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The Tangra Yum Co graben is one of the active structures that accommodate the east‐west extension of the southern Tibetan Plateau and hosts one of the largest Tibetan lakes, which experienced lake‐level changes of ~200 m during the Holocene. In this study, cosmogenic 10Be is employed to: (1) quantify catchment‐wide denudation rates in fault‐bounded mountain ranges adjacent to the Tangra Yum Co graben; (2) date palaeo‐shorelines related to the Holocene lake‐level decline; and (3) determine the age of glacial advances in this region. The fault‐bounded, non‐glaciated mountain range north of Tangra Yum Co – and presumably most other areas around the lake – erode at low rates of 10–70 mm/ka. Owing to the slow erosion of the landscape, the sediments delivered to Tangra Yum Co have high 10Be concentrations. As a consequence, accurate exposure dating of sediment‐covered terraces and beach ridges is difficult, because the pre‐depositional 10Be concentration may exceed the post‐depositional 10Be concentration from which exposure ages are calculated. This difficulty is illustrated by a rather inaccurate 10Be exposure age of 2.3 ± 1.4 ka (i.e. an error of 60%) for a terrace that is located 67 m above the lake. Nevertheless, the age is consistent with luminescence ages for a series of beach ridges and provides further evidence for the decline of the lake level in the late Holocene. At Tangra Yum Co exposure dating of beach ridges via 10Be depth profiles is not feasible, because the pre‐depositional 10Be component in these landforms varies with depth, which violates a basic assumption of this approach. 10Be ages for boulders from two moraines are much older than the early Holocene lake‐level highstand, indicating that melting of glaciers in the mountain ranges adjacent to Tangra Yum Co has not contributed significantly to the lake‐level highstand in the early Holocene. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have measured the concentration of in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al from bare bedrock surfaces on summit flats in four western U.S. mountain ranges. The maximum mean bare-bedrock erosion rate from these alpine environments is 7.6 ± 3.9 m My−1. Individual measurements vary between 2 and 19 m My−1. These erosion rates are similar to previous cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) erosion rates measured in other environments, except for those from extremely arid regions. This indicates that bare bedrock is not weathered into transportable material more rapidly in alpine environments than in other environments, even though frost weathering should be intense in these areas. Our CRN-deduced point measurements of bedrock erosion are slower than typical basin-averaged denudation rates ( 50 m My−1). If our measured CRN erosion rates are accurate indicators of the rate at which summit flats are lowered by erosion, then relief in the mountain ranges examined here is probably increasing.

We develop a model of outcrop erosion to investigate the magnitude of errors associated with applying the steady-state erosion model to episodically eroding outcrops. Our simulations show that interpreting measurements with the steady-state erosion model can yield erosion rates which are either greater or less than the actual long-term mean erosion rate. While errors resulting from episodic erosion are potentially greater than both measurement and production rate errors for single samples, the mean value of many steady-state erosion rate measurements provides a much better estimate of the long-term erosion rate.  相似文献   

The Serra do Mar escarpment, located along the southeastern coast of Brazil, is a high‐elevation passive margin escarpment. This escarpment evolved from the denudation of granites, migmatites and gneisses. The granites outcrop in the form of a ridge along the escarpment crest, due to its differential erosion (‘sugarloaf’ hills) from the surrounding lithologies. Several studies suggest that the passive margin escarpments are actively retreating toward the interior of the continent. However, no prior study has calculated the long‐term denudation rates of Serra do Mar to test this hypothesis. In this study, we measured the in situ‐produced 10Be concentration in fluvial sediments to quantify the catchment‐wide long‐term denudation rates of the Serra do Mar escarpment in southern Brazil. We sampled the fluvial sediments from ten watersheds that drain both sides of the escarpment. The average long‐term denudation rate of the oceanic side is between 2.1‐ and 2.6‐fold higher than the rate of the continental side: 26.04 ± 1.88 mm ka‐1 (integrating over between 15.8 ka‐1 and 46.6 ka‐1) and 11.10 ± 0.37 mm ka‐1 (integrating over between 52.9 ka‐1 and 85.4 ka‐1), respectively. These rates indicate that the coastal base level is controlling the escarpment retreat toward the continental high lands, which is consistent with observations made at other high‐elevation passive margins around the globe. The results also demonstrate the differential erosion along the Serra do Mar escarpment in southern Brazil during the Quaternary, where drainages over granites had lower average denudation rates in comparison with those over migmatites and gneisses. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the ocean‐facing catchments have been eroded more intensely than those facing the continent. The results also reveal that drainage over the granites decreases the average denudation rates of the ocean‐facing catchments and the ‘sugarloaf’ hills therefore are natural barriers that slowly retreat once they are exhumed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We use cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in both bedrock and fluvial sediments to investigate controls on erosion rates and sediment supply to river basins at the regional scale in the Kimberley, NW Australia. The area is characterised by lithologically controlled morphologies such as cuestas, isolated mesas and extensive plateaus made of slightly dipping, extensively jointed sandstones. All sampled bedrock surfaces at plateau tops, ridgelines, and in the broader floodplain of major rivers over the region show similar slow lowering rates between 0.17 and 4.88 m.Myr-1, with a mean value of 1.0 ± 0.6 m.Myr-1 (n=15), whilst two bedrock samples collected directly within river-beds record rates that are one to two orders of magnitude higher (14.4 ± 1.5 and 20.9 ± 2.5 m.Myr-1, respectively). Bedrock 26Al/10Be ratios are all compatible with simple, continuous sub-aerial exposure histories. Modern river sediment yield lower 10Be and 26Al concentrations, apparent 10Be basin-wide denudation rates ranging between 1.8 and 7.7 m.Myr-1, with a median value of 2.6 m.Myr-1, more than double the magnitude of bedrock erosion rates. 26Al/10Be ratios of the sediment samples are lower than those obtained for bedrock samples. We propose that these depleted 26Al/10Be ratios can largely be explained by the supply of sediment to river basins from the slab fragmentation and chemical weathering of channel gorge walls and plateau escarpments that result in diluting the cosmogenic nuclide concentration in river sediments measured at the basin outlets. The results of a mass-balance model suggest that ~60–90% of river sediment in the Kimberley results from the breakdown and chemical weathering of retreating vertical sandstone rock-walls in contrast to sediment generated by bedrock weathering and erosion on the plateau tops. This study emphasises the value of analysing two or more isotopes in basin-scale studies using cosmogenic nuclides, especially in slowly eroding post-orogenic settings. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Quantifying glacial erosion contributes to our understanding of landscape evolution and topographic relief production in high altitude and high latitude areas. Combining in situ 10Be and 26Al analysis of bedrock, boulder, and river sand samples, geomorphological mapping, and field investigations, we examine glacial erosion patterns of former ice caps in the Shaluli Shan of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The general landform pattern shows a zonal pattern of landscape modification produced by ice caps of up to 4000 km2 during pre-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) glaciations, while the dating results and landforms on the plateau surface imply that the LGM ice cap further modified the scoured terrain into different zones. Modeled glacial erosion depth of 0–0.38 m per 100 ka bedrock sample located close to the western margin of the LGM ice cap, indicates limited erosion prior to LGM and Late Glacial moraine deposition. A strong erosion zone exists proximal to the LGM ice cap marginal zone, indicated by modeled glacial erosion depth >2.23 m per 100 ka from bedrock samples. Modeled glacial erosion depths of 0–1.77 m per 100 ka from samples collected along the edge of a central upland, confirm the presence of a zone of intermediate erosion in-between the central upland and the strong erosion zone. Significant nuclide inheritance in river sand samples from basins on the scoured plateau surface also indicate restricted glacial erosion during the last glaciation. Our study, for the first time, shows clear evidence for preservation of glacial landforms formed during previous glaciations under non-erosive ice on the Tibetan Plateau. As patterns of glacial erosion intensity are largely driven by the basal thermal regime, our results confirm earlier inferences from geomorphology for a concentric basal thermal pattern for the Haizishan ice cap during the LGM. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Some areas within ice sheet boundaries retain pre-existing landforms and thus either remained as ice free islands (nunataks) during glaciation, or were preserved under ice. Differentiating between these alternatives has significant implications for paleoenvironment, ice sheet surface elevation, and ice volume reconstructions. In the northern Swedish mountains, in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al concentrations from glacial erratics on relict surfaces as well as glacially eroded bedrock adjacent to these surfaces, provide consistent last deglaciation exposure ages (∼8-13 kyr), confirming ice sheet overriding as opposed to ice free conditions. However, these ages contrast with exposure ages of 34-61 kyr on bedrock surfaces in these same relict areas, demonstrating that relict areas were preserved with little erosion through multiple glacial cycles. Based on the difference in radioactive decay between 26Al and 10Be, the measured nuclide concentration in one of these bedrock surfaces suggests that it remained largely unmodified for a minimum period of 845−418+461 kyr. These results indicate that relict areas need to be accounted for as frozen bed patches in basal boundary conditions for ice sheet models, and in landscape development models. Subglacial preservation also implies that source areas for glacial sediments in ocean cores are considerably smaller than the total area covered by ice sheets. These relict areas also have significance as potential long-term subglacial biologic refugia.  相似文献   

The ~900 km long Darling Scarp in Western Australia is one of the most prominent linear topographic features on Earth. Despite the presence of over‐steepened reaches in all westerly flowing streams crossing the scarp, and significant seismic activity within 100 km of the scarp, there is no historical seismicity and no reported evidence for Quaternary tectonic displacements on the underlying Darling Fault. Consequently, it is unclear whether the scarp is a rapidly evolving landform responding to recent tectonic and/or climatic forcing or a more slowly evolving landform. In order to quantify late Quaternary rates of erosion and scarp relief processes, we obtained measurements of the cosmic‐ray produced nuclide beryllium‐10 (10Be) from outcropping bedrock surfaces along the scarp summit and face, in valley floors, and at stream knickpoints. Erosion rates of bedrock outcrops along the scarp summit surface range from 0·5 to 4·0 m Myr?1. These are in the same range as erosion rates of 2·1 to 3·6 m Myr?1 on the scarp face and similar to river incision rates of 2·6 to 11·0 m Myr?1 from valley floor bedrock straths, indicating that the Darling Scarp is a slowly eroding ‘steady state’ landform, without any significant contemporary relief production over the last several 100 kyr and possibly several million years. Knickpoint retreat rates determined from 10Be concentrations at the bases of two knickpoints on small streams incised into the scarp are 36 and 46 m Myr?1. If these erosion rates were sustained over longer timescales, then associated knickpoints may have initiated in the mid‐Tertiary to early Neogene, consistent with early‐mid Tertiary marginal uplift. Ongoing maintenance of stream disequilibrium longitudinal profiles is consistent with slow, regional base level lowering associated with recently proposed continental‐scale tilting, as opposed to differential uplift along discrete faults. Cosmogenic 10Be analysis provides a useful tool for interpreting the palaeoseismic history of intraplate near‐fault landforms over 105 to 106 years. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mesas are ubiquitous landforms in arid and semiarid regions and are often characterized by horizontal stratified erodible rocks capped by more resistant strata. The accepted conceptual model for mesa evolution and degradation considers reduction in the width of the mesa flat‐top plateau due to cliff retreat but ignores possible denudation of the mesa flat‐top and the rates and mechanism of erosion. In this study we examine mesas in the northeastern hyperarid Negev Desert where they appear in various sizes and morphologies and represent different stages of mesa evolution. The variety of mesas within a single climatic zone allows examination of the process of mesa evolution through time. Two of the four sites examined are characterized by a relatively wide (200–230 m) flat‐top and a thick caprock whereas the other two are characterized by a much narrower remnant flat‐top (several meters) and thinner caprock. We use the concentration of the cosmogenic nuclide 10Be for: (a) determining the chronology of the various geomorphic features associated with the mesa; and (b) understanding geomorphic processes forming the mesa. The 10Be data, combined with field observations, suggest a correlation between the width of flat‐top mesa and the denudation and cliff retreat rates. Our results demonstrate that: (a) cliff retreat rates decrease with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa; (b) vertical denudation rates increase with decreasing width of the flat‐top mesa below a critical value (~60 m, for the Negev Desert); (c) the reduction in the width of the flat‐top mesa is driven mainly by cliff retreat accompanied by extremely slow vertical denudation rate which can persist for a very long time (>106 Ma); and (d) when the width of the mesa decreases below a certain threshold, its rate of denudation increases dramatically and mesa degradation is completed in a short time. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study aims at testing the possibility of using the in-situ cosmogenic burial dating technique on deltaic deposits. The sequence analyzed is exposed along the Ligurian coast (north-west Italy) and is made of proximal marine and continental deposits previously considered Pliocene or Plio-Quaternary in age. In the study area two allostratigraphic units were recognized. The lower unit represents the evolution of a small coarse-grained delta developed in a fjord or embayment environment. The coarsening/shallowing upward trend observed within the sections, from bottom to top, suggests that the delta prograded rapidly in the landward portion of the canyon placed opposite to the paleo-river outlet. Within the deltaic sequence the transgressive and highstand system tracts were recognized. The unit 2 is composed by several alluvial fan systems deposited in small incised valleys developed within the previously, uplifted deltaic deposits and successively incised by a braided river system. In-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides were used in order to date the age of the deposition of the deltaic deposits. Results suggest that the studied deltaic sediments belonging to the unit 1 were deposited between 1,300,000 and 200,000 year ago thus during the Lower to Middle Pleistocene, whereas the unit 2 was deposited during the Middle Pleistocene as a consequence of a tectonically driven uplift phase. Furthermore samples collected within the prograding part of the delta show the higher denudation rates. The obtained results demonstrate that burial ages and related erosion rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclides concentrations can be considered as a very useful tool to reconstruct the sea level changes over the past 1 million year.  相似文献   

The 26Al–10Be burial dating method has been applied to a range of problems in geochronology. This technique allows us to determine the burial age of quartz‐containing sediments, by measuring the concentration of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al in the quartz. In its most basic form, the method assumes a simple history (single exposure episode followed by burial) for the quartz clasts. Balco and Rovey have recently developed an innovative isochron version of this method, which can take into account a more complicated exposure history for the quartz, and used it to date a series of glacial tills. There can be constraints on the slope and intercept of the isochron, depending on how we model the geology of the Balco–Rovey approach. We show how to take these constraints into account when fitting the slope and intercept; we apply a Bayesian approach, in which there is a straightforward way to implement constraints. We discuss the important issues that arise; a variety of choices must be made in choosing the prior, both in what geological insights to include and in how to include them. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deciphering the complex interplays between climate, uplift and erosion is not straightforward and estimating present‐day erosion rates can provide useful insights. Glaciers are thought to be powerful erosional agents, but most published ‘glacial’ erosion rates combine periglacial, subglacial and proglacial erosion processes. Within a glaciated catchment, sediments found in subglacial streams originate either from glacial erosion of substratum or from the rock walls above the glacier that contribute to the supraglacial load. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides (TCN) are produced by interactions between cosmic ray particles and element targets at the surface of the Earth, but their concentration becomes negligible under 15 m of ice. Measuring TCN concentrations in quartz sand sampled in subglacial streams and in supraglacial channels is statistically compliant with stochastic processes (e.g. rockfalls) and may be used to discriminate subglacial and periglacial erosion. Results for two subglacial streams of the Bossons glacier (Mont Blanc massif, France) show that the proportion of sediments originating from glacially eroded bedrock is not constant: it varies from 50% to 90% (n = 6). The difference between the two streams is probably linked to the presence or absence of supraglacial channels and sinkholes, which are common features of alpine glaciers. Therefore, most of the published mean catchment glacial erosion rates should not be directly interpreted as subglacial erosion rates. In the case of catchments with efficient periglacial erosion and particularly rockfalls, the proportion of sediments in the subglacial stream originating from the supraglacial load could be considerable and the subglacial erosion rate overestimated. Here, we estimate warm‐based subglacial and periglacial erosion rates to be of the same order of magnitude: 0.39 ± 0.33 and 0.29 ± 0.17 mm a?1, respectively. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present work quantifies the erosive processes in the two main substrates (schists–phyllites and granites–gneisses) of the upper Maracujá Basin in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero/MG, Brazil, a region of semi‐humid tropical climate. Two measuring methods of concentration were used: (i) in situ produced 10Be in quartz veins (surface erosion rates) and (ii) 10Be in fluvial sediments (basin erosion rates). The results confirm that (i) erosion tends to be more aggressive close to the headwaters than in the lower parts of the basin and (ii) the region is now affected by dissection. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of bedrock lithology on the catchment-averaged erosion rates of normal fault-bounded catchments and the effect that different bedrock erodibilties have on the evolution of transient fluvial geomorphology remain major challenges. To investigate this problem, we collected 18 samples for 10Be and 26Al cosmogenic nuclide analysis to determine catchment-averaged erosion rates along the well-constrained Gediz Fault system in western Türkiye, which is experiencing fault-driven river incision owing to a linkage event ~0.8 Ma and has weak rocks overlying strong rocks in the footwall. Combined with existing cosmogenic data, we show that the background rate of erosion of the pre-incision landscape can be constrained as <92 mMyr−1, and erosion rates within the transient reach vary from 16 to 1330 mMyr−1. Erosion rates weakly scale with unit stream power, steepness index and slip rate on the bounding fault, although erosion rates are an order of magnitude lower than slip rates. However, there are no clear relationships between erosion rate and relief or catchment slope. Bedrock strength is assessed using Schmidt hammer rebound and Selby Rock Mass Strength Assessments; despite a 30-fold difference in erodibility, there is no difference in the erosion rate between strong and weak rocks. We argue that, for the Gediz Graben, the strong lithological contrast affects the ability of the river to erode the bed, resulting in a complex erosional response to uplift along the graben boundary fault. Weak covariant trends between erosion rates and various topographic factors potentially result from incomplete sediment mixing or pre-existing topographic inheritance. These findings indicate that the erosional response to uplift along an active normal fault is a complex response to multiple drivers that vary spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

The sandstone peak‐forest landscape in Zhangjiajie UNESCO Global Geopark of Hunan Province, China, is characterized by >3000 vertical pillars and peak walls of up to 350 m height, representing a spectacular example of sandstone landform variety. Few studies have addressed the mechanisms and timescales of the longer‐term evolution of this landscape, and have focused on fluvial incision. We use in situ cosmogenic nuclides combined with GIS analysis to investigate the erosional processes contributing to the formation of pillars and peak‐forests, and discuss their relative roles in the formation and decay of the landscape. Model maximum‐limiting bedrock erosion rates are the highest along the narrow fluvial channels and valleys at the base of the sandstone pillars (~83–122 mm kyr?1), and lowest on the peak wall tops (~2.5 mm kyr?1). Erosion rates are highly variable and intermediate along vertical sandstone peak walls and pillars (~30 to 84 mm kyr?1). Catchment‐wide denudation rates from river sediment vary between ~26 and 96 mm kyr?1 and are generally consistent with vertical wall retreat rates. This highlights the importance of wall retreat for overall erosion in the sandstone peak‐forest. In combination with GIS‐derived erosional volumes, our results suggest that the peak‐forest formation in Zhangjiajie commenced in the Pliocene, and that the general evolution of the landscape followed our sequential refined model: (i) slow lowering rates following initial uplift; (ii) fast plateau dissection by headward knickpoint propagation along joints and faults followed by; (iii) increasing contribution of wall retreat in the well‐developed pillars and peak‐forests and a gradual decrease in overall denudation rates, leading to; (iv) the final consumption of pillars and peak‐forests. Our study provides an approach for quantifying the complex interplay between multiple geomorphic processes as required to assess the evolutionary pathways of other sandstone peak‐forest landscapes across the globe. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Relief generation in non‐glaciated regions is largely controlled by river incision into bedrock but datable fluvial terraces that allow quantifying incision rates are not always present. Here we suggest a new method to determine river incision rates in regions where low‐relief surfaces are dissected by streams. The approach consists of three steps and requires the 10Be concentrations of a stream sediment sample and a regolith sample from the low‐relief surface. In the first step, the spatial distribution of 10Be surface concentrations in the given catchment is modelled by assuming that denudation rates are controlled by the local hillslope angles. The slope–denudation rate relation for this catchment is then quantified by adjusting the relation between slope angle and denudation rate until the average 10Be concentration in the model is equal to the one measured in the stream sediment sample. In the second step, curved swath profiles are used to measure hillslope angles adjacent to the main river channel. Third, the mean slope angle derived from these swath profiles and the slope–denudation relation are used to quantify the river incision rate (assuming that the incision rate equals the denudation rate on adjacent hillslopes). We apply our approach to two study areas in southern Tibet and central Europe (Black Forest). In both regions, local 10Be denudation rates on flat parts of the incised low‐relief surface are lower than catchment‐wide denudation rates. As the latter integrate across the entire landscape, river incision rates must exceed these spatially averaged denudation rates. Our approach yields river incision rates between ~15 and ~30 m/Ma for the Tibetan study area and incision rates of ~70 to ~100 m/Ma in the Black Forest. Taking the lowering of the low‐relief surfaces into account suggests that relief in the two study areas increases at rates of 10–20 and 40–70 m/Ma, respectively. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Catchment‐wide erosion rates were defined using 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides for the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes to help determine the nature of drainage development and landscape evolution. The Eastern Cordillera, characterized by a smooth axial plateau bordered by steep flanks, has a mean erosion rate of 11 ± 1 mm/ka across the plateau and 70 ± 10 mm/ka on its flanks, with local high rates >400 mm/ka. The erosional contrast between the plateau and its flanks was produced by the increase in the orogen regional slope, derived from the progressive shortening and thickening of the Eastern Cordillera. The erosion rates together with digital topographic analysis show that the drainage network is dynamic and confirms the view that drainage divides in the Eastern Cordillera are migrating towards the interior of the mountain belt resulting in progressive drainage reorganization from longitudinal to transverse‐dominated rivers and areal reduction of the Sabana de Bogotá plateau. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have measured concentrations of cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al produced in situ at bare bedrock surfaces of successive sheets developing on a granite dome in Korea and calculated the exfoliation rate of sheeting joints. The exfoliation rate was obtained using a simple model in which the sheeting joints experience intermittent denudation, i.e. peeling off along the bedrock face. We find that the average exfoliation (erosion) rate of the episodic peeling‐off process is 5·6 cm/ka?1. The analysis is useful for understanding the evolution of granite sheeting structures on this dome in Korea. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclides in rock, soil, and sediment are routinely used to measure denudation rates of catchments and hillslopes. Although it has been shown that these measurements are prone to biases due to chemical erosion in regolith, most studies of cosmogenic nuclides have ignored this potential source of error. Here we quantify the extent to which overlooking effects of chemical erosion introduces bias in interpreting denudation rates from cosmogenic nuclides. We consider two end‐member effects: one due to weathering near the surface and the other due to weathering at depth. Near the surface, chemical erosion influences nuclide concentrations in host minerals by enriching (or depleting) them relative to other more (or less) soluble minerals. This increases (or decreases) their residence times relative to the regolith as a whole. At depth, where minerals are shielded from cosmic radiation, chemical erosion causes denudation without influencing cosmogenic nuclide buildup. If this effect is ignored, denudation rates inferred from cosmogenic nuclides will be too low. We derive a general expression, termed the ‘chemical erosion factor’, or CEF, which corrects for biases introduced by both deep and near‐surface chemical erosion in regolith. The CEF differs from the ‘quartz enrichment factor’ of previous work in that it can also be applied to relatively soluble minerals, such as olivine. Using data from diverse climatic settings, we calculate CEFs ranging from 1.03 to 1.87 for cosmogenic nuclides in quartz. This implies that ignoring chemical erosion can lead to errors of close to 100% in intensely weathered regolith. CEF is strongly correlated with mean annual precipitation across our sites, reflecting climatic influence on chemical weathering. Our results indicate that quantifying CEFs is crucial in cosmogenic nuclide studies of landscapes where chemical erosion accounts for a significant fraction of the overall denudation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Blue Ridge escarpment, located within the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia and North Carolina, forms a distinct, steep boundary between the lower‐elevation Piedmont and higher‐elevation Blue Ridge physiographic provinces. To understand better the rate at which this landform and the adjacent landscape are changing, we measured cosmogenic beryllium‐10 (10Be) in quartz separated from sediment samples (n = 50) collected in 32 streams and from three exposed bedrock outcrops along four transects normal to the escarpment, allowing us to calculate erosion rates integrated over 104–105 years. These basin‐averaged erosion rates (5.4–49 m Myr?1) are consistent with those measured elsewhere in the southern Appalachain Mountains and show a positive relationship between erosion rate and average basin slope. Erosion rates show no relationship with basin size or relative position of the Brevard fault zone, a fundamental structural element of the region. The cosmogenic isotopic data, when considered along with the distribution of average basin slopes in each physiographic province, suggest that the escarpment is eroding on average more rapidly than the Blue Ridge uplands, which are eroding more rapidly than the Piedmont lowlands. This difference in erosion rates by geomorphic setting suggests that the elevation difference between the uplands and lowlands adjacent to the escarpment is being reduced but at extremely slow rates. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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