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This paper aims to assess and improve the seismic performance of an existing masonry building with flexible floors, representative of a Portuguese building typology—‘gaioleiro’ buildings. The study involved seismic tests and dynamic identification tests of two models (nonstrengthened and strengthened) in the shaking table. Each model was subjected to several seismic tests with increasing amplitude. Before the first test and after each seismic test, the dynamic identification of the model was carried out, aiming at obtaining their seismic vulnerability curves based on a damage indicator obtained from the decrease of the frequencies of the modes. In the strengthened model, steel elements were used to improve the connection between walls and floors, together with ties in the upper stories. The results show that adopted strengthening technique is effective for reducing the seismic vulnerability of ‘gaioleiro’ buildings, namely for improving the out‐of‐plane behavior of the facades. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文以5·12汶川地震后绵竹市某砖混结构住宅为典型调查研究对象,介绍了震后多层砌体结构房屋的常见震害现象和一般震害规律,结合有关规范分析了一般受损建筑不同的抗震鉴定方法和手段,对比分析了各种抗震加固措施的加固效果与适用条件,较为全面地总结了一般多层砌体结构从震害调查到鉴定加固的方法和程序,为灾后砌体结构的抗震加固设计提...  相似文献   

不同烈度区农村自建砖砌体房屋震害特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村自建砖砌体房屋通常没有正规的设计和施工导致该类房屋抗震性能较差。文中以汶川8.0级地震为例,在不同烈度区选择具有代表性地区的农村自建砖砌体房屋为研究对象,分析了该类型房屋不同烈度区的震害特征。通过使用数量化术语的震害描述,对在不同烈度区的农村自建砖砌体房屋的墙体、楼板屋盖、附属结构的破坏进行了震害分析,得到了地震作用下仅考虑结构振动破坏时该类型房屋的破坏特征。最后也给出了降低农村自建砖砌体房屋震害的一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of assessing the seismic resistance of brick masonry walls subject to out‐of‐plane bending. A simplified linearized displacement‐based procedure is presented along with recommendations for the selection of an appropriate substitute structure in order to provide the most representative analytical results. A trilinear relationship is used to characterize the real nonlinear force–displacement relationship for unreinforced brick masonry walls. Predictions of the magnitude of support motion required to cause flexural failure of masonry walls using the linearized displacement‐based procedure and quasi‐static analysis procedures are compared with the results of experiments and non‐linear time‐history analyses. The displacement‐based procedure is shown to give significantly better predictions than the force‐based method. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the out‐of‐plane behaviour of unreinforced walls is one of the most debated topics in the seismic assessment of existing masonry buildings. The discontinuous nature of masonry and its interaction with the remainder of the building make the dynamic modelling of out‐of‐plane response troublesome. In this paper, the results of a shaking table laboratory campaign on a tuff masonry, natural scale, U‐shaped assemblage (façade adjacent to transverse walls) are presented. The tests, excited by scaled natural accelerograms, replicate the behaviour of external walls in existing masonry buildings, from the beginning of rocking motion to overturning. Two approaches have been developed for modelling the out‐of‐plane seismic behaviour: the discrete element method and an SDOF analytic model. Both approaches are shown to be capable of reproducing the experimental behaviour in terms of maximum rotation and time history dynamic response. Finally, test results and numerical time history simulations have been compared with the Italian seismic code assessment procedures. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The definition of adequate simplified models to assess the in‐plane load‐bearing capacity of masonry piers, in terms of both strength and displacement, plays a fundamental role in the seismic verification of masonry buildings. In this paper, a critical review of the most widespread strength criteria present in the literature and codes to interpret the failure modes of piers (rocking, crushing, bed joint sliding or diagonal cracking) are proposed. Models are usually based on an approximate evaluation of the stress state produced by the external forces in a few points/sections and on its assessment with reference to a limit strength domain. The aim of the review is to assess their reliability by discussing the hypotheses, which they are based on (assumed stress states; choice of reference points/sections on which to assess the pier strength; characteristics of the limit strength domain) and to verify the conditions for their proper use in practice, in terms of both stress fields (depending on the geometry of the pier, boundary conditions and applied loads) and types of masonry (i.e. regular brick masonry vs rubble stone masonry). In order to achieve these objectives, parametric nonlinear finite element analyses are performed and different experimental data available in the literature are analysed and compared. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent seismic events have provided evidence that damage to masonry infills can lead not only to large economic losses but also to significant injuries and even fatalities. The estimation of damage of such elements and the corresponding consequences within the performance‐based earthquake engineering framework requires the construction of reliable fragility functions. In this paper, drift‐based fragility functions are developed for in‐plane loaded masonry infills, derived from a comprehensive experimental data set gathered from current literature, comprising 152 masonry infills with different geometries and built with different types of masonry blocks, when tested under lateral cyclic loading. Three damage states associated with the structural performance and reparability of masonry infill walls are defined. The effect of mortar compression strength, masonry prism compression strength, and presence of openings is evaluated and incorporated for damage states where their influence is found to be statistically significant. Uncertainty due to specimen‐to‐specimen variability and sample size is quantified and included in the proposed fragility functions. It is concluded that prism strength and mortar strength are better indicators of the fragility of masonry infills than the type of bricks/blocks used, whose influence, in general, is not statistically significant for all damage states. Finally, the presence of openings is also shown to have statistically relevant impact on the level of interstory drift ratio triggering the lower damage states.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of shaking‐table experiments conducted to examine the out‐of‐plane seismic performance of masonry veneer walls. Seven wall assemblies were tested, each consisting of a clay masonry veneer anchored to a wood‐stud backing. Design variables include the type of veneer ties, tie spacing, and presence or absence of mortar joint reinforcement and window opening. The walls were designed and constructed in accordance with current US code provisions. Results of the experiments show that failure of the corrugated ties is governed by pullout of the nails from the wood studs, while failure of the rigid ties is governed by detachment from the mortar joints or pull‐through of the screw heads through fastener holes. Both types of ties show satisfactory performance under ground motions corresponding to Design Basis and Maximum Considered Earthquakes representative of Seismic Design Category E. Although the rigid ties were stronger than the corrugated ties, they had wider vertical spacing and failed at a slightly higher seismic load. Observed extraction capacities of the nails show high variability, which merits attention. Joint reinforcement did not show any noticeable effect on the out‐of‐plane behavior of the veneer. Results of an analytical study have shown that the detachment of a veneer from the backing system is preceded by veneer cracking, which influences the distribution of tie forces, and that the vertical tie spacing influences the cracking load for the veneer. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

芦山7.0级强烈地震砖混民居震害调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2013年4月20日四川省芦山县发生Ms7.0级强烈地震,造成了大量民居建筑的严重破坏甚至倒塌.本文通过对芦山地震中民居建筑的震害调查,系统总结了砖混民居这一量大面广建筑结构的破坏形式和损伤机制.汶川地震后的新建民居在抗震措施方面有较大幅度的提高,比如大多具有抗震构造措施、采用240mm承重墙等,因此整体震害较轻,但是新建居民在建设房屋时,抗震构造措施的布局有很大的随意性,具体表现在平面内布置不足和竖向分布不规则,导致整体约束效果下降,进而结构发生破坏.雅安地区多处于山坡软土地带、建筑物多临近河流,同时民居建筑的基坑开挖普遍较浅,处理不当,在地震过程中出现地基不均匀沉降,基础遭到破坏,并造成上部结构破坏.相比之下,地基得到妥善处理、严格按照抗震规范设计的民居,震害十分轻微.本文建议继续增强对居民的防震减灾宣传,普及民居抗震构造知识,进行民居的实用抗震措施和地基处理方法的研究,并针对各类民居震害情况,研究有效、经济和快速的加固改造技术.  相似文献   

砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的震害经验   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文首先列举了砌体结构在2008汶川大地震中的典型震害现象,通过这些现象分析了此次地震中砌体结构的震害特点,归纳了其震害规律和教训,总结了必须坚持的抗震原则及对今后砌体结构抗震设计的启示,同时,探讨了几个应该注意的重点抗震问题,提出了进一步加强砌体结构抗震性能的建议。文中指出,砌体结构只要坚持正确的抗震理念,加强构造措施,落实抗震规范的设计要求,保证施工质量,就能达到相应的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

A single-room, single-storey full-scale brick masonry building with precast RC roofing system was tested thric eunder displacement controlled lateral cyclic loading, to assess the effectiveness of the basic repair and seismic strengthening techniques. Initially, the virgin building specimen was loaded laterally to failure, In the second stage, the damaged building was repaired by stitching across the cracks, and tested under the same lateral loading. In the third stage, the twice-damaged structure was repaired once more by stitching and strengthened by twin lintel belt in steel and vertical corner reinforcement,and re-tested. The building strengthened by twin lintel belt in steel showed about 28% higher strength under lateral loading than the virgin building.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in earthquake risk mitigation is the assessment of existing buildings not designed according to modern codes and the development of effective techniques to strengthen these structures. Particular attention should be given to RC frame structures with masonry infill panels, as demonstrated by their poor performance in recent earthquakes in Europe. Understanding the seismic behaviour of masonry‐infilled RC frames presents one of the most difficult problems in structural engineering. Analytical tools to evaluate infill–frame interaction and the failure mechanisms need to be further studied. This research intends to develop a simplified macro‐model that takes into account the out‐of‐plane behaviour of the infill panels and the corresponding in‐plane and out‐of‐plane interaction when subjected to seismic loadings. Finally, a vulnerability assessment of an RC building will be performed in order to evaluate the influence of the out‐of‐plane consideration in the building response. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the shake‐table tests of a 2/3‐scale, three‐story, two‐bay, reinforced concrete frame infilled with unreinforced masonry walls. The specimen is representative of the construction practice in California in the 1920s. The reinforced concrete frame had nonductile reinforcement details and it was infilled with solid masonry walls in one bay and infill walls with window openings in the other bay. The structure was subjected to a sequence of dynamic tests including white‐noise base excitations and 14 scaled historical earthquake ground motion records of increasing intensity. The performance of the structure was satisfactory considering the seismic loads it was subjected to. The paper summarizes the design of the specimen and the major findings from the shake‐table tests, including the dynamic response, the load resistance, the evolution of damage, and the final failure mechanism. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents pseudo‐dynamic test results on the in‐plane seismic behaviour of infilled frames. Thirteen single‐storey, single‐bay, half‐size‐scale, reinforced concrete‐frame specimens, most of which infilled with non‐structural masonry made of perforated bricks and cement mortar are tested. The infills are in contact with frames, without any connector; openings are not covered. The frames are different in their strength and details, reinforcement grade, and aspect ratio. Seismic input is the 1976 Tolmezzo (Friuli, Italy) ground acceleration, to which specimens are subjected two times: virgin and damaged by the previous test. The global seismic response of initially virgin infilled specimens considerably differs from that of bare specimens. This follows a dramatic change of properties: compared to a bare frame, the initial stiffness increases by one order of magnitude, and the peak strength more than doubles. The peak drift lessens; however, the displacement ductility demand does not. The energy demand is greater. Nevertheless, the influence of infill decreases as damage proceeds. Displacement time histories of damaged specimens are quite similar. At the local level, infill causes asymmetry and concentration of the frame deformation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An innovative solution for the seismic protection of existing masonry structures is proposed and investigated through shake table tests on a natural scale wall assemblage. After a former test series carried out without reinforcement, the specimen was retrofitted using Steel Reinforced Grout. The strengthening system comprises horizontal strips of ultra‐high strength steel cords, externally bonded to the masonry with hydraulic lime mortar, and connectors to transversal walls, applied within the thickness of the plaster layer. In order to assess the seismic performance of the retrofitted wall, natural accelerograms were applied with increasing intensity up to failure. Test results provide a deep understanding of the effectiveness of mortar‐based composites for improving the out‐of‐plane seismic capacity of masonry walls, in comparison with traditional reinforcements with steel tie‐bars. The structural implications of the proposed solution in terms of dynamic properties and damage development under earthquake loads are also discussed.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents a seismic fragility analysis of low‐rise masonry in‐filled (MI) reinforced concrete (RC) buildings using a proposed coefficient‐based spectral acceleration method. The coefficient‐based method, without requiring any complicated finite element analysis, is a simplified procedure for assessing the spectral acceleration demand (or capacity) of buildings subjected to earthquakes. This paper begins with a calibration of the proposed coefficient‐based method for low‐rise MI RC buildings using published experimental results obtained from shaking table tests. Spectral acceleration‐based fragility curves for low‐rise MI RC buildings under various inter‐story drift limits are then constructed using the calibrated coefficient‐based method. A comparison of the experimental and estimated results indicates that the simplified coefficient‐based method can provide good approximations of the spectral accelerations at peak loads of low‐rise MI RC buildings, if a proper set of drift‐related factors and initial fundamental periods of structures are used. Moreover, the fragility curves constructed using the coefficient‐based method can provide a satisfactory vulnerability evaluation for low‐rise MI RC buildings under a given performance level. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

砖砌体墙片抗震修复与加固伪静力试验   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对在各种压应力下的240标准砖墙片、试验之前及试验开裂以后用GFRP粘贴墙面和增加钢筋网砂浆面层方法加固的墙片,采用伪静力装置水平加载方法,检验加固的效果。试验证明了对于砂浆强度很低的砌体,GFRP加固能有效增强砌体抗震整体性,具有等效于提高砂浆强度的效果,要提高抗裂和极限承载力则GFRP的厚度应满足其抗拉能力大于砌体的抗剪能力。对于到达过极限承载力破坏后的墙片,GFRP加固能使得墙片基本恢复到原有的最大承载力。而钢筋网砂浆面层加固能有效提高砌体的抗震能力。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed study on feasibility of un‐bonded fiber reinforced elastomeric isolator (U‐FREI) as an alternative to steel reinforced elastomeric isolator (SREI) for seismic isolation of un‐reinforced masonry buildings. Un‐reinforced masonry buildings are inherently vulnerable under seismic excitation, and U‐FREIs are used for seismic isolation of such buildings in the present study. Shake table testing of a base isolated two storey un‐reinforced masonry building model subjected to four prescribed input excitations is carried out to ascertain its effectiveness in controlling seismic response. To compare the performance of U‐FREI, same building is placed directly on the shake table without isolator, and fixed base (FB) condition is simulated by restraining the base of the building with the shake table. Dynamic response characteristic of base isolated (BI) masonry building subjected to different intensities of input earthquakes is compared with the response of the same building without base isolation system. Acceleration response amplification and peak response values of test model with and without base isolation system are compared for different intensities of table acceleration. Distribution of shear forces and moment along the height of the structure and response time histories indicates significant reduction of dynamic responses of the structure with U‐FREI system. This study clearly demonstrates the improved seismic performance of un‐reinforced masonry building model supported on U‐FREIs under the action of considered ground motions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Predictors of seismic structural demands (such as inter‐storey drift angles) that are less time‐consuming than nonlinear dynamic analysis have proven useful for structural performance assessment and for design. Luco and Cornell previously proposed a simple predictor that extends the idea of modal superposition (of the first two modes) with the square‐root‐of‐sum‐of‐squares (SRSS) rule by taking a first‐mode inelastic spectral displacement into account. This predictor achieved a significant improvement over simply using the response of an elastic oscillator; however, it cannot capture well large displacements caused by local yielding. A possible improvement of Luco's predictor is discussed in this paper, where it is proposed to consider three enhancements: (i) a post‐elastic first‐mode shape approximated by the deflected shape from a nonlinear static pushover analysis (NSPA) at the step corresponding to the maximum drift of an equivalent inelastic single‐degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) system, (ii) a trilinear backbone curve for the SDOF system, and (iii) the elastic third‐mode response for long‐period buildings. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed predictor is less biased and results in less dispersion than Luco's original predictor. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of shaking‐table experiments conducted to examine the seismic performance of a full‐scale, one‐story, wood‐framed structure with masonry veneer. The structure was designed and constructed in accordance with current U.S. code provisions. The veneer was attached to the wood backing with two kinds of metal anchors, corrugated ties fastened with 8d nails and rigid ties fastened with #8 screws. The tests have shown that the use of nails to fasten veneer anchors to the wood studs is highly unreliable due to the high variation of the nail extraction capacity, which can be influenced by the moisture content of the wood. Other than this, both the wood frame and the masonry veneer performed well under severe ground motions far exceeding a design level earthquake for Seismic Design Category D. Good performance was observed for the rigid veneer ties, which were attached to the wood studs with screws. The results have shown that the veneer walls parallel to the direction of shaking helped to restrain the motion of the wood structure and therefore should not be simply treated as added mass. The detailing of wood roof diaphragms requires special attention in consideration of the out‐of‐plane inertia force of the veneer that can be transmitted through the top plate of the wood‐stud wall to the rim joist. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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