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The dynamics of energetic electrons (E e =0.17–8 MeV) and protons (E p =1 MeV) of the outer radiation belt during the magnetic storm of May 15, 2005, at high (GOES-10 and LANL-84 geosynchronous satellites) and low (Meteor-3M polar satellite) altitudes is analyzed. The data have been compared to the density, plasma velocity, solar wind, and magnetic field measurements on the ACE satellite and geomagnetic disturbances. During the magnetic storm main phase, the nighttime boundary of the region of trapped radiation and the center of westward electrojet shifted to L ~ 3. Enhancements of only low-energy electrons were observed on May 15, 2005. The belt of relativistic electrons with a maximum at L ~ 4 was formed during the substorm, the amplitude of which reached its maximum at ~0630 UT on May 16. The results are in good agreement with the regularity relating the position of a maximum of the new relativistic electron belt, boundaries of the trapped radiation region, and extreme low-latitude position of westward electrojet center to the Dst variation amplitude.  相似文献   

Increases in solar protons and variations in the electron and proton fluxes from the outer radiation belt are studied based on the GLONASS satellite measurements (the circular orbit at an altitude of ~20000 km with an inclination of ~65°) performed in December 2006. Indications in the channels, registered protons with energies of Ep = 3–70 MeV and electrons with energies of Ee > 0.04 and >0.8 MeV, are analyzed. The data on electrons with Ee = 0.8–1.2 MeV, measured on the Express-A3 geostationary satellite, are also presented. Before the strong magnetic storm of December 14 (|Dst|max = 146 nT), the maximum of the outer belt electrons with the energy >0.7 MeV was observed at L ~ 4.5. After the storm, the fluxes of these electrons increased by more than an order of magnitude as compared to the prestorm level, and the maximum of a “new” belt shifted to L < 4 (minimal L reached by the GLONASS orbit). Under quiet geomagnetic conditions, solar protons with the energies >3 MeV fill only high-latitude legs of the GLONASS orbit. During the strong magnetic storm of December 15, the boundary of proton penetration into the magnetosphere almost merged with the orbital maximum of the proton radiation belt.  相似文献   




哨声模波对高能电子槽区和外辐射带的调节作用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用磁层哨声模嘶声和合声波的幅度分布模型、近赤道背景电子(能量在eV量级)的数密度分布模型和IGRF10磁场模型建立了一个高能电子(能量大于50 keV)准线性扩散模型.模型的数值结果表明,在不同的地磁条件下,等离子体层顶位置的变化改变了磁层背景电子数密度的空间分布,从而改变了哨声模嘶声对高能电子有效的投掷角扩散(损失)区域,同时也改变了哨声模合声波对高能电子有效的动量扩散(加速)区域.哨声模嘶声对电子投掷角扩散区域的变化和RRES卫星探测到的高能电子的槽区变化是一致的,而合声波对电子的动量扩散区域的变化和卫星探测到外辐射带的变化相同.这种对应关系说明:在不同的地磁条件下,哨声模波对高能电子扩散区域的变化是造成高能电子槽区和外辐射带的空间位置和大小变化的一个重要因素.在一些强磁暴期间,由于嘶声对部分能量范围电子的投掷角扩散作用消失,这些电子的槽区也随之消失,从而使内外辐射带连接在一起.  相似文献   

Cases in which the outer boundary of the electron belt shifts to high latitudes are studied. The cases evidence that the zone of quasi-trapping of the night magnetosphere expands to the pole. These events are shown to be caused by substorm activity which, shifting to high latitudes, can lead to the development of so-called polar-cap substorms. It is shown that high-latitude bursts of energetic electrons can be generated in such substorms by analogy with their generation in classical substorms of the auroral zone.  相似文献   

The dependence of the particle energy spectra on the acceleration and loss rates is studied based on the analytical solutions to the equation for the particle distribution function, taking into account diffusion in the momentum space (stochastic acceleration) and loss (due to particle escape from the acceleration region). The energy spectra and time dynamics of the MeV electron fluxes, observed based on the geostationary satellite data during the prolonged recovery phases of the known magnetic storms of June 11, 1980 and November 3–4, 1993, have been analytically described. The acceleration and loss rates have been estimated for these storms. A comparison is performed with the preciously studied energy spectra of MeV electrons and with the acceleration and loss rates during the recovery phases of the magnetic storms of January 10, 1997, and April 6, 2000.  相似文献   

Summary The observations of the ACTIVE Project satellites in the interval of March 17–23, 1990 were analyzed for the purpose of studying the response of the outer ionosphere to the magnetic storm with SSC on March 20 at 22.43 UT. In particular, measurements of thermal plasma parameters were used, but VLF broadband measurements and data on energetic ion and electron fluxes in the range of 17.7–272 keV were also available. The results of this case study show that the observations in the morning sector at altitudes around 2000 km reflect well the state of the plasmasphere during enhanced activity, namely the depth to which the plasmasphere has been affected by enhanced magnetospheric convection. They also provide the possibility of monitoring the initial phase of recovery. The early evening observations of the plasma parameters in the outer ionosphere at altitudes of 500–1000 km indicate a distinct trough in electron concentration. In the dusk sector, the equatorward edge of this trough can be assumed to be the projection of the equatorial plasmapause. This, combined with the occurrence of electron temperature peaks and with the morning plasmapause position, enables one to judge whether the plasmaspheric bulge has formed and whether an inner plasmapause has occurred.  相似文献   

本文利用低高度极轨卫星NOAA/POES的观测数据,对2003年Hallowe'en磁暴期间新质子带的形成和损失机制做了细致的研究和分析.结果表明新质子带的形成是诸多因素共同作用的结果.包括强太阳质子事件(Solar Proton Events,SPEs)、大的地磁暴和行星际激波.所有这些因素构成了新质子带形成的前提条件,尤其是行星际激波是形成新质子带不可缺少的因素.此外本文提出了磁暴主相对高能质子注入磁层稳定捕获区起到重要贡献.本文还运用绝热捕获判据分析了新质子带的损失机制,证明了由于磁暴期间环电流积累造成磁场大的扰动,破坏绝热不变量的守恒,导致新质子带粒子的损失.  相似文献   

王敬之  马新  项正  倪彬彬 《地球物理学报》2023,66(10):3999-4008

等离子体层嘶声(Plasmaspheric hiss)是地球辐射带中的一种常见哨声模波动,主要存在于等离子体层中.嘶声波可以通过回旋共振散射辐射带电子,在辐射带槽区的形成过程和反转能谱的演化过程中具有重要作用.因此,在辐射带动态建模中需要考虑嘶声波的作用,常用的方法是在辐射带电子扩散方程中加入嘶声波导致的损失项,用损失时间尺度(loss timescale)代表电子损失的快慢.本文基于等离子体层嘶声对辐射带电子的投掷角散射系数模型计算了嘶声波导致辐射带电子损失的时间尺度.建立了包含L(范围为3~6)、冷等离子体参数α*(范围为3~30)以及电子能量(范围为1 keV~10 MeV)的电子损失时间尺度参数化模型.基于该模型,可以快速计算电子在嘶声波散射效应下的损失时间尺度.通过与卫星实际观测的电子损失时间尺度对比,验证了本文建立的嘶声波损失时间尺度模型的合理性,可为实现辐射带的快速建模提供有利支持.


Experimental proofs of the existence of the formation and destruction mechanisms of solar proton belts in the inner magnetosphere at a rapid change in the penetration boundary of solar protons are presented. An analysis of the measurements of solar protons and alpha-particles on board the Coronas-F low-altitude polar satellite during the magnetic storms in October–November 2003 is performed. During this period, formation and destruction of the belts of solar cosmic rays was observed several times. The compression of the magnetosphere during a storm makes possible the direct penetration of solar protons deep into the inner magnetosphere. The proton trajectories outside the penetration boundary are open, and the preliminary captured particles can easily leave the magnetosphere. During the recovery of the magnetospheric configuration, when the penetration boundary goes away from the Earth, the solar protons and alpha-particles with relatively low velocity of the magnetic drift remain stably captured, whereas the particles of higher energies follow the motion of the penetration boundary. That is why the energy range of the captured protons is limited from above in contrast to the effect of injection during ineffective SC in the low-energy region.  相似文献   

The ring current dynamics during the magnetic storm has been studied in the work. The response of the magnetospheric current systems to the external influence of the solar wind, specifically, resulting in the development of the asymmetric ring current component, has been calculated using the magnetic field paraboloid model. The asymmetric ring current has been considered as a family of spatial current circuits in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, composed of the zones of the partial ring current in the geomagnetic equator plane, which close through the system of field-aligned currents into the ionosphere. The value of the total partial ring current has been estimated by comparing the calculated asymmetry of the magnetospheric magnetic field at the geomagnetic equator with the value of the Asym-H geomagnetic index. The variations in the symmetric and asymmetric components of the ring current magnetic field have been calculated for the magnetic storm of November 6–14, 2004. The contributions of the magnetospheric current systems to the Dst and AU geomagnetic indices have been calculated.  相似文献   

用欧亚大陆地面电离层垂测站资料考察1989年3月12~16日磁暴期间的电离层暴形态及其发展变化. 特强磁暴引发的电离层暴是全球性的,但自磁层沉降的高能粒子对热层低部的加热程度及区域分布不同,因而各经度链区域内电离层暴的特征也有所差异. 本文研究表明,与理论推断对照,欧洲地区内F2层最大电子密度NmaxF2(或f0F2)并不出现正暴现象,而负暴自高纬向低纬的发展则与典型的热层环流结果相符. 此外,此磁暴过程期间在中低纬区存在明显的波动过程. 在亚洲高纬地区,磁暴初期13日有约10 h的正暴,而负暴过程则与欧洲地区类似,但不太清晰;且无波动现象. 磁暴期间,同一经度链的中低纬地区,夜间常发生多站同时的h′F突增. 本文再次证实这是一般磁暴期间常出现的普遍现象.  相似文献   

We examine the geomagnetic field and space plasma disturbances developing simultaneously in the solar wind, in the inner and outer magnetosphere, and on the ground from 0730 to 2030 UT on April 11, 1997 during the recovery phase of a moderate magnetic storm. The fluctuations of the solar wind density, H-component of the geomagnetic field, and power of Pc1–2 (0.1–5 Hz) waves at middle and low latitudes evolve nearly simultaneously. These fluctuations also match very well with variations of density and flux of the magnetospheric plasma at the geosynchronous orbit, and of the geomagnetic field at the geosynchronous orbit and northern polar cap. The time delay between the occurrence of disturbances in different magnetosphere regions matches the time of fast mode propagation. These disturbances are accompanied by the generation of Pc1–2 waves at mid- and high-latitude observatories in nearly the same frequency range. A scenario of the evolution of wave phenomena in different magnetospheric domains is proposed.  相似文献   

我们利用NOAA17卫星对内辐射带高能质子的观测结果研究了大磁暴期间内辐射带质子通量的变化过程.我们发现内辐射带质子出现两种不同的暴时损失事件.在大磁暴发生时,内辐射带外边界质子通量会迅速减小,然后缓慢恢复;而在内辐射带中心区的质子通量(即南大西洋异常区(SAA)质子通量最大值)的暴时变化表现为质子通量的一个迅速的减小和迅速恢复.内辐射带外边界的损失事件主要发生在较低能量质子能档,而内辐射带中心处的损失事件发生在所有质子能档.两种损失事件中质子通量的不同变化意味着内辐射带质子可能有不同的损失和产生机制.通过分析,我们认为内辐射带外边界处质子通量损失事件主要由磁场曲率散射机制造成,而其恢复机制主要是宇宙线反照中子衰变(CRAND).内辐射带中心区(即南大西洋异常区质子通量最大处)质子通量损失事件可能与Dst效应有关.  相似文献   

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