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Magnetic properties were studied in bottom sediments of saline meromictic Shira Lake by the methods of static magnetometry and resonance Mössbauer spectroscopy for the first time. All layers of bottom sediments contain nanosized single-domain magnetite particles produced by magnetotactic bacteria. The concentration of magnetite in bottom sediments decreased with depth, reaching a local minimum in the layer corresponding to the minimal level of the lake observed in 1910–1930. It is demonstrated that biogenic magnetite may indicate climate-related changes in the level of Shira Lake, in addition to the other biological and geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

本研究利用X射线荧光分析仪(XRF)对洞庭湖"四水"(湘江、资江、沅江、澧水)入湖河床沉积物进行主量元素地球化学分析,探讨"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成特征及其影响因素。结果表明,洞庭湖"四水"入湖沉积物中SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、K2O、P2O5、LOI等元素含量变化相对较小、分布特征相似;而MnO、MgO、CaO、Na2O等则含量变化较大,在各河流沉积物中分布差异明显。其中沅江和澧水入湖沉积物中MgO、CaO、Na2O等的含量明显高于湘江和资江沉积物,而MnO则反之;澧水沉积物TiO2含量明显偏高。且湘江、资江、澧水沉积物中TiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、MnO、MgO、CaO、P2O5、LOI等主量元素含量变化有明显的粒度效应,而沅江沉积物则不然。不同河流入湖沉积物主量元素组成差异明显,沉积物主量元素组成的明显差异与流域源岩岩性、化学风化作用、水动力条件等因素有关。其中湘江和资江沉积物主量元素组成主要与由上地壳+花岗岩组成的源岩有关;沅江沉积物元素组成受湖南板岩的影响明显;而澧水沉积物元素组成则是总体与上地壳元素组成相近似的区域源岩有关,并受长江沉积物影响。湘江和资江沉积物显示的风化程度明显高于沅江和澧水沉积物。但化学风化作用是通过不同抗风化能力岩石的空间分布而影响沉积物的元素组成。此外,湘江、资江、澧水沉积物元素组成受水动力条件影响,而沅江沉积物则不然。但水动力分选对沉积物元素组成的影响也受源岩岩性的控制。因此,流域源岩岩性是控制"四水"入湖沉积物主量元素组成的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

A 2.9 m long sedimentary record was studied from a small lake, here referred to as Duck Lake, located at 76°25'N, 18°45'W on Store Koldewey, an elongated island off the coast of Northeast Greenland. The sediments were investigated for their geophysical and biogeochemical characteristics, and for their fossil chironomid assemblages. Organic matter began to accumulate in the lake at 9.1 cal. kyr BP, which provides a minimum age for the deglaciation of the basin. Although the early to mid-Holocene is known as a thermal maximum in East Greenland, organic matter accumulation in the lake remained low during the early Holocene, likely due to late plant immigration and lack of nutrient availability. Organic matter accumulation increased during the middle and late Holocene, when temperatures in East Greenland gradually decreased. Enhanced soil formation probably led to higher nutrient availability and increased production in the lake. Chironomids are abundant throughout the record after 9.1 cal. kyr BP and seem to react sensitively to changes in temperature and nutrient availability. It is concluded that relative temperature reconstructions based on biogeochemical data have to be regarded critically, particularly in the period shortly after deglaciation when nutrient availability was low. Chironomids may be a suitable tool for climatic reconstructions even in those high arctic environments. However, a better understanding of the ecology of chironomids under these extreme conditions is needed.  相似文献   

In this study, the total concentration and speciation of trace elements (As, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Ni), in sediments of the Maharlu saline Lake, SW Iran are investigated. Comparison with sediment quality guidelines, calculation of the enrichment factors, and trace metal profiles in the Khoshk River inflow point indicate that Maharlu Lake is in the threat of contamination, especially with respect to Ni and Cd. Sequential extraction analysis reveals that elemental speciation in this lake is strongly affected by oxidizing condition of the lake water. The studied elements (except Cr) are mainly associated with oxide phases, as a result of prevailing oxidizing conditions of the lake and also probably due to the source of elements. The ratio of metals in mobile fractions to sum of fractions in lake sediments is very low. However, metal ratios (except for Cr) in mobile fractions are much higher in surface sediments, indicating the impact of anthropogenic loading of trace metals in the recent years.  相似文献   

Authigenic ferromanganese formations in sediments from two horizons (0–10 and 240–250 cm) located in the low/high bioproductive transitional zone of the Pacific Ocean were studied. In addition to the compositionally different two types of micronodules, crusts and ferromanganese nodules were detected in the surface horizon (0–1 cm). Three size fractions (50–100, 100–250, and 250–500 μm) of manganese micronodules were investigated. In terms of surface morphology, color, and shape, the micronodules are divided into the dull round (MN1) and angular lustrous (MN2) varieties with different mineral and chemical compositions. The dull MN1 are enriched in Mn and depleted in Fe as compared with the lustrous MN2. The Mn/Fe value in the dull MN1 varies from 13 to 14. Asbolane-buserite and birnessite are the major manganese minerals in them. The lustrous MN2 is mainly composed of vernadite with Mn/Fe = 4.3–4.8. Relative to the dull MN1, fraction 50–100 μm of the lustrous MN2 is enriched in Fe (2.6 times), W (1.8), Mo (3.2), Th (2.3), Ce (5.8), and REE (1.2–1.8). Relative to counterparts from the dull MN1, separate fractions of the lustrous MN2 are characterized by a greater compositional difference. For example, increase in the size of micronodules leads to decrease in contents of the following elements: Fe (by 10 rel %), Ce (2 times), W (2.1 times), Mo (2.2 times), and Co (1.5 times). At the same time, one can see increase in contents of other elements: Th and Cu (2.1 times), Ni (1.9 times), and REE (1.2–1.6 times). Differences in the chemical and mineral compositions of MN1 and MN2 fractions can be related to alternation of oxidative and suboxidative conditions in the sediments owing to the input of a labile organic matter, which serves as the major reducer, and the allochthonous genesis of MN2.  相似文献   

The abandoned Sn-W Ribeira mine, northeast of Portugal, contained quartz veins with cassiterite, wolframite, scheelite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, manganocolumbite, bismuthinite, native bismuth, phosphates and carbonates. The exploration took place on the northern slope of the Viveiros stream, which is an affluent of the Sabor River. The waste-rock dumps and tailings were deposited on the hillside, close to the mine and are nowadays exposed to significant weathering and erosion, as they are not vegetated. The eroded material is transported by the Viveiros stream toward the Sabor River. A seasonal stream drains the tailings. The stream sediments samples were collected along the Viveiros stream, in the seasonal stream, in a seasonal spring at the bottom of the tailings, in the Sabor River and in other streams not affected by mine workings, following the mine influence along the Viveiros stream and in the Sabor River (1.2 km away from the mine workings). The data show that the degree of pollution increases along the Viveiros stream, especially in winter. The highest degree of pollution is for As, In, W, Sn and Bi. The sediments from the drainage of the main tailings are particularly polluted during winter, by Bi, In and Sn. The sedimentary precipitate from the spring is polluted in Cu, As, In, Sn, Ta, W, Bi, Zn, Nb, Ag, Sb and Ta. The sediments from the Sabor River are significantly polluted by As, Ag, In, Sn, W and Bi. The sediments from the regional streams, Viveiros stream and Sabor River have similar REE (NASC normalized) patterns (ΣREE = 131.7–185.9 mg/kg, LaN/LuN = 1.23–1.42 and Eu/Eu* = 1.02), while those from the seasonal stream, crossing the main tailings, are enriched in REE (ΣREE = 250.3–283.6 mg/kg, LaN/LuN = 1.6–2.09 and Eu/Eu* = 0.96). The general decrease in LaN/LuN values with increase in total Fe2O3 can be explained by the partitioning of HREE to the solid Fe-oxides phase. The sedimentary precipitate and coatings, which are mainly formed by Fe-oxy-hydroxides, but also contain jarosite, are impoverished in all REE. The impoverishment can be explained by the release of REE from the surface of the Fe-oxy-hydroxides, which occurs due to a local lowering of pH, caused by jarosite dissolution. During successive alternate cycles of wet and dry conditions, takes place the formation of Fe-oxy-hydroxides and jarosite in the sedimentary precipitate and coatings. The subsequent dissolution of jarosite releases acidity, thus promoting de-sorption of REE from the Fe-oxy-hydroxides mineral phases.  相似文献   

The Kola River in the northern part of the Kola Peninsula, northwestern Russia, flows into the Barents Sea via the Kola Bay. The river is a unique place for reproduction of salmon and an important source of drinking water for more than 500,000 people in Murmansk and the surrounding municipalities. To evaluate the environmental status of the Kola River water, sampling of the dissolved (<0.22 μm) and suspended (>0.22 μm) phases was performed at 12 sites along the Kola River and its tributaries during 2001 and 2002. Major (Ca, K, Mg, Na, S, Si, HCO3 and Cl) and trace (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, and Zn) elements, total and particulate organic C (TOC and POC), N and P were analysed. Comparison with the boreal pristine Kalix River, Northern Sweden, shows that, except for Na, Cl, Al, Cu and Ni, which exceed the concentrations in the Kalix River by as much as 2–3 times, the levels of other major and trace elements are close to or even below the levels in the Kalix River. However, the results also demonstrate that pollutants from the three major sources: (1) the Cu–Ni smelter in Monchegorsk, (2) the open-pit Fe mine and ore concentration plant in Olenegorsk, and (3) the Varlamov, the Medveziy and the Zemlanoy creeks, draining the area of the large agricultural enterprises in the lower part of the watershed, have a major influence on the water quality of the Kola River.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Quartzites are widespread within Earth’s lithosphere, but their highly pure varieties occur quite infrequently. With the development of alternative energy sources, including...  相似文献   

The geochemistry of the non-carbonate fraction of sediments from the continental shelf and slope off northwest Africa has been investigated using R-mode factor analysis. The geochemistry is governed by a small number of factors controlled quantiatively by glauconite, phosphorite, quartz, clay minerals and secondary iron oxides. The distributions of the factors and of their controls are governed by mineral provenance and by depositional processes. Clay mineral factors predominate in fine grained sediments. Phosphorite, glauconite and oxide factors and quartz predominate in sands. Provenance controls the relative abundances of the minerals of the sand fraction all of which, except a proportion of the glauconite which is clearly recent, are relict and detrital. The recent glauconite is concentrated in poorly oxidised sediments off the southern Sahara. Provenance differences are detected between Saharan and Moroccan clays, and also exist between the clays of north and south Morocco.  相似文献   

The Aluchin ophiolites represent a tectonomagmatic complex, the upper crustal part of which is made up of two dike series. One series includes diabases and gabbrodiabases, which are exposed in the Late Triassic Atamanov Massif (226 Ma) and subdivided into low-potassium, low and moderate-titanium varieties. In terms of rare-earth element (REE) distribution pattern, these rocks correspond to the mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB). At the same time, trace element composition of some samples indicates the enrichment in subduction component (Ba, Th), as well as variable depletion in Ta, Nb and other high-field strength elements (HFSE), which leads us to conclude that these rocks were formed from melts similar to back-arc basin basalts (BABB) at a sufficiently mature stage of back-arc spreading. The diabases of other series form separate dike bodies (dike swarms) that cut across a mantle ultrabasic body in the northern part of the Aluchin Massif. The most part of these rocks reveal prominent island-arc signatures, primarily, REE and trace-element distribution patterns. At the same time, they are characterized by slightly elevated contents of titanium, nickel, and chromium, and low content of aluminum. On the basis of these data, the diabases of the Aluchin Massif can be regarded as BABB basalts with distinct island-arc characteristics, which are usually termed as arc-like member. The joint geochemical evolution of the two diabase series is well consistent with that of the rocks from different structures of the Mariana trough, which, together with compositional data, indicate that the studied dike series mark the initial and mature stages of the opening of the Late Triassic suprasubduction basin.  相似文献   

The sediment geochemistry, including REE, of surface and core samples from Mansar Lake, along with mineralogical investigations, have been carried out in order to understand the provenance, source area weathering, hydrolic sorting and tectonic setting of the basin. The geochemical signatures preserved in these sediments have been exploited as proxies in order to delineate these different parameters.The major element log values (Fe2O3/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) and (Na2O/K2O) vs (SiO2/Al2O3) demarcate a lithology remarkably similar to that exposed in the catchment area. The chondrite normalized REE patterns of lake samples are similar to Post Archaean Australian Shale (PAAS) with LREE enrichment, a negative Eu anomaly and almost flat HREE pattern similar to a felsic and/or cratonic sedimentary source. However, the La–Th–Sc plot of samples fall in a mixed sedimentary domain, close to Upper Continental Crust (UCC) and PAAS, suggesting sedimentary source rocks for the Mansar detritus. It also indicates that these elements remained immobile during weathering and transportation. The mineralogical characteristic, REEs, and high field strength elements (HFSE), together with the high percentage of metamorphic rock fragments in the Siwalik sandstone, support a metamorphic source for lower Siwalik sediments. A very weak positive correlation between Zr and SiO2, poor negative correlation with Al2O3, negative correlation of (La/Yb)N and (Gd/Yb)N ratios with SiO2 and positive correlation with Al2O3, suggest that Zr does not dominantly control the REE distribution in Mansar sediments. The petrographic character and textural immaturity indicate a short distance transport for the detritus. The distribution of elements in core samples reflect fractionation. The higher Zr/Th and Zr/Yb ratios in coarse sediments and PAAS compared to finer grained detritus indicate sedimentary sorting. Plots of the geochemical data on tectonic discrimination diagrams suggest that the sediments derived from the lower Siwalik were originated within a cratonic interior and later deposited along a passive margin basinal setting. It therefore reveals lower Siwalik depositional history.  相似文献   

Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia is Europe's largest lake. The postglacial history of the Ladoga basin is for the first time documented continuously with high temporal resolution in the upper 13.3 m of a sediment core (Co1309) from the northwestern part of the lake. We applied a multiproxy approach including radiographic imaging, (bio‐)geochemical and granulometric analyses. Age control was established combining radiocarbon dating with varve chronology, the latter anchored to a correlated radiocarbon age from a lake close by. The age‐depth model reveals the onset of glacial varve sedimentation at 13 910±140 cal. a BP, when Lake Ladoga was part of the Baltic Ice Lake. Linear extrapolation of published retreat rates of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet provides a formation age of the Luga moraine close to Lake Ladoga's southern shore of 14.5–15.9 cal. ka BP, older than previously assumed. Varve sedimentation covers the Bølling/Allerød interstadial, the Younger Dryas stadial and the Early Holocene. Varve‐thickness variations, conjoined with grain‐size and geochemical variations, inform about the relative position of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and the climate during the deglaciation phase. The upper limit of the varved succession marks the change from glaciolacustrine to normal lacustrine sedimentation and post‐dates the drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake as well as the formation of the Salpausselkä II moraine north of Lake Ladoga, by c. 250 years. The Holocene sediment record is divided into three periods in the following order: (i) a lower transition zone between the Holocene boundary and c. 9.5 cal. ka BP, characterized by mostly massive sediments with low organic content, (ii) a phase with increased organic content from c. 9.5 to 4.5 cal. ka BP corresponding to the Holocene Thermal Maximum, and (iii) a phase with relatively stable sedimentation in a lacustrine environment from c. 4.5 cal. ka BP until present.  相似文献   

The Mullipallam creek in Muthupet mangroves region is the only E-W trending coastal strip in the SE coast of India and is very important, as the mangrove acts as a barrier to natural diasters. Natural, anthropogenic signals and accumulation of elements were made by collecting sediment samples at various depths in a core. All sediments were analyzed for carbonates (CaCO3), organic carbon (OC), major (Si, Al, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mg, P), and trace (Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn). Normalization with Al values has been done for all the major and trace elements and enrichment factors have been calculated. The calculated enrichment factors and comparison indicate that the trace metals (especially Pb) are enriched mainly due to the external (anthropogenic) activities in the land as well as in the coastal zone (Palk Strait).  相似文献   

Geochemistry of Peruvian near-surface sediments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sixteen short sediment cores were recovered from the upper edge (UEO), within (WO) and below (BO) the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru during cruise 147 of R/V Sonne. Solids were analyzed for major/trace elements, total organic carbon, total inorganic carbon, total sulfur, the stable sulfur isotope composition (δ34S) of pyrite, and sulfate reduction rates (SRR). Pore waters were analyzed for dissolved sulfate/sulfide and δ34S of sulfate. In all cores highest SRR were observed in the top 5 cm where pore water sulfate concentrations varied little due to resupply of sulfate by sulfide oxidation and/or diffusion of sulfate from bottom water. δ34S of dissolved sulfate showed only minor downcore increases. Strong 32S enrichments in sedimentary pyrite (to −48‰ vs. V-CDT) are due to processes in the oxidative part of the sulfur cycle in addition to sulfate reduction. Manganese and Co are significantly depleted in Peruvian upwelling sediments most likely due to mobilization from particles settling through the OMZ, whereas release of both elements from reducing sediments only seems to occur in near-coastal sites. Cadmium, Mo and Re are exceptionally enriched in WO sediments (<600 m water depth). High Re and moderate Cd and Mo enrichments are seen in BO sediments (>600 m water depth). Re/Mo ratios indicate anoxic and suboxic conditions for WO and BO sediments, respectively. Cadmium and Mo downcore profiles suggest considerable contribution to UEO/WO sediments by a biodetrital phase, whereas Re presumably accumulates via diffusion across the sediment-water interface to precipitation depth. Uranium is distinctly enriched in WO sediments (due to sulfidic conditions) and in some BO sediments (due to phosphorites). Silver transfer to suboxic BO sediments is likely governed by diatomaceous matter input, whereas in anoxic WO sediments Ag is presumably trapped due to sulfide precipitation. Cadmium, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Ag, and T1 predominantly accumulate via biogenic pre-concentration in plankton remains. Rhenium, Sb, As, V, U and Mo are enriched in accordance with seawater TE availability. Lead and Bi enrichment in UEO surface sediments is likely contributed by anthropogenic activity (mining). Accumulation rates of TOC, Cd, Mo, U, and V from Peruvian and Namibian sediments exceed those from the Oman Margin and Gulf of California due to enhanced preservation off Peru and Namibia.  相似文献   

Gold mining activities generated wastes with high concentrations of arsenic and zinc in the vicinity of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Some of the waste material has been discharged into Yellowknife Bay of Great Slave Lake. Concentrations of arsenic and zinc were determined in sediment cores collected at the depositional areas of Yellowknife Bay. Sedimentation rates were estimated using two different radiometric approaches: the depth profiles of Cs-137 and Pb-210. Geochemical composition of the sediment cores indicated input of similar material into sampling areas over the past 50 years. Age profiles of the sediment constructed from the radionuclides measurements were used to determine historical trends of arsenic and zinc inputs into Yellowknife Bay. The historical record was in good agreement with implemented remedial actions and usage patterns of both elements.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations of natural and contaminated subsurface waters were conducted between 1992–94 in an area where liquid radioactive waste (RAW) was impounded in a small lake, and subsequently leaked into an underlying water bearing horizon. The waste was discharged from the radiochemical plant of the Mayak Amalgamated Industry near Chelyabinsk, Russia. The underlying water-bearing horizon in fissured metavolcanic rocks was penetrated by uncased observation wells in order to log the hydrogeochemistry. Logging was carried out using a specially designed hydrogeochemical probe, which contained 8 channels to measure continuously the temperature, pressure, electric conductivity, pH, Eh, the dissolved O2 concentration, and the activities of Na, and NO3 in the wells. The logging technique enabled the natural hydrogeochemical setting to be characterized and permitted delineation of bodies of contaminated waters of different origins using measurements of pH, pNa and pNO3. The technique also permitted an evaluation of variations in the chemical composition of the RAW solutions due to radiolytic processes and to chemical interactions with the geologic medium. A conceptual model is proposed for the chemical evolution of the migrating contaminated subsurface waters in the area investigated.  相似文献   

Sediment samples at 10 locations in the mainstem of the Yellow River were taken in 1994. Five forms (exchangeable, carbonate, organic, Fe/Mn oxide and residual) of metals were extracted by the Tessier method. The total contents and contents of the five forms of 16 metal elements (Li, Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Al) were determined by ICP-AES. In sediments of the Yellow River, except for Na, mobile elements (such as K, Ca) do not show a negative correlation with the immobile elements. Alkaline metals (Li, Na, and K), Ti, and Al exist mainly in the residual form. The exchangeable forms of alkaline-earth elements (Ca, Sr, and Ba) are the highest, and their residual forms go up with the increase of the period in the periodic table of elements. Half of Mn exists in the residual form, and its non-residual forms exist mainly in carbonate and oxide forms. Except Mn, the iron group elements (Fe, Co, Ni, V, Cr) mainly exist in the residual and oxide forms. High carbonate content of Ca does not cause high contents of other elements in carbonate form, showing that chemical weathering is not strong in the area.  相似文献   

Lake Qarun is an inland saline lake of the type Na---(Mg)---Cl---(SO4). The SO4/Cl weight ratio exceeds 0.6. The sequence of salt deposition, upon mechanical evaporation at 70°C, starts with basanite and halite, passes with magnesium sulphate minerals and ends with sylvite and carnallite. High concentrations of Sr in the gypsiferous fraction and B in the end-residue are recorded.  相似文献   

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