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Geospatial techniques play a crucial role in geomorphic studies, particularly in the challenging terrains like mountainous regions, inaccessible areas and densely vegetated landscapes, where geomorphic features cannot be recorded easily. Tectono-geomorphologic observations provide important clues regarding the landscape evolution, morpho-dynamics and ongoing tectonism of the region. The present study has been carried out in the Zanskar Basin (ZB), located to the south of the Indus Tsangpo Suture Zone (ITSZ), in the hinterland of the NW Himalaya. This study has been carried out to assess and evaluate active tectonics by employing tectono-geomorphic analysis, dynamics in drainage networks, geomorphological field observations and the Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. High-resolution satellite images, topographic maps and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used to generate primary data sets, which were corroborated with field investigations for valid inferences. The geometry of the ZB suggests that continuous tectonic activity exerts first-order control on the overall shape, size and structure of the ZB. This first-order response is clearly reflected in the landforms modified by tectonic processes, namely, linear mountain fronts, elongated shape and tilting of the basin, braided and meandering river courses and lower stream length gradient index values in hard rock terrain. The ZB exhibits several eye-catching geomorphic features, such as well-defined triangular facets with wide base lengths and wine-glass valleys with small outlets along the footwall block of the Zanskar Shear Zone/South Tibetan Detachment System (ZSZ/STDS), as well as the presence of wind gaps, water gaps, bedrock incision, incised and entrenched valleys, narrow gorges and a high incision rate inferring active tectonics and recent uplift in the region. In addition, the existence of uplifted river terraces, as well as the stepped morphology of fans and strath terraces, suggests that the region is experiencing recent activity and ongoing tectonic uplift. These modified geomorphic characteristics suggest that the hinterland, which is part of the NW Himalaya, is tectonically quite active and has experienced a differential rate of tectonics during its evolution. The quantified geomorphic indices and their relations with the tectonics, climate and erosion activity infer that the basin geometry is mostly controlled by the ZSZ/STDS that dips 20°–70° NE, the south-dipping Zanskar Counter Thrust (ZCT) and other local tectonic elements like the Choksti Thrust (CT), Stondgey Thrust, Zangla Thrust and tectonic structures. The synergised results of quantified geomorphic indices and tectono-geomorphic evidence in the ZB strongly indicate that both the past and ongoing tectonism have significantly shaped and modified geomorphology of the ZB.  相似文献   

A range of evidence from the Lachlan valley in the southeast Australian highlands is consistent with Neogene isostatic rebound in response to denudational unloading. This evidence is found along the inland edge of the highlands in the transition zone between the highlands proper and the Lachlan's inland alluviated valley and the intracratonic Murray Basin. The amounts and rates of uplift indicated by offsets of suballuvium bedrock profiles and the long profiles of Tertiary valley-filling basalts are consistent with modelling of denudational rebound using known rates of highland denudation and basinal sedimentation, and reasonable crustal properties. The modelling shows that weak to moderately strong strong lithosphere (effective elastic thickness, Te = 1-25 km) and strong lithosphere (Te = 100 km) are all consistent with the observed amounts of rebound. Strong lithosphere must be broken, however, to be consistent with the field data. Even in the Australian setting, which is characterized by very low rates of denudation, isostatic rebound in response to denudational unloading must be a significant factor in maintaining highland elevation and must be incorporated in models of long-term landscape evolution. It would be expected that denudational isostatic rebound would be an even more significant component of long-term landscape evolution in areas of higher denudation rates.  相似文献   

The model SLOP3D is used to identify characteristic aspects of slope development under different conditions. A series of slopes along the Kall valley in the northern Eifel is reproduced by a developmental sequence of model slopes. The spatial and temporal variations of the components of slope development systems (relief, slope form, weathering rates, denudation rates) are discussed by means of mass movement and wash denudation models. The negative feedbacks between system components create a tendency towards the establishment of a dynamic equilibrium which is reached, however, only if the endogenic and exogenic conditions remain constant for the required relaxation time. The latter is shown to be a function of slope length, of the rate of uplift, of the denudational process type, and of the intensity of exogenic inputs (e.g. precipitation). Varying rock resistance leads to the development of shield inselbergs only if the rate of denudation becomes higher than the maximum possible weathering rate of the resistant bedrock.  相似文献   

How rock resistance or erodibility affects fluvial landforms and processes is an outstanding question in geomorphology that has recently garnered attention owing to the recognition that the erosion rates of bedrock channels largely set the pace of landscape evolution. In this work, we evaluate valley width, terrace distribution, and bedload provenance in terms of reach scale variation in lithology in the study reach and discuss the implications for landscape evolution in a catchment with relatively flat‐lying stratigraphy and very little uplift. A reach of the Buffalo National River in Arkansas was partitioned into lithologic reaches and the mechanical and chemical resistance of the main lithologies making up the catchment was measured. Valley width and the spatial distribution of terraces were compared among the different lithologic reaches. The surface grain size and provenance of coarse (2–90 mm) sediment of both modern gravel bars and older terrace deposits that make up the former bedload were measured and defined. The results demonstrate a strong impact of lithology upon valley width, terrace distribution, and bedload provenance and therefore, upon landscape evolution processes. Channel down‐cutting through different lithologies creates variable patterns of resistance across catchments and continents. Particularly in post‐tectonic and non‐tectonic landscapes, the variation in resistance that arises from the exhumation of different rocks in channel longitudinal profiles can impact local base levels, initiating responses that can be propagated through channel networks. The rate at which that response is transmitted through channels is potentially amplified and/or mitigated by differences between the resistance of channel beds and bedload sediment loads. In the study reach, variation in lithologic resistance influences the prevalence of lateral and vertical processes, thus producing a spatial pattern of terraces that reflects rock type rather than climate, regional base level change, or hydrologic variability. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The continuous feedbacks among tectonics, surface processes, and climate are reflected in the distribution of catchments on active mountain ranges. Previous studies have shown a regularity of valley spacing across mountain ranges worldwide, but the origin of this geomorphological feature is currently not well known. In this work, we use a landscape evolution model to investigate the process of fluvial network organization and the evolution of regular ridge‐and‐valley patterns on simulated mountain ranges. In particular, we investigate the behavior of such patterns when subjected to a perturbation in landscape processes from a previous steady state, resulting from a sudden variation in the pattern of bedrock erodibility, from homogeneous to a gradient. We analyze the time evolution of the mean ratio λ' between the linear spacing of adjacent valleys and the half width of the mountain range. We show how a valley spacing ratio of ~0.5 is first achieved at steady state under uniform bedrock erodibility. After applying the gradient of bedrock erodibility across the landscape, we observe that λ' first increases and then decreases to a new steady‐state value that is smaller than the original value. A detailed analysis of the simulations, through observations of surface ‘snapshots’ at repeated time intervals, allows to gain some insight into the mechanisms governing this fluvial network reorganization process, driven by the migration of the main divide toward the side characterized by lower bedrock erodibility. On both sides of the range the new steady‐state valley spacing is obtained through mechanisms of catchment reorganization and competition between adjacent fluvial networks. In particular, catchment reorganization is characterized by the growth of smaller catchments between shrinking larger catchments on the side with lower erodibility, and the growth of larger catchments on the side with higher erodibility. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variation in the erodibility of rock units has long been recognized as an important determinant of landscape evolution but has been little studied in landscape evolution models. We use a modified version of the Channel‐Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) model, which explicitly allows for variations in rock strength, to reveal and explore the remarkably rich, complex behavior induced by rock erodibility variations in even very simple geologic settings with invariant climate and tectonics. We study the importance of relative contrasts in erodibility between just two units, the order of these units (whether hard rocks overlie soft or soft rocks overlie hard) and the orientation of the contact between the two units. We emphasize the spatial and temporal evolution of erosion rates, which have important implications for basin analysis, detrital mineral records, and the interpretation of cosmogenic isotope concentrations in detrital samples. Results of the landscape evolution modeling indicate that the stratigraphic order of units in terms of erodibility, the gross orientation of the contact (i.e. dipping away or toward the outlet of the landscape) and the contact dip angle all have measurable effects on landscape evolution, including significant spatial and temporal variations in erosion rates. Steady‐state denudation conditions are unlikely to develop in landscapes with significant contrasts in rock strength in horizontal to moderately tilted rock layers, at least at the scale of the entire landscape. Additionally, our results demonstrate that there is no general relation between rock erodibility and erosion rates in natural settings. Although rock erodibility directly controls the erosion rate constant in our models, it is not uncommon for higher erosion rates to occur in the harder, less erodible rock. Indeed erosion rates may be either greater or less than the rock uplift rate (invariant in time and space in our models) in both hard and soft rocks, depending on the local geology, topography, and the pattern of landscape evolution. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The classical explanation of the development of the Welsh landscape by the effects of a pulsed ‘eustatic’ uplift during the Cenozoic times is challenged by new data on the geology and geomorphology of Wales and the adjacent regions. The post-Caledonian surface developed over most of Wales in the upper Westphalian plays a major role in landform development. Since its emergence before mid-Cretaceous times, the Welsh Massif has suffered a long subaerial evolution which favoured a powerful chemical weathering. In Anglesey and St. David's Land, residual hills were formed by a process of differential weathering, and downwearing in saprolites. The Millstone Grit quartzites have been deeply weathered and dolines or flat-bottomed basins have been developed. From Cretaceous to Miocene times, a morphotectonic equilibrium has existed between uplift and denudation, so that, in the major part of Wales, the original planation surface was constantly maintained by lowering on itself and in some places it is possible to prove that no more than a few dozen metres of rock thickness disappeared during that period. Several main escarpments were produced by the warping of the planation surface along sharp flexures, during Neogene times. The Cenozoic vertical movements were controlled by the Caledonian or pre-Caledonian tectonic pattern which has divided the continental crust into major structural units. Welsh tectonic development is related to the opening of the North Atlantic, associated stresses reactivating ancient lines of weakness in the heterogeneous lower crust or upper mantle.  相似文献   

The Southern Alps mountain chain, New Zealand, has formed as a consequence of late Cenozoic collision of the continental parts of the Pacific and Australia plates. Fission track analysis has yielded estimates of the amount, age of initiation, and rate of late Cenozoic rock uplift for 82 surface samples taken from transects across the Southern Alps. The mean surface, summit and valley elevations in the vicinity of each of the rock sample sites have also been measured. Regression of the geomorphic variables on the uplift variables has been used to establish quantitative relationships between uplift and geomorphology. There are strong and consistent linear associations between uplift and the elevations of the mean surface, summits and valleys. The preferred regression models have uniform slope but varying elevation response between transects. Substitution of space for time has allowed the evolution of landforms to be studied. To the east of the Main Divide, elevation and relief are proportional to, and closely related to, the age of initiation of rock uplift (‘uplift age’) and the amount of rock uplift (r2 > 0·8). Mean surface uplift was delayed for ~2 Ma after the start of rock uplift, a result of the stripping of a soft cover rock succession that, prior to rock uplift, overlaid the harder greywacke basement. Inter-transect variations in regression response and x-intercept are inferred, therefore, to reflect the variable preuplift thickness of cover rocks. However, the regular regression slope for the transects reflects the consistent nature of the interaction between uplift and the erodibility of greywacke basement. Uplift of the mean surface proceeded at 0·4 km/km and 0·4 km/Ma of rock uplift, while the rock uplift rate was 0·8 km/Ma. Summit elevations have increased at a rate of 0·6 km/Ma and valley elevations have increased at 0·2 km/Ma. Regression lines relating mean surface, summit and valley elevations to rock uplift and uplift age diverge from common intercepts; it is concluded, therefore, that the mountains east of the Main Divide have continued to increase in elevation and relief and change in form over time since the start of mean surface uplift. Mountain elevation has little relationship with late Cenozoic mean rock uplift rates of 0·8–1·0 km/Ma or inferred contemporary rock uplift rates (r2 ~ 0·3). In contrast, to the west of the Main Divide, elevation is shown to be closely related to rock uplift rate (r2 > 0·3). In contrast, to the west of the Main Divide, elevation is shown to be closely related to rock uplift rate (r2 > 0·8). Transects with higher rock uplift rates support higher topography. Landforms are therefore in a stable equilibrium with rock uplift rate, and the landscape contains no residual evidence of the total amount of rock uplift, or the age of uplift. Lithological variation appears to have no relationship with elevation.  相似文献   

Landslides and rockfalls are key geomorphic processes in mountain basins. Their quantification and characterization are critical for understanding the processes of slope failure and their contributions to erosion and landscape evolution. We used digital photogrammetry to produce a multi‐temporal record of erosion (1963–2005) of a rock slope at the head of the Illgraben, a very active catchment prone to debris flows in Switzerland. Slope failures affect 70% of the study slope and erode the slope at an average rate of 0.39 ± 0.03 m yr¯¹. The analysis of individual slope failures yielded an inventory of ~2500 failures ranging over 6 orders of magnitude in volume, despite the small slope area and short study period. The slope failures form a characteristic magnitude–frequency distribution with a rollover and a power‐law tail between ~200 m³ and 1.6 × 106 m³ with an exponent of 1.65. Slope failure volume scales with area as a power law with an exponent of 1.1. Both values are low for studies of bedrock landslides and rockfall and result from the highly fractured and weathered state of the quartzitic bedrock. Our data suggest that the magnitude–frequency distribution is the result of two separate slope failure processes. Type (1) failures are frequent, small slides and slumps within the weathered layer of highly fractured rock and loose sediment, and make up the rollover. Type (2) failures are less frequent and larger rockslides and rockfalls within the internal bedded and fractured slope along pre‐determined potential failure surfaces, and make up the power‐law tail. Rockslides and rockfalls of high magnitude and relatively low frequency make up 99% of the total failure volume and are thus responsible for the high erosion rate. They are also significant in the context of landscape evolution as they occur on slopes above 45° and limit the relief of the slope. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The southern Appalachians represent a landscape characterized by locally high topographic relief, steep slopes, and frequent mass movement in the absence of significant tectonic forcing for at least the last 200 Ma. The fundamental processes responsible for landscape evolution in a post‐orogenic landscape remain enigmatic. The non‐glaciated Cullasaja River basin of south‐western North Carolina, with uniform lithology, frequent debris flows, and the availability of high‐resolution airborne lidar DEMs, is an ideal natural setting to study landscape evolution in a post‐orogenic landscape through the lens of hillslope–channel coupling. This investigation is limited to channels with upslope contributing areas >2.7 km2, a conservative estimate of the transition from fluvial to debris‐flow dominated channel processes. Values of normalized hypsometry, hypsometric integral, and mean slope vs elevation are used for 14 tributary basins and the Cullasaja basin as a whole to characterize landscape evolution following upstream knickpoint migration. Results highlight the existence of a transient spatial relationship between knickpoints present along the fluvial network of the Cullasaja basin and adjacent hillslopes. Metrics of topography (relief, slope gradient) and hillslope activity (landslide frequency) exhibit significant downstream increases below the current position of major knickpoints. The transient effect of knickpoint‐driven channel incision on basin hillslopes is captured by measuring the relief, mean slope steepness, and mass movement frequency of tributary basins and comparing these results with the distance from major knickpoints along the Cullasaja River. A conceptual model of area–elevation and slope distributions is presented that may be representative of post‐orogenic landscape evolution in analogous geologic settings. Importantly, the model explains how knickpoint migration and channel–hillslope coupling is an important factor in tectonically‐inactive (i.e. post‐orogenic) orogens for the maintenance of significant relief, steep slopes, and weathering‐limited hillslopes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variability of Quaternary landforms preserved in the Tabernas basin of southeast (SE) Spain raises numerous questions concerning the roles of external forcing mechanisms (e.g. tectonics and/or climate) and internal landscape properties (e.g. lithological controls) in the evolution of the basin‐wide fluvial system over Late Quaternary timescales. In this study, we apply the FLUVER2 numerical model to investigate the significance of these landscape controls upon patterns of landscape evolution. We highlight the complications of generating realistic input datasets for use in the modelling of long‐term landscape evolution (e.g. discharge and runoff datasets). Model outputs are compared to extensive field mapping of fluvial terraces, their sedimentary architecture and optically stimulated luminescence dating results of the terraces. The results demonstrate the significance of non‐linear rates of flexural tectonic uplift towards the west of the Tabernas Basin which have controlled base levels throughout the Quaternary and promoted the formation of a series of diverging fluvial terraces. Our numerical model results further highlight the importance of climate cycles upon river terrace formation. Basin‐wide aggradation events were modelled during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 5 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as supported by field evidence. This aggradational pattern supports the regional hypothesis of terrace formation during global glacial cycles and cold‐to‐warm stage transitions and supports the use of sea surface temperature climate proxy data in the modelling exercise. The availability of sediments derived from the surrounding hillslopes and adjacent alluvial fans explains the generation of substantial terrace aggradations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The temporal pattern of rock‐slope failures (RSFs) following Late Pleistocene deglaciation on tectonically stable terrains is controversial: previous studies variously suggest (1) a rapid response due to removal of supporting ice (‘debuttressing’), (2) a progressive decline in RSF frequency, and (3) a millennial‐scale delay before peak RSF activity. We test these competing models through beryllium‐10 (10Be) exposure dating of five closely‐spaced quartzite RSFs on the Isle of Jura, Scotland, to establish the relationship between timing of failure and those of deglaciation, episodes of rapid warming and periods of rapid glacio‐isostatic uplift. All five dated RSFs occurred at least 720–2240 years after deglaciation, with the probability of failure peaking ~2 ka after deglaciation, consistent with millennial‐scale delay model (3). This excludes debuttressing as an immediate cause of failure, though it is likely that time‐dependent stress release due to deglacial unloading resulted in progressive development of failure planes within the rock. Thaw of permafrost ice in joints is unlikely to have been a prime trigger of failure as some RSFs occurred several centuries after the onset of interstadial warming. Conversely, the timespan of the RSFs coincides with the period of maximum glacio‐isostatic crustal uplift, suggesting that failure was triggered by uplift‐driven seismic events acting on fractured rock masses. Implications of this and related research are: (1) that retreat of the last Pleistocene ice sheets across tectonically‐stable mountainous terrains was succeeded by a period of enhanced rock‐slope failure due to deglacial unloading and probably uplift‐driven seismicity; (2) that the great majority of RSFs in the British Isles outside the limits of Loch Lomond Stadial (= Younger Dryas) glaciation are of Lateglacial (pre‐Holocene) age; and (3) numerous RSFs must also have occurred inside Loch Lomond Stadial (LLS) glacial limits, but that runout debris was removed by LLS glaciers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing drastic landscape changes in the Arctic, but how these changes modify stream biogeochemistry is not clear yet. We examined how catchment properties influence stream nitrogen (N) and dissolved organic carbon concentrations (DOC) in a high-Arctic environment. We sampled two contrasting headwater streams (10–15 stations over 4.8 and 6.8 km, respectively) in Northeast Greenland (74°N). We characterized the geomorphology (i.e., bedrock, solifluction and alluvial types) and the vegetation (i.e., barren, fell field, grassland and tundra types) cover of each subcatchment area draining into each sampling station and collected water samples for hydrochemistry characterization. The two sampled streams differed in geomorphology and vegetation cover in the catchment. Aucellaelv catchment was mostly covered by a ‘bedrock’ geomorphology (71%) and ‘fellfield’ vegetation (51%), whereas Kæerelv was mostly covered by ‘alluvial’ geomorphology (65%) and ‘grassland’ and ‘tundra’ vegetation (42% and 41% respectively). Hydrochemistry also differed between the two study streams, with higher concentrations of inorganic N forms in Aucellaelv and lower DOC concentrations, compared to Kærelv. The results from the linear mixed model selection showed that vegetation and geomorphology had contrasting effects on stream hydrochemistry. Subcatchments with higher solifluction sheets and limited vegetation had higher nitrate concentrations but lower DOC concentrations. Interestingly, we also found high variability on the production and removal of nitrate across subcatchments. These results indicate landscape controls to nutrient and organic matter exports via flow paths, soil organic matter stocks and nutrient retention via terrestrial vegetation. Moreover, the results suggest that climate change induced alterations to vegetation cover and soil physical disturbance in high-Arctic catchments will affect stream hydrochemistry, with potential effects in stream productivity, trophic relations as well as change of solute export to downstream coastal areas.  相似文献   

The erosional morphology in the vicinity of the Main Divide of the Southern Alps, and Fiordland, New Zealand, appears to be a product of the interaction between Alpine Fault-induced tectonic processes, rock mass strength of the uplifted and eroded bedrock, and the processes acting to denude the developing mountain landscape. The magnitude of the effects of glacial erosion on the landscape is directly controlled by the size and physical properties of the glaciers, whilst the form of the trough is a direct consequence of the rock mass strength (RMS) properties of the slope rock. Realistic models of development of the cross-profile shape of glacial valleys must take into consideration the RMS properties of the eroded substrate.  相似文献   

A better understanding of bedrock incision mechanisms and processes is essential to the study of long‐term landscape evolution. Yet, little is known about flow dynamics in bedrock rivers, limiting our ability to make realistic predictions of local bedrock incision rates. A recent investigation of flow through bedrock canyons of the Fraser River revealed that plunging flows, defined by the downward‐directed movement of near surface flow toward the channel bed, occur in channels that have low width‐to‐depth ratios. Plunging flows occur into deep scour pools, which are often coincident with lateral constrictions and channel spanning submerged ridges (sills). A phenomenological investigation was undertaken to reproduce the flow fields observed in the Fraser canyons and to explore morphological controls on the occurrence and relative strength of plunging flow in bedrock canyons. Our observations show that the plunging flow structure can be produced along a scour pool entrance slope by accelerating the flow at the canyon entrance either over submerged sills or through lateral constrictions. Plunging flow appears to be a function of convective deceleration into a scour pool which can be enhanced by sill height, the amount of the channel width that is constricted, pool entrance slope, discharge, and a reduction in channel width‐to‐depth ratio. Plunging flow greatly enhances the potential for incision to occur along the channel bed and is an extreme departure from the assumptions of steady, uniform flow in bedrock incision models, highlighting the need for improved formulations that account for fluid flow. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In meandering rivers cut into bedrock, erosion across a channel cross‐section can be strongly asymmetric. At a meander apex, deep undercutting of the outer bank can result in the formation of a hanging cliff (which may drive hillslope failure), whereas the inner bank adjoins a slip‐off slope that connects to the hillslope itself. Here we propose a physically‐based model for predicting channel planform migration and incision, point bar and slip‐off slope formation, bedrock abrasion, the spatial distribution of alluvial cover, and adaptation of channel width in a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel. We simplify the analysis by considering a numerical model of steady, uniform bend flow satisfying cyclic boundary conditions. Thus in our analysis, ‘sediment supply’, i.e. the total volume of alluvium in the system, is conserved. In our numerical simulations, the migration rate of the outer bank is a specified parameter. Our simulations demonstrate the existence of an approximate state of dynamic equilibrium corresponding to a near‐solution of permanent form in which a bend of constant curvature, width, cross‐sectional shape and alluvial cover distribution migrates diagonally downward at constant speed, leaving a bedrock equivalent of a point bar on the inside of the bend. Channel width is set internally by the processes of migration and incision. We find that equilibrium width increases with increasing sediment supply, but is insensitive to outer bank migration rate. The slope of the bedrock point bar varies inversely with both outer bank migration rate and sediment supply. Although the migration rate of the outer bank is externally imposed here, we discuss a model modification that would allow lateral side‐wall abrasion to be treated in a manner similar to the process of bedrock incision. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

海原断裂带中东段地貌差异及其成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈涛  张会平  王伟涛 《地震地质》2014,36(2):449-463
以定量化地形因子为切入点的构造地貌学方法已成为活动构造研究的有效手段,被广泛用于定性或半定量解析地貌对新构造运动的响应及其演化过程。针对海原断裂带中东段现今地貌差异,以SRTM 90m分辨率DEM为基础,利用ArcGIS软件和Matlab程序脚本,提取了海原断裂带中东段高程、坡度、地形起伏、地形侵蚀以及河流陡峭系数等地形因子。从空间分布上看,上述各项地形因子沿断裂走向均呈现 “西高东低”的整体分布特征。西段海拔高、坡度陡、起伏大、侵蚀强、抬升快,中段和东段海拔低、坡度缓、起伏小、侵蚀弱、抬升慢,此外,在断裂带的东南尾端呈略微增加趋势,达到小范围内的峰值。在此基础上,通过对比分析地形因子与年降水量、基岩岩性,初步探讨了构造与降水、岩性等因素对地形地貌的控制作用,认为不同降水条件对地貌后期改造起显著作用,基岩岩性与现今地貌之间并无显著关系,该区域地貌类型主要受构造抬升差异所控制。沿断裂带走向上的现今地貌差异表明,西段处于相对快速的构造隆升和强挤压造山构造背景,中段由于受到黄河下切及河流冲积作用影响,地貌参数记录的抬升特征并不显著,而东段则反映出大型断裂带尾端挤压调整效应。  相似文献   

An inventory of 846 mass movements, mainly landslides, in two alpine regions of southwest New Zealand was created to explore the geomorphic impacts of slope‐failure processes on river channels and valley floors. In total, 213 (i.e. 27 per cent) of the slope failures descended to valley floors, affecting the geomorphology of trunk channels (catchment area AC > 10 km2) and valley floors in recurring patterns. A nominal classification system is introduced for characterizing (a) the physical contact nature between landslides and river channels, and (b) the resulting geomorphic consequences for drainage. Although landslide area A is useful for estimating the length of channel directly impacted by debris, it does not necessarily predict the direction of fluvial response or type of impact. Dominant persistent geomorphic imprints of bedrock landslides include channel occlusions and landslide dams in South Westland and Fiordland, respectively. Differences in size distribution and geomorphic effects on river systems between the two study regions are attributed to bedrock geology, tectonics and sediment flux. Although South Westland rivers are more frequently affected by landslides, disrupting long‐term effects such as blockage are more persistent in Fiordland. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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