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A detailed comparison is made of the capability of population balance models to predict steady-state product size distributions of a pilot-scale ball mill. The mill was operated at 60% solids with feed rates of crystalline limestone ranging from 90 to 450 kg/hr (200 to 1000 lb/hr). Two types of lumped parameter models are compared: a linear model in which size reduction parameters are independent of size consist and a nonlinear model in which these parameters are dependent on size consist. The nonlinear model is based on an empirical correlation between rate of breakage and size consist in the mill. Results indicate that the nonlinear model gives the most accurate predictions of product size distributions, however, at the cost of significantly more complex computations. 相似文献
Ferruh Demirmen 《Mathematical Geology》1971,3(1):15-41
The binomial model, commonly used to estimate counting error in point-count analysis, misestimates this error when the observation points on a grid are positively or negatively correlated. A model, called the cell model, is proposed as an alternative to the binomial model for use in studies, especially with coarse-grained rocks, in which such correlation is known or thought to exist. In the new model the thin section is conceptually partitioned into a number of cells (six is recommended), and the assumption is made that the proportions in the individual cells are statistically independent and that their variance does not differ from cell to cell. Empirical relations obtained from a suite of 200 thin sections of limestones are in reasonable support of the prediction that large particle size adversely affects counting error estimates based on the binomial model. 相似文献
Binary coefficients: A theoretical and empirical study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Michael Ed. Hohn 《Mathematical Geology》1976,8(2):137-150
Binary coefficients can be assigned to several categories on the basis of algebraic and conceptual properties. The phi coefficient of association is related algebraically to the chi-square statistic for 2-by-2 contingency tables, and use of this coefficient in cluster analysis permits the objective, nonarbitrary partitioning of objects among groups on the basis of previously selected levels of significant, positive association. Similarity, matching, and distance coefficients possess neither conceptual nor operational statistical meaning for many geological data sets. The weighted pair group method and flexible clustering strategy may give an overly conservative partitioning of objects among groups. Clustering by the unweighted pair group method, using the phi coefficient, is recommended for the analysis of biostratigraphic and paleoecologic presence—absence data. 相似文献
不同含水条件下板岩力学实验研究与理论分析 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
以南水北调西线的板岩为研究对象,进行了不同泡水条件下的三轴压缩实验,通过引入相对吸水率的定义,分析了吸水率变化对岩石强度、弹性模量及泊松比等力学参数的影响,并从微观的角度分析了试样发生变化的机理,得出如下结论:(1)板岩在泡水后三轴抗压强度发生降低,最大降低辐度达46 %左右,抗压强度随相对吸水率的变化可以用函数式来有效的描述;(2)在泡水后,板岩的弹性模量与泊松比随着吸水率的增大而增大,但由于板岩自身各向异性明显,规律性不是特别明显,只能近似用关系式来模拟;(3)理论分析证实:实际泡水条件下的岩样,在受力挤压后,会经历排水与不排水两种过程,随着吸水率的提高,弹性模量与泊松比增大,验证了实验结果;(4)利用微观力学模型初步证实:泡水后板岩颗粒的吸水性与颗粒间毛细管力的减小是造成板岩泡水后发生软化的原因。 相似文献
Ran An Xiao-Wei Jiang Jun-Zhi Wang Li Wan Xu-Sheng Wang Hailong Li 《Hydrogeology Journal》2015,23(2):397-404
Grinding mills are commonly used in the Florida phosphate industry to reduce particle size. The corrosion of metallic grinding media and mill liner is a very serious problem, particularly under acidic conditions as encountered in the Florida phosphate fertilizer industry. A statistical Box–Behnken Design (BBD) of experiments was performed to evaluate the effects of individual operating variables and their interactions on the wear rate of high chromium alloy during phosphate grinding. The variables examined in this study included grinding time, solution pH, rotation speed, mill crop load, and solids percentage. The wear tests were conducted using a specially designed grinding mill whose electrochemical potential can be controlled. The most significant variables and optimum conditions were identified from statistical analysis of the experimental results using response surface methodology (RSM). It has been shown that solution pH had the most significant effect on the wear rate. The optimum process parameters for minimum wear rate were solution pH at 8.7, rotation speed at 61 rpm, solid percentage at 65% and crop load at 58%. 相似文献
The effectiveness of an environmentally friendly stabilising agent for soil, namely, lignosulfonate was examined through a series of laboratory tests. A simple bounding surface plasticity model was developed to capture the bonding effects induced by lignosulfonate. One of the appealing aspects of the model is that it can incorporate the mechanical behaviour of the bonded soil during shearing, including the brittle and ductile failure modes. Validity of the model was verified by experimental results of lignosulfonate-treated soils under different stress path conditions. The mechanical behaviour of chemically treated soil was adequately captured by the model. 相似文献
F. Demirmen 《Mathematical Geology》1972,4(1):35-43
Operator error in petrographic point-count analysis introduces bias into the estimates of proportion in a thin section. A correction for this bias, leading to an unbiased estimator of the true proportion in that thin section, is here proposed. Operator error also affects the confidence interval, and in this situation, too, an adjustment is possible. The approach proposed requires that the probabilities associated with operator error, categorized into A-type and B-type errors, are known or assumed. The A-type operator error tends to underestimate the true proportion in a thin section, whereas the B-type operator error tends to overestimate it. 相似文献
《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1954,6(4):197-207
This theoretical study of the alpha star populations in loaded emulsions was undertaken in an effort to find a quantitative method for the analysis of less than microgram amounts of thorium in the presence of larger amounts of uranium. Analytical expressions for each type of star from each of the significantly contributing members of the uranium and thorium series as well as summation formulas for the whole series have been computed. The analysis for thorium may be made by determining the abundance of five-branched stars in a loaded nuclear emulsion and comparing of observed and predicted star populations. The comparison may also be used to check the half-lives of several members of the uranium and thorium series. 相似文献
Alexander Likholyot 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2005,69(12):2949-2958
We have studied thermochemistry of the first hydration steps for Cl−, Br−, and I− in the gas phase both experimentally using high-pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS) and theoretically using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The highest hydration steps measured experimentally were n = 8 for Cl−, n = 7 for Br−, and n = 5 for I−, all of them being higher than previously reported. Both experimental and theoretical stepwise enthalpies and entropies of hydration for these halides exhibited non-monotonic behavior for successive hydration steps that was not reported in previous HPMS investigations of these reactions. This behavior can be successfully interpreted using halide water cluster geometries obtained from DFT calculations by considering the number of additional hydrogen bonds formed at each hydration step and simultaneous weakening of ion-solvent interaction with increasing cluster size. Results of DFT calculations for surface cluster geometries agree better with experimental results than do the results for interior cluster geometries. We conclude that predominantly surface clusters were observed in our experiments and that small surface clusters have larger number of possible isomers than the interior clusters of the same size. The results for enthalpies of hydration for the studied halide ions lead to the conclusion that ion-solvent interaction is stronger than solvent-solvent interaction for chloride-water clusters. The difference between the two types of interaction diminishes with increasing anion size. The ion-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions are of nearly equal magnitude for iodide. 相似文献
D. Peila 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》1994,12(3):145-168
Summary The problem of tunnel face stability is studied and the analysis of the stabilizing effect achieved by pre-reinforcement of the core which has to be excavated is dealt with. In Italy, the insertion of longitudinal fibreglass pipes in the ground has proved to be efficient in solving face instability problems. A thorough review of other applications of the technology has been carried out.The results of a series of parametric, three-dimensional, elasto-plastic finite element analyses are presented. The tunnel excavation with or without support and face reinforcement is simulated in the models. The stresses, plastic zones and displacements in the ground, pipes and lining have been studied. The support effect of the pipes is demonstrated by the results. Face reinforcement significantly reduces the displacements of the face. The stresses in the material at the face are also charged from tension to compression, thus enhancing face stability. 相似文献
矿物中的微量元素在地质环境下能否保持有效封闭,主要取决于其扩散性质,而稀土元素(REE)是探讨地质作用过程及其物理化学条件等重要的示踪剂,查明其在不同矿物中的扩散行为对于地学研究具有重要意义.本文通过分析矿物晶格结构和离子类型对元素扩散行为的制约规律,探讨了REE在不同矿物中的扩散迁移在此基础上,利用多元统计分析方法得出扩散参数与扩散体系不同晶体化学参数之间的关系方程,建立了计算1atm、无水环境下REE在不同矿物中扩散参数的多变量模型,由此模型预测的REE在不同矿物中的扩散参数E和lnD0的值,与实验测定结果在实验误差范围内具有很好的一致性.与以往的预测模型相比,多变量模型能更全面地反映扩散体系晶体化学因素对扩散速率的制约.此外本研究结果显示,REE在矿物晶格中扩散作用的主要影响因素是阳离子,而非当前认为的阴离子. 相似文献
太原市地质灾害研究与防治 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王银梅 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》2000,11(1):83-86
本文详细论述了太原市地质灾害形成的条件,尤其是新构造运动特点及其影响。系统论述了太原市地质灾害的类型及其特征。将地质灾害分为两大类:自然地质灾害和人类活动引起的地质灾害,重点放在后者。主要是地面沉降与矿区地面塌陷、地裂缝。地面沉降较为严重,吴家堡沉降中心90年代以来,年均沉降量已达225mm,且处于发展阶段。文中最后提出了地质灾害的防治建议。 相似文献
At moderate temperature (T≈1/3 T Melt) recovery processes become very active in wet quartz and many subgrain boundaries (sgb's) are formed which still contain interesting information on the deformation mechanisms. In particular, the geometrical characteristics of a sgb (normal, rotation axis) depend upon the glide systems which have been activated. Possible sgb's in quartz are studied from a theoretical point of view with the help of the Frank formula. The predictions are compared with observations by optical microscopy and by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on naturally deformed quartz samples. Most of the predicted sgb's are effectively observed and there is an excellent agreement between theory and observation. This allows a rapid characterization of sgb's in tem to be performed by standard stereographic methods: only the directions of the dislocations and the plane of the sgb are determined; they are compared to a table deduced from geometrical considerations and the glide systems which have been activated during the deformation (at least the last stage of deformation) can be deduced. This method is very important for the case of quartz because the rapid irradiation of this material under the electron beam renders very difficult the characterization of the Burgers vectors of free dislocations. A similar method can be developed for observations in optical microscopy when the crystallographic orientation of the studied thin sections can be determined. 相似文献
The borate polyhedra BO 3 3? , B(OH)3, BO 4 5? , and B(OH) 4 ? are studied using the ab initio and multiple scattering Xα quantum mechanical methods. The ab initio self-consistent-field (SCF) molecular orbital (MO) method, at the minimum basis set level, predicts equilibrium B-O distances within 0.04 Å of their average values in solids so long as the polyhedron charge is small. Orbital energies from double zeta basis set ab initio calculations and analogies with isoelectric compounds are used to assign the X-ray spectra of BO 3 3? and to predict the valence region spectra of BO 4 5? . Contour maps of the difference between molecular and superimposed free atom electron densities show charge buildup along the B-O bond which is only slightly smaller than that observed in CO 3 2? . 相似文献
The use of inferential particle sizing for wet grinding circuit control is well established in the literature. In this paper an analytical development is presented which yields a general inferential sizing model relating circuit product size to corrected for the circuits' classifier. It is then shown how the different forms of empirical equations reported in the literature can arise, depending on the range of the operating variables and the ratio of feed 50% passing size to corrected. Following this development, data show pilot plant and industrial plant operations to behave as predicted by the general inferential size model. 相似文献
Electrochemical aspects of grinding media-mineral interactions in magnetite ore grinding are illustrated from the viewpoint of corrosive wear of grinding balls and changes in the surface properties of the ground minerals. The corrosive wear of mild steel and HCLA steel was found to be small in contact with magnetite, while the combined presence of pyrrhotite and oxygen accelerated the corrosion of the above ball materials. Austenitic stainless steel exhibited passive behavior under all the above conditions. Galvanic coupling of mild steel with magnetite or pyrrhotite resulted in the formation of a surface reaction product consisting of iron hydroxide species on the mineral. 相似文献
空孔直眼掏槽成腔模型理论与实践分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
空孔直眼掏槽是隧道或井巷掘进的主要方法之一。基于典型空孔掏槽炮眼布置,分析了掏槽眼爆破形成空腔的物理力学过程;建立了空腔形成的物理和力学模型;研究了腔内碎石在高压爆生气体作用下的抛射过程;得出了空腔尺寸的理论计算方法。槽腔岩石介质破碎和外端部漏斗形成取决于掏槽眼装药爆炸动作用;碎石的抛出率与炸药性质、岩石性质和爆破参数有关。理论分析与在某矿进行的48次试验结果有较好的吻合性。 相似文献