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Alps and Apennines are juxtaposed within an approximately 100 km-wide area covered by the Upper Eocene to Miocene successions of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Upper Eocene–Oligocene evolution of this area was characterized to the north and west by the propagation of the SE-verging Southalpine thrust-fold belt that can be traced from the Po Plain subsurface until the Torino Hill-Saluzzese area, and to the south by a high-angle, broadly E–W oriented megashear zone that led to the juxtaposition of different crustal levels and controlled the development of a mosaic of partly independent sub-basins. Since the latest Oligocene the N-verging Apenninic tectonics prevailed in the collisional system and the Tertiary Piedmont Basin evolved as a wide thrust-top basin, bounded to the north by the N-verging Monferrato arc and characterized by a tectono-sedimentary evolution recording changes of subsidence and shift of depocentres in relation to crustal structures.  相似文献   

The Zermatt–Saas-Fee ophiolites (ZSFO) are one of the best preserved slices of eclogitic oceanic crust in the Alpine chain. They formed during the opening of the Mesozoic Tethys and underwent subduction to HP/UHP conditions during Alpine compression. A cathodoluminescence-based ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of different zircon domains from metagabbros and oceanic metasediments was carried out to constrain the timing of formation and subduction of this ophiolite, two fundamental questions in Alpine geodynamics. The formation of the ophiolitic sequence is constrained by the intrusion ages of the Mellichen and the Allalin metagabbros (164.0 ± 2.7 Ma and 163.5 ± 1.8 Ma) obtained on magmatic zircon domains. These data are in line with the maximum deposition age for Mn-rich metasediments which overlie the mafic rocks at Lago di Cignana (161 ± 11 Ma) and at Sparrenflue (ca. 153–154 Ma). An Eocene age of 44.1 ± 0.7 Ma was obtained for whole zircons and zircon rims from an UHP eclogite and two metasediments at Lago di Cignana. One of the Eocene zircons contains a rutile inclusion indicating formation at HP conditions. As the temperature and pressure peak of these rocks nearly coincide, the Eocene zircons probably constrain the age for the deepest subduction of the ZSFO. This Eocene age for the UHP metamorphism implies that the ZSFO were subducted later than the Adriatic margin (Sesia-Lanzo Zone) and before the Late Eocene subduction of the European continental crust below Apulia. A scenario with three subduction episodes propagating in time from SE to NW is proposed for the geological evolution of the Central and Western Alps. Received: 1 December 1997 / Accepted: 8 April 1998  相似文献   

Three-dimensional modelling tools are used with structural and palaeomagnetic analysis to constrain the tectonic history of part of the Dauphiné zone (external Western Alps). Four compressive events are identified, three of them being older than the latest Oligocene. Deformation D1 consists of W–SW directed folds in the Mesozoic cover of the study area. This event, better recorded in the central and southern Pelvoux massif, could be of Eocene age or older. Deformation D2 induced N-NW-oriented basement thrusting and affected the whole southern Dauphiné basement massifs south of the study area. The main compressional event in the study area (D3) was WNW oriented and occurred before 24 Ma under a thick tectonic load probably of Penninic nappes. The D2-D3 shift corresponds to a rapid transition from northward propagation of the Alpine collision directly driven by Africa-Europe convergence, to the onset of westward escape into the Western Alpine arc. This Oligocene change in the collisional regime is recorded in the whole Alpine realm, and led to the activation of the Insubric line. The last event (D4) is late Miocene in age and coeval with the final uplift of the Grandes Rousses and Belledonne external massifs. It produced strike-slip faulting and local rotations that significantly deformed earlier Alpine folds and thrusts, Tethyan fault blocks and Hercynian structures. 3D modelling of an initially horizontal surface, the interface between basement and Mesozoic cover, highlights large-scale basement involved asymmetric folding that is also detected using structural analysis. Both, Jurassic block faulting and basement fold-and-thrust shortening were strongly dependent on the orientation of Tethyan extension and Alpine shortening relative to the late Hercynian fabric. The latter’s reactivation in response to oblique Jurassic extension produced an en-échelon syn-rift fault pattern, best developed in the western, strongly foliated basement units. Its Alpine reactivation occurred with maximum efficiency during the early stages of lateral escape, with tectonic transport in the overlying units being sub-perpendicular to it.  相似文献   

The classical concept of the nappe structure of the central Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) is in contradiction with modern stratigraphic, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data. We first perform a palinspastic restoration for the time before Miocene lateral tectonic extrusion, which shows good continuity of structures, facies and diagenetic/metamorphic zones. We present a new nappe concept, in which the Tirolic unit practically takes the whole area of the central NCA and is divided into three subunits (nappes): Lower and Upper Tirolic subunit, separated by the Upper Jurassic Trattberg Thrust, and the metamorphic Ultra-Tirolic unit. The Hallstatt (Iuvavic) nappe(s) formed the highest unit, but were completely destroyed by erosion after nappe stacking. Remnants of the Hallstatt nappes are only represented by components of up to 1 km in size in Middle/Upper Jurassic radiolaritic wildflysch sediments ("Hallstatt Mélange" belonging to the Tirolic unit). Destruction of the continental margin started in Middle to Upper Jurassic time and prograded from the oceanic side towards the shelf. The original substratum of the external nappes (Bavaric units) of the NCA was largely the Austroalpine crystalline basement, of the internal nappes (Tirolic units) the weakly metamorphosed Palaeozoic sequences (Greywacke Zone and equivalents). Eocene movements caused limited internal deformation in the Tirolic unit.  相似文献   

The Paleogene and Neogene evolution of Austroalpine basement units east of the Tauern Window is characterised by the formation of two major sets of faults: (1) ESE–WNW- to E–W-trending faults, associated with ENE- and NNW-trending conjugate structures and (2) N–S to NNE-SSW striking structures, mainly acting as high-angle normal faults, often associated with E-dipping low-angle normal faults along the western margin of the Styrian Basin.Together with the stratigraphic evolution of the Styrian and Lavanttal Basins and the related subsidence histories a tectonic evolution may be reconstructed for this part of the Eastern Alps. In the southern part of the Koralm Massif, WNW-trending fractures were activated as dextral strike-slip faults, associated with the evolution of WNW-trending troughs filled up with coarse block debris. W- to WNW-trending fractures were reactivated as normal faults, indicating N–S extension. It is assumed that these phases resulted in subsidence and block debris sedimentation in Karpatian and Badenian times (ca. 17–13 Ma).In the Western Styrian Basin no Sarmatian (13–11.5 Ma) sediments are observed; Pannonian (11.5 to 7.1 Ma) sediments are restricted to the Eastern Styrian Basin. This indicates, that the Koralm basement and the Western Styrian Basin were affected by post-Sarmatian uplift, coinciding with a re-activation of N-trending normal faults along the eastern margin of the Koralm Massif. Therefore, we suggest that the final uplift of the Koralm Complex, partly together with the Western Styrian Basin, occurred during the early Pannonian (at approximately 10 Ma). The elevation of clastic deposits indicates that the Koralm Complex was elevated by approximately 800 m during this phase, associated with an additional phase of E–W-directed extension accommodated by N–S striking normal faults.  相似文献   

Summary A set of 354 sulphur isotope data from the Bleiberg deposit, the type deposit of Alpine low temperature carbonate hosted Pb–Zn deposits (APT deposits), is critically evaluated applying statistical methods. The sulphur isotope patterns vary significantly among the ore horizons. This suggests a long lasting and polyphase mineralisation system. The sulphur isotope composition of barite corresponds to that of Carnian seawater (i.e. 16 34S). The 34S values of the iron sulphides correspond to data from sedimentary iron sulphides. Pb and Zn sulphides are characterized by three normally distributed 34S populations with mean values of –6 to –8, –13 to –18, and –25 to –29. Heavy sulphur (>–10 34S) indicates contribution of sulphide sulphur from epigenetic-hydrothermal fluids, whereas light sulphide sulphur (<–21 34S) was produced by sulphur – reducing bacteria. The intermediate population is explained by mixing of sulphur derived from these two sources. Other sources of local importance, however, can not be excluded. The isotope populations correspond only partly to the paragenetic ore stages. The sulphur isotope patterns in the APT deposits are regionally different. Data from other low-temperature sediment-hosted Pb–Zn deposits support the proposed interpretation. A comparison demonstrates that the sulphur isotope patterns of APT deposits correspond to patterns of the Irish type deposits, but are different to those of Mississippi Valley type deposits.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00710-004-0071-3  相似文献   

In the central and eastern part of the Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Permian evaporitic rocks form a tectonic mélange whose distribution is restricted largely to the topmost thrust unit (Juvavicum). Mudrock and dolostone samples associated with the evaporites in ten major outcrops (mostly mines) were examined in order to constrain the paleothermal conditions of the mélange. Measurements of illite "crystallinity" reveal a regionally variable pattern of metamorphic grade ranging from diagenesis to the high anchizone and possibly epizone. Most samples contained very little organic matter and vitrinite particles were rare. Samples containing vitrinite show consistent minimum reflectance values of ~1.3–1.7% Ro, whereas maximum reflectance values are more variable (up to 4.9%). The former data constrain the minimum burial temperatures to ~160–180°C. The observed variability in illite "crystallinity" and organic maturity both between and within individual outcrops is consistent with the mélange architecture of this unit and is in good agreement with the regional thermal pattern recognized in Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate formations within the Juvavicum by conodont color alteration studies. Mélange formation and heating of the evaporites is suggested to be linked to the Upper Jurassic closure of the Meliata-Hallstatt Ocean and subsequent thrusting of obducted terranes (Juvavicum) into the depositional realm of the Northern Calcareous Alps.  相似文献   

Extensive in-depth research is required for the implementation of natural tracer approaches to hydrogeological investigation to be feasible in mountainous regions. This review considers the application of hydrochemical and biotic parameters in mountain regions over the past few decades with particular reference to the Austrian Alps, as an example for alpine-type mountain belts. A brief introduction to Austria’s hydrogeological arrangement is given to show the significance of fractured hard-rock aquifers for hydrogeological science as well as for water supply purposes. A literature search showed that research concerning fractured hard-rock aquifers in Austria is clearly underrepresented to date, especially when taking the abundance of this aquifer type and the significance of this topic into consideration. The application of abiotic natural tracers (hydrochemical and isotope parameters) is discussed generally and by means of examples from the Austrian Alps. The potential of biotic tracers (microbiota and meiofauna) is elucidated. It is shown that the meiofauna approach to investigating fractured aquifers has not yet been applied in the reviewed region, nor worldwide. Two examples of new approaches in mountainous fractured aquifers are introduced: (1) use of CO2 partial pressure and calcite saturation of spring water to reconstruct catchments and flow dynamics (abiotic approach), and, (2) consideration of hard-rock aquifers as habitats to reconstruct aquifer conditions (biotic approach).  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the formation of quartz–kyanite veins of the Alpe Sponda, Central Alps, Switzerland. We have integrated field observations, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data and combined this with numerical geochemical modeling to constrain the chemical processes of aluminum transport and deposition. The estimated P–T conditions of the quartz–kyanite veins, based on conventional geothermometry (garnet–biotite, white mica solvus and quartz–kyanite oxygen isotope thermometry) and fluid inclusion data, are 550 ± 30°C at 5.0 ± 0.5 kbar. Geochemical modeling involved construction of aqueous species predominance diagrams, calculation of kyanite and quartz solubility, and reaction–path simulations. The results of the modeling demonstrate that (1) for the given chemical composition of the vein-forming fluids mixed Al–Si aqueous species are dominant in transporting Al, and that (2) fluid cooling along a small temperature gradient coupled with a pH decrease is able to explain the precipitation of the quartz–kyanite assemblages in the proportions that are observed in the Alpe Sponda veins. We conclude that sufficient amounts of Al can be transported in typical medium- to high-grade regional metamorphic fluids and that immobile behavior of Al is not very likely in advection–dominanted fluid–rock systems in the upper and middle crust.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - In the Western Alps, a steeply dipping km-scale shear zone (the Ferriere-Mollières shear zone) cross-cuts Variscan migmatites in the...  相似文献   

Vitrinite reflectance was measured in Late Carboniferous to Triassic shales, siltstones and marls of the Karawanken Range. Thermal models of the central South-Karawanken Range were calibrated on the basis of these data. They suggest an eroded overburden of more than 3,200 m of Jurassic to Cretaceous sediments and a heat flow in the range of 42 to 60 mW m?2 during the time of maximum subsidence. Because the reconstructed thermal history of the South-Karawanken Range is very similar to the thermal history of the Generoso basin (western Southern Alps), these data provide strong evidence for a deep basinal position of the Southern Karawanken Range during Jurassic to Cretaceous times. A vitrinite reflectance anomaly at the northern margin of the South-Karawanken Range is explained by advective heat transport during the Oligocene. The heat source for the anomalies at the western margin of the Seeberg Rise and in the area between the Periadriatic Lineament and the Donat Fault Zone is unknown. Vitrinite reflectance in Late Triassic sediments indicates the South-Karawanken Range and the South-Zala Unit of the Pannonian basement as exotic blocks in the Sava Composite Unit. This is explained by Miocene displacement of structural units, which were derived from different paleogeographical segments of the Permo-Mesozoic western Tethyan margin.  相似文献   

We employ garnet isopleth thermobarometry to derive the P–T conditions of Permian and Cretaceous metamorphism in the Wölz crystalline Complex of the Eastern Alps. The successive growth increments of two distinct growth zones of the garnet porphyroblasts from the Wölz Complex indicate garnet growth in the temperature interval of 540°C to 560°C at pressures of 400 to 500 MPa during the Permian and temperatures ranging from 550°C to 570°C at pressures in the range of 700 to 800 MPa during the Cretaceous Eo-Alpine event. Based on diffusion modelling of secondary compositional zoning within the outermost portion of the first garnet growth zone constraints on the timing of the Permian and the Eo-Alpine metamorphic events are derived. We infer that the rocks remained in a temperature interval between 570°C and 610°C over about 10 to 20 Ma during the Permian, whereas the high temperature stage of the Eo-Alpine event only lasted for about 0.2 Ma. Although peak metamorphic temperatures never exceeded 620°C, the prolonged thermal annealing during the Permian produced several 100 µm wide alteration halos in the garnet porphyroblasts and partially erased their thermobarometric memory. Short diffusion profiles which evolved around late stage cracks within the first garnet growth zone constrain the crack formation to have occurred during cooling below about 450°C after the Eo-Alpine event.  相似文献   

The lowermost units of the nappe pile of the Lepontine Alps crop out in the Antigorio valley in the footwall of the Simplon Fault. The whole orthogneiss section of the Antigorio Unit is exposed on both sides of the valley, sandwiched between the Mesozoic metasedimentary sequences of the Baceno unit below and the Tèggiolo unit above. The petrography and mineral composition of tremolite–calcite veins occurring in dolomite marble in both metasedimentary sequences were investigated. Tremolite–calcite (with lesser talc and minor phlogopite) veins have rhythmic banded texture. Banding is due to cyclic differences in modal abundances and fabric of tremolite and calcite. These veins are very similar to those occurring in dolomite rafts within the Bergell granite and it is inferred that they formed by the same “fracture-reaction-seal” mechanism. Veins formed by reaction of a silica-rich aqueous fluid with the host dolomite marble along fractures. According to thermo-barometric calculations, based on electron microprobe analyses, reaction occurred at temperatures between 450 and 490°C and minimum pressure of 2–3 kbar. Such temperature conditions occurred in this footwall region of the Simplon Fault Zone around 15 Ma, during exhumation and cooling of the nappe pile and a transition to brittle behaviour. Aqueous, silica-rich fluids concentrated along fractures, forming tremolite–calcite veins in the dolomite marbles and quartz veins in the orthogneiss.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1):91-105
Slices of continental crust pertinent to the lower Austroalpine domain of the western Alps, crop out within the ophiolitic Piemonte Zone. Among them, the Châtillon slice was studied in detail. The slice consists of orthogneiss with subordinate metabasics and very minor paraschist. The garnet-phengite-epidote-albite orthogneiss is characterised by polyphase garnet porphyroclasts. Metabasics consist of prasinite lenses and eclogite relics. Phengite-clinozoisite eclogite is characterised by small garnet idioblasts with prograde zoning; jadeite content in omphacite increases towards the rim; Si content in phengite decreases towards the rim. Garnet-glaucophane-phengiteparagonite micaschist is characterised by polymetamorphic garnet porphyroclasts, and small Alpine garnet idioblasts. A pre-Alpine amphibolite-facies metamorphism is inferred for the polymetamorphic rocks of the Châtillon slice. Paragneiss and micaschist probably derive from pre-Alpine “kinzigites”; the orthogneiss protolith was a late-Variscan porphyritic granitoid. Thermobarometry in the eclogite constrains the metamorphic peak at T ≤ 560 °C and P = 16 kbar. The HP minerals were partly retrogressed to greenschist-facies assemblages during the late Alpine tectono-metamorphic recrystallisation. The inferred Alpine P-T conditions are consistent with those for other Penninic and Austro-Alpine nappes of the northwestern internal Alps. The Châtillon slice is very similar to the Eclogitic Micaschists Complex of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone and to the other eclogite-facies Austroalpine slices of the Dent Blanche Nappe, but it could also represent a portion of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone basement, which experienced a somewhat different subduction depth. The tectonic position of the Châtillon slice within the Piemonte Zone is essential to reconstruct the geometric relationships in the Austroalpine-Piemonte nappe stack of the northwestern internal Alps.  相似文献   

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