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N. G. Douglas J. Gerssen K. Kuijken M. R. Merrifield 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,316(4):795-802
The planetary nebula populations of relatively nearby galaxies can be easily observed and provide both a distance estimate and a tool with which dynamical information can be obtained. Usually the requisite radial velocities are obtained by multi-object spectroscopy once the planetary nebulae have been located by direct imaging. Here we report on a technique for measuring planetary nebula kinematics using the double-beam ISIS spectrograph at the William Herschel Telescope in a novel slitless mode, which enables the detection and radial velocity measurements to be combined into a single step. The results on our first target, the Sab galaxy NGC 4736, allow the velocity dispersion of the stellar population in a disc galaxy to be traced out to four scalelengths for the first time and are consistent with a simple isothermal sheet model. 相似文献
Paul D. Allen Simon P. Driver Alister W. Graham Ewan Cameron Jochen Liske Roberto De Propris 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,371(1):2-18
We present near-infrared (NIR) adaptive optics-assisted spectroscopic observations of the CO (Δμ= 2) absorption bands towards the centre of the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 1399. The observations were made with NAOS-CONICA (on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope) and have a full width at half-maximum resolution of 0.15 arcsec (14 pc). Kinematic analysis of the observations reveals a decoupled core and strongly non-Gaussian line-of-sight velocity profiles in the central 0.2 arcsec (19 pc). NIR imaging also indicates an asymmetric elongation of the central isophotes in the same region.
We use spherical orbit-superposition models to interpret the kinematics, using a set of orthogonal 'eigen-velocity profiles' that allow us to fit models directly to spectra. The models require a central black hole of mass 1.2+0.5 −0.6 × 109 M⊙ , with a strongly tangentially biased orbit distribution in the inner 40 pc. 相似文献
We use spherical orbit-superposition models to interpret the kinematics, using a set of orthogonal 'eigen-velocity profiles' that allow us to fit models directly to spectra. The models require a central black hole of mass 1.2
Max Spolaor Duncan A. Forbes George K. T. Hau Robert N. Proctor Sarah Brough 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2008,385(2):667-674
This is the first paper of a series focused on investigating the star formation and evolutionary history of the two early-type galaxies NGC 1407 and NGC 1400. They are the two brightest galaxies of the NGC 1407 (or Eridanus-A) group, one of the 60 groups studied as part of the Group Evolution Multi-wavelength Study.
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters vrot , σ, h 3 and h 4 are measured. The surface brightness profiles are fitted to different galaxy light models and the colour distributions analysed. The multiband images are modelled to derive isophotal shape parameters and residual galaxy images. The parameters from the surface brightness profile fitting are used to estimate the mass of the possible central supermassive black hole in NGC 1407. The galaxies are found to be rotationally supported and to have a flat core in the surface brightness profiles. Elliptical isophotes are observed at all radii and no fine structures are detected in the residual galaxy images. From our results, we can also discard a possible interaction between NGC 1400, NGC 1407 and the group intergalactic medium. We estimate a mass of ∼1.03 × 109 M⊙ for the supermassive black hole in NGC 1407 galaxy. 相似文献
Here, we present new high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectroscopic data obtained at the ESO 3.6-m telescope and high-resolution multiband imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope /Advanced Camera for Surveys and wide-field imaging from Subaru Suprime-Cam. We spatially resolved integrated spectra out to ∼0.6 (NGC 1407) and ∼1.3 (NGC 1400) effective radii. The radial profiles of the kinematic parameters v
In several nearby L ∼ L* early‐type galaxies, recent observations at large radii have shown indications of a lack of dark matter, substantially at odds with the prediction from the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) hierarchical merger models. Here we discuss a pilot observational project for the study of the internal kinematical and dynamical properties of this remarkable sample of galaxies. Using the VIMOS‐IFU in its high spectral resolution mode, it would be possible to investigate the regions up to ∼1.2 Re, taking advantage of the much larger field of view and telescope diameter. This will allow to disclose the presence of any kinematical substructures which could affect the conclusion on the mass modeling and definitely clarify the inner structure of this particular class of early‐type galaxies. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
P. N. Werner D. M. Worrall M. Birkinshaw 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1999,307(3):722-724
Redshifts of several galaxies thought to be associated with NGC 326 are determined. The results confirm the presence of a cluster and find a mean redshift of and a line-of-sight velocity dispersion σ z =599 (+230,−110) km s−1 . The velocity dispersion and previously measured X-ray gas temperature of kT ≃1.9 keV are consistent with the cluster σ z kT relation, and NGC 326 is seen to be a slowly moving member of the cluster. 相似文献
Scott Gordon Bärbel Koribalski Sally Houghton Keith Jones 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2000,315(2):248-262
The data reduction process for optical emission-line observations of galaxies using the TAURUS-2 Fabry–Perot interferometer mounted on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope is described in detail. The initial steps (bias subtraction, flat-fielding, etc.) are the same as for calibration of CCD images, and the wavelength calibration is similar to that in optical spectroscopy. The final steps are specific to Fabry–Perot instruments, and include the fitting of several instrumental parameters and a phase correction to convert the raw ( x , y , z ) data cube into a useful position–velocity ( α , δ , v ) cube. Software has been written to assist with the latter steps of the data reduction. H α observations of NGC 1808, NGC 2442 and Circinus are used to demonstrate the reduction process. 相似文献
R. Vázquez J. A. López L. F. Miranda J. M. Torrelles J. Meaburn 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1999,308(4):939-946
High-resolution, spatially-resolved profiles of H α , He ii λ 6560 and [O iii ] λ 5007 and deep narrow-band CCD images in the H α and [O iii ] λ 5007 emission lines have been obtained of the planetary nebula (PN) NGC 4361. In addition, VLA-DnC λ 3.6-cm continuum observations are presented. This material allows one to explore in unprecedented detail the morphology and kinematics of this PN. The morphology of this object is complex given the highly filamentary structure of the envelope, which is confirmed to possess a low mass. The halo has a high expansion velocity that yields incompatible kinematic and evolutionary ages, unless previous acceleration of the nebular expansion is considered. However, the most remarkable result from the present observations is the detection of a bipolar outflow in NGC 4361, which is unexpected in a PN with a Population II low-mass-core progenitor. It is shown that shocks resulting from the interaction of the bipolar outflow with the outer shell are able to provide an additional heating source in this nebula. 相似文献
The velocity field of large‐scale non‐Hubble galaxy motion recovered from peculiar velocities of spiral galaxies is distorted due to measurement errors and deviations from Tully‐Fisher relationship. To figure out how this affects the multipole structure we use the Monte‐Carlo approach and simulate errors and deviations. We use the galaxies from the Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue subsample and the generalized Tully‐Fisher relationship in the ‘H I line width–angular diameter’ version. The analysis of the multipole structure has shown that the dipole velocity component (bulk motion) is underestimated, and the characteristic values of the quadrupole component are overestimated. The directions of the quadrupole component's eigenvectors can be determined precisely enough. Typical deviation angles of bulk motion apices lie between 17 and 40.. The main input is caused by errors in the measurement of the angular diameter. The probability of the quadrupole component being incidental can be estimated at the 4 per cent level. For the octopole component, it can be estimated at the 7–10 per cent level. This is essentially higher than the estimations less than 1 per cent due to the Fisher test. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Edo Noordermeer † Linda S. Sparke Stephen E. Levine 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,328(4):1064-1080
Lopsidedness is a common feature in galaxies, both in the distribution of light and in the kinematics. We investigate the kinematics of a model for lopsided galaxies that consists of a disc lying off-centre in a dark halo, and circling around the halo centre. We search for families of stable, closed, non-crossing orbits, and assume that gas in our galaxies moves on these orbits. Several of our models show strong lopsided gas kinematics, especially those in which the disc spins around its axis in a retrograde sense compared with its motion around the halo centre. We are able to reproduce the H i velocity map of the kinematically lopsided galaxy NGC 4395.
The lopsidedness in our models is most pronounced in the models where the halo provides a relatively large fraction of the total mass at small radii. This may explain why the gas shows lopsidedness more frequently in late-type galaxies, which are dominated by dark matter. Surfaces of section show large regions of irregular orbits in the models where the halo density is low. This may indicate that these models are unstable. 相似文献
The lopsidedness in our models is most pronounced in the models where the halo provides a relatively large fraction of the total mass at small radii. This may explain why the gas shows lopsidedness more frequently in late-type galaxies, which are dominated by dark matter. Surfaces of section show large regions of irregular orbits in the models where the halo density is low. This may indicate that these models are unstable. 相似文献
The relations between star formation rates along the spiral arms and the velocities of gas inflow into the arms in the grand‐design galaxy NGC 628 were studied. We found that the radial distribution of the average star formation rate in individual star formation regions in regular spiral arms correlates with the velocity of gas inflow into the spiral arms. Both distributions have maxima at a galactocentric distance of 4.5–5 kpc. There are no correlations between the radial distributions of the average star formation rate in star formation regions in spiral arms and outside spiral arms in the main disc. We also did not find a correlation between the radial distribution of the average star formation rate in star formation regions in spiral arms and the H I column density. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
N. R. Napolitano † A. J. Romanowsky L. Coccato M. Capaccioli † N. G. Douglas E. Noordermeer O. Gerhard M. Arnaboldi F. De Lorenzi K. Kuijken M. R. Merrifield E. O'Sullivan A. Cortesi P. Das K. C. Freeman 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2009,393(2):329-353
We present new Planetary Nebula Spectrograph observations of the ordinary elliptical galaxy NGC 4494, resulting in positions and velocities of 255 planetary nebulae out to seven effective radii (25 kpc). We also present new wide-field surface photometry from MMT/Megacam, and long-slit stellar kinematics from VLT/FORS2. The spatial and kinematical distributions of the planetary nebulae agree with the field stars in the region of overlap. The mean rotation is relatively low, with a possible kinematic axis twist outside 1 R e . The velocity dispersion profile declines with radius, though not very steeply, down to ∼70 km s−1 at the last data point.
We have constructed spherical dynamical models of the system, including Jeans analyses with multi-component Λ cold dark matter (CDM) motivated galaxies as well as logarithmic potentials. These models include special attention to orbital anisotropy, which we constrain using fourth-order velocity moments. Given several different sets of modelling methods and assumptions, we find consistent results for the mass profile within the radial range constrained by the data. Some dark matter (DM) is required by the data; our best-fitting solution has a radially anisotropic stellar halo, a plausible stellar mass-to-light ratio and a DM halo with an unexpectedly low central density. We find that this result does not substantially change with a flattened axisymmetric model.
Taken together with other results for galaxy halo masses, we find suggestions for a puzzling pattern wherein most intermediate-luminosity galaxies have very low concentration haloes, while some high-mass ellipticals have very high concentrations. We discuss some possible implications of these results for DM and galaxy formation. 相似文献
We have constructed spherical dynamical models of the system, including Jeans analyses with multi-component Λ cold dark matter (CDM) motivated galaxies as well as logarithmic potentials. These models include special attention to orbital anisotropy, which we constrain using fourth-order velocity moments. Given several different sets of modelling methods and assumptions, we find consistent results for the mass profile within the radial range constrained by the data. Some dark matter (DM) is required by the data; our best-fitting solution has a radially anisotropic stellar halo, a plausible stellar mass-to-light ratio and a DM halo with an unexpectedly low central density. We find that this result does not substantially change with a flattened axisymmetric model.
Taken together with other results for galaxy halo masses, we find suggestions for a puzzling pattern wherein most intermediate-luminosity galaxies have very low concentration haloes, while some high-mass ellipticals have very high concentrations. We discuss some possible implications of these results for DM and galaxy formation. 相似文献
D. J. Harman M. Bryce M. P. Redman A. J. Holloway 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2003,342(3):823-829
The little studied PN, Sa 2-21 has been observed using the Manchester echelle spectrometer at the Anglo-Australian telescope. Narrow band, long-slit spectra were obtained at six positions over two perpendicular position angles in both the [N ii ]λ6584 Å and [O iii ]λ5007 Å emission lines. An [O iii ] halo has been detected for the first time. A morphological modelling program was used to help determine the geometry, structure and kinematics of this ellipsoidal PN. It is proposed that the structure includes a pair of mid-latitude rings of [N ii ] emission, not previously seen in elliptical PNe. Radial spokes of [O iii ] emission have been detected in the main nebular shell indicating the presence of dynamical instabilities. 相似文献