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A combination of the optimal subset regression (OSR) approach, the coupled general circulation model of the National Climate Center (NCC-CGCM) and precipitation observations from 160 stations over China is used to construct a statistical downscaling forecast model for precipitation in summer. Retroactive forecasts are performed to assess the skill of statistical downscaling during the period from 2003 to 2009. The results show a poor simulation for summer precipitation by the NCC- CGCM for China, and the average spatial anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) is 0.01 in the forecast period. The forecast skill can be improved by OSR statistical downscaling, and the OSR forecast performs better than the NCC-CGCM in most years except 2003. The spatial ACC is more than 0.2 in the years 2008 and 2009, which proves to be relatively skillful. Moreover, the statistical downscaling forecast performs relatively well for the main rain belt of the summer precipitation in some years, including 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2009. However, the forecast skill of statistical downscaling is restricted to some extent by the relatively low skill of the NCC- CGCM.  相似文献   

A statistical regression downscaling method was used to project future changes in precipitation over eastern China based on Phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIPS) the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios simulated by the second spectral version of the Flexible Global Ocean- Atmosphere-Land System (FGOALS-s2) model. Our val- idation results show that the downscaled time series agree well with the present observed precipitation in terms of both the annual mean and the seasonal cycle. The regres- sion models built from the historical data are then used to generate future projections. The results show that the en- hanced land-sea thermal contrast strengthens both the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific and the east Asian summer monsoon flow under both RCPs. However, the trend of precipitation in response to warming over the 21 st century are different across eastern Chi- na under different RCPs. The area to the north of 32°N is likely to experience an increase in annual mean precipitation, while for the area between 23°N and 32°N mean precipitation is projected to decrease slightly over this century under RCP8.5. The change difference between scenarios mainly exists in the middle and late century. The land-sea thermal contrast and the associated east Asian summer monsoon flow are stronger, such that precipitation increases more, at higher latitudes under RCP8.5 compared to under RCP4.5. For the region south of 32°N, rainfall is projected to increase slightly under RCP4.5 but decrease under RCP8.5 in the late century. At the high resolution of 5 km, our statistically downscaled results for projected precipitation can be used to force hydrological models to project hydrological processes, which will be of great benefit to regional water planning and management.  相似文献   

基于DERF的SD方法预测月降水和极端降水日数   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对动力气候模式对区域或更小空间尺度内的日降水预测技巧偏低的问题,应用最优子集回归 (OSR) 方法对国家气候中心业务化的月动力气候模式 (DERF) 输出的高度场、风场和海平面气压场进行降尺度处理用于降水预测,旨在提高预测准确率。1982—2006年交叉检验结果表明:OSR方法能显著提高降水预测技巧,其中11~40 d改善效果最为显著。在此基础上,应用一步法和两步法两种统计降尺度方法预测极端降水日数,交叉检验结果表明:两种方法均优于随机预测,冬季两步法预测技巧略高于一步法,夏季一步法略优于两步法。综合认为OSR,OSR结合随机天气发生器 (WG) 两种统计降尺度方法对月尺度降水或极端降水日数的预测均具有较高的技巧,可作为短期气候预测的重要参考信息。  相似文献   

A statistical downscaling approach based on multiple-linear-regression (MLR) for the prediction of summer precipitation anomaly in southeastern China was established, which was based on the outputs of seven operational dynamical models of Development of a European Multi-model Ensemble System for Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (DEMETER) and observed data. It was found that the anomaly correlation coefficients (ACCs) spatial pattern of June-July-August (JJA) precipitation over southeastern China between the seven models and the observation were increased significantly; especially in the central and the northeastern areas, the ACCs were all larger than 0.42 (above 95% level) and 0.53 (above 99% level). Meanwhile, the root-mean-square errors (RMSE) were reduced in each model along with the multi-model ensemble (MME) for some of the stations in the northeastern area; additionally, the value of RMSE difference between before and after downscaling at some stations were larger than 1 mm d-1. Regionally averaged JJA rainfall anomaly temporal series of the downscaling scheme can capture the main characteristics of observation, while the correlation coefficients (CCs) between the temporal variations of the observation and downscaling results varied from 0.52 to 0.69 with corresponding variations from -0.27 to 0.22 for CCs between the observation and outputs of the models.  相似文献   

利用CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)数据集中的全球模式IPSL-CM5A-LR及其嵌套的区域气候模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting),分别评估了模式对1981~2000中国华东区域极端降水指标的模拟能力,并讨论了RCP8.5排放情景下21世纪中期(2041~2060年)中国华东极端降水指标的变化特征。相比驱动场全球气候模式,WRF模式更好地再现了各个极端指数空间分布及各子区域降水年周期变化。在模拟区域气候特点方面,WRF模拟结果有所改进,并在弥补全球模式对小雨日过多模拟的缺陷起到了明显的作用。21世纪中期,华东区域的降水将呈现明显的极端化趋势。WRF模拟结果显示年总降雨量、年大雨日数、平均日降雨强度在华东大部分区域的增幅在20%以上;年极端降雨天数、连续5 d最大降水量的增幅在华东北部部分区域分别超过了50%和35%,同时最长续干旱日在华东区域全面增加;且变化显著的格点主要位于增加幅度较大的区域。未来华东区域会出现强降水事件和干旱事件同时增加的情况,降水呈现明显的极端化趋势,且华东北部极端化强于华东南部。  相似文献   

An effective statistical downscaling scheme was developed on the basis of singular value decomposition to predict boreal winter(December-January-February)precipitation over China.The variable geopotential height at 500 hPa(GH5)over East Asia,which was obtained from National Centers for Environmental Prediction’s Coupled Forecast System(NCEP CFS),was used as one predictor for the scheme.The preceding sea ice concentration(SIC)signal obtained from observed data over high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere was chosen as an additional predictor.This downscaling scheme showed significantly improvement in predictability over the original CFS general circulation model(GCM)output in cross validation.The multi-year average spatial anomaly correlation coefficient increased from–0.03 to 0.31,and the downscaling temporal root-mean-square-error(RMSE)decreased significantly over that of the original CFS GCM for most China stations.Furthermore,large precipitation anomaly centers were reproduced with greater accuracy in the downscaling scheme than those in the original CFS GCM,and the anomaly correlation coefficient between the observation and downscaling results reached~0.6 in the winter of 2008.  相似文献   

现阶段的动力气候模式尚不能满足东亚区域气候预测的实际需求,这就需要动力和统计相结合的方法,将动力模式中具有较高预测技巧的大尺度环流信息应用到降水等气象要素的统计预测模型当中,以改善后者预测效果。本文中所介绍的组合统计降尺度模型,可将动力气候模式预测的大尺度环流变量和前期观测的外强迫信号作为预测因子来预测中国夏季降水异常。交叉检验结果显示,组合统计降尺度预测模型的距平相关系数较原始模式结果有较大提高。在实时夏季降水预测中,2013~2018年平均的预测技巧相对较高,趋势异常综合检验(PS)评分平均为71.5分,特别是2015~2018年平均的PS评分预测技巧达到72.7分,总体上高于业务模式原始预测和业务发布预测的技巧。该组合统计降尺度模型预测性能稳定,为我国季节预测业务提供了一种有效参考。  相似文献   

刘绿柳  杜良敏  廖要明  李莹  梁潇云  唐进跃  赵玉衡 《气象》2018,44(11):1464-1470
针对淮河流域水资源短缺、洪涝、干旱并存的问题,基于国家气候中心第二代季节气候模式的集合回报数据集(1991—2014年),建立时空相结合的统计降尺度模型,提前1—3个月预测该流域夏季分月降水,应用ROC(relative operating characteristics)评分评估比较了不同集合预测方案的预测技巧。交叉检验结果表明,样本数取18、20、22、28时,集合预测方案对3、4、5月三个起报时次预测的夏季各月降水技巧预测均高于模式预测技巧。2015—2017年的独立样本检验进一步表明该统计降尺度模型能够明显降低3月、5月起报的6月和8月的降水预测偏差。认为可尝试将该降尺度方法应用于淮河流域夏季降水预测及进一步的流域水文预测。  相似文献   

水文模型中雨量资料的解集分析及应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分布式月水文模型由于时段长,雨强均化,导致在淮河流域的应用中,网格计算径流深出现了许多不合理的零值.利用解集方法,对月降雨资料进行解集后运行水文模型,其计算结果更加合理.并应用1998年淮河流域能量和水循环试验(HUBEX)加强观测资料对模型进行了验证.  相似文献   

通过对1983—2002年国家气候中心NCC_CGCM季节预报模式的2月初始场的5个预测场 (500 hPa高度场,200 hPa经向风、纬向风场,850 hPa经向风、纬向风场) 与NCEP实况场的相关检验,指出模式预测与实况有一定差距,但也存在预报效果好的区域,其中预报效果最好的是200 hPa和850 hPa纬向风场,正相关达到95%信度的点数最多;500 hPa高度场正相关达到95%信度的点数最少;利用模式预报效果好的区域的预测值,对2003—2007年长江中下游区域夏季降水指数进行释用,预报准确率达到80%;对比模式在该地区的降水预报以及仅用模式高度场的解释预报发现,用挑选有用信息后的预报效果更好。该方法在全国其他14个区夏季降水的释用中,江南区和内蒙古区预报准确率也可达到80%。  相似文献   

降尺度法在海南省降水趋势预测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从动力和统计相结合的角度,利用国家气候中心研制的动力气候模式输出的月、季平均500hPa高度场及其派生变量场作为预测因子,制作海南省月、季降水量趋势预测。月降水量经22个独立样本试验、季降水量经17个独立样本试验,趋势预报评分均超过国家局业务考核标准和同期业务发布评分,表明建立的预测模型可在海南省短期气候预测业务中参考使用。  相似文献   

利用BP-CCA方法并结合当前国际先进气候预测模式结果,探讨了如何建立对西南夏季降水具有较高预测技巧的统计降尺度模型及其可预报性来源。结果表明,将热带区域海表温度作为预测因子的降尺度模型的预测能力优于亚洲区域和热带区域500 h Pa位势高度作为预测因子的模型。对模型可预报性来源的分析表明,热带区域海表温度作为预测因子的降尺度模型的预测能力年与年之间的差异主要受热带海表温度EOF第二模态的影响。该模态表现为在热带东南印度洋及西太平洋区域有正载荷值,而在热带中东太平洋区域有负载荷中心,其与影响西南夏季降水的菲律宾和海洋大陆西部对流有较好的相关,并且ECMWF和NCEP业务气候预测模式对其有较好的预测能力。  相似文献   

General circulation models (GCMs) are often used in assessing the impact of climate change at global and continental scales. However, the climatic factors simulated by GCMs are inconsistent at comparatively smaller scales, such as individual river basins. In this study, a statistical downscaling approach based on the Smooth Support Vector Machine (SSVM) method was constructed to predict daily precipitation of the changed climate in the Hanjiang Basin. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were used to establish the sta...  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和河南省106个站点夏季降水资料,建立了河南省夏季降水降尺度预测模型。该模型利用模式产品的500 h Pa高度场信息,通过统计降尺度方法,对河南省106个站点的夏季降水进行降尺度预测,实现了气候模式产品在河南省夏季降水预测中的降尺度解释应用,弥补了气候模式空间分辨率较低的缺陷。对该模型的历史回报检验表明,该降尺度模型对河南省夏季降水预测效果较好且较为稳定,尤其对北部、西部和豫南南部地区的效果最好。利用BCC-CGCM1和ECMWF-SYSTEM4模式资料,进行了独立样本的检验,结果表明,两种模式在5月起报的预测效果要优于3月起报的预测效果,BCC-CGCM1模式3月的预测效果要好于ECMWF-SYSTEM4的,两种模式在5月的预测效果相当。目前,此方法实现了可视化开发,并集成了检验方法,已应用于河南省气候预测业务中。  相似文献   

To study the prediction of the anomalous precipitation and general circulation for the summer(June–July–August) of1998, the Community Climate System Model Version 4.0(CCSM4.0) integrations were used to drive version 3.2 of the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF3.2) regional climate model to produce hindcasts at 60 km resolution. The results showed that the WRF model produced improved summer precipitation simulations. The systematic errors in the east of the Tibetan Plateau were removed, while in North China and Northeast China the systematic errors still existed. The improvements in summer precipitation interannual increment prediction also had regional characteristics. There was a marked improvement over the south of the Yangtze River basin and South China, but no obvious improvement over North China and Northeast China. Further analysis showed that the improvement was present not only for the seasonal mean precipitation, but also on a sub-seasonal timescale. The two occurrences of the Mei-yu rainfall agreed better with the observations in the WRF model,but were not resolved in CCSM. These improvements resulted from both the higher resolution and better topography of the WRF model.  相似文献   

以2008—2010年5—9月日本、德国、T639数值预报模式降水产品为基础,采取反距离插值的统计降尺度分析方法,将数值预报模式降水格点数据插值到北京西北、东北、西南、东南区域的延庆、密云、房山、观象台4个典型代表站点上;再结合统计分析,将夏季产生降水的天气系统分为西来槽、东北低涡、蒙古低涡、其他系统4种类型,采用预报准确率定级方法对各家模式配以不等权权重系数,从而建立北京地区夏季多模式集成降水预报模型,并用独立的样本对预报模型进行了业务试运行检验,检验结果表明:所建模型对降水预报的改进效果较好,优于单个数值模式降水预报。该模型的建立和应用方法为其他区域本地释用数值模式降水预报产品提供了一定的客观参考。  相似文献   

A downscaling method taking into account of precipitation regionalization is developed and used in the regional summer precipitation prediction (RSPP) in China. The downscaling is realized by utilizing the optimal subset regression based on the hindcast data of the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere General Climate Model of National Climate Center (CGCM/NCC), the historical reanalysis data, and the observations. The data are detrended in order to remove the influence of the interannual variations on the selection of predictors for the RSPP. Optimal predictors are selected through calculation of anomaly correlation coe±cients (ACCs) twice to ensure that the high-skill areas of the CGCM/NCC are also those of observations, with the ACC value reaching the 0.05 significant level. One-year out cross-validation and independent sample tests indicate that the downscaling method is applicable in the prediction of summer precipitation anomaly across most of China with high and stable accuracy, and is much better than the direct CGCM/NCC prediction. The predictors used in the downscaling method for the RSPP are independent and have strong physical meanings, thus leading to the improvements in the prediction of regional precipitation anomalies.  相似文献   

Convolutional neural networks(CNNs) have been widely studied and found to obtain favorable results in statistical downscaling to derive high-resolution climate variables from large-scale coarse general circulation models(GCMs).However, there is a lack of research exploring the predictor selection for CNN modeling. This paper presents an effective and efficient greedy elimination algorithm to address this problem. The algorithm has three main steps: predictor importance attribution, predictor rem...  相似文献   

基于统计降尺度模型的江淮流域极端气候的模拟与预估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用江淮流域29个代表站点1961--2000年逐日最高温度、最低温度和逐日降水资料,以及NCEP逐日大尺度环流场资料,引入基于多元线性回归与随机天气发生器相结合的统计降尺度模型SDSM(statistical downscalingmodel),通过对每个站点建模,确立SDSM参数,并将该模型应用于SRESA2排放情景下HadCM3和cGcM3模式,得到了江淮流域各代表台站21世纪的逐日最高、最低温度和降水序列以及热浪、霜冻、强降水等极端气候指数。结果表明,当前气候下,统计降尺度方法模拟的极端温度指数与观测值有很好的一致性,能有效纠正耦合模式的“冷偏差”,如SDSM对江淮平均的冬季最高、最低温度的模拟偏差较CGCM3模式分别减少3℃和4.5℃。对于极端降水则能显著纠正耦合模式模拟的降水强度偏低的问题,如CGCM3对江淮流域夏季降水强度的模拟偏差为-60.6%,但降尺度后SDSM—CGCM3的偏差仅为-6%,说明降尺度模型SDSM的确有“增加值”的作用。21世纪末期在未来SRESA2情景下,对于极端温度,无论Had.CM3还是CGCM3模式驱动统计模型,江淮流域所有代表台站,各个季节的最高、最低温度都显著增加,且以夏季最为显著,增幅在2—4℃;与之相应霜冻天数将大幅减少,热浪天数大幅增多,各站点冬季霜冻天数减少幅度为5—25d,夏季热浪天数增加幅度为4~14d;对于极端降水指数,在两个不同耦合模式HadCM3和CGCM3驱动下的变化尤其是变化幅度的一致性比温度差,但大部分站点各个季节极端强降水事件将增多,强度增强,SDSM—HadCM3和SDSM-CGCM3预估的夏季极端降水贡献率将分别增加26%和27%。  相似文献   

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