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Forest management practices often result in significant changes to hydrologic and geomorphic responses at or near the earth's surface. A well‐known, but not fully tested, hypothesis in hillslope hydrology[sol ]geomorphology is that a near‐surface permeability contrast, caused by the surface compaction associated with forest roads, can result in diverted subsurface flow paths that produce increased up‐slope pore pressures and slope failure. The forest road focused on in this study is located in a steep forested, zero‐order catchment within the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Oregon). A three‐phase modelling effort was employed to test the aforementioned hypothesis: (i) two‐dimensional (vertical slice), steady‐state, heterogeneous, saturated subsurface flow simulations at the watershed scale for establishing the boundary conditions for the catchment‐scale boundary‐value problem in (ii); (ii) two‐dimensional (vertical slice), transient, heterogeneous, variably saturated subsurface flow simulations at the catchment scale for estimating near‐surface hydrologic response and pore pressure distributions; and (iii) slope stability analyses, using the infinite slope approach, driven by the pore pressure distributions simulated in (ii), for assessing the impact of the forest road. Both observed and hypothetical rainfall events are used to drive the catchment‐scale simulations. The results reported here support the hypothesis that a forest road can have an effect on slope stability. The permeability contrast associated with the forest road in this study led to a simulated altering of slope‐parallel subsurface flow with increased pore pressures up‐slope of the road and, for a large rainfall event, a slope failure prediction. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The stochastic–conceptual rainfall–runoff simulator (SCRRS) developed by R. A. Freeze in 1980 was used in this study to demonstrate quantitatively the interplay of the factors that control the occurrence of overland flow by the Horton and Dunne mechanisms. The simulation domain and input data for the SCRRS simulations reported here were abstracted from the R‐5 catchment (Chickasha, OK) data sets. The results illustrate that the identification of a dominant hydrological response process may not be as simple as a singular Horton or Dunne characterization. The SCRRS simulations show that the Horton and Dunne processes can (i) occur simultaneously at different locations during a given rainfall event, (ii) change from one process to the other with time depending on the characteristics of the rainfall event, and (iii) be strongly dependent on the initial conditions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of land use changes on the ecology and hydrology of natural watersheds have long been debated. However, less attention has been given to the hydrological effects of forest roads. Although less studied, several researchers have claimed that streamflow changes related to forest roads can cause a persistent and pervasive effect on hillslope hydrology and the functioning of the channel system. The main potential direct effects of forest roads on natural watersheds hydrologic response are runoff production on roads surfaces due to reduced infiltration rates, interruption of subsurface flow by road cutslopes and rapid transfer of the produced runoff to the stream network through roadside ditches. The aforementioned effects may significantly modify the total volume and timing of the hillslope flow to the stream network. This study uses detailed field data, spatial data, hydro‐meteorological records, as well as numerical simulation to investigate the effects of forest roads on the hydrological response of a small‐scale mountain experimental watershed, which is situated in the east side of Penteli Mountain, Attica, Greece. The results of this study highlight the possible effects of forest roads on the watersheds hydrological response that may significantly influence direct runoff depths and peak flow rates. It is demonstrated that these effects can be very important in permeable watersheds and that more emphasis should be given on the impact of roads on the watersheds hydrological response. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that comprehensive hydrologic‐response simulation can be a useful tool for studying cumulative watershed effects. The simulations reported here were conducted with the Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM). The location of the 473 ha study site is the North Fork of the Caspar Creek Experimental Watershed, near Fort Bragg, California. Existing information from a long‐term monitoring programme and new soil‐hydraulic property measurements made for this study were used to parameterize InHM. Long‐term continuous wet‐season simulations were conducted for the North Fork catchments and main stem for second‐growth, clear‐cut and new‐growth scenarios. The simulation results show that the increases and decreases, respectively, for throughfall and potential evapotranspiration related to clear‐cutting had quantifiable impacts on the simulated hydrologic response at both the catchment and watershed scales. Model performance was best for the new‐growth simulation scenarios. To improve upon the simulations reported here would require additional soil‐hydraulic property information from across the study area. Although principally focused on the integrated hydrologic response, the effort reported here demonstrates the potential for characterizing distributed responses with physics‐based simulation. The search for a comprehensive understanding of hydrologic response will require both data‐intensive discovery and concept‐development simulation, from both integrated and distributed perspectives. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework is presented for the estimation of the physical parameters of a structure (i.e., mass, stiffness, and damping) from measured experimental data (i.e., input–output or output‐only data). The framework considers two state‐space models: a physics‐based model derived from first principles (i.e., white‐box model) and a data‐driven mathematical model derived by subspace system identification (i.e., black‐box model). Observability canonical form conversion is introduced as a powerful means to convert the data‐driven mathematical model into a physically interpretable model that is termed a gray‐box model. Through an explicit linking of the white‐box and gray‐box model forms, the physical parameters of the structural system can be extracted from the gray‐box model in the form of a finite element discretization. Prior to experimental verification, the framework is numerically verified for a multi‐DOF shear building structure. Without a priori knowledge of the structure, mass, stiffness, and damping properties are accurately estimated. Then, experimental verification of the framework is conducted using a six‐story steel frame structure under support excitation. With a priori knowledge of the lumped mass matrix, the spatial distribution of structural stiffness and damping is estimated. With an accurate estimation of the physical parameters of the structure, the gray‐box model is shown to be capable of providing the basis for damage detection. With the use of the experimental structure, the gray‐box model is used to reliably estimate changes in structural stiffness attributed to intentional damage introduced. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the launch of the high‐speed train project in California, the seismic risk is a crucial concern to the stakeholders. To investigate the seismic behavior of future California High‐Speed Rail (CHSR) bridge structures, a 3D nonlinear finite‐element model of a CHSR prototype bridge is developed. Soil‐structure and track‐structure interactions are accounted for in this comprehensive numerical model used to simulate the seismic response of the bridge and track system. This paper focuses on examining potential benefits and possible drawbacks of the a priori promising application of seismic isolation in CHSR bridges. Nonlinear time history analyses are performed for this prototype bridge subjected to two bidirectional horizontal historical earthquake ground motions each scaled to two different seismic hazard levels. The effect of seismic isolation on the seismic performance of the bridge is investigated through a detailed comparison of the seismic response of the bridge with and without seismic isolation. It is found that seismic isolation significantly reduces the deck acceleration and the force demand in the bridge substructure (i.e., piers and foundations), especially for high‐intensity earthquakes. However, seismic isolation increases the deck displacement (relative to the pile cap) and the stresses in the rails. These findings imply that seismic isolation can be promisingly applied to CHSR bridges with due consideration of balancing its beneficial and detrimental effects through using appropriate isolators design. The optimum seismic isolator properties can be sought by solving a performance‐based optimum seismic design problem using the nonlinear finite‐element model presented herein. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity (K) in water‐bearing formations controls subsurface flow and solute transport processes. Geostatistical techniques are often employed to characterize the K distribution in space based on the correlation between K measurements. However, at the basin scale, there are often insufficient measurements for inferring the spatial correlation. This is a widespread problem that we address in this study using the example of the Betts Creek Beds (BCB) in the Galilee Basin, Australia. To address the lack of data, we use a 1D stochastic fluvial process‐based model (SFPM) to quantify the total sediment thickness, Z( x ), and the sandstone proportion over the total thickness, Ps( x ), in the BCB. The semivariograms of Z( x ) and Ps( x ) are then extracted and used in sequential Gaussian simulation to construct the 2D spatial distribution of Z( x ) and Ps( x ). Ps( x ) can be converted to a K distribution based on classical averaging methods. The results demonstrate that the combination of SFPM and geostatistical simulation allows for the evaluation of upscaled K distribution with a limited number of K measurements. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon are biogeomorphic agents shown to induce positive feedbacks on their natal watersheds. However, the literature documenting their ecological effects on in‐stream natal environments is more divisive. The disturbance salmon create during redd construction has the potential to reduce stream productivity. The pulse of salmon organic matter (SOM) and marine derived nutrients (MDNs) released during carcass decay has been reported as either stimulating in‐stream productivity or having no local effect. To evaluate the ecological costs and benefits of salmon spawning events, MDN delivery and storage processes need to be identified and quantified. A simulation was conducted in three flow‐through flumes (2 m × 2 m × 30 m) over a 33‐day period (consisting of 15 baseline, four MDN exposure, and 14 post‐exposure days) to assess near‐field sediment and organic matter dynamics during active and post‐spawn simulations. The objective of the study was to measure changes in the amounts and particle sizes of suspended and gravel‐stored fine sediment, in order to elucidate the process and significance of SOM recruitment to the gravel bed via sedimentation. Gravel beds in all flumes were enriched with SOM following treatments but the response was highest in the active spawn simulation. The more effective delivery in the active spawn simulation was attributed to its higher inorganic sediment concentration, which is known to enhance floc formation. Although the active spawn simulation delivered more SOM to the gravel bed, the post‐spawn phase may be equally important to natural streams because its decay phase is longer than the active spawn and consequently can provide SOM to the streambed as long as carcasses remain in‐stream. The delivery, and potential retention, of SOM to spawning streambeds and the intergravel environment may be particularly important for interior streams, which experience low flow conditions during the spawning phase and accordingly have the potential for hyporheic nutrient recruitment and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes in mountainous settings depend on snow distribution, whose prediction accuracy is a function of model spatial scale. Although model accuracy is expected to improve with finer spatial resolution, an increase in resolution comes with modelling costs related to increased computational time and greater input data and parameter information. This computational and data collection expense is still a limiting factor for many large watersheds. Thus, this work's main objective is to question which physical processes lead to loss in model accuracy with regard to input spatial resolution under different climatic conditions and elevation ranges. To address this objective, a spatially distributed snow model, iSnobal, was run with inputs distributed at 50‐m—our benchmark for comparison—and 100‐m resolutions and with aggregated (averaged from the fine to the large resolution) inputs from the 50‐m model to 100‐, 250‐, 500‐, and 750‐m resolution for wet, average, and dry years over the Upper Boise River Basin (6,963 km2), which spans four elevation bands: rain dominated, rain–snow transition, and snow dominated below treeline and above treeline. Residuals, defined as differences between values quantified with high resolution (>50 m) models minus the benchmark model (50 m), of simulated snow‐covered area (SCA) and snow water equivalent (SWE) were generally slight in the aggregated scenarios. This was due to transferring the effects of topography on meteorological variables from the 50‐m model to the coarser scales through aggregation. Residuals in SCA and SWE in the distributed 100‐m simulation were greater than those of the aggregated 750 m. Topographic features such as slope and aspect were simplified, and their gradient was reduced due to coarsening the topography from the 50‐ to 100‐m resolution. Therefore, solar radiation was overestimated, and snow drifting was modified and caused substantial SCA and SWE underestimation in the distributed 100‐m model relative to the 50‐m model. Large residuals were observed in the wet year and at the highest elevation band when and where snow mass was large. These results support that model accuracy is substantially reduced with model scales coarser than 50 m.  相似文献   

Sloped areas calculated from a GIS raster file, such as a digital elevation model, are smaller than the true surface area, because they are projected to a planimetric plane. In mountainous regions this sloped area under‐estimation (SAUE) can have significant consequences on hydrological calculations. A sensitivity analysis is conducted, using the ACRU agro‐hydrological modelling system in a small watershed in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA, to investigate the sensitivity of the SAUE on key elements of the hydrological cycle, including precipitation depth, April snow depth, August soil moisture deficit, actual evapotranspiration depth, and runoff depth. The sensitivity analysis is based on 224 unique combinations of slope, soil and land cover types, elevation with associated precipitation depths, and north and south facing radiation regimes. Results revealed an increasing influence of the SAUE on all hydrological processes with increasing slope steepness. Distinct differences and magnitudes between different land cover types, different elevations, and, in particular, different exposition were quantified. Actual evapotranspiration increases with SAUE, while runoff decreases. April soil water is simulated to decrease with an increase in SAUE. Finally, a comparison of a streamflow simulation of a small and steep alpine watershed with and without consideration of the SAUE is carried out. The sloped area of the small watershed is under‐estimated by 20·9%, and the difference in simulated runoff is 12·3%. When the SAUE was not considered, runoff was simulated to be higher, the associated coefficient of determination was slightly lower, and the slope of the regression line was flatter. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In semi‐arid environments, the characteristics of the land surface determine how rainfall is transformed into surface runoff and influences how this runoff moves from the hillslopes into river channels. Whether or not water reaches the river channel is determined by the hydrological connectivity. This paper uses a numerical experiment‐based approach to systematically assess the effects of slope length, gradient, flow path convergence, infiltration rates and vegetation patterns on the generation and connectivity of runoff. The experiments were performed with the Connectivity of Runoff Model, 2D version distributed, physically based, hydrological model. The experiments presented are set within a semi‐arid environment, characteristic of south‐eastern Spain, which is subject to low frequency high rainfall intensity storm events. As a result, the dominant hydrological processes are infiltration excess runoff generation and surface flow dynamics. The results from the modelling experiments demonstrate that three surface factors are important in determining the form of the discharge hydrograph: the slope length, the slope gradient and the infiltration characteristics at the hillslope‐channel connection. These factors are all related to the time required for generated runoff to reach an efficient flow channel, because once in this channel, the transmission losses significantly decrease. Because these factors are distributed across the landscape, they have a fundamental role in controlling the landscape hydrological response to storm events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The sediment flux from a catchment is driven by tectonics and climate but is moderated by the geomorphic response of the landscape system to changes in these two boundary conditions. Consequently, catchment response time and the non‐linear behavior of landscapes in response to boundary condition change control the downstream propagation of climatic or tectonic perturbations from catchments to neighboring basins. In order to investigate the impact of catchment response time on sediment flux, we integrated a spatially‐lumped numerical model PaCMod, with new routines simulating the evolution of landscape morphology and erosion rates under tectonic and climatic forcing. We subsequently applied the model to reconstruct the sediment flux from a tectonically perturbed catchment in central Italy. Finally, we coupled our model to DeltaSim, a process‐response model simulating fluvio‐deltaic stratigraphy, and investigated the impact of catchment response time on stratigraphy, using both synthetic scenarios and a real world system (Fucino Basin, central Italy). Our results demonstrate that the differential response of geomorphic elements to tectonic and climatic changes induces a complex sediment flux signal, and produces characteristic stratigraphic architectures and shoreline trajectories. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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