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超临界水氧化技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
当水的温度为374.2℃.压力为221×105Pa时,它变成一种即非液体又非气体的流体,该点称为水的临界点,温度和压力高于此点的水作为超临界水,超临界水有许多与普通水截然不同的性质,由此导致了超临界水的多种用途。SCWO(超临界水氧化)即是其中之一。  相似文献   

高纯氢氧化镁及其水热处理技术评述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
比较分析了高纯氢氧化镁制备的方法,水热改性对其组织结构的影响及产品的应用及市场前景。  相似文献   

水与人类的生存与发展息息相关,然而人类在开发利用水资源时,只考虑人的需求,肆意地开采和排污,大量挤占生态环境水,不仅破坏了水资源系统,而且造成生态系统严重失衡。同时,水又有其自身的运动和变化规律,在给人类提供有利条件的同时,又可能形成水灾,给人类的生命财产造成严重的损失。掌握生态环境水、资源水和灾害水的相互联系和相互转化,可有效保护生态环境,减少水灾害损失,保证水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

<正>李松梧的水事论文集《思水·忧水·论水》近期已由黄河水利出版社出版。李松梧是山东省沂水县水土保持局的一名基层水务科技工作者,高级工程师,中国水土保持学会会员,先后荣获"全国水土保持愚公奖""沂水县优秀科技工作者"等荣誉称号。他40年如一日,潜心研究,利用业余时间撰写水务、生态、环保等方面的论文和科普文章,其中有400余篇刊发  相似文献   

<正>我国古代,有一位治水名人,他就是西汉后期的贾让。贾让通过对黄河河道变迁的历史分析,指出黄河泛滥的根源是人们过度占据了河流的容水之地。治河应当给河流  相似文献   

黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题和水管理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文简要介绍了黄淮海平原典型区域的水问题及其变化规律。沧州—衡水地区的水问题主要有 :水资源严重匮乏、深层地下水严重超采以及风暴潮影响严重。文中估算了该区的缺水损失 ,并建立了漏斗中心水位埋深与地下水超采的经验关系。黄河三角洲地区的水问题主要有 :水资源尚嫌不足、黄河断流影响大以及地下水超采有所发展。文中提出了黄河断流的开源对策。安阳地区的水问题主要有 :水资源不足与地下水位下降速率加剧。文中亦建立了该区地下水水位与地下水超采量的经验关系。此外 ,本文还预测了各典型区引黄、引江灌溉的发展前景 ,2 0 1 0水平年外流域调水可望占可供水量的 32 %以上。  相似文献   

在部分国人眼里,水似乎是最不值钱的东西,因而随意浪费和污染。但在国外,水被视作重要的战略物资,得到珍视和保护。中水的普遍使用,就证明了这一点。  相似文献   

陈耀忠 《湿地科学与管理》2006,2(1):F0004-F0004

Zhang  Guanglei  Ranjith  P. G.  Perera  M. S. A.  Lu  Yiyu  Choi  Xavier 《Natural Resources Research》2019,28(4):1639-1660
Natural Resources Research - High-volatile bituminous coal samples were reacted in deionized water with supercritical CO2 (ScCO2–water) under simulated in situ pressure and temperature...  相似文献   

Analysis of the development of research and technical application is a critical basis for the identification and evaluation for suitable soil and water conservation ecological technology (SWCET) in China. Among instruments for analyzing the development of research and technical application, bibliometric statistics and visualization tools such as CiteSpace have been widely applied. To analyze the domestic development of SWCET, we applied CiteSpace to the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) database on Chinese research literature (from Jan 1985 to Mar 2017) and patents (Jan 2002 to Feb 2017). The circulation of research after 2002 and quantity of patents after 2010 increased rapidly. Research institutions, people and interests were dispersed, a strong center of research has not been formed and cooperation among research institutions is weak. The number of patented inventions in western regions of China suffering serious soil erosion is far lower than that in eastern regions such as Jiangsu, Beijing, Shandong and Guangdong. Vegetation restoration, ecological slope protection and protective cultivation are relative hotspots according to technical measures: the Loess Plateau, stony desertification (area) and dry-hot valley according to research area, and expressway, side slope and sloping cropland according to application area. Research hotspots mainly appeared several years after the number of published papers increased in 2002. In the past five years, only stony desertification has emerged as a focus. We argue that further studies on the identification and evaluation of SWCET should be focused on certain technical measures, regions and areas.  相似文献   

旱林作业对水分因子再分配研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水分因子严重制约着干旱半干旱条件下林木的生长,因地制宜地采用各种造林技术,最大限度地创造集流条件,合理利用水资源,是干旱造林研究的主要课题。根据多年的试验观测与研究,对旱林作业技术措施的实践应用效果,进行了综合评价和分析研究。  相似文献   

Soil and water conservation technology plays an important role in soil and water loss control and the construction of the ecological civilization in vulnerable areas. Here, soil and water conservation technology use over 70 years for the Zhifanggou watershed is summarized and ecological, economic and social backgrounds are determined through consultation with experts and reference to published literature. We found that soil and water conservation technology use includes soil and water conservation engineering technology, soil and water conservation cultivation technology and soil and water conservation biotechnology. Soil and water conservation technology utilization varied with people’s demands and core problems at different developmental stages of the agricultural eco-economic system. The coupling process of the agricultural eco-economic system at Zhifanggou went through three stages. In stages I and II, soil and water conservation cultivation technology was applied to meet farmers’ basic life demands. In stage III, all three technologies were applied comprehensively to solve eco-environmental problems and adjust industrial structure. To facilitate regional ecological civilization construction and sustainable development of the ecological economy and society, more emphasis should be given to research and development, implementation of soil and water conservation technology, stand structure improvement, forest grass quality enhancement, biodiversity, ecosystem functional improvement, development of soil and water conservation ecological resources, the coupling of soil and water conservation, and agricultural industry-resource optimization.  相似文献   

苕溪位于杭州市余杭区,是区域内的一、二类饮用水源重要保护地,余杭区及杭州部分城区数百万居民的饮用水以及西溪湿地的水源都来自苕溪。阐明了苕溪水质污染原因,分析了利用湿地滩涂净化苕溪水质的可行性及方法。  相似文献   

孙培霞 《盐湖研究》2002,10(3):17-19
着重解决了以运城盐湖卤水与氯化钡溶液为原料生产硫酸钡的技术难题。目前 ,该技术已被应用到南风集团硫化碱分公司的工业化生产中。  相似文献   

在分析国内外研究现状的基础上,探讨了基于GIS的系统总体设计的目标、原则、结构和系统的功能实现.以河南省镇平县的饮水安全评价与预测为研究对象,依据调查数据,选取预测因子和评价标准,以综合指数评价模型为例,详细阐述了饮水安全评价与预测系统所实现的图文双向查询、空间分析、水质评价与模拟等一系列功能,以实现饮水安全工程规划的空间信息管理和辅助决策支持.  相似文献   

差分干涉测量黄河三角洲天然湿地水位变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢酬  邵芸  方亮  许骥 《湿地科学》2012,10(3):257-262
利用合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术监测湿地水位变化,对湿地保护、恢复和重建具有非常重要的意义.利用C波段VV极化和L波段HH极化合成孔径雷达影像,结合同步野外测量和调查工作,在各季节不同时间间隔下,研究不同湿地类型的后向散射特性差异和干涉相干性差异;在对影响干涉相干性的因素进行评价的基础上,建立差分干涉测量湿地水位变化监测的函数模型,利用获取的合成孔径雷达影像,分析黄河三角洲的天然湿地水位变化.研究结果表明,利用差分干涉测量技术不仅可以获取湿地水位变化,而且还能提供水位变化的空间细节,这是本技术最突出的特色.  相似文献   

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