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Using outlines of ten geodiversity-related topics plus some related studies, this paper argues that geodiversity has contributed to many new insights, new avenues of research and new results. The ten topics are: Celebrating, Assessment and Measurement, Geosystem Services, Biodiversity, Geomaterials, Geotourism and Leisure, Geoheritage, National Geoconservation, World Heritage Sites and Global Geoparks, and Sustainability. It is concluded that geodiversity is a) a global, as well as regional/local concept, b) more than just related to biodiversity, important though that is, c) absolutely central to any relationship between the geology-related topics (‘Gs’). It is therefore argued that geodiversity is not a ‘redundant term’ as recently suggested but instead is a significant, multi-faceted and evolving, geoscientific paradigm.  相似文献   

In the past decade progress has been made recognising the contribution that geodiversity makes to biodiversity and society. Scotland's Geodiversity Charter, launched in 2012 and revised in 2017, has attracted the support of almost 100 organisations and encourages signatories to work together to recognise the value of geodiversity and ensure it is managed appropriately and safeguarded. The case study presented here highlights that while there is a real desire to protect sites that are scientifically valuable, significant challenges exist to balance this with societal demand for resources and development. There are also challenges for geoscientists and geoconservation groups to communicate effectively with planning authorities and local communities. The case study also sheds light on the problems associated with the systems of designating geosites of national and regional importance, the maintenance of these systems, and how the value of these sites is conveyed beyond the scientific community. Scotland's Geodiversity Charter offers a framework that stakeholders can use to work in partnership to increase awareness of the issues and help achieve the sustainable management of geosites. Case studies such as Callander provide lessons and solutions to overcome the challenges that arise and highlight the need for the participation of both national and local stakeholders.  相似文献   

The spatial knowledge of the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity may become crucial to forming modern land use policies and consequently, it may also become fruitful in regional development. But, there is no work in the literature that emphasises the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity, especially in a country like India which has a large variety of abiotic elements and also has a large variety of land use/land cover patterns in its territory and hence, has tremendous scope for such kind of work. Therefore, in the present work to partially fill the research gap, an attempt has been made to explore the relationships between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity of the Birbhum district, India following the principles of richness index. The spatial correlations between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity have been examined statistically by applying both correlation and regression analyses. The result shows a linear positive correlation between geodiversity and land use/land cover diversity of the concerned district that implies the fact that the areas of high geodiversity are also associated with the areas of high land use/land cover diversity and vice versa.  相似文献   

This article comments on the recent paper in this journal by Ruban (2010) which presented a simple quantitative scheme for the calculation of landscape geodiversity and its application to evaluating geodiversity between different locations. This comment article highlights some conceptual and methodological issues in the set-up and application of Ruban's scheme, and suggests that geodiversity as a measure can only be meaningful if it is set within a wider context of landscape and geological conservation and management. Some examples of conservation strategies in Great Britain are described in order to illustrate this wider context.  相似文献   

The Conference, ‘Engaging with Geodiversity—Why it Matters’, December 2010, addressed the wider relevance of geodiversity in Scotland. A key challenge is to integrate geodiversity within existing policy relating to the way we work and live, and therefore to inform better the decisions we make about a sustainable future for our environment. This will require partnership working among the geoscience, geoconservation and voluntary sectors at both national and local levels, not only to demonstrate convincingly the economic, social, cultural and environmental values and benefits of geodiversity, but also to deliver real outcomes for both people and nature. The key drivers that provide particular opportunities, as well as challenges, for the integration of geodiversity are the development of an ecosystem approach and how society responds to climate change. Addressing these will be crucial from a geoconservation perspective to develop a wider understanding of the essential environmental role played by geodiversity and for the protection of key sites, both from a policy perspective in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits, and from an academic perspective in ensuring support for geoscience. The key message – that geodiversity matters – must be communicated strongly to the highest levels of government, among key interest groups and at a local community level.  相似文献   


Brocx and Semeniuk’s (2019 Brocx, M., & Semeniuk, V. (2019). The ’8Gs’ – a blueprint for geoheritage, geoconservation, geo-education and geotourism. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 66(6), 803821. doi:10.1080/08120099.2019.1576767[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) paper is discussed, particularly in relation to the concept of geodiversity and their proposed sequence of ‘8Gs’. Their ideas on these topics are at odds with the majority of published papers and Internet sources on geodiversity. We argue that geodiversity as a concept has real value and that (a) the planet’s geodiversity occurs at all scales from global downwards, (b) it deserves an absolutely central place in any sequence of ‘Gs’ since it is the backbone of international and national geoheritage and geoconservation strategies, and the basis for geoheritage assessments, and (c) that as well as underpinning biodiversity, geodiversity is the source of many other geosystem services, including geotourism. Finally, a revised proposal for the relationship between geology, geodiversity, geoheritage, geoconservation and other ‘Gs’ is presented.  相似文献   

While some authors view biodiversity as an integral part of an over-arching geodiversity, most would see them as separate constructs. If that is the case, then the life–death interface marks the critical boundary between those that study organisms in life and the palaeontologists who try to interpret fossils in terms of their palaeobiology. The interface between life and the fossil record is characterised by the processes of taphonomy and, when fossils are collected, care must be taken to ensure that vital taphonomic information is not lost. This does not appear to be highlighted in the various fossil collecting codes and the avoidance of the loss of taphonomic information during collection should be a key feature of collecting policies and geoconservation in general.  相似文献   

近20万年来地球生物多样性及地球环境经历了多种多样的变化,尤其是过去11000年以来人类活动加剧了地球环境的恶化和物种的快速消亡,有部分学者提出人类正经历地质历史上的第六次生物集群灭绝事件。古今生物多样性研究的融通,将现代生物多样性问题放进地质历史的框架中分析,是认识生物和环境协同演变规律的重要途径,也是预估人类、生态系统以及地球环境未来发展的重要手段。基于此,依赖于数据积累的一门新型学科:保育古生物学正在兴起,越来越多的学者开始重视化石数据资料的积累,并建立了多种门类和不同用途的数据库,如启动于1998年的PBDB(Paleobiology Database)等。这些优秀的数据库提供了高质量的在线免费服务,并已产出不少重要成果。文章介绍了国内外古脊椎动物学领域的相关数据库及数据驱动下的重要研究实例,希望借此为深时数字地球计划(Deep-time Digital Earth)整合和共享开源的古脊椎动物大数据提供参考。  相似文献   

Soil is a vital biological habitat, which is of primary importance in determining and regulating biological activity and biodiversity. Therefore, it is Earth’s most important resource in sustaining both belowground and aboveground biological activities. Biodiversity versus landscape diversity and land use practices in multifunctional landscapes have been addressed. Humans have so manipulated nature that few locations in the world remain without human influence, causing unforeseen changes in ecosystem continuously and biodiversity. Among the environmental compartments, about 90 % of environmental pollutants are bound with soil particles. The soil-bound pollutants may be released to the soil solution through physical, chemical and biological interfacial interactions and pose a threat to biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. These interfacial interactions are especially important in the rhizosphere, where the kinds and concentrations of biomolecules are different from the bulk soil because of intense biological activity. These biomolecules affect biogeochemical processes, soil microbial ecology, nutrient and contaminant dynamics, abiotic and biotic factors, and soil biodiversity through allelopathic interactions. Soil interfacial interactions under different pedogenic processes and anthropogenic activity in relation to belowground biodiversity and the impact on aboveground biodiversity, productivity and integrity should be an important and exciting area of science for years to come.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Special Issue of the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association on ‘Valuing the Quaternary – Nature Conservation and Geoheritage’, arising from the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Congress in Dublin, in July 2019. It presents an overview of the values of Quaternary geoheritage, which merit recognition as an integral part of nature conservation, to protect priority sites and features for scientific research and education, and to deliver wider ecological, cultural and aesthetic benefits. The paper highlights the benefits of incorporating knowledge and understanding of Quaternary geoheritage for nature conservation and society. Palaeoenvironmental, palaeoecological and palaeobiological archives are a key source of ecological and environmental data that allow learning from the past to help address contemporary conservation challenges such as biodiversity loss, anthropogenic pressures and climate change. Quaternary science plays a vital part in supporting the wider nature conservation agenda, including strengthening the role of protected and conserved areas in the sustainable management of natural capital and ecosystem services, climate change adaptation, marine conservation, nature restoration and recovery, connecting people and nature and informing nature-based solutions to threats faced by society. However, challenges remain to achieve protection of key geoheritage sites and landscapes globally, and to integrate better understanding of geodiversity in nature conservation research, policy development and practice to help address the twin crises facing nature conservation – biodiversity loss and climate change. Quaternary studies provide temporal and spatial perspectives to inform forward-looking nature conservation that is dynamic rather than static in outlook.  相似文献   

This is a response to the Correspondence by Knight (Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 2011) entitled ‘Evaluating geological heritage’. In this response I suggest that geodiversity can be evaluated (1) conceptually as a natural treasure within landscape, cultural, and historical contexts and (2) numerically as a number of geosite types (not as a number of geosites). These points of view are not conflicting, but mutually profitable. Moreover, broad context and perception of geodiversity can be involved in its quantification. Geodiversity is viewed as a dynamic idea, which modifications will be reflected in every study of the regional geological heritage.  相似文献   

土壤多样性理论方法的新近发展与应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
与建议也陆续出现 ,按此势头发展下去 ,极有可能使传统土壤学发扬光大 ,对拓宽环境管理与评价的途径具有重要意义。在国家自然科学基金的资助下 ,我们已经将土壤多样性的理论方法介绍到中国[3 4,3 5] ,并且在山东省 1∶10 0万SOTER数据库支持下 ,进行了探索性研究①[3 6 ] 。目前正着手在海南SOTER数据库的支持下 ,对海南省土壤多样性进行多方位、多层次的分析研究 ,相信不久将会有相关研究报告发表土壤多样性理论方法的新近发展与应用@张学雷$中国科学院南京土壤研究所!江苏南京210008 @陈杰$中国科学院南京土壤研究所!江苏南京210…  相似文献   

Quantification of geodiversity and its loss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geodiversity, i.e., a diversity of geological heritage sites, can be quantified with an account of geosite types, type counterparts, and their ranks. Higher numbers of geosite types represented within a given territory and their higher ranks indicate a higher geodiversity. Two additional characteristics, namely geoabundance and georichness, allow measure of the quantity of geosites and the diversity-quantity relationship respectively. Geodiversity loss can be evaluated with an accounting of decreases in geosite type ranks linked to the damage of geosites. A calculation of relative and multi-dimensional geodiversity helps in quantitative assessment of the regional geological heritage.  相似文献   

In the growing field of Geoheritage, Geoconservation, Geo-education and Geotourism, there is a need to manage sites of geoheritage significance. While there is some great geology in nature available to appreciate for scenic value, education, tourism and research, many locations need to be protected from people and commercialism (e.g. the Iridium layer at the K/T boundary in Gubbio, Italy, the Ediacaran fauna in South Australia, the Burgess Shale in Canada or the zircon crystals at Jack Hills, among many others), and some locations need hazard management to protect people (e.g. continuously collapsing cliffs that have potential to be hazardous via rock falls, or slippery slopes, or high cliffs that are treacherous, or ‘king waves’ on rocky shores). The concept of the ‘8Gs’ is intended as a policy-style guidance that logically and progressively links Geology and Geoheritage through a series of steps to Geo-education and Geotourism. There is a logical progression from Geology the Science, through to Geoheritage and the identification of sites of geoheritage significance, to the establishment of Geosites/Geoparks, Geoconservation, leading to Geomanagement, Geo-education and Geotourism. Geomanagement needs to be undertaken prior to the use of sites for Geo-education and Geotourism. In relation to Geomanagement, sites need to be investigated for safety issues, and for the protection of their geological features. Geodiversity, the eighth ‘G’, is outside the progression but plays an important part in underpinning biodiversity. There is also a need to address and manage geodiversity in a given region or specific site to help understand and manage biodiversity.  相似文献   

Antigua is a small island at the northern end of the Lesser Antilles chain. Its geology is largely limited to the Upper Oligocene and it records with unusual fidelity the transition from island arc volcanism to quiescence and limestone deposition. Despite the apparent limitation of a rock record confined to a short stratigraphical interval, Antigua has a geodiversity that ranges from thick andesites through silicified logs and freshwater snails in cherts to limestones that include both shallow and deeper water facies, and fine karstic features.  相似文献   

Earth Observation with large suite of sensors and with capabilities to address natural resources at multiple scales has proven to be a critical resource in setting conservation priorities of a region. The role of earth observation data was recognized towards achieving international biodiversity targets by 2020. Ecosystem irreplaceability and ecosystem vulnerability are two concepts key to understanding and preparing conservation priority maps. This study presents spatial conservation prioritization analysis for forests of ‘Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot’. Earth observation data products have been used for prioritization of areas of irreplaceability and vulnerability that are significant for conservation planning. The spatial surrogates of biodiversity in terms of very dense forest, biological richness, intactness and rarity of habitat are analyzed for evaluation of ecosystem irreplaceability. Fragmentation, forest fires, plant invasion and disturbance index are surrogates included for spatial analysis of ecosystem vulnerability. Vegetation type wise analysis indicates dry deciduous forests are under high vulnerability, followed by moist deciduous forests. The high concentration of irreplaceability is observed in Shola followed by wet evergreen forests and semi-evergreen forests. Spatial prioritization approach has identified about 18% of the forest area as irreplaceable which represents overlapped area of very dense forest, shola, intact forest and high biological richness. We observed that the overlap of forest areas of irreplaceability with vulnerability in southern Western Ghats, which needs high priority of conservation. This study is the first of its kind wherein multi-source earth observation data has been analysed to examine the quantitative criteria at regional level in Western Ghats.  相似文献   

Mapping can act as a preliminary tool for the protection of natural areas and for land-use management, as it uses an easily transmissible international language which cannot be misunderstood. Geoheritage mapping can provide great opportunities for the transfer of geosciences information to the large public and policy makers. Recently, the geotourism map appears as a basic tool for the protection and promotion of this geoheritage and as a means to activate and mediate the geotourism image of the region. Aït Bou Oulli Valley is located in Moroccan Central High-Atlas, precisely within the M’Goun geopark. It is characterized by a rich geodiversity with respect to other areas of Central High-Atlas Mountains. It harbors a wide-range of geological and geomorphological heritage, and an exceptional landscape of high Mountains. The valley attracts a number of tourists whose number is skyrocketing on a yearly basis, but their number remains limited due to the absence of promotion and mediation tools of its geoheritage and to the absence of the cartographic documentation. This study aims, hence to elaborate a new geotourism map of Aït Bou Oulli Valley using digital mapping tools and fieldwork. The map shows geosites and high mountain landscapes and offers an overview of the valley’s geoheritage. This map is supported by tourism-related infrastructure, which will provide useful information for tourists. It also highlights the valley geodiversity with a view to promoting its geotourism through the establishment of three new geo-hiking trails.  相似文献   

Benthic invertebrates support numerous ecosystem functions and services including shellfish production, energy flow to fishes, and biogeochemical cycles. The decline of marine biodiversity worldwide has raised concerns about effects on ecosystems. To examine biodiversity trends of Narragansett Bay over time, a list was compiled of all benthic invertebrate species collected from the bay since 1834. The list covers 104 studies spanning 182 years and currently holds 1214 unique taxa from 21 phyla, the majority of all animal phyla on Earth. A permuted estimator of number of species suggested there are about 300 more yet to be discovered. Widely varying sampling gear and sieve mesh sizes precluded the use of abundance data. Instead, multidimensional scaling and taxonomic distinctness were used with presence-absence data to examine biodiversity trends. The changes in community composition and decline of benthic biodiversity (p?<?0.01) since 1855 are what would be expected of a community that gradually deteriorated in the face of increasing anthropogenic stressors. Taxonomic distinctness had negative correlations (p?<?0.05) with human population in the watershed, total nitrogen inputs, and inputs of metals. This loss of benthic biodiversity has implications for ecosystem functions and services. As some of the stressors waned in the last two or three decades, following passage of environmental legislation in the 1970s, biodiversity appeared to show a partial recovery. An inventory of species, how it has changed over time, and understanding what caused those changes are important for assessing whether remediation programs are achieving improved water quality and ecosystem health.  相似文献   

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