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Objectively, a complex interactive coercing relationship exists between urbanization and eco-environment, and the research of this relationship is primarily divided into three schools, i.e., interactive coercion theory, interactive promotion theory and coupling symbiosis theory. Harmonizing the relationship between urbanization and eco-environment is not only an important proposition for the national development plan but also the only way to promote healthy urbanization. Based on an analysis of urbanization process and its relationship with the eco-environment, this article analyzes interactive coercing effects between urbanization and eco-environment from three perspectives of population urbanization, economic urbanization and spatial urbanization, respectively, and analyzes risk effects of the interactive coercion. Further, it shows six basic laws followed by interactive coercion between urbanization and eco-environment, namely, coupling fission law, dynamic hierarchy law, stochastic fluctuation law, non-linear synergetic law, threshold value law and forewarning law, and divides the interactive coercing process into five stages, namely, low-level coordinate, antagonistic, break-in, ameliorative and high-grade coordinate. Based on the geometric derivation, the interactive coercing relationship between urbanization and eco-environment is judged to be non-linear and it can be explained by a double-exponential function formed by the combination of power and exponential functions. Then, the evolutionary types of the interactive coercing relationship are divided into nine ones: rudimentary coordinating, ecology-dominated, synchronal coordinating, urbanization lagging, stepwise break-in, exorbitant urbanization, fragile ecology, rudimentary break-in and unsustainable types. Finally, based on an interactive coercion model, the degree of interactive coercion can be examined, and then, an evolutionary cycle can be divided into four phases, namely rudimentary symbiosis, harmonious development, utmost increasing and spiral type rising. The study results offer a scientific decision-making of healthy urbanization for achieving the goal of eco-environment protection and promoting urbanization.  相似文献   

In the current theory of bridge foundation design,all of the loads above the cap are loaded by the pile,and the bearing capacity of the soil among piles is not taken into account.In order to analyze the bearing capacity of the soil among piles in bridge pile foundation,a model of pile foundation is established based on a bridge foundation which is under construction,and by the finite element analysis software ANSYS.According to the results of finite element analysis(FEA)and current bridge foundation design theory,a feasible composite pile foundation which can be applied in the design of bridge foundation,is recommended.Additionally,a number of modifications are made to the original design.It was confirmed that these modifications derived from numerical simulations can improve the performance of the foundation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP) is a new type of space-retaining structure developed for the Shengli Oil Company. It was developed based on the combination of the practical needs of hydraulic projects and the technical principle of jet-drilling in the oil indus-try and has been successfully used for disaster prevention and hydraulic projects (Guo, 2002, 2005). It consists of the double-row parallel-prefabricated reinforced concrete sheet piles and the connectio…  相似文献   

Portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP), as a retaining wall, appeared in seashore engineering in 2000. Although there have been many systematic methods addressing the issue, there are very few focusing on the new structure because of the difficulties in defining the earth pressure between the two piles. A new method is proposed in this paper to obtain the earth pressure between the PWISPs. Stability analysis against overturning follows as a consequence. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software ANSYS, both the nonlinear characteristics of the soil and those of the contact elements are taken into account to obtain the earth pressure distribution on the contact surface. Based on the results of the FEA, Rankin's theory and the slip plane theory, the formula of the earth pressure on the inner surfaces between the piles is given. Assuming the PWISP as the analysis object and the earth pressure as an outside force acting upon it, the equation of stability against overturning of the PWISP is presented. Finally, some parameters are discussed about the stability of the PWISP against overturning, such as the embedded depth of the front pile, the distance between the two rows of piles, the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the earth. The results show that the increase of the cohesion and the internal friction angle will decrease the distance and the embedded depth, and therefore enhance the stability against overturning. Specifically, when the distance is 1/3-2/3 of the maximal excavation depth, the two rows of piles give the best performance in stability.  相似文献   

群的根性的一个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
假设(R)是群的根性,N是群G的正规子群,记N^-/N=RR(G/N).主要利用群的根性的性质来解决哪种根性具有特征性质N1N2^-=N1^-N2^-这个问题.  相似文献   

Application of the thermocline equations in the thermocline areas and the boundary layer and the asymptotic matching techniques in each boundary in order to satisfy the surface and bottom conditions yielded a theoretical 2- D solution of the vertical thermohaline circulation of the Southern Yellow Sea in summer when the quasi-statically varying seasonal thermocline (density layer) is the background density structure , the deviations from which cause the secondary vertical circulation . The results show that the thermocline can be considered as an internal boundary or a barrier to the vertical heat advection so that in the central areas of the Southern Yellow Sea or the center of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YCWM)> the downwelling in the upper layer and upwelling in the lower or bottom layer form a double cell vertical circulation . The solution is similar to Hu's conceptual model ( 1986) in the central areas of the YCWM and is consistent with observed temperature . salinity and dissolved oxygen distri  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThecoreofgeographicalstudiesthearealsystemofmanlandrelationshipWU1991isthestartingpointofstudyingregionalsustainabledevelopment.Fromthepointofsustainabledevelopmentthecoordi-nationofmanlandrelationshipisdevelopmentsustain-ability.…  相似文献   

以苏州城北路人民路段综合管廊矩形顶管工程为例,分析了影响矩形顶管顶进力的关键因素,提出了管节配重、管节涂蜡和管节注浆等综合减阻方法以降低管壁摩阻力。在管节内放置重物平衡管节所受周围泥浆的浮力;通过涂蜡和喷蜡使管壁光滑,降低管壁与周围介质的摩擦系数;选择合适的材料和配比配制适合地层的泥浆,调整注浆量和注浆压力,使管节周围形成完好的泥浆套。基于实测顶进力与理论计算值的对比分析表明,管壁单位面积摩阻力降低了40%左右,证实该综合减阻方法解决了人民路段矩形顶管顶进力过大的问题。   相似文献   

因子分析法在学生成绩评定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过范例分析了学生成绩评定的一些常用的方法,简单介绍了因子分析法.运用SPSS软件中的因子分析方法,结合教育科学知识与数理统计的相关理论,对某大学某系的学生成绩进行因子分析,找出公共因子并解释,得出结论,评定学生成绩系统,阐明全面评定学生成绩的重要性.  相似文献   

黄浦江上游水源地通管工程C3标段采用DN4000钢顶管施工,单次顶进长度达到969.94m,如何降低顶力是整个工程成功的关键。为减少摩阻力从而降低顶力,对泥浆配制、注浆控制等方面进行了研究,并结合JB06~JB05及JB07~JB06顶进段的地层、顶进力变化状况,分析顶管摩阻力的变化规律。结果表明:①该工程注浆孔的合理布置、触变泥浆的配制与使用得到的减阻效果明显,可作为类似工程减阻技术的参考;②顶力与顶进距离近似呈线性关系,但地层本身的性质会造成顶力的突变,类似工程可先对地层性质进行研究以得到更准确的顶力预测,指导顶管施工;③已注入环空一定时间后的泥浆与刚注入的泥浆相比减阻效果更好,顶力增速过快时可降低顶进速度,待泥浆充分与地层反应后再以原速顶进;④适当增加注浆量可以有效地减小管周摩阻力;⑤高聚物膨润土泥浆比膨润土泥浆单价更高,但高聚物膨润土泥浆注浆量少,综合环境效益等多方面因素考虑,高聚物膨润土泥浆更有优势。   相似文献   

顶进力是顶管工程设计和施工中最重要的参数之一, 顶进力计算的精确性将直接影响顶管的工程的成败。随着顶管施工工艺越来越多的应用于岩石地层, 但鲜有关于岩石地层中顶管顶进力的计算模型。为了更加准确地计算岩石地层中的迎面阻力, 假设掌子面稳定, 通过分析岩石顶管机刀盘滚刀破岩机理、受力模型和影响规律, 在此基础上推导出岩石地层顶管迎面阻力计算公式。结果表明: 岩石顶管中, 岩石抗压强度和抗剪强度以及顶管机滚刀切入深度直接决定了迎面阻力的大小, 实测迎面阻力除个别点在计算值上下限以外, 其余与公式预测值相一致, 证明其具有适用性。   相似文献   

动态数组在 C 程序设计中有广泛的应用,许多实现包括V C 6.0中附带的vector(向量)都只是动态内建类型数组的实现.由有显式构造/析构函数的对象元素(通常含有指针成员数据)构成的动态对象数组的高效实现则不是很容易,在深入分析C/ C 内存操作的基础上,给出了在 VC 6.0下动态对象数组的两种实现,并就构造/析构函数被调用的总次数等参数做了性能分析.  相似文献   

Rockfall poses a great threat to buildings and personal security. To understand the dynamic characteristics of rockfalls is a prerequisite for disaster prevention and assessment. Models for rockfalls in different forms are established based on the theory of rigid body motion. The equivalent velocity considering the rotational effect is determined by the energy ratio. Besides, considering plastic deformation and nonlinear hardening, the maximum impact force is estimated based on the Hertz contact theory. Then, a case study is carried out to illustrate the applicability of the model and sensitive analyses on some affecting parameters are also made. Calculation results show that the maximum impact force increases with the increasing of incident velocity, angle and slope gradient reflected by the changing of energy ratio. Moreover, the model for the estimation of maximum impact force is validated by two different scales of experiments and compared with other theoretical models. Simulated maximum impact forces agree well with the experiments.  相似文献   

Cathode activity plays an important role in the improvement of the microbial fuel cells on ocean floor(BMFCs). A comparison study between Rayon-based(CF-R) and PAN-based carbon fiber(CF-P) cathodes is conducted in the paper. The two carbon fibers were heat treated to improve cell performance(CF-R-H CF-P-H), and were used to build a new BMFCs structure with a foamy carbon anode. The maximum power density was 112.42 mW m-for CF-R-H, followed by 66.6 mW m-2 for CF-R, 49.7 mW m-2 for CF-P-H and 21.6 mW m-2 for CF-P respectively. The higher specific area and deep groove make CF-R have a better power output than with CF-P. Meanwhile, heat treatment of carbon fiber can improve cell power, nearly two-fold higher than heat treatment of plain fiber. This improvement may be due to the quinones group formation to accelerate the reduction of oxygen and electron transfer on the fiber surface in the three phase boundary after heat treatment. Compared to PAN-based carbon fiber, Rayon-based carbon fiber would be preferentially selected as cathode in novel BMFCs design due to its high surface area, low cost and higher power. The comparison research is significant for cathode material selection and cell design.  相似文献   

研究了精益生产环境下,生产线可能发生故障的单服务台N-策略M/M/I随机服务服务系统,利用概率母函数给出了模型的各项稳态指标;设计了预期费用函数,利用函数求解出当预期费用最少时的最优N-策略;并对模型进行了数值模拟。  相似文献   

针对目前盾构施工既有建(构)筑地基加固依靠经验,缺乏完善理论作为支撑的现象,有必要研究盾构掘进中、离开后既有建(构)筑地基承载力影响机理及加固后土体稳定性。为了解水泥土加固体的受剪工作状态,开展水泥土三轴试验,结果表明,当偏应力达到屈服之前,(σ13)-ε1关系近似直线,应变很小,且加固体与未加固土抗剪强度相差甚远,稳定性分析时,不考虑加固体位移及其外侧未加固土对剪力的分担。盾构掘进中,其周围土体受到挤压产生的剪应力,扩散至桩侧形成附加正摩阻力,基桩承载力提高;盾构离开后土体卸荷,桩侧产生负摩阻力,基桩承载力降低。盾构施工中加固体上段内侧受被动或主动土压力,外侧及下段受静止土压力,土压力差产生剪应力,潜在滑动界面产生拉、压应力,并导出加固后土体复合滑动面安全系数公式,通过工程实例验算加固体强度及加固后土体的稳定性。   相似文献   

为研究动态热条件下不同结构材料的建筑墙体热性能和保温厚度优化问题,针对大庆地区冬季气候特征,建立墙体非稳态传热模型,分析分别采用Concrete、Briquette、Brick、Blokbims、AAC等5种结构材料和挤塑聚苯乙烯EPS、泡沫聚苯乙烯XPS等2种保温材料的建筑墙体热性能,计算大庆地区1月典型日的室外综合温度并进行各种墙体传热分析和保温厚度优化.结果表明:冬季最大温度波动和峰值负载发生在Concrete结构材料墙体中,其次是Briquette、Brick、Blokbims和AAC结构材料墙体中,且在相同情况下AAC结构材料墙体的保温效果明显优于其他结构材料墙体;综合考虑影响保温层经济厚度的主要因素,通过经济分析计算,得出在相同经济条件下、大庆地区采用5种不同结构材料240mm厚度墙体保温时的最优保温厚度,为建筑墙体工程应用提供指导.  相似文献   

An estimation of internal soliton forces on a pile in the ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal soliton forces on oil-platform piles in the ocean are estimated with the Morison Formula. Different from sur- face wave forces, which change only in magnitude along a pile, internal soliton forces can be distributed over the entire pile in the water and they change not only in magnitude but also in direction with depth. Our calculations show that the maximum total force caused by a soliton with its associated current of 2.1 m s-1 is nearly equal to the maximum total force exerted by a surface wave with a wavelength of 300 m and a wave-height of 18 m. The total internal soliton force is large enough to affect the operations of marine oil platforms and other facilities. Therefore, the influence of internal solitons should not be neglected in the design of oil platforms.  相似文献   

在铂催化剂条件下,利用含氢聚硅氧烷(PHMS)、烯丙基磺酸盐(COPS-1)和烯丙基聚醚(Y-1)的硅氢化反应生成磺酸盐有机硅聚醚破乳剂(COPESO),采用红外光谱、GPC、粒度、界面张力和破乳性能测试等,对破乳剂进行结构表征,分析破乳性能的影响因素.结果表明:当反应温度为90℃、pH=3、COPS-1质量分数为5%时,对破乳剂引入磺酸基活性基可以得到性能优良多支链高相对分子质量的COPESO,其表面活性高,出水快,水色透明且界面齐,对乳液破乳效果高达94.8%.  相似文献   

ICESat's performance and the application in Dome A area in Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ice, Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) is Earth's first polar orbiting satellite carrying a laser altimeter, launched fromVandenberg Air Force Base California U. S on January13, 2003.The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System(GLAS) on the ICESatw…  相似文献   

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