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The profile structure of wind speed and temperature in katabatic flow over a melting glacier is analyzed within the log-linear framework. Similarity between windspeed and temperature profiles is indicated but the log-linear model should be restricted to heights within 1.5 m of the ice. Marked deviation from the model occur at greater heights, probably due to the effects of flux divergence.Unlike results from other stable atmospheres, a decreases with increasing stability. This may arise from the use of the Obukhov length L. When the height H at which the wind speed reaches its maximum value is used instead, does not vary with stability. It has mean values of 4.5 and 4.3 for windspeed and temperature profiles, respectively.  相似文献   

Temperature and wind speed profiles obtained from 3?years of radio acoustic sounding system sodar measurements at a rural site in the northern Spanish plateau were fitted to polynomial functions. Depending on the extrema of these fits, several groups of profiles were considered. Daily evolution of temperature profiles corresponded to the lower boundary layer evolution. However, wind speed profiles revealed a frequent low-level jet during the whole day. CO2 surface concentrations were analysed, and surface CO2 dilution was also considered by selection of thin canopies with variable depth, resulting in dilution rates of 7 and 18?ppm when the layer increased 100?m for the 95th percentile and temperature and wind speed profiles, respectively.  相似文献   

黄河流经我国干旱半干旱地区,其流域蒸散发变化对当地的生态安全和经济发展尤其重要。本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心第五代再分析产品(ERA5)定量分析了1979-2020年黄河流域蒸散发的时空变化特征,并结合气温、降水和风速数据,对黄河流域蒸散发与3种气候因子进行了相关性分析。结果表明:黄河流域蒸散发在1979-2020年呈波动下降趋势,空间分布差异明显,源区附近蒸散发上升,上游的干旱区附近蒸散发基本不变,而中游和下游地区主要呈现下降趋势。1979-2020年黄河流域气温持续上升,降水呈波动下降趋势,风速呈上升趋势。对黄河流域蒸散发与气候因子的相关性分析表明,蒸散发与气候因子的相关性空间差异较为明显,蒸散发与气温、风速呈负相关,与降水呈正相关的区域占流域的较大部分;而在复相关性方面,黄河流域大部分地区蒸散发与气候因子的相关性较强,其中以流域上游的干旱区附近复相关性最强。研究黄河流域不同地区蒸散发与气候因子的相关性可为黄河流域水资源的开发管理和区域气候调节提供科学参考。  相似文献   

孟加拉湾(BoB)是一个高能量活跃的地区,其短期内的动态变化将对浮游环境产生巨大影响."风泵"能够在BoB海域导致垂直的混合从而影响海表温度和叶绿素浓度.本文对2006——2016年的月平均Aqua-MODIS叶绿素a (chl-a)浓度数据和Sea WiFS月度气候态数据进行了分析,研究了叶绿素浓度的时间/季节变化和温度以及风速的关系.基于季风期间的chl-a变异与海表温度(SST),评估了在BoB海域它们之间的关系和变化.chl-a浓度值的趋势分析表明,该区域的垂直混合非常低,冬季最高,夏季最低.冬季最大chl-a浓度值为0.50 mg/m3,并且从2月开始下降到夏季季风期间.与冬季季风相比,夏季季风期间叶绿素表现出较低的浓度.在夏季季风期间,特别是在7月和8月,由于云层密集,卫星传感器无法准确捕获chl-a浓度值.chl-a浓度和SST之间相关系数R2值为0.218 1.  相似文献   

论塔层风 、温廓线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鸣 《大气科学》1993,17(1):65-76
本文改进了Zilitinkevich的工作,得到在塔层内动力学上合理的风廓线.并近似推求了不稳定层结下边界层高度h的表达式,使风、温廓线能用于不同层结.由近地层理论从近地层风、温求出通量后,即可推求塔层风、温分布.325m气象塔资料证明这一廓线达到一定的精度.  相似文献   

As part of a joint effort to construct an atmospheric forcing dataset for mainland China with high spatiotemporal reso- lution, a new approach is proposed to construct gridded near-surface temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and surface pressure with a resolution of 1 km× 1 km. The approach comprises two steps: (1) fit a partial thin-plate smoothing spline with orography and reanalysis data as explanatory variables to ground-based observations for estimating a trend surface; (2) apply a simple kriging procedure to the residual for trend surface correction. The proposed approach is applied to observations collected at approximately 700 stations over mainland China. The generated forcing fields are compared with the corresponding components of the National Centers for Environmental Predic- tion (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis dataset and the Princeton meteorological forcing dataset. The comparison shows that, both within the station network and within the resolutions of the two gridded datasets, the interpolation errors of the proposed approach are markedly smaller than the two gridded datasets.  相似文献   

利用1988-2017年CCMP海表风速(Cross Calibrated,Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Velocity)逐月数据、沿海气象站实测风速数据及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了CCMP海表风速数据在浙江省沿海区域的适用性、浙江省沿海海表风速的年际变化特征及其可能成因。结果表明,利用CCMP海表风速数据与浙江省沿海典型气象站(嵊泗站、普陀站、大陈站、玉环站和洞头站)观测的海表风速进行对比发现,两套资料的风速变化趋势基本一致,且两者风速值偏差较小;利用CCMP海表风速研究浙江沿海风速年际变化特征是合理可信的。CCMP风速距平场的EOF分析结果显示:第一模态的方差贡献率达90.9%,空间场呈一致变化型;第二模态的方差贡献率仅为6.09%,空间场呈偶极子变化型。根据第一模态的方差贡献率和空间场的分布来看,可将浙江沿海全海域风速作为一个整体来研究。1988-2017年浙江沿海CCMP年平均风速序列表明,2002年前后海表风速发生了一次由上升到下降的趋势转变;分析海陆温度变化发现,引起浙江沿海海表风速变化的可能原因是陆地温度上升过快。  相似文献   

使用系留气艇探空系统在常州、苏州、南京市区对边界层风速、温度、湿度廓线进行了观测,原始数据表明探测结果存在明显的系统误差。本文主要讨论风速订正问题,分析发现风速误差与高度和风速有关,据此提出了依据高度和依据风速的两种订正方案。对比结果表明:两种方案都能有效修正系留气艇测量风速的系统误差,高度订正方案表现更好。本文还用订正后的系留气艇探测结果与苏州市气象局的风廓线雷达资料进行对比,结果显示风廓线雷达探测结果在500 m以下系统偏小。  相似文献   

The physics of the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the ocean surface has been an active area of research for a number of years. We present here the results of satellite and aircraft experiments to investigate the ability of active microwave radars to infer surface wind speeds remotely. Data obtained from the recent National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Skylab experiment are compared with surface wind speeds measured by low-flying aircraft and ships-of-opportunity and found to give useful estimates of the oceanic wind field. We also investigate the influence of varying wave height on radar measurements of wind speed by measuring the backscattering cross-section for constant wind speed but variable wave conditions. We conclude that this effect is of little importance.  相似文献   

The estimation of the surface-layer parameters u * (friction velocity), * and q * (temperature and humidity scales), r and q r (temperature and humidity reference values), z o (roughness length) and d (zero-displacement) from vertical profiles of wind velocity, temperature and humidity by least-squares methods is described. The estimation is based on the flux-gradient relationships and the constant flux assumption for the transfer of momentum, sensible heat and matter near the Earth's surface.Test calculations were carried out with the vertical profile data from the GREIV I 1974 experiment and the Great Plains Turbulence Project.  相似文献   

Wind and stability characteristics in the atmospheric surface boundary layer at a height,Z, less than 20 m above the sea were examined in nine oceanic investigations. The analysis lends further support to the utility of the log-linear wind-profile law in the stability region of –0.4Z/L0.9, whereL is the Monin-Obukhov length. However, it is also shown that, inasmuch as better than 90% of the measurements fall within the range of ¦Z/L¦ 0.25, and inasmuch as this correction to the drag coefficient under neutral conditions amounts to less than 10%, the familiar logarithmic wind law may be used rather than the log-linear form. A wind-stress drag coefficient,C d (=1.2×10–3 between 1.0 m Z 18.3 m), is thus recommended for general deepwater oceanic applications. The situation over shallow water, which is different, is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Based on the data from an array of buoys during the JASIN-1978 field experiment made in an area northwest of Scotland, power spectra of surface wind speed and air temperature over the ocean in the mesoscale frequency range were studied. The averaged composite spectrum of wind speed for the whole period shows the existence of a spectral gap in the frequency range from 10–4 to 5 × 10–3 Hz. However, significant peaks in this range are often seen in particular spectra under certain weather conditions. Mesoscale spectral peaks of wind speed occur in 14 segments of the data record, approximately 10% of the total duration of the observations. In 4 of these segments, the mesoscale spectral peaks of both wind speed and air temperature occurred simultaneously. Several wave patterns of mesoscale atmospheric disturbances when mesoscale spectral peaks were seen are derived from phase differences between buoys. Significant mesoscale peaks in spectra appear in relatively strong winds and unstable or near-neutral atmospheric conditions, and none in stable atmospheric conditions. A criterion of wind speed and atmospheric stability is found for the mesoscale spectral peak appearance.  相似文献   

Soundings in the stably-stratified boundary layer were executed over the rough terrain of Northern Germany during a night with a low-level jet (LLJ) development. Vertical wind and temperature profiles were obtained at 5 m height intervals using a tethersonde transported up and down along a 300 m high radio tower by an elevator. From these profiles, turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum, coefficients of eddy diffusivity and boundary-layer parameters were estimated. The nocturnal mean state analysis agrees well with the second-order model results of Brost and Wyngaard (1978) and our own first-order numerical testing while the time histories of different profile groups are in accordance with the observations of Izumi and Barad (1963).  相似文献   

Mean spectra of vertical wind velocity, temperature, and humidity and co-spectra of vertical turbulent heat and moisture fluxes are reported, normalized in terms of the similarity theory of Monin-Obukhov. The measurements were made in April 1967 at light-house Alte Weser at a height of 30 m above the German Bight. Ten spectra measured under conditions of moderate instability (z/L –0.08) have been used for the evaluation of a mean spectral curve. The humidity fluctuations have been determined from simultaneous turbulence measurements of temperature and radiorefractive-index, which were obtained by a microwave refractometer.Similar to the BOMEX measurements discussed by Phelps and Pond (1971) our results also show a dissimilarity between the fluctuations of temperature and humidity. Accordingly, in the range of lower and higher natural frequencies, significant differences were present between the co-spectra of the vertical heat and moisture fluxes, although the mean peak frequencies of both the fluxes nearly correspond to that of the mean vertical wind-velocity spectrum (f m 0.35).  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸海陆风特征对城市热岛响应的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
利用2008年全年渤海湾西岸(天津)14个自动气象站逐小时资料和6 h一次的地面常规资料,采用统计分析的方法,研究了天津城市热岛效应对渤海湾西岸海陆风的影响.结果表明:在冷岛和强热岛条件下,渤海湾西岸海风的发生频率较低,强热岛阻碍了海风向内陆的传播;内陆站在弱热岛条件下出现最大海风的频次较高,但其海风强度与无热岛或冷岛状况下相比要小一些;城市热岛效应的出现,推迟了城市周围郊区站海风的开始时间,缩短了海风的持续时间;城市站的海风风速与热岛强度呈负相关关系,但热岛效应对陆风风速的影响较强,陆风风速在热岛强度小于2.6℃时,随着其值的增大而减小,反之则增加;当海风向内陆延伸时,热岛强度会在午后海风盛行时段内增强,并与传播到此处的海风环流叠加,导致近地层海风风速增强,并可西伸至城市中心.  相似文献   

A method is given to calculate the surface layer parameters: u * (friction velocity) and T * (temperature scale) from wind speed and temperature profiles.The problem is formulated as a minimization of a least-square function, which is constructed from the difference between the measured profiles and the well-known Kansas profile relations.The wind speed and temperature profiles are treated simultaneously in this procedure. All the available wind speed and temperature measurements are used in order to reduce the effect of measurement errors.Estimates of the goodness of fit and confidence limits on the estimated parameters are discussed.The method has been applied to data obtained during experiments in a wide variety of conditions: Project Prairie Grass, experiments over Lake Flevo and experiments at the meteorological tower at Cabauw, the last two in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Summary The ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) is an important parameter for climatic studies in tropical areas, and meteorological satellite imagery provides an original way to follow its location. Using archive imagery covering the 1971–1987 period, we attempted to study further some of the relationships (suggested by former studies) between ITCZ locations (followed here over the Atlantic ocean at 28°W), and climate anomalies in the Sahel, an area affected by periodic drought for the last seventeen years. We also paid close attention to more frequently studied parameters, such as upper air data, wind at sea level, and sea surface temperature. As for relative drought estimates, we assumed that runoff from the Senegal River was representative of the sahelian area and we observed that its variations were consistent with the Lamb's rainfall index over the 1965–1987 period.Since the onset of the rainy season for West Africa responds to wind changes, we assessed the link between ITCZ and wind at sea level and found the timing of northward ITCZ migration to be highly correlated (r=0.84) with the date of zonal wind stress intensification.On a general point of view, the relationships we found between rainfall amount and ITCZ position anomalies (or SST anomalies) agree with known results of precedent works, though better fit is found with the seventies than the eighties. We think this discrepancy is due in part to the fact that the parameters studied were not identical and, perhaps to a possible change in climatic conditions (on a long term basis, the data show a continuous trend for less intense equatorial upwelling in the gulf of Guinea, and our time series covers a more recent period than referenced works).With a closer look on the first half of the year, it appears that typical (wet/dry) schemes of the ITCZ migration can be evidenced more clearly, than in reporting the northernmost ITCZ location, that we found to be a less significant index: in other words, a sooner (respectively later) northward ITCZ migration corresponds to dry (respectively wet) episodes during the rainy season in sahelian areas. Hence, we propose the speed of ITCZ northwards movement as a parameterization of this event.Moisture content of the lower troposphere revealed that steady anomalies of this parameter may last several years over sahelian areas. Taking into consideration the relative strength African tropical and easterly jets, some limited results were obtained, in regard of climatic anomalies.As first conclusions, moisture transportation over sahelian area (associated with larger negative SST anomalies) is more efficient for wetter rainy season, than the intensity of convective process linked to higher local SST in the equatorial Atlantic area. In joining moisture analysis and ITZ migration (1980–1987 period), wetter rainy seasons were observed each time that positive humidity anomalies coincided with a later northward ITCZ migration (or greater northward ITCZ speed).With 8 Figures  相似文献   

An ideal and simple formulation is successfully derived that well represents a quasi-linear relationship found between the domain-averaged water vapor, Q (mm), and temperature, T (K), fields for the three tropical oceans (i.e., the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans) based on eleven GEOS-3 [Goddard Earth Observing System (EOS) Version-3] global re-analysis monthly products. A Q ? T distribution analysis is also performed for the tropical and extra-tropical regions based on in-situ sounding data and numerical simulations [GEOS-3 and the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model]. A similar positively correlated Q ? T distribution is found over the entire oceanic and tropical regions; however, Q increases faster with T for the former region. It is suspected that the tropical oceans may possess a moister boundary layer than the Tropics. The oceanic regime falls within the lower bound of the tropical regime embedded in a global, curvilinear Q ? T relationship. A positive correlation is also found between T and sea surface temperature (SST); however, for one degree of increase in T, SST is found to increase 1.1 degrees for a warmer ocean, which is slightly less than an increase of 1.25 degrees for a colder ocean. This seemingly indicates that more (less) heat is needed for an open ocean to maintain an air mass above it with a same degree of temperature rise during a colder (warmer) season [or in a colder (warmer) region]. Q and SST are also found to be positively correlated. Relative humidity (RH) exhibits similar behaviors for oceanic and tropical regions. RH increases with increasing SST and T over oceans, while it increases with increasing T in the Tropics. RH, however, decreases with increasing temperature in the extratropics. It is suspected that the tropical and oceanic regions may possess a moister local boundary layer than the extratropics so that a faster moisture increase than a saturated moisture increase is favored for the former regions. T,Q, saturated water vapor, RH, and SST are also examined with regard to the warm and cold “seasons” over individual oceans. The Indian Ocean warm season dominates in each of the five quantities, while the Atlantic Ocean cold season has the lowest values in most categories. The higher values for the Indian Ocean may be due to its relatively high percentage of tropical coverage compared to the other two oceans. However, Q is found to increase faster for colder months from individual oceans, which differs from the general finding in the global Q?T relationship that Q increases slower for a colder climate. The modified relationship may be attributed to a possible seasonal (warm and cold) variability in boundary layer depth over oceans, or to the small sample size used in each individual oceanic group.  相似文献   

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