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Nodosaurid ankylosaurs illustrate well the differences between European and North American faunal assemblages during the Late Cretaceous. A revised checklist of the nodosaurid specimens from the Late Cretaceous (mainly Campanian and Maastrichtian) localities of Europe reveals a more important diversity than commonly envisaged, with at least two distinct species represented. Struthiosaurus nustriacus and a new nodosaurid from the Basque-Cantabric Basin were small (body length about 3 m), presumably dwarf insular forms. AIthough a detailed stratigraphic correlation is not yet availabIe, the disappearance orrelationisnotof the nodosaurids in the Western Interior of North America and in Europe may not be simultaneous but asynchronous. If so, the extinction of the Nodosauridae occurred in the latest Maastrichtian and Struthiosaurus could be the last representative of the group.  相似文献   

分布于藏南江孜一带的上白垩统宗卓组沉积混杂堆积岩呈近东西向与雅鲁藏布江缝合带平行相伴,由“基质”、原地岩块、外来岩块三部分组成。“基质”以正常沉积的细碎屑岩为主;原地岩块是沉积物未完全固结时,由于重力或其它地质作用使之变形变位后形成的;外来岩块成分复杂、形态各异、大小悬殊,不同岩块中产晚三叠世—早白垩世的箭石、双壳类等化石。岩块间很少直接接触,地貌上明显突起,其变形变质程度与“基质”极不协调,它是早白垩世以来,喜马拉雅板片向冈底斯-念青唐古拉板片俯冲,于被动陆缘形成近东西向的狭长海槽,而仰冲板片受到强烈的破碎,大小不等的岩块滑落于海槽中构成的沉积混杂堆积岩。  相似文献   

Fragmentary remains, including cervical vertebrae and limb bones, of a large pterosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of Tous, province of Valencia (Spain), are described. The material was recovered from lacustrine beds in the upper part of the Calizas y Margas de Sierra Perenchiza Formation, which is probably Maastrichtian in age. Six fragments of vertebrae allow a reconstruction of the anatomy of the mid-series cervicals of the animal. The general morphology of the cervical vertebrae is closely similar to that of the long-necked Azhdarchidae. Compared to other azhdarchids, the Valencia pterosaur shows minor differences from the genera Azhdarcho and Quetzalcoatlus, and is here provisionally referred to as Azhdarchidae indet. A wingspan of about 5.5 m is calculated by comparison with other known azhdarchids. This is the second azhdarchid pterosaur described from the Iberian peninsula. It confirms the wide distribution of this group of large pterosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

We describe new and redescribe previously discovered sauropod dinosaur material from the Upper Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian–Turonian) Bajo Barreal Formation of south-central Chubut Province, central Patagonia, Argentina. The remains consist of associated and isolated axial skeletal elements recovered from three separate localities, and are herein assigned to the morphologically aberrant Rebbachisauridae clade. Several of the fossils exhibit osteological characters that were previously undocumented in rebbachisaurids, enhancing our understanding of the morphological diversity of this enigmatic sauropod group. In particular, the Bajo Barreal material demonstrates the occurrence within Rebbachisauridae of bifurcate neural spines in cervical vertebrae and well-developed, presumably pneumatic fossae in caudal vertebrae; among Diplodocoidea, these distinctive morphologies had previously been recognized only in flagellicaudatans. Furthermore, the Bajo Barreal fossils constitute the southernmost known occurrences of Diplodocoidea, adding to the globally sparse Late Cretaceous record of these sauropods and augmenting our knowledge of central Patagonian terrestrial vertebrate assemblages during this interval.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of nodosaurid dinosaur: Zhejiangosaurus lishuiensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected herein. It is characterized by the sacrum consisting of at least three true sacral vertebrae, 5 caudal dorsal vertebrae fused to form the presacral rod, wide divergence of long slender preacetabular process of the ilium from the middle line of the body, and the fourth trochanter located at the femoral mid-length.  相似文献   

We report on a new enantiornithine bird, Dunhuangia cuii, gen. et sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation of the Changma Basin, northwestern China. Although the material is incomplete, Dunhuangia cuii preserves unique coracoidal and sternal morphologies that distinguish it from other known enantiornithines; this specimen represents only the second enantiornithine reported from the Changma Basin that is diagnostic at the species level. This study enriches our understanding of the enantiornithine component of this ornithuromorph-dominated, Early Cretaceous avifauna.  相似文献   

A re-examination of fossil material from the Late Cretaceous Cambridge Greensand Member (CGM) of the West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation revealed a number of new specimens of edentulous pterosaur jaw fragments previously identified as shark fin spines and fish jaws and accessioned under the epithet ‘cestraciontid finray’ and ‘jaws of fish’. These are now recognised as pterosaurian jaw tips and referred to Ornithostoma sedgwicki Seeley, 1891 and Azhdarchoidea indet. This material increases the diversity of edentulous pterosaurs from the CGM.The edentulous pterosaur Ornithostoma sedgwicki Seeley, 1891 from the Cretaceous Cambridge Greensand of eastern England is reviewed. The holotype specimen is confirmed as a fragment of a premaxilla/maxilla of a non-tapejarid azhdarchoid on account of the conspicuous curvature of the dorsal and occlusal margins posteriorly and the presence of small neural foramina on the lateral margins. Neural foramina are not seen on jaws of members of the Pteranodontia, a group to which O. sedgwicki was included previously. The referral of O. sedgwicki to Azhdarchoidea eliminates the single known Lower Cretaceous occurrence of Pteranodontidae, restricting the temporal range of this taxon to the Upper Cretaceous. Postcranial material referred to O. sedgwicki from the type horizon is regarded as indeterminate Pterosauria.  相似文献   

A complete and well-preserved right ankylosaurian humerus from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Csehbánya Formation of Iharkút, western Hungary is described here. Based on its osteological features and 21.5 cm adult length, the new specimen is markedly different from the slender humerus of Hungarosaurus, the previously known ankylosaur from the locality, and more similar to that of Struthiosaurus. Thus, the new Hungarian specimen is tentatively assigned here to cf. Struthiosaurus thereby dating back the first occurrence of this genus to the Santonian. The new fossil demonstrates the sympatric co-existence of two different nodosaurid ankylosaurs (a smaller, robust form with 2–2.5 m total body length and a larger, cursorial form with 4–4.5 m body length) in the Iharkút fauna. This also suggests that the pattern of the European ankylosaur diversity was more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   

根据发现于辽西朝阳九佛堂组一具有部分头骨的不完整骨架,命名一新的帆翼龙--赵氏龙城翼龙(新属新种).头骨和牙齿形态显示龙城翼龙与宽齿帆翼龙的关系要比与其他翼龙的关系密切,龙城翼龙是目前辽西九佛堂组中发现的唯一的帆翼龙类.帆翼龙科原仅一属种,发现于英国早白垩世地层中,辽西早白垩世新帆翼龙的发现,不但扩大了其地理分布,也证明辽西是晚侏罗世至早白垩世翼龙辐射、分异的重要地区.这对研究翼龙的起源和演化有重要意义.  相似文献   

白垩纪四足动物足印的生物地层学、生物年代学与遗迹相   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
从全球范围来看,白垩纪四足动物的足印多数是非鸟恐龙与鸟类留下的痕迹;少量足印来自翼龙、鳄鱼、龟、哺乳动物和其他四足动物。白垩纪的足迹化石以东亚(尤其是中国和朝鲜)和北美西部的最为人所知。南美(主要是阿根廷和巴西)也有一定数量广泛分布的足迹化石,欧洲、非洲与澳大利亚的白垩纪足迹组合则鲜为人知。以白垩纪四足动物的足印记录为基础,我们对两个全球足印生物年代重新进行了检查。早白垩世生物年代以蜥脚类与鸟脚类的足迹为特征。晚白垩世生物年代中的蜥脚类足迹较少,但是鸭嘴龙、暴龙和角龙的足迹增多了。另外,白垩纪足印化石的记录中记载了许多重要的生物地层学信息,如北美白垩纪中期蜥脚类恐龙的消失,以及白垩纪末恐龙的绝灭。越来越多来自东亚的白垩纪足印记录使我们对更精细的地方性白垩纪足印生物年代学有了初步印象。因此,以地方性四足恐龙(包括鸟类)遗迹属的地层分布为基础,可以识别出三个或四个足印生物年代。种类丰富并具有地方性特色的东亚的白垩纪鸟类动物的遗迹群,可能指示白垩纪时东亚存在着一个独特而繁盛的鸟类动物群。以足印化石为基础的这一假说有待进一步的验证。  相似文献   

The Kiselyovka-Manoma accretionary complex, formed at the end of the Early Cretaceous, is a part of the Early Cretaceous Khingan-Okhotsk active continental margin. It is located at the front of the Amur accretionary complex and is composed of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous oceanic volcanic-siliceous deposits. The structural study of this complex in the Lower Amur region hSas made it possible to clarify its overall structure and to subdivide the folds with different morphologies and orientations into five types. The analyzed folding sequence is compared to the folds of the Amur accretionary complex. The fold kinematics indicates various senses of motions that do not reveal systematic kinematic patterns of stacking of the accreted tectonic slices.  相似文献   

A new ornithischian dinosaur, Yueosaurus tiantaiensis gen. et sp. nov., is erected based on a partial postcranial skeleton from the Liangtoutang Formation (Aptian–Cenomanian) of Zhejiang Province, China. It differs from other ornithischians in possessing the following unique combination of characters: prominent and slightly ventrally directed cervical parapophyses; anteroposteriorly narrow neural spines on caudal vertebrae; scapula with a ventroscapular groove, supraglenoidal buttress, supraglenoid fossa, and a strong anteroventral expansion of the scapular blade. Yueosaurus represents the first basal ornithopod taxon from southeastern China. It expands our understanding of the Cretaceous dinosaurian fauna of Zhejiang Province.  相似文献   

Pterosaurs are a rare component of the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Gault Formation of southern England. The only named taxon reported, ‘Pterodactylusdaviesii Owen, 1874, is widely regarded as a nomen dubium or as Pterodactyloidea incertae sedis, while most other material can be referred to Pterodactyloidea indet. Here we describe a fragmentary humerus and elongate mid-series cervical vertebra both from the Gault Formation of Kent, southeast England that can be referred to the edentulous pterodactyloid clade Azhdarchoidea. The cervical vertebra is identified as being from a non-tapejaromorph azhdarchoid on account of its reduced neural spine, a neural arch confluent with the centrum, a neural canal that is subsumed into the centrum and the lack of foramina on the lateral surfaces of the centrum. The humerus is referred to Azhdarchoidea on account of its sub-rectangular distal end.  相似文献   

Here we describe an isolated tooth of a metriorhynchid crocodylomorph from the Hybla Formation (Aptian, Lower Cretaceous) of Rocca Chi Parra quarry (Montagna Grande, Calatafimi, Trapani Province), Sicily, Italy. The specimen shares with the Upper Jurassic taxon Plesiosuchus manselii a mediolaterally compressed conical tooth crown, noticeable lingual curvature, mesial and distal carinae with microscopic, rectangular contiguous denticles, strong distal curvature of the mesial margin, and the presence of weak 'carinal flanges' on the labial and lingual surfaces (which are preeminent at the mid-crown). This suite of morphologies is also present in an unnamed Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) plesiosuchinan from France. However, the Sicilian tooth differs from these taxa in having more pronounced carinae, and faint apicobasally aligned enamel ridges. It also differs from P. manselii in having more extensive 'carinal flanges' on the labial surface. The specimen extends the known geological range of Metriorhynchidae and Thalattosuchia by approximately 7–8 million years. This overturns previous hypotheses of Metriorhynchidae becoming extinct early in the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The previously unknown second cervical vertebra (axis) of the sauropod Sibirotitan astrosacralis Averianov et al., 2018 from the Early Cretaceous locality Shestakovo 1...  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):28-35
An alvarezsaurid dinosaur skeleton was discovered from the Late Cretaceous Qiupa Formation of Luanchuan, Henan Province of central China. It represents a new alvarezsaurid dinosaur Qiupanykus zhangi gen. et sp. nov. A phylogenetic analysis recovers Qiupanykus nested within the unresolved clade, which includes Asian and north American taxa. The skeleton of the new specimen is preserved in association with eggshells. The eggshell morphologies show that these eggs belong to oviraptorid eggs, skeletal remains of which were discovered from the same area. The alvarezsaurid skeleton associated with eggshell fragments may indicate that these eggs were broken by the strong thumb-claws of the former and that alvarezsaurid dinosaurs may be egg-eaters.  相似文献   

姬书安  张培 《地球学报》2022,43(1):1-10
广西壮族自治区扶绥县那派盆地早白垩世新隆组中产有包含蜥脚类、兽脚类、鸟脚类、疑似鹦鹉嘴龙类的恐龙动物群,但鸟脚类的属种鉴定尚不能进一步确认.最近发现于那派盆地新的鸟脚类肠骨、坐骨化石材料,显示出基干禽龙类的典型形态,其特征又不同于该类群其他已知属种,应代表禽龙类一新属新种,被命名为广西那派龙Napaisaurus gu...  相似文献   

本文描述了产自中国辽宁省北票市早白垩世义县组一新的伤齿龙类化石——柯氏辽宁猎龙(Liaoningvenator curriei gen. et sp. nov.)。它具有伤齿龙类以下特征: 数量众多且密集的上颌齿与下颌齿; 牙齿的齿冠与齿根之间显著收缩; 齿骨侧表面具有一沟, 营养孔位于该沟内; 远端尾椎背部的神经棘减弱为一个沟。它不同于其它伤齿龙类的特征主要为坐骨靴大, 侧面观近乎三角形, 坐骨闭孔突细长; 尾椎形态转变点位于第7尾椎。系统发育分析表明柯氏辽宁猎龙与短羽始中国羽龙(Eosinopteryx brevipenna)构成姊妹群, 位于同一分支内。它们具有如下共同特征: (1)上颌骨和下颌骨前面部分的牙齿前隆无锯齿; (2)颈肋较其相关节的椎体长; (3)肠骨前缘直。辽宁猎龙代表了辽西同等层位发现的第5个伤齿龙类。骨组织研究显示辽宁猎龙的骨骼已接近成熟, 死亡时至少4岁。它为该地区的基干伤齿龙类恐龙提供了新的解剖学信息, 并丰富了目前中国已知早白垩世伤齿龙类的多样性。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the turtle fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Iberian Peninsula has been very limited until now. There are several fossil sites where Lower Cretaceous associations of continental vertebrates have been found. Although turtles have been identified in some of them, most of these specimens have not been studied, so the diversity is unknown. Among all these findings, the turtles from the Cameros Basin are considered particularly relevant, both in their abundance and diversity. Their study has allowed the identification of several taxa. At least one representative of Solemydidae and three taxa of Eucryptodira are recognized. This study establishes kinship and biogeographic relationships between the taxa in Cameros with those found in other Spanish fossil sites and with those of other European regions.  相似文献   

Cervical vertebrae of elasmosaurids (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauroidea) have proven to be informative even at family level. The present paper uses a previously developed methodology based on bivariate graphic analysis that evaluates the proportion indices of cervical vertebrae in elasmosaurids, which is applied to a well-preserved postcranial specimen of this group recovered from upper Maastrichtian beds of central Chile. The plotting of such indices groups the Chilean material with other specimens from the Late Cretaceous of Argentina and Antarctica, the latter referred to the genus Aristonectes. This result allows us to identify the first relatively complete individual of the genus based on non-cranial characters. The identification of the Chilean specimen as Aristonectes sp. provides important new data on the postcranial skeleton of the genus, that has remained poorly known until now.  相似文献   

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