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The Ransko gabbro–peridotite massif in Eastern Bohemia is a strongly differentiated intrusive complex, which hosts low-grade Ni–Cu ores mainly developed close to the contact of olivine-rich rocks with gabbros, in troctolites, and to a much lesser extent in both pyroxene and olivine gabbros and plagioclase-rich peridotites. Gabbro, troctolite, peridotite and Ni–Cu ores from the Jezírka Ni–Cu (PGE) deposit, considered to be a typical example of the liquid segregation style of mineralization, were analyzed for Re–Os concentrations and isotopic ratios. Seven barren and mineralized samples from the Jezírka deposit yielded a Re–Os regression of 341.5?±?7.9 Ma (MSWD?=?69). Strongly mineralized peridotite with mantle-like initial 187Os/188Os ratio of 0.125 suggests that Os as well as other PGE present in the Ni–Cu mineralization are predominantly of mantle origin. On the other hand, barren and low-mineralized samples have radiogenic initial 187Os/188Os ratios of 0.14–0.16 suggesting some import of Re and/or radiogenic 187Os most likely through contamination by continental crust during magma emplacement. The Re–Os age of the Ransko Massif is significantly younger than the previously suggested Lower Cambrian age, but it is similar to and/or younger than the age of metamorphism of the adjacent Kutná Hora crystalline complex and the Moldanubian unit. Therefore, it is likely that the emplacement of the Ransko massif and its Ni–Cu mineralization was closely connected with the late-stage evolution of the Kutná Hora crystalline complex.  相似文献   

The first data on the Late Riphean age by U–Pb and Sm–Nd analysis (≥922 ± 14 and 686 ± 19 Ma, respectively) were obtained for rocks of the dunite–clinopyroxenite–gabbro complex of the Chistop massif in the Patinum-bearing Belt of the Urals. These data allow one to assume that the formation of the Ural paleoocean probably started immediately after the break-up of Rodinia.  相似文献   

The Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif in Eastern Bohemia is a strongly differentiated intrusive complex of Lower Cambrian age. The complex hosts low grade Ni-Cu ores mainly developed close to the contact of olivine-rich rocks with gabbros, in troctolites and, to a much lesser extent, in both pyroxene and olivine gabbros and plagioclase-rich peridotites. The ore zone is characterized by strong serpentinization and uralitization. The total Ni + Cu locally reaches up to 4 wt%. Anomalous concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE's) (maximum 532 ppb Pd, 182 ppb Pt, 53 ppb Rh, 15 ppb Ru, 41 ppb Ir) were detected in samples of Cu-Ni and Ni-Cu ores (maximum 2.63 wt% Ni and 2.31 wt% Cu) from the Jezírka orebody. The main ore paragenesis includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrite, magnetite, mackinawite, valleriite, ilmenite and sphalerite. During this work, michenerite, froodite, sperrylite, gold, native bismuth, altaite, tsumoite, hessite, an unnamed Bi-Ni telluride, cobaltite-gersdorffite and galena were newly identified. The host rocks originated through partial melting of a slightly depleted mantle source with noble metals scavenged from this primitive magma prior to the development of these rocks.  相似文献   

The petrology and ore potential of the Talazhin massif located in northwestern East Sayan are studied. The internal structure of the intrusion, the petrographic composition of its rocks, and their metallogenic, petrostructural, and petrogeochemical features are considered. The probable temperature and chemical composition of the parental magma of the pluton were computed using the KOMAGMAT-3.52 program on the modeling of equilibrium crystallization. The obtained data indicate that the Talazhin massif is a rhythmically layered plagiodunite–troctolite– anorthosite–gabbro intrusion formed from low-Ti high-alumina olivine–basalt melt. It is promising for Cu–Ni–PGE mineralization.  相似文献   

Results of study of eclogite–gneiss complex of the Muya Block (East Siberia) are presented. Several structural types of the studied eclogites have been recognized. Kyanitic eclogite has been found for the first time. The host granite-gneisses are two-mica and biotite varieties, mainly garnet-bearing. The exposure of eclogites from different depths of the subducted plate at the present-day denudation level might be the reason for the wide range of the equilibrium temperatures of the Muya block eclogites (590–740 °C). The Sm–Nd dating of the eclogites and host gneisses showed the Neoproterozoic age of high-pressure metamorphism (~630 Ma). The model age (TDM) of the eclogites (720 Ma) differs considerably from the model age of the host gneisses (>1.3 Ga). The geochemical features of the eclogites point to the mobility of LILE (Rb, Cs, Ba, K) and LREE during their interaction with fluids, whereas the gneisses in the same process showed the mobility of LILE only. The oxygen isotope composition of minerals in the eclogites varies over a narrow range (δ18O = 5.5–3.9) and is close to the average mantle value, which evidences a negligible interaction between the eclogite protoliths and meteoric or sea water. The study of fluid inclusions in quartz from the eclogites and host gneisses showed a predominance of liquid-nitrogen inclusions in the former and carbon dioxide inclusions in the latter.  相似文献   

The Lukinda dunite–troctolite–gabbro massif in the Selenga–Stanovoy superterrane on the southeastern framing of the Siberian Platform was earlier considered Precambrian. The performed 40Ar/39Ar dating of the massif plagioclase yielded an Early Permian age (285 ± 7.5 Ma). The main specific petrochemical features of the intrusion rocks during their crystallization differentiation are an increase in SiO2 and CaO contents and a decrease in FeOtot content, with TiO2 content remaining low and showing minor variations. A specific geochemical feature of the Lukinda massif ultrabasite–basites is a slight domination of LREE over HREE, with (La/Yb)N= 1.0–8.2. The depletion of the massif rocks in LILE (except for Sr and Ba), REE, and HFSE suggests that the massif formed on an active continental margin.  相似文献   

We have studied the petrography and the bulk-rock geochemistry of arenites and mudstones of the Cenomanian Peruc–Korycany Formation to characterize their provenance and sedimentary history, as well as the influence of weathering, hydraulic sorting, and recycling of the source rocks. The Peruc–Korycany Formation contains sedimentary facies reflecting both meandering- and braided-river systems and shallow-marine systems. Differences in the three depositional settings did not cause distinctly different modifications of the framework compositions of the arenites. The sand from the fluvial systems is very mature (Qm98F0Lt2). These fluvial arenites were subsequently modified by shallow-marine processes; reworking produced very slight decreases in the abundance of lithic fragments and polycrystalline quartz grains. The Cenomanian strata of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin were derived dominantly from metasedimentary and crystalline rocks of the Palaeozoic Teplà-Barrandian and Cadomian Moldanubian units, respectively. Periods of low tectonic activity resulted in the deposition of arenites with quartzose framework compositions, indicating that climatic and/or transport/depositional-environmental controls overwhelmed factors such as source-rock compositions. Ultrastable dense minerals are useful indicators of sedimentary recycling within the Peruc–Korycanytarenites. Mudstone samples are characterized by abundant kaolinite, illite, chlorite, and quartz but by negligible amounts of goethite and gypsum. Concentrations normalized to the post-Archaean Australian shale (PAAS) show that the sediments are strongly depleted of Na, K, Ca, Sr, and Ba, probably because of the mobility of these elements during weathering. Chemical indices of alteration (CIA, CIW, and PIA) show that the degree of weathering of the source area was high. The data fall closer to the compositional fields of highly weathered minerals such as kaolinite, gibbsite, and chlorite on an A-CN-K diagram. The indices of compositional variability of the studied samples are much less than 1, suggesting that the samples are compositionally mature and were likely dominated by recycling. The elemental ratios critical of provenance (La/Sc, Th/Sc, Th/Co, Th/Cr, and Cr/Th) are similar to fine fractions derived from the weathering of mostly granitoids rather than mafic rocks.  相似文献   

A number of mafic–ultramafic intrusions that host Ni–Cu sulfide mineralization occur in the northeastern Tarim Craton and the eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt (NW China). The sulfide-mineralized Pobei mafic–ultramafic complex is located in the northeastern part of the Tarim Craton. The complex is composed of gabbro and olivine gabbro, cut by dunite, wehrlite, and melatroctolite of the Poyi and Poshi intrusions. Disseminated Ni–Cu sulfide mineralization is present towards the base of the ultramafic bodies. The sulfide mineralization is typically low grade (<0.5 wt.% Ni and <2 wt.% S) with low platinum-group element (PGE) concentrations (<24.5 ppb Pt and <69 ppb Pd); the abundance of Cu in 100 % sulfide is 1–8 wt.%, and Ni abundance in 100 % sulfide is typically >4 wt.%. Samples from the Pobei complex have εNd (at 280 Ma) values up to +8.1, consistent with the derivation of the magma from an asthenospheric mantle source. Fo 89.5 mol.% olivine from the ultramafic bodies is consistent with a primitive parental magma. Sulfide-bearing dunite and wehrlite have high Cu/Pd ratios ranging from 24,000 to 218,000, indicating a magma that evolved under conditions of sulfide saturation. The grades of Ni, Cu, and PGE in 100 % sulfide show a strong positive correlation. A model for these variations is proposed where the mantle source of the Pobei magma retained ~0.033 wt.% sulfide during the production of a PGE-depleted parental magma. The parental magma migrated from the mantle to the crust and underwent further S saturation to generate the observed mineralization along with its high Cu/Pd ratio at an R-factor varying from 100 to 1,200. The mineralization at Poshi and Poyi has very high γOs (at 280 Ma) values (+30 to +292) that are negatively correlated with the abundance of Os in 100 % sulfide (5.81–271 ppb) and positively correlated with the Re/Os ratios; this indicates that sulfide saturation was triggered by the assimilation of crustal sulfide with both high γOs and Re/Os ratios. When compared to other Permian mafic–ultramafic intrusions with sulfide mineralization in the East Tianshan, the Poyi and Poshi ultramafic bodies were formed from more primitive magmas, and this helps to explain why the sulfide mineralization has high Ni tenor.  相似文献   

A migmatite–gneiss complex made up of paraand orthogneisses and crystalline schists with bodies of ultrametagenic tonalites is distinguished in the basement of the northwestern part of the Chuya–Kendyktas Massif. ID-TIMS dating of accessory zircon from orthogneisses and ultrametagenic tonalites in combination with LA-ICP-MS analyses of detrital zircons from garnet–biotite paragneisses showed that the migmatite–gneiss complex was formed after protoliths with an age within 800–770 Ma and completed its evolution in the first half of the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

We present new data on the geologic position, composition, and isotope characteristics of the Early Cretaceous granitoids of the Samarka terrane, Sikhote-Alin’, formed on a transform continental margin. Geological and geochronological data show that these granitoids were generated at two stages of magmatism: in the first half (Hauterivian–Barremian, 130–123 Ma) and second half (Albian–Cenomanian, 110–98 Ma) of the Early Cretaceous. Granitoids of the first stage form an autonomous (free of basic precursors) unimodal melanogranite–granite association and are characterized by normal alkalinity with domination of K over Na, low contents of Ca, and elevated contents of Al2O3. By composition, these are S-granites with a model Nd age of ∼1.3 Ga. Granitoids of the second stage are of more diverse petrogeochemical types. They show wider variations in K/Na and A/CNK, are richer in Ca and, sometimes, Sr, and are poorer in P than the granitoids of the first stage. Their compositions form a continuous trend from S- to I-granites, and their model Nd age is ≤1.2 Ga. Comparison of the petrochemical, trace-element, and isotope characteristics of the Early Cretaceous granitoids and upper-crustal rocks (sandstones and siltstones of the turbidite matrix of a Jurassic accretionary prism and basalts from the inclusions in it) of the Samarka terrane and the coeval garrboids has shown that the potassic S-granitoids formed at the early (Hauterivian–Barremian) stage of magmatism as a result of the anatexis of upper-crustal sedimentary rocks. At the late (Albian–Early Cenomanian) stage, the intrusion of mantle magmas led to a temperature increase in the lower crust, which favored more active anatexis, involvement of high-melting substrates (oceanic basalts) in the granite formation, and interaction of mantle and crustal magmas. This resulted in a great diversity of granitoids (from S- to I-type).  相似文献   

In situ trace-element and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) data and whole-rock Sr–Nd–Hf data on 12 gabbro xenoliths from the Hyblean Plateau (south-eastern Sicily) illustrate the complex petrogenetic evolution of this lithospheric segment. The gabbros formed by precipitation of plagioclase + clinopyroxene from a HIMU-type alkaline melt, then were cryptically metasomatized by a low-Rb, high-87Sr/86Sr fluid, and finally infiltrated by an exotic, late Fe–Ti-rich melt with 87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7055, carrying high concentrations of Sr, Rb and HFSE. The geochemical and isotopic features of both the metasomatizing fluid and the Fe–Ti-rich melt are compatible with their common derivation by the progressive melting of an amphibole–phlogopite–ilmenite metasomatic domain (MARID-type?) that probably resided within the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Therefore, both the astenosphere and the lithosphere underneath the Hyblean Plateau contributed to the petrogenesis of the gabbros. Sm–Nd dating yields an age of 253 ± 60 Ma for the cumulitic pile, roughly coinciding with a hydrothermal event recorded by crustal zircons in the area. We suggest that the Hyblean Plateau suffered a thermal event—probably related to lithospheric thinning and upwelling and melting of the asthenosphere—in Permo-Triassic time (the opening of the Ionian Basin?). The induced perturbation in the lithosphere caused consequent melting of some previously metasomatised portions.  相似文献   

Using the methods of electron probe microanalysis and Raman spectroscopy, the zoning, chemical composition, and disorder in the matrix of accessory monazite extracted from a synplutonic quartz dioritic dyke intruding migmatite, diorite, and fine-granular granite of the Aduiskii massif were studied. It was established that monazite grains contained inner and outer zones. The contributions of chemical and radiation factors to mineral disorder were estimated. The results of chemical U-Th-total Pb dating of mineral are reported. The age 252 ± 4 Ma corresponds to the second maximum of granite formation.  相似文献   

The F–(Ba–Pb–Zn) ore deposits of the Zaghouan District, located in NE Tunisia, occur as open space fillings or stratabound orebodies, hosted in Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary layers. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns may be split into three groups: (i) “Normal marine” patterns characterizing the wallrock carbonates; (ii) light REE (LREE) enriched (slide-shaped) patterns with respect to heavy REE (HREE), with small negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characteristic of the early ore stages; (iii) Bell-shaped REE patterns displaying LREE depletion, as well as weak negative Ce and Eu anomalies, characterizing residual fluids of subsequent stages. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707654–0.708127 ± 8), show that the Sr of the epigenetic carbonates (dolomite, calcite) and ore minerals (fluorite, celestite) are more radiogenic than those of the country (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, lower Miocene) sedimentary rocks. The uniformity of this ratio, throughout the District, provides evidence for the isotopic homogeneity and, consequently, the identity of the source of the mineralizing fluids. This signature strongly suggests that the radiogenic Sr is carried by Upper Paleozoic basinal fluids.The δ34S values of barite, associated to mineralizations, are close to those of the Triassic sea water (17‰). The δ34S values of sulfide minerals range from − 13.6‰ to + 11.4‰, suggesting two sulfur-reduced end members (BSR/TSR) with a dominant BSR process.Taking account of the homogeneity in the Pb-isotope composition of galenas (18.833–18.954 ± 0.001, 15.679–15.700 ± 0.001 and 38.690–38.880 ± 0.004, for the 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios respectively), a single upper crustal source for base-metals is accepted. The Late Paleozoic basement seems to be the more plausible source for F–Pb–Zn concentrated in the deposits. The genesis of the Zaghouan District ore deposits is considered as the result of the Zaghouan Fault reactivation during the Late Miocene period.  相似文献   

The U–Pb (SHRIMP) dating of zircon from the layered complex of ophiolitic gabbro in the Klyuchevsk massif yielded an age of 456 ± 6 Ma corresponding within the limits of error to zircon dates obtained for other petrographic varieties from this massif. The investigation of the composition of silicate inclusions in dated zircon grains revealed that they are represented by typical metamorphic minerals: albite, zoisite, and secondary amphiboles. The data indicate that zircon was crystallized during metamorphic transformations of gabbroids and its U–Pb age (Late Ordovician–Silurian) is characteristic of all rocks in the ophiolite association of the Klyuchevsk massif indicating the age of metamorphism, not their formation time.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1570-1598
Granitic rocks are commonly used as means to study chemical evolution of continental crust, particularly, their isotopic compositions, which reflect the relative contributions of mantle and crustal components in their genesis. New SIMS and K–Ar geochronology, isotope, geochemical, and mineral chemistry data are presented for the granitoid rocks located in and around Gabal Dara in the Northern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The granitoid suite comprises quartz diorites, Muscovite (Mus) trondhjemites, and granodiorites intruded by biotite-hornblende (BH) granites and alkali feldspar (AF) granites. Mus trondhjemite, granodiorite and BH granite exhibit I-type calc alkaline affinities. Mus trondhjemite and granodiorite show medium-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous/mildy peraluminous affinities, whereas BH granites have high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous character. Concordant 206Pb/238U weighted mean ages together with geochemical peculiarities suggest that Mus trondhjemites (741 Ma) followed by granodiorites (720 Ma) are genetically unrelated, and formed in subduction-related regime by partial melting of lower oceanic crust together with a significant proportion of mantle melt. The genesis of Mus trondhjemites is correlated with the main event in the evolution of the Eastern Desert, called “~750 Ma crust forming event”.The field and geochemical criteria together with age data assign the high-K calc-alkaline BH granites (608–590 Ma) and alkaline AF granites (600–592 Ma) as post-collisional granites. The differences in geochemical traits, e.g. high-K calc-alkaline versus alkaline/peralkaline affinities respectively, suggest that BH granites and AF granites are genetically unrelated. The age overlap indicating coeval generation of calc-alkaline and alkaline melts, which in turn suggests that magma genesis was controlled by local composition of the source. The high-K calc-alkaline BH granites are most likely generated from lithospheric mantle melt which have been hybridized by crustal melts produced by underplating process. AF granites exhibit enrichment in K2O, Rb, Nb, Y, and Th, and depletion in Al2O3, TiO2, MgO, CaO, FeO, P2O5, Sr, and Ba as well as alkaline/peralkaline affinity. These geochemical criteria combined with the moderately fractionated rare earth elements pattern (LaN/YbN = 9–14) suggest that AF granite magma might have been generated by partial melting of Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) arc crust in response of upwelling of hot asthenospheric mantle melts, which became in direct contact with lower ANS continental crust material due to delamination. Furthermore, a minor role of crystal fractionation of plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, zircon, and titanomagnetite in the evolution of AF granites is also suggested. The low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7033–0.7037) and positive εNd(T) values (+ 2.32 to + 4.71) clearly reflect a significant involvement of depleted mantle source in the generation of the post-collision granites and a juvenile nature for the ANS.  相似文献   

Granitoids of the Rechnoy and Yalya-Pe paleovolcanoes, which were ascribed to the Silurian Khoimpe complex during a geological mapping, and granitoids of the Nganotsky-1 and Nganotsky-2 plutons that were ascribed to the Early Devonian Yunyaga complex were studied in the Shchuchinskaya zone of the Polar Urals. It was established that according to the mineral and chemical compositions the rocks of the plutons studied correspond to island-arc granitoids of I-type. Zircons from granitoids of the Rechnoy and Yalya-Pe paleovolcanoes and the Nganotsky-1 pluton yielded concordant U–Pb (SIMS) isotope ages of 456 ± 6, 454 ± 4, and 463 ± 3 Ma, respectively, which indicates the existence of an island arc within the Shchuchinskaya zone starting from the Middle–Late Ordovician. Based on the obtained zircon ages of granitoids, the country volcanics were ascribed to the Syaday Formation; the upper stratigraphic boundary of their formation was specified as the Middle–Upper Ordovician.  相似文献   

The classical models of adakite formation by melting of basaltic layer of oceanic lithosphere in the subduction zone were verified using geochemical and Sr–Nd isotope data on the Early Paleozoic granitoids of Eastern Sayan. The presence of adakites in fold belts is usually regarded as geochemical proxy for paleogeodynamic reconstruction. The formation of felsic derivatives with adakitic signatures in the collisional orogens is inconsistent with these models and requires their revision. It is shown that the composition of the granitoids and their evolution cannot be described with these models. In order to solve this problem, two hypotheses of granitoid formation by mixing of two geochemically contrasting reservoirs were proposed and verified. According to the first hypothesis, the granitoids represent the mixing products between alkaline olivine basalts and partial melts of the gray gneiss basement of this region. The second model relates the formation of the granitoids with melting of geochemically 2700 Ma-old enriched source in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle. In spite of differences, both these hypotheses are based on the remobilization of sources formed at the previous stages of the geological evolution of the region. In both cases, adakitic geochemical characteristics of forming felsic magmas are determined by the composition of protolith rather than by their geodynamic position. Obtained preliminary results place constraints on genetic models and geochemical reservoirs participating in the formation of the granitoids.  相似文献   

Granitoids of the Ekecikda? Igneous Association (Central Anatolia/Turkey) are products of collisional–post-collisional magmatism in the Ekecikda? area. These granitoids are granodiorite, microgranite and leucogranite. Field relations of granodiorites with microgranites is obscured, but leucogranites intrude both rock types. Mean zircon laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS 206Pb-238U ages of granodiorites and microgranites are 84.52 ± 0.93 Ma and 80.7 ± 1.6 Ma, respectively, and age of leucogranites is suggested as 80 Ma, based on field relations combined with 206Pb/238U and Rb-Sr ages. Crystallisation temperatures of granodiorites, microgranites and leucogranites are 728°C-848°C, 797°C-880°C, 704°C-809°C, respectively.

Geochemical characteristics including Sr-Nd isotopic evidences infer a non-cogenetic character, as there is a high crustal contribution in I-type granodiorite sources, a crustal source with insignificant and significant mantle inputs in S-type microgranites and leucogranites, respectively. LA-ICP-MS Lu-Hf isotope data from zircons reveal their crustal nature (εHf(t): ?1.3 ± 0.5 to ?8.8 ± 0.5). Crustal melting linked to the Alpine thickening during the Late Cretaceous led to formation of heterogeneous sourced granitoids with crustal dominated sources in the Ekecikda? area. Understanding of the nature and evolution of collisional Ekecikda? granitoids is not only important to put contribution in the geodynamic evolution of Central Anatolia and surrounding Alpine area, but also to better understand systematics of collisional magmatic systems.  相似文献   

The North China Craton (NCC) has been considered to be part of the supercontinent Columbia. The nature of the NCC western boundary, however, remains strongly disputed. A key question in this regard is whether or not the Alxa Block is a part of the NCC. It is located in the vicinity of the inferred boundary, and therefore could potentially resolve the issue of the NCC's relationship to the Columbia supercontinent. Some previous studies based on the Alxa Block's geological evolution and detrital zircon ages suggested that it is likely not a part of the NCC. The lack of evidence from key igneous rock units, however, requires further constraints on the tectonic affinity of the western NCC and Alxa Block and on the timing of their amalgamation.In this study, new zircon U–Pb age and Hf–O isotopes and whole-rock geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data for the Paleozoic granitoids in or near the eastern Alxa Block were used to constrain the petrogenesis of these rocks and the relationship between the Alxa Block and NCC. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) U–Pb zircon dating indicates that the Bayanbulage, Hetun, Diebusige and South Diebusige granitoids were formed at ca. 423 Ma, 345 Ma, 345 Ma and 337 Ma, respectively. The Late Silurian (Bayanbulage) quartz diorites have variable SiO2 (58.0–67.9 wt.%), and low Sr/Y (20–24) values, while the Early Carboniferous (Hetun, Diebusige and South Diebusige) monzogranites have high SiO2 (71.5–76.7 wt.%) and Sr/Y (40–94) values. The Late Silurian quartz diorites display relatively homogeneous and high zircon δ18O (8.5–9.1‰) and εHf(t) (− 8.6 to − 5.3) values, high whole-rock εNd(t) values (− 9.2 to − 7.6) and highly radiogenic Pb isotopes (206Pb/204Pb = 18.13–18.25), whereas the Early Carboniferous monzogranites exhibit relatively low and variable zircon δ18O (5.7–7.2‰) and εHf(t) (− 23.1 to − 7.4) values, low whole-rock initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7043–0.7070) and εNd(t) (− 19.1 to − 13.5) values and variable Pb isotopes (206Pb/204Pb = 16.06–18.22). The differences in whole rock Nd model ages and Pb isotope compositions of the Paleoproterozoic–Permian rocks in either side of the west fault of the Bayanwulashan–Diebusige complexes suggest that the Alxa Block is not a part of the NCC, and that the western boundary of the NCC is probably located on this fault. Furthermore, the linear distribution of the Early Paleozoic–Early Carboniferous granitoids, the high zircon δ18O values of the Late Silurian quartz diorites, the Early Devonian metamorphism and the foreland basin system formed during the collision between the Alxa Block and the NCC indicate that a Paleozoic cryptic suture zone likely existed in this area and records the amalgamation of the Alxa Block and North China Craton. Together with detrital zircon data, the initial collision was considered to have possibly occurred in Late Ordovician.  相似文献   

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