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Due to various decay processes associated with weathering, the stability of artificial slopes in weak rocks may be affected well within their envisaged engineering lifetime. Conceptually, the decay following the initial stress release after excavation can be described as a process seeking equilibrium between weathering and erosion. The extent to which such an equilibrium is actually reached influences the outcome of the weathering‐erosion decay process as well as the effects that the decay has on the geotechnical properties of the exposed rock mass, and thus ultimately the stability of slopes affected by erosion and weathering. This paper combines two conceptual models for erosion and weathering, and derives a numerical model which predicts the resulting slope development. This can help to predict the development of a slope profile excavated in a weak rock in time, and can be extended with the addition of strength parameters to the weathering profile to enable prediction of slope stability as a function of time. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key issue in the study of the carbon cycle is constraining the stocks and fluxes in and between C‐reservoirs. Among these, the role and importance of fossil organic carbon (FOC) release by weathering of outcropping sedimentary rocks on continental surfaces is still debated and remains poorly constrained. Our work focuses on FOC fluxes due to chemical and mechanical weathering of marls in two experimental watersheds with typical badlands geomorphology (Draix watersheds, Laval and Moulin, Alpes de Haute Provence, France). Organic matter from bedrock, soil litter and riverine particles are characterized by Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis. FOC fluxes due to mechanical weathering are then estimated by monitoring the annual particulate solid exports at the outlets of the watersheds (1985–2005 period). FOC fluxes from chemical weathering were calculated using Ca2+ concentrations in dissolved loads (year 2002) to assess the amount of FOC released by the dissolution of the carbonate matrix. Results show that FOC delivery is mainly driven by mechanical weathering, with a yield ranging from 30 to 59 t km‐2 yr‐1 in the Moulin (0.08 km2) and Laval (0.86 km2) catchments, respectively, (1985–2005 average). The release of FOC attributed to chemical weathering was 2.2 to 4.2 t km‐2 for the year 2002. These high FOC fluxes from badlands are similar to those observed in tectonically active mountain catchments. At a regional scale, badland outcropping within the Durance watershed does not exceed 0.25% in area of the Rhône catchment, but could annually deliver 12 000 t yr‐1 of FOC. This flux could correspond to 27% of the total particulate organic carbon (POC) load exported by the Rhône River to the Mediterranean Sea. At a global scale, our findings suggest that erosion of badlands may contribute significantly to the transfer of FOC from continental surfaces to depositional environments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence for strong biochemical weathering of basaltic outcrops induced by fungal communities in a cold environment. Weathering rind formation is considered to be a consequence of the biological activity. Comparisons between in vitro experiments and in situ observations allow a characterization of fungal effects on rocks and help to define the place of these micro‐organisms in the cold environment weathering chain. It is concluded that biological weathering is chronologically the first process of weathering, probably leading to the subsequent expression of cryogenic processes. Information presented here suggests the need for reconsideration of the traditional frost‐driven morphogenetic system normally considered for subpolar areas. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in land use are common in Mediterranean areas and are reported as having produced changes in the intensity of soil erosion. Dehesas are rangelands with a disperse tree cover, widespread in the south-western part of the Iberian Peninsula and similar ecosystems are also common in other areas with a Mediterranean climate. The aim of the present study is to analyse temporal and spatial variations of soil erosion rates estimated along three hillsides, located in two farms (Buitrera and Parapuños) in southwest Spain. To understand the temporal variation, soil erosion rates were studied in light of land use-management changes that took place during the last few centuries. Results indicate very low erosion rates prior to the 18th century in both farms. In Buitrera, a first increase of soil loss rates was identified during the period 1831-1897, amounting to 7.4 t ha-1 y-1. A further increase took place during the 20th century, reaching a mean erosion rate of 29.1 t ha-1 y-1. In Parapuños, data points to a significant increase from 1881 onwards, with an estimated mean erosion rate of 18.5 t ha-1 y-1. Those increases were presumably connected with an intensification of land use, such as cultivation and excessive livestock populations. Regarding spatial variation, the bare surface and the erosive power of run-off along the hillsides accounts for 76% of the soil erosion rates dispersion. At a local scale, the variability of erosion rates could not be explained, because of (i) uncertainty related to the micromorphology of the past soil surface and (ii) the role of tillage erosion in the past. However, the results obtained offer valuable data on the temporal and spatial variation of erosion rates in dehesas at the hillslope scale and a similar approach could be used for other rangelands with a disperse tree cover. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms relating to hydrological regulations of chemical weathering processes and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) behaviours, high-frequency sampling campaigns and associated analyses were conducted in the Yu River, South China. Hydrological variability modifies the biogeochemical processes of dissolved solutes, so major ions display different behaviours in response to discharge change. Most ions become diluted with increasing discharge because of the shortened reactive time between rock and water under high-flow conditions. Carbonate weathering is the main source of major ions, which shows strong chemostatic behaviour in response to changes in discharge. Ions from silicate weathering exhibit a significant dilution effect relative to the carbonate-sourced ions. Under high temperatures, the increased soil CO2 influx from the mineralisation of organic material shifts the negative carbon isotope ratios of DIC (δ13CDIC) during the high-flow season. The δ13CDIC values show a higher sensitivity than DIC contents in response to various hydrological conditions. Results from a modified isotope-mixing model (IsoSource) demonstrate that biological carbon is a dominant source of DIC and plays an important role in temporal carbon dynamics. Furthermore, this study provides insights into chemical weathering processes and carbon dynamics, highlighting the significant influence of hydrological variability to aid understanding of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

This work relates to the debate on the fossil organic carbon (FOC) input in modern environments and its possible implication for the carbon cycle, and suggests the use of Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis as a relevant tool for tracking FOC in such environments. Considering that such a delivery is mainly due to supergene processes affecting the continental surface, we studied organic matter in different reservoirs such as bedrocks, alterites, soils and rivers in two experimental catchments at Draix (Alpes de Haute Provence, France). Samples were subjected to geochemical (Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis) investigations and artificial bacterial degradations. After comparing the geochemical fingerprint of samples, geochemical markers of FOC were defined and tracked in the different reservoirs. Our results confirm the contribution of FOC in modern soils and rivers and display the various influences of weathering and erosional processes on the fate of FOC during its exchange between these pools. In addition, the contrasting behaviour of these markers upon the supergene processes has also highlighted the refractory or labile characters of the fossil organic matter (FOM). Bedrock to river fluxes, controlled by gully erosion, are characterized by a qualitative and quantitative preservation of FOM. Bedrock to alterite fluxes, governed by chemical weathering, are characterized by FOC mineralization without qualitative changes in deeper alterites. Alterite to soils fluxes, controlled by (bio)chemical weathering, are characterized by strong FOC mineralization and qualitative changes of FOM. Thus weathering and erosional processes induce different FOM evolution and affect the fate of FOC towards the global carbon cycle. In this study, gully erosion would involve maintenance of an ancient sink for the global carbon cycle, while (bio)chemical processes provide a source of CO2. Finally, this study suggests that Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis can be considered as a relevant tool for tracking FOC in modern environments. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Total suspended sediment (TSS) data for 1960–1970 and from recent investigations (1990–2000) are used to evaluate the variability in sediment yield of the Sanaga catchment (Cameroon) and the equivalent rates of erosion. At the annual and seasonal time scales, total suspended sediment concentrations for the Mbam sub-catchment are three to four times higher than for the Sanaga basin, reflecting the higher sensitivity of the former to erosion. Classical clockwise hysteresis loops are observed in both sub-catchments, despite a significant increase in human-induced catchment changes. At the multi-year time frame (over a 40-year period), it appears that the second half of the 1990s is marked by a downward trend in TSS. This shift is due to the control infrastructures (river impoundments and ponds) installed in certain parts of the whole catchment, combined with a drop in annual rainfall and river discharge.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Landscapes evolve in response to external forces, such as tectonics and climate, that influence surface processes of erosion and weathering. Internal feedbacks between erosion and weathering also play an integral role in regulating the landscapes response. Our understanding of these internal and external feedbacks is limited to a handful of field‐based studies, only a few of which have explicitly examined saprolite weathering. Here, we report rates of erosion and weathering in saprolite and soil to quantify how climate influences denudation, by focusing on an elevation transect in the western Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. We use an adapted mass balance approach and couple soil‐production rates from the cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) 10Be with zirconium concentrations in rock, saprolite and soil. Our approach includes deep saprolite weathering and suggests that previous studies may have underestimated denudation rates across similar landscapes. Along the studied climate gradient, chemical weathering rates peak at middle elevations (1200–2000 m), averaging 112·3 ± 9·7 t km–2 y–1 compared to high and low elevation sites (46·8 ± 5·2 t km?2 y?1). Measured weathering rates follow similar patterns with climate as those of predicted silica fluxes, modeled using an Arrhenius temperature relationship and a linear relationship between flux and precipitation. Furthermore, chemical weathering and erosion are tightly correlated across our sites, and physical erosion rates increase with both saprolite weathering rates and intensity. Unexpectedly, saprolite and soil weathering intensities are inversely related, such that more weathered saprolites are overlain by weakly weathered soils. These data quantify exciting links between climate, weathering and erosion, and together suggest that climate controls chemical weathering via temperature and moisture control on chemical reaction rates. Our results also suggest that saprolite weathering reduces bedrock coherence, leading to faster rates of soil transport that, in turn, decrease material residence times in the soil column and limit soil weathering. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Source rock lithology and immediate modifying processes, such as chemical weathering and mechanical erosion, are primary controls on fluvial sediment supply. Sand composition and Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) of parent rocks, soil and fluvial sand of the Savuto River watershed, Calabria (Italy), were used to evaluate the modifications of source rocks through different sections of the basin, characterized by different geomorphic processes, in a sub‐humid Mediterranean climate. The headwaters, with gentle topography, produce a coarse‐grained sediment load derived from deeply weathered gneiss, having sand of quartzofeldspathic composition, compositionally very different from in situ degraded bedrock. Maximum estimated CIA values suggest that source rock has been affected significantly by weathering, and it testifies to a climatic threshold on the destruction of the bedrock. The mid‐course has steeper slopes and a deeply incised valley; bedrock consists of mica‐schist and phyllite with a very thin regolith, which provides large cobble to very coarse sand sediments to the main channel. Slope instability, with an areal incidence of over 40 per cent, largely supplies detritus to the main channel. Sand‐sized detritus of soil and fluvial sand is lithic. Estimated CIA value testifies to a significant weathering of the bedrock too, even if in this part of the drainage basin steeper slopes allow erosion to exceed chemical weathering. The lower course has a braided pattern and sediment load is coarse to medium–fine grained. The river cuts across Palaeozoic crystalline rocks and Miocene siliciclastic deposits. Sand‐sized detritus, contributed from these rocks and homogenized by transport processes, has been found in the quartzolithic distal samples. Field and laboratory evidence indicates that landscape development was the result of extensive weathering during the last postglacial temperature maximum in the headwaters, and of mass‐failure and fluvial erosional processes in the mid‐ and low course. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variation of mechanical and chemical denudation is investigated using discharge and sediment yield data from the Upper Colorado River System. Annual precipitation ranges from approximately 150 mm to 1500 mm. Mean specific yield ranges from 0-2 1/s km2 ( = 6 mm p a) to 151/s km2 ( = 475 mm p a). The hydrological-geomorphological system adjusts itself to these varying climatic conditions; in some areas, however, the effects of lithology or land use seem to override the climatic controls. It is demonstrated that the increase in the absolute and particularly the relative amount of suspended sediment is closely related to a decrease in annual runoff and to an increase in the importance of high magnitude/low frequency events. This indicates that in areas of low annual runoff and high runoff variability, soluble rocks are more resistant than in more humid areas. During high magnitude/low frequency events, suspended sediment concentrations and loads are very high in semiarid areas due to sparse vegetation cover and dominance of direct runoff. Events of moderate magnitude and frequency, which in more humid areas transport most of the dissolved load, seldom occur. The trend towards increasing mechanical denudation is even observed in areas of very low runoff (0-221/s km2 = 7 mm p a). The peak of sediment yield in dry areas seems to approximate the point of no runoff very closely. Mechanical and chemical denudation are of equal importance at a runoff of about 300 mm per year.  相似文献   

Those factors controlling the weathering and erosion of sandstone on the field scale are still not well understood. In this study, a specific sandstone overhang (and its surroundings) with artificially induced and extremely high erosion rates was subjected to a complex investigation. Contrast between the erosion rate of the wet and dry portions of the same cliff enabled isolation of the factors responsible for rapid sandstone retreat. Erosion rates, moisture, and salt content, as well as suction were monitored in the field. Mineral phases and water chemistry were analyzed. The measurement of tensile strength, laboratory frost weathering tests, and numerical modeling of stress were performed. The acquired data show that an increase of moisture content in pores in the area of the studied overhang decreased tensile strength of the sandstone to 14% of its dry value, and increases the sandstone weathering and erosion rate, by nearly four orders of magnitude, compared to the same sandstone under natural moisture conditions outside of the cliff area. Consequently, frost weathering, in combination with wetting weakening was found to play a major role in weathering/erosion of the sandstone cliff and overhang. Frost weathering rate in both the laboratory and field increases up to 15 times with decreasing gravity‐induced stress. The results also indicate that sandstone landforms in temperate climates may potentially develop very rapidly if the pore space is nearly saturated with water, and will later remain relatively stable when the moisture content decreases. As a general implication, it is suggested that overhangs in Central Europe (and elsewhere) might be the result of rapid frost weathering of nearly saturated sandstone during the Last Glacial. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents new estimates of solute fluxes from five high Arctic glacier basins in Svalbard. These estimates are combined with data from two other glacier basins to assess the effectiveness of chemical denudation on Svalbard and to estimate rates of temporary (or transient) CO2 drawdown. We use a solute provenance model to partition solutes into marine, aerosol, atmospheric and crustal components and to estimate their annual fluxes. Crustally derived solute fluxes are equivalent to a mean chemical denudation rate of 350 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 for Svalbard (range: 160–560 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1), which lies within the global range of 94–4200 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 for 21 glacier basins in the northern hemisphere, and is close to the continental average of 390 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1. Specific annual discharge is the most significant control upon chemical denudation in the glacierized basins, and basin lithology is an important secondary control, with carbonate‐rich and basaltic lithologies currently showing the greatest chemical denudation rates. Estimates of transient CO2 drawdown are also directly associated with specific annual discharge and rock type. On Svalbard transient CO2 drawdown lies in the range 110–3000 kg C km−2 a−1, whilst the range is 110–13000 kg C km−2 a−1 for the northern hemisphere glacial data set. Transient CO2 drawdown is therefore usually low in the Svalbard basins unless carbonate or basalt rocks are abundant. The analysis shows that a large area of uncertainty in the transient CO2 drawdown estimates exists due to the non‐stoichiometric release of solute during silicate hydrolysis. Silicate hydrolysis is particularly non‐stoichiometric in basins where the extent of glacierization is high, which is most probably an artefact of high flushing rates through ice‐marginal and subglacial environments where K‐feldspars are undergoing mechanical comminution. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long-term data (2003–2015) on meltwater chemistry, mass balance and discharge of a benchmark glacier (Chhota Shigri Glacier, India) were studied to determine any association between these variables. To infer the factors governing the alteration of chemical weathering processes in glacierized basins, multi-annual records of the hydrochemical indices (Ca2++Mg2+/Na++K+) and the C-ratio were also examined. A succession of negative mass balance years has resulted in a decline in solute concentrations in the runoff, as discharge has increased. The (Ca2++Mg2+/Na++K+) and C-ratio are highest during periods of negative annual mass balance, when the spatial extent of the channelized drainage system increases. Conversely, these ratios are lowest in positive mass balance years, when the spatial extent of the channelized drainage system decreases, and chemical weathering in the distributed drainage system becomes more dominant. This paper is the first to show the inter-annual linkages between meltwater chemistry, mass balance and discharge for a valley glacier.  相似文献   

A vast sheet of mature quartz sand blanketed north Africa and Arabia from the Atlantic coast to the Persian Gulf in Cambro–Ordovician times. U–Pb geochronology of a representative section of Cambrian sandstone in southern Israel shows that these sediments are dominated by 550–650 Ma detrital zircons derived from Neoproterozoic Pan-African basement. The short time lag between magmatic consolidation of a Pan-African source and deposition of its erosional products indicates that, despite their significant mineralogical maturity, the voluminous quartz-rich sandstones on the northern margin of Gondwana are essentially first-cycle sediments.

Mass production of these voluminous first-cycle quartz-rich sandstones resulted from widespread chemical weathering of the Pan-African continental basement. We suggest that conditions favoring silicate weathering, particularly a warm and humid climate, low relief and low sedimentation rates prevailed over large tracts of Gondwana in the aftermath of the Pan-African orogeny. An unusually corrosive Cambro–Ordovician atmosphere and humid climate enhanced chemical weathering on the vegetation-free landscape. We infer that late Neoproterozoic–Cambro–Ordovician atmospheric pCO2 rose as a consequence of widespread late Neoproterozoic volcanism, followed by an uptake of CO2 by chemical weathering to produce the Cambro–Ordovician sandstone as a negative feedback.  相似文献   

The wide range of studies describing the role of bank erosion in fluvial sediment supply have mostly lumped amounts of bank erosion into coarse temporal units, such as years. This paper investigates sediment yields from individual bank erosion events within the upper River Severn, UK (basin area 380 km2). Manual erosion pins and photo-electronic erosion pins were used to estimate bank erosion, and turbidity meters were used to determine suspended sediment transport. At the annual time-scale, the silt-clay fraction of bank-derived sediment accounted for an equivalent of 17 per cent of the suspended load, increasing to an average of 38 per cent at the monthly timescale, and then to an average of 64 per cent at the event timescale. This research highlighted that for an upland catchment, bank erosion was an important supply of suspended sediment, and that for some flood events bank erosion can supply more sediment than is transported. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using field observations and geochemical and digital terrain analyses, we describe the structure and thickness of the regolith across a climosequence on the island of Hawai‘i to gain insight into the relative roles of precipitation and the near‐surface hydrologic structure in determining weathering patterns. In the wet portion of the climosequence, where the long‐term water balance is positive, the regolith thickness reaches an observed maximum of ~40 m and appears limited by the geomorphic base‐level of the landscape. However, even within this thick regolith, distinct units of varying weathering intensity occur; the vertical ordering of which largely reflects differences in the initial permeability structure of the basalt flows rather than a systematic decrease in weathering intensity downwards from the ground surface. In the dry portion of the climosequence, where the long‐term water balance is negative, the regolith thickness is confined to ~1 m, is highly dependent on the inferred permeability structure of the basalt flows, and is independent of geomorphic base‐level. Weathering intensity also varies according to permeability structure and decreases in this thin regolith with distance beneath the ground surface. The abrupt change in regolith depth and character that coincides with the transition from net‐positive to net‐negative long‐term water balance implies that small changes in precipitation rates around a neutral water balance result in large changes in the distribution and depth of weathering. Together our observations indicate that the distribution and depth of weathering in basalts (and probably other lithologies) might be best understood by considering how precipitation interacts with the complicated near‐surface permeability structure over regolith‐forming timescales to weather rock in the vadose zone. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River banks are important sources of sediment and phosphorus to fluvial systems, and the erosion processes operating on the banks are complex and change over time. This study explores the magnitude of bank erosion on a cohesive streambank within a small channelized stream and studies the various types of erosion processes taking place. Repeat field surveys of erosion pin plots were carried out during a 4‐year period and observations were supplemented by continuous monitoring of volumetric soil water content, soil temperature, ground water level and exposure of a PEEP sensor. Bank erosion rates (17·6–30·1 mm year?1) and total P content on the banks were relatively high, which makes the bank an important source of sediment and phosphorus to the stream, and it was estimated that 0·27 kg Ptot year?1 ha?1 may potentially be supplied to the stream from the banks. Yearly pin erosion rates exceeding 5 cm year?1 were mainly found at the lower parts of the bank and were associated with fluvial erosion. Negative erosion pin readings were widespread with a net advance of the bank during the monitoring period mainly attributed to subaerial processes and bank failure. It was found that dry periods characterized by low soil water content and freeze–thaw cycles during winter triggered bank failures. The great spatial variability, in combination with the temporal interaction of processes operating at different scales, requires new tools such as 3‐D topographical surveying to better capture bank erosion rates. An understanding of the processes governing bank erosion is required for riparian management using vegetational measures as root size and structure play different roles when it comes to controlling bank erosion processes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lithological and hydrological influence on fluvial physical and chemical erosion was studied in a glacierized sedimentary basin with high evaporite presence. Suspended particulate matter (SPM), total dissolved solids (TDS) and major ion concentrations were analysed for 2 years of different hydrologic condition: (i) 2009–2010, Q = 100% average; and (ii) 2010–2011, Q = 60% average. Annual hydrograph was simple regime‐type with one peak in summer related to snow melting. The intra‐annual SPM and TDS variations were directly and inversely associated to Q, respectively. Snow chemistry showed continental influence (Na+/Ca2+ = 0.17), and atmospheric input of TDS was <1% of the total exported flux. River water was highly concentrated in Ca2+ and SO42− (~4 mmol l−1) and in Na+ and Cl (~3 mmol l−1). Ca2+/SO42− and Na+/Cl molar ratios were ~1 and related to Q, directly and inversely, respectively. Major ion relationships suggest that river chemistry is controlled by evaporite (gypsum and halite) dissolution having a summer input from sulfide oxidation and carbonate dissolution, and a winter input from subsurface flow loaded with silicate weathering products. This variation pattern resulted in nearly chemostatic behaviour for Ca+, Mg2+ and SO42−, whereas Na+, Cl and SiO2 concentrations showed to be controlled by dilution/concentration processes. During the 2009–2010 hydrological year, the fluxes of water, SPM and TDS registered in the snow melting–high Q season were, respectively, 71%, 92% and 67% of the annual total, whereas for equal period in 2010–2011, 56% of water, 86% of SPM and 54% of TDS annual fluxes were registered. The SPM fluxes for 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 were 1.19 × 106 and 0.79 × 106 t year−1, whereas TDS fluxes were 0.68 × 106 and 0.55 × 106 t year−1, respectively. Export rates for 2009–2010 were 484 t km2 year−1 for SPM and 275 t km2 year−1 for TDS. These rates are higher than those observed in glacierized granite basins and in non‐glacierized evaporite basins, suggesting a synergistic effect of lithology and glaciers on physical and chemical erosion. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water is a major limiting factor in arid and semi‐arid agriculture. In the Sahelian zone of Africa, it is not always the limited amount of annual rainfall that constrains crop production, but rather the proportion of rainfall that enters the root zone and becomes plant‐available soil moisture. Maximizing the rain‐use efficiency and therefore limiting overland flow is an important issue for farmers. The objectives of this research were to model the processes of infiltration, runoff and subsequent erosion in a Sahelian environment and to study the spatial distribution of overland flow and soil erosion. The wide variety of existing water erosion models are not developed for the Sahel and so do not include the unique Sahelian processes. The topography of the Sahelian agricultural lands in northern Burkina Faso is such that field slopes are generally low (0–5°) and overland flow mostly occurs in the form of sheet flow, which may transport large amounts of fine, nutrient‐rich particles despite its low sediment transport capacity. Furthermore, pool formation in a field limits overland flow and causes resettlement of sediment resulting in the development of a surface crust. The EUROSEM model was rewritten in the dynamic modelling code of PCRaster and extended to account for the pool formation and crust development. The modelling results were calibrated with field data from the 2001 rainy season in the Katacheri catchment in northern Burkina Faso. It is concluded that the modified version of EUROSEM for the Sahel is a fully dynamic erosion model, able to simulate infiltration, runoff routing, pool formation, sediment transport, and erosion and deposition by inter‐rill processes over the land surface in individual storms at the scale of both runoff plots and fields. A good agreement is obtained between simulated and measured amounts of runoff and sediment discharge. Incorporating crust development during the event may enhance model performance, since the process has a large influence on infiltration capacity and sediment detachment in the Sahel. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temporal variation of runoff chemistry and its seasonal controls relating to chemical weathering processes and drainage system evolution were examined at Urumqi Glacier No.1 in Xinjiang, China, over a full melt season. The dominant ions in meltwater runoff are HCO3?, Ca2+, and SO42?; and Fe, Sr, and Al are dominant elements. Concentrations of major ions and some elements show periodic variations with seasons and negatively correlate with discharge, whereas other elements (e.g., Al, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) show a random change, providing insights into the hydrological and physicochemical controls. HCO3? and Ca2+ are primarily derived from calcite, SO42? and Fe mainly come from pyrite, and Sr and Al principally originate from silicate. Hydrochemical fluxes of solutes exhibit strong seasonality but are positively related to discharge, suggesting an increasing release of solutes during higher flow conditions. Solute yields, cation denudation rate, and chemical weathering intensity observed at Urumqi Glacier No.1 are higher than those at most basins worldwide. This suggests that chemical weathering in central Asia may be stronger than at other glacial basins with similar specific discharge. Concentrations of some elements (e.g., Fe, Al, As, Pb, and Zn) are close to or exceed the guidelines for drinking water standards in meltwater‐fed rivers. These rivers may face future challenges of water quality degradation, and relationships between changing flow and water quality conditions should be established soon, given that development of channelized flow is expected to be earlier over a melt season in a warming climate.  相似文献   

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