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中国均一化日平均温、最高温和最低温序列1960-2008   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Inhomogeneities in the daily mean/maximum/ minimum temperature (Tm/Tmax/Tmin) series from 1960- 2008 at 549 National Standard Stations (NSSs) in China were analyzed by using the Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization (MASH) software package. Typical biases in the dataset were illustrated via the cases of Beijing (B J), Wutaishan (WT), Urumqi (UR) and Henan (HN) stations. The homogenized dataset shows a mean warming trend of 0.261/0.193/0.344℃/decade for the annual series of Tm/Tmax/Tmin, slightly smaller than that of the original dataset by 0.006/0.009/0.007℃/decade. However, considerable differences between the adjusted and original datasets were found at the local scale. The adjusted Tmin series shows a significant warming trend almost everywhere for all seasons, while there are a number of stations with an insignificant trend in the original dataset. The adjusted Tm data exhibit significant warming trends annually as well as for the autumn and winter seasons in northern China, and cooling trends only for the summer in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and parts of central China and for the spring in southwestern China, while the original data show cooling trends at several stations for the annual and seasonal scales in the Qinghai, Shanxi, Hebei, and Xinjiang provinces. The adjusted Tmax data exhibit cooling trends for summers at a number of stations in the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers and for springs and winters at a few stations in southwestern China, while the original data show cooling trends at three/four stations for the annual/autumn periods in the Qinghai and Yunnan provinces. In general, the number of stations with a cooling trend was much smaller in the adjusted Tm and Tmax dataset than in the original dataset. The cooling trend for summers is mainly due to cooling in August. The results of homogenization using MASH appear to be robust; in particular, different groups of stations with consideration of elevation led to minor effects i  相似文献   

Land surface temperature(LST) is one of the most important factors in the land-atmosphere interaction process. Raw measured LSTs may contain biases due to instrument replacement, changes in recording procedures, and other non-climatic factors. This study attempts to reduce the above biases in raw daily measurements and achieves a homogenized daily LST dataset over China using 2360 stations from 1960 through 2017. The high-quality land surface air temperature(LSAT)dataset is used to correct the LST warming biases especially evident during cold months in regions north of 40°N due to the replacement of observation instruments around 2004. Subsequently, the Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization(MASH) method is adopted to detect and then adjust the daily observed LST records. In total, 3.68 × 103 effective breakpoints in 1.65 × 106 monthly records(about 20%) are detected. A large number of these effective breakpoints are located over large parts of the Sichuan Basin and southern China. After the MASH procedure, LSTs at more than 80% of the breakpoints are adjusted within +/– 0.5°C, and of the remaining breakpoints, only 10% are adjusted over 1.5°C.Compared to the raw LST dataset over the whole domain, the homogenization significantly reduces the mean LST magnitude and its interannual variability as well as its linear trend at most stations. Finally, we perform preliminary analysis upon the homogenized LST and find that the annual mean LST averaged across China shows a significant warming trend [0.22°C(10 yr)–1]. The homogenized LST dataset can be further adapted for a variety of applications(e.g.,model evaluation and extreme event characterization).  相似文献   

A set of homogenized monthly mean surface air temperature(SAT) series at 32 stations in China back to the 19 th century had previously been developed based on the RHtest method by Cao et al.,but some inhomogeneities remained in the dataset.The present study produces a further-adjusted and updated dataset based on the Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization(MASH) method.The MASH procedure detects 33 monthly temperature records as erroneous outliers and152 meaningful break points in the monthly SAT series since 1924 at 28 stations.The inhomogeneous parts are then adjusted relative to the latest homogeneous part of the series.The new data show significant warming trends during 1924–2016 at all the stations,ranging from 0.48 to 3.57?C(100 yr)~(-1),with a regional mean trend of 1.65?C(100 yr)~(-1);whereas,the previous results ranged from a slight cooling at two stations to considerable warming,up to 4.5?C(100 yr)~(-1).It is suggested that the further-adjusted data are a better representation of the large-scale pattern of climate change in the region for the past century.  相似文献   

利用多模式对中国气温序列中不连续点的检测   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
发展了一种对元数据依赖程度较小的气候序列均一化思路,在缺乏元数据的基础上,采取3种不同的方法,对中国东南部地区年平均最高、最低气温序列进行了均一性检验;并对其中不连续的气温序列进行了订正.对比表明,订正后序列较订正前更为合理.在检验过程中发现,对于最低气温检验可以明显得出比最高气温更多的不连续点.为了进一步认识这个问题,对此进行了进一步分析,认为最低温度对变化更为敏感主要是由于其物理特征:最低温度一般出现在夜间,夜间大气较为稳定,因此一些变化(如仪器,迁站)可能引起明显的不连续现象,而最高气温往往出现在白天,因此大气混合比较充分,空间的均一性要明显强于最低温度.另外,热岛现象、台站密度等因素均是影响气温序列均一化的因素.  相似文献   

Using radiosonde temperatures of 92 selected stations in China,the uncertainties in homogenization processes caused by different reference series,including nighttime temperature,the NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) and ERA-40 (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) forecasting background,are examined via a two-phase regression approach.Although the results showed limited consistency in the temporal and spatial distribution of identified break points (BPs) in the context of metadata events of instrument model change and correction method,significant uncertainties still existed in BP identification,adjustment,and impact on the estimated trend.Reanalysis reference series generally led to more BP identification in homogenization.However,those differences were parts of global climatic shifts,which may have confused the BP calculations.Discontinuities also existed in the reanalysis series due to changes in the satellite input.The adjustment values deduced from the reanalysis series ranged widely and were larger than those from the nighttime series and,therefore,impacted the estimated temperature trend.  相似文献   


Trends in indices based on daily temperature and precipitation are examined for two periods: 1948–2016 for all stations in Canada and 1900–2016 for stations in the south of Canada. These indices, a number of which reflect extreme events, are considered to be impact relevant. The results show changes consistent with warming, with larger trends associated with cold temperatures. The number of summer days (when daily maximum temperature >25°C) has increased at most locations south of 65°N, and the number of hot days (daily maximum temperature >30°C) and hot nights (daily minimum temperature >22°C) have increased at a few stations in the most southerly regions. Very warm temperatures in both summer and winter (represented by the 95th percentile of their daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively) have increased across the country, with stronger trends in winter. Warming is more pronounced for cold temperatures. The frost-free season has become longer with fewer frost days, consecutive frost days, and ice days. Very cold temperatures in both winter and summer (represented by the 5th percentile of their daily maximum and minimum temperatures, respectively) have increased substantially across the country, again with stronger trends in the winter. Changes in other temperature indices are consistent with warming. The growing season is now longer, and the number of growing degree-days has increased. The number of heating degree-days has decreased across the country, while the number of cooling degree-days has increased at many stations south of 55°N. The frequency of annual and spring freeze–thaw days shows an increase in the interior provinces and a decrease in the remainder of the country. Changes in precipitation indices are less spatially coherent. An increase in the number of days with rainfall and heavy rainfall is found at several locations in the south. A decrease in the number of days with snowfall and heavy snowfall is observed in the western provinces, while an increase is found in the north. There is no evidence of significant changes in the annual highest 1-day rainfall and 1-day snowfall. The maximum number of consecutive dry days has decreased, mainly in the south.  相似文献   

基于多源的气温月值资料,在数据整合和初步质量控制基础上,同时采用标准化序列法和多元线性回归法对河北保定气象站1913-2014 年月平均气温、最高气温和最低气温资料进行了插补。通过交叉检验法分析发现,标准化序列法插补得到的气温序列效果较好,并且气候统计特征与同区域周边站的研究结果更具一致性。利用惩罚最大F 检验(PMF)对插补后序列的均一性进行了检验,结果表明:通过插补得到的保定站百年气温月值序列的均一性相对较好,仅月平均最低气温序列存在2 个显著间断点,分别由同类型仪器的更换和台站迁移导致,研究中采用分位数匹配(QM)对其进行了订正,建立了保定站百年气温月值序列。通过与邻近单站及我国中东部区域均一化百年气温序列的综合对比显示,本文建立的保定站百年气温月值序列与邻近单站的相关性基本达到0.8 以上;从增暖趋势来看,保定站与中东部区域平均序列分别达0.121 ℃/10a、0.204 ℃/10a,基本在同一量级内:这一定程度上说明建立的保定站百年气温序列相对合理。  相似文献   

 利用塔里木盆地周边27个气象站1961-2006年逐月平均气温和塔中气象站1999-2006年逐月平均气温资料,同时选取1961-2006年NCEP/NCAR 2.5°×2.5°经纬度距地表2 m的月平均气温再分析格点资料,分别用逐步回归分析、EOF分解和NCEP资料3种方法对塔中气象站1961-1998年历年逐月平均气温序列进行了恢复与重建,分析了误差,并与周边气象站的变化特征进行对比。结果表明,逐步回归和EOF法都能够作为重建塔中逐月平均气温的方法,但相对而言,逐步回归法重建的序列误差更小,平均拟合绝对误差为0.3℃,最大绝对误差为1.9℃。而NCEP/NCAR资料由于冬季存在明显的系统性误差,数值显著偏高,不能用于塔中气温序列的重建。  相似文献   

中国近百年温度序列   总被引:173,自引:4,他引:173       下载免费PDF全文
我们收集了711个站近3×105个数据的温度记录,将全国分成10个区,先计算出每个区的平均温度序列,最后得到近百年的全国温度序列。进而,讨论了全国温度序列的气候变化,结果指出中国近百年温度变化与北半球的变化很相似,都有两个增暖时段即40年代和80年代的增温。北半球平均温度80年代要比40年代高,而中国平均温度80年代要比40年代低。  相似文献   

湖北省城市热岛强度变化对区域气温序列的影响   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
计算湖北省71个气象站1961~2000年间四季、年平均、最低、最高气温倾向率,绘制其等值线分布图,设计并求取武汉站相对郊区代表站、全省的城市代表站、基本和基准站相对乡村代表站的热岛增温速率和贡献率.结果表明:1)40年来气温倾向率多为正,即呈增温趋势,但时空分布不均,冬季最低气温增速大,夏季最高气温增速小甚至降温,非对称性变化明显,几乎所有情况后20年增温加剧;2)武汉站、全省城市代表站热岛效应影响存在着显著的随时间增大趋势,武汉年平均、最低、最高气温的热岛增温速率分别为0.2、0.37、0℃/10 a,贡献率分别为64.5%、67.3%、0%,而全省城市代表站年3项气温的热岛增温速率略小,贡献率则可达75%以上,有些情况可达100%,且时间差异、非对称性特征与武汉较一致;3)近40年来全省基本和基准站热岛增温贡献率可达60%以上,近20年来还有50%左右.因此,目前根据国家基本、基准站资料建立的温度序列严重地保留着城市化影响.  相似文献   

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