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地理编码原理及其本地化解决方案   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地理编码技术具有广阔的发展前景,使用它可以利用记录的属性数据直接定位出其地理坐标。完整阐述了地理编码的技术核心及实现方式,并对实现其本地化的关键技术-数据标准化提出了解决方案。在文章的最后阐述了相关的结论。  相似文献   

针对目前通过离散点云来构建的三角网模型具有数据量大,难以拆分,没有拓扑关系等缺点,提出一种特殊的CSG-BRep模型数据结构,该数据结构可以全面细致地记录模型内部的拓扑关系。利用激光雷达点云作为模型的数据来源,结合文中提出的数据结构,构建三维精细CSG-BRep拓扑模型。该模型与普通三角网模型相比,各个构件可以拆分,所占用内存较少,并具备更完善的拓扑关系。  相似文献   

全国第二次土地调查是目前国土部门的一项重大任务。恢复土地过程中实地调查是非常重要的步骤。传统的调查方法花费太多的时间和精力,很难对面积或长度进行测量且迅速、准确地记录结果。论述了手持GPS在野外数据采集及土地更新中的优点及发展前景;提出了将GPS手持机绝对定位结果标定在地形图上的一个简单而新颖的方法,大大增强了GPS手...  相似文献   

针对时间频率系统中轮循式测量多通道信号与标准1PPS信号时差的记录错误通道数据问题,对阿伦方差等计算带来的不利影响,提出了一种结合Baarda算法和三次样条插值算法的数据预处理方法,有效地探测数据记录异常点,并计算异常点的三次样条内插值以替换,提高了原始数据可利用率和计算精确度。  相似文献   


IN Part I of this Paper (viii, 60, 202-210)we outlined, necessarily selectively, some singificant aspects of successive forms of land record from the early days of our civilization, through the Imperial Roman Land Poll (Capitatio terrena) and various Old English practices to the great Domesday Record and the development of Manorial Land Rolls and copyhold tenure. We observed the gradual atrophy of this promising development as feudalism decayed, the growth of private conveyancing and the defeat of the Statute of Inrolments (1536)-the last effort for three centuries to establish a comprehensive and authoritative record of interests in land in this country. Part II (ix, 64, 42-52)opened with the appointment in 1828of a Royal Commission to inquire into the operation of land tenure in England, which launched the long modern effort to construct a national Land Register. The main problem which faced the Commission was the widespread confusion and insecurity in the tenure of interests inland which had been bred by the uncontrolled and unco-ordinated effects of private conveyancing. We noted their diagnosis and condemnation of the evils of private conveyancing, the concurrence of a long series of subsequent authorities up to modern times, and we examined its present-day working. We also recalled the great hopes initially confided in the remedial effects of a General Registration of Deeds affecting land, the progressive realization of the insufficiency of this expedient, and the confirmation of this conclusion by experience in other countries.  相似文献   

Most airborne and terrestrial laser scanning systems additionally record the received signal intensity for each measurement. Multiple studies show the potential of this intensity value for a great variety of applications (e.g. strip adjustment, forestry, glaciology), but also state problems if using the original recorded values. Three main factors, a) spherical loss, b) topographic and c) atmospheric effects, influence the backscatter of the emitted laser power, which leads to a noticeably heterogeneous representation of the received power. This paper describes two different methods for correcting the laser scanning intensity data for these known influences resulting in a value proportional to the reflectance of the scanned surface. The first approach – data-driven correction – uses predefined homogeneous areas to empirically estimate the best parameters (least-squares adjustment) for a given global correction function accounting for all range-dependent influences. The second approach – model-driven correction – corrects each intensity independently based on the physical principle of radar systems. The evaluation of both methods, based on homogeneous reflecting areas acquired at different heights in different missions, indicates a clear reduction of intensity variation, to 1/3.5 of the original variation, and offsets between flight strips to 1/10. The presented correction methods establish a great potential for laser scanning intensity to be used for surface classification and multi-temporal analyses.  相似文献   

计算机串口记时延迟的测量与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何峰  郑勇  骆亚波  郭睿 《测绘科学》2009,34(3):41-43
动态测量中,需要记录观测量的观测时刻,时刻作为测量的基本观测量,需要较高的计时精度,通过串口利用计算机计时是一种便捷可行的方法,但串口的时延是必须要考虑的因素。本文介绍了计算机串口计时的原理及影响其时延的相关因素,阐述了进行时延测量的方法,并通过实验对影响串口时延的5种因素进行了相应的测试和分析,实验结果表明,通常情况下串口时延在毫秒级,通过提高计时程序优先级的方法可成功将时延减小至0.35m s以内;低动态条件下串口时延对动态测量的影响较小,在某些检测设备中甚至可以忽略。  相似文献   


On the occasion of the Empire Survey Conference in 1931 we had the privilege of arranging at the Science Museum an Exhibition of Cadastral Maps and Land Records which had been somewhat hurriedly collected from the United Kingdom, the Dominions, India, eleven Colonies and Protectorates, three Mandated Territories and six foreign countries. As there is some vagueness in the application in English of the French word cadastre, it may be advisable before proceeding to say that while in Europe this word, with its German and Italian equivalents, originally applied to a record of landed property (biens fonds) compiled for fiscal purposes and is commonly still so defined in standard dictionaries, we have throughout used it in the wider sense it has gradually been assuming generally of any analogous record concerned with subdivisions of land occasioned by human use, whether the purpose to be primarily served is fiscal, juridical, economic or otherwise. Cadastral survey is the process by which the parcels of land dealt with are defined, and can be located again at need. The noun, which is rarely mentioned in English, was from the earliest days applied to the whole conspectus of the record: registers, maps, supporting documents, etc. We use the term land record loosely, and somewhat unsatisfactorily, in this comprehensive sense because the more convenient and exact one-cadastral record-has not so far found a place in British practice with its associates: cadastral maps and cadastral survey.  相似文献   

分形理论已经在影像压缩、分割、去噪等方面表现出了较大的优势,其特点是能够准确地描述影像的空间结构信息和变化规律。分别采用分线法和三角棱柱法对同一实验地区的多种分辨率不同波段的遥感卫星影像进行分析,分别计算了图像中不同地形区域(如城区、湖泊、田地等)的分形维数,并根据两种算法的特性对图像进行了特征分析。多源遥感影像的实验结果证明,分形维数确实可以作为影像特征分析的一个重要工具,并可以指导分析遥感影像的应用情况。此外,在计算分形维数的过程中,采用三折线拟合法自适应地确定影像的无标度区间,提高了分形维数计算结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

地理要素的变化与建设工程行政审批事项密切相关,主要研究面向建设工程行政审批事项的地理要素更新与应用,提出了将建筑本体及其周边地理本体以及由其引起的事件进行关联融合的方法。通过引入4D流本体框架,面向建设工程中建筑规划、建筑产生、建筑持存和建筑消亡4个阶段,设计了建设工程全生命周期时空数据模型,并以建筑本体中的房屋要素为例,开展了地理要素及其对应事件的更新应用研究。研究表明,该模型能够完整记录建筑本体的状态并对其生命周期进行连续性描述,实现了基于建筑本体生命周期的地理本体和要素事件的关联和融合。研究成果对于开展基于事件的地理要素更新、主题分析、专题规划设计等工作具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

关丽  吕雪锋 《测绘科学》2012,(1):104-108
针对传统空间数据记录体系在全球尺度空间数据管理中存在的弊端,如数据图幅范围缺乏大范围或全球统一标准管理、数据跨图幅接边处理复杂等问题,本文构建了一套以空间位置记录为核心、时间为属性、计算机集群为存储模式的空时记录体系。在剖析了传统空间数据记录模式基础上,探讨了空时记录体系的内涵与优势,并基于全球剖分模型及其编码(GeoID编码)着重设计了空时记录体系架构和结构功能,为全球海量空间数据的管理与组织提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

为了方便管理人员对中国地球系统科学数据共享网平台的运行进行管理与维护,需要监测、统计该网各个节点的访问情况。JSP技术以JAVA为基础,具有良好的跨平台部署能力。本研究从实际需求出发,在逐步剖析信息流程与管理流程的基础上,利用JSP技术设计了一个流量监测的功能模块。经实际应用证明,该模块可以跨平台部署,可以高效、准确地监测站点的访问情况。  相似文献   

数字化房产管理商品房买卖合同网上备案子系统中GIS的应用,使商品房买卖合同网上备案的具体情况更为直观,达到了联机备案的目的.利用GIS的功能,既给消费者购买房屋提供权威的数据(如楼盘信息、各户型开间图信息、预警报表信息、楼盘地段图信息等),又为开发商的销售做了有利的宣传.  相似文献   

设计了一种GNSS信号录制与回放设备,该设备利用了变频器(混频器)会产生差频与和频的现象,在采集与回放阶段使用不同的变频方式,分别使用变频结果中和频与差频,从而将频率中心较远的多个GNSS信号中间的无用频带去掉,只留下有用信号,这样以来,降低了设备的成本和复杂程度,使用价格低廉的SDR平台即可完成采集与回放工作。经实验验证,该设备可以用于GPS L1/L2以及BDS B1等信号的记录与回放,可以广泛用于教学实验、GNSS接收机研发生产以及科学研究等领域。   相似文献   

The Photogrammetric Society was formed in 1952. The Council of the Society considered that the twentieth anniversary was a good point at which to record the events which led to its formation and the significant occasions and decisions which have taken place since 1952. Consequently, Paul Lamboit was invited to compile this History. He has placed the birth and development of the Society within the national and international photogrammetric context and his record of the deliberations which took place between 1947 and 1952 will be of particular interest to historians of our subject. This account was first published in a limited edition in 1971. Sufficient interest has since been expressed to prompt a wider circulation through publication in the Photogrammetric Record. The author served the Society continuously in several official capacities from 1953 to 1969 and he was elected to Honorary Membership in 1969.  相似文献   

遥感图像的巨大信息量,给图像存贮、记录、传输和处理带来很大的困难。尤其是在微机上进行图像处理,这一问题更为突出。图像压缩编码技术是解决问题的主要途径。但是,文献介绍的一些常用的图像压缩编码方法,大多会导致信息量的减少,有的不适用于遥感图像,或者方法不容易实现。本文提出的图像的自适应混合压缩编码方法,吸收了几种压缩编码方法的优点,基于图像的空间相关性和局部均匀程度,对图像进行压缩编码,方法不仅容易实现,而且有较高的图像数据压缩效果,压缩比一般能达到2左右。自适应图像混合压缩编码方法属于冗余度压缩,不导致信息量的任何减少。  相似文献   

The Photogrammetric Society was formed in 1952. The Council of the Society considered that the twentieth anniversary was a good point at which to record the events which led to its formation and the significant occasions and decisions which have taken place since 1952. Consequently, Paul Lamboit was invited to compile this History. He has placed the birth and development of the society within the national and international photogrammetric context and his record of the deliberations which took place between 1947 and 1952 will be of particular interest to historians of our subject.
This account was first published in a limited edition in 1971. Sufficient interest has since been expressed to prompt a wider circulation through publication in the Photogrammetric Record .
The author served the Society continuously in several official capacities from 1953 to 1969 and he was elected to Honorary Membership in 1969.  相似文献   

利用多模多频GNSS-IR信号反演沿海台风风暴潮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何秀凤  王杰  王笑蕾  宋敏峰 《测绘学报》1957,49(9):1168-1178
台风风暴潮每年给沿海城市造成了极大的损失,近年来利用GNSS反射信号的地基遥感方法可以用于潮位监测,称为GNSS-IR(global navigation satellite system-interferometric reflectometry),对风暴潮期间验潮站资料进行补充。由于风暴潮发生时间短且破坏性强,单系统GPS的时间分辨率难以满足海洋灾害的监测需求。本文基于中国香港站(HKQT)和巴哈马群岛站(BHMA)的多模多频GNSS卫星观测数据反演了3次沿海风暴潮事件。先对多模多频数据的质量进行分析,随后分别对2019年飓风“多里安”、2018年台风“山竹”和2017年台风“天鸽”引起的3次风暴潮,利用基于滑动窗口的最小二乘法对多模多频GNSS-IR反演结果进行改正并与验潮站实测值对比分析。试验结果表明,利用多模多频GNSS-IR反演“多里安”风暴潮的精度优于14 cm,反演“天鸽”和“山竹”风暴潮的精度优于9 cm。相比GPS单系统,多模多频GNSS-IR能够提高监测的精度和时间分辨率,有效提取风暴潮中异常潮位的涨潮、峰值和落潮的全过程,对海洋灾害的研究监测发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

为保证一等水准点之记精度与质量,提高测绘人员野外工作效率,对目前的一等水准点之记进行了探讨与分析,指出了其详细位置图与点位,详细说明表达、标石断面图绘制和经纬度书写及交通路线描述中存在的缺点,并基于此提出了若干改进意见,这在一定程度上促进了一等水准点之记信息的标准化与规范化。  相似文献   

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