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数字摄影测量系统的数据获取 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
刘伟雄 《测绘与空间地理信息》2007,30(5):100-103
随着计算机技术的发展,摄影测量由模拟摄影测量和解析摄影测量发展到当今的数字摄影测量阶段,本文介绍了数字摄影测量的定义、主要的几种系统以及作业流程。 相似文献
建成区的建筑物等地物通常高于周围地表,因此高度梯度在其边缘发生突变。从立体像对生成两幅核线影像及其对应的视差图,然后利用该规律由视差图生成立体像对视差指数(stereo pair disparity index,SPDI)图。对SPDI图的高值像素进行空间聚类,得到该视差图对应的核线影像中的建成区结果,并且该结果可投影定位于立体像对的原始影像。此外,对于立体像对的两幅影像中分别检测的不一致结果,由于视差图包含了同名点间的对应关系,因此利用视差图有利于对齐不一致结果。然后,对取交集可获得高可信度的、一致的建成区结果。最后,采用两组立体像对进行试验验证,结果表明该方法可从立体像对检测出高精度的建成区。 相似文献
无人机摄影测量是中小面积地形测绘的重要手段,具有低成本、高效率、高精度、信息量大、产品可以重复使用的优点,弥补了传统方法的不足.本文简要介绍了无人机航空摄影测量技术,从工程实例中,进一步论述了利用无人机,搭载非量测型相机,在地形复杂的高山矿区进行地形测量的过程和方法,评估了点位精度误差,希望能为相关领域研究人员提供借鉴... 相似文献
IRS—P5立体影像使用单片正射纠正和立体像对正射纠正两种方法,基于DLG数据、GPS公路网数据、三角点三种数据作为控制资料进行纠正,再以三角点及1:10000DLG上的特征点相结合为检查标准,计算出每种纠正结果的相对平面误差,通过统计与分析,比较研究不同纠正方法的优缺点。 相似文献
介绍利用VirtuoZo全数字摄影测量系统制作DEM的工作流程,说明生成DEM的具体操作步骤,指出提高作业精度的具体措施和办法. 相似文献
针对单一无人机影像无法有效地提取高郁闭度林分树高的问题,该文提出一种结合无人机影像数据和全站仪测量的地形数据获取高郁闭度林分树高的方法。①利用搭载数码相机的小型无人机平台,以50m航高获取实验区局部高精度林分影像,利用全站仪获取实验区的地形数据;②利用无人机影像处理软件对影像进行处理,通过初步的几何校正以及空三加密过程得到整个实验区的高分辨率DEM和DOM模型;③采用局部最大值算法探测单株林木的树冠中心点坐标,利用自然生长算法和高程差值公式得到树冠中心对应的树根高程;④以树冠中心点高程以及树根高程的差值作为单木树高的估计值。通过实验得出:结合无人机影像与全站仪数据能够准确快速地获取高郁闭度林分树高,本文提出的方法可以为森林可持续经营提供数据基础。 相似文献
Detailed forest height data are an indispensable prerequisite for many forestry and earth science applications. Existing research of using Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data mainly focuses on deriving average or maximum tree heights within a GLAS footprint, i.e. an ellipse with a diameter of 65 m. However, in most forests, it is likely that the tree heights within such ellipse are heterogeneous. Therefore, it is desired to uncover detailed tree height variation within a GLAS footprint. To the best of our knowledge, no such methods have been reported as of now. In this study, we aim to characterize tree heights’ variation within a GLAS footprint as different layers, each of which corresponds to trees with similar heights. As such, we developed a new method that embraces two steps: first, a refined Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm is proposed to decompose raw GLAS waveform into multiple Gaussian signals, within which it is hypothesized that each vegetation signal corresponds to a particular tree height layer. Second, for each layer, three parameters were first defined: Canopy Top Height (CTH), Crown Length (CL), and Cover Proportion (CP). Then we extracted the three parameters from each Gaussian signal through a defined model. In order to test our developed method, we set up a study site in Ejina, China where the dominant specie is Populus euphratica. Both simulated and field tree height data were adopted. With regard to the simulation data, results presented a very high agreement for the three predefined parameters between our results and simulation data. When our methods were applied to the field data, the respective R2 become 0.78 (CTH), CL (R2 = 0.76), CP (R2 = 0.74). Overall, our studies revealed that large footprint GLAS waveform data have the potentials for obtaining detailed forest height variation. 相似文献
Image aliasing is a problem appearing as artefacts in digitally resampled images, which degrades the quality of the image. In digital rectification and texture mapping, pixels from an input image are transformed to pixels of an output image. The discrete nature of a digital image causes aliasing in the transformed image. In this paper the source of aliasing and the theory of antialiasing are described. The necessity of a precise filter design in antialiasing is discussed and a filter based on a Kaiser adjustable window is designed. Different practical antialiasing methods are described as well as interpolation methods, which are conventional in photogrammetry. Selected antialiasing methods are implemented and applied to a close range image. An objective analysis is carried out by applying inverse transformations to rectified images and deriving some measures to estimate the information loss for each method by comparing original and reconstructed images. Results indicate that interpolation methods are not capable of removing or reducing aliasing in highly decimating transformations. The output images of interpolation methods therefore suffer from edge corruption and interfusion of small features. Applying a Kaiser filter with a precise antialiasing method results in the least information loss and considerably reduces aliasing at the expense of higher computation load. 相似文献
遥感影像提取土地覆盖信息的决策树优化方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对高分辨率遥感影像分类的传统ID3算法采用的信息增益熵为局部非回溯的启发式的缺点,提出了决策树引入模拟退火算法,得到一个面向影像特征优先级的优化的决策树分类算法。采用优化的决策树算法进行高分辨率遥感影像的分类,能较好地解决样本依赖性问题,并且得到一个全局优化的分类结果。通过实验,对农村地区的SPOT影像进行分类,并且通过对较优尺度下优化的决策树算法与神经网络算法和最大似然法对实验区域的影像分类精度的比较,证明了与ID3决策树分类方法相比较,优化的决策树方法能有效地提高农村地区在各尺度下SPOT影像的分类精度。 相似文献