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边坡地震稳定性分析探讨   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
传统的拟静力法和安全系数时程分析法在评价边坡地震稳定性时存在一定的局限性。在提出准确的评价边坡地震稳定性必需因素的基础上,建议对边坡地震稳定性分析方法重新进行分类。根据动力分析得到的边坡在地震作用下的破坏机制和破裂面的性质和位置,提出基于拉-剪破坏的动力时程分析法和强度折减动力分析法。第一种方法将FLAC计算得到破坏时刻的动应力施加到静力情况下边坡上,采用动力分析得到的拉-剪破裂面,结合极限平衡法求解边坡地震安全系数,是一种改进的动力有限元时程分析法;第二种方法考虑了拉-剪破坏的FLAC强度折减动力分析法,是完全动力的方法。最后通过算例分析验证了新方法的可行性,为边坡地震安全系数计算提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

地震动参数对斜坡加速度动力响应规律的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年‘5.12’汶川大地震诱发斜坡地质灾害在空间分布上表现出了明显的高程效应和岩性效应。本文采用上硬下软和上软下硬两种典型岩性组合斜坡模型,完成了1:100比尺的振动台试验。文中重点分析了地震波类型(频谱)、激振方向和地震动三参数对斜坡模型水平向加速度动力响应规律的影响。分析结果表明:(1)水平单向激振时,15Hz正弦波和汶川地震波作用下的高程放大效应主要体现在斜坡模型中上段,两者在上软下硬组合斜坡模型中产生了近乎相同的水平向加速度动力响应规律,原因主要在于两者的卓越频率接近。(2)模型对合成向汶川地震波的放大作用依次超过单向水平向和竖直向汶川波的作用,且合成向与水平单向汶川地震波的作用规律基本相同。(3)随着振动强度增加,模型对低频波的放大作用增强。(4)在合成向汶川地震动作用下,随着振动强度增加,模型各高程处的水平向加速度峰值(PGA)逐渐增加,其相应的放大系数在模型中上段逐渐降低至2.0以下,最终趋于平缓,表明模型沿高程向的放大效应逐渐减弱。此外,各参数对模型的水平向加速度响应因模型自身的岩性组合结构而异,随着振动强度增加,上硬下软斜坡模型中上部的水平向速度响应值基本保持在1.0~2.7倍于上软下硬斜坡模型中上部的水平向加速度响应值这一水平。  相似文献   

竖向地震荷载下人字批顶结构石窟的稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国部分石窟的空间建造采用了人字批顶形式,体现了中国传统建筑形式与佛教石窟建造形式上的融合.选取莫高窟典型的人字批顶结构的254号石窟作为研究对象,建立了三维的石窟计算模型,考虑了竖向地震荷载作用,通过输入不同地震加速度时程,计算了4种模型情况下石窟岩体的拉应力分布情况.结果表明,石窟的人字批顶处易形成较大拉应力区,易遭受地震破坏;石窟中心塔柱可以有效地提高所在石窟岩体的抗震能力,但对下部窟体的上部岩体会产生应力集中,是窟体防护加固的重点部位.同时,对于洞窟密集而又分上下几层的石窟群,在抗震防护中应充分考虑竖向地震荷载的作用.  相似文献   

应用极限平衡拟静力方法进行地震边坡稳定性分析时,对粘聚力较小、内摩擦角较大的浅层滑坡而言,随着地震水平设计加速度值的增大,其临界滑动面基本保持不变;然而,对粘聚力较大而摩擦角较小的深层滑坡而言,随着地震水平设计加速度值的增大,临界滑动面越深、越宽,会呈现出发散现象,选取两个典型的均质土坡,设计了由浅及深的多条滑动面,分别采用极限平衡瑞典方法进行了相应安全系数的计算,同时比较了自重、地震力、粘聚力在抗滑力矩以及滑动力矩中所占比重的变动情况。研究发现:对于浅层滑坡,随着滑动面由浅及深的变化,粘聚力产生的抗滑力矩所占百分比下降幅度较大,自重产生的滑动力矩与总体抗滑力矩的比值下降幅度较大;而对于深层滑坡,随着滑动面由浅及深变化,自重产生的抗滑力矩所占百分比增长的幅度较大,地震力产生的滑动力矩与总体抗滑力矩比值增长幅度也较大。  相似文献   

介绍了目前地震作用下边坡稳定分析常用的拟静力法、时程法和边坡动力安全度法,通过对这3种方法计算结果的对比分析,表明边坡动力安全度法能更准确地判断边坡的动力稳定性;应用边坡动力安全度法分析了地震作用频率和振幅对边坡稳定性的影响,结果表明频率和振幅对边坡的稳定性有较大影响,动安全系数随着频率的增大而增大,其增幅逐渐减小;随着振幅的增大而降低,其降幅也逐渐减小.  相似文献   

张江伟  李小军 《地震学报》2015,37(1):180-191
地震引起的滑坡已成为大地震引起的严重次生灾害现象,如2008年汶川地震引起的滑坡灾害.本文对地震作用下边坡稳定性分析的研究现状及特点进行了分析总结.地震边坡稳定性分析方法总体上可分为定性分析和定量分析两类.本文分别从工程地质与灾害调查分析、 灾害调查与地震烈度及地震动参数的统计分析、 简化模型理论分析、 数值计算分析和模型试验分析等方面,介绍了相应边坡稳定性分析理论和方法的提出及其沿革,分析了不同理论和方法的特点及适应性,并进一步提出了相关研究存在的问题和发展趋势.  相似文献   

Boundary conditions can significantly affect a slope’s behavior under strong earthquakes. To evaluate the importance of boundary conditions for finite element (FE) simulations of a shake-table experiment on the slope response, a validated three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear FE model is presented, and the numerical and experimental results are compared. For that purpose, the robust graphical user-interface “SlopeSAR”, based on the open-source computational platform OpenSees, is employed, which simplifies the effort-intensive pre- and post-processing phases. The mesh resolution effect is also addressed. A parametric study is performed to evaluate the influence of boundary conditions on the FE model involving the boundary extent and three types of boundary conditions at the end faces. Generally, variations in the boundary extent produce inconsistent slope deformations. For the two end faces, fixing the y-direction displacement is not appropriate to simulate the shake-table experiment, in which the end walls are rigid and rough. In addition, the influence of the length of the 3D slope’s top face and the width of the slope play an important role in the difference between two types of boundary conditions at the end faces (fixing the y-direction displacement and fixing the (y, z) direction displacement). Overall, this study highlights that the assessment of a comparison between a simulation and an experimental result should be performed with due consideration to the effect of the boundary conditions.  相似文献   

The evaluation of seismic risk of spatially distributed systems requires the spatial correlation model for ground motion intensity measures. This study investigates the spatial correlation of four earthquakes recorded in northern Iran. The intra-event spatial correlation for both horizontal and vertical components of spectral acceleration at eight periods in the range of 0.0–3.0 s is estimated using geostatistical tools. An exponential form is chosen to fit experimental semivariograms, and the correlation ranges of spectral accelerations as a function of period are derived. The results show similar trend of correlation ranges for both components. It should be mentioned that the ranges for the vertical component, in general, are higher than those observed for the horizontal one. For both components, the correlation ranges as a function of period are divided into three segments. The first and the third one are increasing while the second one is decreasing with increasing period.  相似文献   

Due to the complicated geophysical character of tight gas sands in the Sulige gasfield of China, conventional surface seismic has faced great challenges in reservoir delineation. In order to improve this situation, a large‐scale 3D‐3C vertical seismic profiling (VSP) survey (more than 15 000 shots) was conducted simultaneously with 3D‐3C surface seismic data acquisition in this area in 2005. This paper presents a case study on the delineation of tight gas sands by use of multi‐component 3D VSP technology. Two imaging volumes (PP compressional wave; PSv converted wave) were generated with 3D‐3C VSP data processing. By comparison, the dominant frequencies of the 3D VSP images were 10–15 Hz higher than that of surface seismic images. Delineation of the tight gas sands is achieved by using the multi‐component information in the VSP data leading to reduce uncertainties in data interpretation. We performed a routine data interpretation on these images and developed a new attribute titled ‘Centroid Frequency Ratio of PSv and PP Waves’ for indication of the tight gas sands. The results demonstrated that the new attribute was sensitive to this type of reservoir. By combining geologic, drilling and log data, a comprehensive evaluation based on the 3D VSP data was conducted and a new well location for drilling was proposed. The major results in this paper tell us that successful application of 3D‐3C VSP technologies are only accomplished through a synthesis of many disciplines. We need detailed analysis to evaluate each step in planning, acquisition, processing and interpretation to achieve our objectives. High resolution, successful processing of multi‐component information, combination of PP and PSv volumes to extract useful attributes, receiver depth information and offset/ azimuth‐dependent anisotropy in the 3D VSP data are the major accomplishments derived from our attention to detail in the above steps.  相似文献   

Migration is essential to seismic imaging. It is carried out by backward extrapolation of the wavefield registered on the observation surface. The quality of images depends on the accuracy of the wavefield reconstruction at interior subsurface points. From the theory based on the exact solution of the scalar wave equation it is known that, for accurate wave extrapolation, data must be obtained from an infinite observation surface. Limiting of migration apertures, which is inevitable in practice, leads to artefacts in extrapolated fields. The distortion they cause in 2D and 3D imaging is different. In 2D migration, the artefacts known as truncation effects are much weaker than the signals being extrapolated and for this reason attract no special attention. In 3D migration, diffractions caused by an aperture edge are stronger and may create serious problems. For a circular aperture, their amplitudes are comparable to the amplitudes of the signals themselves. The study of aperture diffractions is intended to help in the search for ways of either suppressing them efficiently or deliberately utilizing them in order to improve imaging.
In optics, diffractions by an aperture play a constructive role in image making. This research shows that the same may take place in seismic imaging.  相似文献   

基于叠前成像的三维地震观测系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
常规三维观测系统设计的主要目的是得到规则采样的叠加数据体,能够用叠后偏移进行成像.叠前偏移成像对地震观测系统提出了更高的要求.基于叠前成像的要求设计观测系统,对于充分发挥叠前偏移技术优势、提高地震成像精度具有重要意义.本文提出了基于叠前成像的观测系统设计方法,首先基于叠前偏移空间采样准则设计观测系统的基本空间采样,然后根据采样均匀和面元属性一致性原则设计观测系统布局,并利用聚焦束、散射点叠前偏移响应、正演模型和波场照明等技术对观测系统逐步优化,得到符合叠前偏移成像要求并能解决地质问题的观测系统.该方法在中原油田近年来的高精度地震勘探中得到了实际应用,取得了良好效果.  相似文献   

We have developed a straightforward and ray based methodology to estimate both the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius for multi‐layered velocity models, which can be used for a 2D/3D VSP survey design. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the presence of a high‐velocity layer above a target zone significantly reduces the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius. Our numerical examples also show that including in a migration VSP data acquired beyond a recommended maximum offset, radically degrades the quality of the final VSP image. In addition, unlike the conventional straight‐line based approximation that often produces an incorrect large reflection imaging radius, our methodology predicts the VSP imaging radius with more accuracy than does the conventional approximation.  相似文献   

本文提出一种模型无关、基于均匀地下介质与水平反射层的采集脚印定量分析方法.该方法无需进行费时的三维地震波模拟,以解析的方式直接计算出各种不同观测系统炮检点分布下地震波振幅能量分布情况,进而实现对整个地震观测系统的采集脚印的定量评价.该方法物理意义明确,理论公式简单,能够实现观测系统采集脚印的快速定量分析,从而直观对比各种待选观测系统设计方案的预期采集脚印情况,为观测系统的设计增加了一项新的依据.  相似文献   

Channel bifurcations can be found in river network systems from high gradient gravel-bed rivers to fine-grained low gradient deltas. In these systems, bifurcations often evolve asymmetrically such that one downstream channel silts up and the other deepens and, in most cases, they eventually avulse. Past analytical and numerical studies showed that symmetric bifurcations are unstable in high and low Shields stress conditions resulting in asymmetric bifurcations and avulsion, while they can be stable in the mid-Shields range, but this range is smaller for larger width-to-depth ratio. Here, using a one-dimensional (1D) numerical model, we show that effects of sediment grain size and of channel slope are much larger than expected for low-gradient systems when a sediment transport relation is used that separates between bedload and suspended load transport. We found that the range of Shields stress conditions with unstable symmetric bifurcations expanded for lower channel slopes and for finer sediment. In high sediment mobility, suspended load increasingly dominates the sediment transport, which increases the sediment transport nonlinearity and lowers the relative influence of the stabilizing transverse bedslope-driven flux. Contrary to previous works, we found another stable symmetric solution in high Shields stress, but this only occurs in the systems with small width-to-depth ratio. This indicates that suspended load-dominated bifurcations of lowland rivers are more likely to develop into highly asymmetric channels than previously thought. This explains the tendency of channel avulsion observed in many systems.  相似文献   

竖向与水平向地震动加速度反应谱比特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用全球范围128次地震的3235组三分量强地面运动记录,分析了其加速度竖向分量反应谱与水平分量反应谱的比值(V/H)的总体特征,研究了V/H随震级、震中距、局部场地条件和震源机制的变化关系。研究结果表明:(1)场地越硬,长周期段V/H越大,短周期段则相反;(2)震级越大,长周期段V/H越大,短周期段变化不明显;(3)短周期段V/H随震中距增大而减小;(4)对于大震(M7),长周期段V/H随震中距增大而减小;而对于中强震(M7),比值在近场(R60km)随震中距增加而增大,在远场则随震中距增加而减小;(5)V/H与震源机制也有一定的关系。  相似文献   

The semi‐automated detection of objects has been quite successful in detecting various types of seismic object, such as chimneys. The same technique can be applied successfully to detect faults in 3D seismic data. We show that several different attributes – among others, similarity, frequency and curvature, all of which potentially enhance the visibility of faults – can be combined successfully by an artificial neural network. This results in a fault ‘probability’ cube in which faults are more continuous and noise is suppressed compared with single‐attribute cubes. It is believed that the fault‐cube can be improved further by applying image‐processing techniques to enhance the fault prediction.  相似文献   

3D seismic data are usually recorded and processed on rectangular grids, for which sampling requirements are generally derived from the usual 1D viewpoint. For a 3D data set, the band region (the region of the Fourier space in which the amplitude spectrum is not zero) can be approximated by a domain bounded by two cones. Considering the particular shape of this band region we can use the 3D sampling viewpoint, which leads to weaker sampling requirements than does the 1D viewpoint; i.e. fewer sample points are needed to represent data with the same degree of accuracy. The 3D sampling viewpoint considers regular nonrectangular sampling grids. The recording and processing of 3D seismic data on a hexagonal sampling grid is explored. The acquisition of 3D seismic data on a hexagonal sampling grid is an advantageous economic alternative because it requires 13.4% fewer sample points than a rectangular sampling grid. The hexagonal sampling offers savings in data storage and processing of 3D seismic data. A fast algorithm for 3D discrete spectrum evaluation and trace interpolation in the case of a 3D seismic data set sampled on a hexagonal grid is presented and illustrated by synthetic examples. It is shown that by using this algorithm the hexagonal sampling offers, approximately, the same advantage of saving 13.4% in data storage and computational time for 3D phase-shift migration.  相似文献   

Assessment of the vertical distribution on seismic ground motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is very important for the facilities such as nuclear power plants to infer seismic force loading on the earthquake stability assessment of the building foundation and the surrounding slope. The purpose of this paper was to propose a method to evaluate underground seismic coefficients, taking into account dynamic response along the depth in horizontally multi-layered ground. The dynamic property of the seismic coefficient was analyzed on the basis of earthquake records observed at hard and soft rock sites mostly found in Tertiary deposits and sedimentary ground sites of the Pleistocene and Holocene epoch. The evaluation methods of a vertical distribution on underground seismic coefficients were proposed for a few calculation methods on the classified layered ground. Extended evaluation for underground seismic coefficients was confirmed with respect to some multi-layered ground during strong motion.  相似文献   

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