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Weak, compact radio sources (~100 mJy peak flux, L~1–10 pc) with their spectral peaks at about a gigahertz are studied, based on the complete sample of 46 radio sources of Snellen, drawn from high-sensitivity surveys, including the low-frequency Westerbork catalog. The physical parameters have been estimated for 14 sources: the magnetic field (H ), the number density of relativistic particles (n e), the energy of the magnetic field $(E_{H_ \bot } )$ , and the energy of relativistic particles (E e). Ten sources have $E_{H_ \bot } \ll E_e $ , three have approximate equipartition of the energies $(E_{H_ \bot } \sim E_e )$ , and only one has $E_{H_ \bot } \gg E_e $ . The mean magnetic fields in quasars (10?3 G) and galaxies (10?2 G) have been estimated. The magnetic field appears to be related to the sizes of compact features as $H \sim 1/\sqrt L $ .  相似文献   

We have carried out a search for compact radio sources in the cores of 16 nearby radio galaxies. We detected compact components in four radio galaxies, and found upper limits for the flux density in compact components in ten radio galaxies. VLBI observations enabled the detection of a turnover in the spectra of the two nearby radio galaxies 3C 111 and 3C 465. Using a method based on an inhomogeneous model for a synchrotron source, we estimate the magnetic-field strength and the energy densities in the magnetic field and relativistic electrons in the cores of these radio galaxies. Strong inhomogeneity in the distribution of the magnetic fields in the cores of 3C 111 and 3C 465 is implied by our analysis. The magnetic-field strengths in the central regions of these galactic nuclei, on scales of ~0.1 pc, exceed the mean strength by four to five orders of magnitude, and lie in the range 102 G < H < 104 G.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation observations of the compact nucleus of 3C 274 have been carried out at 111 MHz on on the Large Phased Array radio telescope. We have derived an upper limit for the flux density of the compact radio source, and determined the parameters of the low-frequency cutoff of the spectrum of this source. We have analyzed the observational data assuming that the low-frequency spectral cutoff is due to synchrotron self-absorption. In this case, the magnetic field in the nucleus of 3C 274 must be very nonuniform. At the center, on scales of < 0.01 pc, the magnetic field varies in the range 0.4 G < H < 40 G, while its mean value over the entire radio source is 〈H〉 ~ 10?3 ? 10?4 G. The energy density of the relativistic electrons exceeds the energy density of the magnetic field everywhere within the nucleus, though energy equipartition is also possible near the center.  相似文献   

Artyukh  V. S. 《Astronomy Reports》2019,63(3):167-173

An expression for the intensity of synchrotron emission from a radio source (in the optically thin regime) in terms of the energy densities in the magnetic field and particles is obtained, based on a definition of a relativistic electron related to its rest energy. A relationship is obtained between the energy densities in particles Ee and the magnetic field EH for a physical system containing a magnetic field and relativistic electrons in a minimum-energy state. A method for estimating the Doppler factors of the relativistic electrons has been developed. This method does not requires that all radio sources have the same radiation energies (brightness temperatures): it is sufficient that the energies of the magnetic fields and relativistic particles in the source be approximately equal. The method yields Doppler-factor estimates with reasonably good accuracy, even when there are modest deviations from energy equipartition in the radio source,making it applicable to many radio sources. The method is used to estimate the Doppler factor of the radio jet in CTA 21.


The kinetic equation for the distribution function of relativistic electrons is solved taking into account quasi-linear interactions with waves and radiative processes. Mean values of the pitch angles ψ are calculated. If the particles of the primary beam with Lorentz factors γb~106 are resonant, then the condition γbψb?1 is satisfied, the particle distribution is described by the function f (γ) ∝ γ?4, and the synchrotron radiation spectrum is characterized by the spectral index α=3/2. On the other hand, if a cyclotron resonance is associated with particles of the high-energy tail of the secondary plasma (γt~105), then γtψt?1, and the distribution function has two parts—f (γ) ∝ γ and f (γ) ∝ γ?2—which correspond to the spectral indices α1=+1 and α2=?0.5. This behavior is similar to that observed for the pulsar B0656+14. The predicted frequency of the maximum νm=7.5×1016 Hz coincides with the peak frequency for this pulsar. The model estimate for the total synchrotron luminosity of a typical radio pulsar with hard radiation L s =3×1033 erg/s is in agreement with observed values.  相似文献   

A method for estimating the magnetic-field strengths and angular sizes of radio sources displaying synchrotron self-absorption based on their observed radio spectra is considered. The method is used to derive the angular sizes of compact radio sources (components) and the magnetic fields in these regions, as well as the energy and number of relativistic electrons and the radiative power of a number of quasars and radio galaxies.  相似文献   

We analyze observations of the compact GHZ-peaked-spectrum radio source in the nucleus of the weakly active galaxy NGC 1052, assuming that the low-frequency turnover in its spectrum is due to synchrotron self-absorption. The analysis is based on a model for an inhomogeneous source of synchrotron radiation. It is shown that the magnetic field is not uniform, but the change in the field strength from the center to the edge of the compact radio source does not exceed an order of magnitude. The maximum magnetic-field strength in the nucleus of NGC 1052 is 20 G < H < 200 G, and the density of relativistic electrons is 0.018 cm−3 < n e < 0.18 cm−3 on scales of 0.1 pc; everywhere in the radio source, the energy density of the magnetic field exceeds the energy density of the relativistic electrons. The physical conditions are similar to those in the nuclei of the nearby radio galaxies 3C 111 and 3C 465, and differ strongly from those in the nucleus of the radio galaxy 0108+388, which is a compact GHz-peaked-spectrum source (these three galaxies were studied by the authors earlier using the same method).  相似文献   

It is shown that composite radio spectra of the hot spots of the radio galaxy Cygnus A can be fully explained by assuming a nonuniform distribution of the magnetic fields inside the hot spots, without invoking any physical mechanisms other than synchrotron radiation. The magnetic fields are strong (B ?? 10?2?10?1 G) at the center of the hot spots, and decreases at the hot-spot edges to the level of the magnetic field of the radio lobes in which the hot spots are embedded (B ?? 10?4?10?5 G). The difference in the magnetic field between the hot-spot center and edge decreases during the evolution, while the average magnetic-field intensity increases.  相似文献   

Interplanetary scintillation observations of the radio sources 4C 31.04, 3C 67, 4C 34.07, 4C 34.09, OE 131, 3C 93.1, OF 247, 3C 147, 3C 173, OI 407, 4C 68.08, 3C186, 3C 190, 3C 191, 3C 213.1, 3C 216, 3C 237, 3C 241, 4C 14.41, 3C 258, and 3C 266 have been carried out at 102 MHz. Scintillations were detected for nearly all the sources. The integrated flux densities and flux densities of the scintillating components are estimated. Nine of the 21 sources have a low-frequency turnover in their spectra; three of the sources have high-frequency turnovers. The physical parameters are estimated for sources with turnovers in the spectra of their compact components. In most of the quasars, the relativistic-plasma energy exceeds the magnetic-field energy, while the opposite is true of most of the radio galaxies. Empirical relations between the size of the compact radio source and its magnetic field and relativistic-electron density are derived.  相似文献   

Two daily sets of monitoring data of the Galactic X-ray binary SS 433 (V1343 Aql) obtained on the RATAN-600 radio telescope (117 days in 1997 and 120 days in 1999) show variations in its quiescent radio emission with a period of 6.05±0.1 days at six frequencies from 0.96 to 22 GHz. This 10–15% modulation in the quiescent radio light curves differs significantly from the well-known 6.28-day periodicity in the emission of moving spectral features and in optical photometric data, which are related to nodding motions of the jets and accretion-disk wobble. This period coincides almost exactly with the theoretical value for the harmonic f=2(I o+I p), related to the orbital (T o=13.08 days) and precessional (T p=162.4 days) periods for slaved accretion-disk models. The 6.06-day period corresponds to the combined frequency. It is proved that the modulation of the radio flux of SS 433 may be associated with relativistic boosting of the jet emission due to periodic variation of the orientation of the jets, which are nodding with a period of six days. The synchrotron emission of the two jets contributes to the quiescent radio flux of SS 433, and the six-day harmonic has the same radio spectrum as the quiescent radio flux: S v v ?0.6.  相似文献   

The possibility of selecting extended radio sources that are potential candidates for giant radio galaxies among objects in the Pushchino catalog at 102 MHz is considered. The method used is based on the analysis of objects in a α 1α 2 diagram, where α 1 and α 2 are two-frequency spectral indices (S ν ν ?α ), formally calculated using 102–365 and 365–1400 MHz data, based on the identifications of Pushchino radio sources with objects of the Texas (365 MHz) and Green Bank (1400 MHz) catalogs. The calculated spectra are abnormally steep at 102–365 MHz and flat or even inverted at 365–1400 MHz, due to the fact that the 365-MHz flux densities of extended radio sources measured with the Texas radio interferometer are appreciably underestimated. Ten objects among the fifteen Pushchino radio sources selected using this criterion proved to be already known large radio galaxies. The possibility of improving the efficiency of the method by using larger samples and applying some additional criteria selecting candidate giant radio galaxies is considered.  相似文献   

A supernova explosion in a close binary system in which one of the components is a compact magnetized object (neutron star or white dwarf) can form a narrow “tail” with length l t ~109 cm, width h t ~108 cm, and magnetic field B t ~106, due to the resulting shock wave flowing around the magnetosphere of the compact object. The energy released by the reconnection of magnetic field lines in this tail can accelerate electrons to relativistic speeds (γ≈104), creating the conditions required for powerful synchrotron radiation at energies from hundreds of keV to several MeV, i.e., for a gamma-ray burst (GRB). The duration of this radiation will depend on the power of the shock that forms during the supernova. If the shock is not sufficiently powerful to tear off the magnetosphere tail from the compact object, the duration of the GRB will not exceed l t /V A ≤1 s, and the conditions necessary for an “afterglow” at softer energies will not arise. If the shock is more powerful, the tail can be torn from the magnetosphere, forming a narrow ejection, which is perceived in its relativistic motion toward the observer(Γ~104) as an afterglow whose duration grows from tens of seconds at gamma-ray energies to tens of days in the optical. This may explain why afterglows are observed only in association with long GRBs (T 90>10 s). Very short GRBs (T 90<0.1 s) may be local, i.e., low-power, phenomena occurring in close pairs containing compact, magnetized objects, in which there is again an interaction between the magnetosphere of the compact object and a shock wave, but the shock is initiated by a flare on the companion, which is a red-dwarf cataclysmic variable, rather than by a supernova.  相似文献   

Photometric observations of the radio source S5 0716+714 were obtained in BV RI filters from January 20, 1998 to January 9, 2001 with Zeiss-600 and Zeiss-1000 telescopes of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The light curves in all the bands are synchronous, providing evidence for the real variability of the object in timescales, from hundreds of days to 5–10 min. No time shift between events in the adjacent filters was detected. The variability spectrum at frequencies of 0.003–100 d?1 (3.5 × 10?8–1.1 × 10?3 Hz) is close to that of a flicker noise. The optical spectral index α (Sv α) varies from ?1.59 at the minimum to ?1.13 at the maximum brightness. Measurements of linear polarization in BV R carried out on April 12–13, 2000 confirmed a high degree of polarization and rapid fluctuations of the polarization in a timescale of 15–30 min, whose amplitude decreases at red wavelengths. All the optical properties of the source, its compactness, the absence of spectral lines, the high degree of polarization, and very rapid fluctuations of the brightness, polarization, and spectral index, suggest a synchrotron origin for optical radiation. It may be that we are observing the radiation from a group of very compact bodies (~10?10 arcsec) at various stages of their evolution.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating the physical parameters of active galactic nuclei involving the analysis of observations of the compact radio sources in them is proposed. The method is based on an inhomogeneous model for a synchrotron radio source. Theoretical spectra of the radio sources are obtained via numerical solution of the transfer equation. Due to the paucity of observational data, only interval estimates of the magnetic field strength and the energy densities of the magnetic field and relativistic particles can be obtained. A mechanism for the formation of flat radio spectra is proposed.  相似文献   

A correlation analysis for a survey of compact radio sources (~0.1″) is presented. The survey is based on interplanetary-scintillation observations carried out at 102 MHz on the Large Phased Array of the Lebedev Physical Institute. The survey area covers 0.1 ster centered on the direction α=10h28m and δ=41°. The distribution of scintillating sources is uniform on scales 1°相似文献   

The results of observations of a complete sample of radio sources with spectral indices α>?0.5 (Sv α) are presented. The sample was selected from the Zelenchuk Survey at 3.9 GHz and contains all sources with declinations 4°–6°, Galactic latitudes |b|>10°, and 3.9-GHz fluxes >200 mJy. Spectra at 0.97–21.7 GHz were obtained for all 69 sample sources. The spectra were classified, and a correlation between variability amplitude and spectrum shape was found. The spectra were separated into extended and compact components. The distribution of spectral indices α for the extended components coincides with the distribution for sources with power-law spectra. The correlation between the luminosity and frequency of the peak flux density is confirmed. This correlation is due to the fact that the distribution of source linear dimensions does not depend on luminosity.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of close binaries resulting in the most intensive explosive phenomena in the stellar Universe—Type Ia supernovae and gamma-ray bursts. For Type Ia supernovae, which represent thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen dwarfs whose masses reach the Chandrasekhar limit during the accretion of matter from the donor star, we derive the conditions for the accumulation of the limiting mass by the degenerate dwarf in the close binary. Accretion onto the degenerate dwarf can be accompanied by supersoft X-ray radiation with luminosity 1–104 L . Gamma-ray bursts are believe to accompany the formation and rapid evolution of compact accretion-decretion disks during the formation of relativistic objects—black holes and neutron stars. The rapid (~1 M /s) accretion of matter from these disks onto the central compact relativistic star results in an energy release of ~0.1 M c 2 ~ 1053 erg in the form of gamma-rays and neutrinos over a time of 0.1–1000 s. Such disks can form via the collapse of the rapidly rotating cores of Type Ib, Ic supernovae, which are components in extremely close binaries, or alternately due to the collapse of accreting oxygen-neon degenerate dwarfs with the Chandrasekhar mass into neutron stars, or the merging of neutron stars with neutron stars or black holes in close binaries. We present numerical models of the evolution of some close binaries that result in Type Ia supernovae, and also estimate the rates of these supernovae (~0.003/year) and of gamma-ray bursts (~10?4/year) in our Galaxy for various evolutionary scenarios. The collimation of the gamma-ray burst radiation within an opening angle of several degrees “matches” the latter estimate with the observed rate of these events, ~10?7–10?8/year calculated for a galaxy with the mass of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

A possible model for the pulsar PSR J1852+0040 associated with the supernova remnant Kes 79 and detected in place of a central compact object in this remnant is discussed. The main observational properties of the pulsar can be understood as consequences of its weak surface magnetic field (B s < 3 × 1011 G) and short rotational period (P ~ 0.1 s). Its X-ray emission is thermal, and is generated in a small region near the surface of the neutron star due to cooling of the surface as the surface accretes matter from a relict disk surrounding the pulsar. The radio emission is generated in the outer layers of the pulsar magnetosphere by the synchrotron (cyclotron) mechanism. The optical luminosity of J1852+0040 is estimated to be L opt < 1028 erg/s. If the spectral features in another central compact object, 1E 1207.4+5209, are interpreted as electron cyclotron lines, this provides evidence for a weak surface magnetic field for this neutron star as well (B < 6 × 1010 G). The hypothesis that all central compact objects have weak surface fields makes it possible to explain the number of detected central compact objects, the absence of pulsar-wind nebulae associated with these objects, and the fact that no pulsar has yet been detected at the position of SN 1987a. We suggest that, after the supernova remnant has dissipated, the central compact object becomes a weak X-ray source (XDINS), whose weak emission is also due to the weakness of its magnetic field.  相似文献   

We present classifications, optical identifications, and radio spectra for 19 radio sources from three complete samples, with declinations 4°–6° (B1950, S 3.9 GHz > 200 mJy), 10°–12°30′ (J2000, S 4.85 GHz > 200 mJy), and 74°–75° (J2000, S 4.85 GHz > 100 mJy). We also present corresponding information for the radio source J0527+0331. The right ascensions are 0–24h and the Galactic latitudes |b| > 15° for all the samples. Our observations were obtained with the 6 m telescope from the Special Astrophysical Observatory in the range 4000–9000 Å or 4000–7500 Å and the RATAN-600 radio telescope at frequencies in the range 0.97–21.7 GHz. We obtained flux densities for the radio sources and optical spectra for their optical counterparts. Nine objects were classified as quasars with redshifts from z = 1.029 to 3.212; nine objects are emission-line galaxies with redshifts from 0.172 to 0.546, and one is a galaxy with burstlike star formation at z = 0.156, and one is a BL Lac object with z = 0.509. The spectra of five radio sources were decomposed into extended and compact components. The radio source J0527+0331, identified with a BL Lac object, displays significant variations of time scales from several days to several years. Data on flux variations are presented for 11 radio sources, as well as their spectra at several epochs.  相似文献   

F. Malov 《Astronomy Reports》2001,45(2):138-143
A model with synchrotron radiation near the light cylinder is proposed to explain the observed spectra of short-period pulsars (P≤0.1 s). These spectra can be described if a power-law energy distribution of the emitting electrons with exponent γ=2–8 is assumed. For most pulsars, the peak frequency νm is below 10 MHz. The νm(γ) dependence is derived, and shows that the peak frequencies for pulsars with spectral indices α<1.5 may fall in the observable range. In particular, νm may be νm ~ 100 MHz for PSR J0751 + 1807 and PSR J1640 + 2224. The observed radio spectrum of Geminga (PSR J0633 + 1746) can be described by a synchrotron model with a monoenergetic or Maxwellian distribution of relativistic electrons and a small angle β between the spin axis and magnetic moment (β ~ 10°).  相似文献   

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