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Products of the latest eruptions from the Valles caldera, New Mexico, consist of the El Cajete Pyroclastic Beds and Battleship Rock Ignimbrite, a sequence of pyroclastic fall and density current deposits erupted at ~ 55 ka, capped by the later Banco Bonito Flow erupted at ~ 40 ka, and collectively named the East Fork Member of the Valles Rhyolite. The stratigraphy of the East Fork Member has been the subject of conflicting interpretations in the past; a long-running investigation of short-lived exposures over a period of many years enables us to present a more complete event stratigraphy for these eruptions than has hitherto been possible. The volume of rhyolitic magma erupted during the 55 ka event may have been more than 10 km3, and for the 40 ka event can be estimated with rather more confidence at 4 km3. During the earlier event, plinian eruptions dispersed fallout pumice over much of the Valles caldera, the southern Jemez Mountains, and the Rio Grande rift. We infer a fallout thickness of several decimeters at the site of the city of Santa Fe, and significant ash fall in eastern New Mexico. In contrast, pyroclastic density currents were channeled within the caldera moat and southwestward into the head of Cañon de San Diego, the principal drainage from the caldera. Simultaneous (or rapidly alternating) pyroclastic fallout and density current activity characterized the ~ 55 ka event, with density currents becoming more frequent as the eruption progressed through two distinct stages separated by a brief hiatus. One early pyroclastic surge razed a forest in the southern caldera moat, in a similar manner to the initial blast of the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Ignimbrite outflow from the caldera through the drainage notch may have been restricted in runout distance due to steep, rugged topography in this vicinity promoting mixing between flows and air, and the formation of phoenix clouds. Lavas erupted during both the ~ 55 and ~ 40 ka events were largely confined to the caldera moat. Any future rhyolitic eruptions of similar magnitude in the southern or western parts of the Valles caldera will likely affect similar areas.  相似文献   

Seventeen K/Ar dates were obtained on illitic clays within Valles caldera (1.13 Ma) to investigate the impact of hydrothermal alteration on Quaternary to Precambrian intracaldera and pre-caldera rocks in a large, long-lived hydrothermal system ( 1.0 Ma to present). Clay samples came from scientific core hole VC-2B (295°C at 1762 m) which was spudded in the Sulphur Springs thermal area and drilled into the boundary between the central resurgent dome and the western ring-fracture zone. Six illitic clays within Quaternary caldera-fill debris flow, tuffaceous sediment, and ash-flow tuff (48 to 587 m depth) yield ages from 0.35 to 1.09 Ma. Illite from Miocene pre-caldera sandstone (765 m) gives an age of 6.74 Ma. Two dates on illite from sandstones in Permian red beds (1008 and 1187 m) are 4.33 and 4.07 Ma, respectively. Surprisingly, three dates on illites from altered andesite pebbles within the red beds (1010–1014 m) are 0.95 to 1.06 Ma. Four illite dates on variably altered Precambrian quartz monzonite (1615–1762 m) range from 2.90 to 276 Ma.Post-Valles age illite is not correlated with alteration style (argillic to propylitic). Rather, post-Valles ages are uniformly obtained from illites in highly fractured, intensely altered, caldera-fill rocks and the Permian volcanic clasts. Generally, finer clay fractions from identical samples yield younger ages. Plots of 40Ar/36Ar versus 40K/36Ar and 40Ar* versus 40K for the illites in caldera-fill rocks lie close to a 1-Ma isochron. Most illite dates older than Valles caldera are difficult to interpret because they correspond to the ages of pre-Valles volcanic and hydrothermal episodes in the Jemez volcanic field ( 13 Ma). In addition, older dates may be caused by co-mingling of different illites during sample preparation, or by inherited argon or lost argon in illites from rocks with potentially complex hydrothermal histories. However, the range of ages obtained from illites in Permian sands and pebbles and from Precambrian crystalline rocks indicates that Valles hydrothermal activity is overwhelming illite produced by earlier geologic events.  相似文献   

The present work reports the first numerical ages obtained for the two highest fluvial terraces (Qt1 and Qt2) of the Alcanadre River system (Northeastern Spain) representing the earliest remnants of Quaternary morphosedimentary fluvial activity in the Ebro basin. ESR dating method was applied to optically bleached quartz grains and both the Al and Ti centers were measured, in accordance with the Multiple Center approach. The results are overall in good agreement with the existing preliminary chronostratigraphic framework and our interpretation indicate that terraces Qt1 and Qt2 have an ESR age of 1276 ± 104 ka and 817 ± 68 ka, respectively. These data provide some chronological insights on the beginning of the fluvial sedimentary processes in a scenario of incision maintained over Quaternary in the Ebro Basin. These are among the first numerical ages obtained for such high terraces in the Iberian Peninsula.Our results demonstrate the interest of using the Multiple Center approach in ESR dating of quartz, since the two centers provide complementary information, i.e. an independent dose control. The overall apparent consistency between the ESR age estimates and the existing preliminary chronostratigraphic framework may be considered as an empirical evidence that the Ti–Li center may actually work for Early Pleistocene deposits, whereas the Ti–H center shows some clear limitations instead. Finally, these results demonstrate the interest of using ESR method to date Early Pleistocene fluvial terraces that are usually beyond the time range covered by the OSL dating method.  相似文献   

When electron spin resonance (ESR) is applied to sedimentary quartz, dealing with the poor bleachability of the signals is particularly challenging. In this study, we used both the single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and the single aliquot ESR dating of quartz from deep sand deposits preserving a Stone Age archaeological sequence to combine the advantages of the two methods: good bleaching behaviour and extended age range. Using the youngest samples at each sampling site we were able to calculate the mean ESR residual age from the difference between the OSL ages and the apparent ESR ages. Focusing mainly on the single aliquot regenerative dose (SAR) protocol here, we were able to calculate the mean ESR residual age for the Ti and Al centres, including the non-bleachable signal component for the latter. For the NP site, residual ages of 209 ± 13 ka and 695 ± 23 ka were calculated for the two centres, whereas for the ZS site 268 ± 39 ka and 742 ± 118 ka were determined. These residual ages are significant and cannot be neglected. Thus, the residual age was subtracted from the apparent ESR ages. The validity of the residual subtraction method was tested through a comparison of the oldest OSL age from each site with the residual subtracted ESR age. For both NP and ZS sites, the residual subtracted Ti and Al ages were consistent with the OSL age within 2-σ uncertainty, and therefore confirm the robustness of the subtraction method. Within the NP sequence, we were able to locate the end of the Early Stone Age at 590 ± 86 ka, and this provides a maximum age for the transition to the Middle Stone Age in this part of south-central Africa.  相似文献   

The loci and abundance of U and Th were examined in tuffaceous rocks encompassing hydrothermal systems at the Long Valley caldera, California and the Valles caldera, New Mexico. Aspects of these systems may be analogous to conditions expected in a potential site for a high-level waste repository in welded tuff. Examination of radioelements in core from scientific drill holes at these sites was accomplished by gamma-ray spectrometry and fission-track radiography. In the lateral-flowing hydrothermal system at the Long Valley caldera, where temperatures range from 140 to 200 °C, U is concentrated to 20 ppm in Fe-rich zones of varved tuff and to 50 ppm with Fe-rich mineral phases in tuff fragments of a calcite-cemented breccia. U-series disequilibrium in some of these samples suggests mobilization/deposition of parent U and/or its daughters. In the vapor zone of the Valles caldera's hydrothermal system (temperature ˜ 100 °C), the concordance of high U, low Th/U and decreasing whole-rock O-isotope ratios suggests that U was concentrated in response to hydrothermal circulation when the system was formerly liquid-dominated. In the underlying present-day liquid-dominated zone (temperature to 210 °C), U, up to several tens of parts per million, occurs with pyrite and Fe-oxide minerals, and in concentrations to several percents with a Ti-Nb-Y-rare earth mineral. In the Valles system's outflow zone, U is also concentrated in Fe-rich zones as well as in carbonaceous-rich zones in the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks that underlie the Quaternary tuff. Th, associated with accessory minerals, predominates in breccia zones and in a mineralized fault zone near the base of the Paleozoic sedimentary sequence. Relatively high concentrations of U occur in springs representative of water recharging the Valles caldera's hydrothermal system. In contrast, considerably lower U concentrations occur in hot waters (> 220 °C) and in the system's outflow plume, suggesting that U is concentrating in the hotter part of the system. The Long Valley and Valles observations indicate that U and Ra are locally mobile under hydrothermal conditions, and that reducing conditions associated with Fe-rich minerals and carbonaceous material are important factors in the adsorption of U, and thus can retard its transport in water at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

The Jemez Mountains volcanic field (JMVF), located in north-central New Mexico, has been a site of basaltic to rhyolitic volcanism since the mid-Miocene with major caldera forming eruptions occurring in the Pleistocene. Eruption of the upper Bandelier Tuff (UBT) is associated with collapse of the Valles Caldera, whereas eruption of the lower Bandelier Tuff (LBT) resulted in formation of the Toledo Caldera. These events were previously dated by K-Ar at 1.12 ± 0.03 Ma and 1.45 ± 0.06 Ma, respectively. Pre-Bandelier explosive eruptions produced the San Diego Canyon (SDC) ignimbrites. SDC ignimbrite “B” has been dated at 2.84 ± 0.07 Ma, whereas SDC ignimbrite “A”, which underlies “B”, has been dated at 3.64 ± 1.64 Ma. Both of these dates are based on single K-Ar analyses.40Ar/39Ar dating of single sanidine crystals from these units indicates revision of the previously reported dates. Isochron analysis of 26 crystals from the UBT gives a common trapped 40Ar/36Ar component of 304.5, indicating the presence of excess 40Ar in this unit, and defines an age of 1.14 ± 0.02 Ma. Isochron analysis of 26 crystals from the LBT indicates an atmospheric trapped component and an age of 1.51 ± 0.03 Ma. An age of 1.78 ± 0.04 Ma, based on the weighted mean of 5 individual analyses, is indicated for SDC ignimbrite “B”, whereas 3 analyses from SDC ignimbrite “A” give a weighted mean age of 1.78 ± 0.07 Ma. Evidence for xenocrystic contamination in the SDC ignimbrites comes from analyses of a correlative air-fall pumice unit in the Puye Formation alluvial fan giving ages of 1.75 ± 0.08 and 3.50 ± 0.09 Ma. The presence of xenocrysts in bulk separates used for the original K-Ar analyses could account for the significantly older ages reported.Geochemical data indicate that SDC ignimbrites are early eruptions from the magma chamber which evolved to produce the LBT, as compositions of SDC ignimbrite “B” are virtually identical to least evolved LBT samples. Differentiation during the 270-ka interval between eruption of SDC ignimbrite “B” and the LBT produced an array of high-silica rhyolite compositions which were erupted to form the LBT. Mixed pumices associated with eruption of the LBT indicated an influx of more mafic magma into the system which produced shifts in some incompatible trace-element ratios. Lavas and tephras of the Cerro Toledo Rhyolite record the geochemical evolution of the Bandelier magma system during the 370-ka interval between eruption of the LBT and the UBT.The combined geochronologic and geochemical data place the establishment and evolution of the Bandelier silicic magma system within a precise temporal framework, beginning with eruption of the SDC ignimbrites at 1.78 Ma, and define a periodicity of 270–370 ka to ash-flow eruptions in the JMVF. These intervals are comparable to those in other multicyclic caldera complexes and are a measure of the timescales over which substantial fractionation of large silicic magma bodies occur.  相似文献   

The Latera caldera is a well-exposed volcano where more than 8 km3 of mafic silica-undersaturated potassic lavas, scoria and felsic ignimbrites were emplaced between 380 and 150 ka. Isotopic ages obtained by 40Ar/39Ar analysis of single sanidine crystals indicate at least four periods of explosive eruptions from the caldera. The initial period of caldera eruptions began at 232 ka with emplacement of trachytic pumice fallout and ignimbrite. They were closely followed by eruption of evolved phonolitic magma. After roughly 25 ky, several phonolitic ignimbrites were deposited, and they were followed by phreatomagmatic eruptions that produced trachytic ignimbrites and several smaller ash-flow units at 191 ka. Compositionally zoned magma then erupted from the northern caldera rim to produce widespread phonolitic tuffs, tephriphonolitic spatter, and scoria-bearing ignimbrites. After 40 ky of mafic surge deposit and scoria cone development around the caldera rim, a compositionally zoned pumice sequence was emplaced around a vent immediately northwest of the Latera caldera. This activity marks the end of large-scale explosive eruptions from the Latera volcano at 156 ka.  相似文献   

Little work has been undertaken on combined dating of sedimentary quartz grains using electron spin resonance (ESR) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques in Australia. This study aims to assess the suitability of a combined ESR and OSL dating approach for establishing improved chronologies of Middle-Late Pleistocene deposits within the Naracoorte Cave Complex (NCC), South Australia. Here, we apply ESR and OSL dating in tandem to a series of samples collected from three different NCC sites: Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave. ESR quartz dating focuses on the multi-centre (MC) approach, which involves comparative evaluations of Al and Ti centre signals, while paired luminescence dating focuses on single-grain OSL analysis and includes examination of multi-grain averaging effects. The comparative ESR-OSL dating results exhibit broad agreement for deposits spanning 50–150 thousand years, with either the Ti–H or Al centre ages overlapping with paired OSL ages at 2σ in nearly all cases. MC ESR evaluations (Al v Ti–Li v Ti–H age assessments) indicate incomplete resetting of the bleachable Al centre signal for a small number of samples. Two-thirds of samples exhibit Ti–Li ages that are significantly older than corresponding Al centre ages, which is unexpected from a bleaching kinetics perspective and may indicate a broader reliability issue for Ti–Li palaeodose evaluation with these particular samples. Our findings: (i) support the applicability of both palaeodosimetric dating methods in this depositional setting; (ii) highlight the merits of applying combined ESR-OSL analyses in tandem, and; (iii) provide one of the first reliable evaluations of quartz ESR MC dating for samples with natural dose ranges as low as only a few tens of Gy. These results show that the Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave sites are temporally related and can be used to derive multi-site reconstructions of faunal assemblages and palaeoenvironmental history.  相似文献   

Microthermometric measurements were obtained for 618 fluid inclusions in hydrothermal quartz, fluorite and calcite and magmatic quartz phenocrysts in intracaldera tuffs from the VC-2A core hole in order to study evolutionary processes of the Sulphur Springs hydrothermal system in the Valles caldera. Relatively high Th values in samples from shallow depths indicate erosion of about 200 m of caldera fill since deposition of hydrothermal minerals at shallow depths in the Sulphur Springs hydrothermal system, accompanied by a descent in the water table of the liquid-dominated reservoir. For samples collected below the current water level of the well, the minimum values of homogenization temperature (Th) fit the present thermal profile, whereas minimum Th values of samples from above the water level are several tens of degrees higher than the present thermal profile and fit a paleo-thermal profile following the boiling point curve for pure water, as adjusted to 92 °C at 20 m below the present land surface. This is attributed to development of an evolving vapor zone that formed subsequent to a sudden drop in the water table of the liquid-dominated reservoir. We suggest that these events were caused by the drainage of an intracaldera lake when the southwestern wall of the caldera was breached about 0.5 Ma. This model indicates that vapor zones above major liquid-dominated geothermal reservoirs can be formed due to dramatic changes in geohydrology and not just from simple boiling.  相似文献   

High spatial resolution U–Pb dates of zircons from two consanguineous ignimbrites of contrasting composition, the high-silica rhyolitic Toconao and the overlying dacitic Atana ignimbrites, erupted from La Pacana caldera, north Chile, are presented in this study. Zircons from Atana and Toconao pumice clasts yield apparent 238U/206Pb ages of 4.11±0.20 Ma and 4.65±0.13 Ma (2σ), respectively. These data combined with previously published geochemical and stratigraphic data, reveal that the two ignimbrites were erupted from a stratified magma chamber. The Atana zircon U–Pb ages closely agree with the eruption age of Atana previously determined by K–Ar dating (4.0±0.1 Ma) and do not support long (>1 Ma) residence times. Xenocrystic zircons were found only in the Toconao bulk ignimbrite, which were probably entrained during eruption and transport. Apparent 238U/206Pb zircon ages of 13 Ma in these xenocrysts provide the first evidence that the onset of felsic magmatism within the Altiplano–Puna ignimbrite province occurred approximately 3 Myr earlier than previously documented.  相似文献   

Noncondensible gases from hot springs, fumaroles, and deep wells within the Valles caldera geothermal system (210–300°C) consist of roughly 98.5 mol% CO2, 0.5 mol% H2S, and 1 mol% other components. 3He/4He ratios indicate a deep magmatic source (R/Ra up to 6) whereas δ13C–CO2 values (−3 to −5‰) do not discriminate between a mantle/magmatic source and a source from subjacent, hydrothermally altered Paleozoic carbonate rocks. Regional gases from sites within a 50-km radius beyond Valles caldera are relatively enriched in CO2 and He, but depleted in H2S compared to Valles gases. Regional gases have R/Ra values ≤1.2 due to more interaction with the crust and/or less contribution from the mantle. Carbon sources for regional CO2 are varied. During 1982–1998, repeat analyses of gases from intracaldera sites at Sulphur Springs showed relatively constant CH4, H2, and H2S contents. The only exception was gas from Footbath Spring (1987–1993), which experienced increases in these three components during drilling and testing of scientific wells VC-2a and VC-2b. Present-day Valles gases contain substantially less N2 than fluid inclusion gases trapped in deep, early-stage, post-caldera vein minerals. This suggests that the long-lived Valles hydrothermal system (ca. 1 Myr) has depleted subsurface Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of nitrogen. When compared with gases from many other geothermal systems, Valles caldera gases are relatively enriched in He but depleted in CH4, N2 and Ar. In this respect, Valles gases resemble end-member hydrothermal and magmatic gases discharged at hot spots (Galapagos, Kilauea, and Yellowstone).  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带大水场剖面断层泥的ESR年代学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对山东省沂水县大水场断层剖面的断层泥带进行了野外观测和ESR 测年。断层泥的ESR年龄与由其穿插关系等判断出的断层活动次序相符。各断层泥的ESR 年龄显示出大水场断层经历了两个活动较频繁的时段,即0-25~0-28Ma B-P- 和0-45~0-55Ma B.P  相似文献   

The numerical dating of megaflood sediments is a worldwide challenge, a fact that has impeded a full understanding of Late Quaternary dam-outburst flood processes that occurred along the river courses of the Tibetan Plateau. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has been widely used on such sediments. Due to their short transportation distances prior to deposition, the OSL signals of megaflood sediments are often partially bleached, resulting in age overestimations. Here, we report on a comparison of OSL ages obtained using both quartz (4–11 μm FG; 90–125, 180–250 μm CG) and K-feldspar (180–250 μm CG) extracted from sediments taken from the Binghong-Bingnong Neolithic-Bronze Age site on the second Jinshan River terrace (T2), in Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Contrary to previous experience suggesting that CG fractions are usually better bleached than FG fractions prior to deposition, our results showed that the OSL ages for the FG quartz fraction were generally younger than those for the CG fraction. This would suggest that the two fractions may have come from different sources, and may have been subject to different geomorphological processes prior to deposition. FG quartz fractions may be suitable to define the maximum age of sediments located in alpine gorge regions. CG quartz fractions can be used by applying the minimum age model (MAM) to select relatively well-bleached grains yielded ages close to the ‘true’ burial ages of the sediments. The results showed that the post-IR IRSL225 ages of single grain K-feldspar were overestimated by > 3 ka, suggesting K-feldspar may not be suitable dating material for megaflood sediments <30 ka. The OSL dates suggest that the T2 terrace was formed ∼8.4 ka, that aeolian sediments were deposited during ∼2.6–1.5 ka, and that the megaflood event occurred after ∼1.5 ka.  相似文献   

Loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of arid central Asia (ACA) play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital time scales. However, problems with dating loess in ACA have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially Holocene data. We selected a typical loess/paleosol sequence (LJW10) on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in ACA consisting of 280 cm of loess with multiple paleosols formed in the upper 170 cm of the section. We applied quartz OSL dating to coarse-grained (63–90 μm) fractions, and newly developed K-feldspar pIRIR dating protocols to both coarse-grained and medium-grained (38–63 μm) fractions of the samples from LJW10 section. Internal checks of the quartz OSL dating indicate that the single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol on large aliquots (5 mm) is appropriate for equivalent dose (De) determinations and that the quartz ages of the loess samples are likely to be reliable. Luminescence characteristics and internal checks of the pIRIR dating indicate the pIRIR signal at a 170 °C stimulation temperature with a 200 °C preheat can be used for both coarse-grained and medium-grained De determinations. Anomalous fading tests for the pIRIR 170 °C signal indicate the pIRIR signals are stable and the anomalous fading of the pIRIR 170 °C signal can be ignored. Sunlight bleaching tests of the loess indicate the residual dose for the pIRIR 170 °C signal can also be ignored as it corresponds to only ∼9 years for the medium-grained K-feldspar and ∼85 years for the coarse-grained K-feldspar. The pIRIR ages of five medium-grained and coarse-grained K-feldspar samples are consistent with coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and both the medium-grained and coarse-grained ages increase uniformly with depth, indicating these pIRIR ages are reliable. Based on the coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and on coarse-grained and medium-grained K-feldspar pIRIR ages, an age-depth model for the paleosol-loess sequence was established by using a Bacon age-depth model. This model suggests eolian loess deposition began by at least ∼16 ka ago and that paleosol development on these eolian loess deposits began ∼5.5 ka, continuing to the present, with periods of high effective moisture at 5.5–4.9, 4.6–4.1, and 3.4–3.1 ka. This sequence suggests overall relative aridity during the early Holocene and an increase in effective moisture beginning ∼5.5 ka during the mid-late Holocene in ACA.  相似文献   

Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CSDP) drill hole VC-2B [total depth 1761.7 m (5780 ft); maximum temperature 295 °C] was continuously cored through the Sulphur Springs hydrothermal system in the western ring-fracture zone of the 1.14 Ma Valles caldera. Among other units, the hole penetrated 760.2 m (2494.1 ft) of Paleozoic carbonate and siliciclastic strata underlying caldera fill and precaldera volcanic and epiclastic rocks. Comparison of the VC-2B Paleozoic rocks with corresponding lithologies within and around the 32.1 Ma Socorro caldera, 192 km ( 119 miles) to the south-southwest, provides insight into the variability of alteration responses to similar caldera-related hydrothermal regimes.The Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone and Sandia Formation from VC-2B preserve many of the sedimentological and diagenetic features observed in these units on a regional basis and where unaffected by high temperatures or hydrothermal activity. Micrites in these formations in VC-2B are generally altered and mineralized only where fractured or brecciated, that is, where hydrothermal solutions could invade carbonate rocks which were otherwise essentially impermeable. Alteration intensity (and correspondingly inferred paleopermeability) is only slightly higher in carbonate packstones and grainstones, low to intermediate in siltstones and claystones, and high in poorly cemented sandstones. Hydrothermal fracture-filling phases in these rocks comprise sericite (and phengite), chlorite, allanite, apatite, an unidentified zeolite and sphene in various combinations, locally with sphalerite, galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Terrigenous feldspars and clays are commonly altered to chlorite and seriate, and euhedral anhydrite “porphyroblasts” with minor chlorite occur in Sandia Formation siltstone. Fossils are typically unaltered, but the walls of some colonial bryozoans in the Madera Limestone are altered to the assemblage chlorite-sericite-epidote-allanite. La, Ce and Nd are present in an unidentified hydrothermal mineral occurring throughout much of the VC-2B Pennsylvanian sequence.Carboniferous carbonate and siliciclastic formations within and around the Socorro caldera show a similar style of alteration and mineralization to their Valles caldera counterparts, but by contrast locally host commercial, caldera-related, base-metal sulfide deposits. As in the Valles rocks, mineralization and alteration in those of the Socorro caldera were strongly controlled by porosity. Unless disrupted by fractures, breccias, or karst cavities ( not identified in Valles caldera drill holes), the rocks remained relatively unaltered. Where these features allowed ingress of mineralizing hydrothermal solutions, base-metal sulfides and rare-earth-element-bearing minerals were precipitated.  相似文献   

Post-collapse rhyolite lava domes, lava flows and pyroclastic rocks from Valles caldera (1140 ka), erupted from 1133 ka to approximately 520-60 ka, have been sampled to study variations of light lithophile (Li, Be, B) and halogen (F, Cl) elements. Our principal objectives were: (1) to examine the mobility of these elements during post-eruptive devitrification and hydration; and (2) to study their behavior during magma differentiation. Compared to fresh glassy samples, devitrified rocks from the same dome are depleted in B, Li, F and Cl, but not in Be. During devitrification, Be was immobile while the other elements were progressively more mobile in the order B < Li < Cl < F, fluorine being the most mobile element. Considering only fresh glassy samples, Li, Be and B were enriched in residual liquids and behaved incompatibly during differentiation of successive magma batches at 973-787 ka and 557-521 ka. The rhyolites have low B/Be ratios of 2–3 which decrease slightly with increasing Be; these values suggest a small fractionation of B from Be during evolution of the magmas. While F behaves like the light lithophile elements, Cl shows (1) much smaller temporal enrichment during differentiation at 973-787 ka and (2) depletion with time from 557 to 521 ka. At the same time, the Cl/Be ratio declines progressively from ˜250 in the oldest rhyolites to ˜ 100 in the youngest rhyolites. These data suggest that (1) a magmatic fluid phase continuously extracted Cl from fluid-saturated magmas and (2) some of the magmatic Cl lost could have been incorporated into the Valles hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The electron spin resonance (ESR) dating method has been introduced into the Quaternary chronology for nearly 40 years and has been successfully used for dating of fluvial and lacustrine sediments. In order to evaluate the possible effect of the sediment grain size on the dating estimate, the parallel ESR dating testing was carried out on quartz grains of five different size fractions ranging from 50 to 450 μm extracted from the same fluvial and lacustrine sediment collected close to the M/B boundary at the Donggutuo section, Nihewan Basin, China. The results show that equivalent doses and associated ages vary significantly. However the beta irradiation dose rate of the grains with different sizes accounts for only about 6% of the total deviation of the dating results. At the same time, the sensitivity of quartz Ti–Li center was calculated based on the additional irradiation. It shows that the larger grains are more sensitive than the smaller ones, which can leads to higher saturate ESR intensity and less equivalent dose. The variations of the sensitivity of quartz Ti–Li center of the grains with different sizes are responsible for the primary deviation of the dating results. The results also suggest that 100–150 μm grain size fraction would be priority size for the ESR dating of quartz Ti–Li center on fluvial and lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to test reliability of luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) methods to date tephra. We investigated on three Japanese marker tephras, Ikeda-ko (6.4 ka), Aira-Tn (30 ka) and Aira-Iwato (45–50 ka). A systematic studies were performed using different minerals (quartz and feldspar), different grain fractions (75–250 and 250–500 μm), different luminescence and ESR signals, like optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of quartz, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar, including recently developed least faded post infrared IRSL (pIR-IRSL), and ESR signals from paramagnetic centers Al and Ti–Li of quartz. Ages obtained using pIR-IRSL signal of plagioclase with preheat of 320 °C, 60 s and stimulation at 300 °C are consistent with the reference ages. High dose detection range (up to ∼600 Gy) and accurate age estimation enable pIR-IRSL of feldspar a promising methodology to date quaternary tephra. ESR ages from quartz are grossly correlated with the reference ages but large deviation and large associated errors are observed, possibly due to either low signal to noise ratio or heterogenous dose response of different aliquot in multiple aliquot additive dose (MAAD) approach.  相似文献   

Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of optically bleached quartz grains was performed on three sediment samples collected from the Middle Palaeolithic site of Cuesta de la Bajada (Spain). A standard multiple grain and multiple aliquot additive dose procedure was employed, and both the Al and Ti centres were measured as part of the multiple centres approach.ESR age estimates obtained for the three samples indicate that the Al centre provides a maximum possible chronology, as the Ti centres show that the Al signal was likely not systematically reset to its residual level during sediment transport. A direct comparison between ESR ages based on the Ti centres and single grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from samples collected nearby shows broadly consistent results. The Ti-H centre also appears to provide suitable chronologies for at least two of the three Middle Pleistocene samples studied here. Surprisingly, the only sample showing consistent ESR ages between the Al and Ti centres appears to be overestimated in comparison with the Ti-centre and OSL ages derived from the other two samples. This indicates either incomplete bleaching of both the Al and Ti centres for this sample, or unexpected impacts of other sources of De uncertainty, such as multi-grain averaging effects. The ESR dating results overall indicate that the archaeological sequence of Cuesta de la Bajada CB-3 is most likely correlated to either MIS 7 or 9.  相似文献   

Although the oldest volcanic rocks exposed at Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) are older than 300 ka, most of the island is covered by the 45–50 ka Green Tuff ignimbrite, thought to be related to the Cinque Denti caldera, and younger lavas and scoria cones. Pre-50 ka rocks (predominantly rheomorphic ignimbrites) are exposed at isolated sea cliffs, and their stratigraphy and chronology are not completely resolved. Based on volcanic stratigraphy and K/Ar dating, it has been proposed that the older La Vecchia caldera is related to ignimbrite Q (114 ka), and that ignimbrites F, D, and Z (106, 94, and 79 ka, respectively) were erupted after caldera formation. We report here the paleomagnetic directions obtained from 23 sites in ignimbrite P (133 ka) and four younger ignimbrites, and from an uncorrelated (and loosely dated) welded lithic breccia thought to record a caldera-forming eruption. The paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field recorded by ignimbrites is used as correlative tool, with an estimated time resolution in the order of 100 years. We find that ignimbrites D and Z correspond, in good agreement with recent Ar/Ar ages constraining the D/Z eruption to 87 ka. The welded lithic breccia correlates with a thinner breccia lying just below ignimbrite P at another locality, implying that collapse of the La Vecchia caldera took place at ~130–160 ka. This caldera was subsequently buried by ignimbrites P, Q, F, and D/Z. Paleomagnetic data also show that the northern caldera margin underwent a ~10° west–northwest (outwards) tilting after emplacement of ignimbrite P, possibly recording magma resurgence in the crust.  相似文献   

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