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四川地区早志留世岩相古地理   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
四川地区早志留世沉积岩系形成于晚奥陶世-早志留世的前陆盆地演化阶段。早志留世龙马溪期主要为局限的深水陆棚环境。小河坝期表现为浅水陆棚的扩展和深水陆棚的萎缩,沉积分异作用加剧,呈现出碳酸盐台地、浅水陆棚、深水陆棚共存的古地理格局。韩家店期主要为潮坪-浅水陆棚沉积。早志留世四川地区表现为沉积盆地充填变浅和海退式的演化趋势,具多物源的混合型陆棚沉积性质,沉积体系展布和沉积演化主要受包括黔中古隆起在内的前陆隆起带的NW方向扩展作用控制。有利储集体的发育主要取决于沉积环境,浅海砂坝和碳酸盐台地边缘相是有利的储集相带,如川东地区的“小河坝砂岩”和川南及川北地区发育的生物礁灰岩。  相似文献   

志留系在黔西的分布范围很小,已知仅限于赫章县境内。赫章的志留系发育不全,由于缺少古生 物证据,其具体时代长期难以肯定。最近在赫章草子坪志留系中发现腕足动物、三叶虫和双壳类化石群。腕足 类研究结果显示,它应属于小莱采贝动物群(Retziella Fauna) 和新建立的Nikiforovaena Retziella组合。该化石层 下伏紫红色泥岩地层。这段近岸、浅水、杂色碎屑岩层在岩性上与滇东曲靖的关底组类同,可部分对比,推测 其时代为罗德洛世晚期(Late Ludlow),但不宜另立新名,仍称关底组为好。在讨论关底组含义之后,笔者赞同 取消岳家山组的意见。对赫章志留系具体时代的确定使对华南志留纪晚期岩相古地理的传统认识得到修正,罗 德洛世晚期的海侵从滇东的曲靖地区扩大到黔西的赫章一带。  相似文献   

Ostracod from the upper Lower to Middle Devonian rocks of the Argentine Precordillera Basin (Talacasto and Punta Negra formations) are studied. One new genus Pircawayra nov. gen., and five species (including three new: Pircawayra gigantea nov. gen. and sp., Lapazites trinodis nov. sp. and Keslingiella? teresae nov. sp.) are defined. The recorded ostracod fauna closely resembles that coeval from Bolivia and South Africa, exhibiting a remarkable endemism, not only at the genus level, but also at the species level. In addition to its low-diversity, the Malvinokaffric ostracod association is also characterized by having large, thick, coarsely ornamented and swollen valves. The similar ostracod composition from the Andean and South African basins suggests faunal exchange between these two areas. Based on the ostracod faunas, the Malvinokaffric Realm is clearly recognizable at least up to the Middle Devonian.  相似文献   

川南下志留统龙马溪组页岩岩相表征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
页岩岩相表征是页岩气地质评价和选层、选区的基础性研究工作。本文以露头和钻井资料为基础,依据岩矿、薄片、地化和测井资料,建立了海相页岩岩相划分方法,对川南上奥陶统五峰组下志留统龙马溪组主要岩相进行了精细表征,并形成4点认识:(1)应用岩石矿物三端员法+沉积微相划分页岩岩相类型及其组合,是开展海相页岩岩相表征的有效方法;(2)川南五峰组龙马溪组页岩发育6种岩相类型和3种典型岩相组合,其中硅质页岩和钙质硅质混合页岩是(半)深水环境的特有岩相,黏土质页岩和黏土质钙质混合页岩是半深水浅水环境的主要岩相,黏土质硅质混合页岩是浅水深水环境下的共有岩相;(3)随着水体由深变浅和水动力条件逐渐增强以及陆源物质输入量增大,不同成因岩相组合的页岩矿物成分、基质组构、古生物和有机质富集程度、测井响应等基本特征均发生重大变化;(4)受海平面变化控制,主力产层为深水陆棚沉积的硅质页岩、钙质硅质混合页岩和黏土质硅质混合页岩组合,产层顶板为半深水浅水陆棚沉积的黏土质页岩、黏土质硅质混合页岩和黏土质钙质混合页岩组合;前者因富含硅质和有机质,具有良好的脆性和物性,是形成页岩气产层的优质岩相;后者因富含黏土和贫有机质,脆性和渗透性差,是形成页岩气藏区域封盖层的优质岩相;两者自下而上构成良好的自封自储型储盖组合。  相似文献   

Assemblages of foraminifers, ostracods and molluscs from temperate Ipswichian Stage (last temperate stage) sediments and overlying cold Devensian Stage (last cold stage) sediments at Somersham in the southern Fenland of Cambridgeshire have been analysed. The Ipswichian sediments contain faunas consistent with temperate brackish water conditions under tidal influence. The Devensian assemblages were recovered from a series of sands and gravels laterally accreting in a channel cutting into Ipswichian sediments. In contrast to the Ipswichian faunas, the faunas of particular Devensian samples show a complex mixture of temperate freshwater, brackish and marine taxa. The molluscs are mainly freshwater, with few land snails; they occur together with foraminifers and ostracods. Freshwater, brackish water and marine ostracods are present with foraminifers. A sample of Devensian fine laminated sediment in the channel was analysed for pollen; only abundant pre-Quaternary spores were present, with abundant foraminifers in the same sample. The taphonomy of the assemblages and the difficulties of their interpretation in environmental terms are discussed. The importance of taphonomy in assessing environments, climate, range of taxa and dating is stressed.  相似文献   

The Lower Yangtze is considered as a potentially productive shale gas area in China, but only limited research has thus far been carried out there. On the basis of a detailed investigation of fourteen outcrops, eight lithofacies in the Hetang Formation (510–541 Ma), the Gaojiabian Formation (430–443.4 Ma), the Gufeng Formation (270–281 Ma) and the Dalong Formation (252–263 Ma) have been identified: silicalite, siliceous non‐calcareous mudstone, siliceous shale, carbonaceous shale, calcareous mudstone, silty–shaly interlaminated mudstone, siltstone and limestone. Three types of fossils were also found in the four formations: sponge spicules, radiolarians and graptolites. Moreover, four key outcrops of the fourteen were suitable for more additional detailed analyses and interpretation of their depositional environments and plausible sequence of the stratigraphic system tracts. As a result, the four potential shale gas formations were all divided into third‐order sea‐level sequences. Every third‐order sequence was further divided into four system tracts, corresponding to an early transgressive system tract (ETST), a late transgressive system tract (LTST), an early highstand system tract (EHST) and a late highstand system tract (LHST). On the basis of the interpretation of the lithofacies and depositional environments in the western area of the Lower Yangtze, sediments can be related to hydrothermal and biological processes, terrigenous clastic input and calcium compensation. These processes were interpreted to occur in a sequential order that we divide into three stages. The ETST period was the first stage, in which hydrothermal upwelling from the open ocean produced a siliceous lithological combination. During the second stage corresponding to the LTST + EHST, our results suggest that some biological communities in the stable deep water provided plenty of organic‐rich matter. The LHST period was the third stage, in which terrigenous clastic material was deposited close to the land, and some carbonate sediments began appearing near the platform. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目前对优势页岩岩相的划分尚缺乏明确的标准.另外,合理连接不同孔隙测试方法的结果,实现页岩的全孔径孔隙结构定量化表征,成为现阶段亟待解决的关键问题.基于页岩的有机质丰度和矿物组分建立了岩相划分方案,查明了渝东南下志留统龙马溪组页岩发育硅质页岩、混合质页岩和粘土质页岩3类,根据有机质丰度将每类页岩细分为富、含和贫有机质等共计9种岩相,在此基础上开展了低压N2吸附和高压压汞实验.研究区龙马溪组中富有机质页岩孔径呈现多峰分布特征,主要孔径峰值位于2~3nm、70~90nm和200~300nm,页岩的孔体积主要来源于中孔(2~0nm)和宏孔(>0nm),比表面积主要来自中孔和微孔( < 2nm);对于孔体积贡献,微孔最高可占12%,中孔占3%,宏孔占2%.对于孔面积贡献,微孔最高占47%,中孔占7%,宏孔占11%.随着粘土矿物含量升高,在200~400nm范围内孔体积显著升高.中孔和宏孔贡献了超过90%的孔体积,微孔和中孔贡献了超过90%的比表面积.富有机质硅质页岩微孔比例高,对比表面积贡献高,孔体积和比表面积最大,有利于页岩气富集,是最有利的页岩岩相.   相似文献   

The Silurian of Gotland, Sweden, consists of 440 m of carbonate deposits. Repeatedly, uniform sequences of micritic limestones and marls are interrupted by complex-structured reefs and by adjacent platform sediments. Generally, the alteration of facies is interpreted as the result of sea-level fluctuations caused by a gradual regression with superimposed minor transgressive pulses. The purpose of this study is a facies interpretation based on both field observations and stable isotope measurements of brachiopod shells. Approximately 700 samples from stratigraphically arranged localities in different facies areas have been investigated. The carbon and oxygen isotopes show principally parallel curves and a close relationship to the stratigraphic sequence. Lower values occur in periods dominated by deposition of marly sequences. Higher values are observed in periods dominated by reefs and extended carbonate platforms. The oxygen isotope ratios are interpreted to reflect paleosalinity changes due to varying freshwater input, rather than to paleotemperature. Carbon isotope ratios are believed to have been connected to global changes in the burial of organic carbon in black shales during periods of euxinic deep water conditions. Consequently, the facies succession on Gotland results from global paleoclimatic conditions. Changes in terrigenous input due to different rates of weathering and freshwater runoff, rather than sea-level fluctuations, control the carbonate formation of the Silurian on Gotland.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses applied to Pleistocene bivalve assemblages from the Oga Peninsula (northern Japan) discriminate three distinct assemblages. The assemblages and their taphonomy were used to recognize environmental settings and changes. The AstarteCyclocardiaGlycymeris assemblage indicates shelf environment (below the storm wave base) where gravels and shells are transported from shallower settings. Supply of the exotic coarse sediment probably enabled epifaunal bivalves to inhabit the sea floor. The Glycymeris assemblage is characterized by dominance of G. yessoensis and represents current-swept shoreface environment (above the storm wave base). The Moerella assemblage is characterized by bivalves inhabiting bay to open-marine conditions and diverse deposit-feeders, indicating a moderately land-locked environment, such as an open bay or a bay mouth. Fine-grained substrata rich in organic matters in the bay were probably suitable for the deposit-feeders. Ordination also shows the assemblages along two environmental gradients, a bathymetrical one and the other related to open-marine and bay conditions. The environmental changes are explained mainly by glacio-eustatic sea-level changes and alternation of coastal geomorphology caused by local crustal movements. This study also suggests that fossil assemblages can be a powerful tool to reconstruct environments and depositional dynamics even in intensely bioturbated sedimentary facies.  相似文献   

Based on progress in stratigraphic and paleontological studies, we discuss the subdivision of Late Mesozoic strata in western Liaoning, focusing on the controversies surrounding the relationship of the Jiufotang and Shahai formations, and whether or not the Zhanglaogongtun and Banlashan formations exist as distinct lithologic units. We describe the Late Mesozoic strata at representative sections associated with the new discoveries. We also discuss the correlation of Late Mesozoic strata between western Liaoning and eastern Heilongjiang and their implications for the ages of the strata in Liaoning.  相似文献   


The mid‐Silurian Major Mitchell Sandstone of the Grampians Group outcrops at Mt Bepcha, western Victoria, represent a prograding fluviodeltaic sequence comprising four lithofacies and five ichnofacies. The stratigraphically lowest Interbedded Sandstone/Siltstone Facies is characterised by thin sandstone and siltstone beds with soft‐sediment deformation and scours with gravelly lag deposits. This lithofacies contains Thalassinoides, Palaeophycus, Rhizocorallium and intrastratal burrows, together indicative of the Cruziana Ichnofacies, and is interpreted as a shallow‐marine depositional environment on a low‐energy delta front with minor tidal influences. The overlying Massive Sandstone Facies lacks silt, and consists of predominantly massive and some plane‐laminated sandstone, abundant Skolithos linearis , rare Palaeophycus and a single small Cruziana problematica ; the trace‐fossil assemblage is assigned to the Skolithos Ichnofacies. This facies is believed to have been deposited in a marine high‐energy shoreface environment with continuously shifting sands, affected by periodic flooding events from the mouth of a nearby river. Above this is the Trough Cross‐bedded Facies, which contains trough cross‐bedding with gravelly lag deposits, a northwest palaeocurrent direction and large Taenidium barretti burrows (Burrowed Ichnofacies). This facies also contains abundant plane‐laminated sandstone with a northeast‐southwest palaeocurrent direction and ichnofossils of Scoyenia and Daedalus , representing the Scoyenia Ichnofacies. The Trough Cross‐bedded Facies is interpreted to have been deposited in shallow low‐sinuosity channels by overbank‐flooding events, most likely on a delta plain. The uppermost facies, the Plane‐laminated Facies, contains thin beds of current‐lineated, plane‐laminated graded coarse to fine sandstone that preserve arthropod trackways (Arthropod Ichnofacies). This facies was deposited on a periodically sheet‐flooded, subaerially exposed delta plain.  相似文献   

鲁西豫东地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层是重要的石油和地下热水储集层。受限于基础地质资料,前人对鲁西豫东地区奥陶系层序划分存在争议,缺少对岩相古地理演化的精细刻画。为明确奥陶系层序地层特征与各期岩相古地理演化特征,通过对鲁西豫东地区周缘野外地质剖面考察、19口井岩心观察以及测井曲线特征分析,在层序地层格架内,对奥陶纪岩相古地理展布及其演化特征进行了研究。结果表明,根据层序界面类型和最大海泛面发育位置,研究区奥陶系可划分为SSQ1-SSQ2共2个二级层序和SQ1-SQ4共4个三级层序; 沉积相类型为海相碳酸盐岩台地,包括局限台地、开阔台地和蒸发台地3种亚相,并进一步细分为灰坪、颗粒滩、泥灰坪、灰-云坪、云坪、潟湖、含膏云坪和膏云坪8种沉积微相; 岩相古地理单元整体表现出陆表海的沉积建造特征,各期旋回性沉积为储集层叠置发育奠定了物质基础,云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、颗粒滩微相易于形成有利储集空间,是区域地热资源勘探开发的重点领域。  相似文献   

太原西山七里沟晚古生代腕足动物群落及其古环境意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太原西山七里沟晚古生代剖面含有丰富的腕足动物化石,共可识别出13个底栖生物群落。个体生态、行为习性、群落结构和岩性、岩相组合特征的研究表明,这些群落的生态位介于BA1-BA3之间。控制腕足动物群落分布和相互取代的最主要因素是相对海平面变化。由于海平面升、降变化的速度、幅度和持续时间的不同,群落之间的这种相互更替既有突变的,也有渐变的,既可以发生在不同的旋回之间,也可以发生在同一个海水进、退旋回内。根据这些底栖生物群落生态位所显示的水深变化和剖面相序结构,该剖面本溪期至山西期共经历了11次海水进、退旋回,其中以庙沟期海侵规模最大,最大估水深10-20m,毛儿沟下灰岩与庙沟灰岩均为这一旋回的产物。  相似文献   

Agricultural practices have been intensified in recent decades in Argentina. The Pampa plain is the main agricultural region of the country. The effect of increased application of agrochemicals on the invertebrate fauna of the Pampasic streams remains unreported. In the present study, we compared the abundance and composition of invertebrate assemblages in seven Pampasic streams with contrasting soil use in their basins. Two streams run through intensively cropped plots, two drain basins with livestock fields, while the other three are located within a biosphere Reserve. Higher nutrient and insecticide concentrations were measured in the streams draining cropped basins, related with pesticide applications and crop fertilization. The invertebrate assemblage composition of the cropped streams differed significantly from the others and between the two. Present evidence suggests that the impact of agrochemicals results in a change in composition with decreased abundance or absence of sensitive species such as Hyalellidae, Caenidae, Baetidae and Curculionidae and increased abundance of more tolerant taxa: Ostracoda, Glossiphoniidae (Hirudinea), Ancylidae (Gundlanchia), Ampullariidae (Pomacea canaliculata), Sphaeriidae and Dugesiidae. Available information suggests that macrophyte cover and composition also influence the invertebrate assemblages of the Pampasic streams.  相似文献   

The Cerro Durazno Pluton belongs to a suite of Paleozoic granitoid intrusions in NW-Argentina, that are central for understanding the tectonic setting of the western margin of Gondwana in Ordovician and Silurian times. The pluton and its host rocks were tectonically overprinted by metamorphic mineral shape fabrics formed under middle greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions and associated with the nearby Agua Rosada Shear Zone. Kinematic analysis of the shear zone based on the geometric relationship between individual segments of the shear plane and principal axes of mineral fabric ellipsoids indicates reverse-sense of shear with a minor component of left-lateral displacement. This is compatible with the kinematics of other ductile deformation zones in this area, collectively forming a network, which accomplished orogen-parallel extension in addition to vertical thickening. Using the Rb–Sr isotopic system, an undeformed pegmatite dike of the Cerro Durazno Pluton was dated at 455.8 ± 3.6 Ma and mineral fabrics of the Agua Rosada Shear Zone formed at middle greenschist-facies metamorphism gave deformation ages of 437.0 ± 3.8 Ma and 428.4 ± 4.5 Ma. Thus, tectonic overprint at low metamorphic grade occurred about 20–30 Ma after terminal magmatism in the Cerro Durazno area. Our data from the Cerro Durazno area and regional considerations suggest that the western margin of Gondwana was characterized by orogen-parallel extension in addition to crustal thickening as well as episodes of magmatism and ductile deformation that varied greatly in time and space.  相似文献   

Lakes are key sites for studying paleoclimates. Llancanelo Lake (southern Mendoza Province, western Argentina) is an endoreic, highly saline water body located in the southern extreme of a tectonic basin, the Central or Huarpes Depression. The lake is located between the Andean Cordillera, San Rafael Block and Payenia Volcanic Field. The lake evolved as a major regional depocenter during the Pliocene-Quaternary, hence it contains important thicknesses of intra and extra basinal clastic and evaporitic sediments mainly dominated by volcaniclastic products. The main conditioning factors in the lake evolution were arc and back-arc volcanism as well as climatic changes. Geomorphological and sedimentary evidence supports the hypothesis that the lake was in past times larger than in present days. This paper estimates the lake’s former extension on the western lacustrine plain using electromagnetic induction (EMI) and geoelectricity (Multielectrode Resistivity Meter) surveys, as well as shallow wells, along an 8 km long transect perpendicular to the lake’s western shoreline. The geophysical and sedimentological information, as well as microfaunal studies, lab analysis and petrographic/EDAX determinations, support the presence, in the subsoil, of a lacustrine sequence at least 30 m thick composed mainly of volcaniclastic sediments. Volcanic eruptions and climatic changes influenced the evolution of the lake, producing intercalations in the lacustrine sedimentary sequences of ash layers, evaporites, soils, and eolian and swamp deposits.  相似文献   

中奥陶世克里摩里期,鄂尔多斯西部地区为镶边陆架的碳酸盐岩台地,自东向西依次发育开阔台地、台地边缘浅滩、台缘斜坡—斜坡脚、广海陆棚和深水海槽相带,从浅水区经由碎屑流搬运来的块状钙质角砾岩在台缘斜坡—斜坡脚相带集中堆积,形成厚度不等的透镜体夹于正常深水灰泥石灰岩和泥岩中。乌拉力克期发生较大规模构造运动,盆地东部整体抬升,西部边缘发生裂陷,沉积范围以同生正断层为界,随着海平面的上升沉积环境演变为相对闭塞的深水斜坡—盆地,沉积一套富含笔石的泥页岩地层,并不时有陆源克里摩里组垮塌的石灰岩沉积物被带入盆地,形成数量不等的多套角砾岩夹层。  相似文献   

The Luni river basin has been evolved as a result of typical hydrogeomorphic processes of arid zone, operating under the influence of active tectonic lineaments. A detailed analysis of stream morphology in relation to geology and lineaments carried out on selected windows indicated the morphological control of the streams while flowing over the lineaments from the eastern to the western part of the basin. Typical valley fills indicated by dark green tone on digitally processed images and the pediments showing greenish white tone appear in sharp contrast and indicate respectively the graben and horst structures. A detailed identification of lineaments for the georesources and geological evaluation has been carried out. Earlier analysis carried out on Bouguer anomalies correlate with graben and horst structures in the subsurface. Quaternary sequences have been dated from 80 ka to 3 ka indicating a range of fluvial to aeolian deposits reflecting prevailing climatic conditions. However, the changes in sediment type from coarse and mixed of all size grades to fine in a vertical litho-column warrant further studies on fine resolution stratigraphy and high resolution stratigraphy for understanding climatic variations in the region  相似文献   

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