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Activity patterns, social behaviour, and reproductive success of Arabian oryx were monitored in a reintroduced population in Mahazat as-Sayd Protected Area, Saudi Arabia. During the first year of the study, precipitation was 38% lower than the long-term average, whereas rainfall in the following year resulted in precipitation that was 92.8% of the long-term average. These dramatically different rainfall conditions corresponded with distinct patterns in various environmental parameters (air and soil temperature, humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, air pressure). Daily activity patterns, the frequency of social behaviours, and foraging activity were significantly reduced during the drought period. The frequency of reproductive behaviour was significantly related to daytime, air temperature and radiation, with a pronounced reduction of reproductive activities during the drought. Monthly rates of conceptions were considerably lower during the drought. Our results substantiate the idea that extended dry periods affect the population development of Oryx, but also raise questions about habitat suitability and carrying capacity. Future management of Arabian oryx should consider extreme climatic events as factors influencing various aspects of the ecology and behaviour of this species. This aspect may become even more important in the face of climate change, including a future increase of extreme climatic events.  相似文献   

Cacti are thought to be highly vulnerable to chronic anthropogenic disturbance (CAD). To assess its effects, we modeled the dynamics of three populations of the endangered cactus Coryphantha werdermannii exposed to different intensities of disturbance. Because no seedlings germinated and survived in the less-disturbed site, we analyzed two different scenarios: If the same, average germination probability was used for all sites, the population growth rates (λ) decreased with disturbance, but λ remained unchanged if a very low germination probability was assigned to the less-disturbed site and the observed probabilities were used for the remaining populations. Retrospective analysis showed that different demographic processes affected λ as a result of increasing disturbance: The unsuccessful establishment of seedlings in the preserved site diminished λ. The damage caused by livestock to reproductive structures in the site with intermediate disturbance was responsible for a reduction in λ. In the most disturbed site, the reduced individual growth rates that seemingly resulted from land degradation caused a decrease in λ. No simple management strategy can be proposed because different threats require attention depending on disturbance intensity. CAD had both positive and negative effects on λ, conferring this species with a certain degree of tolerance.  相似文献   

There is little information pertaining to the breeding behaviour and reproductive biology of free-ranging hedgehog populations outside of Europe. We monitored the seasonal changes in courtship behaviour and the presence of new young animals from a free-ranging Ethiopian hedgehog population in Qatar between 2010 and 2012. Based on frequencies of courtship behaviour and deduced frequencies of successful mating, the mating season of the Ethiopian hedgehog is believed to start in January and continue through until July with a clear peak during the February/March period. We propose the existence of two mating peaks, one in February/March and the second in June, suggesting that free-ranging Ethiopian hedgehogs breed more than twice a year in Qatar. Successful mating in late winter/early spring may be more important for the increasing the inclusive fitness of the parents based on the number of young individuals that survive beyond one month of age.  相似文献   

The inselberg structure and the local habitats of the Aïr mountains (Niger) are hypothesized to generate the coexistence of geographically isolated plant species with high conservation values. By studying the diversity and the distribution of plants on the highest peak of these mountains, we aimed to identify the respective effects of local and regional abiotic factors on isolated species. We estimated the regional effects of elevation by comparing 103 floristic quadrats with existing data in the adjacent lowlands, and we tested the effects of local abiotic variables on species distribution with ordination methods. Among the 151 species identified, 12 were recorded for the first time in Niger and 53 were not found in the adjacent lowlands, thus evidencing true mountain specificity. A five-class habitat variable separated a relatively high portion of Saharan-Mediterranean species (8%) located in volcanic gullies, and Guinean-Sudanian-Zambezian species (13%) located in granite boulders. These two habitats provided local abiotic refuges (boulders, gullies), which protected a pool of relictual species from aridity, and probably from grazers. Species persistence may thus be dependent both on regional and local abiotic variables. With probable high genetic divergence because of the surrounding desert matrix, their conservation value may be particularly high.  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid environments, root-associated fungi may play a key role in plant communities (e.g., seedling establishment, nutrient acquisition, plant survival and heat tolerance). Several studies have shown the importance of small mammals as consumers and dispersal agents of mycorrhizal fungi spores in tropical and temperate ecosystems. However, little is known about the dispersal of infective propagules of endophytic fungi in arid and semi-arid ecosystems. This study analyzed the potential role of the subterranean rodent Ctenomys cf. knighti as a dispersal agent of root-associated fungi. In order to demonstrate this role, we analyzed: (1) the incidence of colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizae and dark septate endophytes on representative plant species of the Monte Desert; (2) the presence of fungal structures of arbuscular mycorrhizae and dark septate endophytes in C. cf. knighti fecal samples; and (3) the infectivity of the fungal propagules contained in the scat and their growth effects on nine native plant species. Data strongly suggest that this South American subterranean rodent may play a key role as a dispersal agent of arbuscular mycorrhizae and dark septate endophytes fungi in the arid environment of the northern Monte Desert of Argentina.  相似文献   

The diet of a species can help us to understand its natural history, ecological requirements, and strategies involved in searching for food. Liolaemus pseudoanomalus is a rare desert lizard where previous studies showed no seasonal, ontogenetic or sexual differences observed in microhabitat use; however the sexual dimorphism is evident in the number of precloacal pores and in the snout-vent length. In this work, we investigate if there are differences in the diet composition between sexes and age groups. Herein we describe the diet of L. pseudoanomalus, of the Central West Monte desert of Argentina, based on the analysis of 63 stomach contents. We found that ants are the most important food item and some characteristics of foraging behavior suggest similarities with other ant-eating lizards.  相似文献   

The largest population of the Argentinean Pampas deer Ozotoceros bezoarticus celer is found in the semiarid grasslands of the San Luis province. Despite relatively high deer numbers in the region, there has been concern that expansion of farming practices could displace the species. Since the 1990’s, cattle breeding has intensified especially as a result of the replacement of natural grassland with South African digit grass (Digitaria eriantha) and African lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula). In this study, we studied how deer in “El Centenario” ranch used available habitat types, especially to assess whether it preferentially used natural over exotic pastures. We employed 8 fixed line transects to record deer numbers and habitat use during the dry season, early rainy and late rainy seasons. We estimated a mean population size of 731 ± 121 individuals, a density of 1.95 ± 0.25 deer/km2. Our results also showed that deer did not appear to select natural pastures over exotic ones, though D. eriantha grasslands with cattle were used less during the late rainy season. Grazed pastures with D. eriantha without cattle were used significantly more during all time periods. Our results therefore suggest that Pampas deer are not shifted by exotic pastures but we caution that it is important to manage these habitats sustainably (e.g. cattle load adjusted to grassland nutritional supply, rotational crops with parcel rest period), to ensure the conservation of the species within agricultural areas.  相似文献   

We conducted a manipulative experiment to investigate the influential factors of locomotor ability in steppe toad-headed lizards. By using a video-base method, we measured running speed of the lizards when they run on sands of different grain sizes. We also considered body condition, tail length and sex as fixed factors to analyze their effects on running speed of the lizard. Results showed that running speed of the lizard significantly differed among different trials of sand grain size. Specifically, the peak and the nadir values of the running speed were found on sands of 0.5-1 mm and 0.075-0.25 mm grains, respectively. When lizards ran on sands of different grain size their running speed changed significantly. Body condition and tail length also had significant effects on running speed. The findings indicated that locomotor ability of lizards depended on both body condition and the external environment. We hypothesized that sand grain size is one of the factors that influence the habitat selection in steppe toad-headed lizards. Moreover, this lizard may be used as an indicator of the development of sand dunes.  相似文献   

With 7 years data on coyote prey use and availability, we tested three predictions based on optimal foraging: (1) the proportion eaten of the most profitable item is constant regardless of availability, (2) under a constant density of higher ranked prey, there is no relationship between the proportion eaten of low profitability items and their density, (3) the ratio of number consumed to availability for the highest ranking prey item should be negatively related to availability. We tested these predictions with regression analyses. We found no significant linear relationship between lagomorph availability and use. There was no significant linear relationship between percent frequency of occurrence of rodents nor arthropods and their respective availabilities for two levels of availability of lagomorphs. We found a significant negative relationship between number consumed/number available to availability for lagomorphs but not for rodents nor arthropods. The results supported the three predictions and we concluded that coyotes are foraging optimally.  相似文献   

以1986年与2000年两期TM遥感解译影像为基础,运用GIS空间分析手段,借助多个土地利用分析模型,对我国北方腾格里与毛乌素两大沙漠边缘带土地利用空间变化特点进行了分析,揭示出上世纪80年代后期至本世纪初的十余年来两大沙漠南缘带土地利用/覆盖对气候变化所做出的各具特色的响应方式。研究期内,研究区土地利用程度总体得到提高,其中东部毛乌素地区提高速度高于西部,中部宁夏部分高于两头陕西、甘肃部分。土地利用重心分布揭示出半干旱、干旱沙漠边缘带耕地与水资源分布的密切关系,同时,土地利用重心变化分析揭示山西部腾格里地区研究期内生态环境区域恶化,而东部毛乌素地区生态环境质量趋于好转。  相似文献   

Feng  Yingying  Yang  Xiaoping 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(12):2101-2121

Knowledge of moisture sources is of great significance for understanding climatic change and landscape evolution in desert environments. In this paper, we aim to clarify moisture origins for the Alashan (Alxa) Sand Seas (ALSS) in western Inner Mongolia and their transport pathways during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the mid-Holocene using modern analogues and paleoclimatic simulations. Precipitation data for the period 1959–2015 from meteorological stations in the study area and wind and specific humidity data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) daily re-analysis were adopted to determine the moisture sources of summer precipitation in the ALSS. In addition paleoclimate simulations under PMIP3/CMIP5 protocols were used to detect the atmospheric circulation and precipitation at 21 ka BP and 6 ka BP over the ALSS. We also reviewed paleoclimate records from the ALSS to acquire a semi-quantitative re-construction of the moisture history during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Our results suggest that the summer monsoon transported water vapor from the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea to the ALSS during July and August, causing increased precipitation. The dominant moisture source was from the southwest monsoon, while the East Asian summer monsoon also partly contributed to precipitation in the ALSS. The increased humidity during the period 8.2–4.2 ka BP in the ALSS, as derived from both climate simulation outputs and sedimentary records, was caused by monsoons according to the outputs of simulations. At 21 ka BP, the moisture sources of the ALSS were greatly associated with the prevailing westerlies.


Geomorphology of sand dunes in the Northeast Taklimakan Desert   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three types of sand dunes exist in the Taklimakan Desert, namely compound/complex crescent dunes and crescent chains, compound dome dunes and compound/complex linear dunes. Besides these three compound/complex types, single simple dunes are also distributed throughout the sand sea. The compound/complex linear dunes are developed under acute bimodal wind regimes. Though the ratios of the resultant drift potential (RDP) and the drift potential (DP) are the same as that near the border and adjacent area of the sand sea, the compound/complex crescent and dome dunes are developed, respectively, because of divergence of the sand available, the stress of the sand-moving winds and the time scales of dune formation. The sand supply for the dunes is not from Lopo Nor in the east as previous studies suggested but mainly from local alluvial or lacustrine deposits. The grain size component does not correlate evidently to the morphology parameters of the sand dunes. Analyses of the DP and drift direction suggest that the northeast Taklimakan is an area of low wind energy and the resultant drift direction (RDD) coincides well with the distribution, morphology and scales of the dunes.  相似文献   

周平  刘智勇 《热带地理》2018,38(3):299-311
基于91个气象站观测值和大气环流模型CCSM3,对南岭同纬度典型区域的气候特征参数进行分析,并对未来不同区域的温度和降水进行预测,进一步探索净初级生产力对温度和降水的敏感性,并分析导致南岭同纬度带典型区域气候差异的可能原因。结果表明:1)南岭和同纬度其它区域呈现不同的干旱期和湿润期,撒哈拉沙漠、阿拉伯半岛沙漠和塔尔沙漠仅存在干旱期,墨西哥荒漠和南岭均存在湿润期,但两者湿润期出现的季节有差异。南岭在植物生长的春季和夏季雨热同期,而墨西哥荒漠雨水充沛的季节多在秋季。墨西哥除湿润期外,一年有两次干旱期,其中冬旱持续的时间较长。2)撒哈拉沙漠、阿拉伯半岛沙漠和塔尔沙漠的潜在蒸散、风速和日照百分率均高于墨西哥荒漠和南岭,但降水正好相反。墨西哥荒漠干季的水汽压与撒哈拉沙漠和阿拉伯半岛沙漠接近,低于该区域湿季及塔尔沙漠与南岭的值。3)在B1气候情景下,对2000―2099年5个阶段(每20年为一个阶段)与1981―2010年的温度和降水数据进行T-test检验发现,南岭同纬度5个典型区域的未来温度均呈极显著上升趋势(P<0.001),降水总体呈增加趋势,然而在不同阶段和区域也存在不同比例的显著减少和显著增加情况。4)通过比较5个区域是否存在温度或降水成为潜在生产力限制因子发现,南岭及同纬度的其它区域均为降水限制因子区域。其中,撒哈拉沙漠和阿拉伯半岛沙漠对降水的敏感性显著高于墨西哥荒漠、塔尔沙漠和南岭。5)南岭与同纬度其它区域气候迥异的原因除气候变化外,还包括海陆位置、人类活动干扰的强弱、地形地貌特征等因素。  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠分别为中国面积第二、第三大流动性沙漠,对两大沙漠连接带新月形沙丘的动态监测可以揭示该地区沙丘形成演化规律,为沙漠连接带风沙地貌发育研究提供科学支撑。通过Google Earth高清历史影像对巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带的新月形沙丘带进行监测,分析了两大沙漠交界处沙丘的移动速率和形态变化。结果表明:巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带沙丘移动速率范围5.88-19.55 m·a^(-1),平均移动速率10.03 m·a^(-1);移动方向范围109°-135°,平均移动方向122°。风况为沙丘移动提供动力条件,合成输沙方向与沙丘移动方向吻合。受NW、WNW方向输沙影响,新月形沙丘南翼在移动速率增加的同时长度不断伸长,显著区别于北翼。沙丘移动受控于沙丘本身形态,沙丘各形态参数(迎风坡长度、高度、宽度、周长、底面积)与移动速率呈现显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。植被覆盖以及沙丘密度的差异导致了研究区沙丘移动速率的差异。沙丘移动前后,形态参数变化具有复杂性,而沙源丰富度差异以及丘间地灌丛沙包对沙丘形态的改变,是沙丘形态变化复杂性的主要原因。两大沙漠连接带年输沙通量170-521 t·m^(-1),均值为301 t·m^(-1)。  相似文献   

利用2000年的TM影像资料和Arcinfo以及Arcview等GIS软件,研究了库布齐沙漠及其毗连地区的土地荒漠化类型及特征,研究表明,该区土地荒漠化的类型主要是沙质荒漠化、土壤盐渍化和水土流失。面积分别为沙质荒漠化,24992.96km^2,占荒漠化土地面积的66%,其次是水土流失,9676.60km^2,占26%,土壤盐渍化面积3098.07km^2,仅占荒漠化土地的8%。指出由于该区域自然条件和人类活动方式、强度的差异,造成了土地荒漠化类型和程度在空间分布上的差异,并划分为5个治理分区,提出了各分区的治理对策。  相似文献   

Data from distribution, ecology, and stomach contents of four desert shrews, Notiosorex crawfordi (Coues), collected from a large gap in their known distribution on the Baja California peninsula, in Mexico is presented in this paper. The contents in the stomach were specimens of the order Araneae, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Dictioptera, and Acari, and small quantities of plant material were also found.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine physiological correlates to the phenomenon of epidermal browning and saguaro decline in Saguaro National Monument. Gas exchange characteristics, surface temperatures, and the extent of epidermal browning in tissues of both healthy and declining saguaro cacti (Carnegiea gigantea) at different solar orientations were examined in eight long-term monitoring plots in the Rincon Mountain District of the Saguaro National Monument near Tucson, Arizona during both wet and dry seasons and years.Daily maximum surface temperatures were greatest on west-oriented tissues, as predicted by a simple model. However, south- and south-west-oriented tissues showed the highest browning indices, suggesting that browning may be more related to cumulative thermal loading than to extreme late afternoon temperature events. During the wet season, maximum nocturnal CO2uptake rates and total nocturnal CO2uptake were negatively correlated with browning index. Uptake rates during dry seasons and dry years was minimal, and not related to browning indices. However, healthy tissues of saguaros that also had tissues with high browning indices had wet-season maximum CO2uptake rates as high as saguaros without damaged tissues, suggesting that the browning is not systemic but rather is tissue- and angle-specific. Instantaneous measures of water-use efficiency did not vary significantly or predictably by angle, but rather were greatest during night-time and in tissues when CO2uptake was greatest. We suggest that browning symptoms on cacti are most likely due to natural abiotic stress, and are unrelated to systemic pollution stress or increased UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

在库姆塔格沙漠羽毛状沙丘分布区选取典型地段作为观测区,运用全站仪测量了观测区羽毛状沙丘地形特征。结果如下:(1) 构成羽毛状沙丘羽轴的沙垄由首尾相连的变形的新月形沙丘构成,其走向为N55°E;新月形沙丘的平均高度为17.65 m,西北翼角的平均长度为72 m,均长于东南翼角。(2) 沙垄的纵断面(SW→NE)表现出明显的波动性,波长在50~100 m之间,波高在10~25 m之间。(3) 沙垄的平均宽度为127.69 m,平均坡度为12.59°;西北坡平均坡长为71.74 m,平均坡度为11.65°,东南坡平均坡长为59.05 m,平均坡度为13.52°。(4) 羽毛状沙丘的“羽枝”部分是由地形平缓的穹状大沙波首尾相连构成,并未像遥感影像一样呈现出明暗相间的羽毛状图案。大沙波的平均宽度为641.34 m,其纵断面相对平缓,2个波峰之间的距离在400 m左右,波峰高度为1~3 m,平均坡长为322.37 m,平均坡度为1.28°,仅为沙垄的10%。  相似文献   

We assessed the geographic distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile, from Arica (18°20′S) to the Loa river (21°25′S) and discussed the factors that might potentially underlie the observed patterns. We carried out extensive field survey complemented with aerial surveys and analysis of specimens deposited in herbaria. We detected over 30 Tillandsia stands most of which corresponded to the species Tillandsia landbeckii and can be grouped in 10 large systems. Other two species were also detected Tillandsia marconae and Tillandsia virescens, both of which show a restricted distribution in the area. Our results provide evidence on the wide distribution of Tillandsia lomas in northern Chile and its association with fog corridors.  相似文献   

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