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A study investigated the effect of truck‐traffic intensity and road water‐content on the quality of runoff water from unsealed forest roads. Three sections of a gravel‐surfaced forest road were instrumented and exposed to low and high levels of truck traffic during wet winter conditions and dry summer conditions between July 2001 and December 2002. Rainfall, runoff, road moisture, and traffic were measured continuously, and suspended and bedload sediments were integrated measurements over 2‐week site‐service intervals. The median suspended sediment concentration from the three road segments under low truck‐traffic conditions (less than nine return truck passes prior to a storm) was 269 mg l?1, increasing 2·7‐fold to a median of 725 mg l?1 under high truck‐traffic conditions (greater than or equal to nine return truck passes prior to a storm). These concentrations, and increases due to traffic, are substantially less than most previously reported values. When these data are expressed as modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) erodibility values K, accounting for differences in rainfall energy, site characteristics and runoff, high traffic resulted in a road surface that was four times more erodible than the same road under low traffic conditions. Using multiple regression, traffic explained 36% of the variation in MUSLE erodibility, whereas road water content was not significant in the model. There was little difference in the erodibility of the road when trafficked in low water‐content compared with high water‐content conditions (MUSLE K values of 0·0084 versus 0·0080 respectively). This study shows that, for a good quality well‐maintained gravel forest road, the level of truck traffic affects the sediment concentration of water discharging from the road, whereas the water content of the road at the time of that traffic does not (note that traffic is not allowed during runoff events in Victoria). These conclusions are conditional upon the road being adequately maintained so that trafficking does not compromise the lateral drainage of the road profile. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to quantify, and enable the prediction of, sediment delivery and water pollution impacts from a spectrum of forest roads. Ten 100–200 m long sections of forest road were selected to incorporate a wide range of the key physical site factors that are likely to affect the rate of sediment generation. Each road section was permanently instrumented for 1 year to measure rainfall and runoff continuously. Suspended load, bedload, and traffic were integrated measurements over 2‐ to 3‐week site‐service intervals. Total annual sediment load (normalized for slope) varied about 25‐fold, from 216 mg m?2 per millimetre of rain for a high‐quality gravel surfaced road with minimal traffic to 5373 mg m?2 per millimetre of rain for an unsurfaced road on an erodible subsoil with moderate light‐vehicle traffic. For the seven gravel‐surfaced roads in this study, truck traffic (axles/week) explained 97% of the variation in annual sediment delivery (per unit of rainfall) from the road. Equations are proposed that allow annual sediment delivery rates to be estimated when net rainfall, road slope, road area, and truck traffic are known. Roads produce runoff rapidly and were found to deliver sediment for about the same duration as rainfall is falling, in this study varying between 5 and 10% of the time. The patterns of sediment delivery measured from the experimental roads (frequency, duration, and intensity) in this study are similar to levels that have been shown to alter the composition of in‐stream macroinvertebrate communities in small (e.g. <10 l s?1), clean, mountain streams. However, in larger well‐mixed streams (e.g. >500 l s?1), dilution is sufficient to prevent concentrations reaching critical levels that are likely to result in biological impacts. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Turbidity monitoring and rainfall and runoff simulation experiments were conducted at a newly constructed unsealed road stream crossing to determine the quantity and sources of sediment entering the stream. Continuous measurements of turbidity and estimation of total suspended solids (TSS) concentration upstream and downstream of the stream culvert were taken over a 5 month period. There was a statistically significant difference in turbidity and TSS downstream of the crossing during baseflow conditions, but the quality of the water column remained good during non‐rain periods. Rainfall events comprised around 20% of the observation period and led to decreases in water quality downstream of the crossing. Water quality could be considered as degraded for 10% of the observations. This was during a period when the rainfall was 65% of the long‐term average. Calculated suspended sediment loads were 0·78 t upstream and 2·77 t downstream, an increase of 3·5. It was estimated that at least 2–3 t of bedload material was also added to the stream during the crossing construction and from subsequent erosion. This material is a deposit on the cobble stream bed, and is most likely to degrade aquatic ecosystem values. Rainfall and runoff simulation revealed the principal sediment sources to be a fillslope that contributed coarse bedload material through rill erosion and unprotected toe scour, and the unmetalled road verge that provided fines. Although the quality of water column was good for the majority of the observations, the new Australian and New Zealand Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Waters suggest this site exceeded ‘trigger levels’ that would warrant further investigation for both the water column and the bed deposits. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nine small (2·5 ha) and four large (70–135 ha) watersheds were instrumented in 1999 to evaluate the effects of intensive silvicultural practices with best management practices (BMPs) on runoff and stream water quality in the Western Gulf Coastal Plain of East Texas, USA. Two treatments were implemented in 2002: a conventional treatment with clearcutting and herbicide site preparation, and an intensive treatment that added subsoiling, fertilization and a release herbicide application. Watershed effects were compared with results from a previously conducted study on the same watersheds in 1981, in which two combinations of harvesting and mechanical site preparation without BMPs were evaluated. Due to the reduction in evapotranspirational demand, total storm runoff increased on all six treated small watersheds following harvest by 0·94 to 13·73 cm in 2003. Runoff increases were not statistically significant on the treated large watersheds. Total first‐year sediment loss was significantly greater on two of the conventional and one of the intensive small watersheds. The greatest first‐year increase was 540·1 kg ha?1, only one‐fifth of that observed on these watersheds from shearing and windrowing without BMPs in 1981. First‐year sediment loss was significantly greater on the intensive large watershed following harvest, but not on the conventional large watershed. These data suggest that BMPs are very effective in reducing potential water quality impacts from intensive silvicultural practices. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gravel road surfaces can be a major source of fine sediment to streams, yet their contribution to channel reach sediment balances remains poorly documented. To quantify the input of road surface material and to compare this input with natural sediment sources at the reach scale, suspended sediment dynamics was examined and a 16‐month sediment balance was developed for a ~35 channel‐width (approx. 425 m) reach of the Honna River, a medium‐size, road‐affected stream located in coastal British Columbia. Of the 105 ± 33 t of suspended material passing through the reach, 18 ± 6% was attributed to the road surface. The high availability of sediment on the road surface appears to limit hysteresis in road run‐off. During rainstorms that increase streamflow, road surface material composed 0.5–15% of sediment inputs during relatively dry conditions from April to the end of September and 5–70% through wetter conditions from October to the end of March, but our data do not show evidence of major sediment accumulation on the riverbed in the reach. A comparison of modelled sediment production on the road surface with observed yields from drainage channels suggests that (1) during low intensity rainfall, ditches and drainage channels may trap sediment from road run‐off, which is subsequently released during events of greater intensity, and/or (2) production models do not effectively describe processes, such as deposition or erosion of sediment in ditches, which control sediment transport and delivery. Our findings further emphasize the risk of unpaved roads in polluting river systems and highlight the continued need for careful road design and location away from sensitive aquatic environments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we assess the performance of the catchment model SIMulated CATchment model (SIMCAT), to predict nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations against four monitoring regimes with different spatial and temporal sampling frequencies. The Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) uncertainty framework is used, along with a general sensitivity analysis to understand relative parameter sensitivity. Improvements to model calibration are explored by introducing more detailed process representation using the Integrated Catchments model (INCA) water quality model, driven by the European hydrological predictions for the environment model. The results show how targeted sampling of headwater watercourses upstream of point discharges is essential for calibrating diffuse loads and can exert a strong influence on the whole‐catchment model performance. Further downstream, if the point discharges and loads are accurately represented, then the improvement in the catchment‐scale model performance is relatively small as more calibration points are added or frequency is increased. The higher‐order, dynamic model integrated catchments model of phosphorus dynamics, which incorporates sediment and biotic interaction, resulted in improved whole‐catchment performance over SIMCAT, although there are still large epistemic uncertainties from land‐phase export coefficients and runoff. However, the very large sampling errors in routine monitoring make it difficult to invest confidence in the modelling, especially because we know phosphorous transport to be very episodic and driven by high flow conditions for which there are few samples. The environmental modelling community seems to have been stuck in this position for some time, and whilst it is useful to use an uncertainty framework to highlight these issues, it has not widely been adopted, perhaps because there is no clear mechanism to allow uncertainties to influence investment decisions. This raises the question as to whether it might better place a cost on uncertainty and use this to drive more data collection or improved models, before making investment decisions concerning, for example, mitigation strategies. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Direct sediment inputs from forest roads at stream crossings are a major concern for water quality and aquatic habitat. Legacy road–stream crossing approaches, or the section of road leading to the stream, may have poor water and grade control upon reopening, thus increasing the potential for negative impacts to water quality. Rainfall simulation experiments were conducted on the entire running surface area associated with six reopened stream crossing approaches in the south‐western Virginia Piedmont physiographic region, USA. Event‐based surface run‐off and associated total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations were compared among a succession of gravel surfacing treatments that represented increasing intensities of best management practice (BMP) implementation. The three treatments were no gravel (10–19% cover), low gravel (34–60% cover), and high gravel (50–99% cover). Increased field hydraulic conductivity was associated with maximized surface cover and ranged from 7.2 to 41.6, 11.9 to 46.3, and 16.0 to 58.6 mm h−1 respectively for the no gravel, low gravel, and high gravel treatments. Median TSS concentration of surface run‐off for the no gravel treatment (2.84 g l−1) was greater than low gravel (1.10 g l−1) and high gravel (0.82 g l−1) by factors of 2.6 and 3.5 respectively. Stream crossing approaches with 90–99% surface cover had TSS concentrations below 1 g l−1. Reducing the length of road segments that drain directly to the stream can reduce the costs associated with gravel surfacing. This research demonstrates that judicious and low‐cost BMPs can ameliorate poor water control and soil erosion associated with reopening legacy roads. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streambank erosion is a primary source of suspended sediments in many waterways of the US Atlantic Piedmont. This problem is exacerbated where banks are comprised of fine sediment produced by the intensive land use practices of early European settlers. A stream in this region, Richland Creek incises into banks comprised of three stratigraphic layers associated with historic land use: pre‐European settlement, early European agriculture and development, and water‐powered milldam operation. This study aims to identify the bank processes along a reach of Richland Creek that is eroding towards its pre‐disturbance elevation. The volume of material that has eroded along this stream since the milldam breached was calculated by differencing a reconstructed surface of the pond bed and an aerial lidar digital terrain model (DTM). Immediately downstream from the study reach, the channel is floored by bedrock and immediately upstream the rate of channel erosion approximately doubled along the longitudinal profile of Richland Creek, which indicate that the study reach spans the transition from a channel dominated by vertical incision in the upstream direction to horizontal widening in the downstream direction. The combined hydrometeorological conditions and dominant processes causing reach‐scale cut bank erosion were investigated with analyses of stream stage, precipitation, and streambank volumetric and surfaces change that was measured during nine terrestrial lidar surveys in 2010–2012. The spatial variability of erosion during a simulated precipitation event was examined in a field‐based experiment. Erosion was greatest where mill pond sediment columns detached along vertical desiccation and horizontal seepage cracks. This sediment accumulated on the bank toe throughout the study and was a source of readily‐entrained fine sediment contrary to the upper reaches where depositional accommodation space is more limited. Findings suggest that hotspots of sediment excavation progress upstream, indicating that restoration efforts should focus upon stabilizing banks at these locations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Obtaining good quality soil loss data from plots requires knowledge of the factors that affect natural and measurement data variability and of the erosion processes that occur on plots of different sizes. Data variability was investigated in southern Italy by collecting runoff and soil loss from four universal soil‐loss equation (USLE) plots of 176 m2, 20 ‘large’ microplots (0·16 m2) and 40 ‘small’ microplots (0·04 m2). For the four most erosive events (event erosivity index, Re ≥ 139 MJ mm ha?1 h?1), mean soil loss from the USLE plots was significantly correlated with Re. Variability of soil loss measurements from microplots was five to ten times greater than that of runoff measurements. Doubling the linear size of the microplots reduced mean runoff and soil loss measurements by a factor of 2·6–2·8 and increased data variability. Using sieved soil instead of natural soil increased runoff and soil loss by a factor of 1·3–1·5. Interrill erosion was a minor part (0·1–7·1%) of rill plus interrill erosion. The developed analysis showed that the USLE scheme was usable to predict mean soil loss at plot scale in Mediterranean areas. A microplot of 0·04 m2 could be used in practice to obtain field measurements of interrill soil erodibility in areas having steep slopes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Roads have been widely studied as sources of runoff and sediment and identified as pollutant production sources to receiving waters. Despite the wealth of research on logging roads in forested, upland settings, little work has been conducted to examine the role of extensive networks of rural, low‐volume, unpaved roads on water quality degradation at the catchment scale. We studied a network of municipal unpaved roads in the northeastern US to identify the type and spatial extent of ‘hydro‐geomorphic impairments’ to water quality. We mapped erosional and depositional features on roads to develop an estimate of pollutant production. We also mapped the type and location of design interventions or best management practices (BMPs) used to improve road drainage and mitigate water quality impairment. We used statistical analyses to identify key controls on the frequency and magnitude of erosional features on the road network, and GIS to scale up from the survey results to the catchment scale to identify the likely importance of unpaved roads as a pollutant source in this setting. An average of 21 hydro‐geomorphic impairments were mapped per kilometer of road, averaging 0.3 m3 in volume. Road gradient and slope position were key controls on the occurrence of these features. The presence of BMPs effectively reduced erosion frequency. Scaled up to the watershed and using a conservative estimate of road–stream connectivity, our results for the Winooski River watershed in the northeastern US suggest that roughly 16% and 6% of the average annual sediment and phosphorus flux, respectively, of the Winooski River may be derived from unpaved roads. Our study identifies an under‐appreciated source of water quality degradation in rural watersheds, provides insights into identifying ‘hot spots’ of pollutant production associated with these networks, and points to effectiveness of design interventions in mitigating these adverse impacts on water quality. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The decommissioning of roads is occurring in many forest environments with the aim of reducing the negative impacts of road runoff on water quality and aquatic habitat. Works associated with decommissioning are expensive so prior assessment of the outcomes of various options is merited. This paper presents a method of quantifying the degree to which a road is hydrologically connected to the stream network and thus the likely impacts of constructing a road of different configurations upon water quality. The method permits comparisons between different road network management options and is useful for assessing the likely result of decommissioning works. Emphasis is placed on quantifying the uncertainty of key performance measures. The procedures developed here are an extension of the probabilistic ‘volume to breakthrough’ model recently formulated by Australian water quality researchers and allow the quantification of road/stream connectivity without the need for extensive parameterization. To demonstrate its utility, the model was applied to an actual road decommissioning and replacement project in southeast Australia. Road areas and drainage outlets were surveyed in the field and flow paths to streams derived from a 1 metre resolution LiDAR based digital elevation model. The results demonstrate that the actual road decommissioning examined in this case was unlikely to reduce runoff to the stream network and that the overall impact of the works in conditions of design storms are likely to result in a net reduction in stream water quality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Excess delivery of land‐based sediments is an important control on the overall condition of nearshore coral reef ecosystems. Unpaved roads have been identified as a dominant sediment source on St John in the US Virgin Islands. An improved understanding of road sediment production rates is needed to guide future development and erosion control efforts. The main objectives of this study were to: (1) measure sediment production rates at the road segment scale; (2) evaluate the importance of precipitation, slope, contributing area, traffic, and grading on road sediment production; (3) develop an empirical road erosion predictive model; and (4) compare our measured erosion rates to other published data. Sediment production from 21 road segments was monitored with sediment traps from July 1998 to November 2001. The selected road segments had varying slopes, contributing areas, and traffic loads. Precipitation was measured by four recording rain gauges. Sediment production was related to total precipitation and road segment slope. After normalizing by precipitation and slope, the mean sediment production rate for roads that had been graded within the last two years was 0·96 kg m?2 cm?1 m m?1 or approximately 11 kg m?2 a?1 for a typical road with a 10 per cent slope and an annual rainfall of 115 cm a?1. The mean erosion rate for ungraded roads was 42 per cent lower, or 0·56 kg m?2 cm?1 m m?1. The normalized mean sediment production rate for road segments that had been abandoned for over fifteen years was only about 10 per cent of the mean value for ungraded roads. Sediment production was not related to traffic loads. Multiple regression analysis led to the development of an empirical model based on precipitation, slope to the 1·5 power, and a categorical grading variable. The measured and predicted erosion rates indicate that roads are capable of increasing hillslope‐scale sediment production rates by up to four orders of magnitude relative to undisturbed conditions. The values from St John are at the high end of reported road erosion rates, a finding that is consistent with the high rainfall erosivities and steep slopes of many of the unpaved roads on St John. Other than paving, the most practical methods to reduce current erosion rates are to minimize the frequency of grading and improve road drainage. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The erosion rate of cohesive streambanks is typically modelled using the excess shear stress equation, dependent on two erodibility parameters: critical shear stress and erodibility coefficient. The jet erosion test (JET) has become the most common method for estimating these erodibility parameters in situ. Typically, results from a few JETs are averaged to acquire a single set of parameters for characterizing a streambank layer; however, this may be inadequate for accurately characterizing erodibility. The research objectives were to investigate the variability of JET results from assumed homogeneous streambank layers and to estimate the number of JETs required to accurately characterize erodibility for use in predictive models. On three unique streambanks in Oklahoma and across a range of erodibility, 20 to 30 JETs were conducted over a span of three days at each site. Unique to this research, each JET was analysed using the Blaisdell, scour depth and iterative solutions. The required sample size to accurately estimate the erodibility parameters depended on the JET solution technique, the parameter being estimated, and the degrees of precision and confidence. Conducting three to five JETs per soil layer on a streambank typically provided an order of magnitude estimate of the erodibility parameters. Because the parameters were log‐normally distributed, using empirical equations to predict erosion properties based on soil characteristics will likely contain high uncertainty and thus should be used with caution. This study exemplifies the need to conduct in situ measurements using the JET to accurately characterize streambank resistance to fluvial erosion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment movement (slopewash and bio‐transfer), runoff, and organic matter movement (mainly leaf litter, ash and charcoal) were monitored on ten plots for a six‐month period following bushfires in eastern Australia in the 1990s. Plots were installed in areas which had experienced high, moderate and low intensity burns. Although between‐plot variability was high, slopewash and organic matter amounts were greatest on the intensely burnt areas, and progressively less on moderate and low intensity burns. In contrast, most leaf litter input from scorched leaf fall was derived from, and collected in, moderately burnt areas. Bio‐transfer of sediment (direct downslope surface movement produced by faunal activity) occurred mainly by ant mounding, and was more than ten times greater on moderately burnt areas than on plots having high or low intensity burns. Bio‐transfer accounted for approximately 36 per cent of total sediment collected, with this material being recorded least often and in smallest quantities on areas of high intensity burns. Bio‐transfer by ant mounding and animal scratchings contributed loose surface sediment for transport by overland flow, disproportionately increasing total sediment movement to plot aprons in areas of moderate intensity burns. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of land use changes on the ecology and hydrology of natural watersheds have long been debated. However, less attention has been given to the hydrological effects of forest roads. Although less studied, several researchers have claimed that streamflow changes related to forest roads can cause a persistent and pervasive effect on hillslope hydrology and the functioning of the channel system. The main potential direct effects of forest roads on natural watersheds hydrologic response are runoff production on roads surfaces due to reduced infiltration rates, interruption of subsurface flow by road cutslopes and rapid transfer of the produced runoff to the stream network through roadside ditches. The aforementioned effects may significantly modify the total volume and timing of the hillslope flow to the stream network. This study uses detailed field data, spatial data, hydro‐meteorological records, as well as numerical simulation to investigate the effects of forest roads on the hydrological response of a small‐scale mountain experimental watershed, which is situated in the east side of Penteli Mountain, Attica, Greece. The results of this study highlight the possible effects of forest roads on the watersheds hydrological response that may significantly influence direct runoff depths and peak flow rates. It is demonstrated that these effects can be very important in permeable watersheds and that more emphasis should be given on the impact of roads on the watersheds hydrological response. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One year of instantaneous suspended sediment concentration, C, and instantaneous discharge, Q, data collected at Ngarradj downstream of the Jabiluka mine site indicate that the use of a simple CQ rating curve is not a reliable method for estimating suspended sediment loads from the Ngarradj catchment. The CQ data are not only complicated by hysteresis effects within the rising and falling stages of individual events, but also by variable depletion of available suspended sediment through multipeaked runoff events. Parameter values were fitted to an event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship as an alternative to the CQ relationship. Total suspended sediment load and Q data for 10 observed events in the Ngarradj stream catchment were used to fit parameter values to a suspended sediment load–Q relationship, using (a) log–log regression and (b) iterative parameter fitting techniques. A more reliable and statistically significant prediction of suspended sediment load from the Ngarradj catchment is obtained using an event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship. Fitting parameters to the event‐based suspended sediment load–Q relationship using iterative techniques better predicts long‐term suspended sediment loads compared with log–log regression techniques. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field‐ and laboratory‐scale rainfall simulation experiments were carried out in an investigation of the temporal variability of erosion processes on interrill areas, and the effects of such variation upon sediment size characteristics. Poorly aggregated sandy soils from the semi‐arid environment of Senegal, West Africa, were used on both a 40 m2 field plot and a 0·25 m2 laboratory plot; rainfall intensity for all experiments was 70 mm h?1 with a duration of 1 to 2 hours. Time‐series measurements were made of the quantity and the size distribution of eroded material: these permitted an estimate of the changing temporal balance between the main erosion processes (splash and wash). Results from both spatial scales showed a similar temporal pattern of runoff generation and sediment concentration. For both spatial scales, the dominant erosional process was detachment by raindrops; this resulted in a dynamic evolution of the soil surface under raindrop impact, with the rapid formation of a sieving crust followed by an erosion crust. However, a clear difference was observed between the two scales regarding the size of particles detached by both splash and wash. While all measured values were lower than the mean weight diameter (MWD) value of the original soil (mean 0·32 mm), demonstrating the size‐selective nature of wash and splash processes, the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the field scale ranged from 0·08 to 0·16 mm and from 0·12 to 0·30 mm respectively, whereas the MWD values of washed and splashed particles at the laboratory scale ranged from 0·13 to 0·29 mm and from 0·21 to 0·32 mm respectively. Thus only at the field scale were the soil particles detached by splash notably coarser than those transported by wash. This suggests a transport‐limited erosion process at the field scale. Differences were also observed between the dynamics of the soil loss by wash at the two scales, since results showed wider scatter in the field compared to the laboratory experiments. This scatter is probably related to the change in soil surface characteristics due to the size‐selectivity of the erosion processes at this spatial scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mechanistic models have been proposed for soil piping and internal erosion on well‐compacted levees and dams, but limited research has evaluated these models in less compacted (more erodible) soils typical of hillslopes and streambanks. This study utilized a soil box (50 cm long, 50 cm wide and 20 cm tall) to conduct constant‐head, soil pipe and internal erosion experiments for two soils (clay loam from Dry Creek and sandy loam from Cow Creek streambanks) packed at uniform bulk densities. Initial gravimetric moisture contents prior to packing were 10, 12 and 14% for Dry Creek soil and 8, 12, and 14% for Cow Creek soil. A 1‐cm diameter rod was placed horizontally along the length of the soil bed during packing and carefully removed after packing to create a continuous soil pipe. A constant head was maintained at the inflow end. Flow rates and sediment concentrations were measured from the pipe outlet. Replicate submerged jet erosion tests (JETs) were conducted to derive erodibility parameters for repacked samples at the same moisture contents. Flow rates from the box experiments were used to calibrate the mechanistic model. The influence of the initial moisture content was apparent, with some pipes (8% moisture content) expanding so fast that limited data was collected. The mechanistic model was able to estimate equivalent flow rates to those observed in the experiments, but had difficulty matching observed sediment concentrations when the pipes rapidly expanded. The JETs predicted similar erodibility coefficients compared to the mechanistic model for the more erodible cases but not for the less erodible cases (14% moisture content). Improved models are needed that better define the changing soil pipe cross‐section during supply‐ and transport‐limited internal erosion, especially for piping through lower compacted (more erodible) soils as opposed to more well‐compacted soils resulting from constructing levees and dams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The composition, grain‐size, and flux of stream sediment evolve downstream in response to variations in basin‐scale sediment delivery, channel network structure, and diminution during transport. Here, we document downstream changes in lithology and grain size within two adjacent ~300 km2 catchments in the northern Rocky Mountains, USA, which drain differing mixtures of soft and resistant rock types, and where measured sediment yields differ two‐fold. We use a simple erosion–abrasion mass balance model to predict the downstream evolution of sediment flux and composition using a Monte Carlo approach constrained by measured sediment flux. Results show that the downstream evolution of the bed sediment composition is predictably related to changes in underlying geology, influencing the proportion of sediment carried as bedload or suspended load. In the Big Wood basin, particle abrasion reduces the proportion of fine‐grained sedimentary and volcanic rocks, depressing bedload in favor of suspended load. Reduced bedload transport leads to stronger bed armoring, and coarse granitic rocks are concentrated in the stream bed. By contrast, in the North Fork Big Lost basin, bedload yields are three times higher, the stream bed is less armored, and bed sediment becomes dominated by durable quartzitic sandstones. For both basins, the geology‐based mass balance model can reproduce within ~5% root‐mean‐square error the composition of the bed substrate using realistic erosion and abrasion parameters. As bed sediment evolves downstream, bedload fluxes increase and decrease as a function of the abrasion parameter and the frequency and size of tributary junctions, while suspended load increases steadily. Variable erosion and abrasion rates produce conditions of variable bed‐material transport rates that are sensitive to the distribution of lithologies and channel network structure, and, provided sufficient diversity in bedrock geology, measurements of bed sediment composition allow for an assessment of sediment source areas and yield using a simple modeling approach. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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