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The Hianana Volcanics consist of bedded tuff and dacitic lava that form a locally mappable unit within the extensive, Late Permian silicic volcanic sequence of northeastern New South Wales. Principal components of the bedded tuff are crystal and volcanic lithic fragments ranging from coarse ash to lapilli, accompanied by variable amounts of fine ash matrix. Well denned plane parallel thin bedding is characteristic. Sandwave bed forms, including low‐angle cross‐beds and wavy beds, are confined to an area of 2–3 km2 coinciding with the thickest sections (70 m) of bedded tuff. A high‐aspect ratio flow of porphyritic dacitic lava overlies the bedded tuff in the same area. The setting, lithofacies, extent and geometry of the bedded tuffs of the Hianana Volcanics are comparable with modern tuff rings which are composed of the deposits from base surges generated by explosive phreatomagmatic eruptions at primary volcanic vents. Many of these have also discharged lava late in their activity. Proximal parts of the Hianana tuff ring were buried by the porphyritic lava after the phreatomagmatic eruptions had ceased. In more distal sections, the bedded tuff is less than 10 m thick and dominantly comprises fine grained, plane parallel, very thin beds and laminae; these features suggest an origin by fallout from ash clouds that accompanied the phreatomagmatic eruptions. The distal ash was covered and preserved from erosion by a layer of welded ignimbrite, the source of which is unknown.  相似文献   

A 4-km thick, vertically dipping, south-facing, homoclinal, intermediate to felsic, volcaniclastic sequence in central Lake of the Woods, is underlain and overlain by subaqueous, tholeiitic basalt flows. Volcaniclastic lithologies comprise a lower tuff-breccia and lapilli-tuff assemblage, an upper turbiditic greywacke formation, and three lenticular, upward-fining, conglomerate formations interspersed within other units. Tuff-breccia and lapilli-tuff are characterized by very thick, poorly defined beds, pronounced heterogeneity, mostly angular blocks and lapilli, and a plagioclase+quartz crystal component that, in places, is incompatible with phenocryst populations in fragments. These appear to be subaqueous debris flow deposits that resulted from multistage mixing, during downslope mass transport, of fragments produced by subaerial phreatomagmatic vulcanian-type eruptions. Anomalous crystal contents represent intermixing of subaerial subplinian or plinian ash. Conglomerate formations comprise very thick, poorly defined beds composed almost entirely of well rounded, fine- to medium-grained trondhjemite. They are also subaqueous debris flow deposits but were apparently derived from wave erosion of large, flank dome complexes that periodically blocked normal transport of volcanic debris from higher on the volcano. The upper greywacke represents a shift in eruptive processes to largely plinian or subplinian eruptions.  相似文献   

Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Salida area include two exceptionally well-preserved sections of undeformed volcanogenic rocks: a northern section nearly 4000 m thick and a southern section 1700 m thick. The stratigraphic and lithologic character of the sections are the same, indicating that they were formed contemporaneously in the same subaqueous environment. The suite is strongly bimodal, consisting of felsic volcaniclastic rocks (50%), mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks (22%), and gabbro/diabase sheets (23%). The remaining rocks are mostly pelitic metasediments.The felsic rocks, which dominate the upper portions of both sections, comprise four distinct facies: crystal-lithic tuff breccia, crystal-lithic lapilli-breccia tuff, bedded tuff, and massive tuff. Lithic fragments are typically foreign, dominated by pelitic material. Crystal clasts are feldspar, mainly plagioclase, and quartz. Sequences of these facies, representing cycles of eruptive activity, are uniform in thickness and extend along strike for the entire width of Precambrian exposure, up to 4 km, but individual facies units, especially the coarser ones, are limited in their lateral extent. Individual sequences average about 100 m thick, but continuous exposures of felsic rocks locally exceed 600 m. Primary sedimentary structures and vertical and lateral variations indicate deposition, typically following remobilization as debris flows and turbidites, in a shallow marine environment of low relief.Mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks form accumulations up to 600 m thick and extend uniformly for several kilometers along strike, although individual units are more restricted laterally. The principal rock types are basalt flows, basaltic lithic breccia, pillow lava/pillow breccia, bedded basaltic lapillistone, and laminated basaltic tuff, all deposited in a submarine setting. Accumulations, typically including several types, are interbedded with felsic rocks, but mechanical mixing of mafic and felsic volcaniclastics is rare, suggesting separate eruptive centers for the mafic and felsic volcanics. The northern section may be more proximal than the southern section, as indicated by the greater abundance of flows, the thicker sheets of gabbro, and the greater abundance of mafic rocks relative to felsic rocks.Gabbro/diabase sheets, up to 350 m thick and dominantly concordant, intrude throughout both sections. They are characterized by lack of internal differentiation, simple mineralogy consisting of plagioclase and hornblende, pseudomorphous after pyroxene, and sub-ophitic texture. The minor pelitic material indicates that the area was accessible to continental sediment sources, although their location is not known.The Salida bimodal volcanic suite is part of a more extensive accumulation of similar 1700–1800 Ma supracrustal rocks that extends west to the Gunnison area and perhaps south into northern New Mexico.  相似文献   

Subaqueous tuff deposits within the lower Miocene Lospe Formation of the Santa Maria Basin, California, are up to 20 m thick and were deposited by high density turbidity flows after large volumes of ash were supplied to the basin and remobilized. Tuff units in the Lospe Formation include a lower lithofacies assemblage of planar bedded tuff that grades upward into massive tuff, which in turn is overlain by an upper lithofacies assemblage of alternating thin bedded, coarse grained tuff beds and tuffaceous mudstone. The planar bedded tuff ranges from 0.3 to 3 m thick and contains 1-8 cm thick beds that exhibit inverse grading, and low angle and planar laminations. The overlying massive tuff ranges from 1 to 10 m thick and includes large intraclasts of pumiceous tuff and stringers of pumice grains aligned parallel to bedding. The upper lithofacies assemblage of thin bedded tuff ranges from 0.4 to 3 m thick; individual beds are 6-30 cm thick and display planar laminae and dewatering structures. Pumice is generally concentrated in the upper halves of beds in the thin bedded tuff interval. The association of sedimentary structures combined with semi-quantitative analysis for dispersive and hydraulic equivalence of bubble-wall vitric shards and pumice grains reveals that particles in the planar bedded lithofacies are in dispersive, not settling, equivalence. This suggests deposition under dispersive pressures in a tractive flow. Grains in the overlying massive tuff are more closely in settling equivalence as opposed to dispersive equivalence, which suggests rapid deposition from a suspended sediment load. The set of lithofacies that comprises the lower lithofacies assemblage of each of the Lospe Formation tuff units is analogous to those of traction carpets and subsequent suspension sedimentation deposits often attributed to high density turbidity flows. Grain distributions in the upper thin bedded lithofacies do not reveal a clear relation for dispersive or settling equivalence. This information, together with the association of sedimentary features in the thin bedded lithofacies, including dewatering structures, suggests a combination of tractive and liquefied flows. Absence of evidence for elevated emplacement temperatures (e.g. eutaxitic texture or shattered crystàls) suggests emplacement of the Lospe Formation tuff deposits in a cold state closely following pyroclastic eruptions. The tuff deposits are not only a result of primary volcanic processes which supplied the detritus, but also of processes which involved remobilization of unconsolidated ash as subaqueous sediment gravity flows. These deposits provide an opportunity to study the sedimentation processes that may occur during subaqueous volcaniclastic flows and demonstrate similarities with existing models for sediment gravity flow processes.  相似文献   

The Efate Pumice Formation (EPF) is a trachydacitic volcaniclastic succession widespread in the central part of Efate Island and also present on Hat and Lelepa islands to the north. The volcanic succession has been inferred to result from a major, entirely subaqueous explosive event north of Efate Island. The accumulated pumice-rich units were previously interpreted to be subaqueous pyroclastic density current deposits on the basis of their bedding, componentry and stratigraphic characteristics. Here we suggest an alternative eruptive scenario for this widespread succession. The major part of the EPF is distributed in central Efate, where pumiceous pyroclastic rock units several hundred meters thick are found within fault scarp cliffs elevated about 800 m above sea level. The basal 200 m of the pumiceous succession is composed of massive to weakly bedded pumiceous lapilli units, each 2-3 m thick. This succession is interbedded with wavy, undulatory and dune bedded pumiceous ash and fine lapilli units with characteristics of co-ignimbrite surges and ground surges. The presence of the surge beds implies that the intervening units comprise a subaerial ignimbrite-dominated succession. There are no sedimentary indicators in the basal units examined that are consistent with water-supported transportation and/or deposition. The subaerial ignimbrite sequence of the EPF is overlain by a shallow marine volcaniclastic Rentanbau Tuffs. The EPF is topped by reef limestone, which presumably preserved the underlying EPF from erosion. We here propose that the EPF was formed by a combination of initial subaerial ignimbrite-forming eruptions, followed by caldera subsidence. The upper volcaniclastic successions in our model represent intra-caldera pumiceous volcaniclastic deposits accumulated in a shallow marine environment in the resultant caldera. The present day elevated position of the succession is a result of a combination of possible caldera resurgence and ongoing arc-related uplift in the region.  相似文献   

The San Ignacio Fm, a late Palaeozoic foreland basin succession that crops out in the Frontal Cordillera (Argentinean Andes), contains lacustrine microbial carbonates and volcanic rocks. Modification by extensive pedogenic processes contributed to the massive aspect of the calcareous beds. Most of the volcanic deposits in the San Ignacio Fm consist of pyroclastic rocks and resedimented volcaniclastic deposits. Less frequent lava flows produced during effusive eruptions led to the generation of tabular layers of fine-grained, greenish or grey andesites, trachytes and dacites. Pyroclastic flow deposits correspond mainly to welded ignimbrites made up of former glassy pyroclasts devitrified to microcrystalline groundmass, scarce crystals of euhedral plagioclase, quartz and K-feldspar, opaque minerals, aggregates of fine-grained phyllosilicates and fiammes defining a bedding-parallel foliation generated by welding or diagenetic compaction. Widespread silicified and silica-permineralized plant remains and carbonate mud clasts are found, usually embedded within the ignimbrites. The carbonate sequences are underlain and overlain by volcanic rocks. The carbonate sequence bottoms are mostly gradational, while their tops are usually sharp. The lower part of the carbonate sequences is made up of mud which appear progressively, filling interstices in the top of the underlying volcanic rocks. They gradually become more abundant until they form the whole of the rock fabric. Carbonate on volcanic sandstones and pyroclastic deposits occur, with the nucleation of micritic carbonate and associated production of pyrite. Cyanobacteria, which formed the locus of mineral precipitation, were related with this nucleation. The growth of some of the algal mounds was halted by the progressive accumulation of volcanic ash particles, but in most cases the upper boundary is sharp and suddenly truncated by pyroclastic flows or volcanic avalanches. These pyroclastic flows partially destroyed the carbonate beds and palaeosols. Microbial carbonate clasts, silicified and silica-permineralized tree trunks, log stumps and other plant remains such as small branches and small roots inside pieces of wood (interpreted as fragments of nurse logs) are commonly found embedded within the ignimbrites. The study of the carbonate and volcanic rocks of the San Ignacio Fm allows the authors to propose a facies model that increases our understanding of lacustrine environments that developed in volcanic settings.  相似文献   

Tertiary collision-related volcanic rocks of the Eastern Rhodopes (37–25.5 Ma) display calc-alkaline and shoshonitic affinities, with (A) intermediate to basic and (B) acid compositions. (A) Latites, andesites, also shoshonites and basaltic andesites and scarce basalts, absarokites and ultrapotassic latites were emitted through different eruptive styles: lava flows often autobrecciated, domes, ash and scarce pumice falls and flows. Lahars are frequent. K2O contents of intermediate volcanics decrease from North to South towards the collision suture. (B) Rhyolites, trachyrhyolites and trachydacites show explosivity progressively decreasing with time. Several eruptive types can be distinguished: pyroclastic flows (weakly and strongly welded ignimbrite deposits), ash and lapilli falls, domes and lava flows. The large (30×10 km) Borovitza caldera is the result of a paroxysmic explosive phase.
  All rocks are characterized by high contents of Rb, Th and Y. Conversely, negative Ba and Ta–Nb anomalies are typical of collision-related magmatism.
  Intense hydrothermal episodes, contemporaneous with the volcanic activity, have converted large amounts of explosive products into bentonite and zeolites deposits. Typical metallogeny is associated with this collision-related volcanism: large Pb, Zn with Cu and Ag deposits and small U or Au deposits are exposed.  相似文献   

In western Anatolia, a thick volcanic succession of andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks crops out extensively. On Foça Peninsula, the westernmost part of the region, a dominantly rhyolitic sequence is exposed where massive rhyolites occur as dome or domelike stubby lava flows. These rhyolite domes vertically and laterally pass into blanketing volcaniclastic sequences. The gradational boundary relations and the facies characteristics of the surrounding volcaniclastic sequences indicate that the silicic domes directly intruded a subaqueous environment and were shattered upon sudden contact with water to form hyaloclastic blankets.

In and around these rhyolite domes, we have defined six different volcanic and volcaniclastic facies, consisting of: (1) massive rhyolite; (2) massive perlite; (3) hyaloclastic breccias; (4) rhyolite pumice and lithic fragment-bearing volcaniclastic rocks; (5) subaqueous welded ignimbrites; and (6) brecciated perlite. The massive rhyolite facies have distinct structures from the centers to the peripheries of the domes and stubby lava flows. Massive lava facies gradually pass into hyaloclastic breccias and massive perlite facies, indicating water-magma interaction during the emplacement. Phreatomagmatic explosive activity and doming caused the subaqueous pyroclastic flows on the flanks of the volcanic center. Welding in the upper parts of these pyroclastic flow deposits indicates the high-temperature emplacement of the pyroclastic material and relatively slow cooling caused by the cushioning effect of the gas-vapor mixture and rapid deposition of younger pyroclastic units.  相似文献   

The Orapa A/K1 Diamond Mine, Botswana, exposes the crater facies of a bilobate kimberlite pipe of Upper Cretaceous age. The South Crater consists of layered volcaniclastic deposits which unconformably cross‐cut massive volcaniclastic kimberlite of diatreme facies in the North Pipe. Based on the depositional structure, grain‐size, sorting and composition of kimberlite in the South Crater, six units are distinguished in the ~70 m thick stratiform crater‐fill sequence and talus slope deposits close to the crater wall, which represents a multistage infill of the volcanic crater. Monolithic basalt breccias (Unit 1) near the base of the crater‐fill are interpreted as rock‐fall avalanche deposits, generated by the sector collapse of the crater walls. These deposits are overlain by a basal imbricated lithic breccia and upper massive sub‐unit (Unit 2), interpreted as the deposits of a pyroclastic flow that entered the South Crater from another source. Vertical degassing structures within the massive sub‐unit show evidence for elutriation of fines and probably were formed after emplacement by fluidization due to air entrainment. Units 3 and 5 are thinly stratified deposits, characterized by diffuse bedding, reverse and normal grading, coarse lenticular beds, mudstone beds, small‐scale scour channels and load casts. These units are attributed to rapidly emplaced sheet floods on the crater floor. Units 3 and 5 are directly overlain by poorly sorted volcaniclastic kimberlite (Units 4 and 6) rich in basalt boulders, attributed to debris flows formed by the collapse of crater walls. Unit 7 comprises medium sandstones to cobble conglomerates representing talus fans, which were active throughout the deposition of Units 1 to 6. The study demonstrates that much of the material infilling the South Crater is derived externally after eruption, including primary pyroclastic flow deposits probably from another kimberlite pipe. These findings have important implications for predicting diamond grade. Results may also aid the interpretation of crater sequences of ultra‐basic, basaltic and intermediate volcanoes, together with the deposits of topographic basins in sub‐aerial settings.  相似文献   

In the Cerro Carro Quebrado and Cerro Catri Cura area, located at the border between the Neuquén Basin and the North Patagonian Massif, the Garamilla Formation is composed of four volcanic stages: 1) andesitic lava-flows related to the beginning of the volcanic system; 2) basal massive lithic breccias that represent the caldera collapse; 3) voluminous, coarse-crystal rich massive lava-like ignimbrites related to multiple, steady eruptions that represent the principal infill of the system; and, finally 4) domes, dykes, lava flows, and lava domes of rhyolitic composition indicative of a post-collapse stage.The analysis of the regional and local structures, as well as, the architectures of the volcanic facies, indicates the existence of a highly oblique rift, with its principal extensional strain in an NNE–SSW direction (∼N10°).The analyzed rocks are mainly high-potassium dacites and rhyolites with trace and RE elements contents of an intraplate signature. The age of these rocks (189 ± 0.76 Ma) agree well with other volcanic sequences of the western North Patagonian Massif, as well as, the Neuquén Basin, indicating that Pliensbachian magmatism was widespread in both regions. The age is also coincident with phase 1 of volcanism of the eastern North Patagonia Massif (188–178 Ma) represented by ignimbrites, domes, and pyroclastic rocks of the Marifil Complex, related to intraplate magmatism.  相似文献   

The volcanic-sedimentary succession of the Ventersdorp Supergroup which is virtually undisturbed tectonically and of low-grade (greenschist facies) metamorphism, affords a unique opportunity for studying the interplay between volcanic and sedimentary processes. The transitional sequence between the Rietgat and Bothaville Formations consists of a number of lithofacies. These are a basal breccia representing pyroclastic and laharic deposits, an overlying breccia—arenite—conglomerate (BAC) which formed by debris flow and fluvial processes, an arenite deposited offshore during a transgression, and an upper conglomerate laid down on a beach. In the volcaniclastic BAC and arenite lithofacies the presence of thin tuff beds, deformed acid lava fragments (bombs?) and glass shards in the arenaceous matrix suggest syndepositional volcanism.Sedimentation took place along the flanks of an asymmetrical, actively volcanic, domal structure which consisted partly of unstable pyroclastic deposits in the east. Resedimentation of the pyroclastic debris by subaerial debris flows and braided streams built a volcaniclastic fan lobe at the foot of the domal structure. As volcanic activity subsided, sands derived from a granitic terrain, mixed with minor air-fall debris to subsequently cover the fan lobe during a regional transgression.  相似文献   

Volcanic activities can create cataclysmic hazards to surrounding environments and human life not only during the eruption but also by hydrologic remobilisation (lahar) processes after the cessation of eruptive activity. Although there are many studies dealing with the assessment and mitigation of volcanic hazards, these are mostly concentrated on primary eruptive processes in areas proximal to active volcanoes. However, the influence of volcaniclastic resedimentation may surpass the impacts of primary eruptive activity in terms of both extent and persistence, and can ultimately result in severe hazards in downstream areas.Examination of the volcaniclastic successions of non-marine Pliocene–Holocene sedimentary basins in Japan has revealed hydrological volcaniclastic sedimentation in fluvial and lacustrine environments hundreds of kilometres from the inferred source volcano. Impacts on these distal and often spatially separated basins included drastic changes in depositional systems caused by sudden massive influxes of remobilised pyroclastic material. Typical volcaniclastic beds comprise centimetre- to decimetre-thick primary pyroclastic fall deposits overlain by metre- to 10s of metres-thick resedimented volcaniclastic deposits, intercalated in sedimentary successions of non-volcanic provenance. The relatively low component of primary pyroclastic fall deposits in the volcaniclastic beds suggests that: 1) potential volcanic hazards would be underestimated on the basis of primary pyroclastic fall events alone; and 2) the majority of resedimented material was likely derived from erosion of non-welded pyroclastic flow deposits in catchment areas rather than remobilisation of local fallout deposits from surrounding hillslopes.The nature, distribution and sequence of facies developed by distal volcaniclastic sediments reflect the influence of: 1) proximity to ignimbrite, but not directly with the distance to the eruptive centre; 2) ignimbrite nature (non-welded or welded) and volume; 3) temporal changes in sediment flux from the source area; 4) the physiography and drainage patterns of the source area and the receiving basin, and any intervening areas; and 5) the formation of ephemeral dam-lakes and intra-caldera lakes whose potential catastrophic failure can impact distal areas. Models of the styles and timing of distal volcaniclastic resedimentation are thus more complicated than those developed for proximal settings of stratovolcanoes and their volcaniclastic aprons and hence present different challenges for hazard assessment and mitigation.  相似文献   

华北西缘太原组火山事件沉积的发现及太原组地层对比   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
彭格林  钟蓉 《现代地质》1995,9(1):108-118,T001
摘要:作者主要依据镜下岩矿特征,辅以岩石的野外产状与分布特点,并参考REE配分模式特征,首次发现华北西缘太原组存在3个火山事件层。根据火山事件沉积并结合最大海侵事件层对华北西缘太原组进行了区域对比.  相似文献   

The Ebisutoge–Fukuda tephra (Plio‐Pleistocene boundary, central Japan) has a well‐recorded eruptive style, history, magnitude and resedimentation styles, despite the absence of a correlative volcanic edifice. This tephra was ejected by an extremely large‐magnitude and complex volcanic eruption producing more than 400 km3 total volume of volcanic materials (volcanic explosivity index=7), which extended more than 300 km away from the probable eruption centre. Remobilization of these ejecta occurred progressively after the completion of a series of eruptions, resulting in thick resedimented volcaniclastic deposits in spatially separated fluvial basins, more than 100 km from the source. Facies analysis of resedimented volcaniclastic deposits was carried out in distal fluvial basins. The distal tephra (≈100–300 km from the source) comprises two different lithofacies, primary pyroclastic‐fall deposits and reworked volcaniclastic deposits. The resedimented volcaniclastic succession shows five distinct sedimentary facies, interpreted as debris‐flow deposits (facies A), hyperconcentrated flow deposits (facies B), channel‐fill deposits (facies C), floodplain deposits with abundant flood‐flow deposits (facies D) and floodplain deposits with rare flood deposits (facies E). Resedimented volcaniclastic materials at distal locations originated from unconsolidated deposits of a climactic, large ignimbrite‐forming eruption. Factors controlling inter‐ and intrabasinal facies changes are (1) temporal change of introduced volcaniclastic materials into the basin; (2) proximal–distal relationship; and (3) distribution pattern of pyroclastic‐flow deposits relative to drainage basins. Thus, studies of the Ebisutoge–Fukuda tephra have led to a depositional model of volcaniclastic resedimentation in distal areas after extremely large‐magnitude eruptions, an aspect of volcaniclastic deposits that has often been ignored or poorly understood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Cagayan basin of Northern Luzon, an interarc basin 250 km long and 80 km wide, contains a 900 m thick sequence of Plio-Pleistocene fluvial and pyroclastic deposits. These deposits are divided into two formations, the Ilagan and Awidon Mesa, and three lithofacies associations. The facies, which are interpreted as meandering stream, braided stream, lahar, and pyroclastic flow and fall deposits, occur in a coarsening upward sequence. Meandering stream deposits interbedded with tuffs are overlain by braided stream deposits interbedded with coarser pyroclastic deposits; lahars and ignimbrites. The coarsening upward volcaniclastic deposits reflect the tectonic and volcanic evolution of the adjacent Cordillera Central volcanic arc. Uplift of the arc resulted in the progradation of coarser clastics further into the basin, the development of an alluvial fan, and migration of the basin depocentre away from the arc. The coarsening of the pyroclastic deposits reflects the development of a more proximal calc-alkaline volcanic belt in the maturing volcanic arc. The Cagayan basin sediments serve as an example of the type and sequence of non marine volcaniclastic sediments that may form in other interarc basins. This is because the tectonic and volcanic processes which controlled sedimentation in the Cagayan basin also affect other arc systems and will therefore control or significantly influence volcaniclastic sedimentation in other interarc basins.  相似文献   

The Ilchulbong tuff cone, Cheju Island, South Korea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Ilchulbong mount of Cheju Island, South Korea, is an emergent tuff cone of middle Pleistocene age formed by eruption of a vesiculating basaltic magma into shallow seawater. A sedimentological study reveals that the cone sequence can be represented by nine sedimentary facies that are grouped into four facies associations. Facies association I represents steep strata near the crater rim composed mostly of crudely and evenly bedded lapilli tuff and minor inversely graded lapilli tuff. These facies suggest fall-out from tephra finger jets and occasional grain flows, respectively. Facies association II represents flank or base-of-slope deposits composed of lenticular and hummocky beds of massive or backset-stacked deposits intercalated between crudely to thinly stratified lapilli tuffs. They suggest occasional resedimentation of tephra by debris flows and slides during the eruption. Facies association III comprises thin, gently dipping marginal strata, composed of thinly stratified lapilli tuff and tuff. This association results from pyroclastic surges and cosurge falls associated with occasional large-scale jets. Facies association IV comprises a reworked sequence of massive, inversely graded and cross-bedded (gravelly) sandstones. These facies represent post-eruptive reworking of tephra by debris and stream flows. The facies associations suggest that the Ilchulbong tuff cone grew by an alternation of vertical and lateral accumulation. The vertical buildup was accomplished by plastering of wet tephra finger jets. This resulted in oversteepening and periodic failure of the deposits, in which resedimentation contributed to the lateral growth. After the eruption ceased, the cone underwent subaerial erosion and faulting of intracrater deposits. A volcaniclastic apron accumulated with erosion of the original tuff cone; the faulting was caused by subsidence of the subvolcanic basement within the crater.  相似文献   

The Maastrichtian Pab Formation in the southern part of Pakistan is composed of fine- to very coarse-grained texturally mature quartz arenite and subordinate sublitharenite varieties. The sandstones have undergone intense and complex diagenetic episodes due to burial and uplift. Diagenetic modifications were dependent mainly on the clastic composition of sandstone, burial depth and thrust tectonics. Diagenetic events identified include compaction, precipitation of calcite, quartz, clay minerals and iron oxide/hydroxide, dissolution and alteration of unstable clastic grains as feldspar and volcaniclithic fragments as well as tectonically induced grain fracturing. The unstable clastic grains like feldspar and lithic volcanic fragments suffered considerable alteration to kaolinite and chlorite. Dissolution and alteration of feldspar and volcanic lithic fragments and pressure solution were the main sources of quartz cements. Mechanical compaction and authigenic cements like calcite, quartz and iron oxide/hydroxide reduced the primary porosity, whereas dissolution of clastic grains and cements has produced secondary porosity. Chlorite coatings on clastic grains have prevented quartz cementation. Coarse-grained, thick bedded packages of fluviodeltaic, shelf delta lobe and submarine channels facies have higher average porosity than fine-grained, thin bedded and bioturbated sandstone of deeper shelf and abyssal plain environments and these facies are concluded to be possible future hydrocarbon prospects.  相似文献   

刘永顺  冯肖兵  聂保锋  彭年  孙善平 《岩石学报》2014,30(12):3671-3680
火山碎屑岩中的碎屑颗粒形态、分布和显微结构保存着岩浆房内岩浆的结晶状态、火山爆炸过程中的岩浆气泡化和碎裂作用以及火山碎屑堆积和变形过程的大量物理信息。为揭示北京西山沿河城地区东岭台组酸性火山碎屑流形成的物理过程,本文以东岭台组第三岩性段的酸性熔结火山碎屑岩的火山地质、岩相学研究为基础,应用分形理论和方法对酸性熔结火山碎屑岩中的碎屑形态的分形特征开展了定量研究。不同类型碎屑的表面和边界盒维数的数值范围大小具有一致性。玻屑变幅较大,石英晶屑和岩屑变幅较小,这说明碎屑的塑性和流变性对碎屑形态多样性的影响较大。在几类碎屑中,熔蚀石英的边界盒维数和周长-面积法获得的分形维数最大,说明熔蚀作用对石英斑晶边界形态复杂性的影响超过了其它机制对火山碎屑形态复杂性的影响。东岭台组酸性火山碎屑岩中的熔蚀石英、石英碎屑、长石碎屑、玻屑和岩屑的分形特征有明显差异,反映了火山喷发过程中围岩和岩浆性质、物理化学条件以及火山作用机制的差异。火山碎屑形态的分形特征和幂率规律,证明火山爆炸过程是一种自组织临界条件下发生的。  相似文献   

his study presents the first and detail field investigations of exposed deposits at proximal sections of the Barombi Mbo Maar (BMM), NE Mt Cameroon, with the aim of documenting its past activity, providing insight on the stratigraphic distribution, depositional process, and evolution of the eruptive sequences during its formation. Field evidence reveals that the BMM deposit is about 126m thick, of which about 20m is buried lowermost under the lake level and covered by vegetation. Based on variation in pyroclastic facies within the deposit, it can be divided into three main stratigraphic units: U1, U2 and U3. Interpretation of these features indicates that U1 consists of alternating lapilli-ash-lapilli beds series, in which fallout derived individual lapilli-rich beds are demarcated by surges deposits made up of thin, fine-grained and consolidated ash-beds that are well-defined, well-sorted and laterally continuous in outcrop scale. U2, a pyroclastic fall-derived unit, shows crudely lenticular stratified scoriaceous layers, in which many fluidal and spindle bombs-rich lapilli-beds are separated by very thin, coarse-vesiculatedash-beds, overlain by a mantle xenolith- and accidental lithic-rich explosive breccia, and massive lapilli tuff and lapillistone. U3 displays a series of surges and pyroclastic fall layers. Emplacement processes were largely controlled by fallout deposition and turbulent diluted pyroclastic density currents under “dry” and “wet” conditions. The eruptive activity evolved in a series of initial phreatic eruptions, which gradually became phreatomagmatic, followed by a phreato-Strombolian and a violent phreatomagmatic fragmentation. A relatively long-time break, demonstrated by a paleosol between U2 and U3, would have permitted the feeding of the root zone or the prominent crater by the water that sustained the next eruptive episode, dominated by subsequent phreatomagmatic eruptions. These preliminary results require complementary studies, such as geochemistry, for a better understanding of the changes in the eruptive styles, and to develop more constraints on the maar’s polygenetic origin.  相似文献   

The uplifted and deeply eroded volcanic succession of Porto Santo (central East-Atlantic) is the product of a wide spectrum of dynamic processes that are active in shoaling to emergent seamounts. Two superimposed lapilli cones marking the base of the exposed section are interpreted as having formed from numerous submarine to subaerial phreatomagmatic explosions, pyroclastic fragmentation being subordinate. The lower basaltic and the upper mugearitic to trachytic sections are dominated by redeposited tephra and are called 'lapilli cone aprons'. Vertical growth due to accumulation of tephra, voluminous intrusions, and minor pillowed lava flows produced ephemeral islands which were subsequently leveled by wave erosion, as shown by conglomerate beds. Periods of volcanic quiescence are represented by abundant biocalcarenite lenses at several stratigraphic levels. The loose tephra piles became stabilized by widespread syn-volcanic intrusions such as dikes and trachytic to rhyolitic domes welding the volcanic and volcaniclastic ensemble into a solid edifice. Shattering of a submarine extrusive trachytic dome by pyroclastic and phreatomagmatic explosions, accentuated by quench fragmentation, resulted in pumice- and crystal-rich deposits emplaced in a prominent submarine erosional channel. The dome must have produced an island as indicated by a collapse breccia comprising surf-rounded boulders of dome material. Subaerial explosive activity is represented by scoria cones and tuff cones. Basaltic lava flows built a resistant cap that protected the island from wave erosion. Some lava flows entered the sea and formed two distinct types of lava delta: 1. closely-packed pillow lava and massive tabular lava flows along the southwestern coast of Porto Santo, and 2. a steeply inclined pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism composed of foreset-bedded hydroclastic breccia, variably-shaped pillows, and thin sheet flows capped by subhorizontal submarine to subaerial lava flows along the eastern coast of Porto Santo.The facies architectures indicate emplacement: 1. on a gently sloping platform in southwestern Porto Santo, and 2. on steep offshore slopes along high energy shorelines in eastern Porto Santo.Growth of the pillow-hyaloclastite breccia prism is dominated by the formation of foreset beds but various types of syn-volcanic intrusions contributed significantly. Submarine flank eruptions occurred in very shallow water on the flanks of the hyaloclastite prism in eastern Porto Santo. The island became consolidated by intrusion of numerous dikes and by emplacement of prominent intrusions that penetrate the entire volcanic succession. Volcanic sedimentation ended with the emplacement of a debris avalanche that postdates the last subaerial volcanic activity.  相似文献   

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