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Distributed, continuous hydrologic models promote better understanding of hydrology and enable integrated hydrologic analyses by providing a more detailed picture of water transport processes across the varying landscape. However, such models are not widely used in routine modelling practices, due in part to the extensive data input requirements, computational demands, and complexity of routing algorithms. We developed a two‐dimensional continuous hydrologic model, HYSTAR, using a time‐area method within a grid‐based spatial data model with the goal of providing an alternative way to simulate spatiotemporally varied watershed‐scale hydrologic processes. The model calculates the direct runoff hydrograph by coupling a time‐area routing scheme with a dynamic rainfall excess sub‐model implemented here using a modified curve number method with an hourly time step, explicitly considering downstream ‘reinfiltration’ of routed surface runoff. Soil moisture content is determined at each time interval based on a water balance equation, and overland and channel runoff is routed on time‐area maps, representing spatial variation in hydraulic characteristics for each time interval in a storm event. Simulating runoff hydrographs does not depend on unit hydrograph theory or on solution of the Saint Venant equation, yet retains the simplicity of a unit hydrograph approach and the capability of explicitly simulating two‐dimensional flow routing. The model provided acceptable performance in predicting daily and monthly runoff for a 6‐year period for a watershed in Virginia (USA) using readily available geographic information about the watershed landscape. Spatial and temporal variability in simulated effective runoff depth and time area maps dynamically show the areas of the watershed contributing to the direct runoff hydrograph at the outlet over time, consistent with the variable source area overland flow generation mechanism. The model offers a way to simulate watershed processes and runoff hydrographs using the time‐area method, providing a simple, efficient, and sound framework that explicitly represents mechanisms of spatially and temporally varied hydrologic processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last two decades or so, studies on the applications of the concepts of nonlinear dynamics and chaos to hydrologic systems and processes have been on the rise. Earlier studies on this topic focused mainly on the investigation and prediction of chaos in rainfall and river flow, and further advances were made during the subsequent years through applications of the concepts to other problems (e.g. data disaggregation, missing data estimation, and reconstruction of system equations) and other processes (e.g. rainfall-runoff and sediment transport). The outcomes of these studies are certainly encouraging, especially considering the exploratory stage of the concepts in hydrologic sciences. This paper discusses some of the latest developments on the applications of these concepts to hydrologic systems and the challenges that lie ahead on the way to further progress. As for their applications, studies in the important areas of scaling, groundwater contamination, parameter estimation and optimization, and catchment classification are reviewed and the inroads made thus far are reported. In regards to the challenges that lie ahead, particular focus is given to improving our understanding of these largely less-understood concepts and also finding ways to integrate these concepts with the others. With the recognition that none of the existing one-sided ‘extreme-view’ modeling approaches is capable of solving the hydrologic problems that we are faced with, the need for finding a balanced ‘middle-ground’ approach that can integrate different methods is stressed. To this end, the viability of bringing together the stochastic concepts and the deterministic concepts as a starting point is also highlighted.  相似文献   

Seismic interferometry deals with the generation of new seismic responses by crosscorrelating existing ones. One of the main assumptions underlying most interferometry methods is that the medium is lossless. We develop an ‘interferometry‐by‐deconvolution’ approach which circumvents this assumption. The proposed method applies not only to seismic waves, but to any type of diffusion and/or wave field in a dissipative medium. This opens the way to applying interferometry to controlled‐source electromagnetic (CSEM) data. Interferometry‐by‐deconvolution replaces the overburden by a homogeneous half space, thereby solving the shallow sea problem for CSEM applications. We demonstrate this at the hand of numerically modeled CSEM data.  相似文献   

Technological and methodological advances have facilitated tremendous growth in hydrology during the last century; however, there are also concerns that these advances indirectly contribute to additional problems in our research. An insight into hydrologic literature reveals our tendency to develop more complex models than perhaps needed, and our increasing emphasis on individual mathematical techniques rather than general hydrologic issues. Some recent studies of diverse forms have suggested that simplification in modeling and development of a common framework may help alleviate these problems. The present study is intended to bring such studies together towards a more coherent approach to research in catchment hydrology. This is done by highlighting the need for model simplification and generalization and proposing some potential directions for achieving such. Through a discussion of difficulties in data measurements, the need for moving beyond the notion of “modeling everything” to the notion of “capturing the essential features” is explained; the concept of dominant processes in model simplification and the utility of integration of concepts for modeling improvement are discussed. Formulation of a catchment classification framework is advocated as a possible means for a common framework in hydrology, and the role of dominant processes in this formulation is presented; the problems due to adoption of different modeling terminologies are highlighted and potential ways to overcome such are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrologic models have increasingly been used in forest hydrology to overcome the limitations of paired watershed experiments, where vegetative recovery and natural variability obscure the inferences and conclusions that can be drawn from such studies. Models are also plagued by uncertainty, however, and parameter equifinality is a common concern. Physically‐based, spatially‐distributed hydrologic models must therefore be tested with high‐quality experimental data describing a multitude of concurrent internal catchment processes under a range of hydrologic regimes. This study takes a novel approach by not only examining the ability of a pre‐calibrated model to realistically simulate watershed outlet flows over a four year period, but a multitude of spatially‐extensive, internal catchment process observations not previously evaluated, including: continuous groundwater dynamics, instantaneous stream and road network flows, and accumulation and melt period spatial snow distributions. Many hydrologic model evaluations are only on the comparison of predicted and observed discharge at a catchment outlet and remain in the ‘infant stage’ in terms of model testing. This study, on the other hand, tests the internal spatial predictions of a distributed model with a range of field observations over a wide range of hydroclimatic conditions. Nash‐Sutcliffe model efficiency was improved over prior evaluations due to continuing efforts in improving the quality of meteorological data collection. Road and stream network flows were generally well simulated for a range of hydrologic conditions, and snowpack spatial distributions were well simulated for one of two years examined. The spatial variability of groundwater dynamics was effectively simulated, except at locations where strong stream–groundwater interactions exist. Model simulations overall were quite successful in realistically simulating the spatiotemporal variability of internal catchment processes in the watershed, but the premature onset of simulated snowmelt for one of the simulation years has prompted further work in model development. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A refined specific‐gauge approach was developed to quantify changes over time in hydrological response on 3260 km of the Mississippi River system using long‐term data observed at 67 hydrologic measurement stations. Of these stations, 49 were unrated (stage‐only) stations, for which over 2 000 000 ‘synthetic discharges’ were generated based on measured discharge values at nearby rated stations. The addition of these synthetic discharges nearly tripled the number of stations in the study area for which specific‐gauge analysis could be performed. In order to maintain spatial homogeneity across such a broad study area, discharges were normalized to multiples of mean daily flow (MDF). Specific‐gauge analysis calculates stage changes over time for invariant discharge conditions. Two discharges were analysed: low‐flow and flood conditions at each station. In order to avoid the large errors associated with extrapolation of annual rating curves, a new ‘enhanced interpolation’ technique was developed that calculates continuous specific‐stage time series, even for rare discharges. Thus enhanced, specific‐gauge analysis is a useful reconnaissance tool for detecting geomorphic and hydrologic trends over time. Results show that on the Middle Mississippi River and Lower Missouri River, flood stages increased at all stations in spite of widespread incision of the river bed. On the Lower Mississippi River, both low‐flow and flood stages decreased, mainly the result of artificial meander cutoffs in the late 1920s and 1930s, except downstream of Natchez, MS, where net aggradation was observed. On the Upper Mississippi River, the specific‐gauge trends were dominated by emplacement of navigational dams and impoundment of slackwater pools. On all four river reaches, these results document hydrologic responses to the different engineering toolkits used on the different portions of the Mississippi River system during the past 75–150 years. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A nonparametric method for resampling multiseason hydrologic time series is presented. It is based on the idea of rank matching, for simulating univariate time series with strong and/or long‐range dependence. The rank matching rule suggests concatenating with higher likelihood those blocks that match at their ends. In the proposed method, termed ‘multiseason matched block bootstrap’, nonoverlapping within‐year blocks of hydrologic data (formed from the observed time series) are conditionally resampled using the rank matching rule. The effectiveness of the method in recovering various statistical attributes, including the dependence structure from finite samples generated from a known population, is demonstrated through a two‐level hypothetical Monte Carlo simulation experiment. The method offers enough flexibility to the modeller and is shown to be appropriate for modelling hydrologic data that display strong dependence, nonlinearity and/or multimodality in the time series depicting the hydrologic process. The method is shown to be more efficient than the nonparametric ‘k‐nearest neighbor bootstrap’ method in simulating the monthly streamflows that exhibit a complex dependence structure and bimodal marginal probability density. Even with short block sizes, this bootstrap method is able to predict the drought characteristics reasonably accurately. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research in landscape evolution over millions to tens of millions of years slowed considerably in the mid‐20th century, when Davisian and other approaches to geomorphology were replaced by functional, morphometric and ultimately process‐based approaches. Hack's scheme of dynamic equilibrium in landscape evolution was perhaps the major theoretical contribution to long‐term landscape evolution between the 1950s and about 1990, but it essentially ‘looked back’ to Davis for its springboard to a viewpoint contrary to that of Davis, as did less widely known schemes, such as Crickmay's hypothesis of unequal activity. Since about 1990, the field of long‐term landscape evolution has blossomed again, stimulated by the plate tectonics revolution and its re‐forging of the link between tectonics and topography, and by the development of numerical models that explore the links between tectonic processes and surface processes. This numerical modelling of landscape evolution has been built around formulation of bedrock river processes and slope processes, and has mostly focused on high‐elevation passive continental margins and convergent zones; these models now routinely include flexural and denudational isostasy. Major breakthroughs in analytical and geochronological techniques have been of profound relevance to all of the above. Low‐temperature thermochronology, and in particular apatite fission track analysis and (U–Th)/He analysis in apatite, have enabled rates of rock uplift and denudational exhumation from relatively shallow crustal depths (up to about 4 km) to be determined directly from, in effect, rock hand specimens. In a few situations, (U–Th)/He analysis has been used to determine the antiquity of major, long‐wavelength topography. Cosmogenic isotope analysis has enabled the determination of the ‘ages’ of bedrock and sedimentary surfaces, and/or the rates of denudation of these surfaces. These latter advances represent in some ways a ‘holy grail’ in geomorphology in that they enable determination of ‘dates and rates’ of geomorphological processes directly from rock surfaces. The increasing availability of analytical techniques such as cosmogenic isotope analysis should mean that much larger data sets become possible and lead to more sophisticated analyses, such as probability density functions (PDFs) of cosmogenic ages and even of cosmogenic isotope concentrations (CICs). PDFs of isotope concentrations must be a function of catchment area geomorphology (including tectonics) and it is at least theoretically possible to infer aspects of source area geomorphology and geomorphological processes from PDFs of CICs in sediments (‘detrital CICs’). Thus it may be possible to use PDFs of detrital CICs in basin sediments as a tool to infer aspects of the sediments' source area geomorphology and tectonics, complementing the standard sedimentological textural and compositional approaches to such issues. One of the most stimulating of recent conceptual advances has followed the considerations of the relationships between tectonics, climate and surface processes and especially the recognition of the importance of denudational isostasy in driving rock uplift (i.e. in driving tectonics and crustal processes). Attention has been focused very directly on surface processes and on the ways in which they may ‘drive’ rock uplift and thus even influence sub‐surface crustal conditions, such as pressure and temperature. Consequently, the broader geoscience communities are looking to geomorphologists to provide more detailed information on rates and processes of bedrock channel incision, as well as on catchment responses to such bedrock channel processes. More sophisticated numerical models of processes in bedrock channels and on their flanking hillslopes are required. In current numerical models of long‐term evolution of hillslopes and interfluves, for example, the simple dependency on slope of both the fluvial and hillslope components of these models means that a Davisian‐type of landscape evolution characterized by slope lowering is inevitably ‘confirmed’ by the models. In numerical modelling, the next advances will require better parameterized algorithms for hillslope processes, and more sophisticated formulations of bedrock channel incision processes, incorporating, for example, the effects of sediment shielding of the bed. Such increasing sophistication must be matched by careful assessment and testing of model outputs using pre‐established criteria and tests. Confirmation by these more sophisticated Davisian‐type numerical models of slope lowering under conditions of tectonic stability (no active rock uplift), and of constant slope angle and steady‐state landscape under conditions of ongoing rock uplift, will indicate that the Davis and Hack models are not mutually exclusive. A Hack‐type model (or a variant of it, incorporating slope adjustment to rock strength rather than to regolith strength) will apply to active settings where there is sufficient stream power and/or sediment flux for channels to incise at the rate of rock uplift. Post‐orogenic settings of decreased (or zero) active rock uplift would be characterized by a Davisian scheme of declining slope angles and non‐steady‐state (or transient) landscapes. Such post‐orogenic landscapes deserve much more attention than they have received of late, not least because the intriguing questions they pose about the preservation of ancient landscapes were hinted at in passing in the 1960s and have recently re‐surfaced. As we begin to ask again some of the grand questions that lay at the heart of geomorphology in its earliest days, large‐scale geomorphology is on the threshold of another ‘golden’ era to match that of the first half of the 20th century, when cyclical approaches underpinned virtually all geomorphological work. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modelled hydrologic processes are represented in a set of numerical equations; the complexity of which can be measured by the total number of variables needed. A single dominant hydrologic process could control the hydrologic response of a watershed, and so the identification of the corresponding dominant variable(s) would aid in identifying a parsimonious model and in collecting more reliable data. By accounting for both model complexity and serial correlation in the variables, a model is used to identify the dominant variables for representing watershed scale streamflow, sediment transport and phosphorus yields. Long‐term water quantity and quality data were used to show that rainfall and non‐linear soil water storage were the dominant variables for weekly streamflow, suspended sediment and particulate phosphorus. Model accuracy did not consistently improve when other statistically significant variables were included. The results suggest that improved model performance may not justify the added model complexity. As such, identification of dominant variables would be the priority for developing parsimonious hydrologic models, especially at watershed scales. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The etymology and historic usage of such terms as ‘anabranch’, ‘anastamose’ and ‘braided’ within river science are reviewed. Despite several decades of modern research to define river channel typologies inclusive of single channels and multiple channel networks, typologies remain ill‐conditioned and consequently ill‐defined. Conventionally employed quantitative planform characteristics of river networks possibly cannot be used alone to define channel types, yet the planform remains a central part of all modern classification schemes, supplemented by sedimentological and other qualitative channel characteristics. Planform characteristics largely have been defined using non‐standardized metrics describing individual network components, such as link lengths, braiding intensity and bifurcation angles, which often fail to separate visually‐different networks of channels. We find that existing typologies remain pragmatically utilitarian rather than fundamentally physics‐based and too often fail to discriminate between two distinctive and important processes integral to new channel initiation and flow‐splitting: (i) in‐channel bar accretion, and (ii) channel avulsion and floodplain excision. It is suggested that, first, if channel planform is to remain central to river typologies, then more rigorous quantitative approaches to the analysis of extended integral channel networks at extended reach scales (rather than network components) are required to correctly determine whether ‘visually‐different’ channel patterns can be discriminated consistently; and, second, if such visually‐different styles do in fact differ in their governing processes of formation and maintenance. A significant question is why do so many seemingly equilibrium network geometries possess a large number of anabranches in excess of predictions from theoretical considerations? The key research frontier with respect to initiating and maintaining multichannel networks remains the understanding and discrimination of accretionary‐bar flow splitting versus avulsive processes. Existing and new knowledge on flow splitting processes needs to be better integrated into channel typologies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent advances have been made to modernize estimates of probable precipitation scenarios; however, researchers and engineers often continue to assume that rainfall events can be described by a small set of event statistics, typically average intensity and event duration. Given the easy availability of precipitation data and advances in desk‐top computational tools, we suggest that it is time to rethink the ‘design storm’ concept. Design storms should include more holistic characteristics of flood‐inducing rain events, which, in addition to describing specific hydrologic responses, may also be watershed or regionally specific. We present a sensitivity analysis of nine precipitation event statistics from observed precipitation events within a 60‐year record for Tompkins County, NY, USA. We perform a two‐sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test to objectively identify precipitation event statistics of importance for two related hydrologic responses: (1) peak outflow from the Six Mile Creek watershed and (2) peak depth within the reservoir behind the Six Mile Creek Dam. We identify the total precipitation depth, peak hourly intensity, average intensity, event duration, interevent duration, and several statistics defining the temporal distribution of precipitation events to be important rainfall statistics to consider for predicting the watershed flood responses. We found that the two hydrologic responses had different sets of statistically significant parameters. We demonstrate through a stochastic precipitation generation analysis the effects of starting from a constrained parameter set (intensity and duration) when predicting hydrologic responses as opposed to utilizing an expanded suite of rainfall statistics. In particular, we note that the reduced precipitation parameter set may underestimate the probability of high stream flows and therefore underestimate flood hazard. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fens, which are among the most biodiverse of wetland types in the USA, typically occur in glacial landscapes characterized by geo‐morphologic variability at multiple spatial scales. As a result, the hydrologic systems that sustain fens are complex and not well understood. Traditional approaches for characterizing such systems use simplifying assumptions that cannot adequately capture the impact of variability in geology and topography. In this study, a hierarchical, multi‐scale groundwater modelling approach coupled with a geologic model is used to understand the hydrology of a fen in Michigan. This approach uses high‐resolution data to simulate the multi‐scale topographic and hydrologic framework and lithologic data from more than 8500 boreholes in a statewide water well database to capture the complex geology. A hierarchy of dynamically linked models is developed that simulates groundwater flow at all scales of interest and to delineate the areas that contribute groundwater to the fen. The results show the fen receiving groundwater from multiple sources: an adjacent wetland, local recharge, a nearby lake and a regional groundwater mound. Water from the regional mound flows to an intermediate source before reaching the fen, forming a ‘cascading’ connection, while other sources provide water through ‘direct’ connections. The regional mound is also the source of water to other fens, streams and lakes in this area, thus creating a large, interconnected hydrologic system that sustains the entire ecosystem. In order to sustainably manage such systems, conservation efforts must include both site‐based protection and management, as well as regional protection and management of groundwater source areas. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This Special Issue of Earth Surface Processes and Landforms develops from the ‘Geomorphology: a 2020 Vision’ Annual Conference of the British Society for Geomorphology, organised at the University of Birmingham, UK, in July 2007. Entitled ‘New Developments in Process Understanding and Modelling in Geomorphology’, the Issue comprises a vibrant selection of 10 ‘process’ papers from leading researchers in geomorphological processes who presented at Birmingham. It aims to provide a readily accessible source of new and emerging ideas in understanding different landform processes across a range of space and time scales, based on innovations in geomorphological modelling and monitoring. The last few years have seen significant and exciting changes in geomorphology, especially in conceptual developments, numerical simulations, monitoring methodologies, data‐acquisition strategies and dating techniques. The resultant empirical datasets, theory development and modelling results have generated substantial advances in the understanding of geomorphological processes, form‐process feedbacks, scale impacts, long‐term landform evolution, the effects of climate and environmental change, and human impacts and management strategies. The Special Issue attempts to address the following key challenges: (a) to build on our Conference theme ‘Geomorphology: a 2020 Vision’, by identifying fundamental areas where doors need to be opened, for example in theory development, conceptual understanding, model evaluation, integration of the chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics of geomorphological processes, experimental validation, data needs and monitoring requirements; (b) to look forward to the next decade and beyond, and critically examine some of the approaches we will need for the questions ahead; and (c) to stimulate new research in the geomorphological sciences by highlighting both research gaps and promising developments, including emerging process modelling approaches, monitoring technologies and robust datasets. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite human is an increasingly significant component of the hydrologic cycle in many river basins, most hydrologic models are still developed to accurately reproduce the natural processes and ignore the effect of human activities on the watershed response. This results in non‐stationary model forecast errors and poor predicting performance every time these models are used in non‐pristine watersheds. In the last decade, the representation of human activities in hydrological models has been extensively studied. However, mathematical models integrating the human and the natural dimension are not very common in hydrological applications and nearly unknown in the day‐to‐day practice. In this paper, we propose a new simple data‐driven flow forecast correction method that can be used to simultaneously tackle forecast errors from structural, parameter and input uncertainty, and errors that arise from neglecting human‐induced alterations in conceptual rainfall–runoff models. The correction system is composed of two layers: (i) a classification system that, based on the current flow condition, detects whether the source of error is natural or human induced and (ii) a set of error correction models that are alternatively activated, each tailored to the specific source of errors. As a case study, we consider the highly anthropized Aniene river basin in Italy, where a flow forecasting system is being established to support the operation of a hydropower dam. Results show that, even by using very basic methods, namely if‐then classification rules and linear correction models, the proposed methodology considerably improves the forecasting capability of the original hydrological model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Watershed hydrology has often focused on modelling studies of individual watersheds, which consider each river system as unique. Classification is an alternative approach that instead focuses on the similarities among different watersheds. Although both supervised and unsupervised hydrologic classifications have been developed, few previous studies have used classification to assess the degree of anthropogenic modification of hydrologic regime. Here, we conducted an unsupervised hydrologic classification of 189 U.S. Geological Survey gages, including 41 minimally impacted gages from the Hydro‐Climatic Data Network (HCDN), in the five major interstate river basins in the U.S. state of Alabama. For the natural classification, the most significant predictor variables for cluster membership were related to compressive strength of bedrock, bedrock depth, hydraulic conductivity, elevation, temperature, and soil texture, and several land‐cover variables were also significant in the anthropogenic classification. We then developed two random‐forest models: one based on all 189 gages using both natural and anthropogenic variables from the Stream‐Catchment (StreamCat) dataset and one based on the 41 HCDN gages using natural StreamCat variables only. We used the random‐forest models to predict natural and anthropogenic normative hydrologic class for over 158,000 National Hydrography Dataset Plus catchments in the study area. Catchments that changed their class between the natural and anthropogenic classifications can be identified as those that have a large amount of anthropogenic influences on their hydrologic regime, including many catchments on the coast, in the north‐western Coastal Plain, in the Interior Low Plateaus, and in the Piedmont. Using unsupervised hydrologic classifications is a promising approach for uncovering the physical processes that affect hydrologic regime. There are also potential applications in river management, including predicting the hydrologic behaviour of ungaged watersheds, identifying relatively unimpaired rivers to serve as conservation and restoration targets, and regionalization of environmental instream flow standards and climate‐change impacts.  相似文献   

The era of ‘big data’ promises to provide new hydrologic insights, and open web-based platforms are being developed and adopted by the hydrologic science community to harness these datasets and data services. This shift accompanies advances in hydrology education and the growth of web-based hydrology learning modules, but their capacity to utilize emerging open platforms and data services to enhance student learning through data-driven activities remains largely untapped. Given that generic equations may not easily translate into local or regional solutions, teaching students to explore how well models or equations work in particular settings or to answer specific problems using real data is essential. This article introduces an open web-based module developed to advance data-driven hydrologic process learning, targeting upper level undergraduate and early graduate students in hydrology and engineering. The module was developed and deployed on the HydroLearn open educational platform, which provides a formal pedagogical structure for developing effective problem-based learning activities. We found that data-driven learning activities utilizing collaborative open web platforms like CUAHSI HydroShare and JupyterHub to store and run computational notebooks allowed students to access and work with datasets for systems of personal interest and promoted critical evaluation of results and assumptions. Initial student feedback was generally positive, but also highlighted challenges including trouble-shooting and future-proofing difficulties and some resistance to programming and new software. Opportunities to further enhance hydrology learning include better articulating the benefits of coding and open web platforms upfront, incorporating additional user-support tools, and focusing methods and questions on implementing and adapting notebooks to explore fundamental processes rather than tools and syntax. The profound shift in the field of hydrology toward big data, open data services and reproducible research practices requires hydrology instructors to rethink traditional content delivery and focus instruction on harnessing these datasets and practices in the preparation of future hydrologists and engineers.  相似文献   

Quaternary period palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstructions are based on a wide and diverse array of proxy data sets, some of which are geomorphological in nature. In drylands, where organic proxies may be limited, the use of landforms is particularly important, but challenging. The capacity to establish the age of depositional forms, particularly through the use of luminescence dating, has advanced the use of landforms in dryland palaeo‐research, though interpretation of these ‘geoproxy’ records can be complex, especially at the nexus of palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironmental interpretations of past conditions. In this paper the use of aeolian and lacustrine forms in Quaternary research is considered, focusing on the relationships between dynamics, form and climate, and on the essential linkage between process research and palaeoenvironmental research. It is concluded that landform analysis is a critical part of dryland palaeoenvironmental/climate reconstruction, contributing a different set of data compared to other data sources, in terms of the elements of past conditions that are revealed. Five principles are identified to improve the use of geoproxy records in Quaternary research: (1) greater use of geomorphic process studies by Quaternary scientists, to better inform palaeolandform interpretation; (2) further development of the use of chronometric data, especially in terms of interpreting large data; (3) interpret landform records in location‐specific contexts, not in general terms; (4) capitalise of the complexity of spatially‐extensive landform records, which may offer better representations of real Quaternary environmental complexity than ‘at a point’ proxies; (5) establish ways of integrating spatially‐extensive geoproxy records with other palaeoenvironmental records. These challenges are major, but not insurmountable, and should represent goals for geomorphologists, chronologists and quaternary scientists alike. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

By the theories of potential flow and structural vibration, the formulae for evaluating the ‘wet’ (with water) frequencies and mode shapes of the beam‐supported aqueduct are derived through a simplified fluid‐structure interaction analysis. The time‐history formulae of structural responses to the vertical seismic excitation are obtained. Applying the response‐spectrum principle, the equivalent vertical earthquake load exerted on the beam and the corresponding effects are also derived. Several illustrative examples are conducted. The analytical results show that: (i) The ‘wet’ frequencies of the structure are lower than the corresponding ‘dry’ (without water) frequencies due to the participating water mass, but the ‘wet’ mode shapes are identical to the corresponding ‘dry’ ones. (ii) The water mass plays an important role in the vertical seismic response, which varies with the different geological sites. For the different seismic inputs, the deeper the water is, the greater are the structural responses. (iii) The vertical seismic effects on the beam are generally not too small to be neglected and should be considered in the structural designs of a beam‐supported aqueduct. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the practicability of defining hydrologic response units as combinations of soil, land use and topography for modelling infiltration at the hillslope and catchment scales. In an experimental catchment in the East African Highlands (Kwalei, Tanzania), three methods of measuring infiltration were compared for their ability to capture the spatial variability of effective hydraulic conductivity: the constant head (CH) method; the tension infiltration (TI) method; and the mini‐rainfall simulation (RS) method. The three methods yielded different probability distributions of effective hydraulic conductivity and suggested different types of hydrologic response units. Independently from these measurements, the occurrence of infiltration‐excess overland flow was monitored over an area of 6 ha by means of overland flow detectors. The observed pattern of overland flow occurrence did not match any of the patterns suggested by the infiltration measurements. Instead, clusters of spots with overland flow were practically independent from field borders. Geostatistical analysis of the overland flow confirmed the absence of spatial correlation for distances over 40 m. The RS method yielded the pattern closest to the observations, probably because the method simulated better the processes that trigger infiltration‐excess overland flow, i.e. soil sealing and infiltration through macroporosity. The RS hydrologic response unit correlated significantly with observed overland flow frequency. However, the location of clusters and ‘hot spots’ of overland flow remained largely unexplained by land use, soil and topographic variables. It is concluded that using such landscape variables to define hydrologic units may create artificial boundaries that do no correspond to physical realities, especially if the stochastic component within hydrologic units is neglected. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Glaciers are major agents of erosion that increase sediment load to the downstream fluvial system. The Castle Creek Glacier, British Columbia, Canada, has retreated ~1.0 km in the past 70 years. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and streamflow (Q) were monitored independently at five sites within its pro‐glacial zone over a 60 day period from July to September 2011, representing part of the ablation season. Meteorological data were collected from two automatic weather stations proximal to the glacier. The time‐series were divided into hydrologic days and the shape and magnitude of the SSC response to hydro‐meteorological conditions (‘cold and wet’, ‘hot and dry’, ‘warm and damp’, and ‘storm’) were categorized using principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). Suspended sediment load (SSL) was computed and summarized for the categories. The distribution of monitoring sites and results of the multivariate statistical analyses describe the temporal and spatial variability of suspended sediment flux and the relative importance of glacial and para‐glacial sediment sources in the pro‐glacial zone. During the 2011 study period, ~ 60% of the total SSL was derived from the glacial stream and sediment deposits proximal to the terminus of the glacier; during ‘storm’ events, that contribution dropped to ~40% as the contribution from diffuse and point sources of sediment throughout the pro‐glacial zone and within the meltwater channels increased. While ‘storm’ events accounted for just 3% of the study period, SSL was ~600% higher than the average over the monitoring period, and ~20% of the total SSL was generated in that time. Determining how hydro‐meteorological conditions and sediment sources control sediment fluxes will assist attempts to predict how pro‐glacial zones respond to future climate changes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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