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Summary. Analysis of geomagnetic data has shown that the superposed northward magnetic field, which reduces the S q( H ) amplitude at northern mid-latitude stations on Abnormal Quiet Days, and increases the amplitude at stations on the equatorward side of the S q focus, builds up in amplitude over four to five days before the AQD occurs, and subsides over a similar period after the AQD. It is inferred indirectly that the azimuthal component By of the interplanetary magnetic field varies similarly. Data for the opposite meridian show that the imposed field reverses to a southward direction at lower latitudes. The inferred currents to account for these fields are believed to flow in the ionosphere, but to arise from magnetospheric electric fields induced by the solar wind-transported IMF.  相似文献   

Palaeomagnetic measurements on a giant core sample 20 cm in diameter and 7.38 m long collected from Mizushima-Nada, the Inland Sea. Japan (Seto Naikai) provide evidence of post-depositional magnetization. the geomagnetic secular variation from about 4000 to 8000 yr BP is characterized by a long period of westerly declination before 6600 yr BP. the maximum deflection is beyond 50°W during this period. the palaeomagnetic record further demonstrates that there is a hiatus over 3000 yr in sedimentation due 10 the sea-level change around 6.85 m from sea bottom, and that the lower limit of the sea-level around 8000 yr BP is 18.5 m beneath the present sea-level.  相似文献   

The quiet-day geomagnetic field variation data from the recently commissioned Nagpur geomagnetic observatory, which has augmented the currently active latitudinal chain of Indian magnetic observatories, are analysed for the year 1993- The variations for diurnal frequencies (Sq) recorded at Nagpur do not follow the expected trend with latitude. This is most conspicuous in the northward horizontal ( X ) component. The anomalous behaviour at Nagpur is also seen in the diurnal harmonic amplitudes when compared with those of the neighbouring stations Alibag (south of Nagpur) and Ujjain (north of Nagpur). This behaviour is attributed to the presence of electrically conducting anomalous sources in the vicinity of Nagpur. The anomalous internal source is inferred to be located at relatively shallower depths and is highly localized.  相似文献   

北京市甲型H1N1流感对气象因子的时空响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究北京市甲型H1N1流感对气象因子的时空响应规律,本文结合地理探测器及空间自相关分析方法,分析北京市甲型H1N1流感的时空分布情况,基于地理加权回归(GWR)模型,建立北京市甲型H1N1流感与平均风速、降雨量、平均湿度以及平均温度之间的回归模型。结果表明,降雨量对流感传播的影响不显著,平均风速与流感的传播主要呈现正相关,平均相对湿度与平均温度与流感的传播主要呈现负相关,其中,平均相对湿度的影响更为复杂。时间上,在流感感染人数快速上升的阶段,各气象因子的影响程度较为显著,而在流感传播速度减慢的阶段,气象因子的影响减弱;空间上,各气象要素对流感传播的影响在北京市4大功能分区上存在空间分异性,这与地区地形、风带、局地气候等因素有关。  相似文献   

Secular variation 'master' curves are built up using geomagnetic historical observations or archaeomagnetic data from a limited area and their use is usually restricted to regions of around 1000 km radius. Relocation of data within this distance is a common practice to enable comparison of data, although the errors due to such process are rarely taken into account. A detailed analysis of the distribution of relocating geomagnetic data has been done using three popular sets of geomagnetic models (IGRF-9, GUFM and CALS7K-2). This study improves the error analysis of relocating geomagnetic directions made up to date and expands it to geomagnetic intensities. Maximum errors correlate with the non-dipole to dipole field ratio. Archaeomagnetists could use this analysis to valuate the error introduced by reducing data.  相似文献   

李美芳  欧金沛  黎夏 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2139-2152
甲型H1N1流感作为一种人群普遍易感的急性传染病,自2009年爆发以来,不仅对人类健康造成了危害,也给全球经济造成了巨大损失。为研究中国大陆地区2009年来甲型H1N1流感疫情的时空分布特征,以中国大陆地区31个省级行政区2009-2013年甲型H1N1流感发病率的时空数据为研究对象,采用空间自相关分析技术和季节性分析方法进行了较为全面的空间和时间分析。结果表明:甲型H1N1流感的发病率在空间上和时间上都具有较强的聚集性。空间上,甲流发病高值热点有从新疆、青海和甘肃等西北部地区逐渐南移至中国东南部沿海省份的趋势,且高发聚集省份有增多的趋势;时间上,每年10月至次年4月是中国甲流的高发时段,且在此期间空间上也存在较强的聚集性。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风的变化特征及其对甘肃夏季暴雨日数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,计算了1974—2013年乔云亭等定义的东亚季风指数,研究了东亚夏季风的变化特征,利用甘肃省80个站逐日降水资料,分析了东亚夏季风对夏季甘肃暴雨日数的影响。结果表明:(1)夏季,西南季风、东南季风和偏北季风存在明显的年际变化且有所差异。(2)夏季,西南季风、东南季风对甘肃省暴雨日数的影响存在很大差异:当西南季风盛行时,西太平洋副热带高压位置偏西,东亚大槽位于贝加尔湖至中国西北部,冷空气与西太平洋副热带高压输送的暖湿气流在陇东南一带交汇,贝加尔湖至张掖为西南暖湿和西北干冷气流,孟加拉湾水汽输送在陇东南地区辐合,造成河东陇南南部、天水东部、平凉、庆阳西部一带和河西张掖地区暴雨日数偏多;当东南季风盛行时,西太平洋副热带高压西伸北抬,冷暖空气主要交汇于甘肃中西部,孟加拉湾西南水汽输送在河东西南部辐合,造成甘南高原、甘肃中部、河西武威一带和酒泉地区暴雨日数偏多。  相似文献   

Summary. It is well known that the time of occurrence of the minimum in the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field ( H min) on quiet days at a mid-latitude station on the poleward side of the Sq focus shows considerable variability from day to day. This variability has previously been discussed in terms of the incidence of so-called 'abnormal quiet days'(AQD), arbitrarily defined for the station Hartland as quiet days when H min occurred outside an interval of ± 2½ hr centred on the most common time of 1130 LT. AQDs have some interesting properties, which have been documented, but their precise nature and cause have not been elucidated. In this paper we report the results of a study of AQDs as identified at Hartland using a chain of Northern hemisphere stations situated approximately along the 0° longitude meridian and extending on both sides of the Sq focus. It is found that there are two effects on AQDs: (i) a northward component field varying in LT is superposed at all latitudes throughout the day, so reducing the amplitude of the normal Sq(H) variation at stations poleward of the focus and increasing it on the equatorward side, (ii) a southward perturbation field, of most probable magnitude 6.0 nT for the period studied, is imposed for about 4 hr at a fixed UT at all latitudes, so constituting an 'AQD event' which can lead to the occurrence of H min at an anomalous local time for a station poleward of the focus. It is shown that the AQD event may be of large geographical extent and that it is related to the interplanetary magnetic field. All the main properties of AQD occurrences are explained, and it is suggested that much of the day-to-day variability in the amplitude and phase of the normal Sq(H) variation probably also arises from the occurrence of AQD events at times close to the diurnal turning points.  相似文献   

在常温条件下合成了两种钾、钠的钼酸盐晶须 ,用FT -IR和XRD对其结构进行了分析 ,SEM照片清晰表明这两种化合物为针状晶须。  相似文献   

Summary. The latitude of the Sq ( H ) focus along the 0° longitude meridian in the northern hemisphere has been determined for all the quiet days, as determined from the aa indices, for the sunspot minimum years 1963–64–65. It is shown that: (a) most of the large variability of the focus latitude is due to the effect of a superposed northward magnetic field that is present on AQDs and which tends to move the apparent focus latitude poleward in the northern hemisphere, and (b) a smaller equatorward motion is caused by the negative AQD events that occur in the 0830–1330 LT range. When these two classes of days are removed from the data set, the focus latitude is found to be completely contained within the range 36°-48° for the months March-October
with an average value of 41.5 ± 2.3, whilst in winter the range is larger with an average value of 36.7 ± 3.4. However, since the magnitude of the superposed northward field is longitude-dependent, it may be present even on days not classed as AQDs. It is shown that much of the variability in the focus latitude of the normal days along the 0° longitude meridian is caused by variations in the amplitude of the superposed northward field.  相似文献   

华北地区高温日数的气候特征及变化规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
施洪波 《地理科学》2012,(7):866-871
基于1960~2009年华北地区90个台站逐日最高气温数据,采用趋势分析等方法分析近50 a华北地区高温日数的时空变化特征。结果表明,近50 a华北地区高温日数以海拔高度800 m等值线为界呈现南多北少的分布特点,南部主要呈减少趋势,北部主要呈增加趋势。同时它显现出明显的"多-少-多"年代际变化特征,与1960年代相比,2000年代高温日数在7月稍增加,5和8月有所减少。近50 a华北地区累计高温过程频次呈微弱的减少趋势,南北部高温过程集中的年代和月份也有所不同。  相似文献   

刘晓英  周鹏  张泽秀  杨斌  沈斌 《中国沙漠》2014,34(4):1109-1114
利用1971-2010年地面气象观测资料,分析了坝上地区沙尘暴日数的季节变化和年变化特征及其与大风、降水、气温的关系。结果表明:坝上地区沙尘暴日数具有明显的季节性变化特征,春季沙尘暴日数最多,占全年沙尘暴日数的84.88%,秋季最少,仅占全年沙尘暴日数的1.39%,冬季沙尘暴日数多于夏季;从年变化特征上看,20世纪70年代沙尘暴发生日数最多,80年代减少,90年代达到最少,2000年后沙尘暴日数又开始增加,但总体来说沙尘暴日数呈现出波动中下降的趋势;年沙尘暴日数和年大风日数有显著的正相关,与前期、同期降水量没有达到显著相关,但是有着很好的对应关系,与年平均气温有显著的负相关。  相似文献   

世界城市地铁发展历程与规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹小曙  林强 《地理学报》2008,63(12):1257-1267
基于地铁系统数据统计分析, 对地铁建设的空间时序以及网络发育差异进行归纳, 结 合相关数据推导出地铁规模的匡算模型, 并依据地铁系统的属性指标组和网络指标组对世界 121 个城市地铁系统样本进行聚类分析, 将其划分为3 个类别, 并讨论城市人口规模和城市 用地规模对地铁规模的影响, 最后对中国53 个城市进行地铁规模匡算和等级划分。结果显 示, 世界城市地铁建设在时空上存在波动性, 地区间地铁系统的网络发育不均衡, 欧洲和北 美洲的地铁网络发育较为成熟, 而亚洲和南美洲的地铁网络则有较大的扩展潜力。第一类别 地铁系统规模大, 网络发育成熟, 但仍有较大的扩展潜力, 地铁规模与城市用地规模的相关 性更强; 第二类别地铁系统网络的发育程度较好, 但是扩展潜力一般, 地铁规模与城市人口 规模和城市用地规模的相关性较弱; 第三类别地铁系统的规模普遍较小, 地铁网络发育处于 较低等级水平, 地铁网络仍然有很大的成环潜力和结合潜力, 地铁规模与城市人口规模的相 关性更强。中国城市地铁的匡算规模介于37.4~129.9 km, 根据模型的匡算结果中国地铁系统 可以划分为4 个等级, 未来中国的地铁建设仍然有很大潜力。  相似文献   

This article presents the rationale for the need to take into account and assess natural capital as an important factor for viable managerial decision-making concerning the study, use and reproduction of natural resources in the interests of sustainable development. The activity of authorities in Tomsk oblast was used as an example in examining the issues related to integration of accounting and assessing natural capital and ecosystem services in the system of managerial decision-making. We used strategic and normative documents of Tomsk oblast, departmental information and material from previous research into assessments of natural capital. A rationale is given for the need to improve the institutional conditions for proper inventory and assessment of all functions of natural capital and ecosystems in managerial decision-making, namely the development of the monitoring system for economic value in the sphere of environmental management which is based on the system of ecological-economic accounting and constitutes a set of coherent statistical indicators reflecting the status of natural capital. The mechanism is suggested for generation of the information-methodological base of economic assessment of natural capital. It is determined that a qualitatively new information basis integrated into the system of regional management. Qualitatively new information basis integrated into the regional government system will make it possible not to simply obtain information on the flows of expenditures and benefits in the sphere of environmental management but also to ensure interaction between state and municipal authorities and with organizations and the population. The monitoring system for economic value of natural capital and ecosystem services integrated into the region’s executive bodies will permit adaptive governance of environmental management of the region in the face of changes and uncertainty.  相似文献   

黄振庆 《世界地理研究》2007,16(1):71-75,103
深化北部湾(广西)经济区的竞争与合作关系是在新的国际国内经济环境下的必然选择。本文分析了该区域发展的现状特点,揭示了区域竞争与合作过程中存在的问题,提出了加强互信、完善机构和合作机制,全面合作、重点突破、推进区域竞争与合作关系向纵深和更高层次发展的战略措施。  相似文献   

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