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The magnitude of the in situ stresses in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins have been determined using an extensive petroleum exploration database from over 40 years of drilling. The magnitude of the vertical stress (Sv) was calculated based on density and velocity checkshot data in 24 wells. Upper and lower bound values of the vertical stress magnitude are approximated by Sv = (14.39 × Z)1.12 and Sv = (11.67 × Z)1.15 functions respectively (where Z is depth in km and Sv is in MPa). Leak-off test data from the two basins constrain the lower bound estimate for the minimum horizontal stress (Shmin) magnitude to 15.5 MPa/km. Closure pressures from a large number of minifrac tests indicate considerable scatter in the minimum horizontal stress magnitude, with values approaching the magnitude of the vertical stress in some areas. The magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) was constrained by the frictional limits to stress beyond which faulting occurs and by the presence of drilling-induced tensile fractures in some wells. The maximum horizontal stress magnitude can only be loosely constrained regionally using frictional limits, due to the variability of both the minimum horizontal stress and vertical stress estimates. However, the maximum horizontal stress and thus the full stress tensor can be better constrained at individual well locations, as demonstrated in Bulyeroo-1 and Dullingari North-8, where the necessary data (i.e. image logs, minifrac tests and density logs) are available. The stress magnitudes determined indicate a predominantly strike-slip fault stress regime (SHmax > Sv > Shmin) at a depth of between 1 and 3 km in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins. However, some areas of the basin are transitional between strike-slip and reverse fault stress regimes (SHmax > Sv ≈ Shmin). Large differential stresses in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins indicate a high upper crustal strength for the region, consistent with other intraplate regions. We propose that the in situ stress field in the Cooper–Eromanga Basins is a direct result of the complex interaction of tectonic stresses from the convergent plate boundaries surrounding the Indo-Australian plate that are transmitted into the center of the plate through a high-strength upper crust.  相似文献   

To understand the generation mechanism of the Bam earthquake (Mw 6.6), we studied three-dimensional VP, VS and Poisson's ratio (σ) structures in the Bam area by using the seismic tomography method. We inverted accurate arrival times of 19490 P waves and 19015 S waves from 2396 aftershocks recorded by a temporal high-sensitivity seismic network. The 3-D velocity structure of the seismogenic region was well resolved to a depth of 14 km with significant velocity variations of up to 5%. The general pattern of aftershock distribution was relocated by using the 3-D structure to delineate a source fault for a length of approximately 20 km along a line 4.5 km west of the known geological Bam fault; this source fault dips steeply westward and strikes a nearly north–south line. The main shallow cluster of aftershocks south of the city of Bam is distributed just under the minor surface ruptures in the desert. The 3-D velocity structure shows a thick layer of high VS and low σ (minimum: 0.20) at a depth range of 2–6 km. The deeper layer, with a thickness of about 2 km, appears to have a low VS and high σ (maximum: 0.28) from 6 km depth beneath Bam to a depth of 9 km south of the city. The inferred increase of Poisson's ratio from 2 to 10 km in depth may be associated with a change from rigid and SiO2-rich rock to more mafic rock, including the probable existence of fluids. The main seismic gap of aftershock distribution at the depth range of 2 to 7 km coincides well with the large slip zone in the shallow thick layer of high VS and low σ. The large slip propagating mainly in the shallow rigid layer may be one of the main reasons why the Bam area suffered heavy damage.  相似文献   

The Vienna Basin Transfer Fault (VBTF) is a slow active fault with moderate seismicity (I max~8–9, M max~5.7) passing through the most vulnerable regions of Austria and Slovakia. We use different data to constrain the seismic potential of the VBTF including slip values computed from the seismic energy release during the 20th century, geological data on fault segmentation and a depth-extrapolated 3-D model of a generalized fault surface, which is used to define potential rupture zones. The seismic slip of the VBTF as a whole is in the range of 0.22–0.31 mm/year for a seismogenic fault thickness of 8 km. Seismic slip rates for individual segments vary from 0.00 to 0.77 mm/year. Comparing these data to geologically and GPS-derived slip velocities (>1 mm/year) proofs that the fault yields a significant seismic slip deficit. Segments of the fault with high seismic slip contrast from segments with no slip representing locked segments. Fault surfaces of segments within the seismogenic zone (4–14 km depth) vary from 55 to 400 km2. Empirical scaling relations show that these segments are sufficiently large to explain both, earthquakes observed in the last centuries, and the 4th century Carnuntum earthquake, for which archeo-seismological data suggest a magnitude of M ≥ 6. Based on the combination of all data (incomplete earthquake catalog, seismic slip deficits, locked segments, potential rupture areas, indications of strong pre-catalog earthquakes) we argue, that the maximum credible earthquake for the VBTF is in the range M max = 6.0–6.8, significantly larger than the magnitude of the strongest recorded events (M = 5.7).  相似文献   

Simple spectral theory of seismic sources was used to determine source parameters directly related to medium properties (stress drop, seismic efficiency and fracture energy) and quality factors of the Vrancea (Romania) seismic region. The results show an increase in maximum static stress drop, maximum seismic efficiency and fracture energy with depth. The seismic efficiency is magnitude independent, but the stress drop is magnitude independent only for events with ML > 3.8; below this value, the logarithm of stress drop increases quasi-linearly with magnitude. In the depth interval 50–160 km the stress drop increases with a slope of about 2–3 bar/km. The fracture energy per unit area of the fault has values of the order of 105–108 erg/cm2.The frequency independent quality factors indicate that the attenuation of P waves is generally higher than that of S waves and that Qp values are in agreement with recent tectonic models for the Vrancea region: total decoupling of the slab now sinking gravitationally is present only in the southwestern part of the Vrancea region, as suggested by the spatial position of intermediate depth hypocenters.  相似文献   

In the early morning hours on Wednesday November 08, 2006 at 04:32:10(GMT) a small earthquake of ML 4.1 has occurred at southeast Beni-Suef, approximately 160 km SEE of Cairo, northern Egypt. The quake has been felt as far as Cairo and its surroundings while no casualties were reported. The instrumental epicentre is located at 28.57°N and 31.55°E. Seismic moment is 1.76 E14 Nm, corresponding to a moment magnitude Mw 3.5. Following a Brune model, the source radius is 0.3 km with an average dislocation of 1.8 cm and a 2.4 MPa stress drop. The source mechanism from a first motion fault plane solution shows a left-lateral strike-slip mechanism with a minor dip-slip component along fault NNW striking at 161°, dipping 52° to the west and rake −5°. Trend and plunging of the maximum and minimum principle axes P/T are 125°, 28°, 21°, and 23°, respectively. A comparison with the mechanism of the October, 1999 event shows similarities in faulting type and orientation of nodal planes.Eight small earthquakes (3.0  ML < 5.0) were also recorded by the Egyptian National Seismological Network (ENSN) from the same region. We estimate the source parameters and fault mechanism solutions (FMS) for these earthquakes using displacement spectra and P-wave polarities, respectively. The obtained source parameters including seismic moments of 4.9 × 1012–5.04 × 1015 Nm, stress drops of 0.2–4.9 MPa and relative displacement of 0.1–9.1 cm. The azimuths of T-axes determined from FMS are oriented in NNE–SSW direction. This direction is consistent with the present-day stress field in Egypt and the last phase of stress field changes in the Late Pleistocene, as well as with recent GPS measurements.  相似文献   

176 vertical-component, short period observations from aftershocks of the Mw 7.7, 26 January, 2001 Kachchh earthquake are used to estimate seismic wave attenuation in western India using uniform and two layer models. The magnitudes (Mw) of the earthquakes are less than 4.5, with depths less than 46 km and hypocentral distances up to 110 km. The studied frequencies are between 1 and 30 Hz. Two seismic wave attenuation factors, intrinsic absorption (Qi− 1) and scattering attenuation (Qs− 1) are estimated using the Multiple Lapse Time Window method which compares time integrated seismic wave energies with synthetic coda wave envelopes for a multiple isotropic scattering model. We first assume spatial uniformity of Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and S wave velocity (β). A second approach extends the multiple scattering hypothesis to media consisting of several layers characterized by vertically varying scattering coefficient (g), intrinsic absorption strength (h), density of the media (ρ) and shear wave velocity structure. The predicted coda envelopes are computed using Monte Carlo simulation. Results show that, under the assumption of spatial uniformity, scattering attenuation is greater than intrinsic absorption only for the lowest frequency band (1 to 2 Hz), whereas intrinsic absorption is predominant in the attenuation process at higher frequencies (2 to 30 Hz). The values of Q obtained range from Qt = 118, Qi = 246 and Qs = 227 at 1.5 Hz to Qt ≈ 4000, Qi ≈ 4600 and Qs ≈ 33,300 at 28 Hz center frequencies, being Qt− 1 a measure of total attenuation. Results also show that Qi− 1, Qs− 1 and Qt− 1 decrease proportional to fν. Two rates of decay are clearly observed for the low (1 to 6 Hz) and high (6 to 30 Hz) frequency ranges. Values of ν are estimated as 2.07 ± 0.05 and 0.44 ± 0.09 for total attenuation, 1.52 ± 0.21 and 0.48 ± 0.09 for intrinsic absorption and 3.63 ± 0.07 and 0.06 ± 0.08 for scattering attenuation for the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. Despite the lower resolution in deriving the attenuation parameters for a two layered crust, we find that scattering attenuation is comparable to or smaller than the intrinsic absorption in the crust whereas intrinsic absorption dominates in the mantle. Also, for a crustal layer of thickness 42 km, intrinsic absorption and scattering estimates in the crust are lower and greater than those of the mantle, respectively.  相似文献   

We revised an equation for estimating palaeostress magnitude using the microboudin technique by incorporating the influence of time on the fracture strength of minerals. The equation was used to estimate triaxial palaeostresses from a rare sample of metachert from Turkey that contains microboudinaged, columnar tourmaline grains in a wide range of orientations within the foliation plane. The estimated principal palaeostresses are σ1 = 605 MPa, σ2 = 598 MPa, and σ3 = 597 MPa. As the microboudinage is considered to have occurred immediately before the rock encountered the brittle-plastic transition during exhumation, these stress values correspond to conditions at approximately 18 km depth and 300 °C within a Cretaceous orogenic belt.  相似文献   

Southern Italy is dominated by extensional tectonics that in the Calabrian arc and Eastern Sicily produced the development of the Siculo–Calabrian Rift Zone (SCRZ). This zone is represented by a ≈ 370 km-long fault belt consisting of 10 to 50 km long distinct fault segments which extend both offshore and on land being also responsible of the crustal seismicity of this region. The geological and morphological observations indicate that the active normal faults of the SCRZ are characterized by throw-rates ranging from 0.7 to 3.1 mm/a. They accommodate an almost uniform horizontal extension-rate of about 3.0 mm/a along a WNW–ESE regional extension direction. Based on our field observations and following empirical relationships between magnitude and surface rupture length connections between large crustal earthquakes and distinct fault segments of the SCRZ have been also tentatively tested. Our data indicate moreover that the magnitudes (M) of the historical and instrumental earthquakes are consistent with the estimated values and that the geometry and kinematics of the fault segments and the related different crustal features of the SCRZ control the different seismic behaviours of adjacent portions of the active rift zone.  相似文献   

The Pyramid Lake fault zone is within the Honey Lake—Walker Lake segment of the Walker Lane, a NW-trending zone of right-slip transcurrent faulting, which extends for more than 600 km from Las Vegas, Nevada, to beyond Honey Lake, California. Multiscale, multiformat analysis of Landsat imagery and large-scale (1: 12,000) lowsun angle aerial photography, delineated both regional and site-specific evidence for faults in Late Cenozoic sedimentary deposits southwest of Pyramid Lake. The fault zone is coincident with a portion of a distinct NW-trending topographic discontinuity on the Landsat mosaic of Nevada. The zone exhibits numerous geomorphic features characteristic of strike-slip fault zones, including: recent scarps, offset stream channels, linear gullies, elongate troughs and depressions, sag ponds, vegetation alignments, transcurrent buckles, and rhombohedral and wedge-shaped enclosed depressions. These features are conspicuously developed in Late Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentary deposits and landforms.The Pyramid Lake shear zone has a maximum observable width of 5 km, defined by Riedel and conjugate Riedel shears with maximum observable lenghts of 10 and 3 km, respectively. P-shears have formed symmetrical to the Riedel shears and the principal displacement shears, or continuous horizontal shears, isolate elongate lenses of essentially passive material; most of the shears are inclined at an angle of approximately 4° to the principal direction of displacement. This suggests that the shear zone is in an early “PreResidual Structure” stage of evolution, with the principal deformation mechanism of direct shear replacing the kinematic restraints inherent in the strain field.Historic seismic activity includes microseismic events and may include the earthquake of about 1850 reported for the Pyramid Lake area with an estimated Richter magnitude of 7.0. Based on worldwide relations of earthquake magnitude to length of the zone of surface rupture, the Pyramid Lake fault zone is inferred to be capable of generating a 7.0–7.5-magnitude event for a maximum observable length of approximately 6 km and a 6.75–7.25-magnitude event for a half length of approximately 30 km.  相似文献   

We analyzed the short period Rayleigh waves from the first crustal-scale seismic refraction experiment in the Korean peninsula, KCRUST2002, to determine the shear wave velocity and attenuation structure of the uppermost 1 km of the crust in different tectonic zones of the Korean peninsula and to examine if this can be related to the surface geology of the study area. The experiment was conducted with two large explosive sources along a 300-km long profile in 2002. The seismic traces, recorded on 170 vertical-component, 2-Hz portable seismometers, show distinct Rayleigh waves in the period range between 0.2 s and 1.2 s, which are easily recognizable up to 30–60 km from the sources. The seismic profiles, which traverse three tectonic regions (Gyeonggi massif, Okcheon fold belt and Yeongnam massif), were divided into five subsections based on tectonic boundaries as well as lithology. Group and phase velocities for the five subsections obtained by a continuous wavelet transform method and a slant stack method, respectively, were inverted for the shear wave models. We obtained shear wave velocity models up to a depth of 1.0 km. Overall, the shear wave velocity of the Okcheon fold belt is lower than that of the Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs by  0.4 km/s in the shallowmost 0.2 km and by 0.2 km/s at depths below 0.2 km. Attenuation coefficients, determined from the decay of the fundamental mode Rayleigh waves, were used to obtain the shear wave attenuation structures for three subsections (one for each of the three different tectonic regions). We obtained an average value of Qβ− 1 in the upper 0.5 km for each subsection. Qβ− 1 for the Okcheon fold belt ( 0.026) is approximately three times larger than Qβ− 1 for the massif areas ( 0.008). The low shear wave velocity in the Okcheon fold belt is consistent with the high attenuation in this region.  相似文献   

The 2002 earthquake sequence of October 31 and November 1 (main shocks Mw = 5.7) struck an area of the Molise region in Southern Italy. In this paper we analyzed the co-seismic deformation related to the Molise seismic sequence, inferred from GPS data collected before and after the earthquake, that ruptured a rather deep portion of crust releasing a moderate amount of seismic energy with no surface rupture. The GPS data have been reduced using two different processing strategies and softwares (Bernese and GIPSY) to have an increased control over the result accuracy, since the expected surface displacements induced by the Molise earthquake are in the order of the GPS reliability. The surface deformations obtained from the two approaches are statistically equivalent and show a displacement field consistent with the expected deformation mechanism and with no rupture at the surface. In order to relate this observation with the seismic source, an elastic modeling of fault dislocation rupture has been performed using seismological parameters as constraints to the model input and comparing calculated surface displacements with the observed ones. The sum of the seismic moments (8.9 × 1017 Nm) of the two main events have been used as a constraint for the size and amount of slip on the model fault while its geometry has been constrained using the focal mechanisms and aftershocks locations. Since the two main shocks exhibit the same fault parameters (strike of the plane, dip and co-seismic slip), we modelled a single square fault, size of 15 km × 15 km, assumed to accommodate the whole rupture of both events of the seismic sequence. A vertical E–W trending fault (strike = 266°) has been modeled, with a horizontal slip of 120 mm. Sensitivity tests have been performed to infer the slip distribution at depth. The comparison between GPS observations and displacement vectors predicted by the dislocation model is consistent with a source fault placed between 5 and 20 km of depth with a constant pure right-lateral strike-slip in agreement with fault slip distribution analyses using seismological information. The GPS strain field obtained doesn't require a geodetic moment release larger than the one inferred from the seismological information ruling out significant post-seismic deformation or geodetic deformation released at frequencies not detectable by seismic instruments. The Molise sequence has a critical seismotectonic significance because it occurred in an area where no historical seismicity or seismogenic faults are reported. The focal location of the sequence and the strike-slip kinematics of main shocks allow to distinguish it from the shallower and extensional seismicity of the southern Apennines being more likely related to the decoupling of the southern Adriatic block from the northern one.  相似文献   

Present-day stress orientations in the Northern Perth Basin have been inferred from borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures observed on image logs from eight wells. Stress indicators from these wells give an east – west maximum horizontal stress orientation, consistent with stress-field modelling of the Indo-Australian Plate. Previous interpretations using dipmeter logs indicated anomalous north-directed maximum horizontal stress orientations. However, higher-quality image logs indicate a consistent maximum horizontal stress orientation, perpendicular to dominant north – south and northwest – southeast fault trends in the basin. Vertical stress was calculated from density logs at 21.5 MPa at 1 km depth. Minimum horizontal stress values, estimated from leak-off tests, range from 7.4 MPa at 0.4 km to 21.0 MPa at 0.8 km depth: the greatest values are in excess of the vertical stress. The maximum horizontal stress magnitude was constrained using the relationship between the minimum and maximum horizontal stresses; it ranges from 8.7 MPa at 0.4 km to 21.3 MPa at 1 km depth. These stress magnitudes and evidence of neotectonic reverse faulting indicate a transitional reverse fault to strike-slip fault-stress regime. Two natural fracture sets were interpreted from image logs: (i) a north- to northwest-striking set; and (ii) an east-striking set. The first set is parallel to adjacent north- to northwest-striking faults in the Northern Perth Basin. Several east-striking faults are evident in seismic data, and wells adjacent to east-striking faults exhibit the second east-striking set. Hence, natural fractures are subparallel to seismically resolved faults. Fractures optimally oriented to be critically stressed in the present-day stress regime were probably the cause of fluid losses during drilling. Pre-existing north- to northwest -striking faults that dip moderately have potential for reactivation within the present-day stress regime. Faults that strike north to northwest and have subvertical dips will not reactivate. The east-striking faults and fractures are not critically stressed for reactivation in the Northern Perth Basin.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main recent results obtained by the seismological and geophysical monitoring arrays in operation in the rift of Corinth, Greece. The Corinth Rift Laboratory (CRL) is set up near the western end of the rift, where instrumental seismicity and strain rate is highest. The seismicity is clustered between 5 and 10 km, defining an active layer, gently dipping north, on which the main normal faults, mostly dipping north, are rooting. It may be interpreted as a detachment zone, possibly related to the Phyllade thrust nappe. Young, active normal faults connecting the Aigion to the Psathopyrgos faults seem to control the spatial distribution of the microseismicity. This seismic activity is interpreted as a seismic creep from GPS measurements, which shows evidence for fast continuous slip on the deepest part on the detachment zone. Offshore, either the shallowest part of the faults is creeping, or the strain is relaxed in the shallow sediments, as inferred from the large NS strain gradient reported by GPS. The predicted subsidence of the central part of the rift is well fitted by the new continuous GPS measurements. The location of shallow earthquakes (between 5 and 3.5 km in depth) recorded on the on-shore Helike and Aigion faults are compatible with 50° and 60° mean dip angles, respectively. The offshore faults also show indirect evidence for high dip angles. This strongly differs from the low dip values reported for active faults more to the east of the rift, suggesting a significant structural or rheological change, possibly related to the hypothetical presence of the Phyllade nappe. Large seismic swarms, lasting weeks to months, seem to activate recent synrift as well as pre-rift faults. Most of the faults of the investigated area are in their latest part of cycle, so that the probability of at least one moderate to large earthquake (M = 6 to 6.7) is very high within a few decades. Furthermore, the region west to Aigion is likely to be in an accelerated state of extension, possibly 2 to 3 times its mean interseismic value. High resolution strain measurement, with a borehole dilatometer and long base hydrostatic tiltmeters, started end of 2002. A transient strain has been recorded by the dilatometer, lasting one hour, coincident with a local magnitude 3.7 earthquake. It is most probably associated with a slow slip event of magnitude around 5 ± 0.5. The pore pressure data from the 1 km deep AIG10 borehole, crossing the Aigion fault at depth, shows a 1 MPa overpressure and a large sensitivity to crustal strain changes.  相似文献   

A large rock and ice avalanche occurred on the north face of Mount Steele, southwest Yukon Territory, Canada, on July 24, 2007. In the days and weeks preceding the landslide, several smaller avalanches initiated from the same slope. The ice and rock debris traveled a maximum horizontal distance 5.76 km with a maximum vertical descent of 2,160 m, leaving a deposit 3.66 km2 in area on Steele Glacier. The seismic magnitude estimated from long-period surface waves (M s) is 5.2. Modeling of the waveforms suggests an estimated duration of approximately 100 s and an average velocity of between 35 and 65 m/s. This landslide is one of 18 large rock avalanches known to have occurred since 1899 on slopes adjacent to glaciers in western Canada. We describe the setting, reconstruct the event chronology and present a preliminary characterization of the Mount Steele ice and rock avalanches based on field reconnaissance, analysis of seismic records and an airborne LiDAR survey. We also present the results of a successful dynamic simulation for the July 24 event.  相似文献   

The Olinghouse fault zone is one of several NE—ENE-trending fault zones and lineaments, including the Midas Trench and the Carson—Carson Sink Lineament, which exhibit left-lateral transcurrent movement conjugate to the Walker Lane in western Nevada. The active portion of this fault zone extends for approximately 23 km, from 16 km east of Reno, Nevada, to the southern extent of Pyramid Lake. The fault can be traced for most of its length from its geomorphic expression in the hilly terrain, and it is hidden only where overlain by recent alluvial sediments. Numerous features characteristic of strike-slip faulting can be observed along the fault, including: scarps, vegetation lines, sidehill and shutter ridges, sag ponds, offset stream channels and stone stripes, enclosed rhombohedral and wedge-shaped depressions, and en-echelon fractures.A shear zone having a maximum observable width of 1.3 km is defined principally by Riedel shears and their symmetrical P-shears, with secondary definition by deformed conjugate Riedel shears. Several continuous horizontal shears, or principal displacement shears, occupy the axial portion of the shear zone. The existence of P-shears and principal displacement shears suggests evolution of movement along the fault zone analogous to the “Post-Peak” or “Pre-Residual Structure” stage.Historic activity (1869) has established the seismic potential of this zone. Maximum intensities and plots of the isoseismals indicate the 1869 Olinghouse earthquake had a magnitude of 6.7. Field study indicates the active length of the fault zone is at least 23 km and the maximum 1869 displacement was 3.65 m of left-slip. From maximum fault length and maximum fault displacement to earthquake magnitude relations, this corresponds to an earthquake of about magnitude 7.  相似文献   

Internally consistent thermodynamic computation of equilibria in the FeO-MgO-SiO2 system up to 300 kbar is carried out and phase diagrams and profiles of the elastic properties and density are constructed at the depths of 300–800 km. Comparisons of calculated thermodynamic properties for different petrological models with seismic velocity profiles have been used to constrain the mineralogy of the mantle discontinuities. The 400-km discontinuity may represent the univariant or divariant transition in the olivine component of pyrolite as well as a chemical boundary. For the pyrolite composition at the depth of 650 km there are two different spinel + perovskite + stishovite (640 km) and magnesiowustite + spinel + perovskite (650 km) divariant loops (1–2 km wide) separated by a Invariant zone spinel + perovskite (4–6 km wide). The results indicate that phase changes in pyrolite do not explain the 650-km discontinuity. It is also shown that it is impossible to match the seismic properties observed at the depths of 600–800 km and through the discontinuity with any isochemical petrological model considered in the FMS system. However, increasing the iron content or silica and iron contents across the 650-km discontinuity can produce thermodynamic properties in the lower mantle that are more consistent with those inferred from seismic observations. Constraints on the SiO2 and iron contents in the mantle are inferred from the comparison of thermodynamic and seismological data.  相似文献   

Deciphering the internal structure of large fault zones is fundamental if a proper understanding is to be gained of their mechanical, hydrological and seismological properties. To this end, new detailed mapping and microstructural observations of the excellently exposed Carboneras fault zone in southeastern Spain have been used to elucidate both the internal arrangement of fault products and their likely mechanical properties. The fault is a 40 km offset strike-slip fault, which constitutes part of the Africa–Iberia plate boundary. The zone of faulting is 1 km in width not including the associated damage zone surrounding the fault. It is composed of continuous strands of phyllosilicate-rich fault gouge that bound lenses of variably broken-up protolith. This arrangement provides a number of fluid flow and fluid sealing possibilities within the fault zone. The gouge strands exhibit distributed deformation and are inferred to have strain hardening and/or velocity hardening characteristics. Also included in the fault zone are blocks of dolomite that contain thin (<1 cm thick) fault planes inferred to have been produced by strain weakening/velocity weakening behaviour. These fault planes have a predominantly R1 Riedel shear orientation and are arranged in an en echelon pattern. A conceptual model of this type of wide fault zone is proposed which contrasts with previous narrow fault zone models. The observed structural and inferred mechanical characteristics of the Carboneras fault zone are compared to seismological observations of the San Andreas fault around Parkfield, CA. Similarities suggest that the Carboneras fault structure may be a useful analogue for this portion of the San Andreas fault at depth.  相似文献   

Seismic attenuation of coda waves in the eastern region of Cuba   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cuba's seismic attenuation had never been studied in detail. In this paper we present the results of the research on the seismic attenuation of Cuba's eastern zone based upon the information collected by the seismological Cuban network from 1998 to 2003. 581 earthquakes were selected from the Cuban catalogue to make this study. All of them, recorded by at least three seismic stations, had their epicenters located in the eastern Cuban region (19.3–22 N, 79–73 W), epicentral distances between 15 km and 213 km, their coda duration magnitudes ranging from 2 and 4.1 and their focal depths reaching up to 30 km. The seismic wave attenuation was studied using coda waves. The single scattering method proposed by Sato in 1977 was applied, the attenuation and frequency dependency for different paths and the correlation of the results with the geotectonics of the region are presented in this paper.The mean Qc value calculated was Qc = (64 ± 2)f0.84 ± 0.01. The relatively low Q0 and the high frequency dependency agree with the values of a region characterized by a high tectonic activity. The Qc values of seven subregions of eastern Cuba were calculated and correlated with the geology and tectonics of the area.  相似文献   

A large earthquake of magnitude MW = 6.3 occurred on 14 August 2003 NW of the Lefkada Island, which is situated at the Ionian Sea (western Greece). The source parameters of this event are determined using body-wave modeling. The focal depth was found equal to 9 km, the constrained focal mechanism revealed dextral strike–slip motion (φ = 15°, Δ = 80° and λ = 170°), the duration of the source time function was 8 s and the seismic moment 2.9 × 1025 dyn cm. The earthquake occurred close to the northern end of the Kefallinia transform fault, where the 1994 moderate event and its aftershock sequence were also located. The epicentral distribution of the 2003 aftershock sequence revealed the existence of two clusters. The first one is located close to the epicentral area of the mainshock, while the second southern, close to the northwestern coast of the Kefallinia Island. A gap of seismicity is observed between the two clusters. The length of the activated zone is approximately 60 km. The analysis of data revealed that the northern cluster is directly related to the mainshock, while the southern one was triggered by stress transfer caused by the main event.  相似文献   

Deformation models used to explain the triggering mechanism often assume pure elastic behaviour for the crust and upper mantle. In reality however, the mantle and possibly the lower crust behave viscoelastically, particularly over longer time scales. Consequently, the stress field of an earthquake is in general time-dependent. In addition, if the elastic stress increase were enough to trigger a later earthquake, this triggered event should occur instantaneously and not many years after the triggering event. Hence, it is appropriate to include inelastic behaviour when analysing stress transfer and earthquake interaction.In this work, we analyse a sequence of 10 magnitude Ms > 6.5 events along the North Anatolian Fault between 1939 and 1999 to study the evolution of the regional Coulomb stress field. We investigate the triggering of these events by stress transfer, taking viscoelastic relaxation into account. We evaluate the contribution of elastic stress changes, of post-seismic viscoelastic relaxation in the lower crust and mantle, and of steady tectonic loading to the total Coulomb stress field. We analyse the evolution of stress in the region under study, as well as on the rupture surfaces of the considered events and their epicentres. We study the state of the Coulomb stress field before the 1999 İzmit and Düzce earthquakes, as well as in the Marmara Sea region.In general, the Coulomb stress failure criterion offers a plausible explanation for the location of these events. However, we show that using a purely elastic model disregards an important part of the actual stress increase/decrease. In several cases, post-seismic relaxation effects are important and greater in magnitude than the stress changes due to steady tectonic loading. Consequently, viscoelastic relaxation should be considered in any study dealing with Coulomb stress changes.According to our study, and assuming that an important part of the rupture surface must be stressed for an earthquake to occur, the most likely value for the viscosity of the lower crust or mantle in this region is 5 · 1017–1018 Pa · s. Our results cannot rule out the possibility of other time-dependent processes involved in the triggering of the 1999 Düzce event. However, the stress increase due to viscoelastic relaxation brought 22% of the 1999 Düzce rupture area over the threshold value of Δσc ≥ 0.01 MPa (0.1 bar), and took the whole surface closer to failure by an average of 0.2 MPa. Finally, we argue that the Marmara Sea region is currently being loaded with positive Coulomb stresses at a much faster rate than would arise exclusively from steady tectonic loading on the North Anatolian Fault.  相似文献   

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