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Simulating Martian regolith in the laboratory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Regolith and dust cover the surfaces of the Solar Systems solid bodies, and thus constitute the visible surface of these objects. The topmost layers also interact with space or the atmosphere in the case of Mars, Venus and Titan. Surface probes have been proposed, studied and flown to some of these worlds. Landers and some of the mechanisms they carry, e.g. sampling devices, drills and subsurface probes (“moles”) will interact with the porous surface layer. The absence of true extraterrestrial test materials in ample quantities restricts experiments to the use of soil or regolith analogue materials. Several standardized soil simulants have been developed and produced and are commonly used for a variety of laboratory experiments. In this paper we intend to give an overview of some of the most important soil simulants, and describe experiments (penetrometry, thermal conductivity, aeolian transport, goniometry, spectroscopy and exobiology) made in various European laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

The present work investigates the time oscillations of the temperature at several depths of a Martian soil analogue made of two layers of different physical properties. The maximum temperature-time oscillation inside the Martian soil analogue, DT, and its derivative with depth, d(DT)/dz or DDT, can be analysed to understand the presence of a boundary between dry and frozen soil. The maximum temperature-time oscillation, DT, reduces by about one order of magnitude at the boundary between dry and frozen soil if a frozen layer is present. The reduction of DT at the boundary between two dry soils with different porosity is much smaller. DDT decreases by more than one order of magnitude at the boundary between dry and frozen soil if a frozen layer is present. The reduction of DDT at the boundary between two dry soils with different porosity is much smaller.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the native amino acid composition of two analogs of Martian soil, JSC Mars‐1 and Salten Skov. A Mars simulation chamber has been built and used to expose samples of these analogs to temperature and lighting conditions similar to those found at low latitudes on the Martian surface. The effects of the simulated conditions have been examined using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Exposure to energetic ultraviolet (UV) light in vacuum appears to cause a modest increase in the concentration of certain amino acids within the materials, which is interpreted as resulting from the degradation of microorganisms. The influence of low temperatures shows that the accretion of condensed water on the soils leads to the destruction of amino acids, supporting the idea that reactive chemical processes involving H2O are at work within the Martian soil. We discuss the influence of UV radiation, low temperatures, and gaseous CO2 on the intrinsic amino acid composition of Martian soil analogs and describe, with the help of a simple model, how these studies fit within the framework of life detection on Mars and the practical tasks of choosing and using Martian regolith analogs in planetary research.  相似文献   

We report new CO2 adsorption measurements on palagonites. These results are used together with earlier results on basalt and nontronite adsorption to derive a “generic” relationship which is valid to within a factor of 3 for likely mixtures of basalt and weathering products of basalt. The relationship involves only t, PCO2, and the specific surface area, and is relatively insensitive to mineralogy. It is used to predict the distribution and exchange of CO2 on Mars. We conclude: (1) One to two orders of magnitude more CO2 is adsorbed on the regolith than is present in the atmosphere and cap. (2) Nonetheless, most of the initially degassed CO2 must have been lost to space or must be present as carbonates, especially if there was enough degassed CO2 to provide a significant early greenhouse effect. (3) Given the derived relationship, the CO2 vapor pressure curve, and the constraint that the system exhibits the current PCO2 at the current obliquity, it is possible to predict approximately the atmospheric pressure at any obliquity (with or without a cap) without knowing the total available CO2 inventory, the regolith mass, the regolith distribution, or its mineralogy, any better than those parameters are currently known.  相似文献   

A.O. Fuller  R.B. Hargraves 《Icarus》1978,34(3):614-621
Flooding of low-lying areas of the Martian regolith may have occurred early in the planet's history when a comparatively dense primitive atmosphere existed. If this model is valid, the following are some pedogenic and mineralogical consequences to be expected. Fluctuation of the water table in response to any seasonal or longer term causes would have resulted in precipitation of ferric oxyhydroxides with the development of a vesicular duricrust (or hardpan). Disruption of such a crust by scarp undercutting or frost heaving accompanied by wind deflation of fines could account for the boulders visible on Utopia Planitia in the vicinity of the second Viking lander site. Laboratory and field evidence on Earth suggests that under weakly oxidizing conditions lepidocrocite (rather than goethite) would have preferentially formed in the Martian regolith from the weathering of ferrous silicates, accompanied by montmorillonite, nontronite, and cronstedtite. Maghemite may have formed as a low-temperature dehydrate of lepidocrocite or directly from ferrous precursors.  相似文献   

The Northwest Africa (NWA) 7475 meteorite is one of the several stones of paired regolith breccias from Mars based on petrography, oxygen isotope, mineral compositions, and bulk rock compositions. Its inventory of lithic clasts is dominated by vitrophyre impact melts that were emplaced while they were still molten. Other clast types include crystallized impact melt rocks, evolved plutonic rocks, possible basalts, contact metamorphosed rocks, and siltstones. Impact spherules and vitrophyre shards record airborne transport, and accreted dust rims were sintered on most clasts, presumably during residence in an ejecta plume. The clast assemblage records at least three impact events, one that formed an impact melt sheet on Mars ≤4.4 Ga ago, a second that assembled NWA 7475 from impactites associated with the impact melt sheet at 1.7–1.4 Ga, and a third that launched NWA 7475 from Mars ~5 Ma ago. Mildly shocked pyroxene and plagioclase constrain shock metamorphic conditions during launch to >5 and <15 GPa. The mild postshock‐heating that resulted from these shock pressures would have been insufficient to sterilize this water‐bearing lithology during launch. Magnetite, maghemite, and pyrite are likely products of secondary alteration on Mars. Textural relationships suggest that calcium‐carbonate and goethite are probably of terrestrial origin, yet trace element chemistry indicates relatively low terrestrial alteration. Comparison of Mars Odyssey gamma‐ray spectrometer data with the Fe and Th abundances of NWA 7475 points to a provenance in the ancient southern highlands of Mars. Gratteri crater, with an age of ~5 Ma and an apparent diameter of 6.9 km, marks one possible launch site of NWA 7475.  相似文献   

The distribution of shock melts in four shergottites, having both vein and pocket geometry, has been defined and the conductive cooling time over the range 2500 °C to 900 °C calculated. Isolated 1 mm2 pockets cool in 1.17 s and cooling times increase with pocket area. An isolated vein 1 × 7 mm in Northwest Africa (NWA) 4797 cools to 900 °C in 4.5 s. Interference between thermal haloes of closely spaced shock melts decreases the thermal gradient, extending cooling times by a factor of 1.4 to 100. This is long enough to allow differential diffusion of Ar and Xe from the melt. Small pockets (1 mm2) lose 2.2% Ar and 5.2% Xe during cooling, resulting in a small change in the Ar/Xe ratio of the dissolved gas over that originally trapped. With longer cooling times there is significant fractionation of Xe from Ar and the Ar/Xe ratio increases rapidly. The largest pockets show less variation of Ar/Xe and likely preserve the original trapped gas composition. Considering all of the model calculations, even the smallest isolated pockets have cooling times greater than the duration of the pressure pulse, i.e., >0.01 s. The crystallization products of these shock melts will be unrelated to the peak shock pressure experienced by the meteorite.  相似文献   

Impact-produced glasses in some martian meteorites have trapped significant amounts of the recent martian atmosphere. From literature data, we estimate that ∼9% of the trapped 80Kr in these meteorites was produced from neutron capture on 79Br. Estimates of neutron fluences made from 80Kr and 149Sm for bulk samples of meteorite EET79001 indicate that 80Kr excesses in the impact glass were not produced in situ. Theoretical calculations independently predict production of a large neutron-capture component of 80Kr and 36Ar in the martian regolith, and part of this component presumably escaped into the martian atmosphere. These calculations were made by using the Los Alamos High-Energy Transport Code to calculate the fluxes of galactic cosmic ray (GCR)-produced thermal neutrons as a function of depth in the uppermost 500 g cm−2 of the martian surface, and by adopting average Cl, Br, and I concentrations of the upper martian surface of ∼0.3%, ∼20 ppm, and ∼0.5 ppm, respectively. Combining these data with the appropriate neutron-capture cross sections, we calculate Mars global production rates of 80Krn=2.4×1016atoms sec−1, 36Arn=5.5×1018 atoms sec−1, and 128Xen=3×1013 atoms sec−1. Calculated global production rates of spallogenic 80Krsp, and 36Arsp, are smaller by factors of ∼770 and ∼29, respectively. It would require ∼330 Myr to produce an amount of 80Krn equivalent to the amount inferred to be present today in the martian atmosphere (∼2.5×1032 atoms). Production of these neutron-capture components probably has occurred over the past ∼4 Gyr, as only an atmospheric pressure substantially higher than today's would appreciably decrease the neutron flux in the regolith. Thus, most of the neutron-capture noble gases produced over time probably remain in the martian regolith and would make sensitive indicators of the time period a sample has resided near the martian surface. Assuming mixing of the martian surface to an average depth of 100 m, the predicted average regolith concentrations of 80Krn, 36Arn, and 128Xen are ∼4×10−9 cm−3 g−1, ∼1×10−6 cm3 g−1, and ∼5×10−12 cm3 g−1, respectively. If similar fractions of these neutron-capture isotopes have escaped into the atmosphere, they would comprise ∼3% and ∼0.2% of the present atmospheric inventories of 36Ar and 128Xe, respectively. The fractional excess of 80Krn in ancient martian meteorite ALH84001 appears similar to that in shock-glass phases of young shergottite meteorites. If ALH84001 acquired its atmospheric gases ∼4 Gyr ago, this implies that, prior to that time, halogens were greatly concentrated at the martian surface by crustal formational and weathering processes, impacts efficiently degassed the regolith, and Mars did not have a significant atmosphere to shield the surface.  相似文献   

Viking XRF analyses of the Martian regolith are compared with typical igneous rocks of the Earth, the Moon, the eucrite parent asteroid, and especially the shergottites, nakhlites, and Chassigny (SNC) meteorites, which are suspected to be basalts and mafic cumulates from Mars. A striking feature of the Martian regolith, compared to igneous rocks with similar molar (Mg + Fe)/Si ratios, is its extraordinarily low Ca/Si ratio. The regolith's low Ca/Si ratio is probably not a result of simple mixing (isochemical weathering) of SNC-like rocks with other igneous rocks, unless the regolith contains a large component of rock with an improbable combination of extremely low Ca/Si and (Mg + Fe)/Si, and yet low K2O and Zr. Several other models might conceivably account for the low Ca/Si ratio, but I suggest that most of the “missing” Ca was removed from the regolith as Ca-carbonate. Formation of a mass of carbonate equivalent to a global shell 20 m thick would suffice to remove 1000 mbar of CO2 from the Martian atmosphere. Thus, the peculiar Ca/Si ratio of the Martian regolith tends to support the hypothesis that the climate of Mars was once far warmer and wetter than it is today.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetic properties of samples of seven Martian meteorites (EET 79001, Zagami, Nakhla, Lafayette, Governador Valadares, Chassigny and ALH 84001) have been investigated. All possess a weak, very stable primary natural remanent magnetization (NRM), and some have less stable secondary components. In some cases, the latter are associated with magnetic contamination of the samples, imparted since their recovery, and with viscous magnetization, acquired during exposure of the meteorites to the geomagnetic field since they fell. The magnetic properties are carried by a small content (<1%) of titanomagnetite and, in ALH 84001, possibly by magnetite as well. The most likely source of the primary NRM is a thermoremanent magnetization acquired when the meteorite material last cooled from a high temperature in the presence of a magnetic field. Current evidence is that this was 1.3 Ga ago for the nakhlites and Chassigny and 180 Ma for shergottites: the time of the last relevant cooling of ALH 84001 is not presently known. Preliminary estimates of the strength of the magnetizing field are in the range 0.5–5 üT, which is at least an order of magnitude greater than the present field. It is tentatively concluded that the magnetic field was generated by a dynamo process in a Martian core with appropriate structure and properties.  相似文献   

Martian regolith breccia NWA 7533 (and the seven paired samples) is unique among Martian meteorites in showing accessory pyrite (up to 1% by weight). Pyrite is a late mineral, crystallized after the final assembly of the breccia. It is present in all of the lithologies, i.e., the fine‐grained matrix (ICM), clast‐laden impact melt rocks (CLIMR), melt spherules, microbasalts, lithic clasts, and mineral clasts, all lacking magmatic sulfides due to degassing. Pyrite crystals show combinations of cubes, truncated cubes, and octahedra. Polycrystalline clusters can reach 200 μm in maximum dimensions. Regardless of their shape, pyrite crystals display evidence of very weak shock metamorphism such as planar features, fracture networks, and disruption into subgrains. The late fracture systems acted as preferential pathways for partial replacement of pyrite by iron oxyhydroxides interpreted as resulting from hot desert terrestrial alteration. The distribution and shape of pyrite crystals argue for growth at moderate to low growth rate from just‐saturated near neutral (6 < pH<10), H2S‐HS‐rich fluids at minimum log fO2 of >FMQ + 2 log units. It is inferred from the maximum Ni contents (4.5 wt%) that pyrite started crystallizing at 400–500 °C, during or shortly after a short‐duration, relatively low temperature, thermal event that lithified and sintered the regolith breccias, 1.4 Ga ago as deduced from disturbance in several isotope systematics.  相似文献   

Zircons and apatites in clasts and matrix from the Martian breccia NWA 7034 are well documented, timing ancient geologic events on Mars. Furthermore, in this study, zircon trace elemental content, apatite volatile content, and apatite volatile isotopic compositions measured in situ could constrain the evolution of those geologic events. The U‐Pb dates of zircons in basalt, basaltic andesite, trachyandesite igneous clasts, and the matrix are similar (4.4 Ga) suggesting intense volcanism on ancient Mars. However, two metamict zircon grains found in the matrix have an upper intercept date of ~4465 Ma in crystalline, whereas amorphous areas have a lower intercept date of 1634 ± 93 Ma. The younger date is consistent with the date of apatites (1530 ± 65 Ma), suggesting a metamorphic event that completely reset the U‐Pb system in both the amorphous areas of zircon and all apatites. δD values in all apatites negatively correlate with water content in a two‐endmember mixing trend. The D (δD up to 2459‰) and 37Cl heavy core (3.8‰) of a large apatite grain suggest a D‐, 37Cl‐rich fluid during the metamorphic event ~1.6 Ga ago, consistent with the trace elements Y, Hf and Ti and P in zircons. The fluid was also therefore P‐rich. The D‐, 37Cl‐poor H2O‐rich rim (<313‰) suggests the degassing of water from the Martian Cl‐poor interior at a later time. This D‐, 37Cl‐poor Martian mantle reservoir could have derived from volcanic intrusions postdating the younger metamorphic event recorded in NWA 7034.  相似文献   

A theoretical reconstruction of the history of Martian volatiles indicates that Mars probably possessed a substantial reducing atmosphere at the outset of its history and that its present tenous and more oxidized atmosphere is the result of extensive chemical evolution. As a consequence, it is probable that Martian atmospheric chemical conditions, now hostile with respect to abiotic organic synthesis in the gas phase, were initially favorable. Evidence indicating the chronology and degradational history of Martian surface features, surface mineralogy, bulk volatile content, internal mass distribution, and thermal history suggests that Mars catastrophically developed a substantial reducing atmosphere as the result of rapid accretion. This atmosphere probably persisted—despite the direct and indirect effects of hydrogen escape—for a geologically short time interval during, and immediately following, Martian accretion. That was the only portion of Martian history when the atmospheric environment could have been chemically suited for organic synthesis in the gas phase. Subsequent gradual degrassing of the Martian interior throughout Martian history could not sustain a reducing atmosphere due to the low intensity of planet-wide orogenic activity and the short atmospheric mean residence time of hydrogen on Mars. During the post-accretion history of Mars, the combined effects of planetary hydrogen escape, solar-wind sweeping, and reincorporation of volatiles into the Martian surface produced and maintained the present atmosphere.  相似文献   

Michael Gurnis 《Icarus》1981,48(1):62-75
Improved crater statistics from varied Martian terrains are compared to lunar crater populations. The distribution functions for the average Martian cratered terrain and the average lunar highlands over the diameter range 8–2000 km are quite similar. The Martian population is less dense by approximately 0.70 from 8 to 256 km diameter and diverges to proportionally lower densities at greater diameters. Crater densities on Martian “pure” terra give a lower limit to the Mars/Moon integrated crater flux of 0.75 since the last stabilization of the respective planetary crusts. The crater population >8 km diameter postdating the Martian northern plains is statistically indistinguishable from that population postdating the lunar maria. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to constrain plausible mechanisms of crater obliteration. The models demonstrate that if the crater density difference between the lunar and Martian terra has been due to resurfacing processes, random intercrater plains formation cannot be the sole process. If plains preferentially form in and obliterate larger craters, then the observed Martian distribution retains its “shape” as the crater density decreases. This result is consistent with the morphology of Martian intercrater plains.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large hand sample and numerous polished thin sections, made from the hand sample, of the Kapoeta howardite and its many diverse lithic clasts were studied in detail by optical microscopy and electron microprobe techniques in an attempt to understand the surface processes that operated on the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) parent body (most likely the asteroid 4 Vesta). Four unique, unusually large clasts, designated A (mafic breccia), B (granoblastic eucrite), D (howardite) and H (melt-coated breccia), were selected for detailed study (modal analysis, mineral microprobe analysis, and noble gas measurements). Petrographic studies reveal that Kapoeta consists of a fine-grained matrix made mostly of minute pyroxene and plagioclase fragments, into which are embedded numerous different lithic and mineral clasts of highly variable sizes. The lithic clasts include pyroxene-plagioclase (eucrite), orthopyroxenite (diogenite), howardite, impact-melt, metal-sulfide-rich, and carbonaceous chondrite clasts. The howardite clasts include examples of lithic clasts that constitute breccias-within-breccias, suggesting that at least two regolith generations are represented in the Kapoeta sample we studied. The clast assemblage suggests that repeated shock lithification was an important process during regolith evolution. Noble gas analyses of clast samples fall into two populations: (a) solar-gas-rich clasts H (rim only) and D and (b) clasts A and B, which are essentially free of solar gases. The concentrations of solar noble gases in the two matrix samples differ by a factor of ~40. It appears that clast D is a true regolith breccia within the Kapoeta howardite (breccia-within-breccia), while clast H is a regolith breccia that has been significantly impact reworked. Our data indicate that the Kapoeta howardite is an extraordinarily heterogeneous rock in modal mineral and lithic clast abundances, grain size distributions, solar-wind noble gas concentrations and cosmic-ray exposure ages. These results illustrate the repetitive nature of impact comminution and lithification in the regolith of the HED parent body.  相似文献   

The surface of Mars is covered by weathered material. Mars' rusty red colour in particular is commonly ascribed to ferric iron-bearing minerals. The planet's surface is generally iron rich. Mössbauer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for quantitative mineralogical analysis of Fe-bearing minerals. Consequently, the miniaturized Mössbauer spectrometer MIMOS II is part of the payload of NASA's twin Mars Exploration Rovers “Spirit” and “Opportunity”, and ESA's ill-fated Mars Express lander “Beagle 2”. Both Mars Exploration Rovers are currently conducting successful surface operations on Mars. In this paper, we give a brief insight into mission operations with respect to the reconstruction of local weathering scenarios at the landing sites, which in turn will help to illuminate the climatic history of the planet. Mössbauer spectra obtained in preparation of the mission from the SNC meteorites Nakhla, Dar al Gani 476, and Sayh al Uhaymir, show weathering and other alteration features. Preliminary results of laboratory weathering experiments on Fe-bearing minerals (olivine and pyroxene) show the importance of analysing individual minerals to understand weathering of more complex mineral assemblages like, e.g., basalt.  相似文献   

We have analyzed observations of the Acidalia hemisphere of Mars taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Near-Infrared Camera Multi-Object Spectrograph (HST/NICMOS) during July of 1997 (Ls=152°, northern martian summer). The data consist of images at ∼60 km/pixel resolution, using both narrow- and medium-band filters specifically selected to allow us to study the hydration state of the martian surface. Calibration was performed by comparison to Phobos-2 ISM observations of overlapping regions, and atmospheric gas correction was performed by modeling the atmosphere for each pixel using a line-by-line radiative transfer code coupled with the MOLA altimetry data. Our results indicate the presence of at least three spectrally different large-scale (>1000 km diameter) terrains corresponding to the dark regions of northern Acidalia, the southern hemisphere classical dark terrain, and the classical intermediate terrain adjacent to southern Acidalia. We also identified two other spectrally unique terrains, corresponding to the northern polar ice cap, and to the southern winter polar hood. Comparisons with mineral spectra indicate the possibility of different H2O- or OH-bearing (i.e., hydroxides and/or hydrates) minerals existing both in northern Acidalia and in the nearby intermediate albedo terrain. Hydrated minerals do not appear to be spectrally important components of the southern hemisphere dark terrains imaged by HST in 1997.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances for volatile siderophile and chalcophile elements for Mars inform us about processes of accretion and core formation. Such data are few for Martian meteorites, and are often lacking in the growing number of desert finds. In this study, we employed laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) to analyze polished slabs of 15 Martian meteorites for the abundances of about 70 elements. This technique has high sensitivity, excellent precision, and is generally accurate as determined by comparisons of elements for which literature abundances are known. However, in some meteorites, the analyzed surface is not representative of the bulk composition due to the over‐ or underrepresentation of a key host mineral, e.g., phosphate for rare earth elements (REE). For other meteorites, the range of variation in bulk rastered analyses of REE is within the range of variation reported among bulk REE analyses in the literature. An unexpected benefit has been the determination of the abundances of Ir and Os with a precision and accuracy comparable to the isotope dilution technique. Overall, the speed and small sample consumption afforded by this technique makes it an important tool widely applicable to small or rare meteorites for which a polished sample was prepared. The new volatile siderophile and chalcophile element abundances have been employed to determine Ge and Sb abundances, and revise Zn, As, and Bi abundances for the Martian mantle. The new estimates of Martian mantle composition support core formation at intermediate pressures (14 ± 3 GPa) in a magma ocean on Mars.  相似文献   

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