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This paper presents results obtained from numerical model experiments to show different patterns of mantle flow produced by lithospheric movement in subduction zones. Using finite element models, based on Maxwell rheology (relaxation time ∼ 1011S), we performed three types of experiments: Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. In Type 1 experiments, the lithospheric slab subducts into the mantle by translational movement, maintaining a constant subduction angle. The experimental results show that the flow perturbations occur in the form of vortices in the mantle wedge, irrespective of subduction rate and angle. The mantle wedge vortex is coupled with another vortex below the subducting plate, which tends to be more conspicuous with decreasing subduction rate. Type 2 experiments take into account a flexural deformation of the plate, and reveal its effect on the flow patterns. The flexural motion induces a flow in the form of spiral pattern at the slab edge. Density-controlled lithospheric flexural motion produces a secondary flow convergence zone beneath the overriding plate. In many convergent zones the subducting lithospheric plate undergoes detachment, and moves down into the mantle freely. Type 3 experiments demonstrate flow perturbations resulting from such slab detachments. Using three-dimensional models we analyze lithospheric stresses in convergent zone, and map the belts of horizontal compression and tension as a function of subduction angle.  相似文献   

High-pressure and temperature experiments (28–62 GPa, and 1,490–2,000 K, corresponding to approximately 770–1,500 km depth in the mantle) have been conducted on a MgCO3 + SiO2 mixture using a laser-heated diamond anvil cell combined with analytical transmission electron microscope observation of the product phases to constrain the fate of carbonates carried on the subducting basalt into the lower mantle. At these conditions, the decarbonation reaction MgCO3 (magnesite) + SiO2 (stishovite) → MgSiO3 (perovskite) + CO2 (solid) has been recognized. This indicates that above reaction takes place as a candidate for decarbonation of the carbonated subducting mid ocean ridge basalts in the Earth’s lower mantle.  相似文献   

兰春元  陶仁彪  张立飞  郭顺 《岩石学报》2022,38(5):1523-1540
地球98%以上的碳赋存在地球深部地幔和地核中。地球深部储库(地幔和地核)中的碳以各类岩浆作用释放到地表,而地球表层系统(大气圈、水圈、生物圈)中的碳又可以伴随板块俯冲作用进入地球深部地幔。然而俯冲过程中不同的脱碳机制会将俯冲板片中部分乃至全部碳带出板片,而后经由岛弧岩浆作用、流体扩散作用等途径返回地表。因此,板片俯冲过程中的脱碳机制及其通量深刻地影响了地质时间尺度中地表系统的二氧化碳浓度,进而改变地球的宜居性。本文总结了目前主流观点认可的五种俯冲板片脱碳机制:变质反应脱碳、流体溶解脱碳、熔融脱碳、底辟脱碳和氧化还原脱碳。另一方面,目前对于俯冲板片各种脱碳机制对应的脱碳效率还有很大的争议,因此本文进一步梳理了板片俯冲过程中不同脱碳机制相关的通量估算的研究进展与存在的问题,建议将来综合多种方法对比研究俯冲带碳循环问题,以期在俯冲带深部碳循环过程和通量方面取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

In geodynamic models describing basin formation by stretching, the base of the lithosphere is commonly defined by a fixed temperature. An alternative definition is proposed where the base of the lithosphere is determined by the solidus of mantle rocks. Some consequences of this definition are illustrated in a one-dimensional model. The model applies the finite-difference method and approximates the temperature regime in the upper 400 km of the Earth. The model uses temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and includes effects from heat storage by partial melting in the mantle low-velocity layer (MLV). Radiative heat transfer contributes significantly at elevated temperatures giving rise to a steepening of the thermal gradient below the lithosphere. This change in gradient allows the perturbed geotherm to exceed the mantle solidus in a limited depth interval, which accounts for the MLV, and thus defines the base of the lithosphere.

In the model, variations in thickness of, and degree of partial melting in the MLV, results from thinning of the overlying lithospheric plate. Thus, the thickness of the MLV is roughly inversely proportional to the thickness of the lithosphere, whereas the base of the MLV is almost flat.

Temperature-dependent variations in the carrying capacity of the MLV, where the main isostatic compensation occurs, is proposed as an epeirogenetic agent. This effect may be significant, and is expressed as an enhancement of the initial subsidence if no preexisting MLV is available. A secondary effect occurs as solidification of the MLV ceases a long time (˜ 300 Ma) after stretching, and causes slow uplift.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带的变质作用与部分熔融   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
张泽明  董昕  丁慧霞  田作林  向华 《岩石学报》2017,33(8):2313-2341
喜马拉雅造山带的核心由高级变质岩系和淡色花岗岩构成,是研究碰撞造山作用和板块构造的天然实验室。本文评述了喜马拉雅造山带变质作用和部分熔融研究取得的新进展和存在的争议,主要内容包括:(1)造山带核部具有"三明治"结构,高级变质和部分熔融的高喜马拉雅系列(GHS)夹持在较低级变质的特提斯喜马拉雅系列(THS)和低喜马拉雅系列(LHS)之中,GHS的变质作用程度具有向上和向下部构造层位降低的特征。高喜马拉雅系列主要由高压麻粒岩相到榴辉岩相的变质岩组成,具有1.2~1.6GPa和700~800℃峰期变质条件,顺时针型变质作用P-T轨迹,其进变质以增温增压为特征,退变质早期为近等温或增温降压过程,晚期为降温降压和近等压降温过程;(2)在造山带西段,紧邻缝合带产出的超高压变质岩具有4.4~4.8GPa和560~760℃的峰期变质条件和顺时针型P-T轨迹,并在退变质中期出现加热过程;(3)尽管造山带的高压和超高压变质岩形成在中、高温条件下,但岩石中的石榴石都保存有明显的主量和微量元素生长成分环带特征;(4)造山带变质核下部发育反转的中、高压型变质序列;(5)在造山带核部,变泥质和长英质麻粒岩的强烈部分熔融主要是增压、增温进变质过程中的白云母和黑云母脱水熔融,和近等温或增温降压过程中的黑云母脱水熔融,可以形成花岗质和英云闪长质熔体。加厚下地壳的高变质温度足以使各种成分岩石(包括基性岩)发生深熔,而不需要外来热源;(6)造山带变质核经历了长期的变质演化过程,其进变质始于~47Ma,峰期变质发生在~25Ma,退变质持续到~15Ma。这些岩石也记录了持续的(超过20Myr)高温变质和部分熔融过程。在造山带西段的超高压变质岩具有~46Ma的峰期变质年龄和~40Ma的退变质年龄,所以经历了一个快速俯冲与折返过程;(7)印度大陆西缘与岛弧的碰撞(造山带西段)和印度大陆东缘与大陆弧的碰撞时间一致,为~50Ma;(8)在造山带西段,印度大陆的深和陡俯冲形成了超高压变质岩;而在造山带中段,印度大陆的平缓俯冲形成了中高压变质岩;(9)构造变质不连续在变质核中广泛存在。多重有序逆冲和无序逆冲导致的岩片叠置控制着造山带的地壳结构;(10)现有的构造模型,包括楔形挤出、隧道流、临界楔和构造楔模型,都不能全面合理地解释造山带变质核部的折返机制。  相似文献   

The presented scenario of free convection flows in a subduction zone is based on experimental and theoretical simulation. The experimental simulation of free convection flows is carried out under various conditions of heat transfer that occurs between the oceanic and continental limbs of the subduction zone. The experiments show that to provide insights into subduction zones, it is necessary to estimate the horizontal forces acting on the left and right sides of the plunging plate, as well as the resulting horizontal force and its direction. The vector sum of horizontal and gravity forces of the subducting plate determines the slope angle of this plate at different depths. Heat transfer in the subducting plate has been considered. The y min coordinate of the temperature minimum in a plate and the value of minimum temperature have been estimated. The forces that arise due to phase transition and owing to the horizontal temperature gradient along the thickness of the descending lithosphere in the transitional mantle layer C are estimated as well. These forces are directed in opposite direction from the y min coordinate and induce spreading of the subducting lithosphere along the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. Theoretical simulation of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer in combination with experimental simulation of convection flows in a subduction zone indicates that a significant part of the upper mantle material of the plunging plate circulates in the oceanic limb of the subduction zone owing to spreading from the region of minimum temperature along a 670 km boundary.  相似文献   

Partial melting changes rocks from single phase (solid) to two phase (solid+melt) systems. The bulk viscosity decreases as the melt fraction increases and this effect raises the rate of deformation and heat transfer, as well as causing crustal differentiation. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognise which rocks have partially melted.Macroscopic textures provide the simplest criteria for recognising partial melting. Melting and deformation are generally synchronous, and when the melt fraction retained is low (<20%) metatexite migmatites are formed. Typically, these are morphologically complex because the melt fraction is squeezed out of the deforming matrix and collects in whatever dilatant sites are present. The presence of melanosome layers and patches provides the best evidence of where the melt formed, and the leucosomes where it collected. Diatexite migmatites can be easily recognised by the presence of a flow foliation, schlieren, enclaves and vein like leucosomes, and are evidence of a high melt fraction and pervasive partial melting. For the unusual case of melting without synchronous deformation, rounded neosome patches containing both the melt and solid fractions of the melt-producing reaction develop and, as the degree of melting increases these enlarge, to form diatexite migmatites. In both cases the characteristic feature is an increased grainsize and loss of pre-migmatization structures. Migmatite textures are robust, they survive later deformation well.Microscopic textures such as: (1) thin films of quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar along brain boundaries that represent crystallized melt and, (2) melt-solid reaction textures, also provide good criteria for identifying partially melted rocks. However, these textures are fragile and easily destroyed by deformation. The identification of mineral assemblages from which melt-forming reactions can be inferred is another reliable critera for recognising partial melting, but post-migmatization rehydration in granulite terranes can destroy this evidence.Whole rock geochemistry can be used to model the partial melting process, but problems in identifying the palaeosome and an unmodified melt compositions can restrict its application. However, whole rock geochemistry coupled with good field based control, can be used to deduce what processes have occurred in a terrane where the rocks have partially melted.Variations in field appearance, texture and composition are, in large part a consequence of whether, or not, and when, the melt-fraction separated from the solid fraction.  相似文献   

夏群科  刘佳  张宝华  李佩  顾笑龑  陈欢 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3631-3646



Heat flow and lithospheric thermal regime in the Northeast German Basin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
New values of surface heat flow are reported for 13 deep borehole locations in the Northeast German Basin (NEGB) ranging from 68 to 91 mW m− 2 with a mean of 77 ± 3 mW m− 2. The values are derived from continuous temperature logs, measured thermal conductivity, and log-derived radiogenic heat production. The heat-flow values are supposed free of effects from surface palaeoclimatic temperature variations, from regional as well as local fluid flow and from thermal refraction in the vicinity of salt structures and thus represent unperturbed crustal heat flow. Two-D numerical lithospheric thermal models are developed for a 500 km section along the DEKORP-BASIN 9601 deep seismic line across the basin with a north-eastward extension across the Tornquist Zone. A detailed conceptual model of crustal structure and composition, thermal conductivity, and heat production distribution is developed. Different boundary conditions for the thickness of thermal lithosphere were used to fit surface heat flow. The best fit is achieved with a thickness of thermal lithosphere of about 75 km beneath the NEGB. This estimate is corroborated by seismological studies and somewhat less than typical for stabilized Phanerozoic lithosphere. Modelled Moho temperatures in the basin are about 800 °C; heat flow from the mantle is about 35 to 40 mW m− 2. In the southernmost part of the section, beneath the Harz Mountains, higher Moho temperatures up to 900 to 1000 °C are shown. While the relatively high level of surface heat flow in the NEGB obviously is of longer wave length and related to lithosphere thickness, changes in crustal structure and composition are responsible for short-wave-length anomalies.  相似文献   

D.H. Chung 《Tectonophysics》1977,42(1):T35-T42
The seismologically observed Pn velocity anomalies in the conterminous United States are restricted to the lithosphere, but the observed teleseismic delay-time variations are due principally to the regional variations in the physical state (i.e., thickness of lowvelocity zone and/or percent melt, etc.) of the asthenosphere. The observed low Pn velocity has been attributed to partial melting in the upper mantle, but it is shown that the partial-melting model alone cannot explain the seismologically observed Pn velocities in such an anomalous region as the Basin and Range Province. The present structure of the Basin and Range Province is possibly a result of rifting in the western conterminous United States; under it there may lie a mixed structure of old crust and mantle materials. The low-velocity zone under the Basin and Range Province would then be caused by downward chemical transition from the sub-Moho pyrolitic mantle material into a plagioclase-rich ophiolitic (old oceanic crust and upper mantle) composition and associated meltingand then into a peridotitic composition at the bottom of the lowvelocity zone. This mixed material model, with partial melting, would explain the low Pn velocity and low seismic Q in the region, as well as other geophysical observations.  相似文献   

U-series disequilibria are presented for Holocene samples from the Canary Islands and interpreted with special emphasis on the separate roles of plume vs. lithospheric melting processes. We report Th and U concentrations and (238U)/(232Th), (230Th)/(232Th), (230Th)/(238U) and (234U)/(238U) for 43 samples, most of which are minimally differentiated, along with (226Ra)/(230Th) and (231Pa)/(235U) for a subset of these samples, measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Th and U concentrations range between 2 and 20 ppm and 0.5 and 6 ppm, respectively. Initial (230Th)/(238U) ranges from 1.1 to 1.6. (226Ra)/(230Th)o ranges between 0.9 and 1.8 while (231Pa)/(235U)o ranges between 1.0 and 2.0.Our interpretation of results is based on a three-fold division of samples as a function of incompatible element ratio, such as Nb/U. The majority of samples have Nb/U = 47 ± 10, similar to most MORB and OIB. Higher ratios are found exclusively in alkali basalts and tholeiites from the eastern Canary Islands whereas lower ratios are exclusively found in differentiated rocks from the western Canary Islands. Those with ordinary Nb/U ratios are attributed to melting within the slowly ascending HIMU-dominated Canary plume.Higher Nb/U, generally found in more silica rich basalts from the eastern islands, is attributed to lithospheric contamination. Based on their trace element characteristics, two possible contaminants are amphibole veins (± other minerals) crystallized in the mantle from previous plume-derived basanite or re-melted plume-derived intrusive rocks. The high Nb/U signature of these materials is imparted on a melt of the lithosphere created either by the diffusive infiltration of alkalis or by direct reaction between basanites and peridotite. Mixing between plume-derived basanite and lithospheric melt accounts for the U-series systematics of most eastern island magmas including the well-known Timanfaya eruption. Lower Nb/U ratios in differentiated rocks from the western islands are attributed to fractional crystallization of amphibole ± phlogopite ± sphene from basanite during its ascent through the lithosphere. Based on changes in disequilibria, phonolites and tephrites are interpreted to result from rapid differentiation of primitive parents within millennia.  相似文献   

Hydrous partial melting within the lower oceanic crust   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied more than 60 oceanic gabbros from the recent oceanic crust and from ophiolites (East Pacific Rise, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Southwest Indian Ridge, Oman ophiolite) by scanning electron microscopy and found in nearly all samples microstructures suggesting that hydrous partial melting reactions proceeded. The characteristic paragenesis consists of orthopyroxene and pargasite rimming olivine and clinopyroxene primocrysts in intimate contact with neoblastic plagioclase strongly enriched in anorthite. This is in agreement with recent water-saturated melting experiments on a variety of natural gabbros between 900 and 1000 °C. The observed microtextures in the natural gabbros imply the propagation of water-rich fluids on grain boundaries in a ductile regime causing hydrous partial melting. Thus, this type of hydrothermal activity proceeds within the deep oceanic crust at very high temperatures (900–1000 °C) without a crack system, a prerequisite in current models for enabling hydrothermal circulation.  相似文献   

A comparison of mantle xenolith suites along the northern Canadian Cordillera reveals that the xenoliths from three suites exhibit bimodal populations whereas the xenoliths from the other four suites display unimodal populations. The bimodal suites contain both fertile lherzolite and refractory harzburgite, while the unimodal suites are dominated by fertile lherzolite xenoliths. The location of the three bimodal xenolith suites correlates with a newly discovered P-wave slowness anomaly in the upper mantle that is 200 km in width and extends to depths of 400–500 km (Frederiksen AW, Bostock MG, Van Decar JC, Cassidy J, submitted to Tectonophysics). This correlation suggests that the bimodal xenolith suites may either contain fragments of the anomalously hot asthenospheric mantle or that the lithospheric upper mantle has been affected by the anomalously hot mantle. The lherzolite xenoliths in the bimodal suites display similar major element compositions and trace element patterns to the lherzolite xenoliths in the unimodal suites, suggesting that the lherzolites represent the regional lithospheric upper mantle. In contrast, the harzburgite xenoliths are highly depleted in terms of major element composition, but their clinopyroxenes [Cpx] have much higher incompatible trace element contents than those in the lherzolite xenoliths. The major element and mildly incompatible trace element systematics of the harzburgite and lherzolite xenoliths indicate that they could be related by a partial melting process. The lack of textural and geochemical evidence for the former existence of garnet argues against the harzburgite xenoliths representing actual fragments of the deeper anomalous asthenospheric mantle. Furthermore, the calculated P-wave velocity difference between harzburgite and lherzolite end-members is only 0.8%, with the harzburgites having higher P-wave velocities. Therefore the 3% P-wave velocity difference detected teleseismically cannot be produced by the compositional difference between the lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths. If temperature is responsible for the observed 3% P-wave velocity perturbation, the anomalous mantle is likely to be at least 200 °C higher than the surrounding mantle. Taken together these data indicate that the refractory harzburgite xenoliths represent the residue of 20–25% partial melting of a lherzolite lithospheric mantle. The incompatible trace element enrichment of the harzburgites suggests that this melting was accompanied by the ingress of fluids. The association of the bimodal xenolith suites with the mantle anomaly detected teleseismically suggests that anomalously hot asthenospheric mantle provided both the heat and volatiles responsible for the localized melting and enrichment of the lithospheric mantle. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 October 1997  相似文献   

刘帅奇  张贵宾 《岩石学报》2021,37(1):95-112



In Alpine Corsica (France), deeply subducted metabasalts are well preserved as lawsonite‐bearing eclogite (Law‐Ecl), occurrence of which is restricted to ~10 localities worldwide. The Corsican Law‐Ecl, consisting of omphacite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite, occurs as both single undeformed metabasaltic pillows surrounded by lawsonite blueschist (Law‐Bs), and carbonate‐bearing eclogitic veins. Law‐Bs are found as variably deformed metabasaltic pillows locally cross‐cut by eclogitic veins and consist of glaucophane + actinolite + lawsonite + garnet + phengite + titanite. Field evidence and microstructures reveal that both Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs are stable at the metamorphic peak in the lawsonite‐eclogite stability field. Isochemical phase diagrams (pseudosections) calculated for representative Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs samples indicate that both lithologies equilibrated at the same conditions of ~520 ± 20 °C and 2.3 ± 0.1 GPa. Therefore, the coexistence at the same peak metamorphic conditions of Law‐Ecl and Law‐Bs implies that different portions of deeply subducted oceanic crust may store significantly different H2O contents, depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition. In addition, thermodynamic modelling of phase equilibria indicates that the occurring progressive dehydration reactions, which are significantly depending on bulk‐rock chemical composition, strongly influence rock densification and eclogite formation in subducting slabs.  相似文献   

Evidence for partial melting along subgrain boundaries in quartz and plagioclase is documented for rocks from the Lost Creek Gneiss of the Llano Uplift, central Texas, the Wet Mountains of central Colorado, and the Albany-Fraser Orogen, southwestern Australia. Domains of quartz or plagioclase crystals along subgrain boundaries are preferentially involved in partial melting over unstrained domains of these minerals. Material along subgrain boundaries in quartz and plagioclase has the same morphology as melt pseudomorphs present along grain boundaries and is commonly laterally continuous with this former grain boundary melt, indicating the material along subgrain boundaries can also be categorized as a melt pseudomorph. Subgrain boundaries consist of arrays of dislocations within a crystal lattice, and unlike fractures would not act as conduits for melt migration. Instead, the presence of former melt along subgrain boundaries requires that partial melting occurred in these locations because it is kinetically more favorable for melting reactions to occur there. Preferential melting in high strain locations may be attributed to strain energy, which provides a minor energetic contribution to the reaction and leads to preferential melting in locations with weakened bonds, and/or the presence of small quantities of water associated with dislocations, which may enhance diffusion rates or locally lower the temperature needed for partial melting.  相似文献   

Anhydrous partial melting experiments, at 10 to 30 kbar from solidus to near liquidus temperature, have been performed on an iron-rich martian mantle composition, DW. The DW subsolidus assemblage from 5 kbar to at least 24 kbar is a spinel lherzolite. At 25 kbar garnet is stable at the solidus along with spinel. The clinopyroxene stable on the DW solidus at and above 10 kbar is a pigeonitic clinopyroxene. Pigeonitic clinopyroxene is the first phase to melt out of the spinel lherzolite assemblage at less than 20°C above the solidus. Spinel melts out of the assemblage about 50°C above the solidus followed by a 150° to 200°C temperature interval where melts are in equilibrium with orthopyroxene and olivine. The temperature interval over which pigeonitic clinopyroxene melts out of an iron-rich spinel lherzolite assemblage is smaller than the temperature interval over which augite melts out of an iron-poor spinel lherzolite assemblage. The dominant solidus assemblage in the source regions of the Tharsis plateau, and for a large percentage of the martian mantle, is a spinel lherzolite.  相似文献   

铀"成矿壳层"与"热隆构造"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铀富集成矿在垂向分布上受一定标高控制,形成具上限和下限的空间层带(俗称成矿壳层)。这个层带的出现受构造及地球化学环境的双重控制,下限面为韧脆性构造转换面,铲状断裂系的下铲面,以剥离断层为界面,是岩石温度变化的突变面、构造环境(压、张)反差明显的变化面,也是酸、碱分离及氧化一还原交替的地球化学环境变化的转换面,构成铀“成矿壳层”的底面;上限面为古大地水准面,是地壳表面重力向量的势能等值面,它控制了区域侵蚀基准面、潜水面、渗入水的氧化一还原渗透面、上升的深部溶液与下降水的混合面,是铀成矿壳层的上界面。  相似文献   

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