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纳米矿物材料的开发现状及存在的主要问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周明芳 《矿产与地质》2002,16(2):103-104
概述纳米矿物材料的特性、制备方法及应用情况 ,指出发展纳米矿物材料亟待解决的问题  相似文献   

Cui G 《GeoJournal》1990,21(1-2):25-32
Urban spatial distribution in China since 1949 is discussed. The effects of national policies, development planning, and economic development on urban growth are considered.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigations of the slip zones of a landslide in granitic saprolite revealed that they have signatures distinct from their host materials. These distinctions include stronger Si depletion, higher Al enrichment, greater LOI, significant fixations of Mn, Ba and Ce, stronger negative Eu anomalies, and greater accumulations of other rare earth elements (REE). Altogether, these geochemical characteristics indicate that: (a) the slip zones have greater abundance of clays, consistent with field and microscopic observations; (b) concentration of clay size particles within the slip zones may have been from downward leaching and deposition, and lateral transportation of Al-Si solutions and colloids through pores and fractures within the saprolite; and (c) there were prevailing oxidation and poor drainage, and occasional reduction conditions within the slip zones. It was concluded that geochemical analyses could be effective in gathering clues for understanding the development and nature of slip zones in landslide investigations.  相似文献   

大布苏泥林地质地貌景观的形成是新构造运动、地层岩性、地下水、风力及地形等多种地质因素综合作用的结果,它即是一种奇特的地质地貌景观,又是一种属于水土流失的地质灾害现象。最后,提出了具体的保护与开发建议。  相似文献   

The mass-flux-density profile above wind-eroded sediments (MFDP) plays an important role in defining the characteristics and impacts of wind–sand flows, and, therefore, has great theoretical and practical significance. As a result, it has been extensively studied from the perspectives of geography, mechanics, physics, and engineering. This paper reviews the research work that has been conducted since Bagnold’s pioneering efforts, summarizes the research achievements, discusses the problems that have not yet been solved, and proposes future research directions. This field of research has progressed from field observations to theoretical analyses and numerical simulations, accompanied by increasing sophistication in the research, and the research scope includes land with mobile sands, wind-eroded farmland, gravel gobis, and degraded grasslands. Many mathematical functions have been proposed to describe MFDP, including exponential, power, modified exponential, modified power, and polynomial functions. This variation results from differences in the study conditions and in the parameters included in a given model and on differences between wind-tunnel experiments and field observations. However, there are the limitations of both wind tunnel experiments and theoretical derivations, and the key parameters of the profile lack a clear physical meaning, which limits the practical application of these functions. Future research must aim to solve these problems.  相似文献   

2019年7月16日,位于舟曲—化马深大活动断裂带的舟曲县牙豁口发生滑坡,滑坡长1 920 m,宽50~190 m,体积212×104 m3,为典型的推移式大型长条状断层破碎带堆积层滑坡。滑坡自上而下沿原老滑道分级分块逐步发育形成,滑动历时近50天,最大滑距500 m,滑坡破坏X414县道、养鸡场等,并使岷江呈半堵塞状态,影响汛期行洪安全。通过现场调查、监测、无人机测量、岩土试验和收集历史滑坡资料,对牙豁口滑坡形成的地质环境、滑坡发育历史、滑坡分级分块特征、滑动过程和成因进行了系统研究。牙豁口滑坡分为上、下相对独立的两级滑坡。上级滑坡又可分为南支滑块和北支滑块两部分,在老滑坡的基础上长期孕育发展,上级滑坡北支滑块在2013年前就已活动,2019年7月16日上级滑坡南支滑块开始剧烈滑动,并推挤北支滑块前部一同复活滑动。上级滑坡约10×104 m3滑体下滑加载于下级滑坡,下级滑坡于7月24日由上向下逐步扩展变形和滑动,下级滑坡又可分为上、中、下三段滑体,滑坡前缘于8月10日达到岷江边,使岷江呈半堵状态。牙豁口滑坡总体具有孕育历史悠久、滑动历时长、滑动速度较低、分级分块差异性滑动的特点。长期活动的深大断裂带及凹槽状地形、软弱易滑的灰黑色风化破碎炭质板岩、地下水和大气降水的强烈作用、两侧崩滑体的堆积加载是滑坡发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

河北宽城峪耳崖金矿床地质地球化学特征及成矿物质来源   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
峪耳崖金矿是冀东地区与中生代花岗岩有关的金矿床的典型代表,其成矿岩体具有明显的陆壳改造型花岗岩特征,成矿热液富CO2并具有较高的K^+,Ca^2+,Cl^-和HCO3^-,成矿温度集中于280-330℃,压力变化于111.4-30.4MPa,成矿流体以岩浆水为主导,成矿热液及成矿物质,主要来自岩浆体系。  相似文献   

重庆酉阳伏羲洞不仅发育有洁白无瑕似千秋田的“边石坝”、酷似人脚的“仙人脚”、神似清朝将领佩戴的“将军帽”等独特的景观,而且洞穴规模宏伟、形态险峻秀美,洞宽多在10~20m,高多在20~35m,其中的“伏羲大厅”直径达130m,高达85m;龙宫石瀑布高43m,宽93m;擎天石柱高26m,直径3.5m;地下河川流不息,池水觥筹交错。为了充分发挥伏羲洞景观资源优势,促进酉阳旅游业的发展,本文在分析酉阳伏羲洞景观资源特色、资源价值的基础上,提出了突出“神秘”特色、强化科普性与趣味性,以及以人为本,尊重自然生态,开发与保护并重的开发规划理念。与此同时,还认为灯光配套对突出伏羲洞“神秘”特色具有举足轻重的作用。布光上,对峡谷洞壁形态可采用白、蓝、浅绿、青等不同色调来分层次展示;对地下河宜用淡绿色光表现;对流石、钟乳石等景观可采用冷、暖光相结合;对于伏羲大厅鳞次栉比的岩层纹理可采用白光处理。   相似文献   

藻席钙华对彩池边坝的颜色及钙华的沉积具有调控作用,会影响彩池边壁稳定性,导致独特景观破坏。文章选取黄龙争艳彩池作为研究对象,通过对藻席钙华的基本理化特征和微观形貌观察与分析,明确藻席钙华的沉积特性。结果表明:藻席钙华含水率为5.70 %,密度为1.56 g.cm-3,具有较强吸水能力;通过XRD确定其主要矿物相为方解石;利用元素分析仪确定总碳含量为12.06 %,在生物作用下,受次生有机碳影响较大;藻席钙华的微观形貌显示,硅藻与钙华颗粒是构成藻席钙华的基本单元,是一个复合型生物集合体。  相似文献   

钙华边石坝是地表岩溶景观的重要组成部分,易受到环境因素的影响而发生退化现象。本文分析了黄龙钙华边石的退化特征,制备了以废弃钙华为原料的修复保育型块,探讨了助剂添加量对型块强度的影响和型块在液相条件下的溶出特征。结果表明:边石坝退化特征主要包括水量减少而造成的剥落、裂缝、坍塌、孔洞等现象,急待修复;钙华型块是良好的边石坝生态修复材料,不同助剂添加量对型块强度的影响不一,将钙华促生剂控制在10%~30%,增强剂添加量控制在0.1%以内时,型块能同时具有良好的抗折、抗压强度;液相溶出实验显示溶出液pH和Ec均随时间延长而降低,这一现象可能与碳酸钙沉积有关。研究结果可为人工介入岩溶景观的修复保育提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

孙志忠 《吉林地质》2010,29(3):97-99,102
本文介绍了敦化稀有矿泉水出露的地质环境条件,矿泉水的赋存条件和形成机理,分析了矿泉水的动态特征与稀有化学元素的特征指标,对敦化秋梨沟稀有矿泉水水源地合理开发利用、保护及开发利用战略提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

杨婷婷  许光泉  张著  李浩  章晋升  贺彪 《地质论评》2024,(1):2024010024-2024010024
研究古岩溶发育特征及古地貌恢复对于华北煤田岩溶水害防治具有重要指导意义。以华北板块南缘淮南舜耕山奥陶系古岩溶为对象,采用野外地质踏勘、分段剖面测量以及残余厚度法等工作方法,揭露了古岩溶发育特征和恢复基岩面剖面起伏形态,并结合现代岩溶理论,从形成条件的角度剖析不同岩溶带的空间变化规律。本文认为马家沟组主要发育大型岩溶缝洞,内部充填物少,而萧县组沿层面发育层间岩溶,充填岩溶角砾,且内部充填方解石由东向西逐渐增多。舜耕山奥陶系古岩溶发育程度自东向西、自上至下逐步减弱。该地区奥陶系古地貌呈东高西低,可划分为残丘、缓坡、陡坡和洼地等4个三级岩溶地貌单元。通过对古岩溶地质条件、古水流径流方式以及古岩溶发育特征等因素的考察与分析,古岩溶地貌从上至下可分为表层岩溶带、垂向渗流带、水平潜流带和深部缓流带。其中,残丘和缓坡的表层岩溶带和垂向渗流带岩溶最为发育,在沉积层面间常发育成大型岩溶缝洞,且在地下水流发生改变时,易形成岩溶塌陷。  相似文献   

刘军  靳淑韵 《中国地质》2010,37(2):324-333
弓长岭二矿区既是大型条带状铁矿床,同时又是大型磁铁富矿床,自1949年建矿以来,一直是鞍钢的主体矿山和高品位富矿的主要供应地。笔者在总结矿床地质特征的基础上,对矿区的主要变质岩-斜长角闪岩类的主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素进行了分析。结果显示:主量元素的平均化学成分与基性火山岩中玄武岩成分相似,MgO和CaO含量比较高,而且Na2OK2O;微量元素:相容元素Sc、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Cu的含量比较高,属于右倾型;(Rb/Yb)N值为5.95~132.93,平均值为49.34,远远大于1,为强不相容元素富集型;大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K、Sr明显富集,但Th、U强亏损;高场强元素中Zr、Hf明显富集,而Nb、P为中等亏损,Ti为弱亏损,与亏损型洋中脊拉斑玄武岩很相近;稀土元素具有∑REE低(21.09×10-6~69.13×10-6,平均40.44×10-6)、LREE略有富集(LREE/HREE=1.70~2.58,平均2.27;(La/Yb)N:0.93~4.27,平均值1.60)的稍右倾型或平坦型特征。轻稀土分馏不明显((La/Sm)N:0.87~3.28,平均值1.42)。根据主量、微量和稀土元素的特征,并结合环境构造判别图解,笔者认为,研究区斜长角闪岩的原岩为大洋中脊拉斑玄武岩。  相似文献   

阳山金矿带成岩期的黄铁矿主要为立方体-他形,反映出一种较低温度(<200℃)、成岩流体的过饱和度低、快速冷却、氧逸度和硫逸度低、物质供应不足的成岩条件,δ34S值变化范围较大(-4.2‰~12.5‰),反映了硫源自于泥盆系地层,其中灰岩中黄铁矿硫源自于海水中硫酸根离子的还原作用,千枚岩中黄铁矿经历了细菌还原作用。成矿期黄铁矿具有多种晶形,但立方体单晶较少,指示成矿系统处于中-低温(200~300℃)、成矿流体的过饱和度高、缓慢冷却、氧逸度和硫逸度高、物质供应充分的成矿有利条件。成矿早阶段和主阶段硫化物的δ34S值变化范围为-4.2‰~3‰,接近于岩浆硫范围,其中成矿主阶段的黄铁矿以五角十二面体、八面体和立方体形成的聚形更常见,且聚形黄铁矿的硫同位素值变化范围更窄(-2.1‰~1.2‰),更符合岩浆硫来源特征;成矿晚阶段辉锑矿的δ34S值变化范围为-6.6‰~-4.5‰,而与其共生的黄铁矿δ34S值分别是7.6‰和-12.1‰,反映晚阶段除岩浆岩硫源外,浅变质的泥盆系地层也提供了部分硫源。  相似文献   

《Organic Geochemistry》1999,30(8):891-900
The fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mixtures in marine sediments can be difficult to determine due to extraction, analytical and matrix barriers. The purpose of this work was to develop and validate methods to kill indigenous microorganisms in marine sediments, to spike the sediments with a mixture of PAHs in a minimally invasive fashion and to age the treated sediments while following the effects of the treatments on the PAHs and several groups of microorganisms. Following gamma irradiation (0.0, 2.5, 3.5 and 5.0 Mrad), the sediments were mixed with known amounts of PAHs that had been coated onto fine-grained sand. During the subsequent ageing process, levels of extractable PAHs and numbers of microorganisms were monitored. The addition of PAHs to the unirradiated sediment seemed to rapidly induce the degradation of phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene, while these PAHs decreased to a much smaller extent in the irradiated sediments in the 376 days of the experiment. The heavier PAHs, chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene, showed slight decreases in extractable concentrations at all irradiation levels, suggesting PAH sequestration/ageing over time. While some microbial populations recovered rapidly, culturable PAH degraders did not recover at any irradiation level tested and concentrations of light molecular weight PAHs in sediments irradiated at all levels dropped only slightly. This suggests that even the lowest dose (2.5 Mrad) may inhibit PAH degradation sufficiently to permit ageing of the spiked sediments for 6 months to a year. The methods described show promise for the generation of realistic, well-characterized spiked sediments for use in biodegradation and bioavailability experiments.  相似文献   

Lan  Hengxing  Zhang  Yixing  Macciotta  Renato  Li  Langping  Wu  Yuming  Bao  Han  Peng  Jianbing 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1391-1404
Landslides - Rock avalanche is one of the most spectacular and catastrophic type of natural hazard phenomena. Those events typically start with a giant rock block or multiple blocks becoming...  相似文献   

The shape, pattern and crystallographic orientation of grain boundaries represent important characteristics of crystalline material and contain information about its deformation and annealing history. The present study includes measurements of grain boundaries from experimentally annealed analogue material as well as natural foam texture of quartz and plagioclase. The main subject is the relation between the development of a foam texture and the crystallographic orientation of its grain boundaries and their geometry. (1) During annealing, grain sizes stabilize at certain values. On a statistical basis, these values can be applied as a geothermometer. (2) On the light-microscope scale, the grain boundaries in foam textures commonly consist of two or several planar facets. They are preferentially oriented along specific crystallographic planes, namely in relation to both neighbouring crystals; for quartz they tend to be rhombohedral. (3) Even highly misoriented facets and dihedral angles largely deviating from the 'equilibrium angle' of 120° may be stable over long periods of annealing. (4) Parts of single boundaries may migrate, whereas other parts are stationary during annealing. The results of the present study suggest that the anisotropy of surface energy has a considerable influence on the development of foam textures and that modelling of texture development should include the influence of the crystallographic orientation of grain boundaries.  相似文献   

黑龙江铜山铜矿床系多宝山铜矿田的重要组成部分,它和多宝山矿床同是中亚造山带东段最古老的斑岩铜矿床(奥陶纪)。铜山断裂为铜山斑岩铜矿床内最为重要的一条成矿后断裂,它截切矿体和蚀变带,因而导致矿化中心、深部找矿方向不明。现阶段的研究对其运动学特征还存有较大争议,缺乏对该带变形特征与性质的细致观察与鉴别。据此,本文开展详细地野外及室内研究工作,取得如下新认识:1)铜山断裂为近东西走向的压扭性断裂,最典型的构造几何学特征为发育北东-北东东走向劈理、构造透镜体、以及岩脉及热液脉扭曲现象。2)断裂带内石英、黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿的镜下变形特征和石英C轴组构特征显示低温变形条件,依据矿物和岩石变形特点判断铜山断裂主体为脆性断裂。3)构造解析表明铜山断裂运动学特征为:上盘由南东向北西方向斜向逆冲。综合断裂上、下盘地质体界线、蚀变和脉系分布特征等,判断上盘相对下盘大致沿NW320°方向水平移动距离700~800m,垂向抬升550~700m,错开蚀变外带(青磐岩化带、石英-绢云母-伊利石-绿泥石化带)和矿化带。4)铜山断裂的次级断裂截切了中晚三叠世白云母花岗岩,推测铜山断裂活动时限晚于中晚三叠世。5)复原铜山断裂上盘和下盘的空间位置至铜山断层活动前,重建铜山铜矿床蚀变带-矿化体,初步判断铜山断裂活动前铜山矿床为纺锤形态。根据重建后矿化和蚀变的分布规律推断下盘Ⅲ号矿体的南侧位置应有尚未发现的成矿斑岩和矿体,为深部找矿提供了依据。  相似文献   

同位素标准物质是同位素分析的基准物质和数据比较的重要依据。方解石811作为碳酸盐碳氧同位素的实验室标准物质,具有良好的适用性,但由于制备时间久远,存量日益减少,且性状信息缺乏,影响了该标准在微区微量分析中的运用。本次研究选用未制备的811方解石(811N)作为研究对象,结合多种分析技术从不同尺度对其矿物组成、元素含量分布、碳氧同位素组成进行分析,揭示其相关信息及规律,并探讨了其Sr同位素组成,从而为下一步811N的制备和使用提供参考信息,有助于该样在不同碳酸盐分析和研究,特别是微区微量元素和同位素中的运用。实验结果表明,方解石811N较为纯净,主要为方解石,只含有微量的白云石、针铁矿、黏土矿物;除主要化学成分(CaCO3)外,含有微量的Mg、Mn、Sr、Si、REE、U、Th等元素,Mg、Mn、Sr含量在整体分布上存在一定的变化,但在局部相对均匀。碳氧同位素组成整体差异程度相对较小,且其差异程度和元素均匀性呈对应关系,主要区域碳氧同位素组成均匀。Sr同位素组成在不同区域中无明显差异。本次研究认为811N是合适的碳酸盐碳氧同位素分析标准物质,该样制备后能够满足碳氧同位素分析和研究的需要,同时该样具备适用于微区微量C、O、Sr同位素分析和研究的潜力。  相似文献   

The absence of fish remains in archaeological sites in Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, Australia, may be a function of recovery techniques, rather than a reflection of resource paucity and late onset of occupation, as has been posited in archaeological literature. An excavation on Peel Island in Moreton Bay was devised, in part, to test this proposition, and a 1‐mm mesh screen was used to enhance recovery. But sorting this fine fraction took 20 h. In this article we outline experiments to find a more efficient and effective technique for sieving and sorting fine fraction archaeological deposits, using methods borrowed from soil science. We show how sorting time can be reduced to 2 h 30 min per 100 g sample and argue that the vast increase in knowledge about the site occurring as a result of using the very fine mesh sieve warrants the continued application of these laboratory methods. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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