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南大洋海冰气候特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用1973~1988年海冰资料,将南大洋划分为5个海区,即:20~88°E,90~158°E,160°E~132°W,130~62°W,60°W~18°E,按这5个海区分析了南大洋海冰的空间分布特征及其时间变化特征。这些研究结果,对气候背景的研究是有益的。  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrate that the Antarctic Ozone Hole has important influences on Antarctic sea ice. While most of these works have focused on effects associated with atmospheric and oceanic dynamic processes caused by stratospheric ozone changes, here we show that stratospheric ozone-induced cloud radiative effects also play important roles in causing changes in Antarctic sea ice. Our simulations demonstrate that the recovery of the Antarctic Ozone Hole causes decreases in clouds over Southe...  相似文献   

南极海冰的变动与赤道SST的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1973—1982年卫星观测的南极海冰资料,借助于谐波分析和谱分析计算方法,探讨了南极海冰与东、西太平洋赤道海温(SST)的关系。发现南极海冰和东太平洋赤道海温都存在准三年振荡周期,并且它们之间还存在着明显的相关关系。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖中南北半球海冰变化的差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕晓娜  方之芳  黄勇勇  刘琦 《气象》2009,35(1):87-96
应用海冰面积资料,分析在全球气候变暖下,南北半球海冰季节和年际变化的差异,结果表明:冬季南半球海冰面积为北半球的1.13倍,而夏季仅为北半球的2/5,南半球海冰的季节变化比北半球更为显著,其季节振幅为北半球的1.6倍.1979--2006年,北半球海冰总面积呈显著减少趋势,夏秋季最快,特别在1990年代中后期以来,减少尤为迅速;夏秋季,整个区域海冰为均一的减少趋势,北冰洋靠近北太平洋的近海变化最为迅速,冬春季,主要发生在北太平洋海域.南半球海冰自1980年代初以来有所增多,四季整个区域海冰并未呈均一的减少趋势,而是有一显著减少中心,位于南极半岛附近,两个增多中心,分别位于罗斯海外围和西南印度洋一带.随夏一秋一冬一春的季节转换,3个中心区域位置存在东移和返回的过程.  相似文献   

大气环流及南极海冰变异与热带风暴生成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李曾中 《气象》1995,21(1):19-22

南极海冰首要模态呈现偶极子型异常,正负异常中心分别位于别林斯高晋海/阿蒙森海和威德尔海。过去研究表明冬春季节南极海冰涛动异常对后期南极涛动(Antarctic Oscillation,AAO)型大气环流有显著影响,而AAO可以通过经向遥相关等机制影响北半球大气环流和东亚气候。本文中我们利用观测分析发现南极海冰涛动从5~7月(May–July,MJJ)到8~10月(August–October, ASO)有很好的持续性,并进一步分析其对北半球夏季大气环流的可能影响及其物理过程。结果表明,MJJ南极海冰涛动首先通过冰气相互作用在南半球激发持续性的AAO型大气环流异常,使得南半球中纬度和极地及热带之间的气压梯度加大,在MJJ至JAS,纬向平均纬向风呈现显著的正负相间的从南极到北极的经向遥相关型分布。对流层中层位势高度场上,在澳大利亚北部到海洋性大陆区域,出现显著的负异常,在东亚沿岸从低纬到高纬呈现南北走向的“? + ?”太平洋—日本(Pacific–Japan,PJ)遥相关波列,其对应赤道中部太平洋及赤道印度洋存在显著的降水和海温负异常,西北太平洋至我国东部沿海地区存在显著降水正异常和温度负异常;低纬度北美洲到大西洋一带存在的负位势高度异常和北大西洋附近存在的正位势高度异常中心,构成一个类似于西大西洋型遥相关(Western Atlantic,WA)的结构,对应赤道南大西洋降水增加和南撒哈拉地区降水减少。从物理过程来看,南极海冰涛动首先通过局地效应影响Ferrel环流,进而通过经圈环流调整使得海洋性大陆区域和热带大西洋上方的Hadley环流上升支得到增强,海洋性大陆区域特别是菲律宾附近的热带对流活动偏强,激发类似于负位相的PJ波列,影响东亚北太平洋地区的大气环流,而热带大西洋对流增强和北传特征,则通过激发WA遥相关影响大西洋和欧洲地区的大气环流。以上两种通道将持续性MJJ至ASO南极海冰涛动强迫的大气环流信号从南半球中高纬度经热带地区传递到北半球中高纬地区,从而对热带和北半球夏季大气环流产生显著影响。  相似文献   

南极地区温度和海冰的变化特征及相互关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
对南极地区温度和海冰的时空变化特征及相互关系进行的初步研究结果表明:近30余年来南极地区有显著的变暖趋势,时空差异比较明显。 其中以南极半岛地区的变暖趋势最大,为整个东南极沿岸增温率的2~3倍。近20年来,整个平均的南极海冰和温度的变化趋势相反,年际变化的相关关系不显著。经过聚类分析划分出不同的气候区,能清楚地显示出某些区两者的关系。海冰与同区沿岸温度距平相关信号最强区在南大西洋至西南太平洋海域。  相似文献   

The relative contributions of atmospheric fluctuations on 6 h?2 d,2?8 d,and 8 d?1 month time scales to the changes in the air?sea fluxes,the SO circulation,and Antarctic sea ice are investigated.It was found that the imposed forcing variability on the three time scales creates a significant increase in wind power input,and hence an increase of about 50%,97%,and 5%of eddy kinetic energy relative to the simulation driven by monthly forcing,respectively.Also,SO circulation and the strength of the upper cell of meridional overturning circulation become strengthened.These results indicate more dominant effects of atmospheric variability on the 2?8 d time scale on the SO circulation.Meanwhile,the 6 h?2 d(2?8 d)atmospheric variability causes an increase in the total sea-ice extent,area,and volume,by about 33%,30%,and 19%(17%,20%,and 25%),respectively,relative to those in the experiment forced by monthly atmospheric variables.Such significant sea-ice increases are caused by a cooler ocean surface and stronger sea-ice transports owing to the enhanced heat losses and air-ice stresses induced by the atmospheric variability at 6 h?2 d and 2?8 d,while the effects of the variability at 8 d?1 month are rather weak.The influences of atmospheric variability found here mainly result from wind fluctuations.Our findings in this study indicate the importance of properly resolving high-frequency atmospheric variability in modeling studies.  相似文献   

北半球夏季南极冰气候效应的数值试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文利用9层菱形截断15波的全球大气环流谱模式进行了7月份南极冰正常和无冰的对比试验,进而研究了南极冰的短期气候效应.结果表明:南极冰的移去首先在局地区域加热了低层空气,减弱了南极极涡,然后使中高纬度超长波发生变异尤其是使纬向3波增幅.超长波的异常引起东亚季风区低层越赤道气流加强,从而增强东亚季风环流,增大中南半岛到西太平洋的降雨量和相应的对流潜热释放,结果在北半球激发了一支从东亚到北美的二维Rossby波列,使北半球大气环流发生异常.文中对这一气候效应的动力学机制进行了讨论,并认为南极冰不仅是影响南半球  相似文献   

吴仁广  陈烈庭 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):792-800
本文利用1973—1982年南极海冰北界资料,分析了南极海冰平均北界(海冰范围)的变化及其与南半球大气环流变化间的联系。1976年前,南极海冰平均北界偏北(海冰范围扩大),而1977年-1980年,南极海冰平均北界偏南(海冰范围缩小)。与此相对应,这两个时期的南半球大气环流具有明显不同的特点。在南极海冰平均北界偏北、海冰范围扩大时期,南极高压和绕极低压带偏弱,南半球中高纬度地区槽脊位置偏西,南印度洋和南大晒洋副热带高压偏弱,南太平洋副热带西凤减弱、中纬度西风加强,而南太平洋副热带高压和印度尼西亚低压带发展,南方涛动处于正位相阶段;在南极海冰平均北界偏南、海冰范围缩小时期,则相反。分析表明,南方涛动与南极海冰之间存在相互联系,并以南极海冰超前南方涛动约2个月时的关系最好,其次是南极海冰落后南方涛动4个月。  相似文献   

利用南半球500hPa和海平面气压网格点资料和南极海水资料,对广西前汛期降雨作了相关计算和初步分析,认为澳大利亚高压、马斯克林高压、南太平洋高压在前汛期不同时期起着季风分量和季风变异源的作用。指出,前汛期南半球海平面气压距平场特征和南极罗斯海方向海冰北界距平对广西区前汛期雨情有预示作用。  相似文献   

北极海冰的气候变化与20世纪90年代的突变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用英国Had ley气候研究中心1968~2000年的1°×1°的北半球逐月海冰密集度资料,使用EOF分解等统计方法,探讨北极海冰的气候变化趋势、海冰的突变、海冰的季节持续性和各季的特色。结果表明:(1)自1968年以来,北极海冰的减小是北半球海冰变化的总趋势;海冰的趋势变化在海冰的年际总变化中占有相当重要的地位,可达50%左右。冬春季主要减少区域在格陵兰海、巴伦支海和白令海;夏秋季海冰减少是唯一趋势,中心在北冰洋边缘的喀拉海、拉普捷夫海、东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海、波弗特海。(2)20世纪80年代中后期北极海冰已出现减小趋势,在20世纪90年代,海冰又出现范围和面积的突然减少,中心在格陵兰海和巴伦支海;即海冰减少是加速的,其变化程度已远远超过一般的自然变化。(3)海冰有很好的季节持续性,有很强的隔季相关,也有较好的隔年相关;各季节海冰分布型之间有很好的联系,表现为海冰分布型的总体变化趋势是一致的,在海冰的减少中也体现了分布型的特征。  相似文献   

Complete collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) would raise global sea level by around 5 m, but whether collapse is likely, or even possible, has been `glaciology's grand unsolved problem' for more than two decades. Collapse of WAIS may result from readjustments continuing since the last glacial maximum, or more recent climate change, but it is also possible that collapse will result from internal flow instabilities, or not occur at all in the present inter-glacial. Such complexity led the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to conclude in its Second Assessment Report that `estimating the likelihood of a collapse during the next century is not yet possible'. However, a refusal by scientists to estimate the risk leaves policy-makers with no sound scientific basis on which to respond to legitimate public concerns. Here we present a discussion of the likelihood of WAIS-collapse, drawing input from an interdisciplinary panel of experts. The results help to summarise the state of scientific knowledge and uncertainty. While the overall opinion of the panel was that WAIS most likely will not collapse in the next few centuries, their uncertainty retains a 5% probability of WAIS causing sea level rise at least 10 mm/year within 200 years. Since this uncertainty reflects both the unpredictability of the physical system and the scientific uncertainty, it will undoubtedly change as a better understanding is established.  相似文献   

利用1973~1989年南极海冰北界资料研究海冰变异对华南不同区域后汛期降雨的影响,认为:华南后汛期降雨与南极海冰和南半球大气环流间存在遥相关显著性。分析海冰与南半球大气环流、副高、热带气旋、南亚高压等系统间的相关关系表明,海冰变异是通过影响这些系统,而对后汛期降雨产生影响作用的。其中上年9月罗斯海海冰、7月全南极海冰和威德尔海海冰的作用更明显。当年1月低纬气旋数和前期南美深对流区强弱与广西后汛期降雨关系显著。  相似文献   

南、北极海冰的长期变化趋势及其与大气环流的联系   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
采用南、北极海冰面积指数 1°× 1°经纬度格点资料及海平面气压资料 ,运用多种统计方法 ,研究了南、北极海冰的长期变化趋势、突变特征及其与大气环流的联系 ,发现近年来南极冬、春、秋季海冰逐渐减少 ,夏季海冰逐渐增加 ;北极春、夏、秋季海冰均不同程度地减少 ,冬季海冰变化趋势不明显 ;南、北极各季海冰的年际变化均存在一定的突发性 ,大气环流在海冰突变年前后有显著的差异  相似文献   

南极海冰变异对华南后汛期旱涝的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张爱华  蒋伯仁  吴恒强  覃武 《气象》1998,24(7):14-19
应用逐月南极海冰北界资料和南半球海平面气压场资料,研究了南极海冰变异对华南后汛期旱涝的显著影响作用和可能机理,认为:南极总海冰、威德尔海海冰冰长期和罗斯海海冰最大面积的变异对后汛期的作用最为显著。9月罗斯海海冰最大面积变化与次年7~9月西太平洋副高关系密切,副高在海冰与后汛期关系中起重要纽带作用。后汛期旱涝可能是南极海冰变异产生的全球短期气候效应的结果之一  相似文献   

Large amplitude, propagating, solitary disturbances have been observed in the atmospheric boundary layer over a gently sloping Antarctic Ice Shelf. The waves are usually trapped within the lowest 40 m and are observed only when the surface layer is strongly stably stratified and prevailing wind speeds are low. It is shown that the waves are trapped due to the combined effects of velocity curvature and stratification. The observed wavelengths can be bounded using simple heuristic arguments based on the Scorer parameter. Properties of the waves are compared with results from the weakly nonlinear numerical model of Rottman and Einaudi (1993).  相似文献   

Statistical seasonal prediction models for the Arctic sea ice concentration (SIC) were developed for the late summer (August-October) when the downward trend is dramatic. The absorbed solar radiation (ASR) at the top of the atmosphere in June has a significant seasonal leading role on the SIC. Based on the lagged ASR-SIC relationship, two simple statistical models were established: the Markovian stochastic and the linear regression models. Crossvalidated hindcasts of SIC from 1979 to 2014 by the two models were compared with each other and observation. The hindcasts showed general agreement between the models as they share a common predictor, ASR in June and the observed SIC was well reproduced, especially over the relatively thin-ice regions (of one- or multi-year sea ice). The robust predictability confirms the functional role of ASR in the prediction of SIC. In particular, the SIC prediction in October was quite promising probably due to the pronounced icealbedo feedback. The temporal correlation coefficients between the predicted SIC and the observed SIC were 0.79 and 0.82 by the Markovian and regression models, respectively. Small differences were observed between the two models; the regression model performed slightly better in August and September in terms of temporal correlation coefficients. Meanwhile, the prediction skills of the Markovian model in October were higher in the north of Chukchi, the East Siberian, and the Laptev Seas. A strong non-linear relationship between ASR in June and SIC in October in these areas would have increased the predictability of the Markovian model.  相似文献   

根据渤海海冰冰情,从热力和动力两个方面综述了渤海海冰数值模式的研究进展。从热力参数方案和气候特点上,展望新一代渤海中小尺度短期海冰热力模式;从海冰动力模式中3种常用数值方法的主要特点和实际应用情况上,论述SPH(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)方法在渤海海冰短期预报的发展前景。在此基础上,结合海洋气象的发展,讨论海冰短期预报的关键技术。将海冰数值预报模式与传统的中长期海冰统计预报有机地结合起来将是渤海海冰模式未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

A number of technologies have been developed in the Planeta Research Center for Space Hydrometeorology to provide the satellite monitoring of sea ice cover and water parameters for the Caspian Sea. These technologies produce maps of sea ice, sea ice drift, tracking of near-surface water fluxes, automated classification of ice and water objects, surface wind, and sea surface temperature. Satellite-based products are used for operational hydrometeorology and climate studies of the Caspian Sea environment. A specialized web service for the preparation and comprehensive analysis of satellite data on hydrometeorological and ice conditions in the Caspian Sea was developed to provide information on ice cover characteristics, surface wind, and sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

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