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风应力对热带斜压海洋的强迫   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用一个线性的具有不同密度、温度的热带海洋两层模式,分析了热带西太平洋对纬圈风应力的响应.解析地求得热带西太平洋温跃层厚度、洋流及海温分布.结果表明次表层温度变化明显要比表层海温变化大,同时在大洋西部次表层发展起来的扰动向东传播能引起海温分布形态的异常.理论结果支持观测己表明的热带西太平洋物理量的变异在ElNino/La Nina事件中起着重要作用的事实.  相似文献   

This study associates tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) with the equatorial wave transition from an interannual viewpoint, revealing that the tropical cyclogenesis mean location may be modulated by a longitudinal shift in the transition of Mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves to off-equatorial tropical depression (TD) disturbances from year to year. To a large extent, the wave transition is attributable to the monsoon trough in response to the thermal state of the warm pool (WP) over the WNP. During the cold state years in the WP, the basic flow confluence region associated with the monsoon trough penetrates eastward, leading to an eastward shift in the location of the wave transition. Such an environment, in which wave accumulation and energy conversion occur, is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis; as a result, the averaged cyclogenesis location moves eastward. The condition is reserved during the warm years in the WP, resulting in the prominent westward-retreating mean TC formation. Citation: Chen, G. H., and R. H. Huang, 2008: Role of equatorial wave transitions in tropical cyclogenesis over the western north Pacific, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 64-68  相似文献   

Diabatic heating by convection in the eyewall often produces an annular region of high potential vorticity(PV) around the relatively low PV eye in a strong tropical cyclone(TC). Such a PV ring is barotropically unstable and can encourage the exponential growth of PV waves. In this study, such instability and the subsequent nonlinear evolution of three TC-like vortices having PV rings with different degrees of hollowness on an f-plane are first examined using an unforced, inviscid shallow-water-e...  相似文献   

Vertical wind shear fundamentally influences changes in tropical cyclone (TC) intensity. The effects of vertical wind shear on tropical cyclogenesis and evolution in the western North Pacific basin are not well understood. We present a new statistical study of all named TCs in this region during the period 2000-2006 using a second-generation partial least squares (PLS) regression technique. The results show that the lower-layer (between 850 hPa and 10 m above the sea surface) wind shear is more important than the commonly analyzed deep-layer shear (between 200 and 850 hPa) for changes in TC intensity during the TC intensification period. This relationship is particularly strong for westerly low-level shear. Downdrafts induced by the lower-layer shear bring low θ e air into the boundary layer from above, significantly reducing values of θ e in the TC inflow layer and weakening the TC. Large values of deep-layer shear over the ocean to the east of the Philippine Islands inhibit TC formation, while large values of lower-layer shear over the central and western North Pacific inhibit TC intensification. The critical value of deep-layer shear for TC formation is approximately 10 ms-1 , and the critical value of lower-layer shear for TC intensification is approximately ±1.5 ms-1 .  相似文献   

The 6-yr best-track data of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the western North Pacific are used to study the statistical features of TC size and radial wind profile. A TC size is defined as the azimuthal mean radius of 34-kt surface wind. On average, the TCs in the western North Pacific have a size of 203 km, and the size is larger for stronger TCs. Further analyses show that larger TCs tend to move faster than smaller ones, with a 23–24 km difference in size corresponding to a difference of about 10 km h -1 in m...  相似文献   

There are close relationships between the sea surface temperature (SST) and the surface wind over the tropical Pacific.To study the past climate variability over the tropical Pacific,the long-term monthly wind stress anomalies over the tropical Pacific for the period of 1856–2008 are reconstructed with an SVD (singular value decomposition)-based statistical atmospheric model,where the wind stress anomalies are slave and directly correspond to the SST anomalies.The verification results show that the reconstructed wind stress data have high correlations and a small root mean square (RMS) error with the three reanalysis/simulated surface wind datasets from the last 50 years.In addition,the simulated SST anomalies from an intermediate oceanic model (IOM),which is forced by the reconstructed wind stress,can simulate the realistic interannual and decadal variability of the ENSO (El Nio-Southern Oscillation);this indicates that this new long-term wind stress dataset is useful for various climate studies,especially for the large-scale interannual and decadal variability.  相似文献   

吴仁广  曹西  陈樟 《大气科学》2018,42(4):707-728
本文系统地回顾了作者近年来关于南海-热带西北太平洋地区大气和海洋季节内尺度变化关系方面的主要研究成果。文中对10~20天和30~60天两种季节内振荡海气变化关系的不同以及冬、夏季间的差异进行了系统地比较。相比较而言,大气中10~20天振荡所占比例大于30~60天振荡,海表温度30~60天的振荡在南海和西北太平洋副热带地区比10~20天振荡的贡献大,而在低纬度西太平洋地区10~20天振荡与30~60天振荡贡献相近或稍大。在北半球夏季,10~20天低频振荡的分布呈西南—东北走向,由赤道西太平洋地区向西北偏西方向传播,而30~60天低频振荡则以东西向分布为主,表现为由南向北的传播特征。在北半球冬季,10~20天和30~60天两种低频振荡的水平结构类似,均表现为西南—东北走向;同时,南海地区季节内变化信号表现出明显的向南传播的独特特征,并与东亚冬季风的季节内变化密切相关。北半球夏季,南海—菲律宾海地区10~20天低频振荡强度在厄尔尼诺发展年得到加强,而30~60天低频振荡强度则在拉尼娜衰减年得以加强。分析还指出,热带西北太平洋地区夏季热带辐合带附近的季节内变化,尤其是10~20天尺度变化,对季节平均海表温度异常有显著的反馈作用。  相似文献   

Simulated outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) outputs by two versions of the grid-point atmospheric general circulation model (GAMIL) were analyzed to assess the influences of improvements in cloud microphysics and convective parameterization schemes on the simulation of the Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) and other tropical waves. The wavenumber-frequency spectral analysis was applied to isolate dominant modes of convectively coupled equatorial waves, including the MJO, Kelvin, equatorial Rossby (ER), mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG), and inertio-gravity (IG) waves. The performances of different versions of the GAMIL model (version 1.0 (GAMIL1.0) and version 2.0 (GAMIL2.0)) were evaluated by comparing the power spectrum distributions of these waves among GAMIL1.0, GAMIL2.0, and observational data. GAMIL1.0 shows a weak MJO signal, with the maximum variability occurring separately at wavenumbers 1 and 4 rather than being concentrated on wavenumbers 1–3, suggesting that GAMIL1.0 could not effectively capture the intraseasonal variability. However, GAMIL2.0 is able to effectively reproduce both the symmetric and anti-symmetric waves, and the significant spectra of the MJO, Kelvin, and MRG waves are in agreement with observational data, indicating that the ability of GAMIL2.0 to simulate the MJO and other tropical waves is enhanced by improving the cloud microphysics and convective parameterization schemes and implying that such improvements are crucial to further improving this model’s performance.  相似文献   

郑倩  高猛 《应用气象学报》2022,33(5):594-603
该文提出一种西北太平洋热带气旋年生成活动的客观预测模型。研究大尺度环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋年生成频次的作用,使用最小角回归算法对初始14个预测因子进行选择和降维,将资料集分为训练集(1979—2015年)和验证集(2016—2020年),建立随机森林回归模型预测热带气旋年生成频次。分析环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋生成位置的作用,使用逐步回归算法筛选影响显著的预测因子,建立局部泊松回归模型预测热带气旋生成空间位置的概率。结果表明:随机森林回归模型可以预测西北热带气旋频次的主要变化和趋势,揭示环境因子对西北太平洋热带气旋年生成频次的影响。局部泊松回归模型对于气旋生成位置概率有一定预测能力。利用随机森林回归模型和局部泊松回归模型模拟1979—2020年西北太平洋热带气旋生成,结果与观测基本一致,可见模型可为热带气旋危险性分析提供参考。  相似文献   

用向量场奇异值分解方法分析了赤道太平洋区域风应力场与海表温度场年际异常的相关联系。结果表明,最主要的一对奇异向量与ENSO循环关系密切,其主要特征为赤道中、东太平洋风应力向赤道的异常辐合(辐散)与该区的SST异常升高(降低)准同步变化。对70和80年代的4次 El Ni?o事件中标准化风应力异常场的分析表明,它们均表现出赤道中、东太平洋的辐合。这一结果可能比用信风张弛描述ENSO循环中的环流异常更合理和更具代表性。  相似文献   

基于Yan Meng风场模型, 使用中国近海浮标观测资料, 对影响风场模拟的台风最大风速半径Rmax、压力分布常数B、粗糙度z0 3个参数进行估算试验, 结果表明: 台风中心最大风速Vmax和台风所处纬度的组合方案对估算Rmax更合理; 海面(浮标站)在z0=0.005 m, B=1.0时风速模拟效果较好。选取登陆闽北浙江、北上东海、西进南海、穿台湾岛进入台湾海峡的共19个台风过程进行模拟效果检验发现: 当中央气象台发布的Vmax < 40 m·s-1时, B=1.0, z0=0.005 m模拟的Vmax接近发布的Vmax, 非最强风速区的模拟风速与浮标站观测风速拟合较好, 发布的Vmax≥40 m·s-1时, B=1.4, z0=0.005 m模拟的Vmax接近发布的Vmax, 非最强风速区的模拟风速在B=1.0, z0=0.005 m时更合理。基于该风场模型和参数估算方案, 可重建西北太平洋历史台风风场。  相似文献   

Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean.According to numerical modeling results,under a global warming scenario,both propagations were intensified.The enhanced northward propagation in summer can be attributed to the enhanced atmosphere-ocean interaction and the strengthened mean southerly wind;and the intensified eastward propagation in winter is associated with the enhanced convection-wind coupling process and the strengthened equatorial Kevin wave.Future changes of TISO propagations need to be explored in more climate models.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the relationship between bias in simulated sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial eastern Pacific cold tongue during the boreal spring as simulated by an oceanic general circulation model (OGCM) and minimal wind mixing (MWM) at the surface. The cold bias of simulated SST is greatest during the boreal spring, at approximately 3°C. A sensitivity experiment reducing MWM by one order of magnitude greatly alleviates cold biases, especially in March-April. The decrease in bias is primarily due to weakened vertical mixing, which preserves heat in the uppermost layer and results in warmer simulated SST. The reduction in vertical mixing also leads to a weak westward current in the upper layer, which further contributes to warmer SST estimates. These findings imply that there are large uncertainties about simple model parameters such as MWM at the oceanic surface.  相似文献   

The present study identifies a significant influence of the sea surface temperature gradient(SSTG) between the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO; 15°S-15°N, 40°-90°E) and the western Pacific warm pool(WWP; 0°-15°N, 125°-155°E) in boreal spring on tropical cyclone(TC) landfall frequency in mainland China in boreal summer. During the period 1979-2015, a positive spring SSTG induces a zonal inter-basin circulation anomaly with lower-level convergence, mid-tropospheric ascendance and upper-level divergence over the west-central TIO, and the opposite situation over the WWP, which produces lower-level anomalous easterlies and upper-level anomalous westerlies between the TIO and WWP. This zonal circulation anomaly further warms the west-central TIO by driving warm water westward and cools the WWP by inducing local upwelling, which facilitates the persistence of the anomaly until the summer. Consequently, lower-level negative vorticity, strong vertical wind shear and lower-level anticyclonic anomalies prevail over most of the western North Pacific(WNP), which decreases the TC genesis frequency. Meanwhile, there is an anomalous mid-tropospheric anticyclone over the main WNP TC genesis region,meaning a westerly anomaly dominates over coastal regions of mainland China, which is unfavorable for steering TCs to make landfall in mainland China during summer. This implies that the spring SSTG may act as a potential indicator for TC landfall frequency in mainland China.  相似文献   

The characteristics and formation conditions of eddy meridional heat transport (MHT) in the eastern equatorial Pacific are studied using the results of eddy-resolving numerical modeling as compared with observational and reanalysis data. Calculations of the eddy MHT convergence at the equator are performed and realistic results in the analyzed region except for its easternmost part are obtained. The interannual variability and velocity of propagation of tropical instability waves are estimated. The errors of the time-averaged model solution are analyzed, and the assumptions on the mechanisms of their occurrence are made.  相似文献   

热带太平洋印度洋海温异常对亚洲夏季风影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用L9R15气候谱模式,就热带太平洋-印度洋夏季海温异常对亚洲夏季风的影响进行了数值研究。结果表明,夏季热带太平洋和印度洋海温正异常时,不仅能造成热带地区大气环流和降水的同时性响应,还能导致东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的一致减弱,两者的影响是同号的,但并不是两者单独影响的线性叠加,由此给出了亚洲夏季风与热带太平洋-印度洋海气系统的同期关系。  相似文献   

Low frequency characteristics of tropical Pacific wind stress anomalies in observation and simulations; from the CZ simple atmospheric model and COLA R15 AGCM are analyzed. The results show that ENSO event may be a multi-scale process, that is, ENSO time scale has the period longer than three yean; biennial oscillation and annual variability Dynamical characteristics are involved in the evolution process of wind stress anomaly with ENSO time scale: 1) the development and eastward movement of a cyclonic anomaly circulation in subtropical northwestern Pacific and weakening of Southern Oscillation result in the eastward propagation of westerly anomaly along the equator, there?fore, interactions between flows in subtropics and in tropics play an important role in the evolution of wind stress anomaly with ENSO time scale; 2) easterly and westerly anomalies with ENSO time scale are one kind of propagating wave, which differs from Barnett’s (1991). It is interesting that the evolution of observed and simulated wind stress anomalies with biennial time scale bears a strong resemble to that with ENSO time scale although their period it dif?ferent. Observed annual variability it weak during 1979-1981 and intensified after 1981, especially it reaches to max?imum during 1982-1984, and the spatial structure of the first mode is the ENSO-like pattern.  相似文献   

评估了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体动力学数值模拟国家重点实验室海洋环流模式L30T63和海气耦合模式FGCM 0模拟的热带太平洋年平均状态 ,资料取自L30T63由观测的大气强迫驱动的Control试验、由NCARCCM3大气强迫驱动的Spinup试验、以及相应的海气耦合模式FGCM 0。主要的结论是 :( 1 )在“准确”的海表强迫下 ,Control模拟的海面温度和温跃层与观测结果相当接近 ,模式的固有误差是赤道冷舌过分西伸和东南太平洋温跃层偏浅。 ( 2 )Spinup能模拟出合理的热带太平洋上层海洋环流 ,但存在两个问题 ,即 :暖池区海面温度显著偏高、沿赤道的梯度过大 ;赤道温跃层偏浅、东西向坡度偏小 ,它们分别与CCM3提供的海表短波辐射通量和风应力的系统误差有关。这两个问题很可能是海气耦合模式FGCM 0运行初期误差迅速发展的重要原因。 ( 3)FGCM 0模拟的赤道暖池区上层 1 0 0m的平均温度比观测低 3℃。分析表明FGCM 0夸大了暖池区海洋动力过程的降温作用 ,使得模拟的“暖池”在一定程度上具有冷舌的属性。FGCM 0模拟的热带南太平洋温跃层比观测结果偏浅数十米到 1 0 0m ,以致赤道两侧的上层海洋温度分布趋于对称 ,成为“doubleITCZ”现象在上层海洋中的表现。风应力旋度的系统误差和垂直混合随深度衰减过快  相似文献   

Predecessor rain events(PREs) in the Yangtze River Delta(YRD) region associated with the South China Sea and Northwest Pacific Ocean(SCS-WNPO) tropical cyclones(TCs) are investigated during the period from 2010 to 2019.Results indicate that approximately 10% of TCs making landfall in China produce PREs over the YRD region; however,they are seldom forecasted. PREs often occur over the YRD region when TCs begin to be active in the SCS-WNPO with westward paths, whilst the cold air is still existing...  相似文献   

ENSO对黑潮海区风应力异常影响的初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用近50a黑潮海区风应力场与Nino3区海温指数序列进行相关分析后发现,ENSO对黑潮海区经向风应力影响的“关键时段”为秋、冬季至次年初夏时期,对纬向风应力影响的“关键时段”为冬季至次年春季。黑潮海区风应力距平场与赤道中东太平洋SSTA场的扩展SVD分析及相应的合成分析揭示了ENSO期间黑潮海区风应力异常结构的演变:秋季,中国的东海、琉球群岛附近海域首先出现南风应力异常;冬季,吕宋岛以北、台湾以东的海域出现西南风应力异常,其影响范围和强度在次年2月前后达到最强,其后迅速减弱,至5月,风应力异常基本消失。赤道中东太平洋SSTA对黑潮海区经向风应力异常的影响范围较大,强度更显著。  相似文献   

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