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A study carried out on Carboniferous limestone in the north and west of Ireland supports the idea that rock substrate is removed by the direct mechanical action of lichens. An experiment in which the lichen Collema auriforma was subjected to a number of wetting-drying cycles, showed, using scanning electron microscopy, that contraction of the lichen thallus during the drying phase plucked rock fragments from the substrate surface. This process could contribute to the formation of karstic features including solution basins.  相似文献   

As a first step toward describing water flow processes in bedrock, a coil‐type time domain reflectometry (TDR) probe capable of measuring volumetric water content, θ, in weathered bedrock at three depths was prepared. Because the coil‐type TDR probe is large in diameter (19 mm), it can be installed even in highly weathered bedrock more easily and appropriately than conventional TDR probes that consists of two or three rods of small diameter (5‐8 mm). The probe calibrations suggest that the values measured by the probe are very sensitive to changes in θ. Using the calibrated probe together with commercially available profile soil moisture sensors, the θ profile was monitored for 1 year. Even rainfall events with relatively small cumulative rainfall of 15 mm increased the bedrock θ, and the increments were comparable to those in the soil. After the end of the rainfall events, the bedrock θ displayed a more rapid drop than the soil, and varied little during the period of no rainfall. The water storage showed similar tendencies. These observations suggest that the bedrock θ is controlled by clearly distinguishable macropores and micropores within the bedrock. It is concluded that the coil‐type TDR probe is very effective in determining θ in weathered bedrock, and that bedrock, conventionally defined by conducting cone penetration tests and treated as impermeable, does conduct and hold substantial amounts of water, and therefore contribute greatly to hydrological processes in headwater catchments. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the contributions of bedrock groundwater to the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes in weathered granitic headwater catchments by conducting detailed hydrochemical observations in five catchments that ranged from zero to second order. End‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) was performed to identify the geographical sources of stream water. Throughfall, hillslope groundwater, shallow bedrock groundwater, and deep bedrock groundwater were identified as end members. The contribution of each end member to storm runoff differed among the catchments because of the differing quantities of riparian groundwater, which was recharged by the bedrock groundwater prior to rainfall events. Among the five catchments, the contribution of throughfall was highest during both baseflow and storm flow in a zero‐order catchment with little contribution from the bedrock groundwater to the riparian reservoir. In zero‐order catchments with some contribution from bedrock groundwater, stream water was dominated by shallow bedrock groundwater during baseflow, but it was significantly influenced by hillslope groundwater during storms. In the first‐order catchment, stream water was dominated by shallow bedrock groundwater during storms as well as baseflow periods. In the second‐order catchment, deeper bedrock groundwater than that found in the zero‐order and first‐order catchments contributed to stream water in all periods, except during large storm events. These results suggest that bedrock groundwater influences the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes by affecting the linkages of geomorphic units such as hillslopes, riparian zones, and stream channels. Our results highlight the need for a three‐dimensional approach that considers bedrock groundwater flow when studying the upscaling of storm‐runoff generation processes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The continent is the second largest carbon sink on Earth’s surface.With the diversification of vascular land plants in the late Paleozoic,terrestrial organic carbon burial is represented by massive coal formation,while the development of soil profiles would account for both organic and inorganic carbon burial.As compared with soil organic carbon,inorganic carbon burial,collectively known as the soil carbonate,would have a greater impact on the long-term carbon cycle.Soil carbonate would have multiple carbon sources,including dissolution of host calcareous rocks,dissolved inorganic carbon from freshwater,and oxidation of organic matter,but the host calcareous rock dissolution would not cause atmospheric CO2drawdown.Thus,to evaluate the potential effect of soil carbonate formation on the atmospheric p CO2level,different carbon sources of soil carbonate should be quantitatively differentiated.In this study,we analyzed the carbon and magnesium isotopes of pedogenic calcite veins developed in a heavily weathered outcrop,consisting of limestone of the early Paleogene Guanzhuang Group in North China.Based on the C and Mg isotope data,we developed a numerical model to quantify the carbon source of calcite veins.The modeling results indicate that4–37 wt%of carbon in these calcite veins was derived from atmospheric CO2.The low contribution from atmospheric CO2might be attributed to the host limestone that might have diluted the atmospheric CO2sink.Nevertheless,taking this value into consideration,it is estimated that soil carbonate formation would lower 1 ppm atmospheric CO2within 2000 years,i.e.,soil carbonate alone would sequester all atmospheric CO2within 1 million years.Finally,our study suggests the C–Mg isotope system might be a better tool in quantifying the carbon source of soil carbonate.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物中长链脂肪酸甲酯化合物的检出及意义   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在太湖表层沉积物中检测出丰度较高的一系列长链脂肪酸甲酯化合物,采用标准图谱与质谱解析相结合的方法进行鉴定,长链脂肪酸甲酯化合物有类似正构烷烃的分布型式,碳数分布范围为C14-C34,主峰碳为C16,具有明显的偶碳优势。  相似文献   

Well‐sorted detrital limestone is one of the typical lithofacies of the latest interval of the Pleistocene Ryukyu Group, which is exposed in the Ryukyu Archipelago in southwestern Japan. The depositional environments of the limestone are interpreted to be extremely shallow and to include back‐reef lagoons or moats and subaerial sand dunes. However, detailed micropaleontological analyses have not been performed on this limestone. In this study, the interpretation of the depositional environments and paleo‐water depths was improved by quantitative examination of foraminiferal assemblages for the well‐sorted detrital limestone of the Minatogawa Formation in the southern part of Okinawa Island. Thin sections of limestone collected from the Minatogawa (Horikawa) quarry were subjected to sedimentological and foraminiferal analyses. Comparison with modern foraminiferal distribution within the Ryukyu Archipelago indicates that back‐reef and fore‐reef dwelling foraminifers characterize the fossil assemblages from the well‐sorted detrital limestone (bioclastic grainstone). Three ratios of indicator foraminiferal taxa (ratios of back‐reef to fore‐reef taxa, planktonic foraminifers to Amphistegina lobifera and Amphistegina lessonii, and Calcarina gaudichaudii to other Calcarina species), as well as multivariate analyses suggest that the well‐sorted detrital limestone was deposited in fore‐reef setting shallower than 40 m in water depth. A comparable depth range was reconstructed from the coral assemblage in the associated coral limestone, suggesting that the Minatogawa Formation was deposited in a gently inclined ramp setting with patch reefs and/or fringing reefs. Stratigraphic changes in paleo‐water depth, together with evidence of several unconformities associated with paleosol layers suggest that there were repeated transgressions and regressions, with an amplitude up to several tens of meters, when the Minatogawa Formation was deposited.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous was revealed from Torinosu‐type limestone, which was deposited in a shallow‐marine setting in the western Paleo‐Pacific, in Japan. Two sections were examined; the Nakanosawa section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian age (Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan), and the Furuichi section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Berriasian age (Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan). The age‐model was established using Sr isotope ratio and fossil occurrence. The limestone samples have a low Mn/Sr ratio (mostly <0.5) and lack a distinct correlation between δ13C and δ18O, indicating a low degree of diagenetic alteration. Our composite δ13C profile from the two limestone sections shows three stratigraphic correlation points that can be correlated with the profiles of relevant ages from the Alpine Tethyan region: a large‐amplitude fluctuation (the lower upper Kimmeridgian, ~152 Ma), a positive anomaly (above the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, ~150 Ma), and a negative anomaly (the upper lower Tithonian, ~148 Ma). In addition, we found that δ13C values of the Torinosu‐type limestone are ~1‰ lower than the Tethyan values in the late Kimmeridgian. This inter‐regional difference in δ13C values is likely to have resulted from a higher productivity and/or an organic burial in the Tethyan region. The difference gradually reduces and disappears in the late Tithonian, where the Tethyan and our δ13C records show similar stable values of 1.5–2.0‰. This isotopic homogenization is probably due to changes in the continental distribution and the global ocean circulation, which propagated the 13C‐depleted signature from the larger Paleo‐Pacific to the smaller Tethys Ocean during this time.  相似文献   

Deeply weathered soils cover most of the Piedmont physiographic province of the south-eastern United States of America (USA). These soils have traditionally been inferred to derive from weathered bedrock, but recent work (e.g. Ferguson et al., 2019) suggests that deposited sediments are more prevalent than recognized. Distinguishing sediment from weathered bedrock is integral to understanding critical-zone processes and overall Quaternary landscape evolution, yet the well-developed, red, clay-dominated Ultisols of this temperate and humid region mask differences between transported from non-transported material. Our goal is to determine if optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods can distinguish quartz sand from allochthonous (e.g. transported sediment) versus autochthonous (e.g. in situ weathered bedrock) material in soil-profile and core samples from the Redlair Observatory in southwestern North Carolina, USA. Here, we turn to OSL sensitivity and linear-modulated OSL (LM-OSL) to observe the intensity or lack thereof of the fast-decay luminescence component (most light-sensitive signal) in quartz grains from soil horizons and crystalline bedrock-derived saprolite. We find that quartz grains sampled from in situ weathered bedrock as well as from saprolotized clasts of rock have weak luminescence properties and are not dominated by a fast-decay luminescence component. In contrast, quartz grains from transported sediment (e.g. mobile regolith; colluvium; alluvium) contain sensitive grains with more dominant fast components. These results suggest that quartz luminescence sensitivity can be a tool to differentiate between in situ weathered bedrock and similar looking mobile regolith and colluvium over-printed by soil development.  相似文献   

In an effort to reduce wind effect on rainfall catch to a minimum level, Chang and Flannery (2001. Hydrological Processes 15 : 643–654) designed two spherical orifices to modify the standard gauge and other gauges in use today. Because of the spherical shape, the two orifices will catch rain with an effective diameter always equal to the actual diameter, regardless of wind speed and direction. This report covers the testing of spherical gauges at two different locations, one at the City Landfill, Nacogdoches, TX, and the other at the NWS Forecast Office, Shreveport, LA. Based on 131 storms at Nacogdoches and 94 storms at Shreveport, observed between May 1998 and February 2001, the results showed: (1) spherical gauges recorded an average 6–9% greater than standard gauge and 3–4% less than pit gauge, only 1–2% less than reported in the original study; (2) the catch of spherical gauges was not significantly affected by three gauge heights at 0·91, 1·83, and 2·74 m above the ground, but catch by the standard gauge decreased with increasing gauge height; (3) improvements of the spherical gauges were most significant for larger storms and for winds at higher speeds; (4) the spherical gauge with cylinders recorded 1–2% more rainfall than the spherical gauge with vanes; and (5) correlation coefficients between catch deficiencies and wind speed were low and weak because of the distance and height of the existing wind sensor. Owing to greater surface wetting and evaporation loss, the spherical gauges may underestimate rainfall catch by standard gauge for small storms (generally less than 5·0 mm), especially on hot summer afternoons and for smaller storms. However, the underestimates do not overshadow the merits of spherical gauges, because the differences are too small to be of hydrologic significance. Using polyethylene or other synthesized materials to construct spherical orifices may improve the catch for small storms. The results of the study agreed with the previous claims that spherical gauges are effective in reducing wind effects on rainfall measurements. The spherical gauges could greatly improve the accuracy of hydrologic simulations and the efficiency on the designs and management of water resources. They are suitable for large‐scale applications. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use carbon isotopes in the dissolved load of rivers from the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc (Guadeloupe, Martinique and Dominica islands) to constrain the source of the carbon dioxide (CO2) involved in the neutralization reactions during water–rock interactions. The δ13C data span a large range of variations, from –19‰ to –5 · 2‰ for DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) concentrations ranging from 11 μM to 2000 μM. Coupled with major element concentrations, carbon isotopic ratios are interpreted as reflecting a mixture of magmatic CO2 (enriched in heavy carbon (δ13C ≈ –3 · 5‰) and biogenic CO2 produced in soils (enriched in light carbon (δ13C < –17‰)). Carbon isotopes show that, at the regional scale, 23 to 40% of CO2 consumed by weathering reactions is of magmatic origin and is transferred to the river system through aquifers under various thermal regimes. These numbers remain first‐order estimates as the major uncertainty in using carbon isotopes as a source tracer is that carbon isotopes can be fractionated by a number of processes, including soil and river degassing. Chemical weathering is clearly, at least, partly controlled by the input of magmatic CO2, either under hydrothermal (hot) or surficial (cold) weathering regimes. This study shows that the contribution of magmatic CO2 to chemical weathering is an additional parameter that could explain the high weathering rates of volcanic rocks. The study also shows that a significant part of the carbon degassed from the Earth's interior is not released as CO2 to the atmosphere, but as DIC to the ocean because it interacts with the groundwater system. This study calls for a better understanding of the contributions of deep carbon to the hydrosphere and its influence on the development of the Critical Zone. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of HA and Nd in the presence of HA in compacted bentonite was investigated experimentally by means of the through-diffusion method. Breakthrough of HA is observed in 1 and 0.1 mol dm−3 NaCl solution and is more significant with a lower dry density such as 1.2 Mg m−3. The one dimensional diffusion model taking parallel complexation equilibrium into account was fitted to the experimentally obtained breakthrough curves and concentration profiles, and the diffusion parameters, such as effective diffusivity and rock capacity factor, were evaluated. The obtained effective diffusivity, around 10−11 m2 s−1, for HA and Nd–HA is comparable to the previously reported value. Using these parameters, predictive calculations were performed to evaluate the effect of HA concentration and sorption distribution coefficient. It is indicated that the effect of sorption distribution coefficient is significant only for a short period and that relatively low HA concentrations might bring higher diffused mass depending on the diffusion behavior of dominant species.  相似文献   

Knowledge and understanding of shore platform erosion and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics relies mainly on short‐term studies conducted on recently deposited carbonate rocks, predominantly Holocene and Quaternary reef limestones and aeolianites. This paper presents erosion rates, measured over a 10 year period on notches and platforms developed on the Permian, Ratburi limestone at Phang Nga Bay, Thailand. In so doing it contributes to informing a particular knowledge gap in our understanding of the erosion dynamics of shore platform and tidal notch development in the tropics and subtropics – notch erosion rates on relatively hard, ancient limestones measured directly on the rock surface using a micro‐erosion meter (MEM) over time periods of a decade or more. The average intertidal erosion rate of 0.231 mm/yr is lower than erosion rates measured over 2–3 years on recent, weaker carbonate rocks. Average erosion rates at Phang Nga vary according to location and site and are, in rank order from highest to lowest: Mid‐platform (0.324 mm/yr) > Notch floor (0.289 mm/yr) > Rear notch wall (0.228 mm/yr) > Lower platform (0.140 mm/yr) > Notch roof (0.107 mm/yr) and Supratidal (0.095 mm/yr). The micro‐relief of the eroding rock surfaces in each of these positions exhibits marked differences that are seemingly associated with differences in dominant physical and bio‐erosion processes. The results begin to help inform knowledge of longer term shore platform erosion dynamics, models of marine notch development and have implications for the use of marine notches as indicators of changes in sea level and the duration of past sea levels. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘锋  毕树平  汤伟 《湖泊科学》2000,12(4):311-320
基于热力学平衡计算,用计算机模拟研究了与高岭石固相平衡的酸性天然地表水中铝的形态分布,讨论了影响铝莆态分布的各种因素,同三水铝石固相平衡相比,与高岭石固相平衡的酸性天然地表水中,铝的形态分布与溶解硅酸的浓度密度相关,聚合态铝浓度较低,总溶解铝浓度明湿减小约2个数量级,模型被用于实际水样的分析,所得结果与实验值符合较好,最后用Monte Carlo模拟考察了由于平衡常数的选择而带来的不确定性。  相似文献   

为揭示太湖流域降雨和湖水酸根阴离子长期变化特征及环境意义,通过历史数据收集和采样分析,对太湖流域降雨和湖水中的SO42-、NO3-变化特征和来源进行了研究.结果表明:自1990s以来太湖流域降雨中SO42-呈显著下降趋势,年平均下降率为0.28 mg/(L·a);NO3-浓度却呈显著上升趋势,年平均增长率为0.05 mg/(L·a),降雨中氮污染呈现加重的趋势.与之相反,湖水中SO42-呈显著上升趋势,年平均增长率为1.24 mg/(L·a);NO3-浓度却呈显著下降趋势,年平均下降率为0.02 mg/(L·a).30年以来,太湖水体SO42-/NO3-比值不断升高,远高于降水SO42-/NO3-比值.研究认为:流域SO2排放引起的酸沉降是湖水SO42-浓度增长的最重要原因,但氮氧化物排放并未引起湖水NO3-浓度升高,说明太湖流域对大气沉降的氮氧化物有滞留作用,而太湖水体是流域大气沉降硫酸盐的重要汇.综合治理太湖流域酸性物质排放对防止太湖水体酸化和治理富营养化都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

管锡东  蒋宏忱  姜颖  陈旭 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1940-1950
大气酸沉降会导致地表水体酸化和富营养化,同时气候变暖也会影响湖泊水体环境,湖泊生态系统如何响应二者相互作用是全球变化研究的热点之一.我国西南地区是全球酸沉降负荷最高的地区之一,然而目前对酸沉降影响下地表水环境变化规律知之甚少.本文以重庆四面山龙潭湖为研究对象,通过沉积岩芯的210Pb测年和硅藻分析,并结合流域历史资料数据,揭示龙潭湖过去近百年来水环境变化及其主要驱动因子.结果表明,1926-1968年,龙潭湖以Achnanthidium minutissimumEncyonema silesiacum占优势;随后,Lindavia bodanica快速增加至峰值后逐渐减少,伴随Aulacoseira alpigenaAulacoseira ambigua含量上升.硅藻组合中以适应中性和弱碱性水体的属种为主,嗜酸性属种含量很少,表明目前水体总体维持弱碱性,这得益于当地紫色砂页岩和森林土壤对于酸沉降的缓冲作用.尽管目前龙潭湖仍维持弱碱性,1980s以来硅藻推导水体酸碱度下降、中富营养种增加,表明酸沉降降低水体碱度并提高营养水平.气候变暖加剧水体热力分层和营养富集,导致适应扰动、贫营养环境的L.bodanica减少.2010年以来,中富营养属种略有减少反映湖泊富营养化有所减缓.  相似文献   

林莉  董磊  李青云  黄茁  郦超  黎睿  杨文俊 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):660-667
通过对2016年三峡库区干支流18个采样点水体和底泥中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)和6种邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)污染物浓度的时空分布特征和来源进行分析,得出如下结论:三峡库区2016年水体和底泥中ΣPAHs分别为3.9~107.6 ng/L(均值为39.9 ng/L)和267.9~1018.1 ng/g(均值为490.9 ng/g),ΣPAEs分别为122.4~2884.7 ng/L(均值为848.1 ng/L)和192.9~3473.4 ng/g(均值为1253.35 ng/g).水库水体和底泥中PAHs和PAEs均表现出显著的时空分布特征.干支流水体ΣPAHs平均浓度均为放水期(6月)高于蓄水期(12月),干流底泥ΣPAHs平均含量在蓄水期高于放水期.干流水体中ΣPAEs平均浓度在蓄水期显著高于放水期,底泥中ΣPAEs平均含量为放水期高于蓄水期.库区水体中的PAHs以2~3环和4环为主,底泥中以4环和5~6环为主.水体和底泥中PAEs均以邻苯二甲酸(2-乙基已基)酯和邻苯二甲酸二正丁酯为主.库区水体中PAHs的主要来源为焦化或煤焦油挥发、石油源及燃料的中低温燃烧;底泥中PAHs主要来源为煤和生物质燃烧以及石油.水体和底泥中的PAEs主要来源于塑料和重化工工业以及生活垃圾.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited during glacial-interglacial cycles through the Early to Mid-Pleistocene in the North Sea are chronologically poorly constrained. To contribute to the chronology of these units, amino acid racemization (AAR) and strontium (Sr) isotope analyses have been performed on samples from four shallow borings and one oil well along a transect in the northern North Sea. D/L Asp (aspartic acid) values obtained through reverse-phase liquid chromatography in the benthic foraminiferal species Elphidium excavatum is focused on because of consistent results and a good stratigraphic distribution of this benthic species. For the Early Pleistocene, an age model for the well 16/1–8, from the central part of the northern North Sea based on Sr ages allows for dating of the prograding wedges filling the pre-Quaternary central basin. A regional calibration curve for the racemization of Asp in Elphidium excavatum is developed using published ages of radiocarbon-dated samples and samples associated with the previously identified Bruhnes/Matuyama (B/M) paleomagnetic boundary and a Sr age from this study. Based on all the available geochronological evidence, samples were assigned to marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS) with uncertainties on the order of 10–70 ka.Sr ages suggest a hiatus of <2 million years (Ma) possibly due to non-deposition or low sedimentation between the Utsira Formation (Pliocene) and the Early Pleistocene. An increase in sedimentation rates around 1.5 ± 0.07 Ma (∼MIS 51) may partly be due to sediment supply from rivers from the south-east and partly due to the extension of ice sheet around 1.36 ± 0.07 Ma from the Norwegian coast to the central North Sea. A possible basin-wide glaciation occurred around 1.1 Ma (∼ MIS 32) (upper regional unconformity/top of unit Q4 in this study), resulting in erosion and regional unconformity. Two interglacials in the Norwegian Channel have been dated: the Radøy Interglacial to 1.07 ± 0.01 Ma (possibly MIS 31, the ‘super interglacial’), and the Norwegian Trench Interglacial to 0.50 ± 0.02 Ma (possibly MIS 13). A massive till unit identified at the same stratigraphic level in all shallow borings may partly represent an extensive MIS 12 glaciation. This study shows that the combined use of amino acid racemization data and Sr isotope chronology can refine the chronological ambiguities of Quaternary North Sea sediments related partly to the impact of glacial processes.  相似文献   

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