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Slow–ultraslow spreading oceans are mostly floored by mantle peridotites and are typified by rifted continental margins, where subcontinental lithospheric mantle is preserved. Structural and petrologic investigations of the high-pressure (HP) Alpine Voltri Massif ophiolites, which were derived from the Late Jurassic Ligurian Tethys fossil slow–ultraslow spreading ocean, reveal the fate of the oceanic peridotites/serpentinites during subduction to depths involving eclogite-facies conditions, followed by exhumation.

The Ligurian Tethys was formed by continental extension within the Europe–Adria lithosphere and consisted of sea-floor exposed mantle peridotites with an uppermost layer of oceanic serpentinites and of subcontinental lithospheric mantle at the rifted continental margins. Plate convergence caused eastward subduction of the oceanic lithosphere of the Europe plate and the uppermost serpentinite layer of the subducting slab formed an antigorite serpentinite-subduction channel. Sectors of the rather unaltered mantle lithosphere of the Adria extended margin underwent ablative subduction and were detached, embedded, and buried to eclogite-facies conditions within the serpentinite-subduction channel. At such P–T conditions, antigorite serpentinites from the oceanic slab underwent partial HP dehydration (antigorite dewatering and growth of new olivine). Water fluxing from partial dehydration of host serpentinites caused partial HP hydration (growth of Ti-clinohumite and antigorite) of the subducted Adria margin peridotites. The serpentinite-subduction channel (future Beigua serpentinites), acting as a low-viscosity carrier for high-density subducted rocks, allowed rapid exhumation of the almost unaltered Adria peridotites (future Erro–Tobbio peridotites) and their emplacement into the Voltri Massif orogenic edifice. Over in the past 35 years, this unique geologic architecture has allowed us to investigate the pristine structural and compositional mantle features of the subcontinental Erro–Tobbio peridotites and to clarify the main steps of the pre-oceanic extensional, tectonic–magmatic history of the Europe–Adria asthenosphere–lithosphere system, which led to the formation of the Ligurian Tethys.

Our present knowledge of the Voltri Massif provides fundamental information for enhanced understanding, from a mantle perspective, of formation, subduction, and exhumation of oceanic and marginal lithosphere of slow–ultraslow spreading oceans.  相似文献   

Alps and Apennines are juxtaposed within an approximately 100 km-wide area covered by the Upper Eocene to Miocene successions of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Upper Eocene–Oligocene evolution of this area was characterized to the north and west by the propagation of the SE-verging Southalpine thrust-fold belt that can be traced from the Po Plain subsurface until the Torino Hill-Saluzzese area, and to the south by a high-angle, broadly E–W oriented megashear zone that led to the juxtaposition of different crustal levels and controlled the development of a mosaic of partly independent sub-basins. Since the latest Oligocene the N-verging Apenninic tectonics prevailed in the collisional system and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin evolved as a wide thrust-top basin, bounded to the north by the N-verging Monferrato arc and characterized by a tectono-sedimentary evolution recording changes of subsidence and shift of depocentres in relation to crustal structures.  相似文献   

The Middle–Upper Jurassic succession of the Marguareis–Mongioie area (Ligurian Briançonnais Domain), developed in a protected shelf environment evolving into a pelagic plateau, bears clear evidence of synsedimentary tectonics such as: growth fault-related structures; neptunian dykes; marked lateral variations in stratigraphic thicknesses testifying to the juxtaposition of sectors characterized by different sedimentation and subsidence rates; discordant, anomalous stratigraphic contacts corresponding to paleoescarpments; nodular beds showing evidence of fluidification interpreted as seismites; and the occurrence of sand-sized quartz grains pointing to denudation of Permo-Triassic quartz-rich rocks. Such evidence documents an important Middle-Late Jurassic post-breakup tectonic activity, which was more effective in controlling the basin topography than the Early Jurassic syn-rift tectonic phase. Two main tectono-sedimentary stages, one occurring during the Bathonian, the other falling within the Callovian–Kimmeridgian interval, were reconstructed. The first stage can be referred to a fault-related activity occurring shortly after the initial stages of oceanic spreading of the Ligurian Tethys; the second can be genetically related to the far effects of the first rifting stage of the Bay of Biscay and the Valais basin.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of samples of the several classes of iron meteorites: (hexahedrites, octahedrites, ataxites, and troilite inclusions) in further study of the isotopic composition of primordial lead and toward establishing correlation between the distribution of lead among the mineral inclusions and the nickel-iron mass of the meteorite. Two groups of iron meteorites can be distinguished on the basis of isotopic composition lead suggesting two ages for the parent bodies of common iron meteorites. The distribution of lead in iron meteorites ranges markedly but no relation could be found between isotopic composition of lead and the several structures and compositions. The content of lead in troilites are one or two orders of magnitude higher than in the nickel-iron phase.-- M. Russell.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the formation of quartz–kyanite veins of the Alpe Sponda, Central Alps, Switzerland. We have integrated field observations, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data and combined this with numerical geochemical modeling to constrain the chemical processes of aluminum transport and deposition. The estimated P–T conditions of the quartz–kyanite veins, based on conventional geothermometry (garnet–biotite, white mica solvus and quartz–kyanite oxygen isotope thermometry) and fluid inclusion data, are 550 ± 30°C at 5.0 ± 0.5 kbar. Geochemical modeling involved construction of aqueous species predominance diagrams, calculation of kyanite and quartz solubility, and reaction–path simulations. The results of the modeling demonstrate that (1) for the given chemical composition of the vein-forming fluids mixed Al–Si aqueous species are dominant in transporting Al, and that (2) fluid cooling along a small temperature gradient coupled with a pH decrease is able to explain the precipitation of the quartz–kyanite assemblages in the proportions that are observed in the Alpe Sponda veins. We conclude that sufficient amounts of Al can be transported in typical medium- to high-grade regional metamorphic fluids and that immobile behavior of Al is not very likely in advection–dominanted fluid–rock systems in the upper and middle crust.  相似文献   

The fluorite-bearing hydrothermal mineralization in Sardinia mainly occurs within Paleozoic volcanic and metasedimentary rocks. Only 3 occurrences are located in volcanic and siliciclastic Cenozoic rocks. Most Sardinian fluorites exhibit relatively high rare earth and Y (REY) contents, strong positive Y anomalies, slightly negative Ce and generally positive Eu anomalies. These features indicate that the REY were mobilized mainly from non-carbonate rocks. Neither Sr nor Nd isotopes can be used to date radiometrically the Sardinian fluorites. However, the measured Sr-isotope ratios of the fluorites hosted by Paleozoic rocks fit mixing lines in the 1000/Sr versus 87Sr/86Sr plot once recalculated at 280 Ma, suggesting that the age inferred for the correction probably represents that of the formation of the fluorite mineralization. Mixing likely occurred between diluted surficial waters and brines circulating mainly through the Lower Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. The Cenozoic fluorites exhibit chemical and isotopic features similar to those of the Paleozoic fluorites, except the Nuraghe Onigu fluorite displaying a possible contribution of Sr from Cenozoic magmatic rocks. The initial εNd values of the Paleozoic fluorites fit the age proposed for the formation of the deposits. Moreover, the values suggest that radiogenic Nd was provided to the fluids from the Ordovician siliciclastic basement, except for 3 deposits where the potential source rocks of Nd were mainly Ordovician acidic magmatic rocks. The initial εNd values of the Cenozoic fluorites suggest a provenance of Nd essentially from the leaching of Variscan granitoids.  相似文献   

This work is part of the project study for a road tunnel bypassing the town of Genova and was aimed at evaluating the amount of asbestos fibres in the metaophiolites belonging to the Voltri Group and the Sestri–Voltaggio Zone (Liguria, Northern Italy). The 85 studied rock samples (mainly mafic and ultramafic rocks) derive from exposed outcrops and prospecting boreholes. The study of field relations and petrographic/microtextural investigations under the optical microscope allowed for the identification and characterisation of asbestos-bearing settings and lithotypes. Mineralogy and concentration of asbestos fibres in powdered specimens were determined by means of a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy device. These investigations were combined with petrography on thin-section, X-ray diffraction analysis and phase contrast optical microscopy on rock powders. Mafic and ultramafic rocks commonly contain asbestos in concentrations below 1,000 mg/kg (considered as the contamination threshold under Italian law). However, the fibre concentration rises abruptly within localised zones, where the metaophiolite sequences were involved into late ductile to brittle tectono-metamorphic events. Two groups of asbestos-bearing settings have been so far identified in the area: (a) fracture networks within serpentinites (dominated by fibrous chrysotile), and (b) boudins of chlorite-tremolite schists, likely deriving from dynamic recrystallisation of mafic rocks under greenschist facies conditions (dominated by fibrous amphibole). Even considering the low volumetric incidence of these settings (metres to few tens of metres), their high asbestos content locally controls the total fibre amount in the excavation products, thus requiring special prevention measures during excavation, management and final storage of the contaminated debris.  相似文献   

The Zermatt–Saas-Fee ophiolites (ZSFO) are one of the best preserved slices of eclogitic oceanic crust in the Alpine chain. They formed during the opening of the Mesozoic Tethys and underwent subduction to HP/UHP conditions during Alpine compression. A cathodoluminescence-based ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of different zircon domains from metagabbros and oceanic metasediments was carried out to constrain the timing of formation and subduction of this ophiolite, two fundamental questions in Alpine geodynamics. The formation of the ophiolitic sequence is constrained by the intrusion ages of the Mellichen and the Allalin metagabbros (164.0 ± 2.7 Ma and 163.5 ± 1.8 Ma) obtained on magmatic zircon domains. These data are in line with the maximum deposition age for Mn-rich metasediments which overlie the mafic rocks at Lago di Cignana (161 ± 11 Ma) and at Sparrenflue (ca. 153–154 Ma). An Eocene age of 44.1 ± 0.7 Ma was obtained for whole zircons and zircon rims from an UHP eclogite and two metasediments at Lago di Cignana. One of the Eocene zircons contains a rutile inclusion indicating formation at HP conditions. As the temperature and pressure peak of these rocks nearly coincide, the Eocene zircons probably constrain the age for the deepest subduction of the ZSFO. This Eocene age for the UHP metamorphism implies that the ZSFO were subducted later than the Adriatic margin (Sesia-Lanzo Zone) and before the Late Eocene subduction of the European continental crust below Apulia. A scenario with three subduction episodes propagating in time from SE to NW is proposed for the geological evolution of the Central and Western Alps. Received: 1 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 April 1998  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(8):1081-1092
Different types of fine-grained chemical precipitates were characterized in the surroundings of the pyrite-chalcopyrite mine of Libiola (Northern Italy). Both water chemistry and sediment composition were used to investigate metal mobility near the mine area. Local drainage waters were very acidic (with a pH as low as 2.5) and were rich in dissolved metals (Fe, Al, Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni). Sediments associated with low pH water (pH <4.5) were ochreous mixtures of schwertmannite and goethite with traces of jarosite. Their chemistry was dominated by Fe and they had, compared to other sediments investigated, low concentrations of other metals. When the acidity decreased gradually, other precipitates formed. At a pH of approximately 5, a poorly crystalline, whitish, Al-rich precipitate occurred. At a pH between 6 and 7, a poorly crystalline, blue, Cu (Zn) rich phase was present. These “sequential” precipitation events progressively reduced the metal loading typical of the acidic mine water when there was a gradual mixing with normal water. When a sudden mixing between normal waters (pH ∼8, Ca–HCO3, low metal bearing) and acidic waters took place, a rapid flocculation occurred of mixed precipitates containing Fe, Al and trace elements.  相似文献   

The lowermost units of the nappe pile of the Lepontine Alps crop out in the Antigorio valley in the footwall of the Simplon Fault. The whole orthogneiss section of the Antigorio Unit is exposed on both sides of the valley, sandwiched between the Mesozoic metasedimentary sequences of the Baceno unit below and the Tèggiolo unit above. The petrography and mineral composition of tremolite–calcite veins occurring in dolomite marble in both metasedimentary sequences were investigated. Tremolite–calcite (with lesser talc and minor phlogopite) veins have rhythmic banded texture. Banding is due to cyclic differences in modal abundances and fabric of tremolite and calcite. These veins are very similar to those occurring in dolomite rafts within the Bergell granite and it is inferred that they formed by the same “fracture-reaction-seal” mechanism. Veins formed by reaction of a silica-rich aqueous fluid with the host dolomite marble along fractures. According to thermo-barometric calculations, based on electron microprobe analyses, reaction occurred at temperatures between 450 and 490°C and minimum pressure of 2–3 kbar. Such temperature conditions occurred in this footwall region of the Simplon Fault Zone around 15 Ma, during exhumation and cooling of the nappe pile and a transition to brittle behaviour. Aqueous, silica-rich fluids concentrated along fractures, forming tremolite–calcite veins in the dolomite marbles and quartz veins in the orthogneiss.  相似文献   

 Coexisting muscovite and paragonite have been observed in an eclogite from the Sesia–Lanzo Zone (Western Alps, Italy). The P-T conditions of this eclogite reached 570–650 °C and 19–21 kbar and the rocks show several stages of mineral growth during their retrograde path, ranging from the subsequent lower-P eclogite facies to the blueschist facies and then the greenschist facies. Muscovite and paragonite are very common in these rocks and show two texturally different occurrences indicating equilibrium and non-equilibrium states between them. In one mode of occurrence they coexist in equilibrium in the lower-P eclogite facies. In the same rock muscovite ± albite also replaced paragonite during a greenschist-facies overprint, as evidenced by unique across – (001) layer boundaries. The chemical compositions of the lower-P eclogite-facies micas plot astride the muscovite – paragonite solvus, whereas the compositions of the greenschist-facies micas lie outside the solvus and indicate disequilibrium. The TEM observations of the textural relations of the greenschist-facies micas imply structural coherency between paragonite and muscovite along the layers, but there is a sharp discontinuity in the composition of the octahedral and tetrahedral sheets across the phase boundary. We propose that muscovite formed through a dissolution and recrystallization process, since no gradual variations toward the muscovite – paragonite interfaces occur and no intermediate, homogeneous Na-K phase has been observed. Because a solid-state diffusion mechanism is highly unlikely at these low temperatures (300–500 °C), especially with respect to octahedral and tetrahedral sites, it is assumed that H2O plays an important role in this process. The across-layer boundaries are inferred to be characteristic of such non-equilibrium replacement processes. The characterization of these intergrowths is crucial to avoiding erroneous assumptions regarding composition and therefore about the state of equilibrium between both micas, which in turn may lead to misinterpretations of thermometric results. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 October 1999  相似文献   

We present a high-resolution sedimentological analysis of Barremian–Aptian shallow-water carbonates from two cores (S. Maria 6 and 4) that were drilled in the central Apennines (central Italy) and one section (Monte Faito) that crops out in the southern Apennines (southern Italy). The aims of this work are (a) to propose a high-resolution correlation of sections that are located approximately 170 km apart in different tectonic units and paleogeographic domains using a microstratigraphic (cm-scale) approach and (b) to reveal global and regional mechanisms that control the stratigraphic architecture of these carbonate platform strata.A composite S. Maria section was assembled by integrating the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic analyses of the two cores, which overlap each other across the Barremian–Aptian boundary. Both the S. Maria and the Monte Faito sections show repetitive facies patterns that are expressed as elementary cycles, which are hierarchically grouped into bundles and superbundles. The elementary cycles are meter-scale sedimentary units that are bounded by subaerial erosion surfaces, which directly overlie subtidal deposits. This implies that they formed under the influence of relative sea-level fluctuations. In both sections, the superbundles are organized into Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends (T/RFTs), which are considered to be expressions of lower-frequency relative sea-level changes.These deposits, like their Cretaceous analogues of other areas of the Apennines, show evidence of astronomically controlled eustatic oscillations, which are reflected in the hierarchical organization of their stacking patterns. They also exhibit a sequence-stratigraphic configuration that is best recognizable in the superbundles and T/RFTs. Based on integrated stratigraphic criteria, a high-resolution regional correlation between S. Maria and Monte Faito was developed and compared with the reference section of Monte Raggeto (M. Maggiore, southern Apennines, Italy), where biostratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic studies have been complemented by magneto- and isotope-stratigraphy.We also propose a chronostratigraphic correlation between our T/RFTs and the Tethyan stratigraphic cycles of Hardenbol et al. (1998). Based on the cyclostratigraphic interpretation and orbital chronostratigraphy of the studied interval, we estimate a minimum duration of 5.2 my for the Barremian interval, which is similar to the 4.5 my duration from the Geological Time Scale of Gradstein et al., (2012).  相似文献   

The Salvan-Dorénaz intramontane basin formed between ca. 308–293 Ma as an asymmetric graben along crustal-scale transtensional fracture zones within the Aiguilles-Rouges crystalline massif (Western Alps) and represents a feature of the post-collisional evolution of the Variscan orogens. It contains 1.5–1.7 km of continental clastic deposits which were eroded from granitic, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks. Textural and compositional immaturity of the sandstones, and the numerous lithic fragments with low chemical and physical stability suggest only short-range transport. 40Ar/39Ar analyses of detrital muscovite are interpreted to represent cooling of the crystalline basement below the respective closure temperatures. Ages from detrital muscovite range between ca. 280–330 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar white mica plateau ages from granitic boulders range between 301–312 Ma and suggest rapid cooling. The very short time interval recorded between the 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages and the stratigraphic age of the host sediment suggests that considerable portions of the upper crust were removed prior to the formation of the basin. Late Variscan granitic boulders document surface exposure and erosion of Late Carboniferous granites during early stages of the infilling of the basin. Therefore, unroofing of basement units, magmatic activity, and formation of the fault bounded Salvan-Dorénaz basin were acting concomitantly, and are highly suggestive of extensional tectonics. When compared with other orogens, this situation seems specific to the Variscan, especially the exclusively young ages of detrital material, however, modern analogous may exist.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   

The Bracco–Gabbro Complex (Internal Liguride ophiolite), that intruded subcontinental mantle peridotite, contains layers of chromitite that are associated with ultramafic differentiates. The chromitites and disseminated chromites in the ultramafics have Al contents similar to the Al-rich podiform chromitites [0.40 < Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) < 0.55]. TiO2 contents of the chromitites are unusually high and range up to 0.82 wt%. The calculated Al2O3 and TiO2 content of the parental melt suggest that the melt was a MORB type. Geothermobarometrical calculations on few preserved silicate inclusions revealed formation temperatures between 970 and 820 °C under a relatively high oxygen fugacity (ΔlogfO2 at +2.0–2.4). Chromitites were altered during the post-magmatic tectono-metamorphic uplift and the final exposure at the seafloor, as evidenced by the formation of ferrian chromite. The PGE contents of the chromitites and associated ultramafics are unusually low (PGEmax 83 ppb). The chondrite-normalized PGE spidergrams show positive PGE patterns and to some extent similarities with the typical trend of stratiform chromitites. No specific PGM have been found but low concentrations of PPGE (Rh, Pt, and Pd) have been detected in the sulphides that occur interstitially to or enclosed in chromite. Recently, it has been shown that the Internal Liguride gabbroic intrusions have formed by relatively low degrees of partial melting of the asthenospheric mantle. We conclude that the low degree of partial melting might be the main factor to control the unusual low PGE contents and the rather unique PGE distribution in the Bracco chromitites.  相似文献   

New U‐Pb and 40Ar/39Ar age data from deformed and undeformed granitoids of the North Patagonian Massif establish the presence of Early Cambrian and widespread Ordovician magmatism in northern Patagonia. These data suggest that the Pampean (Cambrian) and Famatinian (Ordovician) magmatic belts of the Sierras Pampeanas are continuous into Patagonia. SHRIMP U‐Pb age spectra from detrital zircons of Cambro‐Ordovician metasedimentary rocks show patterns very similar to those from equivalent units of the Pampia block, over 500 km farther north. These results suggest that the North Patagonian Massif was likely part of the South American margin of Gondwana in the early Palaeozoic and strongly argue in favour of an authochtonous or para‐autochthonous origin for this block.  相似文献   

To place constraints on the formation and deformation history of the major Variscan shear zone in the Bavarian Forest, Bavarian Pfahl zone, SW Bohemian Massif, granitic dykes and their feldspar-phyric massive host rock (so-called palite), zircons were dated by the U–Pb isotope dilution and Pb-evaporation methods. The dated samples comprise two host rocks and four dykes from a K-rich calc-alkaline complex adjoining the SW part of the Bavarian Pfahl shear zone. The palites, which appear to be the oldest magmatic rocks emplaced in the shear zone, yield ages of 334±3, 334.5±1.1 Ma (average 207Pb/206Pb-evaporation zircon ages) and 327–342 Ma (range of U/Pb zircon ages) suggesting a Lower Carboniferous age for the initiation of the Pfahl zone. Absence of inherited older cores in all investigated zircons indicates that incorporation of crustal zircon material has played virtually no role or that the melting temperature was very high. Determination of the dyke emplacement age is complicated by partial Pb-loss in most of the fractions analysed. This Pb-loss can be ascribed to higher U content of the dyke zircons compared to those from host rock. Upper discordia intercept ages of the different dykes range from 322±5 to 331±9 Ma. The dykes are pre- to synkinematic with respect to penetrative regional mylonitisation along the Pfahl zone, and the upper intercept ages provide a maximum age for this tectonic event.  相似文献   

<正>1 Introduction The Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif(SZRM)crops out over an extensive part of NE China and was thought to contain Precambrian crystalline basement material,as evidenced by the presence of what appears to bePaleoproterozoicbasementmaterialwithin exploration drillholes(Pei et al.,2007).An alternative view is that the basement within the SZRM is  相似文献   

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