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To synthesise images of stellar photospheres with high spot filling factors, we model an extrapolated solar size distribution of spots on an immaculate SV Cam. These models of starspot coverage show that the primary star is peppered with a large number of subresolution spots. Using these model starspot distributions we generate a photometric lightcurve, which is then used as input to an maximum-entropy eclipse mapping code, that is based on chi-squared minimisation. I solve for the system parameters to show the effect of dense spot coverage on the derived system parameters, and show that surface brightness distributions reconstructed from these lightcurves have distinctive spots on the primary star at its quadrature points. It is concluded that two-spot modelling or chi-squared minimisation techniques are more susceptible to spurious structures being generated by systematic errors, arising from incorrect assumptions about photospheric surface brightness, than simple Fourier analysis of the light-curves.Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow  相似文献   

The period changes of six eclipsing binaries have been studied with focus on the light-time effect. With the least squares method we also calculated parameters of such an effect and properties of the unresolved body in these systems. With these results we discussed the probability of presence of such bodies in the systems with respect to possible confirmation by another method. In two systems we also suggested the hypothesis of fourth body or magnetic activity for explanation of the "second-order variability" after subtraction of the light-time effect of the third body.  相似文献   

We constrain the properties of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the active late-type star DX Leonis by comparing the observed amplitudes of light and color variations with synthetic amplitudes obtained by means of Dorren's spot model and computed for a grid of values of spot temperatures, areas and latitudes.  相似文献   

In order to improve the light curve solutions we suggest to use a new approach. A library of the Fourier-coefficients (up to 20th term) of (several millions of) light curves was constructed each of the light curves has different input parameters. A light curve solution is made in a very fast way: its discrete Fourier-transform yields not more than some simple number which are compared to the Fourier-coefficients in the library. A chi-squared test can help us to estimate very good initial parameters for the differential correction analysis. The library can also be used to study the uniqeness problem of the light curve solutions. Here we investigated the uniqueness of the spot solution of SV Cam.  相似文献   

High resolution echelle spectroscopic observations taken with the FEROS spectrograph at the 2.2 m telescope ESO confirm the binary nature of the flare M3.5V star LU Vel (GJ 375, RE J0958-462) previously reported by Christian and Mathioudakis (2002). Emission of similar intensity from both components is detected in the Balmer, Na i D1&D2, He i D3, Ca ii H&K, and Ca ii IRT lines. We have determined precise radial velocities by cross correlation with radial velocity standard stars, which have allowed us to obtain for the first time the orbital solution of the system. The binary consists of two near-equal M3.5V components with an orbital period shorter than 2 days. We have analyzed the behaviour of the chromospheric activity indicators (variability and possible flares). In addition, we have determined its rotational velocity and kinematics.  相似文献   

The long-term CCD and photoelectric observations of YY Her covering the period of its post-outburst activity (JD 2 451 823 -- 2 452 996) are presented. We explain the periodic variations of the brightness of YY Her by the eclipses of the components in the system. The model with a deformed (non-homogeneous) envelope, surrounding the white dwarf is discussed. In addition, we observed a flare in about JD 2 452 440, during the primary minimum, that was later followed by an energetic outburst in JD 2 452 700.  相似文献   

Doppler images are presented for the RS CVn-type binary ζ And. Our upgraded Doppler imaging code TempMapε takes into account the distorted geometry of the primary giant component. On the maps several low latitude spots are restored with a temperature contrast of about 1000 K. Some weak polar features are also found. Cross-correlation of the consecutive Doppler-maps suggests solar-like differential surface rotation.  相似文献   

In this study complete BV light curves of the W Ursae Majoris binary V1073 Cygni obtained in 2005 are presented. We have used the spectroscopic data of V1073 Cyg obtained by Ahn et al. (1992) for analysis. The analysis of radial velocity and light curves was made with Wilson} program (1998) and the geometric and physical elements} of the system were derived. By searching the simultaneous} solutions of the system, we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.64M, 2.275R for the primary component and 0.55M, 1.397R for the secondary component respectively. The effective temperature of 6494 ± 53 K for the secondary component was also estimated.  相似文献   

Es wird das zeitliche Verhalten der Helligkeit in den zentralen Bedeckungen beider Komponenten von SV Cam – beobachtet zwischen 1973 und 1980 durch PATKOS – analysiert, um das von Busso u. a. aus Helligkeitsvariationen außerhalb der Bedeckungen abgeleitete Sternaktivitätsmodell für diesen Stern zu testen. Ihre Entdeckung eines Zyklus von ungefähr 10 Jahren bestätigt sich aus den Beobachtungen im Hauptminimum, wogegen aus den Beobachtungen des Nebenminimums eine eindeutige Feststellung der Zykluslänge nicht möglich war. Es ist klar erkennbar, daß der Zyklus von Kurzzeitfluktuationen überlagert wird, welche in charakteristischen Zeiten von einigen Tagen bis hin zu Monaten verlaufen. Diese Fluktuationen sind nicht nur während des Hauptminimums, sondern auch während des Nebenminimums zu beobachten. Korrelationen zwischen den Fluktuationen zu diesen beiden Bahnphasen sprechen dafür, daß die Primärkomponente im System SV Cam den Hauptbeitrag zu den beobachteten Helligkeitsvariationen liefert.  相似文献   

New standardized V ‐band light curves (LCs) for the eclipsing binary SV Cam have been modeled using the PHOEBE program (v. 0.31a). Absolute parameters of the stellar components were then determined, enabling them to be positioned on the mass‐radius diagram. Analysis of eclipse minima timing data (OC diagrams) indicated two cyclic periods of 48.0 and 23.3 yr. These cyclic variations of the orbital period are interpreted in terms of motion of a third body around the system and magnetic activity cycle modulating the orbital period of SV Cam via the Applegate (1992) mechanism. The use of the Applegate model for SV Cam has been checked by examining the long term brightness variation and calculating some important parameters of this system. The results of these calculations favor the modulation of the orbital period by the Applegate mechanism. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have used maximum entropy eclipse-mapping to recover images of the visual surface brightness distribution of the primary component of the RS CVn eclipsing binary SV Cam, using high-precision photometry data obtained during three primary eclipses with Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). These were augmented by contemporaneous ground-based photometry secured around the rest of the orbit. The goal of these observations was to determine the filling factor and size distribution of star-spots too small to be resolved by Doppler imaging. The information content of the final image and the fit to the data were optimized with respect to various system parameters using the χ2 landscape method, using an eclipse-mapping code that solves for large-scale spot coverage. It is only with the unprecedented photometric precision of the HST data (0.000 15 mag) that it is possible to see strong discontinuities at the four contact points in the residuals of the fit to the light curve. These features can only be removed from the residual light curve by the reduction of the photospheric temperature, to synthesize high unresolvable spot coverage, and the inclusion of a polar spot. We show that this spottedness of the stellar surface can have a significant impact on the determination of the stellar binary parameters and the fit to the light curve by reducing the secondary radius from  0.794 ± 0.009  to  0.727 ± 0.009 R  . This new technique can also be applied to other binary systems with high-precision spectrophotometric observations.  相似文献   

We present the first study of the orbital period variations of five neglected Algol-type eclipsing binaries TT And, V342 Aql, RW Cap, BZ Cas and TW Lac, using their O–C diagrams gathered from all available times of eclipse minima. These O–C diagrams indicate that short term periodic variations superimposed on secular period increases as expected in mass transferring Algols. However, due to short time coverage of the data, the secular period increase is not clear in the case of BZ Cas and V342 Aql. The secular period increase is interpreted in terms of the combined effect of mass transfer between the components of the system and the mass loss by a stellar wind from the system. The mass transfer rates from the less massive secondary components to the more massive primaries for non-conservative cases would be about 10−7M/yr and 10−8M/yr for RW Cap and V342 Aql, respectively, and 10−9M/yr for TT And and TW Lac. Therefore, the Algol systems RW Cap and V342 Aql have the largest mass transfer rate, which could be in Case AB type, while those of the Algol systems TT And and TW Lac display the slow mass transfer rate and they could be in Case B type. The sinusoidal forms of the orbital period variations of all five Algol systems can be due to either by the light-time effects due to unseen components in these systems, or by the cyclic magnetic activity effects of the cool secondary components. The possible third bodies in all five Algol binaries would have masses larger than one solar mass. If these hypothetical large massive third bodies were normal stars, they should be detectable. Therefore, new photometric and spectroscopic observations of these systems and careful analyses of those data are required. Otherwise, the cyclic magnetic activity effects of the secondary components could be the basis of a working hypothesis in explaining the cyclic period variations of these systems.  相似文献   

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