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The polychaete fauna of muddy bottoms off the Rhone delta (NW Mediterranean) was seasonally sampled at two sites at 70 m depth, from 1993 to 1996. During this period, five severe flood events occurred. A clustering analysis (distance coefficient of Whittaker) and three way fixed factor ANOVAs (site x season x year) showed strong year-to-year changes in species density and community structure, changes that masked seasonal variations. Total density increased by a factor of 3 and density of most species significantly increased following the first flooding event. Changes in the community structure were due to the successive dominance of a few species. The opportunistic species, such as Cossura sp., Mediomastus sp. and Polycirrus sp., exhibited peaks in density 1-3 months after the flood. These peaks were followed by a drastic decline. For species with a long life span, such as Sternaspis scutata, a slower but continuous increase in density was observed which was maintained for several months. The density fluctuations of these species exhibited a good correlation with river flow with time lags of 1-2 years. The successional dynamics observed are explained according to the geographical origin of the floods and the biology and feeding ecology of species.  相似文献   

The Po River runoff strongly affects the oceanographic and ecological characteristics of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Catalysed reported deposition ‐ fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD‐FISH) analysis was employed to assess how the composition of the coastal bacterioplankton community is influenced by the river runoff in two different seasons (spring and autumn). Samples were collected from the water column along a coastal–offshore transect in the Northern Adriatic Sea at different depths. Four clone libraries were then constructed from coastal (0 m) and offshore waters (?65 m). Higher abundances of bacteria were recorded in coastal waters as compared with the offshore samples. This result was mainly due to the trophic state of the water column, and it was related to salinity. Particularly, Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria were affected by the riverine inputs, whereas Bacteroidetes and Alphaproteobacteria showed only minor responses. This was particularly clear in the autumn sample, in which a clear difference between the coastal and the offshore samples was found due to a strong influence of the less saline river water with high nutrient concentrations. Analysis of 205 partial length 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated a high diversity with the dominance of Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Gammaproteobacteria mainly affiliated to coastal and marine bacterioplankton clades. Actinobacteria were also detected and, together with Gammaproteobacteria, strongly follow the freshwater intrusion. Overall, our results indicate that the seasonal difference in the Po River discharge greatly affects the bacterioplankton community. In spring we observed a smooth transition from coastal to open‐sea conditions owing to the more superficial freshwater plume. In autumn the deeper freshwater intrusion in the coastal site and thermal stratification offshore resulted in a marked difference between the coastal and offshore microbial communities.  相似文献   

A 275‐km‐long transversel Northern Adriatic profile from the mouth of the Po River (Italian Adriatic coast) to the Kvarner region (Croatian coastal island area) was investigated in three successive case studies in August 2008, 2009 and 2010. The short Po River pulses in August result in the surface advection of riverine water, nutrients and phytoplankton from the western to the eastern side of the Adriatic. This surface spreading exhibits inter‐annual variability depending on the riverine discharge in the preceding period. The Po River discharge pulse in August 2010 in particular resulted in an extraordinary tongue‐like advection of riverine water, nutrients, and phytoplankton towards the Eastern Adriatic coast. The phenomenon was detected using both satellite imagery and classical oceanographic measurements. In the advective water, toxic dinoflagellates were most abundant in August 2010, when the influence of the Po was greatest.  相似文献   

Diel sampling was performed during an early spring survey in the Northern Adriatic Sea at a coastal station off the Po River delta. Samples were taken every 6 h at spring tide maxima and minima in the sub-superficial layer, at the maximum fluorescence depth (∼3 m). Variations in microbial community structure and its processes were assessed by considering heterotrophic bacteria, picocyanobacteria, viruses, exoenzymatic activities, microphytoplankton, nanoplankton and bacterial/cyanobacterial Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles. A considerable diatom bloom, mostly supported by Skeletonema marinoi was detected. All microbial parameters except viruses, showed a sinusoidal trend with a 12 h period; only picocyanobacteria expressed relative maxima during high tide, showing a phase in opposition to the other parameters. No substantial changes in DGGE band patterns were detected. Even though the results showed bacterial activities to be influenced by the phytoplankton bloom, all microbial parameters' diel trends (except viruses) preferentially followed the tidal fluctuation rather than the light:dark cycle.  相似文献   

在地质年代中,陆缘海是主要的沉积环境,其活跃的沉积作用形成了大量地层保存于古沉积岩中。为了准确解释古地层形成过程与事件,对现代沉积过程(本文定义〈100a)的深刻理解至关重要,因此,对亚得里亚海沉积作用的研究是一次非常有益的探索。  相似文献   

Winter thermohaline properties of the northern Adriatic are analysed here with the aim of getting a better insight into dense water formation on the shelf. The hydrographic parameters collected in February in the 1967–2000 interval at two stations, the first located close to the eastern shore (station 1), and the second positioned near the Po river mouth (station 2), are compared. Two types of winter hydrographic conditions are distinguished: type A when bottom salinity and density are higher at station 1 than at station 2 and type B when these parameters are higher at station 2 than at station 1. Type A is more likely to occur in warmer and type B in colder winters. Both A and B distribution types can occur in periods when the Adriatic is under the influence of very saline waters of Mediterranean origin. Interannual changes in density are, at both stations, more dependant on haline than on thermal variations. At both stations temperature was somewhat higher in the early seventies than during the eighties and nineties, while salinity and density were lower in the early seventies and early nineties than in other years of the analysed period. By comparing the 1967–2000 changes in hydrographic conditions in February to monthly values of northern Adriatic surface fluxes and Po river discharge rates, it is shown that winter thermohaline characteristics in the region depend on processes which occur much earlier, i.e. during the previous autumn and late in spring of the preceding year, and even during the previous winter, 12 months before.  相似文献   

An assessment of community composition and the functional roles of the dominant species has been carried out in two intertidal areas of Malaysian mudflat dominated by natural populations of the arcid bivalve mollusc Anadara granosa.In addition to A. granosa, organisms of numerical importance are the venerid bivalve Pelecyora trigona, the neogastropod Plicarcularia leptospira, the mesogastropods Stenothyra glabrata and Cerithidea cingulata and the hermit crab Diogenes sp. The mesogastropod Natica maculosa and the neogastropod Thais carinifera may be of some importance to community organization but they are not numerically dominant. Annelids are conspicuous by their absence.The following trophic roles are ascribed to specific members of the community: A. granosa—facultative surface deposit feeder; P. trigona—suspension feeder; P. leptospira—scavenger; C. cingulata—deposit feeder/grazer; S. glabrata—deposit feeder/grazer; N. maculosa—predator; T. carinifera—predator; Diogenes sp.—scavenger/predator. S. glabrata is of particular interest because it appears to fill the niche occupied by mud snails of the genus Hydrobia in temperate mudflat systems.There is evidence of seasonality on the mudflats which points to a spawning of certain forms triggered by the major annual salinity depression at the time of the onset of the north-east monsoon in October/November. Concentrations of benthic chlorophyll a show no obvious signs of a seasonal fluctuation and the seasonality of the primary consumers is not thought to be related to food abundance. However there is some evidence of seasonality of reproduction in N. maculosa which preys on the seasonally reproducing bivalves.  相似文献   

Abstract. Coastal benthic communities in soft-bottom deposits of a restricted area were studied by seasonal sampling at nine stations. Faunal assemblages at three different depths were consistently different and exhibited a seasonal pattern of abundance and diversity. Multivariate statistical analyses suggest that each community structure is very similar during the three summer samplings; in autumn and winter many causes of disturbance can disrupt this structure, which is reconstituted the following summer. The stability of benthic communities in this physically variable environment is discussed and a "cyclic" adjustment mechanism of stability is proposed to explain the dynamics of the benthos in this area.  相似文献   

Abstract. The serpulid polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (F auvel , 1923) builds huge aggregates in the "Sacca del Canarin", a brackish inlet of the Po River Delta (Italy). Distribution, structure and development of these 'reefs'. together with their associated biota, were studied by field observations and settlement panels from 1977 to 1979. Some aspects of the serpulid biology (settlement periods, tube growth, life strategy) were also taken into account. Ficopomatus reefs influence in many ways the brackish-water ecosystem: they form the main hard substrate; are major sediment source; help in regulating the trophic status of the lagoon; and act as refuge for many invertebrate species.  相似文献   

In recent decades wetlands associated with the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain) have undergone several hydrological and biological changes as a consequence of increased water inputs from agricultural drainage off the watershed. Changes in the vegetal communities were studied by means of supervised classification of Landsat images, and TM and ETM+ sensors during the period 1984–2000, and a series of land cover maps was created. Changes in the wetland area during this period were analysed and a good fit was found with the total area of irrigated lands in the watershed. The series of land cover maps also allowed the study of the internal composition of the vegetal communities in each wetland. Important changes were detected, with an expansion of reedbeds and a significant reduction in the area occupied by priority habitats according to the Habitats Directive.  相似文献   

Abstract. A four-year oceanographic data set from the Northern Adriatic Sea identified the factors favoring development of the nanoplankton or microplankton components of the phytoplankton crop. Latitudinally atypical summer nanoplankton blooms, perhaps of recent origin, develop under vertically stratified conditions in the presence of high nutrient concentrations (including silicates). Including the summer blooms, the nanoplankton were responsible for more than half the total phytoplankton production about 90% of the time. No single mechanism governed phytoplankton cell size or size succession, but rather a number of mechanisms which were not mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

The Northern Adriatic Sea is a shallow and very flat shelf area located between the northern Apennines, the southern Alps and the Dinarides; its present day physiography is the result of the filling of a relatively deep Quaternary foredeep basin, developed due to the northeastward migration of the Apennine chain. Multichannel seismic profiles and well data have allowed documenting the stratigraphic architecture, the depositional systems and the physiographic evolution of the Northern Adriatic sea since early Pliocene time. In particular, three main depositional sequences bounded by regional unconformities were recognized. The Zanclean Sequence 1 documents first the drowning of late Messinian incised valleys and then the southward progradation of a shelf-slope system, which is inferred to be related to a tectonic phase of the Apenninic front. The Piacenzian-Gelasian Sequence 2 records a relatively rapid transgressive episode followed by minor southward progradation; the top of the sequence is associated with a major late Gelasian drowning event, linked to the NE-ward migration of the Apennine foredeep. The Calabrian to upper Pleistocene Sequence 3 testifies the infilling of accommodation previously created by the late Gelasian drowning event, and it initially accumulated in deep-water settings and then in shallow-water to continental settings. The upper part of Sequence 3, consisting of the paleo-Po deltaic system, is composed of seven high-frequency sequences inferred to record late Quaternary glacio-eustatic changes. These high-frequency sequences document the stepwise filling of the remaining accommodation, resulting in the development of the modern shelf.  相似文献   

The decoupling of trophic interactions could be one of the severe consequences of climate warming in aquatic systems. The timing of phytoplankton blooms, in particular, can affect competition within the plankton community as well as food-web interactions with zooplankton and fish. Using long-term data from Helgoland Roads in the southern North Sea, we examine diatom seasonality, using three representative diatom species combined with environmental and copepod time series over the last four decades. The long-term annual abundances of Guinardia delicatula, Thalassionema nitzschioides and Odontella aurita exhibited interannual variations and dissimilar cyclic patterns during the time period under study (1962-2008). Of the three diatoms, G. delicatula showed a significant trend towards earlier bloom timings for 1962-2008 and a later decline of its abundance over time was found. Grazing and water transparency explained most of the bloom timing fluctuations of the diatoms considered. The annual timing of occurrences of each diatom species was correlated with their preceding concentrations. Earlier bloom timings occurred when autumn/winter concentrations were higher than average and later bloom timings occurred when autumn/winter concentrations were lower than average. Different environmental and predation variables related to the diatom bloom timings were found suggesting that climate warming might not affect the onset of the blooms of the three diatom species in the same manner. The results of the multiple linear regression analyses showed that the timings of decline of the three diatoms were mainly correlated with decreasing nutrient concentrations. Sunshine duration could prolong the duration of the blooms of T. nitzschioides and O. aurita provided that enough nutrients were available. In the case of G. delicatula, however, sunshine duration was negatively correlated with its end of the growth period. G. delicatula and T. nitzschioides showed later decreases in abundances under warmer spring and summer temperatures. Such species specific differences in the sensitivity to the forcing variables could lead to shifts in community structure and could ultimately have wider implications to the overall ecosystem health of the North Sea.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a three-dimensional hydrodynamical numerical model of the Northern Adriatic. The model is based on the approach of N.S. Heaps in which the integral transformations are used to reproduce the vertical distribution of velocity. The model is applied to reproduce the wind-induced motion in the Northern Adriatic during winter. Hydrographic, sea level and current data collected during the MEDALPEX are used to verify the model predictions. Analysis of the empirical data suggests that the bura wind induces the most pronounced, although transient, contribution to the Northern Adriatic current field. The model predictions clearly show the controlling influence of a shallower bottom along the Italian coast. The model to data comparison suggests for the eddy viscosity coefficient value an order of magnitude lower than expected from literature data. The quadratic law for bottom friction and wind-stress curl have been identified as possible improvements of the model.  相似文献   

Abstract. In 1997, Artegiani et al. depicted for the first time the seasonal climatology of the Adriatic Sea; they used the ATOS data set, formed by 5540 oceanographic stations sampled over this continental basin from 1911 to 1980. Lately, two Italian institutes working on the Adriatic Sea for long time, IBM and IRPEM, merged their recent data sets for the northernmost part of the basin. This yielded 3600 new oceanographic stations, concentrated in an area where 809 ATOS stations were located. The new data were quality checked, and then a seasonal climatology was drawn up as a first analysis step. The new climatology differed significantly from the ATOS results; this could be explained, at least partially, by the climatic changes that have occurred on this area. For example, air temperature increased significantly over northern Italy starting from 1988. Variations of the observed air temperature and Po River runoff qualitatively agree with sea surface temperature and salinity variations. A preliminary computation of heat fluxes based on ECMWF reanalysis confirms an increased heat flux to the Northern Adriatic Sea starting from 1988.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic properties of phytoplankton populations as related to physical–chemical variations on small temporal and spatial scales and to phytoplankton size structure and pigment spectra were investigated in the Northern Adriatic Sea off the Po River delta in late winter 1997. Large diatoms (fucoxanthin) dominated the phytoplankton in the coastal area whereas small phytoflagellates (mainly 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, chlorophyll b, 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin) occurred outside the front. The front was defined by the steep gradient in density in the surface layer separating low-salinity coastal waters from the offshore waters.Physical features of the area strongly influenced phytoplankton biomass distributions, composition and size structure. After high volumes of Po River discharge several gyres and meanders occurred in the area off the river delta in February. Decreasing river discharge and the subsequent disappearance of the gyres and the spreading dilution of the river plume was observed in March. The dynamic circulation of February resulted in high photosynthetic capacity of the abundant phytoplankton population (>3.40 mg m−3). In March, the slow circulation and an upper low-salinity water layer, segregated from the deeper layers, resulted in lack of renewal of this water mass. The huge phytoplankton biomass, up to 15.77 mg chl a m−3, became nutrient depleted and showed low photosynthetic capacity. In February, an exceptionally high PmaxB, 20.11 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 was recorded in the Po River plume area and average PmaxB was three-fold in February as compared to the March recordings, 10.50 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1 and 3.22 mg C (mg chl a)−1 h−1, respectively.The extreme variability and values of phytoplankton biomass in the innermost plume area was not always reflected in primary production. Modeling of circulation patterns and water mass resilience in the area will help to predict phytoplankton response and biomass distributions. In the frontal area, despite a considerable variability in environmental conditions, our findings have shown that the phytoplankton assemblages will compensate for nutrient depression and hydrographic constraints, by means of size and taxonomic composition and, as a result, the variability in the photosynthetic capacity was much less pronounced than that observed for other parameters.  相似文献   

Chiara  Welker Paola  Nichetto 《Marine Ecology》1996,17(1-3):473-489
Abstract. An extended reappearance of mumus aggregates in the Northern Adriatic Sea in 1991 gave rise to the hypothesis of a possible influence of the mucus, settled on the bottom, on benthic flora and fauna.
This work investigates the variations in the microphytobenthic community in three stations of the Gulf of Trieste (AA1, AA2, AA3) during 1991, when mucous aggregates were present, and during the two following years, when no such aggregates were observed.
Water samples were collected by N iskin bottle in the bottom layer for nutrient analysis, and sediment samples were collected by divers. The diatom species and cell densities were determined under an inverted microscope. All the data were processed with the aim to evaluate community composition and possible relations with the presence of mucous aggregates in 1991.
The results showed a general decrease of benthic diatoms from 1991 to 1993, both in quality and quantity, for all the investigated sites. Statistical analyses on microphytobenthos, hydrological parameters, and nutrient concentrations indicated differences among the considered years. The microphytobenthic community in summer 1991 appeared to be quite different from those of the other years. The density of benthic diatoms was apparently not correlated with nutrient availability in the bottom layer, but was rather influenced by changes in temperature.
The presence of a dense microphytobenthic community in 1991 might be explained by a combination of adequate conditions related to the presence of mucous aggregates, including a more undisturbed substratum caused by the interruption of dredging, decreased grazing pressure due to a declined filtering capacity of epifauna, and nutrient-rich sediment for extra nutrient disposal remineralized at the mucus-sediment interface. The mucilage aggregates therefore apparently stimulated the microphytobenthic community, in contrast to the effects on the benthic macrofauna, which were perturbed by the mucus.  相似文献   

Abstract. A three-year set of data from six stations is analysed in order to monitor the environmental quality by use of macrobenthos in addition to chemical data. The communities differ along the depth gradient and no seasonal cycle is evident. Stronger temporal differences in community composition are evident when examining a four-year cycle at one of the stations in connection with an improvement of environmental parameters.  相似文献   

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