recent efforts to 'liberate' corporate actors from non-market social and spatial obligations (to environment, labour and community). We argue that such policy shifts have exceptional consequences in resource regions due to strong and direct state influence in corporate-resource and community-level economies. We draw several theoretical lessons from this research for the mainstream literature on neoliberal reform.  相似文献   

Sustainability and Sahelian soils: evidence from Niger   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is difficult to produce systems for judging sustainability, despite general enthusiasm for the concept. Here we evaluate the 'capitals' formulation for sustainability, which attempts to bring together the social and the environmental dimensions of the issue, and which has gained wide currency. We concentrate our attention on the 'natural capital' element in this framework, which has apparently been seen as its least problematical component. We use data on soil erosion from a Sahelian agricultural community in Niger. Despite apparently high rates of erosion, we find it difficult to decide whether the system is sustainable (using the capitals or any other framework). It is even dubious whether sustainability is an urgent concern. We caution against imposing yet another poorly formulated set of concepts on this and similar systems.  相似文献   

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