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In an effort to assess the reliability of satellite altimeter systems, the authors conduct a comparative analysis of sea level data that were collected from the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter and 10 tide gauges (TG) near the satellite passing ground tracks. The analysis is made using datasets collected from marginal sea regions surrounding the Korean Peninsula at T/P cycles of 2 to 230, which correspond to October 1992 to December 1998. Proper treatment of tidal errors is a very critical step in data processing because the study area has very strong tide. When the T/P data are processed, the procedures of Park and Gamberoni (1995) are adapted to reduce errors associated with the tide. When the T/P data are processed in this way, the alias periods of M2, $2, and K1 constituents are found to be 62.1, 58.7, and 173 days repectively. The compatibility of the T/P and TG datasets are examined at various filtering periods.The results indicate that the low-frequency signals of the T/P data can be interpreted more safely with longer filtering periods (such as up to the maximum selected value of 200 days). When RMS errors for the 200-day low-pass filter period are compared with all 10 tidal stations, the values span the range of 2.8 to 6.7 cm. The results of a correlation analysis for this filtering period also show a strong agreement between the T/P and TG datasets across all stations investigated (e.g., p-values consistently less than 0.001). Hence according to the analysis, the conclusion is made that the analysis of surface sea level using satellite altimeter data can be made safely with reasonably extended filtering periods such as 200 days.  相似文献   

 An ocean data assimilation (ODA) system which can assimilate both temperature and altimeter observations has been applied to the global ocean and tested between January 1993–October 1996. A statistical method has been used to convert sea surface height (SSH) anomalies observations from TOPEX/POSEIDON into synthetic temperature profiles. The innovative aspect of this method is the introduction of time dependency in the correlations used to transform the altimeter observations into temperature corrections. The assimilation system is based on a univariate variational optimal interpolation scheme applied to assimilate both in situ and synthetic temperature profiles. In addition, a longer global analysis for the upper-ocean temperature starting from January 1979 and ending November 1997, has been produced to examine the skill of sea temperature assimilation with a rather simple and practical method. The temperature analysis shows encouraging improvement over a corresponding ocean simulation when compared to independent (not assimilated) temperature data both at seasonal and interannual time scales. However, the univariate data assimilation of hydrographic data does not result in an improvement of the velocity field. In fact the assimilation of sparse in situ data can introduce unrealistic spatial variability in the temperature field which affects the velocity field in a negative way. This deficiency is partially overcome when we also assimilate altimeter observations since the coverage is complete and uniform for this data. In particular, our study shows that temperature corrections due to the altimeter signal have a positive impact on the current system in the tropical Pacific. Received: 28 May 2000 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

In this paper, the wind field provided by a meso-scale atmospheric model is employed. When main physical processes, including wave-current interactions, are considered, the latest version of the third generation wave model SWAN is applied to simulate the typhoon wave generated by Typhoon Winnie. The model results are compared with the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS-2 satellite altimeter data and analyzed in details. Then the distribution of wave fields are analyzed, with the results showing that applying SWAN to simulate large-scale domain can also fairly reproduce the observed features of waves and realistically reflect the distribution of typhoon waves.  相似文献   


An analysis of sea level variability during summer indicates that semi‐diurnal and diurnal tidal components are rapidly attenuated as they propagate into the Bras d'Or Lakes. On the other hand, low frequency sea level fluctuations originating in Sydney Bight, immediately outside the Lakes, are only moderately affected. The fluctuations in Sydney Bight are predominantly the result of the isostatic adjustment of sea level to atmospheric pressure changes. The resulting sea level gradient drives flow into or out of the Lakes. A simple numerical model consisting of a balance of acceleration, pressure gradient and friction accounts for most of the observations.  相似文献   


The development of a tidal model for the west coast of Canada is described. The model is intermediate in resolution between coarse‐gridded global models and fine‐gridded local models; it provides a good representation of the main shelf regions and also includes a substantial area of the neighbouring ocean. The physical processes relevant to tides in both deep and shallow water are included. Calculations have been carried out for the M2 and K1 constituents and the model results were compared with extensive tide‐gauge observations and empirically based charts. For M2, the agreement between model results and observations is generally excellent, but for K1, which contains more small‐scale variability, the model results are not quite so good. The variability in K1 is associated with tidally generated continental shelf waves. Examination of the computed currents and energy fluxes suggests that shelf‐wave components are present in the model solution but, for the Vancouver Island shelf, their propagation is not reproduced accurately. This may be due to deficiencies in the model and/or to the influences of stratification and mean currents, which are neglected here. The model predicts that shelf‐wave components should also occur in diurnal tides on the Alaskan shelf.

The significance of the tide‐generating potential and advection are also examined and further work proposed.  相似文献   

Since the late 1990s the semi-diurnal tide at Churchill, on the western shore of Hudson Bay, has been decreasing in amplitude, with M2 amplitudes falling from approximately 154?cm in 1998 to 146?cm in 2012 and 142?cm in 2014. There has been a corresponding small increase in phase lag. Mean low water, decreasing throughout most of the twentieth century, has levelled off. Although the tidal changes could reflect merely a malfunctioning tide gauge, the fact that there are no other measurements in the region and the possibility that the tide is revealing important environmental changes calls for serious investigation. Satellite altimeter measurements of the tide in Hudson Bay are complicated by the seasonal ice cover; at most locations less than 40% of satellite passes return valid ocean heights and even those can be impacted by errors from sea ice. Because the combined TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 time series is more than 23 years long, it is now possible to obtain sufficient data at crossover locations near Churchill to search for tidal changes. The satellites sense no changes in M2 that are comparable to the changes seen at the Churchill gauge. The changes appear to be localized to the harbour, or to the Churchill River, or to the gauge itself.  相似文献   

台风Winnie(1997)影响下海浪的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用多重嵌套中尺度大气数值模式提供的风场,在考虑了波-流相互作用等主要物理过程的基础上,应用最新版本的第三代海浪模式SWAN对Winnie(1997)引起的台风浪进行了模拟,将模拟的有效波高与TOPEX/POSEIDON和ERS-2卫星高度计资料作了详细的对比分析,并分析了台风浪要素的分布特征。结果表明,SWAN在模拟较大尺度的海区时也能得到较好的模拟效果,能较好地再现海浪的发展过程和合理地反映台风浪的分布。  相似文献   


A two‐dimensional, hydrostatic numerical model of the tides in Knight Inlet is compared with observations of velocity and density obtained from three cyclesonde moorings. The observations from a fourth cyclesonde mooring were used to provide boundary data at the open end of the model. The time period in the fjord that the model simulates was a period of high, freshwater runoff, so that the fjord had a distinct, surface layer. The use of high, vertical resolution was avoided by attaching a homogeneous, fresh, surface layer to the top of the model. The density equation was linearized about a mean, fixed density field, and the mixing of density was not allowed.

The model reproduces the semidiurnal (M2, S2 and N2) and diurnal (K1 and O1) velocity and density signals in the inlet. The shallow‐water constituents (M4 and MK3) are reproduced even though the density equation has been linearized. The fortnightly constituent (MSf) is poorly simulated. When the advection terms in the momentum equation are set to zero, the basic features of the semidiurnal and diurnal constituents are still reproduced, but the shallow‐water constituents are poorly simulated.

The energy flux along the inlet of the M2 internal tide is insensitive to the advective terms in the momentum equation. The total rate of dissipation of M2 energy is similar to the energy flux in the M2 internal tide near the sill, which implies that, according to the model, most of the energy removed from the barotropic tide is fed into the internal tide. The majority of the energy in the M2 internal tide is dissipated close to the sill of the inlet, but enough of the energy makes its way to the head of the inlet to reflect and set up a recognizable standing wave pattern.  相似文献   


To develop an understanding of the complex internal tidal phenomena observed near and inside Dixon Entrance, an idealized numerical model was developed for the area, which explores the influence of various topographic features on the scattering of internal tides. The model uses a non‐linear, two‐layered, frictionless finite difference formulation of the shallow water equations and is forced by a barotropic wave over simplified topography. It was found that the main bathymetric features responsible for the generation of semi‐diurnal internal tides are the steep continental slope together with the orientation of Dixon Entrance. The prevalent baroclinic wave pattern, which is similar to the one found by Buchwald (1971), suggests that the western end of Dixon Entrance can be considered as an internal tide generation region for the open ocean. Use of the simple model allows easy identification of the generated waves. When the model is run with a non‐flat channel it reproduces features observed inside Dixon Entrance.  相似文献   


The Geosat radar altimeter data from ~60 repeat cycles of the Exact Repeat Mission (ERM) over the period November 1986 to September 1989 have been analysed to show the annual variations of the sea‐surface slopes, corrected for ocean tides, over the Scotian Shelf and the Grand Banks. A coastal tidal model developed at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, combined with the global tidal model of Schwiderski, is employed to remove the tidal signals from the sea‐surface heights over those regions. Linear regression is used to estimate the sea‐surface slopes over the inner shelf region, the outer shelf region, or a combination of the two along the Geosat ground tracks. Harmonic analysis is applied to the time series of sea‐surface slopes to derive the annual signals, showing that amplitudes are of order of 5 × 10‐7 (5 cm/100 km) with onshore slopes positive in winter and negative in summer.

The largest annual cycles occur over the outer portion of the Laurentian Channel and the southern Grand Banks. The annual cycles differ between the eastern and western portions of the Scotian Shelf: in the east, the signal is synchronized with that of the Laurentian Channel, whereas in the west, the phase of the signal is advanced by 2–3 months. The annual signals over the eastern Scotian Shelf are comparable and consistent with historical hydrographie data along the Halifax Hydrographie Section. The amplitude and phase over the western Scotian Shelf are consistent with the adjusted sea level at the Halifax Station. The annual variability of the sea‐surface slopes over the Scotian Shelf and the Grand Banks is thought to be induced by the seasonal outflow from the Gulf of St Lawrence through Cabot Strait, and possibly by an annual cycle in the Slope Water current.  相似文献   


We analyse time series records of isopleth depths derived from two extended sequences of hourly and bi‐hourly sampled profiles taken at Ocean Weather Station P during the summers of 1961 and 1969. Vertical displacements to 240‐m depth are mainly of semidiurnal frequency with r.m.s. amplitudes of 1–4 m. Displacements at diurnal and near‐inertial frequencies are typically less than a metre and have little statistical significance. Within the semidiurnal band, motions appear to be predominantly at the principal solar (S2) rather than the principal lunar (M2) semidiurnal frequency. The phase of the M2 baroclinic tide is roughly equal to that of the M2 barotropic tide (as extrapolated from coastal and seamount observations); phases of other constituents differ appreciably from barotropic values.  相似文献   


The resonance of semi‐diurnal tidal elevations is investigated with a forward numerical forced damped global tide model and an analytical model of forced‐damped tides in a deep ocean basin coupled to a shelf. The analytical model contains the classical half‐wavelength and quarter‐wavelength resonances in the deep ocean and shelf, respectively, as well as a forcing‐scale dependence which depends on the ratio of the phase speed of open‐ocean gravity waves to that of the astronomical forcing. In the analytical model, when the deep ocean and shelf resonate separately at the same frequency, the resonance in the coupled system shifts to frequencies slightly higher and lower than the original frequency, such that a ‘double bump’ is seen in plots of elevation amplitude versus frequency. The addition of a shelf to a resonant open ocean tends to reduce open‐ocean tides, especially when the shelf is also near resonance. The magnitude of this ‘back‐effect’ is controlled by shelf friction. A weakly damped resonant shelf has a larger back‐effect on the open‐ocean tide than does a strongly damped shelf. Numerical simulations largely bear out the analytical model predictions, at least qualitatively. Idealized simulations show that continents enhance tides by enabling the half‐wavelength resonance. Simulations with realistic geometry and topography but varying longitudinal structure in the astronomical forcing display an influence of the forcing scale on tidal amplitudes somewhat similar to that seen in the analytical model. A frequency sweep in the semi‐diurnal band in experiments with realistic geometry and topography reveals weakly resonant peaks in the amplitudes of several shelf regions and in the globally averaged open‐ocean amplitudes. Finally, the back‐effect of the shelf upon the open ocean is seen in simulations in which locations of resonant coastal tides are blocked out and open‐ocean tidal elevations are significantly altered (increased, generally) as a result.  相似文献   


Present‐day results and CO2 sensitivity are described for two versions of a global climate model (genesis) with and without sea‐ice dynamics. Sea‐ice dynamics is modelled using the cavitating‐fluid method of Flato and Hibler (1990, 1992). The atmospheric general circulation model originated from the NCAR Community Climate Model version 1, but is heavily modified to include new treatments of clouds, penetrative convection, planetary boundary‐layer mixing, solar radiation, the diurnal cycle and the semi‐Lagrangian transport of water vapour. The surface models include an explicit model of vegetation (similar to BATS and SiB), multilayer models of soil, snow and sea ice, and a slab ocean mixed layer.

When sea‐ice dynamics is turned off, the CO2‐induced warming increases drastically around ~60–80°S in winter and spring. This is due to the much greater (and unrealistic) compactness of the Antarctic ice cover without dynamics, which is reduced considerably when CO2 is doubled and exposes more open ocean to the atmosphere. With dynamics, the winter ice is already quite dispersed for 1 × CO2 so that its compactness does not decrease as much when CO2 is doubled.  相似文献   


The vertical structures of the mean and tidal flows in Hudson Strait are described from moored current‐meter data collected during an 8‐week period in August to October of 1982. The residual flow in the strongly stratified waters off Quebec is directed along the Strait to the southeast, is highly baroclinic and is concentrated near shore (within an offshore length scale of approximately an internal Rossby radius). Maximum mean speeds of 0.3 m s?1 were observed near‐surface (30 m). In the weakly stratified waters on the northern side of the Strait along Baffin Island the mean flow is northwestward. The maximum speeds are 0.1 m s?1 near‐surface (30 m) and the current amplitudes decrease to 0.05 m s?1 at 100 m. The mean southeastward transport is estimated to be 0.93 ±0.23 × 106 m3 s?1 with a northwestward transport of 0.82 ± 0.24 × 106 m3 s?1. Over most of the Strait the across‐channel residual currents are directed towards the Quebec shore with velocities ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 ms?1. Current variability is dominated by the tides, the M2 being the major tidal constituent. In the vicinity of the mooring the M2 tide is primarily barotropic, progressive in nature, and has along‐channel current amplitudes varying across the Strait from 0.20 to 0.45 m s?1. Observed differences in tidal sea‐level elevations across the Strait can be accounted for by the cross‐channel variations characteristic of Kelvin waves.  相似文献   


During November 1976 to February 1977 near‐surface wind, current and temperature measurements were made at three sites along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Strong tidal currents and major intrusions of warmer, fresher offshore coastal water were superimposed upon the estuarine circulation of near‐surface seaward flow. The r.m.s. amplitudes of the diurnal and semidiurnal tidal currents were ~30 cms‐1 and 30–47 cm s‐1, respectively. The vector‐mean flow at 4 m‐depth was seaward and decreased in speed from 28 cm s‐1 at 74 km from the entrance to 9 cm s‐1 at 11 km from the entrance. On five occasions intrusions of 1–3 C warmer northeast Pacific coastal water occurred for durations of 1–10 days. The 25 cm s‐1 up‐strait speed of the intrusive lens agreed to within 20% of the gravity current speed computed from Benjamin's (1968) hydraulic model. The near‐surface currents associated with the intrusions and the southerly coastal winds were significantly correlated, indicating that the intrusions were initiated when shoreward Ekman currents advected Pacific coastal water into the Strait. The reversals were not significantly coherent with the along‐strait sea surface slope measured along the north side of the Strait nor were they strongly related to local wind forcing.  相似文献   

The secular trends for local tidal datums, tide ranges, and tidal harmonic constituents at 13 tidal gauge stations located along the coast of Japan were analyzed in this study. The general trends for mean higher high water (MHHW), mean high water (MHW), diurnal tide range (DTR), mean tide range (MTR), and relative mean sea level (RMSL) were positive, and for mean lower low water (MLLW) and mean low water (MLW) the trends were negative. The variation patterns were largest at Kushiro and Ofunato stations, both located in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean. The tidal datums and tide ranges remained fairly stable at the Hakodate station, and an opposite trend was observed at the Maisaka station. The analysis of tidal harmonic constituents revealed a less pronounced pattern. The most distinct trend was observed for the M2 amplitude, which appears to be negative at a majority of the stations. The largest decrease in the M2 amplitude was observed at Kushimoto and Mera stations, also located in the open waters of the North Pacific Ocean. The negative trend is attributed to decreasing water depths at these stations, owing to small-scale local processes.  相似文献   


Surveys in the Middle Estuary of the St Lawrence have yielded a data base consisting of more than 15,000 T‐S pairs distributed over 62 13‐h profiling stations. Although the T‐S curves at each station are remarkably linear, the variability of the slopes and intercepts of the lines is considerable. The means and standard deviations of the temperature and salinity at each individual station are not explicable in terms of linear combinations of the parameters for location in the Estuary, the upstream water properties, the phase of the spring‐neap cycle and the tidal energies.

It is shown that the tidally‐averaged density structure is separable into horizontal and vertical components and that its vertical variation over the whole Estuary may be explained by any one of three different functional forms. However, its horizontal variation is not explicable in terms of linear combinations of the parameters mentioned in the paragraph above.

Plots of the horizontal variations in temperature, salinity or density may only be meaningful if the data are collected synoptically, and even then cannot be considered to be accurate over time‐scales longer than one tidal cycle.  相似文献   


Estimates of the rate of dissipation of turbulent energy,?v, were made on the continental shelf off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island throughout the diurnal tidal cycle at six stations. If turbulent mixing takes place away from boundaries, and a constant fraction of the energy supplied to turbulence is converted into potential energy, this dissipation rate per unit volume, ?v, is shown to be proportional to the rate of turbulent mass and nutrient flux across the isopycnals.

We compute these fluxes to determine the source of nutrients in the upper mixed layer on the shelf. It is found that tidal mixing on the shelf throughout the water column contributes less than 10% of the flux of nutrients supplied by the estuarine outflow out of Juan de Fuca Strait. Strong winds during upwelling events supply nutrients at rates greater than those due to tidal mixing, but at rates that are likely smaller than the Juan de Fuca source. Therefore, the nutrient‐rich waters observed in the euphotic zone in spring and summer on this shelf derive mainly from Juan de Fuca Strait. Nutrients in bottom water derive from upwelling along shelf‐break canyons.  相似文献   

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