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Spatial and temporal patterns of recruitment of reef corals were assessed for the first time in Mozambique by deploying settlement plates at various spatio-temporal scales between October 2012 and October 2013. The abundance of juvenile corals (5?50?mm in diameter) was assessed along transects. Settlement of acroporids was highly seasonal, with 97% of spat settling between July and October 2013. Pocilloporids settled throughout the year, peaking slightly between October 2012 and January 2013. The annual mean larval settlement of up to 1 135 spat m?2 was comparable to that on other East African reefs, but was dominated by acroporids, which constituted over 80% of all spat, whereas pocilloporids settle in higher densities in Kenya and South Africa. The peak settlement season also differed from other African locations. A greater proportion of variance in settlement rates occurred at the spatial scale of kilometres (between sites) and centimetres (between settlement plates) than at the scale of metres (between subsites), implying that most patchiness occurs at those scales. The peak in acroporid settlement coincided with the period of multispecific spawning, with settlement occurring as early as nine days after a spawning event. As no similar spawning events have been reported for other reefs in the area, our results suggest that these spawning events strongly influence overall annual settlement rates and promote high levels of self-seeding at Vamizi. There was no relationship between settlement of larvae to settlement plates and juvenile density on adjacent reefs, suggesting either variable levels of early post-settlement mortality or high interannual variability in settlement.  相似文献   

Reproductive aspects of the golden ling, Genypterus blacodes, from the southern Chilean fishery are presented. Gonad samples were obtained from commercially caught fish between September 1999 and October 2000. Stage of sexual maturity, gonadosomatic index (GSI), and size of females at 50% maturation determined by logistic methods and by plotting the mean GSI by total length, are presented for both years. Batch fecundity was calculated from subsampling mature ovaries containing oocytes in advanced stages of maturity. Changes in GSI and monthly diameters of oocytes showed that ling had a spawning season which extended between August and November. The sizes at first maturity in 1999 and 2000 were 86.6 and 84.8 cm total length (TL), respectively, using the logistic model, and 84 cm for both years using the mean GSI‐size plotting method. The mean batch fecundity was 333 330 oocytes per individual for fish sized 85–120 cm TL. Fecundity increased with increasing weight and total length.  相似文献   

以甲醇对2种短指软珊瑚进行提取,检测提取物对各波段紫外线的吸收效果以表征其防晒活性,以酪氨酸酶抑制实验检测其美白活性,并以DPPH法检测其抗氧化活性,首次探讨了软珊瑚来源物质在化妆品开发中的应用潜力。结果表明,在防晒活性方面,Sinularia compacta和Sinularia wanannensis提取物对紫外线具有较强的吸收特性,随浓度增加其光吸收波段也随之扩大,浓度在5. 0 mg/cm3以上时对280~400 nm波长范围的紫外线均有良好吸收,总体上S. compacta提取物的防晒活性略高于S. wanannensis提取物,两者对紫外线的吸收效果均优于阳性对照熊果苷和二苯甲酮,S. compacta提取物在10. 0 mg/cm3时对紫外线的吸收效果甚至与阳性对照芦丁相当,显示出较高的防紫外效能;在美白活性方面,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物均有一定的抑制酪氨酸酶活性作用,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物在此活性无显著性差异;在抗氧化活性方面,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物均显示出优异的清除自由基能力,且其活性随浓度的升高而升高,在1. 0~5. 0 mg/cm3浓度下S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物的抗氧化活性与阳性对照Vc相当,在10. 0 mg/cm3时S. wanannensis提取物的抗氧化活性显著高于S. compacta提取物和Vc。研究结果为开发软珊瑚源天然新型化妆品物质奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

The length at first maturity of the sand flounder, Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson), and the yellow‐belly flounder, Rhombosolea leporina Gunther, (Teleostei: Heterosomata) in the Hauraki Gulf was investigated by the incidence of sexually tnature and immature fish grouped at 1‐cm length intervals. All male sand flounders and yellow‐bellies were sexually mature at sizes considerably less than the legal minima of 22.9 cm (9 in.) and 25.4 cm (10 in.) respectively. About 95% of female sand flounders and about 15% of female yellow‐bellies matured before reaching the respective minimum legal sizes. Most (i.e., over 50%) female sand flounders and yellow‐bellies were mature when they reached lengths of 18 cm and 26 cm respectively.  相似文献   

谭晶  王彰贵  黄荣辉  蔡怡 《海洋学报》2017,39(11):61-74
利用1951—2015年NOAA气候预测中心的SST扩展重建资料(ERSST V3b)、国家气候中心提供的我国160站月降水量资料、美国国家环境预报中心/大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)提供的各气压层的水平风速、垂直速度和比湿资料,研究了印度洋不同海温模态对两类厄尔尼诺事件与我国南方秋季降水关系的影响。结果表明,虽然东部型(中部型)厄尔尼诺年秋季我国长江以南地区降水偏多(少),但当东部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋正偶极子同时发生年秋季,我国长江以南地区降水偏多的程度显著提高;当中部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋正偶极子同时发生年秋季,我国西南地区降水转为偏多,其他南方地区降水仍然偏少;当中部型厄尔尼诺与印度洋一致增暖型海温同时发生年秋季,我国整个长江以南地区降水偏少,且偏少的幅度要显著高于不考虑印度洋海温异常的情况。此外还对印度洋不同海温模态对两类厄尔尼诺事件与我国南方秋季降水关系的影响的环流成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Coastal populations of maritime countries in eastern Africa rely on fish as a primary source of protein, but baseline information on the abundance of fish communities on these coastlines is often lacking. We used baited remote underwater video stations to compare the abundance and diversity of reef fishes targeted by fishing at two sites in southern Mozambique, one at Lighthouse Reef within the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park and the other to the south at San Sebastian Reef on the San Sebastian Peninsula. Fish that are known targets of fisheries (mostly small-scale and artisanal) had an abundance that was almost three-times greater at San Sebastian Reef (80.22 ind. h–1 [SE 18.00]) than at Lighthouse Reef (29.70 ind. h–1 [SE 8.91]). Similarly, there was greater mean species richness at San Sebastian Reef (38.74 species h–1 [SE 2.79]) than at Lighthouse Reef (25.37 species h–1 [SE 3.66]). The main drivers of targeted fish abundance were habitat and depth, with shallow (<15 m) and mixed reef areas having the greatest abundance and richness. More sampling was done over sand habitat at Lighthouse Reef, which likely led to the lower abundance and species richness observed at this site; however, that finding could also be attributable to the fact that protection is provided to only a section of available coral reef habitat in a small area. Nevertheless, fish community structure was comparable between the sites, with similar proportions of carnivores (78–81%), herbivores (12–14%) and omnivores (7–8%). Our findings highlight the variation in species abundance and assemblages of coral-reef fish targeted by fishing in Mozambique and emphasise the importance of localised environmental variables as a driver of these patterns. To ensure maximum protection of Lighthouse Reef fish communities, we recommend an extension of the no-take zone to include the entire reef complex.  相似文献   

Shale reservoirs of the Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group provide an opportunity to study the influence of rock composition on permeability and pore throat size distribution in high maturity formations. Sedimentological, geochemical and petrophysical analyses reveal relationships between rock composition, pore throat size and matrix permeability.In our sample set, measured matrix permeability ranges between 1.69 and 42.81 nanodarcies and increases with increasing porosity. Total organic carbon (TOC) content positively correlates to permeability and exerts a stronger control on permeability than inorganic composition. A positive correlation between silica content and permeability, and abundant interparticle pores between quartz crystals, suggests that quartz may be another factor enhancing the permeability. Pore throat size distributions are strongly related to TOC content. In organic rich samples, the dominant pore throat size is less than 10 nm, whereas in organic lean samples, pore throat size distribution is dominantly greater than 20 nm. SEM images suggest that in organic rich samples, organic matter pores are the dominant pore type, whereas in quartz rich samples, the dominant type is interparticle pores between quartz grains. In clay rich and carbonate rich samples, the dominant pore type is intraparticle pores, which are fewer and smaller in size.High permeability shales are associated with specific depositional facies. Massive and pyritic mudstones, rich in TOC and quartz, have comparatively high permeability. Laminated mudstone, bioturbated mudstone and carbonate facies, which are relatively enriched in clay or carbonate, have fairly low permeability.  相似文献   

A total of 1125 specimens of sardine, Sardina pilchardus, ranging in total length from 4.9 to 12.5 cm (mean 8.31 ± 1.41 cm) and in weights between 1.02 g and 11.18 g (mean 4.40 ± 1.87 g) were randomly sampled using a beach seine from the Krka River estuary. Samples were collected monthly according to their occurrence in this area from October to February during 2002/03, 2003/04 and 2004/05, which is during the spawning period of this species. Monthly fluctuations in the length frequency distributions of sardine were observed during that time. The length–weight relationship of all sardine specimens was described by the equation: W=0.007L2.9587(r2 = 0.9626); and the isometric nature of relative growth was established (t = −5.1495; p < 0.05). According to the allometric condition factor Ka, sardine specimens were in better somatic condition at the beginning of their appearance (spawning period) in the Krka River estuary. The length at which 50% of sardines were mature (L50) was calculated to be 7.9 cm.  相似文献   

Trends in the abundance, size and growth of newly settled pueruli and early juveniles of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii were determined from samples obtained from mesh bags used for oyster mariculture in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. Totals of 3 842 lobster pueruli and 10 158 juveniles were captured between August 2005 and June 2006, and distinct puerulus settlement events were identified in November and January. Juveniles also peaked during these months as well as in March. The size of newly settled pueruli increased significantly between October and March. The carapace length (CL) of pueruli and juveniles overlapped between 8.5 mm (smallest juvenile) and 10.4 mm (largest puerulus), and 50% of pueruli moulted into juveniles by 9.5–9.6 mm CL. There was a size progression in juveniles, with larger individuals in February and March reflecting an accumulation of juveniles from the earlier settlement events. The estimated growth increment from puerulus to first juvenile instar was 0.5–1.5 mm (4.9–16.1%), increasing to 1.4–2.5 mm (14.4–23.3%) for the second instar. Recruitment of J. lalandii pueruli occurred during periods when strong southerly winds prevailed, which results in a general offshore movement of surface waters along the West Coast and upwelling of cold nutrient-rich bottom waters. However, specific settlement events appeared to coincide with a change in wind direction, reduction in upwelling strength and increase in surface water temperatures, implying that larvae may take advantage of landward movements of surface waters during downwelling, or reversal of upwelling, to return them to shallow coastal waters.  相似文献   

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