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In this research, an Underwater Biofouling Panel(UWBFP) system was erected for the qualitative and quantitative estimation of macro fouling organisms in the Gulf of Mannar. Forty-four biofoulers were identified from four types of selected test panels.Among these biofoulers, Amphibalanus amphitrite(Darwin, 1854) was the dominant one. The concrete panel encouraged the highest barnacle density compared to the other panels. Three series of test panels were used to assess the seasonal density of biof...  相似文献   

Resource use efficiency analyses of village ecosystem are necessary for effective and efficient planning of resource utilization. This paper deals with economic and energy input-output analyses of different components of village ecosystem in representative buffer zone villages, which are practicing transhumance and settled way of lifestyles in Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) of Garhwal Himalaya. While the villages practicing transhumance used various natural resources spatially segregated,the villages practicing settled way of lifestyle have to manage resources from a limited spatial area through rotation and varied extraction intensities. Forests subsidized the production activity in both type of villages and the per capita resource extractions were found to be greater in tran~humance village than settled village. Though crops provided maximum energy, in terms of economic criteria, animal husbandry played important role in both settled and transhumance villages. As villages representing both the situations showed different ways of adjustments to the conservation oriented land use changes, management authority needs to address the eco-development plans fulfilling the aspirations of all people traditionally using the resources of the Reserve to reduce the conflicts and encourage their participation in the conservation of the area.  相似文献   

Present study has been conducted in a biodiversity rich Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve between 2000-3800 m in two different forest physiognomy holding sites to analyze the structure and composition of the forest communities including richness of native, non native and endemic species,and suggest conservation values at community and reserve level.A total of 60 sites were sampled and grouped in 11 and 8 communities for two representative sites Pindari-Sunderdhunga-Kafni(PSK) and Lata-Tolma-Phagti(LTP) respectively.From the sampled sites, 451 species(11.8%, 53 trees;17.71%, 80 shrubs; and 70.51%, 318 herbs) have been recorded.In general, PSK site represented 73.6% and LTP site represented only 54.9% of the total plant species recorded in the study area.Out of total species in PSK site, native species contributed 59.6%(198spp.) and 24.7% species were endemic and near endemic.In LTP site, 66.5% species were Himalayan natives and 33.5% were endemic and near endemic.The species richness ranged from 4-23 ind ha-1(tree),3-18 ind ha-1(sapling), 5-19 ind ha-1(seedling) in PSK site and 4-18 ind ha-1(tree), 4-11 ind ha-1(sapling), 4-16 ind ha-1(seedling) in LTP site.The density ranged from 260-535 ind ha-1(tree), 145-633 ind ha-1(sapling), 1450-8170 ind ha-1(seedling) in PSK site and 599-1211 ind ha-1(tree), 70-951 ind ha-1(sapling),470-1665 ind ha-1(seedling) in LTP site.Species diversity for trees ranged from 0.73-3.37, saplings,0.64-2.67, seedlings, 0.70-2.51, shrubs, 1-2.34 and herbs, 2.02-3.21 in PSK site and 0.63-1.61, saplings,0.76-1.36, seedlings, 0.35-1.79, shrubs, 0.98-2.73 and herbs, 2.48-3.61 in LTP site.These recorded values were almost comparable with the studies conducted in sub-tropical, temperate and sub-alpine regions of the west Himalaya.In some cases the values were slightly higher than the reported values.The important communities with high conservation values have been identified based on different ecological parameters and species distribution.Among all the prioritized communities, Mixed Silver firRhododendron-Maple community in PSK site and Taxus wallichana- A.pindrow mixed community in LTP site supports maximum richness and density of native and endemic species.This study calls for development of adequate strategy and action plan for the conservation and management of habitats, species,and communities under changing climate and socioeconomic scenarios, so that sustainable utilization of the species could be ensured.  相似文献   

Ecotourism aims to deliver the philosophy of sustainable development through environmental conservation as well as socio-economic development. Areas with rich biodiversity and scenic beauty, like the Indian Himalayan region, have been one of the major destination centers for nature lovers from historical time. In view of conserving the rich biodiversity and natural heritage of the Himalayan region 92 protected areas have been set aside, of these Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve (NDBR) is a well known world heritage site. Over a period of time establishing NDBR has invited conflicts between the local people and reserve authorities on the management approaches and utilization criteria of the natural resources, especially banning the traditional bio-resource collection rights of local community, expeditions, trekking, and other anthropogenic activities in the core zones. The present study aims to understand and analyze the various people - park conflicts, and also to suggest ways to mitigate such conflicts in view of biodiversity conservation and improvement of economic status of local people by promoting ecotourism. With this view the study further discusses the various aspects of ecotourism, its pros and cons, and the avenues of developing appropriate strategies for promotion of ecotourism in buffer zone areas of NDBR.  相似文献   

This article presents the results ofhydrochemical and hydrobiological studies of shallow saline lakes of the Borzya group (Zabaikalsky K_rai, Russia) at the initial filling phase. The lake-margin ecosystems of the studied lakes are characterized by varying degrees of salinity from polyhaline to brine water. Cyclical variations of meteorological conditions and high salinity determined that the compositions of the aquatic organisms are specific, mostly between stenohaline and euryhaline species, the quantities are low, and the community structures are simple.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices are the main stay of the people of Uttranchal. Out of the total population,more than 75% people are engaged either with the main occupation of agriculture or its allied practices,dominated by traditional subsistence cereal farming.Among them, the main crops are rice, wheat, millet,barley, all types of pulses, all types of oilseeds and almost all types of fruits. The crops, vegetables and fruits of all varieties are grown in the different climatic zones such as tropical, temperate, and cold because, the region is characterized by the different altitudinal zones elevated from 200 m to more than 8000m. As a result, different climates are found from hot tropical to sub temperate and chilly cold. Pulses varieties are grown extensively. Among vegetables,potato, onion, carrot, all types of green leaf vegetables,brinzal, pumpkin, ladyfinger, pea, gram, radish,ginger, garlic, etc, are grown widely. All fruit varieties are grown in the different altitudinal zones. The mainfruits are orange, malta (a big size of orange),elephant citrus, lemon and all other types of citrus,apple, stone fruits including peach and pears, manykinds of nuts, and the fruits which are grown in the low lying areas. In spite of feasible climatic conditions,agricultural dominant society, and availability of all types of crops, the production and productivity of these crops are very low, even they are unable to meet the grain-need of the people in Uttaranchal. Agricultural crops are grown almost in all the altitudinal zones -- from the low-lying areas, which are called ‘Ga. ngarh‘, to the highly elevated region,where the legendary term is given as ‘Danda‘. The growing seasons vary according to the heights. The present paper aims to discuss the agricultural practices including cropping season, cropping pattern,land use, production of cropsagricultural system in thisand ecological aspect of Himalayan state and suggest some measures for developing farming system,which could lead the sustainability, in terms of meeting the food grain needs of the people on the one hand and restoring the ecological balance on the other.  相似文献   

Using historical and 2010 field data, the distribution of nutrients in the northern Beibu Gulf of China is described. There was a decreasing trend in the concentration of nutrients from the north coast to offshore waters of the northern Beibu Gulf, reflecting the influence of inputs from land-based sources. High concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (PO4-P) occurred mainly at Fangchenggang Bay, Qinzhou Bay, and Lianzhou Bay. Four different methods were used to assess eutrophication. The trophic status of the Beibu Gulf was characterized using the single factor, Eutrophication index (El), Trophic index (TRIX) and Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status (ASSETS) methods. Based on nutrient concentrations, 73.9% of DIN and 26.7% of PO4-P samples exceeded the fourth grade Seawater Quality Standard of China. Eutrophication index values varied widely, but higher levels of eutrophication were generally found in bays and estuaries. TRIX values ranged from 2.61 to 7.27, with an average of 4.98, indicating a mesotrophic and moderately productive system. A positive correlation between TRIX and harmful algal species richness and abundance was observed. The ASSETS model evaluates eutrophication status based on a Pressure-State-Response approach, including three main indices: influencing factors, overall eutrophic condition, and future outlook. The Beibu Gulf was graded as moderate using ASSETS. The single factor and Chinese nutrient index methods were considered inadequate for the assessment of trophic status. TRIX can be used as an indicator of trophic state and ASSETS showed good potential to assess eutrophication. The results of TRIX and ASSETS depend on threshold values. To establish these values, further research is required within the northern Beibu Gulf.  相似文献   

Results are presented of the longitudinal and vertical profiling of salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM) at the Muthupet estuary, India, during a one year period under widely varying freshwater flow conditions. Freshwater flow was available during post-monsoon and monsoon. An up-estuary shift in the location of estuarine turbidity maxima (ETM) was observed during the transition from post-monsoon to pre-monsoon and further it shifted downstream during the transition from pre-monsoon to monsoon, thereby exhibiting a pronounced seasonal cycle. The salinity intrusion was dependent on the freshwater discharge and was expressed as a power function of freshwater flow, explaining 97% of the variance. The formation of a salt plug in Muthupet estuary and its seasonal dynamics were observed, which is not an identified feature of any of the Indian estuaries studied so far. The geographical positions of salt plug and ETM core were more or less the same during their formation. The occurrence of two ETM during the LW of post-monsoon and the absence of ETM during monsoon explains the strong seasonal variation in the formation of ETM. The primary factor affecting the formation of ETM was identified as the freshwater flow over an annual cycle; the resuspension of sediments by tidal current affecting the formation on a flood/ebb cycle was secondary. The extent of shift of ETM was found to be an inverse logarithmic function of the freshwater discharge. The separation between ETM intrusion and salinity intrusion increased two fold with the increase in ETM intrusion.  相似文献   

2010-2011年在北部湾以底拖网方式按季节定点采样,采集到斑鳍白姑鱼(Pennahia pawak)样本共2 425尾,通过生物学测定及耳石年轮鉴定,研究北部湾斑鳍白姑鱼种群结构及时空分布特征。结果显示:样品体长65~203 mm,体质量5.2~224.0 g,优势体长组为81~130 mm(占84%),优势体质量组为10.1~50.0 g(占83%),平均体长为107 mm,平均体质量为32.5 g;年龄组成主要是0~2龄,大部分1龄以下,未发现3龄及以上样品;1龄样品平均体长153 mm,2龄样品平均体长180 mm。北部湾斑鳍白姑鱼的繁殖期为春季,其渔业资源主要分布在108°~110°E,19°~22°N的湾内海域,资源密度有明显的季节性波动,出现频率、资源密度范围、平均资源密度春季最小,分别为28%、1.59~18.78 kg/km2、1.6 kg/km2,夏季、秋季逐渐递增,冬季最大,分别为56%、5.24~74.80 kg/km2、19.0 kg/km2。  相似文献   

Studies of dynamics in Albatross Bay, the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, show strong tides of which M_2is the dominant constituent in the region. Tidal fronts are present and they can be modeled by a 2-Dtidal model. Density currents have also been observed with seasonal variations due to the influence ofwet or dry seasons. This paper reviews the effects of these dynamics on the migration of prawn postlarvae in AlbatrossBay and its estuaries. It is found that through its vertical movement triggered by change of salinity theprawn postlarvae can be transported from the coast to the estuary by tides within 2.8 weeks. Howeverthis horizontal displacement mechanism may be destroyed by the tidal front in Albatross Bay. Densitycurrents may alter prawn postlarvae positions in Albatross Bay on a seasonal scale.  相似文献   

从海洋生物多样性保护看我国海洋管理体制之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国海洋管理体制存在着中立综合协调部门缺位、政府职责不明确、海洋保护与经济发展割裂、协调机制缺乏、对管理机构不履行法定职责的责任追究机制缺乏、公众参与无法体现等缺陷,要完善我国海洋管理体制,必须确立中立综合协调部门的地位,明确政府职责,融合海洋保护和经济发展,建立相应的行政协助制度和追究机制,落实公众参与等完善措施,实现海洋生物多样性保护。  相似文献   

The north-south trending Kullu valley between Rohtang in the north and Hansu in the south is a wide and open valley filled with Quaternary sediments along the main course of the Beas River. The valley in the middle is drained by the Beas River and numerous tributaries join it laterally. The tributary channels have deposited large alluvial fans at their mouths which form three distinct levels. The Beas River has deposited alluvial terraces, which are very distinct towards the lower reaches and form three to four levels. The upper slopes and high altitudinal areas are covered with periglacial and glacial deposits. The terrace, fan and hill slopes have provided an ideal geoenvironment for human activities including agriculture, horticulture, dense settlements and other civil establishments. The Kullu Valley is prone to various natural hazards, flash floods and cloudbursts that are very common in this valley due to its peculiar geomorphic condition, high relief of peripheral ridges and impact of monsoon winds. The studies carried out so far indicate that the losses caused by these phenomena both in terms of life and property are mainly due to unwise human interaction with the geoenvironment of the area. The paper gives an overview of the geoenvironmental status of the Kullu Valley and suggests the necessity of undertaking further detailed studies including resource mapping for balanced development of the area.  相似文献   

This paper deals with detailed analysis of the fiasco created by the Tehri High Dam in Uttarakhand, India, particularly in terms of resettlement and rehabilitation of the local inhabitants. Aspects pertaining to the environmental issues are also discussed. Currently, the river valleys in Uttarakhand state of India are the targets of increasing hydroelectric projects. Virtually all rivers are being exploited for generating environmental friendly power. Having being learned the hard lesson from Tehri Dam, it has been decided to opt for such schemes in which comparatively little submergence and tempering with the fragile eco-systems is involved.However, our observations suggest that even in such schemes if due care is not taken they may turn out to be a failure.  相似文献   

Present study shows suspended sediment dynamics in the meltwater of Chhota Shigri glacier, Himachal Pradesh, India for different melt seasons during the period 2011-2014. Maximum suspended sediment concentration in the meltwater was found during the month of July 2011, 2012 and 2014 constituting to 55.2%, 48.3% and 46.9%, respectively. Whereas in 2013, maximum suspended sediment concentration was observed in August accounting for 46.1% of the total. On the other hand, maximum suspended sediment load was monitored in the month of July 2011, 2012 and 2014 constituting 59.5%, 63% and 55.7% of the total, respectively. Whereas in 2013, maximum suspended sediment load was observed in the month of August accounting for 49.8% of the total suspended sediment load. Annual distribution of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and suspended sediment load (SSL) in the Chhota Shigri glacier shows higher value of SSC and SSL during the study period 2012 and 2013, which may be due to the presence of high glacial runoff and negative mass balance of the studied area during these time periods. Marked diurnal variation has been observed in the SSC of meltwater. Strong correlation was observed between SSC and SSL with discharge. On the other hand, SSC and SSL also showed strong exponential correlation with air temperature of the studied area. Sediment yield from the catchment of Chhota Shigri glacier is high during the peak melt season (July and August) and low during the late melt season (September and October). The average value of erosion rate for Chhota Shigri glacier basin during the study period 2011-2014 was calculated to be 1.1 mm/yr, which is lower than the average erosion rate of other Himalayan glaciers such as Rakiot, Chorabari and Gangotri glaciers, which may be caused by its geological setting containing high erosion resistant rocks such as granite, granite gneiss and porphyritic granite.  相似文献   

Niu  Zhuang  Guan  Weibing  Wang  Jinxiu  Yuan  Yongquan  Kong  Fanzhou  Liu  Chao  Zhang  Qingchun  Yu  Rencheng 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2022,40(6):2385-2400
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Algal blooms of haptophyte Phaeocystis globosa have been recorded in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea (SCS) since 2011. Recent evidence suggests that Type I and...  相似文献   

Based on the data of resources,environment and foundation of production,applying principal compo-nents-clustering quantitative analysis,this article divides the maritime space of Changshan Islands into three regions of agricultural-pasturalization,providing a scientific basis for the rational distribution of marine cultivation.The three re-gions are as follows:1)The region of an agricultural-pasturalization in the northern part of maritime space.It includes Da Wangjia and Shicheng islans.The main production is cultivation of prawn and mollusks in sea beach,float raft culture of mussel in shallow sea and scallop ,and breeding of sea cucumber in submarine.2)The region of agricultur-al-pasturalization in the middle western part of maritime space.It includes Da Changshan and Guanglu islands and west-ern part of Xiao Chengshan Island.The man production is folat raft culture of mussel and scallop in shallow sea,and breed-ing of sea cucumber in submarine.3)The region of agricultural-pasturlization of the southeastem part of maritime space.It includes the eastern part of Xiao Chan Island,Haiyang and Zhangzi islands.The main production is breeding of abalone,sea cucumber,algaes and fish.  相似文献   

Introduction In the Alakananda Basin, undulating terrain constitutes the most fragile elements of the ecosystem. Traditional economy rests on the terraced cultivation with extremely limited viability to expansion and modernization. Consequently, low economic return remains the characteristic feature of the agrarian landscape. It is the common experience that the ecological conditions of the basin are more suited to fruit cultivation rather than cereal farming (Atkinson 1889). Along with frui…  相似文献   

Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-provement,biodiversity maintenance,erosion control,water supply,recreational opportunity,raw material supply and existence value.Multiple conventional evaluation methods were used to calculate the value of eight wetland services.The results showed that significant values came from biodiversity maintenance and recreational opportunity.The main reasons were as follows.Firstly,Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve was the habitat for migrant birds,and government had payed more efforts to protect precious birds.Secondly,the population is large in Beijing.People enjoyed going outside and enjoyed the natural and artificial wetland scenes.At the same time,most people were prepared to pay for wetland conservation.The decline of vegetation cover made the economic value of erosion control the lowest.While the shrink of water resource and the deteriorative water quality caused the economic value of water supply lower.The evaluation results could help decision-makers understand the present status of the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve and provide a scientific basis for strategic decision.  相似文献   

Length-frequency data of eight commercial fish species in the Beibu Gulf (Golf of Tonkin), northern South China Sea, were collected during 2006-2007. Length-weight relationships and growth and mortality parameters were analyzed using FiSAT II software. Five species had isometric growth, two species had negative allometric growth, and one species had positive allometric growth. Overall, the exploitation rates of the eight species were lower in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999: for four species (Saurida tumbil, Saurida undosquamis, Argyrosomus macrocephalus, and Nemipterus virgatus) it was lower in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999, for two species (Parargyrops edita and Trichiurus haumela) it remained the same, and for the other two species (Trachurus japonicus and Decapterus maruadsi) it was higher in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999. The exploitation rates might have declined because of the decline in fishing intensity caused by high crude oil prices. The optimum exploitation rate, estimated using Beverton-Holt dynamic pool models, indicated that although fishes in the Beibu Gulf could sustain high exploitation rates, the under-size fishes at first capture resulted in low yields. To increase the yield per recruitment, it is more effective to increase the size at first capture than to control fishing effort.  相似文献   

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