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The structure of atmospheric turbulence in the surface layer over the open ocean is examined under conditions of local free convection. The raw data consist of profile and fluctuation measurements of wind and temperature as obtained from a meteorological buoy. For near neutral conditions and for waves running approximately along the wind direction, wave-induced wind fluctuations can be described by a simplified linear theory based on Miles (1957). In this case, the spectrum of wind velocity is given as the sum of two parts; for the turbulent part, the parameterization as obtained by Kaimal et al. (1972) applies, while the wave-induced part is parameterized using a simplification of Miles' linear theory. For cases of local free convection, the measurements of the vertical component of the wind velocity are well described by similarity theory; as expected, w /(-uw)1/2 is proportional to (- z/L)1/3. In order to scale the longitudinal wind velocity component, it seems to be reasonable to extend the list of relevant parameters by the height of the mixed layer z i. We obtain u /(- uw)1/2 (z/z i)1/3(- z/L)1/3 with only a poor correlation coefficient of r = 0.6. Overall, the results of local free convection scaling obtained from direct measurements show good agreement with those obtained from profile measurements. A comparison between direct and indirect determination of turbulent fluxes of momentum shows an unexplained difference of about 20%. This discrepancy is mainly due to a gap in the uw-cospectrum at the swell frequency.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of downwelling short-wave solar irradiance and incoming total radiation flux were performed at the Reeves Nevè glacier station (1200 m MSL) in Antarctica on 41 days from late November 1994 to early January 1995, employing the upward sensors of an albedometer and a pyrradiometer. The downwelling short-wave radiation measurements were analysed following the Duchon and O'Malley [J. Appl. Meteorol. 38 (1999) 132] procedure for classifying clouds, using the 50-min running mean values of standard deviation and the ratio of scaled observed to scaled clear-sky irradiance. Comparing these measurements with the Duchon and O'Malley rectangular boundaries and the local human observations of clouds collected on 17 days of the campaign, we found that the Duchon and O'Malley classification method obtained a success rate of 93% for cirrus and only 25% for cumulus. New decision criteria were established for some polar cloud classes providing success rates of 94% for cirrus, 67% for cirrostratus and altostratus, and 33% for cumulus and altocumulus.The ratios of the downwelling short-wave irradiance measured for cloudy-sky conditions to that calculated for clear-sky conditions were analysed in terms of the Kasten and Czeplak [Sol. Energy 24 (1980) 177] formula together with simultaneous human observations of cloudiness, to determine the empirical relationship curves providing reliable estimates of cloudiness for each of the three above-mentioned cloud classes. Using these cloudiness estimates, the downwelling long-wave radiation measurements (obtained as differences between the downward fluxes of total and short-wave radiation) were examined to evaluate the downwelling long-wave radiation flux normalised to totally overcast sky conditions. Calculations of the long-wave radiation flux were performed with the MODTRAN 3.7 code [Kneizys, F.X., Abreu, L.W., Anderson, G.P., Chetwynd, J.H., Shettle, E.P., Berk, A., Bernstein, L.S., Robertson, D.C., Acharya, P., Rothman, L.S., Selby, J.E.A., Gallery, W.O., Clough, S.A., 1996. In: Abreu, L.W., Anderson, G.P. (Eds.), The MODTRAN 2/3 Report and LOWTRAN 7 MODEL. Contract F19628-91-C.0132, Phillips Laboratory, Geophysics Directorate, PL/GPOS, Hanscom AFB, MA, 261 pp.] for both clear-sky and cloudy-sky conditions, considering various cloud types characterised by different cloud base altitudes and vertical thicknesses. From these evaluations, best-fit curves of the downwelling long-wave radiation flux were defined as a function of the cloud base height for the three polar cloud classes. Using these relationship curves, average estimates of the cloud base height were obtained from the three corresponding sub-sets of long-wave radiation measurements. The relative frequency histograms of the cloud base height defined by examining these three sub-sets were found to present median values of 4.7, 1.7 and 3.6 km for cirrus, cirrostratus/altostratus and cumulus/altocumulus, respectively, while median values of 6.5, 1.8 and 2.9 km were correspondingly determined by analysing only the measurements taken together with simultaneous cloud observations.  相似文献   

基于美国AMF寿县观测的云特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国能源部大气辐射观测计划移动观测ARMAMF(atmospheric radiation measurement mobile facility)2008年首次在我国寿县开展综合观测,为研究云特性提供了很好的资料平台。本文在此次云雷达等观测资料基础上,研究了寿县秋末冬初云高、云厚、云量及其辐射特性,结果发现,寿县有76.3%的观测日有云出现,54.0%的观测时间有云覆盖,中云(以下简称M云)和高云(以下简称H云)出现频率占全部云系的76.7%,天气系统对寿县云系形成有较大影响;云底高度大于3km的降水性云(以下简称P云)出现频率占全部P云的67.7%,是云底高度小于3kmP云的5.3倍,发生在下午的降水占全部P云的47.8%,气溶胶可能对P云的这种分布有较大影响;云和气溶胶减少地面短波辐射的日均值达一99.1W/m。,其中气溶胶减少约占25.1%。不同高度和厚度云对地面辐射通量的影响有较大差异,P云产生最大的冷却效应(一201.9W/m。),厚度小于2km的H云对地面辐射通量的减少量最少(一32.9w/m。)。另外,用地面单点云辐射观测与中分辨率成像光谱仪MODIS(moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer)资料估计结果对比发现,两种资料有较大差异,差异可达-1.9~-36.9W/m。  相似文献   

During the 2nd Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE‐2), relationships between stratocumulus cloud properties and aerosols were examined. Here, the relevant measurements including the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation spectrum, updraft velocity, cloud microphysical and aerosol properties are presented. It is shown that calculations of droplet concentration based on updraft velocity and the CCN activation spectrum are consistent with direct observations. Also discussed is an apparent disparity among measurements of the CCN activation spectrum, the accumulation mode size distribution, and the composition of the submicrometric aerosol. The observed consistency between CCN, updraft and cloud droplets is a necessary refinement; however, extended analyses of the ACE‐2 data set are needed to guide improvements in model simulations of the interaction between aerosols and cloud microphysics. In particular, there is need for an examination of aerosol size spectra and chemical composition measurements with a view towards validating droplet activation schemes which relate the aerosol and cloud dynamical properties to cloud albedo.  相似文献   

The momentum flux data obtained by the gust probe aboard the NOAA DC-6 aircraft during GATE are analyzed. Vertical profiles are obtained for Phases I and III and correlated with vertical wind velocity profiles using the geostrophic departure method. Reasonable agreement is obtained using the horizontal equations of motion with negligible advective acceleration. The vertical profiles of momentum flux and wind speed variance compare well with the numerical model results of Deardorff (1972) and Wyngaard et al. (1974). Vertical distributions of power spectra for vertical eddy motion and cospectra corresponding to the momentum flux components are obtained along with the height variation of the dominant length scales of vertical eddy motion and the dissipation rate of turbulence kinetic energy. When normalized by mixed-layer similarity, these results agree well with previous determinations in the boundary layer over tropical oceans and over land.  相似文献   

李琦  蔡淼  周毓荃  唐雅慧  欧建军 《大气科学》2021,45(6):1161-1172
云的垂直结构特征作为云重要的宏观特征之一,直接决定了云的类型,进而通过发射和吸收辐射的方式影响着地气系统的能量收支平衡,因此对云垂直结构特征的研究一直都是云物理研究的一个重要方向。作为观测云垂直结构特征的一种方式,探空气球通过获取沿路径方向高分辨率的廓线信息,采用一定反演方法从而能够较为准确的识别云的垂直结构。本文即利用我国业务布网探空站的观测资料,采用相对湿度阈值法识别云垂直结构,并同激光云高仪、“风云四号”静止卫星和毫米波云雷达对识别的云结构特征量进行了一致性检验。在此基础上,统计分析了2015~2017年单层、两层和三层云的垂直结构分布特征、日变化和季节变化特征以及全国区域分布特征,结果表明:(1)整体分布上,单层云在垂直方向上出现的高度范围介于多层云的高度范围内,并且随着云层数的增加,云在垂直方向上更为伸展,即高层云越高,低层云越低;(2)在日变化中,中午单层和多层云中最低层云的云底高度均高于早晨,而夜间单层和多层云中最高层云的云顶高度则高于早晨和中午,同时中间层云厚的变化要小于最上层和最下层云厚的变化;(3)在季节变化中,夏季云量较其他季节更多,云体发展也更为深厚,表明温暖的大气条件更有利于云的形成和发展;(4)我国云垂直结构分布特征具有明显的纬向变化趋势,从以青藏高原为中心的西南地区的云底较高云体较薄的云,逐步过渡到以东南沿海地区为中心的云底较低云体较为深厚的云,表明不同地形和气候带的差异与不同云类型的分布直接相关。  相似文献   

云微物理特性对云光学和云辐射性质的影响   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
根据辐射传输理论,计算了不同云滴谱分布时的云光学参数βe,ωo和g,考察了这些光学参数的变化对云的反射率、透过率和吸收率的影响,以及云滴谱分布和云水含量在垂直方向的不均匀对云整体辐射性质、云中辐射通量密度和加热率的影响。  相似文献   

利用飞机PMS探测数据、雷达回波资料和FY-2卫星云图,分析了2009年6月四川盆地上空一次未形成地面降水的多层云系。结果表明,云系为Cs-As2-As1-Sc2-Sc1结构,夹有干层。云系中暖层厚,过冷层很薄。液态含水量随高度分布很不均匀,出现多个峰值。云系中液态含水量主要由小云粒子浓度决定,并且存在大量的小云滴、一...  相似文献   

浅谈云状的观测及云与天气现象的配合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谷富生 《山西气象》2004,(2):41-41,46
在管理工作中,常常发现在云状的观测记录及云与天气现象的配合方面存在某些问题和不足。出现这些问题的原因有以下三个方面:一是对各类云的定义及其所代表的天气意义掌握的不够,对相似云及复杂天气下的云不能准确地判断。二是在值班期间缺乏对云的连续观测或对云的演变规律掌握的  相似文献   

巨盐核对云滴活化影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用包含云凝结核(CCN)与巨核(GCCN)的核化,云滴凝结和碰并增长的分档气块模式模拟研究了不同的CCN数浓度、上升气流速度、CCN中值半径以及云底温度等情况下GCCN对CCN活化的影响,结果表明,在水汽供应相对充足的情况下GCCN对云滴活化数浓度的影响并不明显;而当水汽供应相对不充足时,增加GCCN至1 cm-3的量级以上可以有效减少CCN的活化数浓度.在水汽供应不充分且其他条件相同的情况下,增大CCN的平均直径或是增加云底温度都可以使GCCN对云滴活化的抑制作用增强.对比分析不同的GCCN数浓度对清洁大气和污染大气云底以上300 m高度处粒子谱型的影响可以看出,在水汽供应不充分的条件下加入GCCN,初始时刻CCN的数浓度对GCCN产生的大云滴数目及云滴谱宽的影响较小.在水汽供应相对充足的情况下,GCCN对CCN活化基本没有抑制作用,但此时在高过饱和度峰值下生成的大量小云滴争食水汽,反而导致云滴群凝结增长速度小于水汽供应相对不充足的情况,此时加入的GCCN可以先活化形成大云滴.  相似文献   

The POLDER instrument is devoted to global observations of the solar radiation reflected by the Earth–atmosphere system. The airborne version of the instrument was operated during the ACE‐2 experiment, more particularly as a component of the CLOUDYCOLUMN project of ACE‐2 that was conducted in summer 1997 over the subtropical northeastern Atlantic ocean. CLOUDYCOLUMN is a coordinated project specifically dedicated to the study of the indirect effect of aerosols. In this context, the airborne POLDER was assigned to remote measurements of the cloud optical and radiative properties, namely the cloud optical thickness and the cloud albedo. This paper presents the retrievals of those 2 cloud parameters for 2 golden days of the campaign 26 June and 9 July 1997. Coincident spaceborne ADEOS‐POLDER data from 2 orbits over the ACE‐2 area on 26 June are also analyzed. 26 June corresponds to a pure air marine case and 9 July is a polluted air case. The multidirectional viewing capability of airborne POLDER is here demonstrated to be very useful to estimate the effective radius of cloud droplet that characterizes the observed stratocumulus clouds. A 12 μm cloud droplet size distribution appears to be a suitable cloud droplet model in the pure marine cloud case study. For the polluted case the mean retrieved effective droplet radius is of the order of 6–10 μm. This only preliminary result can be interpreted as a confirmation of the indirect effect of aerosols. It is consistent with the significant increase in droplet concentration measured in polluted marine clouds compared to clean marine ones. Further investigations and comparisons to in‐situ microphysical measurements are now needed.  相似文献   

杨昌军  张秀再  张晨  冯绚  刘瑞霞 《大气科学》2021,45(6):1187-1195
基于深度学习的高分辨率光学影像云检测过程中,云和云阴影及其边缘细节丢失较为严重,主要原因在于不同尺度空间语义信息特征融合存在不足。针对该问题,本文构建一种基于深度学习的多尺度特征融合网络(Multi-scale Feature Fusion Network, MFFN)的云和云阴影检测方法,该算法结合防止网络退化的残差神经网络模块(Res.block)、扩大网络感受野的多尺度卷积模块(MCM)和提取并融合不同尺度信息的多尺度特征模块(MFM)。试验表明,本算法能提取丰富的空间信息与语义信息,可取得较为精细的云与云阴影掩模,具有较高检测精度,其中云检测准确率达0.9796,云阴影检测准确率达0.8307。同时,该工作可为深度学习技术应用于业务云检测提供理论支持及技术储备。  相似文献   

95GHz云雷达对一次冷锋云系结构的观测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄毅梅  周毓荃 《高原气象》2012,31(4):1129-1138
利用安徽寿县W-Band云雷达(95GHz,波长3.16mm)、地面微波辐射计、探空和地面观测等资料,对2008年11月5-7日一次冷锋云系的云结构进行了分析。结果表明,云雷达的多普勒速度可以初步确定粒子相态和大小以及是否存在雪晶或雨滴;在0℃层附近有回波暗带产生,这主要是由于波长为3mm的雷达对雪晶的衰减较强以及粒子的非Rayleigh散射引起的;云雷达观测可以清楚地识别混合云中的融化层。冷锋云系发展、演变过程及结构非常不均匀:锋面前部,在5~7km之间有一水凝物含量大值区,不断有长大的冰雪晶下落,使云底逐渐下伸,触地后产生间歇性阵性降水;降水过后,5km左右有一相对干层,上部为高层云,下部为散乱的多层云结构;冷锋临近,云层冷区没有水凝物含量大值区,回波强度较弱,暖区2km以下是干冷的东北气流,限制了雨滴通过暖雨过程增长,导致锋面降水强度较小,持续时间短。锋面后部4~7km高度,由于冰雪晶沉降,相对湿度较小,云层分裂成两层云;冷锋过后,出现了较强的降水,这主要是由暖雨过程产生的。  相似文献   

Analyses of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentrations (cm− 3) measured at the Mace Head Atmospheric Research Station, near Carna, County Galway, Ireland, using a DH Associates Model M1 static thermal diffusion cloud chamber over the period from March 1994 to September 2002 are presented in this work. Air masses are defined as being ‘marine’ if they originate from a wind direction of 180–300° and ‘continental’ air masses are defined as originating from a wind direction of 45–135°. Air masses without such filtering were classified as ‘undefined’ air masses. Air masses were found to be dominated by marine sector air, re-affirming Mace Head as a baseline atmospheric research station. CCN levels for specific air masses at Mace Head were found to be comparable with earlier studies both at Mace Head and elsewhere. Monthly averaged clean marine (wind direction of 180–300° and black carbon absorption coefficient < 1.425 Mm− 1) CCN and marine CCN varied between 15–247 cm− 3 and 54–670 cm− 3, respectively. As expected, significant increases in number concentration were found in continentally sourced CCN over that of marine CCN and were found to follow a log-normal distribution significantly tighter than that of clean marine air masses. No significant trend was found for CCN over the 9-year period. While polluted continental air masses showed a slight increase in CCN concentrations over the winter months, most likely due to increased fuel usage and a lower mixed boundary layer, the dominance of marine sector air arriving at Mace Head, which generally consists of background CCN concentrations, reduced seasonal differences for polluted air. Marine air showed a distinct seasonal pattern, with elevated values occurring over the spring and summer seasons. This is thought to be due to enhanced biogenic aerosol production as a result of phytoplankton bloom activity in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

本文针对山西省2009年6月18日-19日的一次降水过程,利用Micaps系统天气图和机载DMT探测资料分析了这次降水的宏微观特征,并用Г分布拟合了云滴谱分布,结果接近云滴谱的实际分布。  相似文献   

北京一次对流云人工催化作业效果检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用北京SA波段天气雷达每6 min一次的体扫数据和FY-2气象卫星云图,以2015年8月22日北京平谷地区一次人工影响天气作业为例,分析作业单元和与之条件相似的对比单元两者雷达回波参数的变化,并运用非参数检验方法进行显著性检验,对冷涡后局地新生的强对流风暴群的人工催化效果进行检验。结果表明,第一次地面作业后,在作业点位置的回波明显减弱,第二次地面作业后,作业点位置的回波持续减弱,组合反射率大于30 dBz的回波逐渐减弱消失,同时作业点东北方的回波不断增强合并,并向东边移动。此次作业所在区域的对流发展强烈,组合反射率大于45 dBz的回波直径为5—20km,组合反射率大于50 dBz的持续时间较长。显著性检验表明,作业回波与对比回波的最大组合反射率和平均组合反射率的衰减率通过了信度为0.15的显著性检验,存在显著差异;回波面积衰减速率通过了信度为0.3的显著性检验;且作业回波的各物理量的衰减率均小于中值和平均值,表明催化作业对维持云系发展起到积极作用。  相似文献   

测云方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定性及定量云基础参量的观测(检测)结果,对提供未来天气变化趋势的依据有着非常重要的意义。对国内外学者多年来使用的各种测云方法得出的云空间分布等情况进行了综合评述。根据不同观测手段的特点,按空基遥感、地基遥感等方法加以区分,分别对上述测云方法逐个分析并相互比较,讨论各种测云方法的利弊,为今后使用这些方法开展的各种科学研究工作提供参考,并展望未来观测研究云的可能方向。  相似文献   

通过对夜间云的观测的分析,找出夜间云云状的特点和观测注意事项及正确的观测方法。  相似文献   

利用静止卫星红外和短波红外通道资料的特点,生成了红外亮温底图与红外减短波红外差异底图,并充分利用这几种底图的特性,结合时空相似性检测来进行云检测的校正,实现了用动态阈值技术进行云检测.分析表明,红外亮温底图对于中高云系的检测效果较好,差异底图对于中低云系的检测效果较好,通过时空不同性测试可以将误检为云的晴空重新识别出来.算法取得了较好的检测效果.  相似文献   

文章利用2013年内蒙古中部地区呼和浩特、东胜、临河、乌拉特中旗4个高空观测站的L波段探空秒数据,采用相对湿度阈值法,进行云垂直结构气候学特征分析以及降水云系的垂直结构分析。结果表明:呼和浩特地区平均云底高度为2680m,平均云顶高度为6433m,平均云厚为3753m。在全年中有60.2%的时间是无云天气;在有云时候,单层云约占24.1%;多层云中以双层云居多,约占总数的10.1%。云底高度低于2.5km、云层厚度在3.5km以上、云顶高度高于5.0km且连续无夹层是内蒙古中部地区降水云系的垂直结构特征。  相似文献   

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