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中国台风降水的气候特征   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12  
对中国台风降水的时空分布特征进行研究,发现台风降水分布在中国中东部广大地区,台风降水量自东南沿海向西北内陆逐渐减少.台风降水最大值出现在台湾岛的中东部地区和海南岛的个别地区,年平均台风降水量大于700 mm,最小值出现在内蒙古、山西、陕西、四川的部分地区,年平均台风降水量不足10 mm.台风降水一般出现在4~12月,峰值出现在8月.1957~2004年期间台风降水呈下降趋势.台风降水的异常主要由于亚洲地区大气环流和赤道中东太平洋沃克环流的异常变化所引起.进一步分析发现,台风降水在中国大部分地区为减少趋势,且这种趋势在台湾岛、海南岛、东南沿海部分地区和东北南部较显著.台风暴雨是我国东南沿海及部分内陆地区的极端强降水事件之一,这些地区的暴雨和大暴雨很大程度上是台风带来的.  相似文献   

The results of an analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian from 1960 to 2005 show that typhoon precipitation in Fujian province occurs from May to November, with the most in August. There has been a decreasing trend since 1960. Typhoon precipitation gradually decreases from the coastal region to the northwestern mainland of Fujian and the maximum typhoon precipitation occurs in the northeast and the south of Fujian. Typhoon torrential rain is one of the extreme rainfall events in Fujian. High frequencies of typhoon torrential rain occur in the coastal and southwest regions of the province. With the impact of Fujian’s terrain, typhoon precipitation occurs more easily to the east of the mountains than to the west. Atmospheric circulation at 500 hPa over Asia and sea surface temperature anomalies of the equatorial eastern Pacific are analyzed, with the finding that they are closely connected with the anomaly of typhoon precipitation influencing Fujian, possibly mainly by modulating the northbound track of typhoons via changing the atmosphere circulation to lead to the anomaly of typhoon precipitation over the province.  相似文献   

近46年影响福建的台风降水的气候特征分析   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10  
对1960~2005年46年间影响福建的台风降水进行时空分析,结果表明:影响福建的台风降水主要发生在5~11月,8月是台风降水最多的月份;自1960年以来台风降水整体呈下降趋势;在地域分布上台风降水由闽南沿海向闽西北内陆逐渐减小,最大台风降水出现在闽南和闽东北地区;台风暴雨是福建地区的极端强降水事件之一,台风暴雨频发区主要集中在沿海及闽西南地区;受福建山地地形作用山脉以东的台风暴雨发生的概率要大大高于山脉西侧地区.台风降水的异常与亚洲地区500 hPa大气环流和赤道东太平洋海温异常关系密切,它们可能主要通过大气环流的改变进而对影响中国台风北上路径起到调制作用,并最终引起福建地区台风降水的异常.  相似文献   

1959—2012年我国极端降水台风的气候特征分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
江漫  漆梁波 《气象》2016,42(10):1230-1236
利用上海台风研究所整编的1959—2012年台风最佳路径和台风日降水资料,采用百分位法确定单站台风极端降水阈值,针对单个台风影响过程中所造成极端降水的影响范围、降水日数和降水强度异常等指数进行逐个评估,建立了极端降水台风综合指数,依据该指数确定了影响我国的57个极端降水台风,并统计分析了这些台风个数及强度的月际分布特征和路径特点。结果表明:台风极端降水阈值在我国呈由东南沿海向西北内陆减小的分布特征。极端降水台风影响我国的路径大致分为两类,一类穿过台湾或经过台湾北部洋面在我国东南沿海登陆,另一类则于华南沿海登陆或在其近海活动。极端降水台风在20世纪60—70年代及2000年以后相对频发,70年代平均综合指数最高。极端降水台风均出现在5—10月,7—8月频次最多。57个台风中达到台风和强台风级别的最多。  相似文献   

1957-1996台风对中国降水的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
台风活动中国气候的重要特点之一,它能带来大量降水并造成严重的财产损失。在一些地区,台风降水甚至可以在总降水量中占很大比例。本文目的是研究那些对中国产生影响的台风并重点关注台风对中国降水的影响。文中涉及四个方面的工作。首先,研究了影响中国台风的频率,结果表明台风影响的主要季节为5-11月,尤其以7-9月频繁;在过去40年中影响台风的频率没有明显的变化趋势。第二,对台站台风降水的气候特征分析结果显示,海南和东南沿海地区受台风的影响最大,而且长江以南大部地区每年都受到台风的影响;另外,影响区域大部分地区的台风降水在过去40年中表现出下降的趋势,但是只有东北地区南部这种趋势是显著的。第三,对台风个例的分析表明,个例降水总量和影响面积之间存在着显著的线性关系。最后,对台风造成的中国范围降水总量进行了分析,初步结果显示台风降水总量在1957-1996年间显著减少。  相似文献   

2018年共有29个台风在西北太平洋和南海生成,生成台风个数偏多,南海台风活跃。有10个台风登陆我国,登陆强度整体明显偏弱,但是登陆台风个数明显偏多、登陆时间集中、登陆地段偏北、北上台风偏多,造成台风降水范围广、暴雨强度大、超警河流多。其中,“安比”、“摩羯”、“温比亚”一个月内相继在华东地区登陆并深入内陆北上,且登陆后长时间维持热带风暴级强度,给华东、华北、东北等地区带来大范围强降雨。“艾云尼”移动缓慢,与西南季风环流相结合,给广东等地区造成长时间的持续强降水。“山竹”是2018年登陆我国最强台风,其7级风圈明显偏大,给广东、香港等地区带来大范围、长时间的强风和强降水。2018年所有预报时效的路径预报误差较2017年均有所降低,路径预报水平进一步提高,但是强度预报水平仍然没有明显的进步。  相似文献   

登陆中国大陆、海南和台湾的热带气旋及其相互关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
首先,针对登陆中国热带气旋的登陆地点资料仅为地名的现状,利用1951-2004年西北太平洋热带气旋资料和登陆中国热带气旋资料,研究制定了登陆资料信息化方案.该方案包括海岸线近似、登陆位置计算、其他特征量计算和误差订正4个方面.对资料信息化结果的分析表明:信息化登陆资料效果是良好的.在此基础上,对登陆中国热带气旋的基本气候特征进行研究,重点分析了在大陆、海南和台湾登陆的3类热带气旋以及它们的相互关系.结果表明:登陆热带气旋频繁的地区为台湾东部沿海、福建至雷州半岛沿海和海南东部沿海;台湾东部沿海和浙江沿海部分地区是登陆热带气旋平均强度最大的地区,平均登陆强度达到台风级别,其中台湾南端的平均登陆强度为最强,达到强台风级别;5-11月为热带气旋登陆中国季节,集中期为7-9月,8月最多;登陆热带气旋的强度主要集中在热带低压-台风,尤其以强热带风暴和台风最多.对于全部大陆、海南和台湾三地,50多年来登陆热带气旋频数都存在不同程度的减少趋势,但只有登陆海南热带气旋的减少趋势是显著的;而所有登陆风暴(含以上强度)频数均无明显增多或减少趋势.总体而言,登陆大陆的TC最多、初旋最早、终旋最晚、登陆期最长;登陆海南的TC居中;而登陆台湾的TC最少、初旋最晚、终旋最早、登陆期最短.从登陆方式看,登陆一地的TC最多、登陆两地的TC次之,分别占总数的79.2%和20.6%,仅有1个TC登陆三地.在登陆两地的TC中,经台湾登陆大陆的TC频数最多、强度减弱最快,经海南登陆大陆的TC频数次之、强度减弱较慢,经大陆登陆海南的TC频数排行第3、强度减弱较快.  相似文献   

应用中央气象台业务实时资料和中国气象局台风最佳路径资料对2019年发生在西北太平洋和南海的台风活动主要特征以及主要影响我国的台风路径、强度及风雨情况进行了统计分析和论述。2019年西北太平洋和南海共有29个台风生成,较多年平均值偏多2个;秋季台风异常活跃,生成数较常年明显偏多;台风整体强度偏弱,超强台风数与常年持平;有5个台风登陆我国,较多年平均值略偏少;登陆台风平均强度较多年平均值明显偏弱,但台风“利奇马”登陆强度强、风雨影响重。  相似文献   

广西北部湾地区台风暴雨的统计特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用1970~2004年中央气象台编制的《台风年鉴》和广西北部湾各站日雨量实况,对影响广西北部湾地区台风暴雨的气候特征进行统计分析,结果表明:影响北部湾地区的台风主要出现在7~9月,与南海台风相比,西太平洋台风引发北部湾地区的大暴雨次数较多,从台风登陆路径分析,Ⅱ类和Ⅰ类在湛江到钦州登陆路径的台风造成北部湾地区区域性暴雨天气的机率最大;Ⅲ类路径登陆的南海台风几乎都不影响该地区,不管何种路径,造成北部湾沿海地区暴雨,台风低压中心必须进入或者靠近这一地区。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料和NCEP/NCAR FNL资料对“狮子山”(1006)和“天兔”(1319)两个台风造成山东半岛秋季远距离大暴雨的特征进行了诊断分析。结果表明:1)造成两次大暴雨的天气形势和物理量特征有相似,也有差异。2)两个台风的生成源地、移动路径以及强度差别均很大,大暴雨发生在台风登陆后从广东移到广西的过程中,高空北支冷槽、台风倒槽和850 hPa切变线是造成山东半岛大暴雨的主要天气系统。3)台风东侧和副热带高压之间850 hPa偏强东南气流将东海、黄海的水汽源源不断输送到山东半岛并在此辐合;低层辐合、高层辐散和垂直上升运动均利于大暴雨的发生;大暴雨发生前大气处于不稳定大气层结;台风和中纬度系统相互作用形成两层或三层锋区的斜压性特殊结构及高空急流的增强是山东半岛秋季台风远距离大暴雨的重要特征。4)两次大暴雨过程中低空急流特征、锋区斜压性结构特征、不稳定大气层结特征存在较大差异。  相似文献   

Based on the Shanghai Typhoon Institute (STI) Typhoon Year Book and typhoon precipitation data, Japan Meteorological Agency satellite TBB data, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data, the climatic characteristics of rainfalls in Beijing associated with typhoons were analyzed for the period 1949–2006, and two typhoon cases with remarkable differences in rainfall intensity over Beijing were compared and diagnosed. The 58-yr statistical results show that rainfall events associated with typhoons occurred in Beijing about once every three years during June–September. These typhoons were mainly active in the region 20?–50?N, 109?–128?E and most of them moved northwestward while the others turned to the northeast. The typhoon rainfall over Beijing in general sustained for 2–5 days. Typhoon centers were usually located in the areas from Jiangxi to Anhui, the Yellow Sea, or near Beijing, when rainstorms occurred over Beijing. Case study indicates that the 2-day torrential rainfall event that happened in Beijing in 1984 was due to the interaction between Typhoon Freda (8407) and a westerly trough, while only a medium-strength rainfall event occurred in Beijing in 2005 in spite of the dominating cyclonic circulation of Typhoon Matsa (0509) directly over Beijing. It is found that both Freda and Matsa underwent extratropical transition and possessed an asymmetric structure. The rainfall difference was caused by the fact that Beijing was located in different convective development areas of the two typhoons. On the other hand, the lifting conditions were different although plentiful atmospheric moisture and convective unstable energy existed over Beijing during both events. The ascending motion of warm southerly in Beijing was stronger and deeper and a larger vertical wind shear was associated with Typhoon Freda. However, the lifting of water vapor was restrained by the descending motion of northerly cold airflow in Beijing under the impact of Typhoon Matsa. Besides, it is also found that topography played an important role in the typhoon rainfall over Beijing.  相似文献   

Typhoons landing in the central and north of Fujian Province often seriously impact Zhejiang Province. Much attention has been given to exceptionally torrential rain in the South/North Yandang mountainous regions in the southeast of Zhejiang Province associated with typhoon-landing. Typhoon Haitang (2005) is a typical case of such a category, which landed in Huangqi Town of Lianjiang County in Fujian Province, and meanwhile greatly impacted Southeast Zhejiang. A numerical simulation has been performed with the PSU/NCAR non-hydrostatic model MM5V3 to study the torrential rain associated with Typhoon Haitang. The comparison of simulated and observed rainfalls shows that the MM5V3 was able to well simulate not only the intensity but also the locations of severe heavy rain of Typhoon Haitang, especially the locations of the south/north heavy rain center areas in the South/North Yandang mountainous regions. Meanwhile, the diagnostic analysis has been also carried out for better understanding of the severe heavy rain mechanism by using the model output data of high resolution. The diagnostic analysis indicates that the westward tilt of the axis of vorticity from lower layer to upper layer over the south heavy rain center area and the coupled structure of convergence in the lower layer and divergence in the upper level over the north heavy rain center area, were both propitious to stronger upward motion in the layers between the mid and upper atmosphere, and the secondary circulation induced by the vertical shear of the ambient winds further strengthened the upward motion in the heavy rain areas. After Haitang passed through Taiwan Island into the Taiwan Strait, the water vapor east of Taiwan Island was continuously transferred by typhoon circulation towards South Wenzhou, leading to the torrential rainfall in the South Yandang mountainous region south of Wenzhou. Subsequently~ Haitang moved northwards, the water vapor belt east of Taiwan Island slowly advanced northwards, the precipitation rate obviously enhanced i  相似文献   

何光碧  曾波 《气象科技》2020,48(5):695-703
应用1949—2016年台风资料和中国地面逐日降水资料,针对中国内陆西部地区,通过对较长样本资料的统计分析,研究台风活动及其在台风登陆背景下,中国西部年、夏半年和盛夏平均降水特征。研究得到:①67年间登陆中国大陆的台风年平均9.09个,6—10月是台风活跃期,登陆台风最早在4月,最晚在12月,8月登陆台风频率最高。②台风活动对宁夏全省、陕西大部、四川盆地、甘肃中东部和青海大部降水影响明显,台风活动多寡与该地区降水多寡总体成正相关。新疆和西藏降水受台风影响极小,贵州、重庆降水与台风活动呈相反情况,台风活动对云南降水影响不明显。③台风活动与中国西部部分地区降水呈正相关特征,其年均降水最明显,其次是6—10月平均降水。此项研究首次聚焦在远距离台风与中国西部降水特征上,将有助于系统全面地认识台风活动特征、登陆台风与中国西部降水的关系以及中国西部降水机理。  相似文献   

利用1987-2016年福建省沿海台风大风资料、美国NCEP再分析资料和FY2C卫星云顶亮温(TBB)资料,采用统计和天气学诊断方法,对台湾海峡西岸台风大风和极端大风进行定义并对特征进行分析。结果表明:台湾海峡西岸台风大风以7-9级为主,极端大风在10-14级,海峡西岸中部是大风重灾区。将研究时段内的台风大风样本按路径归为4类,发现产生大风的台风以登陆闽中北-浙中和登陆闽南-粤东路径居多,大风区总体位于登陆台风路径的右侧。对0608号"桑美"和1614号"莫兰蒂"产生极端大风的典型个例对比研究发现,地面北高南低形势及气压梯度越密集越有利于大风提早产生,台风上空中层冷平流侵入激发低层中尺度对流发展强盛是导致地面大风增强的可能成因。  相似文献   

Climatology and trends of wet spells in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Climatological features and variations of wet spells, especially their trends over China, are investigated using a dataset of 594 meteorological stations across China from 1951 to 2003. The results show that the lower the latitude is, the longer the annual duration of wet spells is. The mean annual precipitation from wet spells is higher in southeastern coastal areas and much lower in western and northern China. The longest wet spells are found in Southwest China and the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The maximum daily precipitation of wet spells decreases from the southeast to the northwest, with the highest in southeastern coastal areas and the lowest in western China. The trends of wet spells exhibit striking regional differences. In most areas of western China, the annual number of days in wet spells has slightly increased, but significantly decreased over North China, Central China and Southwest China. The annual precipitation amount from wet spells displays significant downward trends in North China, eastern Northeast China and the eastern part of Southwest China, but upward trends in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and some southeastern coastal areas. Two clearly-contrasting regions in climatic changes of wet spells are the mid-lower reaches of the Yellow River and the eastern Tibetan Plateau, characterized by a decrease of about 24 days and an increase of about 6 days in annual wet spell days from 1953 to 2003, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, 1416 conventional ground-based meteorological observation stations on the mainland of China were subdivided into groups of differing spatial density. Data from each subgroup were then used to analyze variations in the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation statistics derived from each subgroup across the mainland of China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao), as well as in two regions (east China and south China) and three provinces (Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangxi) between 1981 and 2010. The results showed that for the mainland of China, total precipitation, mean annual precipitation, mean daily precipitation, and its spatial distribution were the same regardless of the spatial density of the stations. However, some minor differences were evident with respect to precipitation extremes and their spatial distribution. Overall, there were no significant variations in the TC precipitation statistics calculated from different station density schemes for the mainland of China. The regional and provincial results showed no significant differences in mean daily precipitation, but this was not the case for the maximum daily precipitation and torrential rain frequency. The maximum daily precipitation calculated from the lower-density station data was slightly less than that based on the higher-density station schemes, and this effect should be taken into consideration when interpreting regional climate statistics. The impact of station density on TC precipitation characteristics was more obvious for Hainan than for Guangdong or Jiangxi provinces. In addition, the effects were greater for south China (including Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, Guangdong, and Hainan provinces) than east China (including Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Anhui, and Jiangxi provinces). Furthermore, the analysis proved that the statistical climatic characteristics began to change significantly when the station spacing was between 40 and 50 km, which are close to the mean spacing for all stations across the mainland of China. Moreover, TC areal precipitation parameters, including mean total areal precipitation and mean daily areal precipitation, also began to change significantly when the spacing was between 40 and 50 km, and were completely different when it was between 100 and 200 km.  相似文献   

利用常规气象资料、自动气象站资料、气象卫星资料及NCEP FNL 1°×1°再分析资料对以相似路径影响山东的登陆北上类台风“利奇马”(1909)和“桃芝”(0108)进行对比分析,得到以下主要结论:1)暴雨分布特征和强度与热带气旋位置存在显著差异。2)中纬度台风暴雨比较复杂,台风降水地形增幅作用尽管明显,但主要与台风结构和强度差异有关。3)小时最大雨量与台风强弱没有必然联系,强降水维持时间长短是“利奇马”与“桃芝”累计降水有较大差别的重要因素。4)环流形势的显著差异是导致两个台风影响山东时间、降水明显不同的一个重要原因。5)“利奇马”和“桃芝”降水水汽输送条件差异是降水分布存在明显差异的重要因素,动力条件也存在明显差异。6)对流有效位能(convective available potential energy,CAPE)在两次台风暴雨中反应效果不同。  相似文献   

影响台湾岛海域的西太平洋台风特征分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
选取台湾岛附近海域(20~27°N,117~125°E)为计算区域,对1949~1999年发生在该海域的西太平洋台风的路径分类、月际变化、年际变化、周期特征、移速和强度等要素进行了气候统计学分析,得出7~9月是台风发生的关键月份,台风发生频次的年际变化表现为下降的趋势,且1995~1999年近5年时间台风频次一直稳定维持在较低水平。用Mann-Kendall方法做突变分析和t检验,没有明显的突变年。利用小波分解技术,计算得出影响台湾岛海域的西太平洋台风年发生频次具有4~6年和13~14年左右的周期。西北行路径西太平洋台风是登陆台湾岛和进一步登陆我国大陆的主要台风,西行路径台风51年来没有登陆我国大陆的记录,转向行路径台风强度最大,平均移速最快。  相似文献   

1109号台风“梅花”和1215号台风“布拉万”是自黄海海域北上影响辽东半岛的台风,两次台风降雨量和风力的预报均出现偏差。利用常规气象资料、加密气象自动观测站资料及NCEP再分析资料对两次台风过程进行对比分析。结果表明:500 hPa中高纬度110°-120°E附近低槽、鄂霍次克海阻塞高压、副热带高压强度和形状的改变及北方冷空气对台风北上路径和强度有重要影响。北方冷空气对北上台风引起的降雨十分关键,降雨主要由台风外围螺旋雨带造成。日本海高压伸向中国东北地区的高压脊对大风的形成有重要作用,台风登陆后影响时间的长短与登陆后冷空气的配合有密切关系。  相似文献   

利用2006年"珍珠"台风影响福建省期间的酸雨监测资料和新一代天气雷达回波资料,对城市降水酸度分布特征及福州市短时段降水酸度进行分析,结果表明:来自海上的台风降水呈偏碱性;登陆后台风对福建省城市降水酸度的影响与其螺旋雨带上降水云团的移动路径及城市周边污染源分布有关;"珍珠"台风的短时段降水酸度并非保持恒定,对福州市降水酸度的影响会随着台风强度、风场结构的变化及螺旋雨带上降水云团途经下垫面城市大气污染排放状况而发生改变.  相似文献   

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